Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU * All portions are Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Openbravo SLU * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ************************************************************************ */ package org.openbravo.service.datasource; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.enterprise.inject.Any; import javax.enterprise.inject.Instance; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults; import org.openbravo.base.model.Entity; import org.openbravo.base.model.ModelProvider; import org.openbravo.base.model.Property; import org.openbravo.base.model.domaintype.PrimitiveDomainType; import org.openbravo.base.structure.BaseOBObject; import org.openbravo.base.structure.IdentifierProvider; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.ComponentProvider; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.reference.EnumUIDefinition; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.reference.ForeignKeyUIDefinition; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.reference.IDUIDefinition; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.reference.NumberUIDefinition; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.reference.UIDefinition; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.reference.UIDefinitionController; import org.openbravo.client.kernel.reference.YesNoUIDefinition; import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal; import; import; import; import; import org.openbravo.service.datasource.hql.HQLInserterQualifier; import org.openbravo.service.datasource.hql.HqlInserter; import org.openbravo.service.datasource.hql.HqlQueryTransformer; import org.openbravo.service.json.AdvancedQueryBuilder; import org.openbravo.service.json.JsonConstants; import org.openbravo.service.json.JsonUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class HQLDataSourceService extends ReadOnlyDataSourceService { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HQLDataSourceService.class); private static final String AND = " AND "; private static final String WHERE = " WHERE "; private static final String ORDERBY = " ORDER BY "; private static final String GROUPBY = "GROUP BY"; private static final String MAIN_FROM = "MAINFROM"; private static final String FROM = "FROM "; private static final String ADDITIONAL_FILTERS = "@additional_filters@"; private static final String INSERTION_POINT_GENERIC_ID = "@insertion_point_#@"; private static final String INSERTION_POINT_INDEX_PLACEHOLDER = "#"; private static final String DUMMY_INSERTION_POINT_REPLACEMENT = " 1 = 1 "; @Inject @Any private Instance<HqlInserter> hqlInserters; @Inject @Any private Instance<HqlQueryTransformer> hqlQueryTransformers; @Override public List<DataSourceProperty> getDataSourceProperties(Map<String, Object> parameters) { // Returns the datasource properties, based on the columns of the table that is going to use the // datasource // This is needed to support client side filtering List<DataSourceProperty> dataSourceProperties = new ArrayList<DataSourceProperty>(); String tableId = (String) parameters.get("tableId"); if (tableId != null) { Table table = OBDal.getInstance().get(Table.class, tableId); Entity entity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(tableId); for (Column column : table.getADColumnList()) { final DataSourceProperty dsProperty = new DataSourceProperty(); Property property = entity.getPropertyByColumnName(column.getDBColumnName()); dsProperty.setName(property.getName()); dsProperty.setMandatory(column.isMandatory()); dsProperty.setUpdatable(column.isUpdatable()); Reference reference = column.getReference(); final UIDefinition uiDefinition = UIDefinitionController.getInstance().getUIDefinition(reference); if (uiDefinition instanceof IDUIDefinition) { dsProperty.setId(true); dsProperty.setName("id"); } else { dsProperty.setId(false); } dsProperty.setBoolean(uiDefinition instanceof YesNoUIDefinition); dsProperty.setPrimitive(!