List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query getReturnAliases
@Deprecated String[] getReturnAliases();
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License:Apache License
/** * Indexes the data/*from w w w. j av a2 s .co m*/ */ protected void doIndex(CompassSession session) throws CompassException { // reset the snapshot data before we perform the index operation snapshot = new HibernateSnapshot(); for (Iterator it = mappings.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ResultSetToResourceMapping mapping = (ResultSetToResourceMapping); if (mapping.supportsVersioning()) { HibernateAliasSnapshot aliasSnapshot = new HibernateAliasSnapshot(mapping.getAlias()); snapshot.putAliasSnapshot(aliasSnapshot); } } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Indexing the database with fetch count [" + fetchCount + "]")); } IndexExecution[] indexExecutions = doGetIndexExecutions(); for (int i = 0; i != indexExecutions.length; i++) { IndexExecution indexExecution = indexExecutions[i]; HibernateSessionWrapper sessionWrapper = doGetHibernateSessionWrapper(); try {; Session hibernateSession = ((Hibernate3SessionWrapper) sessionWrapper).getSession(); String queryString = indexExecution.getStatementQuery(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("queryString: " + queryString); } Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery(queryString).setCacheMode(CacheMode.IGNORE); String[] returnAliases = query.getReturnAliases(); ScrollableResults rs = query.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); int count = 0; while ( { processRow(indexExecution.getDescription(), rs, returnAliases, session); if (++count % fetchCount == 0) { // release memory hibernateSession.flush(); hibernateSession.clear(); } } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(buildMessage("Failed to index the database"), e); sessionWrapper.closeOnError(); if (!(e instanceof HibernateGpsDeviceException)) { throw new HibernateGpsDeviceException(buildMessage("Failed to index the database"), e); } throw (HibernateGpsDeviceException) e; } } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Finished indexing the database")); } // save the sanpshot data getSnapshotPersister().save(snapshot); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Performs the data change mirroring operation. */// w w w . jav a 2s.c o m public synchronized void performMirroring() throws HibernateGpsDeviceException { if (!shouldMirrorDataChanges() || isPerformingIndexOperation()) { return; } if (snapshot == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(buildMessage( "Versioning data was not properly initialized, did you index the device or loaded the data?")); } HibernateSessionWrapper sessionWrapper = doGetHibernateSessionWrapper(); try {; for (Iterator it = mappings.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ResultSetToResourceMapping mapping = (ResultSetToResourceMapping); if (!mapping.supportsVersioning()) { continue; } HibernateAliasSnapshot oldAliasSnapshot = snapshot.getAliasSnapshot(mapping.getAlias()); if (oldAliasSnapshot == null) { log.warn(buildMessage("No snapshot for alias [" + mapping.getAlias() + "] even though there should be support for versioning ignoring the alias")); continue; } HibernateAliasSnapshot newAliasSnapshot = new HibernateAliasSnapshot(mapping.getAlias()); ArrayList createdRows = new ArrayList(); ArrayList updatedRows = new ArrayList(); ArrayList deletedRows = new ArrayList(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(buildMessage("Executing version query [" + mapping.getVersionQuery() + "]")); } String[] returnAliases = null; Session hibernateSession = ((Hibernate3SessionWrapper) sessionWrapper).getSession(); String queryString = mapping.getVersionQuery(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("queryString: " + queryString); } Query query = hibernateSession.createQuery(queryString).setCacheMode(CacheMode.IGNORE); returnAliases = query.getReturnAliases(); ScrollableResults rs = query.