List of usage examples for org.dom4j XPath setFunctionContext
void setFunctionContext(FunctionContext functionContext);
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License:Open Source License
/** * Exposes the bean as XML.//from ww w .ja v a 2 s .com */ public void doXml(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, @QueryParameter String xpath, @QueryParameter String wrapper, @QueryParameter String tree, @QueryParameter int depth) throws IOException, ServletException { setHeaders(rsp); String[] excludes = req.getParameterValues("exclude"); if (xpath == null && excludes == null) { // serve the whole thing rsp.serveExposedBean(req, bean, Flavor.XML); return; } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); // first write to String Model p = MODEL_BUILDER.get(bean.getClass()); TreePruner pruner = (tree != null) ? new NamedPathPruner(tree) : new ByDepth(1 - depth); p.writeTo(bean, pruner, Flavor.XML.createDataWriter(bean, sw)); // apply XPath FilteredFunctionContext functionContext = new FilteredFunctionContext(); Object result; try { Document dom = new SAXReader().read(new StringReader(sw.toString())); // apply exclusions if (excludes != null) { for (String exclude : excludes) { XPath xExclude = dom.createXPath(exclude); xExclude.setFunctionContext(functionContext); List<org.dom4j.Node> list = (List<org.dom4j.Node>) xExclude.selectNodes(dom); for (org.dom4j.Node n : list) { Element parent = n.getParent(); if (parent != null) parent.remove(n); } } } if (xpath == null) { result = dom; } else { XPath comp = dom.createXPath(xpath); comp.setFunctionContext(functionContext); List list = comp.selectNodes(dom); if (wrapper != null) { Element root = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(wrapper); for (Object o : list) { if (o instanceof String) { root.addText(o.toString()); } else { root.add(((org.dom4j.Node) o).detach()); } } result = root; } else if (list.isEmpty()) { rsp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); rsp.getWriter().print(Messages.Api_NoXPathMatch(xpath)); return; } else if (list.size() > 1) { rsp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); rsp.getWriter().print(Messages.Api_MultipleMatch(xpath, list.size())); return; } else { result = list.get(0); } } } catch (DocumentException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Failed to do XPath/wrapper handling. XML is as follows:" + sw, e); throw new IOException("Failed to do XPath/wrapper handling. Turn on FINER logging to view XML.", e); } if (isSimpleOutput(result) && !permit(req)) { // simple output prohibited rsp.sendError(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "primitive XPath result sets forbidden; implement"); return; } // switch to gzipped output OutputStream o = rsp.getCompressedOutputStream(req); try { if (isSimpleOutput(result)) { // simple output allowed rsp.setContentType("text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); String text = result instanceof CharacterData ? ((CharacterData) result).getText() : result.toString(); o.write(text.getBytes("UTF-8")); return; } // otherwise XML rsp.setContentType("application/xml;charset=UTF-8"); new XMLWriter(o).write(result); } finally { o.close(); } }
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License:Open Source License
protected XPath getXPath(String exp, Document datDoc, Activity activity) { XPath xp = datDoc.createXPath(exp); XPathFunctionContext xpfc = new XPathFunctionContext(false); xpfc.registerFunction(null, "sub-activities", new XPFuncSubActivities(activity)); xpfc.registerFunction(null, "is-sub", new XPFuncIsSub(activity)); xpfc.registerFunction(null, "parent", new XPFuncParent(activity)); RulesXPathFunctions.initFunctionContext(xpfc, this, activity); xp.setFunctionContext(xpfc); // Entity variables here... EntityManager entMan = new EntityManager(SecurityAssociation.getUser()); List<EntityActivity> entRecList = entMan.recordsAllInActivity(activity); if (!entRecList.isEmpty()) { String entityId = null;//from w w w .ja va 2 s.c o m String entName = null; SimpleVariableContext svc = new SimpleVariableContext(); xp.setVariableContext(svc); HashMap<String, ArrayList<EntityLazyRecordRoot>> entMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<EntityLazyRecordRoot>>(); for (EntityActivity entAct : entMan.recordsAllInActivity(activity)) { try { if (!entAct.getEntityId().equals(entityId)) { entityId = entAct.getEntityId(); entName =, false).getUri()); } String relName = XMLWriter.nmTokenFilter(entAct.getName()); ArrayList<EntityLazyRecordRoot> ls = entMap.get(relName); if (ls == null) { ls = new ArrayList<EntityLazyRecordRoot>(); entMap.put(relName, ls); } ls.add(new EntityLazyRecordRoot(entMan, entName, String.valueOf(entAct.getRecordId()), relName)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Entity rules problem", ex); } } for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<EntityLazyRecordRoot>> nmList : entMap.entrySet()) { ArrayList ls = nmList.getValue(); svc.setVariableValue(nmList.getKey(), ls); } } return xp; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Evaluates an XPath expression/* w ww . ja v a 2s. c om*/ */ public static Object evaluate(final URIResolver uriResolver, Object context, final VariableContextImpl variableContext, final DocumentContext documentContext, final LocationData locationData, String select, NamespaceContext namespaceContext) { FunctionContext functionContext = new FunctionContext() { public org.jaxen.Function getFunction(final String namespaceURI, final String prefix, final String localName) { // Override document() and doc() if (/*namespaceURI == null &&*/ ("document".equals(localName) || "doc".equals(localName))) { return new org.jaxen.Function() { public Object call(Context jaxenContext, List args) { try { String url = (String) Dom4jUtils.createXPath("string(.)").evaluate(args.get(0)); Document result = documentContext.getDocument(url); if (result == null) { Source source = uriResolver.resolve(url, locationData.getSystemID()); if (!(source instanceof SAXSource)) throw new ValidationException("Unsupported source type", locationData); XMLReader xmlReader = ((SAXSource) source).getXMLReader(); LocationSAXContentHandler contentHandler = new LocationSAXContentHandler(); xmlReader.setContentHandler(contentHandler); xmlReader.parse(new InputSource()); result = contentHandler.getDocument(); documentContext.addDocument(url, result); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ValidationException(e, locationData); } } }; } else if (/*namespaceURI == null &&*/ "get-namespace-uri-for-prefix".equals(localName)) { return new org.jaxen.Function() { public Object call(Context jaxenContext, List args) { String prefix = (String) Dom4jUtils.createXPath("string(.)").evaluate(args.get(0)); Element element = null; if (args.get(1) instanceof List) { List list = (List) args.get(1); if (list.size() == 1) element = (Element) list.get(0); } else if (args.get(1) instanceof Element) { element = (Element) args.get(1); } if (element == null) throw new ValidationException("An element is expected as the second argument " + "in get-namespace-uri-for-prefix()", locationData); return element.getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix); } }; } else if (/*namespaceURI == null &&*/ "distinct-values".equals(localName)) { return new org.jaxen.Function() { public Object call(Context jaxenContext, List args) { List originalList = args.get(0) instanceof List ? (List) args.get(0) : Collections.singletonList(args.get(0)); List resultList = new ArrayList(); XPath stringXPath = Dom4jUtils.createXPath("string(.)"); for (Iterator i = originalList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object item = (Object); String itemString = (String) stringXPath.evaluate(item); if (!resultList.contains(itemString)) resultList.add(itemString); } return resultList; } }; } else if (/*namespaceURI == null &&*/ "evaluate".equals(localName)) { return new org.jaxen.Function() { public Object call(Context jaxenContext, List args) { try { if (args.size() != 3) { try { return XPathFunctionContext.getInstance().getFunction(namespaceURI, prefix, localName); } catch (UnresolvableException e) { throw new ValidationException(e, locationData); } } else { String xpathString = (String) Dom4jUtils.createXPath("string(.)") .evaluate(args.get(0)); XPath xpath = Dom4jUtils.createXPath(xpathString); Map namespaceURIs = new HashMap(); List namespaces = (List) args.get(1); for (Iterator i = namespaces.