(uiDefinition instanceof ForeignKeyUIDefinition)); dsProperty.setUIDefinition(uiDefinition); if (dsProperty.isPrimitive()) { dsProperty.setPrimitiveObjectType( ((PrimitiveDomainType) uiDefinition.getDomainType()).getPrimitiveType()); dsProperty.setNumericType(uiDefinition instanceof NumberUIDefinition); if (uiDefinition instanceof EnumUIDefinition) { Set<String> allowedValues = DataSourceProperty .getAllowedValues(column.getReferenceSearchKey()); dsProperty.setAllowedValues(allowedValues); dsProperty.setValueMap(DataSourceProperty.createValueMap(allowedValues, column.getReferenceSearchKey().getId())); } } dataSourceProperties.add(dsProperty); } } return dataSourceProperties; } @Override protected int getCount(Map<String, String> parameters) { Table table = getTableFromParameters(parameters); boolean justCount = true; Query countQuery = getQuery(table, parameters, justCount); String hqlQuery = countQuery.getQueryString(); int nRows = -1; if (hqlQuery.toUpperCase().contains(GROUPBY)) { justCount = false; countQuery = getQuery(table, parameters, justCount); return getGroupedCount(countQuery); } else { nRows = ((Number) countQuery.uniqueResult()).intValue(); } return nRows; } protected int getGroupedCount(Query countQuery) { int nRows = -1; ScrollableResults scrollableResults = countQuery.scroll(); if (scrollableResults.last()) { nRows = scrollableResults.getRowNumber(); } scrollableResults.close(); return nRows + 1; } @Override protected List<Map<String, Object>> getData(Map<String, String> parameters, int startRow, int endRow) { Table table = getTableFromParameters(parameters); Entity entity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(table.getId()); OBContext.setAdminMode(true); boolean justCount = false; Query query = getQuery(table, parameters, justCount); if (startRow > 0) { query.setFirstResult(startRow); } if (endRow > startRow) { query.setMaxResults(endRow - startRow + 1); } String distinct = parameters.get(JsonConstants.DISTINCT_PARAMETER); List<Column> columns = table.getADColumnList(); List<Map<String, Object>> data = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); String[] returnAliases = query.getReturnAliases(); boolean checkIsNotNull = false; for (Object row : query.list()) { Map<String, Object> record = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (distinct != null) { Object[] result = (Object[]) row; // the whole referenced BaseOBObject is stored in the first position of the result BaseOBObject bob = (BaseOBObject) result[0]; if (bob == null) { break; } record.put(JsonConstants.ID, bob.getId()); record.put(JsonConstants.IDENTIFIER, IdentifierProvider.getInstance().getIdentifier(bob)); } else { Object[] properties = (Object[]) row; for (int i = 0; i < returnAliases.length; i++) { Property property = entity.getPropertyByColumnName(returnAliases[i].toLowerCase(), checkIsNotNull); if (property == null) { property = entity.getPropertyByColumnName(columns.get(i).getDBColumnName().toLowerCase()); } record.put(property.getName(), properties[i]); } } data.add(record); } OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); return data; } /** * Returns the HQL table whose data is being fetched. It will be obtained either using the table * id, or the tab id * * @param parameters * the parameters sent in the fetch request * @return the table whose data is being fetched */ private Table getTableFromParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) { String tableId = parameters.get("tableId"); String tabId = parameters.get("tabId"); Table table = null; if (tableId != null) { table = OBDal.getInstance().get(Table.class, tableId); } else if (tabId != null) { Tab tab = null; tab = OBDal.getInstance().get(Tab.class, tabId); table = tab.getTable(); } return table; } /** * Returns a hibernate query object based on the hql query, if the justCount parameter is true, * the query will just return the number of records that fulfill the criteria. If justCount is * false, the query will return all the actual records that fulfill the criteria */ private Query getQuery(Table table, Map<String, String> parameters, boolean justCount) { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); String hqlQuery = table.getHqlQuery(); // obtains the where clause from the criteria, using the AdvancedQueryBuilder JSONObject criteria = JsonUtils.buildCriteria(parameters); AdvancedQueryBuilder queryBuilder = new AdvancedQueryBuilder(); queryBuilder.setEntity(ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(table.getId())); queryBuilder.setCriteria(criteria); // don't