Java tutorial
package edu.ucsd.library.dams.api; import static javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY; import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST; import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED; import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN; import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND; import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.SC_OK; import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE; import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; // java core api import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; // naming import javax.activation.FileDataSource; import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; // servlet api import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; // jms queue import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory; import javax.jms.Connection; import javax.jms.DeliveryMode; import javax.jms.Destination; import javax.jms.JMSException; import javax.jms.Message; import javax.jms.MessageProducer; import javax.jms.Session; import javax.jms.TextMessage; // logging import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata; import org.apache.tika.parser.AutoDetectParser; import org.apache.tika.parser.ParseContext; import org.apache.tika.parser.Parser; import org.apache.tika.sax.BodyContentHandler; // post/put file attachments import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.SizeLimitExceededException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload; // commons-lang import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.dom4j.Branch; // dom4j import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Namespace; import org.dom4j.QName; // xsl import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import; import; // xml streaming import; import; // json import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator; // dams import edu.ucsd.library.dams.file.Checksum; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.file.FileStore; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.file.FileStoreUtil; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.file.ImageMagick; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.file.Ffmpeg; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.file.impl.LocalStore; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.jhove.FfmpegUtil; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.jhove.JhoveInfo; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.jhove.MyJhoveBase; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.model.DAMSObject; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.model.Event; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.triple.ArkTranslator; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.triple.BindingIterator; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.triple.Identifier; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.triple.Statement; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.triple.StatementIterator; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.triple.TripleStore; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.triple.TripleStoreException; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.triple.TripleStoreUtil; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.triple.Validator; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.triple.edit.Edit; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.util.Ezid; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.util.EzidException; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.util.HttpUtil; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.util.LDAPUtil; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.util.OutputStreamer; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.util.JSONOutputStreamer; import edu.ucsd.library.dams.util.XMLOutputStreamer; /** * Servlet implementing the DAMS REST API. * @author * @author **/ public class DAMSAPIServlet extends HttpServlet { //======================================================================== // Servlet init and shared state //======================================================================== // logging private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DAMSAPIServlet.class); protected Properties props; // config private String appVersion; // application (user) version private String srcVersion; // source code version private String buildTimestamp; // timestamp application was built // default output format private String formatDefault; // output format to use when not specified // default data stores protected String fsDefault; // FileStore to be used when not specified protected String fsStaging; // local staging directory protected Map<String, String> fsUseMap; // default use values protected String tsDefault; // TripleStore to be used when not specified protected String tsEvents; // TripleStore to be used for events // identifiers and namespaces protected String minterDefault; // ID series when not specified private Map<String, String> idMinters; // ID series name=>url map protected Map<String, String> nsmap; // URI/name to URI map protected String idNS; // Prefix for unqualified identifiers protected String prNS; // Prefix for unqualified predicates protected String rdfNS; // Prefix for RDF predicates protected String madsNS; // Prefix for MADS ontology predicates protected Set<String> validClasses; // valid class URIs protected Set<String> validProperties;// valid predicate URIs // uploads private int uploadCount = 0; // current number of uploads being processed private int maxUploadCount; // number of concurrent uploads allowed private long maxUploadSize; // largest allowed upload size private String backupDir; // directory to store temporary edit backups // xslt config protected String xslBase; // base dir for server-side XSL stylesheets private String encodingDefault; // default character encoding // ip address mapping protected String roleSuper; // superuser role protected String roleLocal; // local-user role protected String roleAdmin; // default admin role protected String roleAdmin2; // secondary admin role protected String roleDefault; // default role if not matching protected String localCopyright; // local copyright owner private SortedMap<String, String[]> roleMap; // map of roles to IP addresses // fedora compat protected String fedoraObjectDS; // datastream id that maps to object RDF protected String fedoraRightsDS; // datastream id that maps to rights protected String fedoraLinksDS; // datastream id that maps to links protected String fedoraSystemDS; // datastream id that maps to system info protected String sampleObject; // sample object for fedora demo protected String adminEmail; // email address of system admin protected String fedoraCompat; // fedora version emulated protected boolean fedoraDebug; // debug output of ds PUT/POST content // derivatives creation private Map<String, String> derivativesRes; // derivatives resolution map private Map<String, String> derivativesUse; // derivatives use value map private Map<String, String> videoDerivativesRes; // video derivatives resolution map private Map<String, String> videoDerivativesUse; // video derivatives use value map private Map<String, String> ffmpegCodecParamsMap; // ffmpeg codec map for derivative creation private String derivativesExt; // extension for derivs private String magickCommand; // ImageMagick command private String ffmpegCommand; // ffmpeg command private long jhoveMaxSize; // local file cache size limit // number detection private static Pattern numberPattern = null; private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ssZ"); // ldap for group lookup private LDAPUtil ldaputil; // activemq for solrizer boolean queueEnabled = true; private String queueUrl; private String queueName; private ActiveMQConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory; private Connection queueConnection; private Session queueSession; MessageProducer queueProducer; // stats tracking protected List<Long> pstTimes = new ArrayList<Long>(); protected List<Long> getTimes = new ArrayList<Long>(); protected List<Long> putTimes = new ArrayList<Long>(); protected List<Long> delTimes = new ArrayList<Long>(); // object rdf/xml caching private static HashMap<String, String> cacheContent = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static LinkedList<String> cacheAccess = new LinkedList<String>(); private static int cacheSize = 10; // max objects in cache, 0 = disabled // doi minting private Ezid ezid; private String ezidTargetUrl; // request user id private String user = null; private Identifier userID = null; private String client = null; protected static synchronized void cacheAdd(String objid, String content) { if (cacheSize > 0) { if (!cacheContent.containsKey(objid)) { while (cacheContent.size() >= cacheSize) { cacheContent.remove(cacheAccess.pop()); } } cacheContent.put(objid, content); cacheAccess.add(objid); } } protected static synchronized String cacheGet(String objid) { if (cacheSize > 0) { cacheAccess.remove(objid); cacheAccess.add(objid); return cacheContent.get(objid); } else { return null; } } protected String cacheUpdate(String objid, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es) { // Q: serialize with events? performance implications? String rdfxml = null; Map info = objectShow(objid, ts, es); // static??? if (info.get("obj") != null) { DAMSObject obj = (DAMSObject) info.get("obj"); try { rdfxml = obj.getRDFXML(true); if (rdfxml != null) { cacheAdd(objid, rdfxml); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error retrieving RDF/XML", ex); } } return rdfxml; } protected static void cacheRemove(String objid) { if (cacheSize > 0) { cacheContent.remove(objid); cacheAccess.remove(objid); } } protected static void cacheClear() { if (cacheSize > 0) { cacheContent.clear(); cacheAccess.clear(); } } // initialize servlet parameters public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { ServletContext ctx = config.getServletContext(); config(ctx); appVersion = ctx.getInitParameter("app-version"); srcVersion = ctx.getInitParameter("src-version"); buildTimestamp = ctx.getInitParameter("build-timestamp"); super.init(config); } protected synchronized String config(ServletContext context) { String error = null; try { props = loadConfig(); // default output format formatDefault = props.getProperty("format.default"); // editor backup save dir backupDir = props.getProperty("edit.backupDir"); // identifiers/namespaces minterDefault = props.getProperty("minters.default"); idMinters = new HashMap<String, String>(); String minterList = props.getProperty("minters.list"); String[] minterNames = minterList.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < minterNames.length; i++) { idMinters.put(minterNames[i], props.getProperty("minters." + minterNames[i])); } nsmap = TripleStoreUtil.namespaceMap(props); idNS = nsmap.get("damsid"); prNS = nsmap.get("dams"); rdfNS = nsmap.get("rdf"); madsNS = nsmap.get("mads"); // load valid class/predicate lists validClasses = loadSet(context, "/WEB-INF/valid-classes.txt"); validProperties = loadSet(context, "/WEB-INF/valid-properties.txt"); // xslt config encodingDefault = props.getProperty("solr.encoding"); xslBase = context.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/xsl") + File.separatorChar;"Fedora xsl files directory: " + xslBase); // access control localCopyright = props.getProperty("role.localCopyright"); roleDefault = props.getProperty("role.default"); roleLocal = props.getProperty("role.local"); roleAdmin = props.getProperty("role.admin"); roleAdmin2 = props.getProperty("role.admin2"); roleSuper = props.getProperty("role.super"); String roleList = props.getProperty("role.list"); String[] roles = roleList.split(","); roleMap = new TreeMap<String, String[]>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) { String ipList = props.getProperty("role." + roles[i] + ".iplist"); String[] ipArray = ipList.split(","); roleMap.put(roles[i], ipArray); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error parsing roles: " + ex.toString(), ex); } // triplestores tsDefault = props.getProperty("ts.default"); tsEvents = props.getProperty(""); // files fsDefault = props.getProperty("fs.default"); fsStaging = props.getProperty("fs.staging"); maxUploadCount = getPropInt(props, "fs.maxUploadCount", -1); maxUploadSize = getPropLong(props, "fs.maxUploadSize", -1L); fsUseMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Enumeration e = props.