List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setDate
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default Query<R> setDate(String name, Date val)
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License:Open Source License
/** * Hours assigned//from ww w . ja v a 2 s. co m * * @param teammember * @param minStatus * @param maxStatus * @return */ public boolean hoursInState(Teammember teammember, String minStatus, String maxStatus) { String q = "SELECT COUNT(ts) FROM Timesheet ts " + "JOIN ts.employee e " + "JOIN e.teammembers tem " + "WHERE " + "ts.projectactivity = :projectactivity " + "AND ((ts.initDate between :since and :until) " + "OR (ts.endDate between :since and :until) " + "OR (:since between ts.initDate and ts.endDate) " + "OR (:until between ts.initDate and ts.endDate)) " + "AND tem = :teammember " + "AND (ts.status = :minStatus OR ts.status = :maxStatus)"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(q); query.setEntity("teammember", teammember); query.setEntity("projectactivity", teammember.getProjectactivity()); query.setDate("since", DateUtil.getFirstWeekDay(teammember.getDateIn())); query.setDate("until", DateUtil.getFirstWeekDay(teammember.getDateOut())); query.setString("minStatus", minStatus); query.setString("maxStatus", maxStatus); Long count = (Long) query.uniqueResult(); return (count != null && count > 0); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Time Sheets in state by member/* w w w . j av a 2 s .c om*/ * * @param teammember * @param status * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Timesheet> hoursInState(Teammember teammember, String status) { String q = "SELECT ts FROM Timesheet ts " + "JOIN ts.employee e " + "JOIN e.teammembers tem " + "WHERE " + "ts.projectactivity = :projectactivity " + "AND ts.status = :status " + "AND tem = :teammember " + "AND ((ts.initDate between :since and :until) " + "OR (ts.endDate between :since and :until) " + "OR (:since between ts.initDate and ts.endDate) " + "OR (:until between ts.initDate and ts.endDate)) "; Query query = getSession().createQuery(q); query.setEntity("teammember", teammember); query.setEntity("projectactivity", teammember.getProjectactivity()); query.setDate("since", DateUtil.getFirstWeekDay(teammember.getDateIn())); query.setDate("until", DateUtil.getFirstWeekDay(teammember.getDateOut())); query.setString("status", status); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Hours by resource in dates in status APP3 * //ww 2 s . c o m * @param since * @param until * @param activities * @param employee * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Object[]> getHoursResourceInDates(Date since, Date until, List<Projectactivity> activities, Employee employee) { // Declare response List<Object[]> result = null; if (ValidateUtil.isNotNull(activities)) { Query query = getSession().createQuery("select project.idProject, activity.idActivity, " + "SUM(" + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay1 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay1 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay2 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 1 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 1 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay2 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay3 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 2 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 2 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay3 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay4 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 3 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 3 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay4 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay5 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 4 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 4 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay5 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay6 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 5 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 5 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay6 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay7 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 6 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 6 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay7 ELSE 0 end )" + ") " + "from Projectactivity activity " + "join activity.project as project " + "join activity.wbsnode as wbsnode " + "left join activity.timesheets as timesheet " + "left join timesheet.employee as employee " + "left join as contact " + "where activity in(:activities) " + "and employee.idEmployee = :idEmployee " + "and timesheet.status = :app3 " + "group by project.idProject, activity.idActivity " + "order by project.accountingCode asc, activity.idActivity