create new join aliases in the where clause, as they would not be present in the // defined HQL FROM clause queryBuilder.preventCreatingJoinsInWhereClause(true); if (table.getEntityAlias() != null) { queryBuilder.setMainAlias(table.getEntityAlias()); } String whereClause = queryBuilder.getWhereClause(); // replace the property names with the column alias whereClause = replaceParametersWithAlias(table, whereClause); String distinct = parameters.get(JsonConstants.DISTINCT_PARAMETER); if (distinct != null) { String formClause = null; if (hqlQuery.indexOf(MAIN_FROM) != -1) { formClause = hqlQuery.substring(hqlQuery.indexOf(MAIN_FROM)); } else { formClause = hqlQuery.substring(hqlQuery.toUpperCase().lastIndexOf(FROM)); } Entity entity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(table.getId()); Property property = entity.getProperty(distinct); Column distinctColumn = OBDal.getInstance().get(Column.class, property.getColumnId()); // TODO: Improve distinct query like this: if (justCount) { hqlQuery = "select count(distinct " + distinctColumn.getEntityAlias() + "." + getNameOfFirstIdentifierProperty(property.getTargetEntity()) + ") " + formClause; } else { // Retrieve: // - the whole referenced object, so that later it is easier to obtain its id and // its identifier (which can be a translation) // - the first property of the entity's identifier. This is needed because it is the column // that will be used to order the rows hqlQuery = "select distinct " + distinctColumn.getEntityAlias() + "," + distinctColumn.getEntityAlias() + "." + getNameOfFirstIdentifierProperty(property.getTargetEntity()) + " " + formClause; } } // adds the additional filters (client, organization and criteria) to the query hqlQuery = addAdditionalFilters(table, hqlQuery, whereClause, parameters); boolean includeMainEntityID = true; if (hqlQuery.toUpperCase().contains(GROUPBY)) { // If the HQL Query contains a GROUP BY clause, the ID of the main entity should not be // included in the order by clause includeMainEntityID = false; } if (!justCount) { // adds the order by clause unless only the number of rows is needed String orderByClause = getSortByClause(parameters, includeMainEntityID); if (!orderByClause.isEmpty()) { hqlQuery = hqlQuery + orderByClause; } } parameters.put("_justCount", String.valueOf(justCount)); Map<String, Object> queryNamedParameters = queryBuilder.getNamedParameters(); // if the is any HQL Query transformer defined for this table, use it to transform the query hqlQuery = transFormQuery(hqlQuery, queryNamedParameters, parameters); // replaces the insertion points with injected code or with dummy comparisons // if the injected code includes named parameters for the query, they are stored in the // queryNamedParameters parameter hqlQuery = fillInInsertionPoints(hqlQuery, queryNamedParameters, parameters); if (distinct == null && justCount) { String formClause = null; if (hqlQuery.indexOf(MAIN_FROM) != -1) { formClause = hqlQuery.substring(hqlQuery.indexOf(MAIN_FROM)); } else { formClause = hqlQuery.substring(hqlQuery.toUpperCase().lastIndexOf(FROM)); } hqlQuery = "select count(*) " + formClause; } if (hqlQuery.indexOf(MAIN_FROM) != -1) { hqlQuery = hqlQuery.replace(MAIN_FROM, FROM); } log.debug("HQL query: {}", hqlQuery); Query query = OBDal.getInstance().getSession().createQuery(hqlQuery); StringBuffer paramsLog = new StringBuffer(); // sets the parameters of the query for (String key : queryNamedParameters.keySet()) { // Injection and transforms might have modified the query removing named parameters. Check // that key is still in the query. if (hqlQuery.contains(key)) { Object parameter = queryNamedParameters.get(key); if (parameter instanceof Collection<?>) { query.setParameterList(key, (Collection<?