List of usage examples for org.dom4j QName QName
public QName(String name, Namespace namespace)
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public Object getMetaData(String type) throws WGSystemException, WGIllegalArgumentException, WGBackendException { if (type.equals(WGContent.META_TITLE)) { return this.item.elementText("title"); } else if (type.equals(WGContent.META_VIRTUAL_LINK)) { return this.item.elementText("link"); } else if (type.equals(WGContent.META_VIRTUAL_LINK_TYPE)) { return WGContent.VIRTUALLINKTYPE_EXTERNAL; } else if (type.equals(WGDocument.META_CREATED) || type.equals(WGDocument.META_LASTMODIFIED)) { try {/*from w w w.ja va2s . co m*/ return this.DATE_FORMATTER.parse(this.item.elementText(new QName("date", dcns))); } catch (ParseException e) { return new Date(); } } else if (type.equals(WGContent.META_AUTHOR)) { return this.item.elementText(new QName("creator", dcns)); } else if (type.equals(WGContent.META_STRUCTENTRY)) { String key = this.item.elementText("guid"); if (key == null || key.equals("")) { key = this.key; } return key; } else if (type.equals(WGContent.META_KEYWORDS)) { return this.item.elements("category"); } else if (type.equals(WGContent.META_LANGUAGE)) { String lang = QName("language", dcns)); if (lang == null || lang.equals("")) { lang = "uni"; } else if (lang.indexOf("-") != -1) { lang = lang.substring(0, lang.indexOf("-")); } return lang; } else { return super.getMetaData(type); } }
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private List getItemsList() { if (this.itemsList == null) { if (isRSS1) { this.itemsList = this.doc.getRootElement().elements(new QName("item", Namespace.get(NS_RSS1_PURL))); if (this.itemsList.size() == 0) { this.itemsList = this.doc.getRootElement() .elements(new QName("item", Namespace.get(NS_RSS1_NETSCAPE))); }// w ww .ja v a m } else { this.itemsList = this.doc.selectNodes("//item"); } } return this.itemsList; }
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private Element getChannel() { if ( == null) { if (isRSS1) { = (Element) this.doc.getRootElement() .element(new QName("channel", Namespace.get(NS_RSS1_PURL))); if ( == null) { = (Element) this.doc.getRootElement() .element(new QName("channel", Namespace.get(NS_RSS1_NETSCAPE))); }/*from w w w .j a va 2 s.c o m*/ } else { = (Element) this.doc.selectSingleNode("//channel"); } } return; }
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License:Open Source License
public static TMLAction buildActionFromScriptModule(WGCSSJSModule mod, ObjectStrategy defaultObjectStrategy) throws TMLActionException, WGAPIException { String code = mod.getCode().trim(); TMLAction action = null;//from w w w .ja va2 s . c om // See if code is surrounded by <tml:action> Tag. Parse it out to get // flags if (code.startsWith("<tml:action")) { List<String> codelines = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(code, "\n"); if (codelines.size() < 2) { throw new TMLActionException( "Too few lines for action script module. A script module that begins with <tml:action> must a) have this tag on a separate line and b) end with </tml:action> on a separate line"); } // Take first and last line of code and try to parse them as XML String actionXML = ACTION_XML_PREFIX + ((String) codelines.get(0)) + ((String) codelines.get(codelines.size() - 1)) + ACTION_XML_SUFFIX; String actionCode = ""; if (codelines.size() >= 3) { actionCode = WGUtils.serializeCollection(codelines.subList(1, codelines.size() - 1), "\n"); } // Parse out action flags boolean master = false; boolean async = false; boolean debounce = true; int timeout = RhinoExpressionEngine.DEFAULT_SCRIPTTIMEOUT; try { Document actionDOM = DocumentHelper.parseText(actionXML); Element actionElement = actionDOM.getRootElement() .element(new QName("action", new Namespace("tml", "urn:webtml"))); master = WGUtils.stringToBoolean(actionElement.attributeValue("master", "false")); async = WGUtils.stringToBoolean(actionElement.attributeValue("async", "false")); debounce = WGUtils.stringToBoolean(actionElement.attributeValue("debounce", "true")); try { timeout = Integer.parseInt(actionElement.attributeValue("timeout", new Integer(RhinoExpressionEngine.DEFAULT_SCRIPTTIMEOUT).toString())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new TMLActionException( "Unparseable action timeout: " + actionElement.attributeValue("timeout")); } action = new TMLAction(actionCode, master, async, debounce, ORIGIN_SCRIPT_MODULE); action.setTimeout(timeout); } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new TMLActionException("Unable to build action from script module", e); } } // No tag surrounds the action code. Take the code unmodified else { action = new TMLAction(code, false, false, true, ORIGIN_SCRIPT_MODULE); } if (action != null) { action.setDesignReference(new DesignResourceReference(mod)); action.setModuleDate(mod.getLastModified()); action.setID(action.getModuleDatabase() + "/" + action.getModuleName()); // Determine object strategy: May be modified by strategy determined on module. ObjectStrategy objectStrategy = defaultObjectStrategy; String determinedObjectStrategyStr = (String) mod .getExtensionData(RhinoExpressionEngine.EXTDATA_OBJECTSTRATEGY); if (determinedObjectStrategyStr != null) { objectStrategy = ObjectStrategy.valueOf(determinedObjectStrategyStr); } action.setObjectStrategy(objectStrategy); // Determine name of eventually included object from original filename String sourceFileName = mod.getSourceFileName(); if (sourceFileName != null) { String objectName = DesignDirectory.getTMLScriptObjectName(sourceFileName); action.setObjectName(objectName); } } return action; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Adds a new item to the roster. If the roster packet already contains an item * using the same JID, the information in the existing item will be overwritten * with the new information.