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); int count = 0; while ( { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(buildMessage("Version row with values ")); for (int i = 0; i != returnAliases.length; i++) { sb.append("[").append(returnAliases[i]).append(":"); Object value = rs.get(i); sb.append(value); sb.append("] "); } log.debug(sb.toString()); } HibernateAliasRowSnapshot newRowSnapshot = new HibernateAliasRowSnapshot(); Hibernate3ScrollableResultsRowMarshallHelper marshallHelper = new Hibernate3ScrollableResultsRowMarshallHelper( mapping, newRowSnapshot, compassGps.getMirrorCompass()); marshallHelper.marshallResultSet(rs, returnAliases); // new and old have the same ids HibernateAliasRowSnapshot oldRowSnapshot = oldAliasSnapshot.getRow(newRowSnapshot); // new row or updated row if (oldRowSnapshot == null) { createdRows.add(newRowSnapshot); } else if (oldRowSnapshot.isOlderThan(newRowSnapshot)) { updatedRows.add(newRowSnapshot); } newAliasSnapshot.putRow(newRowSnapshot); if (++count % fetchCount == 0) { // release memory hibernateSession.flush(); hibernateSession.clear(); } } rs.close(); for (Iterator oldRowIt = oldAliasSnapshot.rowSnapshotIt(); oldRowIt.hasNext();) { HibernateAliasRowSnapshot tmpRow = (HibernateAliasRowSnapshot); // deleted row if (newAliasSnapshot.getRow(tmpRow) == null) { deletedRows.add(tmpRow); } } if (!createdRows.isEmpty() || !updatedRows.isEmpty()) { getSnapshotEventListener().onCreateAndUpdate(new CreateAndUpdateSnapshotEvent(hibernateSession, mapping, createdRows, updatedRows, compassGps)); } if (!deletedRows.isEmpty()) { getSnapshotEventListener() .onDelete(new DeleteSnapshotEvent(hibernateSession, mapping, deletedRows, compassGps)); } snapshot.putAliasSnapshot(newAliasSnapshot); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new HibernateGpsDeviceException(buildMessage("Failed while mirroring data changes"), e); } finally { sessionWrapper.close(); } if (isSaveSnapshotAfterMirror()) { getSnapshotPersister().save(snapshot); } }
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License:Apache License
private void doCreateAndUpdateFor(final List snapshots, final CreateAndUpdateSnapshotEvent createAndUpdateSnapshotEvent, final boolean useCreate) throws HibernateGpsDeviceException { final ResultSetToResourceMapping mapping = createAndUpdateSnapshotEvent.getMapping(); CompassGpsInterfaceDevice compassGps = createAndUpdateSnapshotEvent.getCompassGps(); compassGps.executeForMirror(new CompassCallbackWithoutResult() { protected void doInCompassWithoutResult(CompassSession session) throws CompassException { String query = (String) createAndUpdateQueries.get(mapping.getAlias()); try { Session s = createAndUpdateSnapshotEvent.getSession(); Query hibernateQuery = s.createQuery(query); for (Iterator it = snapshots.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { HibernateAliasRowSnapshot rowSnapshot = (HibernateAliasRowSnapshot); Resource resource = session.createResource(mapping.getAlias()); Hibernate3ScrollableResultsRowMarshallHelper marshallHelper = new Hibernate3ScrollableResultsRowMarshallHelper( mapping, session, resource); //XXX: clearParameters of hibernateQuery? List ids = rowSnapshot.getIds(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) { Object idValue = ids.get(i); hibernateQuery.setParameter(i, idValue); }//w w w .java 2 s . c om String[] returnAliases = hibernateQuery.getReturnAliases(); ScrollableResults rs = hibernateQuery.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); if (! { // it was deleted between the calls, do nothing continue; } rs.close(); marshallHelper.marshallResultSet(rs, returnAliases); if (useCreate) { session.create(resource); } else {; } session.evictAll(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new HibernateGpsDeviceException("Failed to execute query for create/update", e); } finally { //TODO: close Session? // maybe keeping Session in the events is not a good idea // -> keep the SessionWrapper in event? // or close session somewhere else //(session will also be closed on committing the transaction) } } }); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected List<Map<String, Object>> getData(Map<String, String> parameters, int startRow, int endRow) { // creation of formats is done here because they are not thread safe final SimpleDateFormat xmlDateFormat = JsonUtils.createDateFormat(); final SimpleDateFormat