asc"); query.setParameterList("activities", activities); query.setInteger("idEmployee", employee.getIdEmployee()); query.setDate("since", since); query.setDate("until", until); query.setString("app3", Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); result = query.list(); } else { // Initialize list result = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Hours by resource in dates in status APP2 or APP3 * /*from w w w. jav a 2 s . com*/ * @param since * @param until * @param operations * @param employee * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Object[]> getHoursResourceInDatesOperation(Date since, Date until, List<Operation> operations, Employee employee) { // Declare response List<Object[]> result = null; if (ValidateUtil.isNotNull(operations)) { Query query = getSession().createQuery("select operation.idOperation, " + "SUM(" + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay1 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay1 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay2 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 1 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 1 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay2 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay3 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 2 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 2 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay3 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay4 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 3 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 3 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay4 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay5 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 4 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 4 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay5 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay6 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 5 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 5 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay6 ELSE 0 end ) + " + "(case when (timesheet.hoursDay7 is not null and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 6 >= TO_DAYS(:since) and TO_DAYS(timesheet.initDate) + 6 <= TO_DAYS(:until)) THEN timesheet.hoursDay7 ELSE 0 end )" + ") " + "from Timesheet timesheet " + "join timesheet.operation as operation " + "join timesheet.employee as employee " + "join as contact " + "where operation in(:operations) " + "and employee.idEmployee = :idEmployee " + "and (timesheet.status = :app2 or timesheet.status = :app3) " + "group by operation.idOperation " + "order by operation.operationName asc, operation.idOperation asc"); query.setParameterList("operations", operations); query.setInteger("idEmployee", employee.getIdEmployee()); query.setDate("since", since); query.setDate("until", until); query.setString("app2", Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP2); query.setString("app3", Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); result = query.list(); } else { // Initialize list result = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Get timesheets in app3 by resources and dates * // w w w .java 2 s. com * @param resources * @param since * @param until * @param showOperations * @param idProjects * @param user * @param idPMs * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ResourceTimeWrap> capacityRunning(List<Employee> resources, Date since, Date until, Boolean showOperations, Integer[] idProjects, Employee user, Integer[] idPMs) { List<ResourceTimeWrap> operations = new ArrayList<ResourceTimeWrap>(); String where = ""; String groupBy = "group by "; String orderBy = "order by "; String q = "SELECT NEW es.sm2.openppm.core.model.wrap.ResourceTimeWrap(" + "e.idEmployee, " + "c.fullName, " + "ts.initDate, " + "ts.endDate, " + "SUM(coalesce(ts.hoursDay1, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay2, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay3, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay4, 0) + " + "coalesce(ts.hoursDay5, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay6, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay7, 0))" + ") " + "FROM Timesheet ts " + "LEFT JOIN ts.projectactivity pa " + "LEFT JOIN pa.project p " + "JOIN ts.employee e " + "JOIN c " + "LEFT JOIN p.employeeByProjectManager pm "; // Names where // where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.status = :status "); where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.projectactivity is not null "); if (ValidateUtil.isNotNull(idProjects)) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "p.idProject IN (:idProjects) "); } if (ValidateUtil.isNotNull(resources)) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.employee IN (:resources) "); } if (since != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate >= :initDate "); } if (until != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate <= :endDate "); } // PM Projects if (user.getResourceprofiles().getIdProfile() == Constants.ROLE_PM) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "pm.idEmployee = :idPM "); } //TODO no se si el filtro esta bien o deberia ser asi, lo comento para dejarlo como estaba // else if (ValidateUtil.isNotNull(idPMs)) { // where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "pm.idEmployee IN (:idPMs) "); // } // Group by groupBy += "e.idEmployee, c.fullName, ts.initDate, ts.endDate "; // Order by orderBy += "c.fullName, ts.initDate"; // Query Query query = getSession().createQuery(q + where + groupBy + orderBy); // Values where // query.setString("status", Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); if (ValidateUtil.isNotNull(resources)) { query.setParameterList("resources", resources); } if (since != null) { query.setDate("initDate", since); } if (until != null) { query.setDate("endDate", until); } if (ValidateUtil.isNotNull(idProjects)) { query.setParameterList("idProjects", idProjects); } // PM Projects if (user.getResourceprofiles().getIdProfile() == Constants.ROLE_PM) { query.setParameter("idPM", user.getIdEmployee()); } //TODO si hay un recurso que tiene proyectos con dos PMs saldran los datos de los dos proyectos aunque se filtre por uno // else if (ValidateUtil.isNotNull(idPMs)) { // query.setParameterList("idPMs", idPMs); // } List<ResourceTimeWrap> activities = query.list(); // Show operations if (showOperations != null && showOperations) { // Select for operations // where = ""; groupBy = "group by "; orderBy = "order by "; q = "SELECT NEW es.sm2.openppm.core.model.wrap.ResourceTimeWrap(" + "op.operationName, " + "ts.initDate, " + "ts.endDate, " + "e.idEmployee, " + "SUM(coalesce(ts.hoursDay1, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay2, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay3, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay4, 0) + " + "coalesce(ts.hoursDay5, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay6, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay7, 0))" + ") " + "FROM Timesheet ts " + "JOIN ts.operation op " + "JOIN ts.employee e "; // Names where where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.status = :status "); if (ValidateUtil.isNotNull(resources)) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.employee IN (:resources) "); } if (since != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate >= :initDate "); } if (until != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate <= :endDate "); } // Group by groupBy += "ts.initDate, ts.endDate, op.operationName, e.idEmployee "; // Order by orderBy += "ts.initDate"; // Query query = getSession().createQuery(q + where + groupBy + orderBy); // Values where query.setString("status", Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); if (ValidateUtil.isNotNull(resources)) { query.setParameterList("resources", resources); } if (since != null) { query.setDate("initDate", since); } if (until != null) { query.setDate("endDate", until); } operations = query.list(); } // Concatenate selects // List<ResourceTimeWrap> activitiesAndOperations = new ArrayList<ResourceTimeWrap>(); activitiesAndOperations.addAll(activities); activitiesAndOperations.addAll(operations); return activitiesAndOperations; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Select capacity running resource by project * /*from w ww .jav a 2s . c om*/ * @param employee * @param since * @param until * @param user * @param settings * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ResourceTimeWrap> capacityRunningResourceByProject(Employee employee, Date since, Date until, Employee user, HashMap<String, String> settings) { // Select for activities // String where = ""; String groupBy = "group by "; String orderBy = "order by "; String q = "SELECT NEW es.sm2.openppm.core.model.wrap.ResourceTimeWrap(" + "e.idEmployee, " + "p.projectName, " + "pmContact.fullName, " + "ts.initDate, " + "ts.endDate, " + "SUM(coalesce(ts.hoursDay1, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay2, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay3, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay4, 0) + " + "coalesce(ts.hoursDay5, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay6, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay7, 0))" + ") " + "FROM Timesheet ts " + "JOIN ts.projectactivity pa " + "JOIN pa.project p " + "JOIN ts.employee e " + "LEFT JOIN p.employeeByProjectManager pm " + "LEFT JOIN pmContact "; // Names where where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.status = :status "); if (employee != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.employee = :employee "); } if (since != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate >= :initDate "); } if (until != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate <= :endDate "); } // PM Projects if (!SettingUtil.getBoolean(settings, GeneralSetting.PM_VIEW_OTHER_PROJECTS) && user.getResourceprofiles().getIdProfile() == Constants.ROLE_PM) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "pm.idEmployee = :idPM "); } // Group by groupBy += "e.idEmployee, p.projectName, pmContact.fullName, ts.initDate, ts.endDate "; // Order by orderBy += "p.projectName, ts.initDate"; // Query Query query = getSession().createQuery(q + where + groupBy + orderBy); // Values where query.setString("status", Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); if (employee != null) { query.setParameter("employee", employee); } if (since != null) { query.setDate("initDate", since); } if (until != null) { query.setDate("endDate", until); } // PM Projects if (!SettingUtil.getBoolean(settings, GeneralSetting.PM_VIEW_OTHER_PROJECTS) && user.getResourceprofiles().getIdProfile() == Constants.ROLE_PM) { query.setParameter("idPM", user.getIdEmployee()); } List<ResourceTimeWrap> activities = query.list(); // Select for operations // where = ""; groupBy = "group by "; orderBy = "order by "; q = "SELECT NEW es.sm2.openppm.core.model.wrap.ResourceTimeWrap(" + "op.operationName, " + "ts.initDate, " + "ts.endDate, " + "SUM(coalesce(ts.hoursDay1, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay2, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay3, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay4, 0) + " + "coalesce(ts.hoursDay5, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay6, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay7, 0))" + ") " + "FROM Timesheet ts " + "JOIN ts.operation op "; // Names where where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.status = :status "); if (employee != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.employee = :employee "); } if (since != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate >= :initDate "); } if (until != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate <= :endDate "); } // Group by groupBy += "ts.initDate, ts.endDate, op.operationName "; // Order by orderBy += "ts.initDate"; // Query query = getSession().createQuery(q + where + groupBy + orderBy); // Values where query.setString("status", Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); if (employee != null) { query.setParameter("employee", employee); } if (since != null) { query.setDate("initDate", since); } if (until != null) { query.setDate("endDate", until); } List<ResourceTimeWrap> operations = query.list(); // Concatenate selects // List<ResourceTimeWrap> activitiesAndOperations = new ArrayList<ResourceTimeWrap>(); activitiesAndOperations.addAll(activities); activitiesAndOperations.addAll(operations); return activitiesAndOperations; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Select capacity running resource by job category * /*www . j av a2s. c o m*/ * @param employee * @param since * @param until * @param user * @param settings * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ResourceTimeWrap> capacityRunningResourceByJobCategory(Employee employee, Date since, Date until, Employee user, HashMap<String, String> settings) { // Select for activities // String where = ""; String groupBy = "group by "; String orderBy = "order by "; String q = "SELECT NEW es.sm2.openppm.core.model.wrap.ResourceTimeWrap(" + ", " + "p.projectName, " + "ts.initDate, " + "ts.endDate, " + "SUM(coalesce(ts.hoursDay1, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay2, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay3, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay4, 0) + " + "coalesce(ts.hoursDay5, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay6, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay7, 0))" + ") " + "FROM Timesheet ts " + "JOIN ts.projectactivity pa " + "JOIN pa.project p " + "LEFT JOIN p.employeeByProjectManager pm " + "JOIN ts.employee e " + "JOIN e.teammembers tm " + "JOIN tm.projectactivity patm " + "JOIN tm.jobcategory jc "; // Names where where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.status = :status "); where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "pa.idActivity = patm.idActivity "); if (employee != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.employee = :employee "); } if (since != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate >= :initDate "); where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "tm.dateIn <= :endDate "); } if (until != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate <= :endDate "); where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "tm.dateOut >= :initDate "); } // PM Projects if (!SettingUtil.getBoolean(settings, GeneralSetting.PM_VIEW_OTHER_PROJECTS) && user.getResourceprofiles().getIdProfile() == Constants.ROLE_PM) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "pm.idEmployee = :idPM "); } // Group by groupBy += ", p.projectName, ts.initDate, ts.endDate "; // Order by orderBy += ", ts.initDate"; // Query Query query = getSession().createQuery(q + where + groupBy + orderBy); // Values where query.setString("status", Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); if (employee != null) { query.setParameter("employee", employee); } if (since != null) { query.setDate("initDate", since); } if (until != null) { query.setDate("endDate", until); } // PM Projects if (!SettingUtil.getBoolean(settings, GeneralSetting.PM_VIEW_OTHER_PROJECTS) && user.getResourceprofiles().getIdProfile() == Constants.ROLE_PM) { query.setParameter("idPM", user.getIdEmployee()); } List<ResourceTimeWrap> activities = query.list(); // Select for operations // where = ""; groupBy = "group by "; orderBy = "order by "; q = "SELECT NEW es.sm2.openppm.core.model.wrap.ResourceTimeWrap(" + "op.operationName, " + "ts.initDate, " + "ts.endDate, " + "SUM(coalesce(ts.hoursDay1, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay2, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay3, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay4, 0) + " + "coalesce(ts.hoursDay5, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay6, 0) + coalesce(ts.hoursDay7, 0))" + ") " + "FROM Timesheet ts " + "JOIN ts.operation op "; // Names where where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.status = :status "); if (employee != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.employee = :employee "); } if (since != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate >= :initDate "); } if (until != null) { where += FilterUtil.addFilterAnd(where, "ts.initDate <= :endDate "); } // Group by groupBy += "ts.initDate, ts.endDate, op.operationName "; // Order by orderBy += "ts.initDate"; // Query query = getSession().createQuery(q + where + groupBy + orderBy); // Values where query.setString("status", Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); if (employee != null) { query.setParameter("employee", employee); } if (since != null) { query.setDate("initDate", since); } if (until != null) { query.setDate("endDate", until); } List<ResourceTimeWrap> operations = query.list(); // Concatenate selects // List<ResourceTimeWrap> activitiesAndOperations = new ArrayList<ResourceTimeWrap>(); activitiesAndOperations.addAll(activities); activitiesAndOperations.addAll(operations); return activitiesAndOperations; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Returns employee with all level (app) hours. * /*from w w w . j a va 2 s. c o m*/ * @param initDate * @param endDate * @param user * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ApprovalWrap> findTimesheetsAllApp(Date initDate, Date endDate, Employee user) { String activity = "(SELECT coalesce(SUM(" + "coalesce(tse.hoursDay1, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tse.hoursDay2, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tse.hoursDay3, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tse.hoursDay4, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tse.hoursDay5, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tse.hoursDay6, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tse.hoursDay7, 0D)), 0D) " + "FROM Timesheet tse " + "JOIN tse.projectactivity paSub " + "JOIN paSub.project pSub " + "WHERE tse.employee = e " + "AND tse.projectactivity is not null " + "AND tse.initDate = :initDate " + "AND tse.endDate= :endDate " + "AND ((pSub.status != :statusClosed AND pSub.status != :statusArchived) " + "OR ((pSub.status = :statusClosed OR pSub.status = :statusArchived) AND tse.status != :app0))) "; String operation = "(SELECT coalesce(SUM(" + "coalesce(tseo.hoursDay1, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tseo.hoursDay2, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tseo.hoursDay3, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tseo.hoursDay4, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tseo.hoursDay5, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tseo.hoursDay6, 0D) + " + "coalesce(tseo.hoursDay7, 0D)), 0D) " + "FROM Timesheet tseo " + "WHERE tseo.employee = e " + "AND tseo.operation is not null " + "AND tseo.initDate = :initDate " + "AND tseo.endDate = :endDate) "; String suggestReject = "(SELECT count(tss.suggestReject) " + " FROM Timesheet tss " + " WHERE tss.initDate = :initDate " + " AND tss.suggestReject IS TRUE " + " AND tss.employee = e) "; String q = "SELECT NEW es.sm2.openppm.core.model.wrap.ApprovalWrap( " + "e.idEmployee, " + "c.fullName," + "," + "coalesce(,'')," + getHours(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP0) + ", " + getHours(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP1) + ", " + getHours(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP2) + ", " + getHours(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3) + ", " + activity + ", " + operation + ", " + suggestReject + " ) " + "FROM Employee e " + "JOIN e.timesheets ts " + "JOIN c " + "JOIN