<p>/*from w ww . j a va2s .c o m*/ * * The XMPP specification recommends that if the roster item is associated with another * instant messaging user (human), that the JID be in bare form (e.g. user@domain). * Use the {@link JID#toBareJID() toBareJID()} method for a bare JID. * * @param jid the JID. * @param name the nickname. * @param ask the ask type. * @param subscription the subscription type. * @param groups a Collection of groups. * @return the newly created item. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Item addItem(JID jid, String name, Ask ask, Subscription subscription, Collection<String> groups) { if (jid == null) { throw new NullPointerException("JID cannot be null"); } if (subscription == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Subscription cannot be null"); } Element query = element.element(new QName("query", Namespace.get("jabber:iq:roster"))); if (query == null) { query = element.addElement("query", "jabber:iq:roster"); } Element item = null; for (Iterator<Element> i = query.elementIterator("item"); i.hasNext();) { Element el =; if (el.attributeValue("jid").equals(jid.toString())) { item = el; } } if (item == null) { item = query.addElement("item"); } item.addAttribute("jid", jid.toBareJID()); item.addAttribute("name", name); if (ask != null) { item.addAttribute("ask", ask.toString()); } item.addAttribute("subscription", subscription.toString()); // Erase existing groups in case the item previously existed. for (Iterator<Element> i = item.elementIterator("group"); i.hasNext();) { item.remove(; } // Add in groups. if (groups != null) { for (String group : groups) { item.addElement("group").setText(group); } } return new Item(jid, name, ask, subscription, groups); }
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/** * Removes an item from this roster./*from w ww . j a va2 s . c o m*/ * * @param jid the JID of the item to remove. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void removeItem(JID jid) { Element query = element.element(new QName("query", Namespace.get("jabber:iq:roster"))); if (query != null) { for (Iterator<Element> i = query.elementIterator("item"); i.hasNext();) { Element item =; if (item.attributeValue("jid").equals(jid.toString())) { query.remove(item); return; } } } }
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/** * Returns an unmodifiable copy of the {@link Item Items} in the roster packet. * * @return an unmodifable copy of the {@link Item Items} in the roster packet. *//*from www . j a v a 2s .c om*/ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection<Item> getItems() { Collection<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(); Element query = element.element(new QName("query", Namespace.get("jabber:iq:roster"))); if (query != null) { for (Iterator<Element> i = query.elementIterator("item"); i.hasNext();) { Element item =; String jid = item.attributeValue("jid"); String name = item.attributeValue("name"); String ask = item.attributeValue("ask"); String subscription = item.attributeValue("subscription"); Collection<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Iterator<Element> j = item.elementIterator("group"); j.hasNext();) { Element group =; groups.add(group.getText().trim()); } Ask askStatus = ask == null ? null : Ask.valueOf(ask); Subscription subStatus = subscription == null ? null : Subscription.valueOf(subscription); items.add(new Item(new JID(jid), name, askStatus, subStatus, groups)); } } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(items); }
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private Identifier createOrLookupUser(TripleStore es, String user) throws TripleStoreException, IOException { Identifier uid = null;/*w w w. j av a2 s.c o m*/ if (!StringUtils.isBlank(user)) { // lookup the user from the event triplestore String query = "SELECT ?sub WHERE { ?sub <" + rdfNS + "type> ?type . ?type <" + rdfNS + "label> '\"mads:PersonalName\"' . " + "?sub <" + madsNS + "authoritativeLabel> ?val . FILTER ( lcase( ?val ) = lcase('\"" + user + "\"'))}"; BindingIterator it = es.sparqlSelect(query); if (it.hasNext()) uid = Identifier.publicURI(it.nextBinding().get("sub")); else { // mint ARK for the new user String minterURL = idMinters.get(minterDefault) + "1"; String userARK = HttpUtil.get(minterURL); userARK = userARK.replaceAll(".*/", "").trim(); uid = userID = Identifier.publicURI(idNS + userARK); Namespace madsNamespace = new Namespace("mads", madsNS); Namespace rdfNamespace = new Namespace("rdf", rdfNS); Element rdf = createRdfRootElement(); Element name = rdf.addElement(new QName("PersonalName", madsNamespace)); name.addAttribute(new QName("about", rdfNamespace), uid.getId()); addTextElement(name, "authoritativeLabel", madsNamespace, user); Element el = addElement(name, "elementList", madsNamespace); el.addAttribute(new QName("parseType", rdfNamespace), "Collection"); Element ne = addElement(el, "NameElement", madsNamespace); addTextElement(ne, "elementValue", madsNamespace, user); // add the user record to the event triplestore InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(rdf.getDocument().asXML().getBytes()); Map info = objectEdit(userARK, true, in, null, null, null, null, es, es, null); in.close(); int statusCode = (int) info.get("statusCode"); if (statusCode != 201) throw new TripleStoreException( "Error status code" + statusCode + ": " + (String) info.get("message")); } } return uid; }
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private static Element addElement(Branch parent, String elemName, Namespace ns) { return parent.addElement(new QName(elemName, ns)); }
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License:Open Source License
public static void removeNS(Element elem) { elem.remove(elem.getNamespace());//w ww . j av a 2 s.c o m elem.setQName(new QName(elem.getQName().getName(), Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)); // fix children List children = elem.elements(); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { Element child = (Element) children.get(i); removeNS(child); } }