xmlDateTimeFormat = JsonUtils.createDateTimeFormat(); OBContext.setAdminMode();/* w ww . j a v a2 s. c om*/ try { WidgetClass widgetClass = OBDal.getInstance().get(WidgetClass.class, parameters.get("widgetId")); // Check security: continue only if the widget instance is visible for current user/role WidgetInstance wi = OBDal.getInstance().get(WidgetInstance.class, parameters.get("widgetInstanceId")); boolean accessibleWidgetInForm = false; if (wi == null) { accessibleWidgetInForm = isAccessibleWidgetInForm(widgetClass); } if (!accessibleWidgetInForm && (wi == null || wi.getWidgetClass().getId() != widgetClass.getId())) { // weird stuff: widget class doesn't match widget instance's class, most probably URL is // not generated by UI, but user is typing it log.error("User " + OBContext.getOBContext().getUser() + " with role " + OBContext.getOBContext().getRole() + " is trying to access widget '" + widgetClass.getWidgetTitle() + "' but widget istance doesn't match with class"); throw new OBSecurityException(OBMessageUtils.getI18NMessage("OBCQL_NoAccessToWidget", new String[] { widgetClass.getWidgetTitle() })); } if (!accessibleWidgetInForm && (OBContext.getOBContext() != null && ((wi.getVisibleAtUser() != null && !wi.getVisibleAtUser().getId().equals(OBContext.getOBContext().getUser().getId()))) || (wi.getVisibleAtRole() != null && !wi.getVisibleAtRole().getId() .equals(OBContext.getOBContext().getRole().getId())))) { log.error("User " + OBContext.getOBContext().getUser() + " with role " + OBContext.getOBContext().getRole() + " is trying to access widget '" + widgetClass.getWidgetTitle() + "' which is not granted"); throw new OBSecurityException(OBMessageUtils.getI18NMessage("OBCQL_NoAccessToWidget", new String[] { widgetClass.getWidgetTitle() })); } boolean isExport = "true".equals(parameters.get("exportToFile")); boolean showAll = "true".equals(parameters.get("showAll")); String viewMode = parameters.get("viewMode"); List<OBCQL_QueryColumn> columns = QueryListUtils .getColumns(widgetClass.getOBCQLWidgetQueryList().get(0)); // handle complex criteria try { JSONArray criterias = (JSONArray) JsonUtils.buildCriteria(parameters).get("criteria"); for (int i = 0; i < criterias.length(); i++) { final JSONObject criteria = criterias.getJSONObject(i); parameters.put(criteria.getString("fieldName"), criteria.getString("value")); parameters.put(criteria.getString("fieldName") + OPERATOR, criteria.getString("operator")); } } catch (JSONException e) { // Ignore exception. } OBCQL_WidgetQuery widgetQueryInstance = widgetClass.getOBCQLWidgetQueryList().get(0); String HQL = widgetQueryInstance.getHQL(); // Parse the HQL in case that optional filters are required HQL = parseOptionalFilters(HQL, viewMode, parameters, columns, xmlDateFormat); boolean fetchingSummaryFields = parameters.containsKey(JsonConstants.SUMMARY_PARAMETER); if (fetchingSummaryFields) { // if the request comes from the summary row, update the select clause so that it obtains // the values for the summary fields HQL = updateHQLWithSummaryFields(HQL, parameters.get(JsonConstants.SUMMARY_PARAMETER), widgetQueryInstance); } if (parameters.containsKey(JsonConstants.SORTBY_PARAMETER)) { HQL = updateSortByFields(HQL, parameters.get(JsonConstants.SORTBY_PARAMETER)); } Query widgetQuery = null; try { widgetQuery = OBDal.getInstance().getSession().createQuery(HQL); } catch (Exception e) { if (fetchingSummaryFields) { log.error("Exception while fetching the summary columns of the widget " + widgetClass.getWidgetTitle() + ". It is not supported using as summaries columns that are defined using a subquery, or that are defined using a summary function. \n Query = " + HQL); } else { log.error("Exception while executing the HQL query to fetch the data of the widget " + widgetClass.getWidgetTitle() + ". \n Query = " + HQL); } final List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); return result; } String[] queryAliases = widgetQuery.getReturnAliases(); if (!isExport && "widget".equals(viewMode) && !showAll) { int rowsNumber = Integer.valueOf( (parameters.get("rowsNumber") != null && !parameters.get("rowsNumber").equals("null")) ? parameters.get("rowsNumber") : "10"); widgetQuery.setMaxResults(rowsNumber); } else if (!isExport) { if (startRow > 0) { widgetQuery.setFirstResult(startRow); } if (endRow > startRow) { widgetQuery.setMaxResults(endRow - startRow + 1); } } String[] params = widgetQuery.getNamedParameters(); if (params.length > 0) { HashMap<String, Object> parameterValues = getParameterValues(parameters, widgetClass); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String namedParam = params[i]; boolean isParamSet = false; if (parameterValues.containsKey(namedParam)) { Object value = parameterValues.get(namedParam); if (value instanceof Collection<?