>) parameter); } else { query.setParameter(key, parameter); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { paramsLog.append("\n").append(key).append(": ").append(parameter); } } } log.debug(" parameters:{}", paramsLog); OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); return query; } /** * If the hql query has insertion points, resolve them using dependency injection. If some * insertion points are defined in the query but its definition is not injected, replace them with * dummy comparisons * * @param hqlQuery * hql query that might contain insertion points * @param queryNamedParameters * array with the named paremeters that will be set to the query. At this point it is * empty, is can be filled in by the insertion point implementators * @param parameters * parameters of this request * @return the updated hql query. Also, hqlParameters can contain the named parameters used in the * insertion points */ private String fillInInsertionPoints(String hqlQuery, Map<String, Object> queryNamedParameters, Map<String, String> parameters) { String updatedHqlQuery = hqlQuery; int index = 0; while (existsInsertionPoint(hqlQuery, index)) { HqlInserter inserter = getHqlInserter(index, parameters); String insertedCode = null; if (inserter != null) { insertedCode = inserter.insertHql(parameters, queryNamedParameters); } if (insertedCode == null) { insertedCode = DUMMY_INSERTION_POINT_REPLACEMENT; } String insertionPointId = INSERTION_POINT_GENERIC_ID.replace(INSERTION_POINT_INDEX_PLACEHOLDER, Integer.toString(index)); updatedHqlQuery = updatedHqlQuery.replace(insertionPointId, insertedCode); index++; } return updatedHqlQuery; } /** * If there is any HQL Query Transformer defined, uses its transformHqlQuery to transform the * query * * @param hqlQuery * the original HQL query * @param queryNamedParameters * the named parameters that will be used in the query * @param parameters * the parameters of the request * @return the transformed query */ private String transFormQuery(String hqlQuery, Map<String, Object> queryNamedParameters, Map<String, String> parameters) { String transformedHqlQuery = hqlQuery; HqlQueryTransformer hqlQueryTransformer = getTransformer(parameters); if (hqlQueryTransformer != null) { transformedHqlQuery = hqlQueryTransformer.transformHqlQuery(transformedHqlQuery, parameters, queryNamedParameters); } return transformedHqlQuery; } /** * Returns, if defined, an HQL Query Transformer for this table. If the are several transformers * defined, the one with the lowest priority will be chosen * * @param parameters * the parameters of the request * @return the HQL Query transformer that will be used to transform the query */ private HqlQueryTransformer getTransformer(Map<String, String> parameters) { HqlQueryTransformer transformer = null; Table table = getTableFromParameters(parameters); for (HqlQueryTransformer nextTransformer : hqlQueryTransformers .select(new ComponentProvider.Selector(table.getId()))) { if (transformer == null) { transformer = nextTransformer; } else if (nextTransformer.getPriority(parameters) < transformer.getPriority(parameters)) { transformer = nextTransformer; } else if (nextTransformer.getPriority(parameters) == transformer.getPriority(parameters)) { log.warn( "Trying to get hql query transformer for the table with id {}, there are more than one instance with same priority", table.getId()); } } return transformer; } /** * Returns, if defined, an HQL inserter for the insertion point with index id * * @param index * the index of the insertion point * @param parameters * the parameters of the request * @return the HQL inserter with the lowest priority for the insertion point * @insertion_point_<index>@ */ private HqlInserter getHqlInserter(int index, Map<String, String> parameters) { HqlInserter inserter = null; Table table = getTableFromParameters(parameters); for (HqlInserter inj : hqlInserters .select(new HQLInserterQualifier.Selector(table.getId(), Integer.toString(index)))) { if (inserter == null) { inserter = inj; } else if (inj.getPriority(parameters) < inserter.getPriority(parameters)) { inserter = inj; } else if (inj.getPriority(parameters) == inserter.getPriority(parameters)) { log.warn( "Trying to get hql inserter for the insertion point {} of the table with id {}, there are more than one instance with same priority", INSERTION_POINT_GENERIC_ID.replace(INSERTION_POINT_INDEX_PLACEHOLDER, Integer.toString(index)), table.getId()); } } return inserter; } /** * Checks if the insertion point with id index exists in the provided hql query * * @param hqlQuery * hql query that can contain insertion points * @param index * index of the insertion point * @return true if the hql query contains an insertion point with the provided