Example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.core IJavaElement getElementName

List of usage examples for org.eclipse.jdt.core IJavaElement getElementName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.core IJavaElement getElementName.


String getElementName();

Source Link


Returns the name of this element.


From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.codeassist.tests.ExtendedCompletionContextTests.java

License:Apache License

public void testExtendedContextWithBoxing() throws Exception {
    String contents = "int x\n" + "Integer y\n" + "boolean a\n" + "Boolean b\n" + "z";
    GroovyExtendedCompletionContext context = getExtendedCoreContext(create(contents),
            contents.lastIndexOf('z') + 1);
    IJavaElement enclosing = context.getEnclosingElement();
    assertEquals("run", enclosing.getElementName());
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "Ljava.lang.Integer;", "y", "x");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "I", "y", "x");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "Ljava.lang.Boolean;", "a", "b");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "Z", "a", "b");

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.codeassist.tests.ExtendedCompletionContextTests.java

License:Apache License

public void testExtendedContextWithBoxingAndArrays() throws Exception {
    String contents = "int x\n" + "Integer y\n" + "boolean a\n" + "Boolean b\n" + "int[] x1\n"
            + "Integer[] y1\n" + "boolean[] a1\n" + "Boolean[] b1\n" + "int[][] x2\n" + "Integer[][] y2\n"
            + "boolean[][] a2\n" + "Boolean[][] b2\n" + "z";
    GroovyExtendedCompletionContext context = getExtendedCoreContext(create(contents),
            contents.lastIndexOf('z') + 1);
    IJavaElement enclosing = context.getEnclosingElement();
    assertEquals("run", enclosing.getElementName());
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "Ljava.lang.Integer;", "y", "x");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "I", "y", "x");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "Ljava.lang.Boolean;", "a", "b");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "Z", "a", "b");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "[Ljava.lang.Integer;", "y1", "x1");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "[I", "y1", "x1");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "[Ljava.lang.Boolean;", "a1", "b1");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "[Z", "a1", "b1");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "[[Ljava.lang.Integer;", "y2", "x2");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "[[I", "y2", "x2");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "[[Ljava.lang.Boolean;", "a2", "b2");
    assertExtendedContextElements(context, "[[Z", "a2", "b2");

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.codebrowsing.requestor.CodeSelectRequestor.java

License:Apache License

 * @param enclosingElement/*from www . j a  v  a2 s  .  c o  m*/
 * @return true iff enclosingElement's source location contains the source location of {@link #nodeToLookFor} 
private boolean interestingElement(IJavaElement enclosingElement) {
    // the clinit is always interesting since the clinit contains static initializers
    if (enclosingElement.getElementName().equals("<clinit>")) {
        return true;

    if (enclosingElement instanceof ISourceReference) {
        try {
            ISourceRange range = ((ISourceReference) enclosingElement).getSourceRange();
            return range.getOffset() <= nodeToLookFor.getStart()
                    && range.getOffset() + range.getLength() >= nodeToLookFor.getEnd();
        } catch (JavaModelException e) {
    return false;

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.codebrowsing.requestor.CodeSelectRequestor.java

License:Apache License

 * @param result//from  w w w .  jav a  2  s. c  om
 * @param type
 * @throws JavaModelException
private IJavaElement findRequestedElement(TypeLookupResult result, IType type) throws JavaModelException {
    IJavaElement maybeRequested = null;
    ASTNode declaration = result.declaration;
    if (declaration instanceof ClassNode) {
        maybeRequested = type;
    } else if (type.getTypeRoot() != null) {
        if (declaration.getEnd() > 0) {
            // GRECLIPSE-1233 can't use getEltAt because of default parameters.
            // instead, just iterate through children.  Method variants 
            // are always after the original method
            IJavaElement[] children = type.getChildren();
            int start = declaration.getStart();
            int end = declaration.getEnd();
            String name;
            if (declaration instanceof MethodNode) {
                name = ((MethodNode) declaration).getName();
            } else if (declaration instanceof FieldNode) {
                name = ((FieldNode) declaration).getName();
            } else if (declaration instanceof PropertyNode) {
                name = ((PropertyNode) declaration).getName();
            } else {
                name = declaration.getText();
            for (IJavaElement child : children) {
                ISourceRange range = ((ISourceReference) child).getSourceRange();
                if (range.getOffset() <= start && range.getOffset() + range.getLength() >= end
                        && child.getElementName().equals(name)) {
                    maybeRequested = child;
                } else if (start + end < range.getOffset()) {
                    // since children are listed incrementally no need to go further
        if (maybeRequested == null) {
            // try something else because source location not set right
            String name = null;
            int preferredParamNumber = -1;
            if (declaration instanceof MethodNode) {
                name = ((MethodNode) declaration).getName();
                Parameter[] parameters = ((MethodNode) declaration).getParameters();
                preferredParamNumber = parameters == null ? 0 : parameters.length;
            } else if (declaration instanceof PropertyNode) {
                name = ((PropertyNode) declaration).getName();
            } else if (declaration instanceof FieldNode) {
                name = ((FieldNode) declaration).getName();
            if (name != null) {
                maybeRequested = findElement(type, name, preferredParamNumber);
            if (maybeRequested == null) {
                // still couldn't find anything
                maybeRequested = type;