>) { widgetQuery.setParameterList(namedParam, (Collection<?>) value); } else if (value instanceof Object[]) { widgetQuery.setParameterList(namedParam, (Object[]) value); } else if (value instanceof String && isDate(namedParam, widgetClass.getOBUIAPPParameterEMObkmoWidgetClassIDList())) { widgetQuery.setParameter(namedParam, convertToDate((String) value)); } else { widgetQuery.setParameter(namedParam, value); } isParamSet = true; } if (!isParamSet) { // TODO: throw an exception } } } final List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); if (fetchingSummaryFields) { // process the response for the summary row Map<String, Object> summaryData = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); try { JSONObject summaryFieldsObject = new JSONObject( parameters.get(JsonConstants.SUMMARY_PARAMETER)); Iterator<?> summaryFieldNameIterator = summaryFieldsObject.keys(); Object uniqueResult = widgetQuery.uniqueResult(); if (uniqueResult instanceof Object[]) { // handles the case where the values of several summary fields are request Object[] summaryValues = (Object[]) uniqueResult; int i = 0; while (summaryFieldNameIterator.hasNext()) { String summaryFieldName = (String); summaryData.put(summaryFieldName, summaryValues[i++]); } } else { // handles the case where the value of just one summary field is request String summaryFieldName = (String) summaryFieldsObject.names().get(0); summaryData.put(summaryFieldName, uniqueResult); } summaryData.put("isGridSummary", true); } catch (Exception e) { } result.add(summaryData); } else { // process the response for the grid for (Object objResult : widgetQuery.list()) { final Map<String, Object> data = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); Object[] resultList = new Object[1]; if (objResult instanceof Object[]) { resultList = (Object[]) objResult; } else { resultList[0] = objResult; } for (OBCQL_QueryColumn column : columns) { UIDefinition uiDefinition = UIDefinitionController.getInstance() .getUIDefinition(column.getReference()); DomainType domainType = uiDefinition.getDomainType(); // TODO: throw an exception if the display expression doesn't match any returned alias. for (int i = 0; i < queryAliases.length; i++) { if (queryAliases[i].equals(column.getDisplayExpression()) || (!isExport && queryAliases[i].equals(column.getLinkExpression()))) { Object value = resultList[i]; if (domainType instanceof DateDomainType || domainType instanceof DateDomainType) { value = xmlDateFormat.format(value); } else if (value instanceof Timestamp) { value = xmlDateTimeFormat.format(value); value = JsonUtils.convertToCorrectXSDFormat((String) value); } if (domainType instanceof BooleanDomainType) { if (value instanceof String) { value = ((PrimitiveDomainType) domainType).createFromString((String) value); } } if (!isExport) { data.put(queryAliases[i], value); } else { data.put(QueryListUtils.getColumnLabel(column), value); } } } } result.add(data); } } return result; } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Gets a JSON Array with the custom queries and sends back to the heartbeat server the results. * The results of the queries are also stored on the heartbeat local log.</p> * /* w w w. j a va 2s . c o m*/ * The result that is sent to the heartbeat server is a JSON Object that contains the beat type, * the beat id and another JSON Object with the results of the queries.</p> * * The JSON Object with the results contains one JSON Object for each executed query identified by * the Query Id. This JSON Object is formed by 2 JSON Arrays. The first one, identified by * "properties" contains a String array with the header of each returned property. The second one * identified by "values" contains a JSON Array for each returned row, each row is a JSON Array * with the value of each returned property.