index, false * otherwise */ private boolean existsInsertionPoint(String hqlQuery, int index) { String insertionPointId = INSERTION_POINT_GENERIC_ID.replace(INSERTION_POINT_INDEX_PLACEHOLDER, Integer.toString(index)); return hqlQuery.contains(insertionPointId); } /** * This method replace the column names with their alias * * @param table * the table being filtered * @param whereClause * the filter criteria * @return an updated filter criteria that uses the alias of the columns instead of their names */ private String replaceParametersWithAlias(Table table, String whereClause) { if (whereClause.trim().isEmpty()) { return whereClause; } String updatedWhereClause = whereClause.toString(); Entity entity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(table.getId()); for (Column column : table.getADColumnList()) { // look for the property name, replace it with the column alias Property property = entity.getPropertyByColumnName(column.getDBColumnName()); // Map used to replace the property name used in the criteria with its alias Map<String, String> replacementMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String propertyNameBefore = null; String propertyNameAfter = null; if (property.isPrimitive()) { // if the property is a primitive, just replace the property name with the column alias propertyNameBefore = property.getName(); propertyNameAfter = column.getEntityAlias(); addEntryToReplacementMap(replacementMap, propertyNameBefore, propertyNameAfter, table.getEntityAlias()); } else { // the criteria can refer to the foreign key via its ID... propertyNameBefore = property.getName() + "." + JsonConstants.ID; propertyNameAfter = column.getEntityAlias() + "." + JsonConstants.ID; addEntryToReplacementMap(replacementMap, propertyNameBefore, propertyNameAfter, table.getEntityAlias()); // ... or through its identifier Entity refEntity = property.getReferencedProperty().getEntity(); String identifierPropertyName = refEntity.getIdentifierProperties().get(0).getName(); propertyNameBefore = property.getName() + "." + identifierPropertyName; propertyNameAfter = column.getEntityAlias() + "." + identifierPropertyName; addEntryToReplacementMap(replacementMap, propertyNameBefore, propertyNameAfter, table.getEntityAlias()); } for (String toBeReplaced : replacementMap.keySet()) { updatedWhereClause = updatedWhereClause.replaceAll(toBeReplaced, replacementMap.get(toBeReplaced)); } } return updatedWhereClause; } /** * Adds a pair oldName-newName to the replacement map All possible parenthesis combinations are * added to the replacement map */ private void addEntryToReplacementMap(Map<String, String> replacementMap, String oldName, String newName, String mainAlias) { replacementMap.put(" " + oldName + " ", " " + newName + " "); replacementMap.put("[(]" + oldName + "[)]", "(" + newName + ")"); replacementMap.put("[(]" + oldName + " ", "(" + newName + " "); replacementMap.put(" " + oldName + "[)]", " " + newName + ")"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mainAlias)) { // if table has alias, add also replacements taking it into account addEntryToReplacementMap(replacementMap, mainAlias + "." + oldName, newName, null); } } /** * Adds the additional filters to the hql query. The additional filters include the client filter, * the organization filter and the filter created from the grid criteria * * @param table * table being fetched * @param hqlQuery * hql query without the additional filters * @param filterWhereClause * filter created from the grid criteria * @param parameters * parameters used for this request */ private String addAdditionalFilters(Table table, String hqlQuery, String filterWhereClause, Map<String, String> parameters) { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); StringBuffer additionalFilter = new StringBuffer(); final String entityAlias = table.getEntityAlias(); // replace the carriage returns and the tabulations with blanks String hqlQueryWithFilters = hqlQuery.