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { org.dom4j.Namespace namespace = (org.dom4j.Namespace); namespaceURIs.put(namespace.getPrefix(), namespace.getURI()); } xpath.setNamespaceURIs(namespaceURIs); return xpath.evaluate(args.get(2)); } } catch (InvalidXPathException e) { throw new ValidationException(e, locationData); } } }; } else if (/*namespaceURI == null &&*/ "tokenize".equals(localName)) { return new org.jaxen.Function() { public Object call(Context jaxenContext, List args) { try { String input = (String) Dom4jUtils.createXPath("string(.)").evaluate(args.get(0)); String pattern = (String) Dom4jUtils.createXPath("string(.)").evaluate(args.get(1)); List result = new ArrayList(); while (input.length() != 0) { int position = input.indexOf(pattern); if (position != -1) { result.add(input.substring(0, position)); input = input.substring(position + 1); } else { result.add(input); input = ""; } } return result; } catch (InvalidXPathException e) { throw new ValidationException(e, locationData); } } }; } else if (/*namespaceURI == null &&*/ "string-join".equals(localName)) { return new org.jaxen.Function() { public Object call(Context jaxenContext, List args) { try { List strings = (List) args.get(0); String pattern = (String) Dom4jUtils.createXPath("string(.)").evaluate(args.get(1)); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); boolean isFirst = true; for (Iterator i = strings.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { if (!isFirst) result.append(pattern); else isFirst = false; String item = (String) (String) Dom4jUtils.createXPath("string(.)") .evaluate(; result.append(item); } return result.toString(); } catch (InvalidXPathException e) { throw new ValidationException(e, locationData); } } }; } else if (/*namespaceURI == null &&*/ "reverse".equals(localName)) { return new org.jaxen.Function() { public Object call(Context jaxenContext, List args) { try { List result = new ArrayList((List) args.get(0)); Collections.reverse(result); return result; } catch (InvalidXPathException e) { throw new ValidationException(e, locationData); } } }; } else { try { // Go through standard XPath functions return XPathFunctionContext.getInstance().getFunction(namespaceURI, prefix, localName); } catch (UnresolvableException e) { // User-defined function try { final Closure closure = findClosure( variableContext.getVariableValue(namespaceURI, prefix, localName)); if (closure == null) throw new ValidationException( "'" + qualifiedName(prefix, localName) + "' is not a function", locationData); return new org.jaxen.Function() { public Object call(Context context, List args) { return closure.execute(args); } }; } catch (UnresolvableException e2) { throw new ValidationException("Cannot invoke function '" + qualifiedName(prefix, localName) + "', no such function", locationData); } } } } private Closure findClosure(Object xpathObject) { if (xpathObject instanceof Closure) { return (Closure) xpathObject; } else if (xpathObject instanceof List) { for (Iterator i = ((List) xpathObject).iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Closure closure = findClosure(; if (closure != null) return closure; } return null; } else { return null; } } }; try { // Create XPath XPath xpath = Dom4jUtils.createXPath(select); // Set variable, namespace, and function context if (context instanceof Context) { // Create a new context, as Jaxen may modify the current node in the context (is this a bug?) Context currentContext = (Context) context; Context newContext = new Context(new ContextSupport(namespaceContext, functionContext, variableContext, DocumentNavigator.getInstance())); newContext.setNodeSet(currentContext.getNodeSet()); newContext.setSize(currentContext.getSize()); newContext.setPosition(currentContext.getPosition()); context = newContext; } else { xpath.setVariableContext(variableContext); xpath.setNamespaceContext(namespaceContext); xpath.setFunctionContext(functionContext); } // Execute XPath return xpath.evaluate(context); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ValidationException(e, locationData); } }
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License:Open Source License
private static void hookupPath(org.dom4j.XPath path, Map prefixes, VariableContext variableContext, FunctionContext functionContext) { if (prefixes != null) path.setNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(prefixes)); if (variableContext != null) path.setVariableContext(variableContext); if (functionContext != null) { final FunctionContext _functionContext = functionContext; path.setFunctionContext(new FunctionContext() { public Function getFunction(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String localName) throws UnresolvableException { Function f = _functionContext.getFunction(namespaceURI, prefix, localName); if (f != null) return f; else return XPathFunctionContext.getInstance().getFunction(namespaceURI, prefix, localName); }/* w ww . ja va m*/ }); } }