    return maybeRequested;

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.codebrowsing.requestor.CodeSelectRequestor.java

License:Apache License

 * Converts the maybeRequested element into a resolved element by creating a unique key for it.
 *///from w ww  . ja v  a 2s  .  c  om
private IJavaElement resolveRequestedElement(TypeLookupResult result, IJavaElement maybeRequested) {
    AnnotatedNode declaration = (AnnotatedNode) result.declaration;
    if (declaration instanceof PropertyNode && maybeRequested instanceof IMethod) {
        // the field associated with this property does not exist, use the method instead
        String getterName = maybeRequested.getElementName();
        MethodNode maybeDeclaration = (MethodNode) declaration.getDeclaringClass().getMethods(getterName)
        declaration = maybeDeclaration == null ? declaration : maybeDeclaration;

    String uniqueKey = createUniqueKey(declaration, result.type, result.declaringType, maybeRequested);
    IJavaElement candidate;

    // Create the Groovy Resolved Element, which is like a resolved element, but contains extraDoc, as
    // well as the inferred declaration (which may not be the same as the actual declaration)
    switch (maybeRequested.getElementType()) {
    case IJavaElement.FIELD:
        if (maybeRequested.isReadOnly()) {
            candidate = new GroovyResolvedBinaryField((JavaElement) maybeRequested.getParent(),
                    maybeRequested.getElementName(), uniqueKey, result.extraDoc, result.declaration);
        } else {
            candidate = new GroovyResolvedSourceField((JavaElement) maybeRequested.getParent(),
                    maybeRequested.getElementName(), uniqueKey, result.extraDoc, result.declaration);
    case IJavaElement.METHOD:
        if (maybeRequested.isReadOnly()) {
            candidate = new GroovyResolvedBinaryMethod((JavaElement) maybeRequested.getParent(),
                    maybeRequested.getElementName(), ((IMethod) maybeRequested).getParameterTypes(), uniqueKey,
                    result.extraDoc, result.declaration);
        } else {
            candidate = new GroovyResolvedSourceMethod((JavaElement) maybeRequested.getParent(),
                    maybeRequested.getElementName(), ((IMethod) maybeRequested).getParameterTypes(), uniqueKey,
                    result.extraDoc, result.declaration);
    case IJavaElement.TYPE:
        if (maybeRequested.isReadOnly()) {
            candidate = new GroovyResolvedBinaryType((JavaElement) maybeRequested.getParent(),
                    maybeRequested.getElementName(), uniqueKey, result.extraDoc, result.declaration);
        } else {
            candidate = new GroovyResolvedSourceType((JavaElement) maybeRequested.getParent(),
                    maybeRequested.getElementName(), uniqueKey, result.extraDoc, result.declaration);
        candidate = maybeRequested;
    requestedElement = candidate;
    return requestedElement;

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.core.search.SyntheticAccessorSearchRequestor.java

License:Apache License

private IMethod findSyntheticMember(IJavaElement element, String prefix) throws JavaModelException {
    if (element.getElementType() != IJavaElement.FIELD) {
        return null;
    }/*from w  w w . ja  va  2  s.  c  o  m*/
    IType parent = (IType) element.getParent();
    String[] sigs;
    String[] names;
    if (prefix.equals("set")) {
        sigs = new String[] { ((IField) element).getTypeSignature() };
        names = new String[] { element.getElementName() };
    } else {
        sigs = new String[0];
        names = new String[0];
    MethodWrapper method = new MethodWrapper(
            parent.getMethod(convertName(prefix, element.getElementName()), sigs), names);
    // only return if method doesn't exist since otherwise, this method would not be synthetic
    return method.reallyExists() ? null : method;