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " "); // client filter additionalFilter.append(entityAlias + " in ('0', '") .append(OBContext.getOBContext().getCurrentClient().getId()).append("')"); // organization filter final String orgs = DataSourceUtils.getOrgs(parameters.get(JsonConstants.ORG_PARAMETER)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(orgs)) { additionalFilter.append(AND); additionalFilter.append(entityAlias + ".organization in (" + orgs + ")"); } addFilterWhereClause(additionalFilter, filterWhereClause); // the _where parameter contains the filter clause and the where clause defined at tab level String whereClauseParameter = parameters.get(JsonConstants.WHERE_PARAMETER); if (whereClauseParameter != null && !whereClauseParameter.trim().isEmpty() && !"null".equals(whereClauseParameter)) { additionalFilter.append(AND + whereClauseParameter); } if (hqlQueryWithFilters.contains(ADDITIONAL_FILTERS)) { // replace @additional_filters@ with the actual hql filters hqlQueryWithFilters = hqlQueryWithFilters.replace(ADDITIONAL_FILTERS, additionalFilter.toString()); } else { // adds the hql filters in the proper place at the end of the query String separator = null; if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(hqlQueryWithFilters, WHERE)) { // if there is already a where clause, append with 'AND' separator = AND; } else { // otherwise, append with 'where' separator = WHERE; } hqlQueryWithFilters = hqlQueryWithFilters + separator + additionalFilter.toString(); } OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); return hqlQueryWithFilters; } private void addFilterWhereClause(StringBuffer additionalFilter, String filterWhereClause) { if (!filterWhereClause.trim().isEmpty()) { additionalFilter.append(AND + removeLeadingWhere(filterWhereClause)); } } private String removeLeadingWhere(String whereClause) { return whereClause.replaceAll("^(?i)" + WHERE, " "); } /** * Returns a HQL sort by clause based on the parameters sent to the datasource * * @param parameters * parameters sent in the request. They can contain useful info like the property being * sorted, its table, etc * @param includeMainEntityID * boolean that specifies if the id of the main entity should be included in the sort * clause. This parameter will be false when the HQL Query includes a GROUP BY clause, * for instance * @return an HQL sort by clause or an empty string if the grid is not being filtered */ private String getSortByClause(Map<String, String> parameters, boolean includeMainEntityID) { String orderByClause = ""; Table table = getTableFromParameters(parameters); boolean isDistinctQuery = false; final String sortBy = parameters.get(JsonConstants.SORTBY_PARAMETER); if (parameters.get(JsonConstants.DISTINCT_PARAMETER) != null) { orderByClause = parameters.get(JsonConstants.DISTINCT_PARAMETER); isDistinctQuery = true; } else if (sortBy != null) { orderByClause = sortBy; } else if (parameters.get(JsonConstants.ORDERBY_PARAMETER) != null) { orderByClause = parameters.get(JsonConstants.ORDERBY_PARAMETER); } else { return ""; } final boolean asc = !orderByClause.startsWith("-"); String direction = ""; if (!asc) { orderByClause = orderByClause.substring(1); direction = " desc "; } String propertyName = null; if (orderByClause.endsWith("$_identifier")) { propertyName = orderByClause.substring(0, orderByClause.length() - ("$identifier".length() + 1)); } else { propertyName = orderByClause; } Entity entity = ModelProvider.getInstance().getEntityByTableId(table.getId()); boolean checkIsNotNull = false; Property property = entity.getProperty(propertyName, checkIsNotNull); if (property == null) { orderByClause = ORDERBY + propertyName; } else { Column column = OBDal.getInstance().get(Column.class, property.getColumnId()); if (!orderByClause.isEmpty()) { orderByClause = ORDERBY + column.getEntityAlias(); if (property.getTargetEntity() != null) { orderByClause = orderByClause + "." + getNameOfFirstIdentifierProperty(property.getTargetEntity()); } orderByClause = orderByClause + direction; if (includeMainEntityID && !isDistinctQuery) { orderByClause = orderByClause + ", " + table.getEntityAlias() + ".id"; } } } return orderByClause; } /** * @param entity * entity whose first identifier property name will be returned * @return the name of the first identifier property of an entity */ private String getNameOfFirstIdentifierProperty(Entity entity) { String propertyName = ""; if (!entity.getIdentifierProperties().isEmpty()) { propertyName = entity.getIdentifierProperties().get(0).getName(); } return propertyName; } }