Example usage for Java org.dom4j XPath fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
boolean | booleanValueOf(Object context) Retrieve a boolean-value interpretation of this XPath expression when evaluated against a given context. |
Object | evaluate(Object context)evaluate evaluates an XPath expression and returns the result as an Object . |
String | getText()getText will return the textual version of the XPath expression. |
boolean | matches(Node node)matches returns true if the given node matches the XPath expression. |
List | selectNodes(Object context)selectNodes performs this XPath expression on the given Node or List of Node s instances appending all the results together into a single list. |
List | selectNodes(Object context, XPath sortXPath)selectNodes evaluates the XPath expression on the given Node or List of Node s and returns the result as a List of Node s sorted by the sort XPath expression. |
Node | selectSingleNode(Object context)selectSingleNode evaluates this XPath expression on the given Node or List of Node s and returns the result as a single Node instance. |
void | setFunctionContext(FunctionContext functionContext) Sets the function context to be used when evaluating XPath expressions |
void | setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext namespaceContext) Sets the namespace context to be used when evaluating XPath expressions |
void | setNamespaceURIs(Map Sets the current NamespaceContext from a Map where the keys are the String namespace prefixes and the values are the namespace URIs. |
void | setVariableContext(VariableContext variableContext) Sets the variable context to be used when evaluating XPath expressions |
String | valueOf(Object context)valueOf evaluates this XPath expression and returns the textual representation of the results using the XPath string() function. |