</p> * * Example of a returned JSON Object string:</p> * * <code> * {<br> * beatType:CUSTOMQUERY_BEAT,<br> * beatId:1234-5678-90,<br> * customQueries:{<br> * queryId1:{<br> * properties:{"QId1property1","QId1property2"},<br> * values:[[row1value1,row1value2],[row2value1, row2value2],[row3value1, row3value2]]<br> * },<br> * queryId2:{<br> * properties:{"QId2property1","QId2property2"},<br> * values:[[row1value1,row1value2],[row2value1, row2value2],[row3value1, row3value2]]<br> * }<br> * }<br> * }<br></code></p> * * @param jsonArrayCQueries * An array of JSON Objects with all the custom queries to be executed. Each JSON Object * contains the query Id, the query name, the query type and depending of the type the * corresponding code. * @param beatId * The identifier of the beat on the heartbeat server. * @throws JSONException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void processCustomQueries(JSONArray jsonArrayCQueries, String beatId) throws JSONException { if ("null".equals(jsonArrayCQueries.get(0))) return; JSONObject jsonObjectCQReturn = new JSONObject(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArrayCQueries.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonCustomQuery = (JSONObject) jsonArrayCQueries.get(i); String strQId = jsonCustomQuery.getString("QId"); String strQName = jsonCustomQuery.getString("QName"); logger.logln("Processing custom query: " + strQName); try { String strQType = jsonCustomQuery.getString("QType"); if ("HQL".equals(strQType)) { String strHQL = jsonCustomQuery.getString("QCode"); HeartbeatLogCustomQuery hbLogCQ = logCustomQuery(strQName, strQType, strHQL); Session obSession = OBDal.getInstance().getSession(); Query customQuery = obSession.createQuery(strHQL); String[] properties = customQuery.getReturnAliases(); JSONArray jsonArrayResultRows = new JSONArray(); int row = 0; for (Object objResult : (List<Object>) customQuery.list()) { row += 1; JSONArray jsonArrayResultRowValues = new JSONArray(); Object[] resultList = new Object[1]; if (objResult instanceof Object[]) resultList = (Object[]) objResult; else resultList[0] = objResult; for (int j = 0; j < resultList.length; j++) { jsonArrayResultRowValues.put(resultList[j]); String fieldName = null; if (properties != null && properties.length > j) { fieldName = properties[j]; } if (fieldName == null) { fieldName = "??"; } logCustomQueryResult(hbLogCQ, row, fieldName, resultList[j].toString()); } jsonArrayResultRows.put(jsonArrayResultRowValues); } if (customQuery.list().isEmpty()) jsonArrayResultRows.put("null"); JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject(); jsonResult.put("properties", properties == null ? null : Arrays.asList(properties)); jsonResult.put("values", jsonArrayResultRows); jsonObjectCQReturn.put(strQId, jsonResult); } else { log.warn("unknown Query Type: " + strQType); jsonObjectCQReturn.put(strQId, "unknown query type: " + strQType); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore exception jsonObjectCQReturn.put(strQId, "exeption executing query: " + e.getMessage()); log.warn("Error processing custom query: " + strQName); } } JSONObject jsonObjectReturn = new JSONObject(); jsonObjectReturn.put("beatId", beatId); jsonObjectReturn.put("customQueries", jsonObjectCQReturn); try { String info = "beatType=" + CUSTOMQUERY_BEAT + "&q=" + jsonObjectReturn.toString(); sendInfo(info); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }
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@Override protected List<Map<String, Object>> getData(Map<String, String> parameters, int startRow, int endRow) { Table table = getTableFromParameters(parameters); Entity entity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(table.getId()); OBContext.setAdminMode(true);/*from ww w .j a v a 2s . c om*/ boolean justCount = false; Query query = getQuery(table, parameters, justCount); if (startRow > 0) { query.setFirstResult(startRow); } if (endRow > startRow) { query.setMaxResults(endRow - startRow + 1); } String distinct = parameters.get(JsonConstants.DISTINCT_PARAMETER); List<Column> columns = table.getADColumnList(); List<Map<String, Object>> data = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); String[] returnAliases = query.getReturnAliases(); boolean checkIsNotNull = false; for (Object row : query.list()) { Map<String, Object> record = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (distinct != null) { Object[] result = (Object[]) row; // the whole referenced BaseOBObject is stored in the first position of the result BaseOBObject bob = (BaseOBObject) result[0]; if (bob == null) { break; } record.put(JsonConstants.ID, bob.getId()); record.put(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER, IdentifierProvider.getInstance().getIdentifier(bob)); } else { Object[] properties = (Object[]) row; for (int i = 0; i < returnAliases.length; i++) { Property property = entity.getPropertyByColumnName(returnAliases[i].toLowerCase(), checkIsNotNull); if (property == null) { property = entity.getPropertyByColumnName(columns.get(i).getDBColumnName().toLowerCase()); } record.put(property.getName(), properties[i]); } } data.add(record); } OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); return data; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected List<Map<String, Object>> getData(Map<String, String> parameters, int startRow, int endRow) { // creation of formats is done here because they are not thread safe final SimpleDateFormat xmlDateFormat = JsonUtils.createDateFormat(); final SimpleDateFormat xmlDateTimeFormat = JsonUtils.createDateTimeFormat(); final List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); final List<Object> typedParameters = new ArrayList<Object>(); // Defaulted to endRow + 2 to check for more records while scrolling. int totalRows = endRow + 2, rowCount = 0; String selectorId = parameters.get(SelectorConstants.DS_REQUEST_SELECTOR_ID_PARAMETER); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(selectorId)) { return result; }//from w w w.j a va 2 s . c o m OBContext.setAdminMode(); try { Selector sel = OBDal.getInstance().get(Selector.class, selectorId); List<SelectorField> fields = OBDao.getActiveOBObjectList(sel, Selector.PROPERTY_OBUISELSELECTORFIELDLIST); // Forcing object initialization to prevent LazyInitializationException in case session is // cleared when number of records is big enough Hibernate.initialize(fields); // Parse the HQL in case that optional filters are required String HQL = parseOptionalFilters(parameters, sel, xmlDateFormat, typedParameters); String sortBy = parameters.get("_sortBy"); HQL += getSortClause(sortBy, sel); Query selQuery = OBDal.getInstance().getSession().createQuery(HQL); for (int i = 0; i < typedParameters.size(); i++) { selQuery.setParameter(ALIAS_PREFIX + Integer.toString(i), typedParameters.get(i)); } String[] queryAliases = selQuery.getReturnAliases(); if (startRow > 0) { selQuery.setFirstResult(startRow); } if (endRow > startRow) { selQuery.setMaxResults(endRow - startRow + 1); } for (Object objResult : selQuery.list()) { rowCount++; final Map<String, Object> data = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); Object[] resultList = new Object[1]; if (objResult instanceof Object[]) { resultList = (Object[]) objResult; } else { resultList[0] = objResult; } for (SelectorField field : fields) { // TODO: throw an exception if the display expression doesn't match any returned alias. for (int i = 0; i < queryAliases.length; i++) { if (queryAliases[i].equals(field.getDisplayColumnAlias())) { Object value = resultList[i]; if (value instanceof Date) { value = xmlDateFormat.format(value); } if (value instanceof Timestamp) { value = xmlDateTimeFormat.format(value); value = JsonUtils.convertToCorrectXSDFormat((String) value); } data.put(queryAliases[i], value); } } } result.add(data); } if ("true".equals(parameters.get(JsonConstants.NOCOUNT_PARAMETER))) { if (startRow < endRow) { if (rowCount < endRow) { totalRows = rowCount; } parameters.put(JsonConstants.RESPONSE_TOTALROWS, String.valueOf(totalRows)); } } } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } return result; }