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String key = (String) e.nextElement(); if (key != null && key.startsWith("fs.usemap.")) { String ext = key.substring(10); String use = props.getProperty(key); if (use != null) { fsUseMap.put(ext, use); } } } // fedora compat fedoraObjectDS = props.getProperty("fedora.objectDS"); fedoraRightsDS = props.getProperty("fedora.rightsDS"); fedoraLinksDS = props.getProperty("fedora.linksDS"); fedoraSystemDS = props.getProperty("fedora.systemDS"); sampleObject = props.getProperty("fedora.samplePID"); adminEmail = props.getProperty("fedora.adminEmail"); fedoraCompat = props.getProperty("fedora.compatVersion"); if (props.getProperty("fedora.debug") != null) { fedoraDebug = props.getProperty("fedora.debug").equals("true"); } // derivative list derivativesExt = props.getProperty("derivatives.ext"); String derList = props.getProperty("derivatives.list"); derivativesRes = new HashMap<String, String>(); derivativesUse = new HashMap<String, String>(); loadDerivativesConfig(derList, derivativesRes, derivativesUse); // video derivative list String derVideoList = props.getProperty(""); videoDerivativesRes = new HashMap<String, String>(); videoDerivativesUse = new HashMap<String, String>(); loadDerivativesConfig(derVideoList, videoDerivativesRes, videoDerivativesUse); // ImageMagick convert command magickCommand = props.getProperty("magick.convert"); if (magickCommand == null) magickCommand = "convert"; // Ffmpeg convert command ffmpegCommand = props.getProperty("ffmpeg"); if (ffmpegCommand == null) ffmpegCommand = "ffmpeg"; // Jhove configuration String jhoveConf = props.getProperty("jhove.conf"); if (jhoveConf != null) MyJhoveBase.setJhoveConfig(jhoveConf); // Jhove zip model configuration String jhoveZipModelCommand = props.getProperty("jhove.zipModel.command"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jhoveZipModelCommand)) MyJhoveBase.setZipModelCommand(jhoveZipModelCommand); // Jhove gzip model configuration String jhoveGzipModelCommand = props.getProperty("jhove.gzipModel.command"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jhoveGzipModelCommand)) MyJhoveBase.setGzipModelCommand(jhoveGzipModelCommand); jhoveMaxSize = getPropLong(props, "jhove.maxSize", -1L); // ldap for group lookup ldaputil = new LDAPUtil(props); // cache size cacheSize = getPropInt(props, "ts.cacheSize", 0); cacheClear(); // clear cache // queue queueUrl = props.getProperty("queue.url"); queueName = props.getProperty(""); if (queueEnabled && queueUrl != null) { try { queueConnectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(queueUrl); queueConnection = queueConnectionFactory.createConnection(); queueConnection.start(); queueSession = queueConnection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); queueProducer = queueSession.createProducer(queueSession.createTopic(queueName)); queueProducer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT);"JMS Queue: " + queueUrl + "/" + queueName); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error initializing JMS queue: " + ex.toString(), ex); } } // doi minter ezidTargetUrl = props.getProperty(""); String ezidHost = props.getProperty(""); String ezidShoulder = props.getProperty("ezid.shoulder"); String ezidUser = props.getProperty("ezid.user"); String ezidPass = props.getProperty("ezid.pass"); if (ezidHost != null && ezidShoulder != null && ezidUser != null && ezidPass != null) { ezid = new Ezid(ezidHost, ezidShoulder, ezidUser, ezidPass); } else { ezid = null; } // ffmpeg codec params for derivative creation ffmpegCodecParamsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String ffmpegCodecParams = props.getProperty("ffmpeg.codec.params"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ffmpegCodecParams)) { String[] codecParams = ffmpegCodecParams.split("\\;"); for (String codecParam : codecParams) { String[] keyValPair = codecParam.trim().split("\\|"); ffmpegCodecParamsMap.put(keyValPair[0].trim(), keyValPair[1]); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error initializing", ex); error = ex.toString(); } return error; } protected Map systemInfo(HttpServletRequest req) { String baseURL = req.getScheme() + "://" + req.getServerName() + ":" + req.getServerPort() + req.getContextPath(); Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("sampleObject", sampleObject); info.put("adminEmail", adminEmail); info.put("fedoraCompat", fedoraCompat); info.put("baseURL", baseURL); return info; } //======================================================================== // REST API methods //======================================================================== /** * HTTP GET methods to retrieve objects and datastream metadata and files. * Calls to GET should not change state in any way. **/ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map info = null; boolean outputRequired = true; // set to false to suppress status output FileStore fs = null; TripleStore ts = null; TripleStore es = null; try { // parse request URI String[] path = path(req); fs = FileStoreUtil.getFileStore(props, fsDefault); // GET /collections if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("collections")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = collectionListAll(ts); } // GET /collections/bb1234567x else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("collections")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = collectionListObjects(path[2], ts); } // GET /collections/bb1234567x/count else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("collections") && path[3].equals("count")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = collectionCount(path[2], ts); } // GET /collections/bb1234567x/embargo else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("collections") && path[3].equals("embargo")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = collectionEmbargo(path[2], ts); } // GET /collections/bb1234567x/files else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("collections") && path[3].equals("files")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = collectionListFiles(path[2], ts); } // GET /units else if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("units")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = unitListAll(ts); } // GET /units/bb1234567x else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("units")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = unitListObjects(path[2], ts); } // GET /units/bb1234567x/count else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("units") && path[3].equals("count")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = unitCount(path[2], ts); } // GET /units/bb1234567x/embargo else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("units") && path[3].equals("embargo")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = unitEmbargo(path[2], ts); } // GET /units/bb1234567x/files else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("units") && path[3].equals("files")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = unitListFiles(path[2], ts); } // GET /events/bb1234567x else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("events")) { es = events(req); info = objectShow(path[2], es, null); if (info.get("obj") != null) { DAMSObject obj = (DAMSObject) info.get("obj"); output(obj, true, req.getParameterMap(), req.getPathInfo(), res); outputRequired = false; } } // GET /events else if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("events")) { es = events(req); info = eventsListAll(es); } // GET /records else if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("records")) { ts = triplestore(req); recordsList(ts, req.getParameterMap(), null, req.getPathInfo(), res); outputRequired = false; // streaming output } // GET /records/[type] else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("records") && !path[2].equals("")) { ts = triplestore(req); recordsList(ts, req.getParameterMap(), path[2], req.getPathInfo(), res); outputRequired = false; // streaming output } // GET /sparql else if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("sparql")) { Map<String, String[]> params = req.getParameterMap(); ts = triplestore(params); String query = getParamString(params, "query", null); sparqlQuery(query, ts, params, req.getPathInfo(), res); outputRequired = false; } // GET /objects else if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("objects")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = objectsListAll(ts); } // GET /objects/export?id=bb1111111x&id=bb2222222y&id=bb3333333z else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[2].equals("export")) { ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); String[] ids = req.getParameterValues("id"); List<String> objids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (ids[i] != null && !ids[i].trim().equals("")) { objids.add(ids[i].trim()); } } try { String xml = objectBatch(objids, ts, es); output(SC_OK, xml, "application/xml", res); outputRequired = false; } catch (Exception ex) { info = error("Error processing batch retrieval", ex); } } // GET /objects/bb1234567x else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("objects")) { ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); info = objectShow(path[2], ts, es); if (info.get("obj") != null) { DAMSObject obj = (DAMSObject) info.get("obj"); output(obj, false, req.getParameterMap(), req.getPathInfo(), res); outputRequired = false; } } // GET /objects/bb1234567x/export else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("export")) { ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); info = objectShow(path[2], ts, es); if (info.get("obj") != null) { DAMSObject obj = (DAMSObject) info.get("obj"); output(obj, true, req.getParameterMap(), req.getPathInfo(), res); outputRequired = false; } } // GET /objects/bb1234567x/exists else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("exists")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = objectExists(path[2], ts); } // GET /objects/bb1234567x/files else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("files")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = objectListFiles(path[2], ts); } // GET /objects/bb1234567x/transform else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("transform")) { ts = triplestore(req); String xsl = getParamString(req, "xsl", null); boolean export = getParamBool(req, "recursive", false); objectTransform(path[2], null, null, export, ts, null, xsl, null, null, req.getParameterMap(), req.getPathInfo(), res); outputRequired = false; } // GET /objects/bb1234567x/validate else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("validate")) { ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); info = objectValidate(path[2], fs, ts, es); } // GET /files/image-service else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("files")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = useListFiles("\"" + path[2] + "\"", ts); } // GET /files/bb1234567x/1.tif else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("files")) { fileShow(path[2], null, path[3], req, res); outputRequired = false; } // GET /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && isNumber(path[3])) { fileShow(path[2], path[3], path[4], req, res); outputRequired = false; } // GET /files/bb1234567x/1.tif/characterize else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && path[4].equals("characterize")) { info = fileCharacterize(path[2], null, path[3], false, fs, null, null, new HashMap<String, String[]>()); } // GET /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif/characterize else if (path.length == 6 && path[1].equals("files") && isNumber(path[3]) && path[5].equals("characterize")) { info = fileCharacterize(path[2], path[3], path[4], false, fs, null, null, new HashMap<String, String[]>()); } // GET /files/bb1234567x/1.tif/exists else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && path[4].equals("exists")) { info = fileExists(path[2], null, path[3], fs); } // GET /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif/exists else if (path.length == 6 && path[1].equals("files") && path[5].equals("exists") && isNumber(path[3])) { info = fileExists(path[2], path[3], path[4], fs); } // GET /files/bb1234567x/1.tif/fixity else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && path[4].equals("fixity")) { ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); info = fileFixity(path[2], null, path[3], fs, ts, es); } // GET /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif/fixity else if (path.length == 6 && path[1].equals("files") && path[5].equals("fixity") && isNumber(path[3])) { ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); info = fileFixity(path[2], path[3], path[4], fs, ts, es); } // GET /files/bb1234567x/1.tif/text else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && path[4].equals("text")) { info = extractText(path[2], null, path[3], fs); } // GET /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif/text else if (path.length == 6 && path[1].equals("files") && path[5].equals("text") && isNumber(path[3])) { info = extractText(path[2], path[3], path[4], fs); } // GET /client/info else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("client") && path[2].equals("info")) { String ip = getParamString(req, "ip", req.getRemoteAddr()); String user = getParamString(req, "user", req.getRemoteUser()); info = clientInfo(ip, user); } // GET /system/config else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("system") && path[2].equals("config")) { String err = config(getServletContext()); if (err == null) { info = status("Configuration reloaded"); } else { info = error(err, null); } } // GET /system/info else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("system") && path[2].equals("info")) { info = systemInfo(req); } // GET /system/predicates else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("system") && path[2].equals("predicates")) { ts = triplestore(req); info = predicateList(ts); } // GET /system/filestores else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("system") && path[2].equals("filestores")) { List<String> filestores = list(props, "fs.", ".className"); info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("filestores", filestores); info.put("defaultFilestore", fsDefault); } // GET /system/times else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("system") && path[2].equals("times")) { info = times(); } // GET /system/triplestores else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("system") && path[2].equals("triplestores")) { List<String> triplestores = list(props, "ts.", ".className"); info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("triplestores", triplestores); info.put("defaultTriplestore", tsDefault); info.put("eventsTriplestore", tsEvents); } // GET /system/version else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("system") && path[2].equals("version")) { info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("appVersion", appVersion); info.put("srcVersion", srcVersion); info.put("buildTimestamp", buildTimestamp); } else { info = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid request", null); } // output if (outputRequired) { // make sure a status code is set if (info.get("statusCode") == null) { info.put("statusCode", SC_OK); } output(info, req.getParameterMap(), req.getPathInfo(), res); } } catch (Exception ex2) { log.error("Error processing GET request", ex2); } finally { // cleanup cleanup(fs, ts, es); } getTimes.add(System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } /** * HTTP POST methods to create identifiers, objects, datastreams and * relationships. Calls to POST should be used to create resources. **/ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); /* // detect overloaded POST String method = params.get("method"); if ( method != null && method.equalsIgnoreCase("PUT") ) { create = false; } */ Map info = null; boolean outputRequired = true; // set to false to suppress status output FileStore fs = null; TripleStore ts = null; TripleStore es = null; Map<String, String[]> params = null; try { // parse request URI String[] path = path(req); fs = FileStoreUtil.getFileStore(props, fsDefault); // POST /index if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("index")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); String[] ids = getParamArray(params, "id", null); int priority = getParamInt(params, "priority", DEFAULT_PRIORITY); String type = getParamString(params, "type", "modifyObject"); info = indexQueue(ids, type, priority); } // POST /queue else if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("queue")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); String[] ids = getParamArray(params, "id", null); int priority = getParamInt(params, "priority", DEFAULT_PRIORITY); info = indexQueue(ids, "modifyObject", priority); } // POST /next_id else if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("next_id")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); String idMinter = getParamString(params, "name", minterDefault); int count = getParamInt(params, "count", 1); info = identifierCreate(idMinter, count); } // POST /objects/bb1234567x else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("objects")) { try { InputBundle bundle = input(req); InputStream in = bundle.getInputStream(); params = bundle.getParams(); String adds = getParamString(params, "adds", null); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = objectEdit(path[2], true, in, null, adds, null, null, ts, es, fs); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error uploading file", ex); info = error("Error uploading file", ex); } } // POST /objects/bb1234567x/mint_doi else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("mint_doi")) { try { ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = mintDOI(path[2], ts, es, fs, res); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error minting DOI", ex); info = error("Error minting DOI: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } // POST /objects/bb1234567x/merge else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("merge")) { info = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Please use PUT to merge records.", null); } // POST /objects/bb1234567x/transform else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("transform")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); String xsl = getParamString(params, "xsl", null); String dest = getParamString(params, "dest", null); boolean export = getParamBool(params, "recursive", false); if (dest != null) { cacheRemove(path[2]); } objectTransform(path[2], null, null, export, ts, es, xsl, fs, dest, req.getParameterMap(), req.getPathInfo(), res); outputRequired = false; } // POST /objects/bb1234567x/index else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("index")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); String[] ids = new String[] { path[2] }; int priority = getParamInt(req, "priority", DEFAULT_PRIORITY); boolean isCollection = isCollection(ts, es, path[2]); String indexType = isCollection ? "modifyCollection" : "modifyObject"; info = indexQueue(ids, indexType, priority); } // POST /objects/bb1234567x/serialize else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("serialize")) { String objid = path[2]; // serialize the record to disk try { ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); fs.write(objid, null, "rdf.xml", cacheUpdate(objid, ts, es).getBytes()); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error serializing RDF/XML on update", ex); info = error("Failed to serialize record " + objid + " to filestore.", ex); } } // POST /files/bb1234567x/1.tif else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("files")) { try { // make sure request is multipart with a file upload, // or that the srcfs or local params are specified if (!ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req) && req.getParameter("srcfs") == null && req.getParameter("local") == null) { info = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Multipart or srcfs/local params required", null); } else { InputBundle bundle = input(req, path[2], null, path[3]); InputStream in = bundle.getInputStream(); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileUpload(path[2], null, path[3], false, in, fs, ts, es, params); } } catch (SizeLimitExceededException ex) { log.error("File too large for upload: " + ex.getMessage()); info = error("File too large for upload (max upload size: " + maxUploadSize + "), stage locally instead", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error uploading file", ex); info = error("Error uploading file", ex); } } // POST /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && isNumber(path[3])) { try { // make sure request is multipart with a file upload or // the local or srcfs params are specified if (!ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req) && req.getParameter("srcfs") == null && req.getParameter("local") == null) { info = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Multipart or srcfs/local params required", null); } else { InputBundle bundle = input(req, path[2], path[3], path[4]); InputStream in = bundle.getInputStream(); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileUpload(path[2], path[3], path[4], false, in, fs, ts, es, params); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error uploading file", ex); info = error("Error uploading file", ex); } } // POST /files/bb1234567x/1.tif/characterize else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && path[4].equals("characterize")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileCharacterize(path[2], null, path[3], false, fs, ts, es, params); } // POST /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif/characterize else if (path.length == 6 && path[1].equals("files") && path[4].equals("characterize") && isNumber(path[3])) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileCharacterize(path[2], path[3], path[4], false, fs, ts, es, params); } // POST /files/bb1234567x/1.tif/derivatives else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && path[4].equals("derivatives")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); Map<String, String[]> params2 = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); params2.put("size", getParamArray(params, "size", null)); params2.put("frame", getParamArray(params, "frame", null)); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileDerivatives(path[2], null, path[3], false, fs, ts, es, params); } // POST /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif/derivatives else if (path.length == 6 && path[1].equals("files") && isNumber(path[3]) && path[5].equals("derivatives")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); Map<String, String[]> params2 = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); params2.put("size", getParamArray(params, "size", null)); params2.put("frame", getParamArray(params, "frame", null)); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileDerivatives(path[2], path[3], path[4], false, fs, ts, es, params); } // POST /sparql else if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("sparql")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); String query = getParamString(params, "query", null); sparqlQuery(query, ts, params, req.getPathInfo(), res); outputRequired = false; } else { info = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid request", null); } // output if (outputRequired) { // make sure a status code is set if (info.get("statusCode") == null) { info.put("statusCode", SC_OK); } // make sure we have parameters if (params == null) { params = req.getParameterMap(); } output(info, params, req.getPathInfo(), res); } } catch (Exception ex2) { log.error("Error processing POST request", ex2); } finally { // cleanup cleanup(fs, ts, es); } pstTimes.add(System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } /** * HTTP PUT methods to modify objects and datastreams. Calls to PUT should * be used to modify existing resources. **/ public void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map info = null; FileStore fs = null; TripleStore ts = null; TripleStore es = null; Map<String, String[]> params = null; try { // parse request URI String[] path = path(req); fs = FileStoreUtil.getFileStore(props, fsDefault); // PUT /objects/bb1234567x if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("objects")) { try { InputBundle bundle = input(req); InputStream in = bundle.getInputStream(); params = bundle.getParams(); String adds = getParamString(params, "adds", null); String updates = getParamString(params, "updates", null); String deletes = getParamString(params, "deletes", null); String mode = getParamString(params, "mode", null); ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = objectEdit(path[2], false, in, mode, adds, updates, deletes, ts, es, fs); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error updating object", ex); info = error("Error updating object", ex); } } // PUT /objects/bb1234567x/merge else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("merge")) { try { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); info = mergeRecords(path[2], params, ts, es, fs); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error merging records to " + path[2], ex); info = error("Error merging records(s) to " + path[2], ex); } } // PUT /files/bb1234567x/1.tif else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("files")) { try { InputBundle bundle = input(req, path[2], null, path[3]); InputStream in = bundle.getInputStream(); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileUpload(path[2], null, path[3], true, in, fs, ts, es, params); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error updating file", ex); info = error("Error updating file", ex); } } // PUT /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && isNumber(path[3])) { try { InputBundle bundle = input(req, path[2], path[3], path[4]); InputStream in = bundle.getInputStream(); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileUpload(path[2], path[3], path[4], true, in, fs, ts, es, params); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error updating file", ex); info = error("Error updating file", ex); } } // PUT /files/bb1234567x/1.tif/characterize else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && path[4].equals("characterize")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileCharacterize(path[2], null, path[3], true, fs, ts, es, params); } // PUT /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif/characterize else if (path.length == 6 && path[1].equals("files") && path[5].equals("characterize") && isNumber(path[3])) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileCharacterize(path[2], path[3], path[4], true, fs, ts, es, params); } // PUT /files/bb1234567x/1.tif/derivatives else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && path[4].equals("derivatives")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); Map<String, String[]> params2 = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); params2.put("size", getParamArray(params, "size", null)); params2.put("frame", getParamArray(params, "frame", null)); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileDerivatives(path[2], null, path[3], true, fs, ts, es, params2); } // PUT /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif/derivatives else if (path.length == 6 && path[1].equals("files") && isNumber(path[3]) && path[5].equals("derivatives")) { InputBundle bundle = input(req); params = bundle.getParams(); ts = triplestore(params); es = events(params); Map<String, String[]> params2 = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); params2.put("size", getParamArray(params, "size", null)); params2.put("frame", getParamArray(params, "frame", null)); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileDerivatives(path[2], path[3], path[4], true, fs, ts, es, params); } else { info = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid request", null); } // output if (params == null) { params = req.getParameterMap(); } output(info, params, req.getPathInfo(), res); } catch (Exception ex2) { log.error("Error processing PUT request", ex2); } finally { // cleanup cleanup(fs, ts, es); } putTimes.add(System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } /** * HTTP DELETE methods to delete objects, datastreams and relationships. * Calls to DELETE should be used to delete resources. **/ public void doDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map info = null; FileStore fs = null; TripleStore ts = null; TripleStore es = null; try { // parse request URI String[] path = path(req); fs = FileStoreUtil.getFileStore(props, fsDefault); // DELETE /index if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("index")) { InputBundle input = input(req); String[] ids = input.getParams().get("id"); int priority = getParamInt(input.getParams(), "priority", DEFAULT_PRIORITY); info = indexQueue(ids, "purgeObject", priority); } // DELETE /queue else if (path.length == 2 && path[1].equals("queue")) { InputBundle input = input(req); String[] ids = input.getParams().get("id"); int priority = getParamInt(input.getParams(), "priority", DEFAULT_PRIORITY); info = indexQueue(ids, "purgeObject", priority); } // DELETE /objects/bb1234567x else if (path.length == 3 && path[1].equals("objects")) { ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); cacheRemove(path[2]); boolean isCollection = isCollection(ts, es, path[2]); info = objectDelete(path[2], ts, es, fs); if ((int) info.get("statusCode") == SC_OK) { String[] ids = { path[2] }; String indexType = isCollection ? "purgeCollection" : "purgeObject"; info = indexQueue(ids, indexType, DEFAULT_PRIORITY); } } // DELETE /objects/bb1234567x/index else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("index")) { String[] ids = new String[] { path[2] }; int priority = getParamInt(req, "priority", DEFAULT_PRIORITY); info = indexQueue(ids, "purgeObject", priority); } // DELETE /objects/bb1234567x/selective else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("objects") && path[3].equals("selective")) { String[] predicates = req.getParameterValues("predicate"); ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = selectiveDelete(path[2], null, predicates, ts, es, fs); } // DELETE /objects/bb1234567x/1/selective else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("objects") && isNumber(path[3]) && path[4].equals("selective")) { String[] predicates = req.getParameterValues("predicate"); ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = selectiveDelete(path[2], path[3], predicates, ts, es, fs); } // DELETE /files/bb1234567x/1.tif else if (path.length == 4 && path[1].equals("files")) { ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileDelete(path[2], null, path[3], fs, ts, es); } // DELETE /files/bb1234567x/1/1.tif else if (path.length == 5 && path[1].equals("files") && isNumber(path[3])) { ts = triplestore(req); es = events(req); cacheRemove(path[2]); info = fileDelete(path[2], path[3], path[4], fs, ts, es); } else { info = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid request", null); } // output output(info, req.getParameterMap(), req.getPathInfo(), res); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error processing DELETE request", ex); } finally { // cleanup cleanup(fs, ts, es); } delTimes.add(System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } public Map times() { Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("get", times(getTimes)); info.put("pst", times(pstTimes)); info.put("put", times(putTimes)); info.put("del", times(delTimes)); return info; } private Map times(List<Long> times) { // calculate mean int count = times.size(); long sum = 0L; for (long time : times) { sum += time; } // clear data times.clear(); // send reponse Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("count", String.valueOf(count)); info.put("sum", String.valueOf(sum)); info.put("mean", String.valueOf((float) sum / count)); return info; } protected TripleStore triplestore(HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { return triplestore(req.getParameterMap()); } protected TripleStore triplestore(Map<String, String[]> params) throws Exception { String tsName = getParamString(params, "ts", tsDefault); return TripleStoreUtil.getTripleStore(props, tsName); } protected TripleStore events(HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { return events(req.getParameterMap()); } protected TripleStore events(Map<String, String[]> params) throws Exception { String tsName = getParamString(params, "es", tsEvents); return TripleStoreUtil.getTripleStore(props, tsName); } protected static void cleanup(FileStore fs, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es) { if (fs != null) { try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error closing FileStore", ex); } } if (ts != null) { try { ts.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error closing TripleStore", ex); } } if (es != null) { try { es.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error closing Event TripleStore", ex); } } } //======================================================================== // Core Java API //======================================================================== public Map clientInfo(String ip, String user) { Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("statusCode", SC_OK); info.put("ip", ip); if (user == null) { user = ""; } else { try { Map ldapInfo = ldaputil.lookup(user, null); if (ldapInfo != null) { info.put("user", user); info.putAll(ldapInfo); } } catch (NameNotFoundException ex) { log.error("Error looking up groups, name not found: " + user); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error looking up groups: " + user, ex); } } String role = getRole(ip); info.put("role", role); return info; } public Map collectionCount(String colid, TripleStore ts) { String[] preds = new String[] { "dams:collection", "dams:assembledCollection", "dams:provenanceCollection", "dams:provenanceCollectionPart" }; return count(preds, colid, ts); } public Map unitCount(String repid, TripleStore ts) { return count(new String[] { "dams:unit" }, repid, ts); } protected Map count(String[] pred, String obj, TripleStore ts) { try { Identifier objid = createID(obj, null, null); if (!ts.exists(objid)) { return error(SC_NOT_FOUND, pred + " does not exist", null); } if (pred == null || pred.length < 1) { return null; } String sparql = "select ?id where "; if (pred.length == 1) { Identifier pre = createPred(pred[0]); sparql += "{ ?id <" + pre.getId() + "> " + "<" + objid.getId() + "> }"; } else { sparql += "{"; for (int i = 0; i < pred.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sparql += " UNION "; } Identifier pre = createPred(pred[i]); sparql += "{?id <" + pre.getId() + "> " + "<" + objid.getId() + "> }"; } sparql += "}"; } long count = ts.sparqlCount(sparql); Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("count", count); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = "Error counting " + pred + " members: " + obj; log.error(msg, ex); return error(msg, ex); } } public Map collectionListFiles(String colid, TripleStore ts) { String[] pred = new String[] { "dams:collection", "dams:assembledCollection", "dams:provenanceCollection", "dams:provenanceCollectionPart" }; Map m = listFiles(pred, colid, ts); return m; } public Map unitListFiles(String repid, TripleStore ts) { return listFiles(new String[] { "dams:unit" }, repid, ts); } public Map useListFiles(String use, TripleStore ts) throws TripleStoreException { // perform sparql query Identifier pre = createPred("dams:use"); String sparql = "select ?obj where { " + "?obj <" + pre.getId() + "> '" + use + "' }"; BindingIterator bind = ts.sparqlSelect(sparql); List<Map<String, String>> results = bindings(bind); // unwrap file names List files = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { files.add(results.get(i).get("obj")); } // build output map Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("files", files); return info; } protected Map listFiles(String[] pred, String obj, TripleStore ts) { try { // should be able to do this with sparql, but for now, we can // just use our API to list objects and then list files for each // object List files = new ArrayList(); Map objlist = listObjects(pred, obj, ts); // check status of object list int status = getParamInt(objlist, "statusCode", 200); List objects = (List) objlist.get("objects"); if (status > 299 || objects == null) { return objlist; } // list files of each object for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { Map o = (Map) objects.get(i); String objid = (String) o.get("obj"); Map objfiles = objectListFiles(objid, ts); List filelist = (List) objfiles.get("files"); files.addAll(filelist); } Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("files", files); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = "Error listing files in a " + pred + ": " + obj; log.error(msg, ex); return error(msg, ex); } } public Map objectListFiles(String objid, TripleStore ts) { try { Identifier obj = createID(objid, null, null); if (!ts.exists(obj)) { return error(SC_NOT_FOUND, "Object does not exist", null); } Map<String, Map<String, String>> fm = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); StatementIterator stmtit = ts.sparqlDescribe(obj); while (stmtit.hasNext()) { Statement s = stmtit.nextStatement(); String id = s.getSubject().getId(); if (!id.equals(obj.getId()) && id.startsWith(obj.getId())) { String p = s.getPredicate().getId(); p = p.replaceAll(prNS, ""); String o = s.getLiteral(); if (!p.equals("hasFile") && o != null) { if (o.startsWith("\"") && o.endsWith("\"")) { o = o.substring(1, o.length() - 1); } Map<String, String> m = fm.get(id); if (m == null) { m = new HashMap<String, String>(); m.put("object", objid); m.put("id", id); } m.put(p, o); fm.put(id, m); } } } // convert map to list ArrayList fl = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator fit = fm.values().iterator(); fit.hasNext();) { Map finfo = (Map); if (finfo.size() > 0) { fl.add(finfo); } } Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("files", fl); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = "Error listing files for object: " + objid; log.error(msg, ex); return error(msg, ex); } } public Map unitEmbargo(String colid, TripleStore ts) { Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); try { info.put("embargoed", getEmbargoedList("dams:unit", colid, ts)); } catch (TripleStoreException ex) { return error("Error listing embargoed objects for unit " + colid, ex); } return info; // output = metadata: list of embargoed objects and embargoed endDate } public Map collectionEmbargo(String colid, TripleStore ts) { Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); List<Map<String, String>> embargoes = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); String[] colTypes = new String[] { "dams:collection", "dams:assembledCollection", "dams:provenanceCollection", "dams:provenanceCollectionPart" }; try { for (int i = 0; i < colTypes.length; i++) embargoes.addAll(getEmbargoedList(colTypes[i], colid, ts)); info.put("embargoed", embargoes); } catch (TripleStoreException ex) { return error("Error listing embargoed objects for collection " + colid, ex); } return info; // output = metadata: list of embargoed objects and embargoed endDate } public Map unitListAll(TripleStore ts) { try { String sparql = "select ?unit ?name where { ?unit <" + prNS + "unitName> ?name }"; BindingIterator units = ts.sparqlSelect(sparql); List<Map<String, String>> unitList = bindings(units); Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("units", unitList); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { return error("Error listing units", ex); } } public Map eventsListAll(TripleStore ts) { try { String sparql = "select ?obj where { ?obj <" + rdfNS + "type> <" + prNS + "DAMSEvent> }"; BindingIterator evs = ts.sparqlSelect(sparql); List<Map<String, String>> events = bindings(evs); Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("events", events); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { return error("Error listing events", ex); } } private void recordsList(TripleStore ts, Map<String, String[]> params, String type, String pathInfo, HttpServletResponse res) { try { // build sparql query String sparql = "select ?obj ?type where { ?obj <" + rdfNS + "type> ?t . ?t <" + rdfNS + "label> ?type"; if (type != null) { sparql += " . FILTER(?type = '\"" + type + "\"')"; } sparql += "}"; // select format OutputStreamer stream = null; String format = getParamString(params, "format", formatDefault); if (format.equals("xml")) { stream = new XMLOutputStreamer(res); } else if (format.equals("json")) { stream = new JSONOutputStreamer(res); } else { Map err = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Unsupported format: " + format, null); output(err, params, pathInfo, res); return; } // iterate over records stream.start("records"); BindingIterator objs = ts.sparqlSelect(sparql); int records = 0; while (objs.hasNext()) { // build map of key/value pairs Map<String, String> binding = objs.nextBinding(); Iterator<String> it = binding.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String k =; String v = binding.get(k); // remove redundant quotes in map if (v.startsWith("\"") && v.endsWith("\"")) { v = v.substring(1, v.length() - 1); binding.put(k, v); } } if (binding.get("obj").startsWith("_")) { // suppress blank nodes } else if (type == null && (binding.get("type").equals("dams:File") || binding.get("type").equals("dams:Component") || binding.get("type").equals("dams:DAMSEvent"))) { // suppress child records unless specifically asked for } else { // otherwise, write the record out stream.output(binding); records++; } } // add meta info Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("status", "OK"); info.put("statusCode", "200"); info.put("request", pathInfo); info.put("count", String.valueOf(records)); stream.finish(info); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error listing records.", ex); } } public Map objectsListAll(TripleStore ts) { try { String sparql = "select ?obj where { ?obj <" + rdfNS + "type> <" + prNS + "Object> }"; BindingIterator objs = ts.sparqlSelect(sparql); List<Map<String, String>> objects = bindings(objs); Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("objects", objects); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { return error("Error listing objects", ex); } } public Map collectionListAll(TripleStore ts) { try { List<Map<String, String>> cols = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); cols.addAll(collectionListAll(ts, "Collection")); cols.addAll(collectionListAll(ts, "AssembledCollection")); cols.addAll(collectionListAll(ts, "ProvenanceCollection")); cols.addAll(collectionListAll(ts, "ProvenanceCollectionPart")); Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("collections", cols); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { return error("Error listing collections", ex); } } public List<Map<String, String>> collectionListAll(TripleStore ts, String type) throws Exception { String sparql = "select ?collection ?title where { ?collection <" + prNS + "title> ?bn . ?bn <" + madsNS + "authoritativeLabel> ?title . ?collection <" + rdfNS + "type> <" + prNS + type + "> }"; BindingIterator bit = ts.sparqlSelect(sparql); List<Map<String, String>> cols = bindings(bit); // add type value for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { Map<String, String> m = cols.get(i); m.put("type", type); } return cols; } private List<Map<String, String>> bindings(BindingIterator bit) { List<Map<String, String>> bindings = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); while (bit.hasNext()) { // remove redundant quotes in map Map<String, String> binding = bit.nextBinding(); Iterator<String> it = binding.