Example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.core IJavaElement getElementName

List of usage examples for org.eclipse.jdt.core IJavaElement getElementName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.core IJavaElement getElementName.


String getElementName();

Source Link


Returns the name of this element.


From source file:org.sonar.ide.eclipse.internal.jdt.JavaElementsAdapterFactory.java

License:Open Source License

private ISonarResource getSonarResource(Object adaptableObject) {
    if (adaptableObject instanceof IJavaElement) {
        IJavaElement javaElement = (IJavaElement) adaptableObject;
        return (ISonarResource) getAdapter(javaElement.getResource(), ISonarResource.class);
    } else if (adaptableObject instanceof IProject) {
        IProject project = (IProject) adaptableObject;
        if (!isConfigured(project)) {
            return null;
        }//from w  w  w  .ja v a  2  s . co m
        return SonarUiPlugin.getSonarProject(project);
    } else if (adaptableObject instanceof IFolder) {
        IFolder folder = (IFolder) adaptableObject;
        IProject project = folder.getProject();
        if (!isConfigured(project)) {
            return null;
        String projectKey = getProjectKey(folder.getProject());
        String packageName = getPackageName(JavaCore.create(folder));
        if (packageName != null) {
            return SonarCorePlugin.createSonarResource(folder,
                    SonarKeyUtils.packageKey(projectKey, packageName), packageName);
    } else if (adaptableObject instanceof IFile) {
        IFile file = (IFile) adaptableObject;
        IProject project = file.getProject();
        if (!isConfigured(project)) {
            return null;
        String projectKey = getProjectKey(file.getProject());
        IJavaElement javaElement = JavaCore.create(file);
        if (javaElement instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
            String packageName = getPackageName(javaElement.getParent());
            String className = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(javaElement.getElementName(), "."); //$NON-NLS-1$
            return SonarCorePlugin.createSonarFile(file,
                    SonarKeyUtils.classKey(projectKey, packageName, className), className);
    return null;

From source file:org.sonar.ide.eclipse.internal.jdt.JavaResourceResolver.java

License:Open Source License

public String resolve(IResource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
    IJavaElement javaElement = JavaCore.create(resource);
    if (javaElement instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
        String packageName = getPackageName(javaElement.getParent());
        String className = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(javaElement.getElementName(), "."); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return packageName + "." + className; //$NON-NLS-1$
    } else if (javaElement instanceof IPackageFragment) {
        return getPackageName(javaElement);
    }/* w w w . j a v  a  2 s. c o  m*/
    return null;

From source file:org.sonar.ide.eclipse.jdt.internal.JavaResourceResolver.java

License:Open Source License

public String getSonarPartialKey(IResource resource) {
    IJavaElement javaElement = JavaCore.create(resource);
    if (javaElement instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
        String packageName = getPackageName(javaElement.getParent());
        String className = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(javaElement.getElementName(), "."); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return packageName + "." + className; //$NON-NLS-1$
    } else if (javaElement instanceof IPackageFragmentRoot) {
        return "[default]"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    } else if (javaElement instanceof IPackageFragment) {
        return getPackageName(javaElement);
    }/*ww  w .j av a 2  s. c  o  m*/
    return null;

From source file:org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.core.util.AopReferenceModelUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static String getJavaElementLinkName(IJavaElement je) {
    if (je == null) {
        return "";
    }/*from   w w w.  j  a v  a2 s .  c o  m*/
    // use element name instead, qualified with parent
    if (je instanceof IMethod) {
        // return je.getParent().getElementName() + '.' +
        return readableName((IMethod) je);
    } else if (je instanceof IType) {
        return je.getElementName();
    } else if (je instanceof IField) {
        return je.getElementName() + " - " + ((IType) je.getParent()).getFullyQualifiedName();
    } else if (je.getParent() != null) {
        return je.getParent().getElementName() + '.' + je.getElementName();
    return je.getElementName();

From source file:org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.core.util.AopReferenceModelUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static String getPackageLinkName(IJavaElement je) {
    if (je instanceof IMethod) {
        return ((IMethod) je).getDeclaringType().getPackageFragment().getElementName();
    } else if (je instanceof IType) {
        return ((IType) je).getPackageFragment().getElementName();
    }//from   www.jav a 2s.  c  o m
    return je.getElementName();

From source file:org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core.internal.model.BeansConfigFactory.java