e.resourcepool rp " + "LEFT JOIN e.seller s " + "WHERE ts.initDate = :initDate " + "AND ts.endDate = :endDate " + "AND e.performingorg = :performingOrg " + "GROUP BY e.idEmployee ,c.fullName "; Query query = getSession().createQuery(q); query.setString(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP0, Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP0); query.setString(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP1, Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP1); query.setString(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP2, Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP2); query.setString(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3, Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); // Add filters. query.setDate("initDate", initDate); query.setDate("endDate", endDate); query.setEntity("performingOrg", user.getPerformingorg()); query.setString("statusClosed", Constants.STATUS_CLOSED); query.setString("statusArchived", Constants.STATUS_ARCHIVED); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Find teemsheets for an employee// w ww. j ava 2 s . c o m * * @param initWeek * @param endWeek * @param employee * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<TimesheetWrap> findTimesheetsForEmployee(Date initWeek, Date endWeek, Employee employee) { String q = "SELECT DISTINCT NEW es.sm2.openppm.core.model.wrap.TimesheetWrap( " + "ts, " + "p.status," + "case when pa is null then 0 else pa.idActivity end, " + "case when pa is null then '' else pa.activityName end, " + "case when o is null then '' else o.operationName end, " + "case when p is null then 0 else p.idProject end, " + "case when p is null then '' else p.projectName end, " + "case when p is null then '' else p.chartLabel end, " + "case when p is null then '' else p.status end, " + "case when pm is null then 0 else pm.idEmployee end, " + "case when c is null then '' else c.fullName end) " + "FROM Timesheet ts " + "LEFT JOIN ts.employee e " + "LEFT JOIN ts.projectactivity pa " + "LEFT JOIN pa.project p " + "LEFT JOIN p.employeeByProjectManager pm " + "LEFT JOIN c " + "LEFT JOIN ts.operation o " + "WHERE ts.employee = :employee " + "AND ts.initDate = :initWeek " + "AND ts.endDate = :endWeek " + "AND (((p.status = :statusClosed OR p.status = :statusArchived) AND ts.status = :app3) " + "OR (p.status != :statusClosed AND p.status != :statusArchived) " + "OR ts.operation is not null)"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(q); query.setDate("initWeek", initWeek); query.setDate("endWeek", endWeek); query.setEntity("employee", employee); query.setString("statusClosed", Constants.STATUS_CLOSED); query.setString("statusArchived", Constants.STATUS_ARCHIVED); query.setString("app3", Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Returns employee with all level (app) hours. * //w w w. j a v a 2s.c o m * @param initDate * @param endDate * @param user * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<ApprovalWrap> findTimesheetsAllAppByProject(Date initDate, Date endDate, Employee user) { String suggestReject = "(SELECT count(tss.suggestReject) " + "FROM Timesheet tss " + "LEFT JOIN tss.projectactivity pjas " + "LEFT JOIN pjas.project prs " + "WHERE tss.initDate = :initDate " + "AND tss.suggestReject IS TRUE " + "AND tss.employee = e " + "AND prs = p) "; String q = "SELECT NEW es.sm2.openppm.core.model.wrap.ApprovalWrap( " + "e.idEmployee, " + "c.fullName, " + "p.idProject, " + "p.projectName, " + getHoursByProject(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP0) + ", " + getHoursByProject(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP1) + ", " + getHoursByProject(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP2) + ", " + getHoursByProject(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3) + ", " + suggestReject + " ) " + "FROM Employee e " + "JOIN e.timesheets ts " + "JOIN c " + "JOIN ts.projectactivity pa " + "JOIN pa.project p " + "WHERE ts.initDate = :initDate " + "AND ts.endDate = :endDate " + "AND p.employeeByProjectManager = :pm " + "GROUP BY e.idEmployee , c.fullName, p.idProject, p.projectName "; Query query = getSession().createQuery(q); query.setString(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP0, Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP0); query.setString(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP1, Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP1); query.setString(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP2, Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP2); query.setString(Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3, Constants.TIMESTATUS_APP3); // Add filters. query.setDate("initDate", initDate); query.setDate("endDate", endDate); query.setEntity("pm", user); query.setString("statusClosed", Constants.STATUS_CLOSED); query.setString("statusArchived", Constants.STATUS_ARCHIVED); return query.list(); }