List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query iterate
Iterator<R> iterate();
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License:Open Source License
public Iterator getCountAndSum(Integer processId) { final String hql = "select count(id), sum(total), " + " from InvoiceDTO " + " where = :processId " + " group by"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter("processId", processId); return query.iterate(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Search succesfull payments in Payment_Invoice map (with quantity > 0) * and returns result, groupped by currency * * @param processId// www . j av a 2 s. c om * @return Iterator with currency, method and sum of amount fields of query */ public Iterator getSuccessfulProcessCurrencyMethodAndSum(Integer processId) { final String hql = "select,, sum( " + " from InvoiceDTO invoice inner join invoice.paymentMap paymentMap " + " join paymentMap.payment payment join payment.paymentMethod method " + " where = :processId and paymentMap.amount > 0" + " group by, " + " having sum( > 0"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter("processId", processId); return query.iterate(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Selection records from Invoice table without payment records or * with payments of 0 amount. Result groupped by currency * @param processId// w w w . j av a2 s.c o m * @return Iterator with currency and amount value */ public Iterator getFailedProcessCurrencyAndSum(Integer processId) { final String hql = "select, sum( " + " from InvoiceDTO invoice left join invoice.paymentMap paymentMap" + " where = :processId and (paymentMap is NULL or paymentMap.amount = 0) " + " group by"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter("processId", processId); return query.iterate(); }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void testColumnMapping() throws Exception { logger.debug("testing column mapping..."); Map metadata = HibernateUtil.currentSession().getSessionFactory().getAllClassMetadata(); for (Object o : metadata.values()) { EntityPersister persister = (EntityPersister) o; String className = persister.getEntityName(); logger.debug("Trying select * from: " + className); Query q = HibernateUtil.currentSession().createQuery("from " + className + " c"); q.iterate(); logger.debug("ok: " + className); }/* ww w . ja v a 2 s . com*/ }
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License:Open Source License
private boolean validate(String username, char[] password) throws Exception { boolean valid = false; User user;/*from w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ Session sess = null; try { sess = m_sessFactory.openSession(); // validate with the User from hibernate Query query = sess.getNamedQuery(USER_BY_SN_QUERY); query.setString("screenName", username); // user = (User)query.uniqueResult(); Object obj = query.uniqueResult(); // System.err.println("uniqueResult returned a " + obj.getClass()); user = (User) obj; if (user == null) { return false; } String storedPass = user.getPassword(); if (storedPass != null && password != null && password.length > 0) { String digest = encodePassword(password); valid = storedPass.equals(digest); // s_log.debug("digest = " + digest); } if (valid) { m_principals.add(new UserPrincipal(user.getScreenName())); query = sess.getNamedQuery(GROUPS_QUERY); query.setLong("userId", user.getId()); Iterator iter = query.iterate(); Collection<GroupPrincipal> groups = new ArrayList<GroupPrincipal>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { groups.add(new GroupPrincipal(((Group); } m_principals.addAll(groups); } } catch (HibernateException e) { s_log.error("Hibernate error validating credentials", e); } finally { if (sess != null) { try { sess.close(); } catch (HibernateException e) { s_log.error("Error closing session", e); } } } return valid; }
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public int Giris(String username, String password) { SessionFactory sf = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sf.openSession();/* w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ String QUERY = "from kullanici"; org.hibernate.Query sorgu = session.createQuery(QUERY); Iterator it = sorgu.iterate(); ArrayList<kullanici> liste = new ArrayList(); int giris = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { kullanici usr = (kullanici); liste.add(usr); } for (int i = 0; i < liste.size(); i++) { if (liste.get(i).getPassword().equals(password) && liste.get(i).getUsername().equals(username)) { if (liste.get(i).getK_yetki().equals("1")) giris = 1; else giris = 2; } } return giris; }
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public void kategoriEkle(kategori ktgr) { String QUERY = "from kategori"; int ekle = 0; org.hibernate.Query sorgu = session.createQuery(QUERY); Iterator it = sorgu.iterate(); ArrayList<kategori> liste = new ArrayList(); while (it.hasNext()) { kategori ktgr2 = (kategori); liste.add(ktgr2);/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ } for (int i = 0; i < liste.size(); i++) { if (liste.get(i).getKategori_ad().equals(ktgr.getKategori_ad())) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Bu Kategori Zaten Mevcut"); ekle = 1; } } if (ekle == 0) { session.saveOrUpdate(ktgr); ts.commit(); } }
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public String[] kategoriGetir() { String QUERY = "from kategori"; int ekle = 0; org.hibernate.Query sorgu = session.createQuery(QUERY); Iterator it = sorgu.iterate(); ArrayList<kategori> liste = new ArrayList(); while (it.hasNext()) { kategori ktgr2 = (kategori); liste.add(ktgr2);/* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ } String obj[] = new String[liste.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < liste.size(); i++) { obj[i] = liste.get(i).getKategori_ad(); } return obj; }
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public int KullaniciEkle(String username, String password) { String QUERY = "from kullanici"; int ekle = 0; org.hibernate.Query sorgu = session.createQuery(QUERY); Iterator it = sorgu.iterate(); ArrayList<kullanici> liste = new ArrayList(); while (it.hasNext()) { kullanici usr = (kullanici); liste.add(usr);/*from w w w .j a va 2 s. c o m*/ } if (username.trim().equals("") && password.trim().equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Kullanc ad veya ifre alan bo braklamaz"); return 1; } else { for (int i = 0; i < liste.size(); i++) { if (liste.get(i).getUsername().equals(username)) { ekle = 1; } } if (ekle == 0) { model.kullanici usr = new kullanici(); usr.setUsername(username); usr.setPassword(password); usr.setK_yetki("2"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Baari ile Eklendi"); session.saveOrUpdate(usr); ts.commit(); } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Boyle bir kullanc zaten mevcut"); } return ekle; }
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public DefaultTableModel KullaniciGetir() { SessionFactory sf = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sf.openSession();//from w w w . j a v a2 s .co m String QUERY = "from kullanici"; org.hibernate.Query sorgu = session.createQuery(QUERY); Iterator it = sorgu.iterate(); ArrayList<kullanici> liste = new ArrayList(); DefaultTableModel tm = new DefaultTableModel(); while (it.hasNext()) { kullanici usr = (kullanici); liste.add(usr); } tm.addColumn("Kullanc no"); tm.addColumn("Kullanc Ad"); tm.addColumn("Kullanc ifresi"); tm.addColumn("Yetki"); for (int j = 0; j < liste.size(); j++) { tm.addRow(new Object[] { liste.get(j).getK_id(), liste.get(j).getUsername(), liste.get(j).getPassword(), liste.get(j).getK_yetki() }); } return tm; }