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/** * Read a block of records from the result set, starting from a Query object. * @param action fetching versus: PREVIOUS_BLOCK_ACTION, NEXT_BLOCK_ACTION or LAST_BLOCK_ACTION * @param startPos start position of data fetching in result set * @param blockSize number of records to read * @param query Query object/*from ww w .ja v a 2 s. c om*/ * @param sess Session */ public static Response getBlockFromQuery(Class valueObjectClass, int action, int startIndex, int blockSize, Query query, Session sess) throws Exception { // read a block of records... ArrayList gridList = new ArrayList(); boolean moreRows = false; int resultSetLength = -1; int rowCount = 0; if (action == GridParams.LAST_BLOCK_ACTION) { // last block requested: the whole result set will be loaded, to determine the result set length Iterator it = query.iterate(); while (it.hasNext()) { rowCount++;; } resultSetLength = rowCount; action = GridParams.NEXT_BLOCK_ACTION; startIndex = Math.max(rowCount - blockSize, 0); rowCount = 0; query.setFirstResult(startIndex); query.setMaxResults(blockSize); } else { if (action == GridParams.PREVIOUS_BLOCK_ACTION) { action = GridParams.NEXT_BLOCK_ACTION; startIndex = Math.max(startIndex - blockSize, 0); } query.setFirstResult(startIndex); query.setMaxResults(blockSize + 1); } List list = query.list(); gridList.addAll(list); if (gridList.size() > blockSize) { gridList.remove(gridList.size() - 1); moreRows = true; } if (resultSetLength == -1) { resultSetLength = gridList.size(); } if (gridList.size() > 0 && gridList.get(0) instanceof Object[]) { return QueryUtil.getQuery(query.getReturnAliases(), valueObjectClass, gridList, moreRows); } return new VOListResponse(gridList, moreRows, resultSetLength); }
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public IPentahoResultSet executeQuery(final String query) { lastQuery = query;//from w w w.j a v a 2 s. c om Session sess = null; IPentahoResultSet localResultSet = null; try { SessionFactory sf = hibernateConfig.buildSessionFactory(); // open session sess = sf.openSession(); Query q = sess.createQuery(query); if (timeOut >= 0) { q.setTimeout(timeOut); } if (maxRows >= 0) { q.setMaxResults(maxRows); } List list = q.list(); localResultSet = generateResultSet(list, q.getReturnAliases(), q.getReturnTypes()); } finally { try { if (sess != null) { sess.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Doesn't seem like we would get any exception from sess.close() logger.error(Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("HQLConnection.ERROR_0001_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } return localResultSet; }
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/** * Queries a datasource. The string 'query' defines the name of the query. The Parameterset given here may contain * more data than actually needed.// ww w. j a va2 s .c om * <p/> * The dataset may change between two calls, do not assume anything! * * @param query * @param parameters * @return */ public synchronized TableModel queryData(final String query, final DataRow parameters) throws ReportDataFactoryException { try { final Query pstmt = getSession().createQuery(query); final String[] params = pstmt.getNamedParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { final String param = params[i]; final Object pvalue = parameters.get(param); if (pvalue == null) { // this should work, but some driver are known to die here. // they should be fed with setNull(..) instead; something // we cant do as JDK1.2's JDBC does not define it. pstmt.setParameter(param, null); } else { pstmt.setParameter(param, pvalue); } } final Object queryLimit = parameters.get(DataFactory.QUERY_LIMIT); if (queryLimit instanceof Number) { final Number i = (Number) queryLimit; if (i.intValue() >= 0) { pstmt.setMaxResults(i.intValue()); } } final Object queryTimeout = parameters.get(DataFactory.QUERY_TIMEOUT); if (queryTimeout instanceof Number) { final Number i = (Number) queryLimit; if (i.intValue() >= 0) { pstmt.setTimeout(i.intValue()); } } final ScrollableResults res = pstmt.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); return generateDefaultTableModel(res, pstmt.getReturnAliases()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ReportDataFactoryException("Failed at query: " + query, e); } }