License:Open Source License

 * @since 3.3.0//w w  w  .  j a  va  2  s. com
public static String getConfigName(IFile file, IProject project) {
    String configName;

    if (!"xml".equals(file.getFileExtension())) {
        IJavaProject javaProject = JdtUtils.getJavaProject(project.getProject());
        if (javaProject != null) {
            IJavaElement element = JavaCore.create(file, javaProject);
            if (element != null && element.getPrimaryElement() instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
                String typeName = element.getElementName();
                String fileExtension = file.getFileExtension();
                if (fileExtension != null && fileExtension.length() > 0) {
                    typeName = typeName.substring(0, typeName.length() - (fileExtension.length() + 1));

                IJavaElement parent = element.getParent();
                String packageName = "";
                if (parent.getElementType() == IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT) {
                    IPackageFragment packageFragment = (IPackageFragment) parent;
                    if (!packageFragment.isDefaultPackage()) {
                        packageName = packageFragment.getElementName() + ".";

                    return JAVA_CONFIG_TYPE + packageName + typeName;

    if (file.getProject().equals(project.getProject()) && !(file instanceof ExternalFile)) {
        configName = file.getProjectRelativePath().toString();
    } else {
        configName = file.getFullPath().toString();
    return configName;

From source file:org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.autowire.internal.model.AutowireGraphContentExtender.java

License:Open Source License

 * {@inheritDoc}/*from  w  w w .j  ava  2  s  .c om*/
public void addAdditionalBeans(Map<String, Bean> beans, List<Reference> beansReferences,
        IBeansModelElement root, IBeansModelElement context) {
    AutowireDependencyProvider provider = new AutowireDependencyProvider(root, context);
    Map<IBean, Set<IBeanReference>> autowiredReferences = provider.resolveAutowiredDependencies();

    for (Map.Entry<IBean, Set<IBeanReference>> entry : autowiredReferences.entrySet()) {
        Bean bean = beans.get(entry.getKey().getElementName());
        if (bean != null) {
            Set<String> autowiredProperties = new HashSet<String>();
            Set<IBeanReference> refs = entry.getValue();
            for (IBeanReference ref : refs) {
                Bean targetBean = beans.get(ref.getBeanName());
                if (targetBean != null) {
                    beansReferences.add(new Reference(BeanType.STANDARD, bean, targetBean, null,
                            !bean.isRootBean(), (IResourceModelElement) ref));

                    try {
                        IJavaElement source = ((AutowireBeanReference) ref).getSource();
                        if (source instanceof IField) {
                            String propertyName = source.getElementName();
                            if (!autowiredProperties.contains(propertyName)) {
                                IBeanProperty newProperty = new BeanProperty(entry.getKey(), new PropertyValue(
                                        propertyName, new RuntimeBeanReference(ref.getBeanName())));

                        } else if (source instanceof IMethod && ((IMethod) source).isConstructor()) {
                            IBeanConstructorArgument newConstructorArg = new BeanConstructorArgument(
                                    entry.getKey(), ((AutowireBeanReference) ref).getParameterIndex(),
                                    new ValueHolder(new RuntimeBeanReference(ref.getBeanName())));
                        } else if (source instanceof IMethod && !((IMethod) source).isConstructor()) {
                            String propertyName = source.getElementName();
                            if (propertyName.startsWith("set")) {
                                propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize(propertyName.substring(3));
                            if (!autowiredProperties.contains(propertyName)) {
                                IBeanProperty newProperty = new BeanProperty(entry.getKey(), new PropertyValue(
                                        propertyName, new RuntimeBeanReference(ref.getBeanName())));
                    } catch (JavaModelException e) {
                        // Just ignore this

From source file:org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.refactoring.util.BeansRefactoringChangeUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private static Set<TextEdit> createConstructorTextEdits(Node node, IJavaElement element, String newName,
        IFile file) {//from  w  ww  .ja  v  a  2s . c  o  m
    if (node == null) {
        return null;

    Set<TextEdit> result = new HashSet<TextEdit>();

    if (element instanceof ILocalVariable) {
        // c-namespace references to the argument name that belong to the changed constructor argument
        if (node.hasAttributes()) {
            String argumentName = element.getElementName();

            String attributeNameStart = "c:";
            String optionalAttributeNameEnd = "-ref";

            NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
            int attributeCount = attributes.getLength();

            for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {
                AttrImpl attribute = (AttrImpl) attributes.item(i);
                String attributeName = attribute.getNodeName();
                if (attributeName != null && attributeName.startsWith(attributeNameStart)) {
                    if (attributeName.equals(attributeNameStart + argumentName) || attributeName
                            .equals(attributeNameStart + argumentName + optionalAttributeNameEnd)) {
                        List<IType> types = BeansEditorUtils.getClassNamesOfBean(file, node);
                        if (element.getParent() != null && element.getParent() instanceof IMethod
                                && types.contains(((IMethod) element.getParent()).getDeclaringType())) {
                            int offset = attribute.getNameRegionStartOffset() + attributeNameStart.length();
                            result.add(new ReplaceEdit(offset, argumentName.length(), newName));
    return result;

From source file:org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.refactoring.util.BeansRefactoringChangeUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private static Set<TextEdit> createMethodTextEdits(Node node, IJavaElement element, String newName,
        IFile file) {/*w  ww  .  j  a  v  a2s .  c o  m*/
    if (node == null) {
        return null;

    Set<TextEdit> result = new HashSet<TextEdit>();

    if (element instanceof IMethod) {
        if (element.getElementName().startsWith("set")) {
            String methodName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(element.getElementName().substring(3));

            // change those child notes that are property childs and refer to the changed method name
            NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes();
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
                Node child = nodes.item(i);
                if ("property".equals(child.getLocalName()) && BeansEditorUtils.hasAttribute(child, "name")) {
                    String propertyName = BeansEditorUtils.getAttribute(child, "name");
                    if (methodName.equals(propertyName)) {
                        List<IType> types = BeansEditorUtils.getClassNamesOfBean(file, node);
                        if (types.contains(((IMethod) element).getDeclaringType())) {
                            AttrImpl attr = (AttrImpl) child.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name");
                            int offset = attr.getValueRegionStartOffset() + 1;
                            if (offset >= 0) {
                                result.add(new ReplaceEdit(offset, propertyName.length(), newName));

            // p-namespace references to the properties that belong to the changed method
            if (node.hasAttributes()) {
                String attributeNameStart = "p:";
                String optionalAttributeNameEnd = "-ref";

                NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
                int attributeCount = attributes.getLength();

                for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {
                    AttrImpl attribute = (AttrImpl) attributes.item(i);
                    String attributeName = attribute.getNodeName();
                    if (attributeName != null && attributeName.startsWith(attributeNameStart)) {
                        if (attributeName.equals(attributeNameStart + methodName) || attributeName
                                .equals(attributeNameStart + methodName + optionalAttributeNameEnd)) {
                            List<IType> types = BeansEditorUtils.getClassNamesOfBean(file, node);
                            if (types.contains(((IMethod) element).getDeclaringType())) {
                                int offset = attribute.getNameRegionStartOffset() + attributeNameStart.length();
                                result.add(new ReplaceEdit(offset, methodName.length(), newName));
        } else {
            TextEdit edit = null;
            edit = createMethodTextEditForAttribute(node, element, newName, file, "init-method");
            if (edit != null) {

            edit = createMethodTextEditForAttribute(node, element, newName, file, "destroy-method");
            if (edit != null) {

            edit = createMethodTextEditForAttribute(node, element, newName, file, "factory-method");
            if (edit != null) {
    return result;

From source file:org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.refactoring.util.BeansRefactoringChangeUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private static TextEdit createMethodTextEditForAttribute(Node node, IJavaElement element, String newName,
        IFile file, String attrName) {
    String methodName = element.getElementName();
    if (BeansEditorUtils.hasAttribute(node, attrName)) {
        String attrMethodName = BeansEditorUtils.getAttribute(node, attrName);
        if (methodName.equals(attrMethodName)) {
            List<IType> types = BeansEditorUtils.getClassNamesOfBean(file, node);
            if (types.contains(((IMethod) element).getDeclaringType())) {
                AttrImpl attr = (AttrImpl) node.getAttributes().getNamedItem(attrName);
                int offset = attr.getValueRegionStartOffset() + 1;
                if (offset >= 0) {
                    return new ReplaceEdit(offset, attrMethodName.length(), newName);
                }/*from w ww  .  j  a  v a2 s.  com*/
    return null;