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String k =; String v = binding.get(k); if (v.startsWith("\"") && v.endsWith("\"")) { v = v.substring(1, v.length() - 1); binding.put(k, v); } } bindings.add(binding); } return bindings; } public Map collectionListObjects(String colid, TripleStore ts) { String[] pred = new String[] { "dams:collection", "dams:assembledCollection", "dams:provenanceCollection", "dams:provenanceCollectionPart" }; Map m = listObjects(pred, colid, ts); return m; } public Map unitListObjects(String repid, TripleStore ts) { return listObjects(new String[] { "dams:unit" }, repid, ts); } public Map listObjects(String[] pred, String col, TripleStore ts) { try { // make sure collection exists Identifier id = createID(col, null, null); if (!ts.exists(id)) { return error(SC_NOT_FOUND, pred + " does not exist", null); } // list objects related to the col by each predicate List<Map<String, String>> objs = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); for (int i = 0; i < pred.length; i++) { objs.addAll(listObjects(pred[i], id, ts)); } Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("objects", objs); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error listing " + pred, ex); return error("Error listing " + pred, ex); } } public List listObjects(String pred, Identifier id, TripleStore ts) throws Exception { Identifier pre = createPred(pred); String sparql = "select ?obj where { " + "?obj <" + pre.getId() + "> " + "<" + id.getId() + "> }"; BindingIterator bind = ts.sparqlSelect(sparql); List<Map<String, String>> objects = bindings(bind); return objects; } public Map fileCharacterize(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, boolean overwrite, FileStore fs, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, Map<String, String[]> params) throws TripleStoreException { String sourceFile = null; boolean srcDelete = false; StatementIterator sit = null; try { // both objid and fileid are required if (objid == null || objid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Object identifier required", null); } if (fileid == null || fileid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "File identifier required", null); } Identifier oid = createID(objid, null, null); Identifier fid = createID(objid, cmpid, fileid); Identifier parent = oid; Identifier cid = null; if (cmpid != null && !cmpid.equals("0")) { cid = createID(objid, cmpid, null); parent = cid; } Identifier hasFile = Identifier.publicURI(prNS + "hasFile"); Identifier hasComp = Identifier.publicURI(prNS + "hasComponent"); Identifier cmpType = Identifier.publicURI(prNS + "Component"); Identifier rdfType = Identifier.publicURI(rdfNS + "type"); Identifier damsFile = Identifier.publicURI(prNS + "File"); if (ts != null && !overwrite) { sit = ts.listStatements(parent, hasFile, fid); if (sit.hasNext()) { return error(SC_FORBIDDEN, "Characterization for file " + fid.getId() + " already exists. Please use PUT instead", null); } } Map<String, String> m = null; if (getParamString(params, "formatName", null) != null && getParamString(params, "mimeType", null) != null && (getParamString(params, "crc32checksum", null) != null || getParamString(params, "md5checksum", null) != null || getParamString(params, "sha1checksum", null) != null)) { // if formatName, mimeType and at least one checksum are // specified, skip jhove processing m = new HashMap<String, String>(); m.put("size", getParamString(params, "size", null)); m.put("formatName", getParamString(params, "formatName", null)); m.put("formatVersion", getParamString(params, "formatVersion", null)); m.put("mimeType", getParamString(params, "mimeType", null)); m.put("crc32checksum", getParamString(params, "crc32checksum", null)); m.put("md5checksum", getParamString(params, "md5checksum", null)); m.put("sha1checksum", getParamString(params, "sha1checksum", null)); String duration = getParamString(params, "duration", null); if (duration != null && duration.length() > 0) m.put("duration", duration); String quality = getParamString(params, "quality", null); if (quality != null && quality.length() > 0) m.put("quality", quality); } else { // extract technical metadata using jhove File localFile = getParamFile(params, "local", null); if (fs instanceof LocalStore) { // use localstore version if possible sourceFile = fs.getPath(objid, cmpid, fileid);"Jhove extraction, source=localStore: " + sourceFile); } else if (localFile != null) { // otherwise, use staged source file sourceFile = localFile.getAbsolutePath();"Jhove extraction, source=local file: " + sourceFile); } else { // if file not available locally, copy to local disk String fileExt = fileid.indexOf(".") > 0 ? fileid.substring(fileid.indexOf(".")) : ""; File srcFile = File.createTempFile("jhovetmp", fileExt); long fileSize = fs.length(objid, cmpid, fileid); // make sure file is not too large to copy locally... if (jhoveMaxSize != -1L && fileSize > jhoveMaxSize) { return error(SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE, "File is too large to retrieve for local processing" + " (maxSize=" + jhoveMaxSize + "): " + fid.getId(), null); } else if (fileSize > srcFile.getFreeSpace()) { return error(SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE, "There is not enough disk space to create a temp" + " file for " + fid.getId(), null); } srcDelete = true; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(srcFile);, cmpid, fileid, fos); fos.close(); sourceFile = srcFile.getAbsolutePath();"Jhove extraction, source=cached file: " + sourceFile); } m = jhoveExtraction(sourceFile); } // User submitted properties: use, dateCreated, sourceFilename, and // sourcePath String[] input = params.get("use"); String use = input != null ? input[0] : null; input = params.get("dateCreated"); String dateCreated = input != null ? input[0] : null; input = params.get("sourceFileName"); String sourceFilename = input != null ? input[0] : null; input = params.get("sourcePath"); String sourcePath = input != null ? input[0] : null; // Output is saved to the triplestore. if (ts != null && es != null) { if (overwrite) { // delete existing metadata fileDeleteMetadata(objid, cmpid, fileid, ts, true); } else { // check for file metadata and complain if it exists if (cmpid != null && !cmpid.equals("0")) { sit = ts.listStatements(cid, hasFile, fid); } else { sit = ts.listStatements(oid, hasFile, fid); } if (sit.hasNext()) { return error(SC_FORBIDDEN, "Characterization for file " + fid.getId() + " already exists. Please use PUT instead", null); } } // Add/Replace properties submitted from user // Required use property if (use == null || use.length() == 0) { use = getFileUse(fileid); } m.put("use", use); if (dateCreated != null && dateCreated.length() > 0) { m.put("dateCreated", dateCreated); } if (sourceFilename != null && sourceFilename.length() > 0) { m.put("sourceFileName", sourceFilename); } if (sourcePath != null && sourcePath.length() > 0) { m.put("sourcePath", sourcePath); } // Add constant properties String compositionLevel = m.get("compositionLevel"); if (compositionLevel == null) { compositionLevel = getDefaultCompositionLevel(sourceFilename); } m.put("preservationLevel", "full"); m.put("objectCategory", "file"); // # of decoding/extraction steps to get usable file m.put("compositionLevel", compositionLevel); String key = null; String value = null; for (Iterator it = m.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { key = (String); if (!key.equals("status")) { value = m.get(key); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { ts.addLiteralStatement(fid, Identifier.publicURI(prNS + key), "\"" + value + "\"", oid); } } } // link from object/component to file record if (cmpid != null && !cmpid.equals("0")) { // make sure something links to this component sit = ts.listStatements(null, hasComp, cid); if (!sit.hasNext()) { ts.addStatement(oid, hasComp, cid, oid); ts.addStatement(cid, rdfType, cmpType, oid); } ts.addStatement(cid, hasFile, fid, oid); } else { ts.addStatement(oid, hasFile, fid, oid); } ts.addStatement(fid, rdfType, damsFile, oid); // Create event when required with es if (es != null) { //indexQueue(objid,"modifyObject"); createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, Event.CHECKSUM_CALCULATED, true, m.get("status")); } return status("Jhove extracted and saved successfully"); } else { // Output is displayed but not saved to the triplestore. Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("characterization", m); return info; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error Jhove extraction", ex); return error("Error Jhove extraction", ex); } finally { if (srcDelete) { new File(sourceFile).delete(); } if (sit != null) { sit.close(); sit = null; } } } public Map<String, String> recordedChecksums(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, TripleStore ts) { Map<String, String> sums = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { Identifier oid = createID(objid, null, null); Identifier fid = createID(objid, cmpid, fileid); if (!ts.exists(oid)) { return error(SC_NOT_FOUND, "Object does not exist", null); } StatementIterator stmtit = ts.sparqlDescribe(oid); while (stmtit.hasNext()) { Statement s = stmtit.nextStatement(); String sub = s.getSubject().getId(); if (sub.equals(fid.getId())) { String pre = s.getPredicate().getId(); if (pre.endsWith("checksum")) { pre = pre.substring(prNS.length(), pre.length() - 8); String val = s.getLiteral(); if (val.startsWith("\"") && val.indexOf("\"", 1) > 1) { val = val.substring(1, val.indexOf("\"", 1)); } sums.put(pre, val); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = "Error retrieving checksums: " + ex.toString(); log.error(msg, ex); return error(msg, ex); } return sums; } public Map fileUpload(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, boolean overwrite, InputStream in, FileStore fs, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, Map<String, String[]> params) { try { // both objid and fileid are required if (objid == null || objid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Object identifier required", null); } if (fileid == null || fileid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "File identifier required", null); } if (in == null) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "File upload or locally-staged file required", null); } // check upload count and abort if at limit if (maxUploadCount != -1 && uploadCount >= maxUploadCount) { log.error("Upload: refused"); return error(SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Too many concurrent uploads", null); } else { uploadCount++;"Upload: start: " + uploadCount); } // make sure appropriate method is being used to create/update if (!overwrite && fs.exists(objid, cmpid, fileid)) { return error(SC_FORBIDDEN, "File already exists, use PUT to overwrite", null); } else if (overwrite && !fs.exists(objid, cmpid, fileid)) { return error(SC_FORBIDDEN, "File does not exist, use POST to create", null); } // upload file fs.write(objid, cmpid, fileid, in); boolean successful = fs.exists(objid, cmpid, fileid) && fs.length(objid, cmpid, fileid) > 0; in.close(); String type = null; if (overwrite) { type = Event.FILE_MODIFIED; } else { type = Event.FILE_ADDED; } String message = null; if (successful) { int status = -1; if (overwrite) { status = SC_OK; message = "File saved successfully"; } else { status = SC_CREATED; message = "File created successfully"; } //indexQueue(objid,"modifyObject"); createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, type, true, null); Map info = status(status, message); // delete any existing metadata when replacing files if (overwrite) { Map delInfo = fileDeleteMetadata(objid, cmpid, fileid, ts, false); int delStat = getParamInt(delInfo, "statusCode", 200); if (delStat > 299) { info.put("existing_metadata_deletion", delStat + ": " + delInfo.get("message")); } } // perform characterization and pass along any error messages Map charInfo = fileCharacterize(objid, cmpid, fileid, true, fs, ts, es, params); int charStat = getParamInt(charInfo, "statusCode", 200); if (charStat > 299) { info.put("characterization", charStat + ": " + charInfo.get("message")); } return info; } else { if (overwrite) { message = "File update failed"; } else { message = "File creation failed"; } createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, type, false, "Failed to upload file"); return error(message, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error uploading file", ex); return error("Error uploading file", ex); } finally { uploadCount--; } } public Map fileDelete(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, FileStore fs, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es) { try { // both objid and fileid are required if (objid == null || objid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Object identifier required", null); } if (fileid == null || fileid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "File identifier required", null); } // make sure the file exists if (!fs.exists(objid, cmpid, fileid)) { return error(SC_FORBIDDEN, "File does not exist", null); } // delete the file fs.trash(objid, cmpid, fileid); boolean successful = !fs.exists(objid, cmpid, fileid); if (successful) { //indexQueue(objid,"modifyObject"); createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, Event.FILE_DELETED, true, null); // FILE_META: update file metadata fileDeleteMetadata(objid, cmpid, fileid, ts, false); return status("File deleted successfully"); } else { createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, Event.FILE_DELETED, false, null); return error("Failed to delete file: " + objid + fileString(cmpid, fileid), null); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error deleting file", ex); return error("Error deleting file", ex); } } private static String listToString(String[] arr) { String val = ""; for (int i = 0; arr != null && i < arr.length; i++) { if (!val.equals("")) { val += ", "; } val += arr[i]; } return val; } public Map fileDerivatives(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, boolean overwrite, FileStore fs, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, Map<String, String[]> params) { String derName = null; StatementIterator sit = null; String errorMessage = ""; try { // both objid and fileid are required if (objid == null || objid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Object identifier required", null); } if (fileid == null || fileid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "File identifier required", null); } if (derivativesRes == null || derivativesRes.size() == 0) { return error("Derivative dimensions not configured.", null); } Identifier oid = createID(objid, null, null); Identifier fid = createID(objid, cmpid, fileid); Identifier hasFile = Identifier.publicURI(prNS + "hasFile"); String[] sizes = params.get("size"); // check for comma-separate size list if (sizes != null && sizes.length == 1 && sizes[0].indexOf(",") != -1) { sizes = sizes[0].split(","); } if (sizes != null) { int len = sizes.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { derName = sizes[i] = sizes[i].trim(); String codecParams = ffmpegCodecParamsMap.get(derName.substring(derName.indexOf(".") + 1)); if (!derivativesRes.containsKey(derName) && StringUtils.isBlank(codecParams)) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown derivative name: " + derName, null); } Identifier dfid = createID(objid, cmpid, derName.indexOf(".") < 0 ? derName + derivativesExt : derName); if (!overwrite) { sit = ts.listStatements(oid, hasFile, dfid); if (sit.hasNext()) { return error(SC_FORBIDDEN, "Derivative " + dfid.getId() + " already exists. Please use PUT instead", null); } } } } else { int i = 0; sizes = new String[derivativesRes.size()]; for (Iterator it = derivativesRes.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { sizes[i++] = (String); } } int frame = 0; ImageMagick magick = new ImageMagick(magickCommand); Ffmpeg ffmpeg = new Ffmpeg(ffmpegCommand); String[] sizewh = null; String derid = null; for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { boolean successful = false; derName = sizes[i]; String size = derivativesRes.get(derName); if (StringUtils.isBlank(size)) size = videoDerivativesRes.get(derName); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(size)) sizewh = size.split("x"); int dotIdx = derName.indexOf("."); if (dotIdx < 0) derid = derName + derivativesExt; else derid = derName; String codecParams = ffmpegCodecParamsMap.get(derid.substring(derid.indexOf(".") + 1)); if (derName.endsWith(".mp3") || fileid.toLowerCase().endsWith(".mp3") || fileid.toLowerCase().endsWith(".wav")) { // create audio derivativ if (StringUtils.isBlank(codecParams) && !ffmpegCodecParamsMap.containsKey(derid.substring(derid.indexOf(".") + 1))) throw new Exception("Unknown codec format for derivative " + derid + "."); successful = ffmpeg.createDerivative(fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, derid, codecParams, null); } else if (derName.endsWith(".mp4") || fileid.endsWith(".mp4") || fileid.endsWith(".mov") || fileid.endsWith(".avi") || fileid.endsWith(".webm") || fileid.endsWith(".mkv")) { // create video derivative if (StringUtils.isBlank(codecParams) && !ffmpegCodecParamsMap.containsKey(derid.substring(derid.indexOf(".") + 1))) throw new Exception("Unknown codec format for derivative " + derid + "."); String[] frameNo = params.get("frame"); if (frameNo != null && frameNo.length > 0) { frame = Integer.parseInt(frameNo[0]); } // position (in seconds) to start creating the thumbnail from mp4 (29.7 frames/second) String paramSkip = frame > 0 ? "" + Math.round(100 * frame / 29.7) / 100.0 : ""; String deriExt = derid.substring(derid.indexOf(".") + 1); String srcPath = fs.getPath(objid, cmpid, fileid); if (derid.endsWith(derivativesExt)) { // params to create jpeg thumbnails String scale = "scale=iw*min(" + sizewh[0] + "/iw\\," + sizewh[1] + "/ih):ih*min(" + sizewh[0] + "/iw\\," + sizewh[1] + "/ih)"; codecParams += " -vf thumbnail," + scale + " -vframes 1"; }"FFMPEG video " + srcPath + " codecParams: " + codecParams); successful = ffmpeg.createDerivative(fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, derid, codecParams, paramSkip); } else { // jpeg derivatives created by ImageMagick successful = magick.makeDerivative(fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, derid, Integer.parseInt(sizewh[0]), Integer.parseInt(sizewh[1]), frame); } if (!successful) { errorMessage += "Error derivatives creation: " + objid + "/" + fid + "\n"; } String[] uses = { derivativesUse.get(derName) }; Map<String, String[]> params2 = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); params2.putAll(params); params2.put("use", uses); fileCharacterize(objid, cmpid, derid, overwrite, fs, ts, es, params2); //indexQueue(objid,"modifyObject"); createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, cmpid, derid, Event.DERIVATIVE_CREATED, true, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error derivatives creation", ex); return error("Error derivatives creation", ex); } finally { if (sit != null) { sit.close(); sit = null; } } if (errorMessage.length() > 0) { return error(errorMessage, null); } else { return status(SC_CREATED, "Derivatives created successfully"); // DAMS_MGR } } public Map fileExists(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, FileStore fs) { try { if (fs.exists(objid, cmpid, fileid)) { return status("File exists"); } else { return error(SC_NOT_FOUND, "File does not exist", null); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error checking file existence", ex); return error("Error processing request", ex); } } public Map extractText(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, FileStore fs) { Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); InputStream in = null; String fn = objid; if (cmpid != null) { fn += "/" + cmpid; } fn += "/" + fileid; try { // make sure objid and fileid are specified if (objid == null || fileid == null) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Object and file must be specified", null); } // make sure file exists if (!fs.exists(objid, cmpid, fileid)) { return error(SC_NOT_FOUND, "File does not exist", null); } // extract text in = fs.getInputStream(objid, cmpid, fileid); //String text = PDFParser.getContent( in, objid ); ContentHandler contentHandler = new BodyContentHandler((int) maxUploadSize * 4); Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); metadata.set(Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY, fileid); Parser parser = new AutoDetectParser(); ParseContext parserContext = new ParseContext(); parser.parse(in, contentHandler, metadata, parserContext); info.put("text", escapeForXml(contentHandler.toString())); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error extracting text from " + fn, ex); return error("Error extracting text from " + fn, ex); } return info; } public Map fileFixity(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, FileStore fs, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es) { Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); InputStream in = null; try { // retrieve recorded checksums from triplestore Map<String, String> recorded = recordedChecksums(objid, cmpid, fileid, ts); boolean crcB = recorded.containsKey("crc32"); boolean md5B = recorded.containsKey("md5"); boolean sha1B = recorded.containsKey("sha1"); boolean sha256B = recorded.containsKey("sha256"); boolean sha512B = recorded.containsKey("sha512"); // calculate current checksums from file in = fs.getInputStream(objid, cmpid, fileid); // uses same core checksuming code as JHove, do we need this // duplication?? only benefit is not having to pull data to local // filesystem Map<String, String> actual = Checksum.checksums(in, null, crcB, md5B, sha1B, sha256B, sha512B); // compare and build response boolean success = true; String outcome = ""; Iterator<String> it = recorded.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String alg =; String rec = recorded.get(alg); String act = actual.get(alg); if (rec != null && act != null && rec.equals(act)) { info.put(alg, act); outcome += alg + "=" + act + " "; } else { String msg = "recorded: " + rec + ", calculated: " + act; info.put(alg, msg); info.put("statusCode", SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); success = false; outcome += alg + ": " + msg + ". "; } } // log fixity check event if (es != null) { createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, Event.CHECKSUM_VERIFIED, success, outcome); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error comparing checksums", ex); return error("Error comparing checksums", ex); } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception ex2) { } } } return info; } public Map identifierCreate(String name, int count) { // lookup minter URL and add count parameter String minterURL = idMinters.get(name); if (minterURL == null) { return error("Unknown id minter: " + name, null); } minterURL += count; try { // generate id and check output String result = HttpUtil.get(minterURL); if (result == null || !result.startsWith("id: ")) { return error("Failed to generate id", null); } else { String[] ids = result.split("\\n"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { ids[i] = ids[i].replaceAll(".*/", ""); } List idList = Arrays.asList(ids); Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("ids", idList); return info; } } catch (Exception ex) { return error("Error generating id", null); } } protected Map objectEdit(String objid, boolean create, InputStream in, String mode, String adds, String updates, String deletes, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, FileStore fs) { try { // make sure an identifier is specified if (objid == null || objid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "No subject provided", null); } // make sure appropriate method is being used to create/update Identifier id = createID(objid, null, null); if (create && ts.exists(id)) { return error(SC_FORBIDDEN, "Object already exists, use PUT to update", null); } // process uploaded file if present if (in != null) { if (mode == null || mode.equals("") || mode.equals("all") || mode.equals("add")) { boolean deleteFirst = false; if (!create && mode != null && mode.equals("all")) { // mode=all: delete object and replace deleteFirst = true; } try { // ingest RDF/XML from inputstream Set<String> errors = TripleStoreUtil.loadRDFXML(in, deleteFirst, ts, nsmap, validClasses, validProperties); if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0) { Map resp = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid RDF input", null); resp.put("errors", errors); return resp; } // success int status = -1; String message = null; String type = null; if (create) { type = Event.RECORD_CREATED; } else { type = Event.RECORD_EDITED; } if (create) { status = SC_CREATED; message = "Object created successfully"; } else { status = SC_OK; message = "Object saved successfully"; } //indexQueue(objid,"modifyObject"); createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, null, null, type, true, null); return status(status, message); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error loading metadata", ex); return error("Error loading new metadata", ex); } } return error("Unsupported mode: " + mode, null); } // otherwise, look for JSON adds else { if (adds != null && !adds.equals("")) { // save data to the triplestore Edit edit = new Edit(backupDir, adds, updates, deletes, objid, ts, nsmap); edit.saveBackup(); String type = null; if (create) { type = Event.RECORD_CREATED; } else { type = Event.RECORD_EDITED; } if (edit.update()) { // success int status = -1; String message = null; if (create) { status = SC_CREATED; message = "Object created successfully"; } else { status = SC_OK; message = "Object saved successfully"; } //indexQueue(objid,"modifyObject"); createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, null, null, type, true, null); edit.removeBackup(); return status(status, message); } else { // failure String msg = edit.getException().toString(); createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, null, null, type, false, msg); return error(msg, edit.getException()); } } else { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Object metadata must be supplied as a file upload or in the adds parameter", null); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error editing object", ex); return error("Error editing object", ex); } } public Map objectDelete(String