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.core.search.SyntheticAccessorSearchRequestor.java

License:Apache License

private IField findSyntheticProperty(IJavaElement element) throws JavaModelException {
    if (element.getElementType() != IJavaElement.METHOD) {
        return null;
    }//from w  ww. j a  va  2  s.  co m
    String name = element.getElementName();
    if (name.length() <= 2) {
        return null;
    int prefixLength;
    if (name.startsWith("is")) {
        prefixLength = 2;
    } else {
        if (name.length() == 3) {
            return null;
        prefixLength = 3;

    String fieldName = "" + Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(prefixLength)) + name.substring(prefixLength + 1);
    IType parent = (IType) element.getParent();
    IField field = parent.getField(fieldName);
    // only return if field doesn't exist since otherwise, this method would
    // not be synthetic
    return field.exists() && Flags.isProtected(field.getFlags()) ? null : field;

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.core.search.SyntheticMemberSearchTests.java

License:Apache License

private IJavaElement findSearchTarget(String name) throws JavaModelException {
    for (IJavaElement child : gType.getChildren()) {
        if (child.getElementName().equals(name)) {
            return child;
        }//from   w  w  w  .  j  a v  a 2  s . c o m
    fail("child not found: " + name);
    return null;

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.dsl.inferencing.suggestions.SuggestionsRequestor.java

License:Apache License

protected boolean interestingElement(IJavaElement enclosingElement) {
    // the clinit is always interesting since the clinit contains static
    // initializers
    if (enclosingElement.getElementName().equals("<clinit>")) {
        return true;
    }//from  w w w .  j a va2 s  .  c  om

    if (enclosingElement instanceof NamedMember) {
        try {
            ISourceRange range = ((ISourceReference) enclosingElement).getSourceRange();
            return range.getOffset() <= nodeToLookFor.getStart()
                    && range.getOffset() + range.getLength() >= nodeToLookFor.getEnd();
        } catch (JavaModelException e) {
    return false;

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.dsl.tests.BuiltInDSLInferencingTests.java

License:Open Source License

public void testSanity() throws Exception {
    IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
    assertTrue("Should have DSL support classpath container",
            GroovyRuntime.hasClasspathContainer(javaProject, GroovyDSLCoreActivator.CLASSPATH_CONTAINER_ID));

    IClasspathContainer container = JavaCore
            .getClasspathContainer(GroovyDSLCoreActivator.CLASSPATH_CONTAINER_ID, javaProject);
    IClasspathEntry[] cpes = container.getClasspathEntries();
    assertEquals("Wrong number of classpath entries found: " + Arrays.toString(cpes), 2, cpes.length);

    IClasspathEntry pluginEntry = null;//from   www  .  j  av a  2 s  . c o  m
    IClasspathEntry[] entries = javaProject.getResolvedClasspath(true);
    for (IClasspathEntry entry : entries) {
        if (entry.getPath().toString().contains("plugin_dsld")) {
            pluginEntry = entry;

    IPackageFragmentRoot root = null;
    List<String> elements = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (IJavaElement elt : javaProject.getChildren()) {
        if (elt.getElementName().contains("plugin_dsld")) {
            root = (IPackageFragmentRoot) elt;

    List<String> possibleFrags = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (IPackageFragment frag : javaProject.getPackageFragments()) {
        if (frag.getElementName().equals("dsld")) {
            possibleFrags.add("  [");
            for (IJavaElement child : frag.getChildren()) {
                possibleFrags.add("    " + child.getElementName());
            possibleFrags.add("  ]");

    assertNotNull("Did not find the Plugin DSLD classpath entry.  Exsting resolved roots:\n"
            + printList(elements) + "\nOther DSLD fragments:\n" + printList(possibleFrags), pluginEntry);
    assertNotNull("Plugin DSLD classpath entry should exist.  Exsting resolved roots:\n" + printList(elements)
            + "\nOther DSLD fragments:\n" + printList(possibleFrags), root);
    assertTrue("Plugin DSLD classpath entry should exist", root.exists());

    ExternalPackageFragmentRoot ext = (ExternalPackageFragmentRoot) root;
    ext.resource().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);

    IPackageFragment frag = root.getPackageFragment("dsld");
    assertTrue("DSLD package fragment should exist", frag.exists());