objid, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, FileStore fs) { try { // make sure an identifier is specified if (objid == null || objid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "No subject provided", null); } // make sure appropriate method is being used to create/update Identifier id = createID(objid, null, null); if (!ts.exists(id)) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Object does not exist", null); } ts.removeObject(id); if (!ts.exists(id)) { //indexQueue(objid,"purgeObject"); createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, null, null, Event.RECORD_DELETED, true, null); return status("Object deleted successfully"); } else { createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, null, null, Event.RECORD_DELETED, false, null); return error("Object deletion failed", null); } //ts.addLiteralStatement(id,updatedFlag,"delete",id); //String userID = request.getParameter("userID"); //if ( userID != null && !userID.trim().equals("") ) //{ // ts.addLiteralStatement(id,updatedFlag,userID,id); //} } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error deleting object", ex); return error("Error deleting object", ex); } } public Map selectiveDelete(String objid, String cmpid, String[] predicates, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, FileStore fs) { try { // make sure an identifier is specified if (objid == null || objid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "No subject provided", null); } // make sure object exists Identifier sub = createID(objid, cmpid, null); Identifier id = createID(objid, null, null); if (!ts.exists(id)) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Object does not exist", null); } if (predicates == null || predicates.length == 0) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "No predicates specified for deletion", null); } // remove each predicate... ArkTranslator trans = new ArkTranslator(ts, nsmap); for (int i = 0; i < predicates.length; i++) { Identifier pre = createPred(predicates[i]); TripleStoreUtil.recursiveDelete(id, sub, pre, null, null, ts); } //indexQueue(objid,"modifyObject"); createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, null, null, Event.RECORD_EDITED, true, null); return status("Predicate deleted successfully"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error deleting predicates", ex); try { createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, null, null, Event.RECORD_EDITED, false, null); } catch (Exception ex2) { } return error("Error deleting predicates", ex); } } public String objectBatch(List<String> objids, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> docs = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); // retrieve rdf/xml for each record for (int i = 0; i < objids.size(); i++) { try { Identifier id = createID(objids.get(i), null, null); if (ts.exists(id)) { DAMSObject obj = new DAMSObject(ts, es, objids.get(i), nsmap); docs.add(obj.getRDFXML(true)); } else if (es != null && es.exists(id)) { DAMSObject obj = new DAMSObject(es, null, objids.get(i), nsmap); docs.add(obj.getRDFXML(true)); } else { errors.add(objids.get(i) + ": not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { errors.add(objids.get(i) + ": " + ex.toString()); } } // combine xml documents String xml = null; if (docs.size() == 1) { xml = docs.get(0); } else if (docs.size() > 1) { try { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(docs.get(0)); Element rdf = doc.getRootElement(); for (int i = 1; i < docs.size(); i++) { Document doc2 = DocumentHelper.parseText(docs.get(i)); Iterator it = doc2.getRootElement().elementIterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); rdf.add(e.detach()); } } xml = doc.asXML(); } catch (Exception ex) { errors.add("Error combining records into a batch: " + ex.toString()); } } // check errors if (errors.size() > 0) { String msg = errors.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < errors.size(); i++) { msg += "; " + errors.get(i); } throw new Exception(msg); } return xml; } public Map objectShow(String objid, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es) { // output = metadata: object DAMSObject obj = null; try { if (objid == null || objid.equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Object id must be specified", null); } Identifier id = createID(objid, null, null); if (ts == null) { log.error("NULL TRIPLESTORE"); } if (ts.exists(id)) { obj = new DAMSObject(ts, es, objid, nsmap); } else if (es != null && es.exists(id)) { obj = new DAMSObject(es, null, objid, nsmap); } else { return error(SC_NOT_FOUND, "Object does not exist", null); } Map info = new HashMap(); info.put("obj", obj); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error showing object", ex); return error("Error processing request", ex); } } private Map mintDOI(String objid, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, FileStore fs, HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception { // make sure ezid is configured if (ezid == null) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "DOI minting is not configured", null); } // load object XML Map m = objectShow(objid, ts, es); String xml = null; // path for Object, Collection? String targetPath = ""; if (m.get("obj") != null) { DAMSObject obj = (DAMSObject) m.get("obj"); xml = obj.getRDFXML(true); targetPath = findTargetPath(objid, obj.asModel(false)); } String targetUrl = ezidTargetUrl + targetPath + "/" + objid; // pre-validate try { Ezid.validate(xml); } catch (EzidException ex) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, targetUrl + ": " + ex.getMessage(), null); } // transform to datacite format with XSL String datacite = xslt(xml, "datacite.xsl", null, null); // mint doi String doi = ezid.mintDOI(targetUrl, datacite); String doiURL = doi.replaceAll("doi:", "");"Minted DOI: " + doiURL + " for " + targetUrl); // add doi to object Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml); Element obj = (Element) doc.getRootElement().elements().get(0); Element doiNote = obj.addElement("dams:note").addElement("dams:Note"); doiNote.addElement("dams:type").setText("identifier"); doiNote.addElement("dams:displayLabel").setText("DOI"); doiNote.addElement("rdf:value").setText(doiURL); // update preferred citation note List cites = doc.selectNodes("/rdf:RDF/*/dams:note/dams:Note[dams:type='preferred citation']/rdf:value"); if (cites.size() > 0) { Element cite = (Element) cites.get(0); cite.setText(cite.getText() + " " + doiURL); } // save RDF Map info = objectEdit(objid, false, new ByteArrayInputStream(doc.asXML().getBytes()), "all", null, null, null, ts, es, fs); // queue for reindexing indexQueue(objid, "modifyObject", DEFAULT_PRIORITY); info.put("message", "Minted DOI: " + doiURL); return info; } /** * Retrieve the RDF/XML for an object, and transform it using XSLT (passing * the fileid as a parameter to the stylesheet). * @param objid Object identifier. * @param fileid File identifier. * @param ts TripleStore to retrieve the object from. * @param xslName Filename of XSL stylesheet. **/ public void objectTransform(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, boolean export, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, String xslName, Map<String, String[]> params, String pathInfo, HttpServletResponse res) { objectTransform(objid, cmpid, fileid, export, ts, es, xslName, null, null, params, pathInfo, res); } /** * Retrieve the RDF/XML for an object, and transform it using XSLT (passing * the fileid as a parameter to the stylesheet) optionally saving the * output as a new file. * @param objid Object identifier. * @param fileid Component identifier. * @param fileid File identifier. * @param ts TripleStore to retrieve the object from. * @param xslName Filename of XSL stylesheet. * @param fs If not null, save the result to this FileStore. * @param destid If not null, save the result as this file. **/ public void objectTransform(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, boolean export, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, String xslName, FileStore fs, String destid, Map<String, String[]> params, String pathInfo, HttpServletResponse res) { try { // get object from triplestore as Document Map m = objectShow(objid, ts, es); String xml = null; if (m.get("obj") != null) { DAMSObject obj = (DAMSObject) m.get("obj"); xml = obj.getRDFXML(export); } else { // if there is no object, output the error message we received output(m, params, pathInfo, res); } // transform metadata and output if (fileid != null) { params.put("fileid", new String[] { fileid }); } if (cmpid != null) { params.put("cmpid", new String[] { cmpid }); } String content = xslt(xml, xslName, params, queryString(params)); output(SC_OK, content, "application/xml", res); // if destid specified, then also save output if (destid != null) { fs.write(objid, cmpid, destid, content.getBytes()); //indexQueue(objid,"modifyObject"); createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, Event.RECORD_TRANSFORMED, true, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error transforming metadata", ex); try { createEvent(ts, es, fs, objid, cmpid, fileid, Event.RECORD_TRANSFORMED, false, ex.toString()); } catch (Exception ex2) { log.error("Error creating event", ex2); } output(error("Error transforming metadata", ex), params, pathInfo, res); } } public Map objectExists(String objid, TripleStore ts) { try { if (!objid.startsWith("http")) { objid = idNS + objid; } Identifier id = Identifier.publicURI(objid); if (ts.exists(id)) { return status("Object exists"); } else { return error(SC_NOT_FOUND, "Object does not exist", null); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error checking object existence", ex); return error("Error checking object existence", ex); } } public Map objectValidate(String objid, FileStore fs, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es) throws TripleStoreException { // load object Map info = objectShow(objid, ts, es); if (info.get("obj") == null) { return error(SC_NOT_FOUND, "Object does not exist", null); } // validate model DAMSObject obj = (DAMSObject) info.get("obj"); Set<String> errors = Validator.validateModel(obj.asModel(false), validClasses, validProperties); if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0) { Map resp = error("Validation failure", null); resp.put("errors", errors); return resp; } else { return status("Validation successful"); } } public Map predicateList(TripleStore ts) { try { // setup damsobject ArkTranslator trans = new ArkTranslator(ts, nsmap); Map<String, String> predicates = trans.predicateMap(); // build map and display Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("predicates", predicates); return info; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error looking up predicate map", ex); return error("Error looking up predicate map", ex); } } private Map fileDeleteMetadata(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, TripleStore ts, boolean keepSourceCapture) throws TripleStoreException { try { // identifier object for the file Identifier parent = createID(objid, null, null); Identifier sub = createID(objid, cmpid, null); Identifier fileID = createID(objid, cmpid, fileid); Identifier hasFile = Identifier.publicURI(prNS + "hasFile"); Identifier sourceCapture = null; if (keepSourceCapture) { sourceCapture = Identifier.publicURI(prNS + "sourceCapture"); } // delete file metadata (n.b. first arg is object identifer, not // the subject of the triple, so this works for files attached // to components, etc.) TripleStoreUtil.recursiveDelete(parent, sub, hasFile, fileID, sourceCapture, ts); // delete links from object/components if (!keepSourceCapture) { ts.removeStatements(null, null, fileID); } return status("File metadata deleted successfully"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error deleting file metadata", ex); return error("Error deleting file metadata", ex); } } /** * Bulk indexing queue. * @param ids Array of object ids * @param type 'purgeObject' for deletes, 'modifyObject' for other operations. * @param priority Value from 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest) -- any other value is treated * as the default priority (4). **/ private Map indexQueue(String[] ids, String type, int priority) { Map info = null; // return error if no ids provided if (ids == null || ids.length == 0) { info = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "No identifier specified", null); } // send each id to the queue List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); int queueTotal = ids.length; int queueSuccess = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { String error = indexQueue(ids[i], type, priority); if (error != null) { errors.add(error); } else { queueSuccess++; } } // return error/success info if (errors.size() > 0) { info = error(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Indexing failures.", null); info.put("errors", errors); } else { info = new LinkedHashMap(); } info.put("queueTotal", queueTotal); info.put("queueSuccess", queueTotal); info.put("priority", String.valueOf(priority)); return info; } /** * Send object to solrizer indexing queue. * @param objid Object id * @param type 'purgeObject' for deletes, 'modifyObject' for other operations. * @param priority Value from 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest) -- any other value is treated * as the default priority (4). * @return Error message if there was a problem queueing a record for indexing, or null if * the record was queued successfully. **/ private String indexQueue(String objid, String type, int priority) { String error = null; if (queueEnabled && queueSession != null) { try { TextMessage msg = queueSession .createTextMessage("DAMS Queue Message: " + objid + " (" + type + ")"); msg.setStringProperty("pid", objid); msg.setStringProperty("methodName", type); if (priority < 1 || priority > 9) { priority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY; } queueProducer.send(msg, queueProducer.getDeliveryMode(), priority, queueProducer.getTimeToLive()); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error sending event to queue", ex); error = "Error sending object to queue: " + ex.toString(); } } return error; } protected boolean isCollection(TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, String objid) throws TripleStoreException, DocumentException { // Q: check cache & use export if cached? any impact on xsl? Map info = objectShow(objid, ts, es); boolean result = false; if (info.get("obj") != null) { DAMSObject obj = (DAMSObject) info.get("obj"); String rdfxml = obj.getRDFXML(false); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rdfxml)) { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(rdfxml); org.dom4j.Node colNode = doc.getRootElement() .selectSingleNode("*[contains(local-name(), 'Collection')]"); if (colNode != null) result = true; } } return result; } protected void createEvent(TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, FileStore fs, String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, String type, boolean success, String outcomeNote) throws TripleStoreException { try { // mint ARK for event String minterURL = idMinters.get(minterDefault) + "1"; String eventARK = HttpUtil.get(minterURL); eventARK = eventARK.replaceAll(".*/", "").trim(); Identifier eventID = Identifier.publicURI(idNS + eventARK); // create or lookup user from the event triplestore if (userID == null) userID = createOrLookupUser(es, user); // create event object and save to the triplestore String obj = objid.startsWith("http") ? objid : idNS + objid; Identifier objID = Identifier.publicURI(obj); if (cmpid != null) { obj += "/" + cmpid; } if (fileid != null) { obj += "/" + fileid; } Identifier subID = Identifier.publicURI(obj); Event e = new Event(eventID, objID, subID, userID, success, type, client, outcomeNote);, es); // serialize update rdfxml to disk try { fs.write(objid, null, "rdf.xml", cacheUpdate(objid, ts, es).getBytes()); } catch (Exception inner) { log.error("Error serializing RDF/XML on update", inner); } } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Error minting event ARK", ex); } } private Identifier createOrLookupUser(TripleStore es, String user) throws TripleStoreException, IOException { Identifier uid = null; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(user)) { // lookup the user from the event triplestore String query = "SELECT ?sub WHERE { ?sub <" + rdfNS + "type> ?type . ?type <" + rdfNS + "label> '\"mads:PersonalName\"' . " + "?sub <" + madsNS + "authoritativeLabel> ?val . FILTER ( lcase( ?val ) = lcase('\"" + user + "\"'))}"; BindingIterator it = es.sparqlSelect(query); if (it.hasNext()) uid = Identifier.publicURI(it.nextBinding().get("sub")); else { // mint ARK for the new user String minterURL = idMinters.get(minterDefault) + "1"; String userARK = HttpUtil.get(minterURL); userARK = userARK.replaceAll(".*/", "").trim(); uid = userID = Identifier.publicURI(idNS + userARK); Namespace madsNamespace = new Namespace("mads", madsNS); Namespace rdfNamespace = new Namespace("rdf", rdfNS); Element rdf = createRdfRootElement(); Element name = rdf.addElement(new QName("PersonalName", madsNamespace)); name.addAttribute(new QName("about", rdfNamespace), uid.getId()); addTextElement(name, "authoritativeLabel", madsNamespace, user); Element el = addElement(name, "elementList", madsNamespace); el.addAttribute(new QName("parseType", rdfNamespace), "Collection"); Element ne = addElement(el, "NameElement", madsNamespace); addTextElement(ne, "elementValue", madsNamespace, user); // add the user record to the event triplestore InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(rdf.getDocument().asXML().getBytes()); Map info = objectEdit(userARK, true, in, null, null, null, null, es, es, null); in.close(); int statusCode = (int) info.get("statusCode"); if (statusCode != 201) throw new TripleStoreException( "Error status code" + statusCode + ": " + (String) info.get("message")); } } return uid; } private static Element addElement(Branch parent, String elemName, Namespace ns) { return parent.addElement(new QName(elemName, ns)); } private static void addTextElement(Element parent, String elemName, Namespace ns, String value) { addElement(parent, elemName, ns).setText(value); } private Element createRdfRootElement() { // setup document rdf root element Document doc = new DocumentFactory().createDocument(); Element rdf = addElement(doc, "RDF", new Namespace("rdf", rdfNS)); doc.setRootElement(rdf); rdf.add(new Namespace("mads", madsNS)); rdf.add(new Namespace("rdf", rdfNS)); rdf.add(new Namespace("dams", prNS)); return rdf; } //========================================================================= // Methods that handle their own response //========================================================================= public void fileShow(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // ZZZ: access control req.setAttribute("edu.ucsd.library.dams.api.DAMSAPIServlet.authorized", "true"); String url = "/file/" + objid + fileString(cmpid, fileid); if (req.getQueryString() != null && !req.getQueryString().equals("")) { url += "?" + req.getQueryString(); } try { req.getRequestDispatcher(url).forward(req, res); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error sending redirect", ex); } } private void sparqlQuery(String sparql, TripleStore ts, Map<String, String[]> params, String pathInfo, HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception { if (sparql == null) { Map err = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "No query specified.", null); output(err, params, pathInfo, res); return; } else {"sparql: " + sparql); } // sparql query BindingIterator objs = ts.sparqlSelect(sparql); // start output String sparqlNS = ""; res.setContentType("application/sparql-results+xml"); OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream(); XMLOutputFactory factory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamWriter stream = factory.createXMLStreamWriter(out); stream.setDefaultNamespace(sparqlNS); stream.writeStartDocument(); stream.writeStartElement("sparql"); // output bindings boolean headerWritten = false; while (objs.hasNext()) { Map<String, String> binding = objs.nextBinding(); // write header on first binding if (!headerWritten) { Iterator<String> it = binding.keySet().iterator(); stream.writeStartElement("head"); while (it.hasNext()) { String k =; stream.writeStartElement("variable"); stream.writeAttribute("name", k); stream.writeEndElement(); } stream.writeEndElement(); stream.writeStartElement("results"); // ordered='false' distinct='false' headerWritten = true; } stream.writeStartElement("result"); Iterator<String> it = binding.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String k =; String v = binding.get(k); stream.writeStartElement("binding"); stream.writeAttribute("name", k); String type = null; if (v.startsWith("\"") && v.endsWith("\"")) { type = "literal"; v = v.substring(1, v.length() - 1); } else if (v.startsWith("_:")) { type = "bnode"; v = v.substring(2); } else { type = "uri"; } stream.writeStartElement(type); stream.writeCharacters(v); stream.writeEndElement(); stream.writeEndElement(); } stream.writeEndElement(); } // finish output stream.writeEndElement(); stream.writeEndDocument(); stream.flush(); stream.close(); } /** * Merge records in the id parameter to record objid * @param oid * @param params * @throws TripleStoreException */ private Map mergeRecords(String objid, Map<String, String[]> params, TripleStore ts, TripleStore es, FileStore fs) throws TripleStoreException { // make sure an identifier is specified if (objid == null || objid.trim().equals("")) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "No subject provided", null); } // make sure the target record exists for merging Identifier id = createID(objid, null, null); if (!ts.exists(id)) { return error(SC_FORBIDDEN, "The selected record does not exist: " + objid, null); } Map info = null; String message = null; String tmpid = null; String[] ids = params.get("id"); List<String> recordsAffected = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> records2merge = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { tmpid = ids[i]; String[] mids = tmpid.split(","); for (int j = 0; j < mids.length; j++) { tmpid = mids[j].trim(); if (tmpid.length() > 0) { if (!ts.exists(createID(tmpid, null, null))) { return error(SC_FORBIDDEN, "Record for merging does not exist: " + tmpid, null); } records2merge.add(tmpid); } } } // make sure an identifier(s) for merging is specified if (records2merge.size() == 0) { return error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "No subject for merging provided in id parameter", null); } boolean successful = true; String merid = null; String records2MergeStr = ""; Statement stmt = null; StatementIterator sit = null; int idNSLength = idNS.length(); for (Iterator<String> it = records2merge.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { merid =; records2MergeStr += (records2MergeStr.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") + merid; boolean merged = true; Identifier mergedID = createID(merid, null, null); try { sit = ts.listStatements(null, null, mergedID); while (sit.hasNext()) { stmt = sit.nextStatement(); Identifier parent = stmt.getParent(); Identifier tmpID = stmt.getSubject(); List<String> subs = new ArrayList<String>(); subs.add(parent.getId()); if (subs.size() == 0) { merged = false; //Unbound record or other unknown nodes? message = "Unable to find subject parent " + stmt.getObject() + ": " + stmt.toString(); log.warn(message); updateErrorInfo(info, message); } else if (subs.size() == 1) { //Parent subject String subAffected = subs.get(0); //Change the linked records to link to objid choosen Identifier parentID = createID(subAffected, null, null); cacheRemove(subAffected); //Update the linking updateResource(stmt, ts, id, parentID); createEvent(ts, es, fs, subAffected, null, null, Event.RECORD_EDITED, true, null);"Updated record " + parentID.getId() + " to link to " + id.getId() + "."); //Looking up records that are affected processAffectedRecords(subs, recordsAffected); while (subs.size() > 0) { recordsAffected.addAll(subs); List<String> subAs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Iterator<String> itSubs = subs.iterator(); itSubs.hasNext();) { String subTmp =; retrieveSubject(createID(subTmp, null, null), ts, subAs); } processAffectedRecords(subAs, recordsAffected); subs = subAs; } } else { merged = false; message = ""; for (Iterator<String> itTmp = subs.iterator(); itTmp.hasNext();) message = (message.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") + message; message = "Failed to merge " + mergedID.getId() + " to " + objid + ". multiple parent object found for " + mergedID.getId() + ": " + message; log.error(message); updateErrorInfo(info, message); } } sit.close(); sit = null; //Delete the merged record from the triplestore if there are no records linked to it sit = ts.listStatements(null, null, mergedID); if (!sit.hasNext()) { cacheRemove(merid); ts.removeObject(mergedID);"Merging " + records2MergeStr + " to " + objid + " deleted " + mergedID.getId() + " from the triplestore."); if (!ts.exists(id)) { createEvent(ts, es, fs, merid, null, null, Event.RECORD_DELETED, true, null); } else { createEvent(ts, es, fs, merid, null, null, Event.RECORD_DELETED, false, null); updateErrorInfo(info, "Object deletion failed: " + mergedID.getId()); } } else { successful = false; message = "Can't delete the merged records " + mergedID.getId() + " from the triplestore. The following triples link to it: " + sit.nextStatement().toString(); updateErrorInfo(info, message); log.error(message); } } finally { if (sit != null) { sit.close(); sit = null; } } //Remove the merged record from SOLR if (merged) { message = indexQueue(merid.replace(idNS, ""), "purgeObject", DEFAULT_PRIORITY); if (message != null && message.length() > 0) { successful = false; updateErrorInfo(info, message); }"Records merging deleted record " + merid.replace(idNS, "") + " from SOLR."); } else { successful = false; } //Update SOLR for records affected for (Iterator<String> ita = recordsAffected.iterator(); ita.hasNext();) { message = indexQueue(, "modifyObject", DEFAULT_PRIORITY); if (message != null && message.length() > 0) updateErrorInfo(info, message); }"Updated affected records in solr for merging " + records2MergeStr + " to " + objid + ": Total records updated " + recordsAffected.size()); } if (successful && info == null) info = status(201, "Successfully merged records (" + records2MergeStr + ") to " + objid + ". Total records updated in solr " + recordsAffected.size()); else if (info == null) updateErrorInfo(info, "Failed to merge records2MergeStr to " + objid + "."); return info; } private void processAffectedRecords(List<String> subs, List<String> recordsAffected) throws TripleStoreException { //Skip those records that are processed previously Object[] subsArr = subs.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < subsArr.length; i++) { if (recordsAffected.contains(subsArr[i])) { subs.remove(subsArr[i]); } } } private void retrieveSubject(Identifier objID, TripleStore ts, List<String> subjects) throws TripleStoreException { StatementIterator sit = null; Statement stmt = null; List<Identifier> ids = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); try { sit = ts.listStatements(null, null, objID); while (sit.hasNext()) { stmt = sit.nextStatement(); Identifier tmpID = stmt.getSubject(); String predicate = stmt.getPredicate().getId(); //Skip looking up the linking for collections and objects if (!(predicate.toLowerCase().endsWith("collection") || predicate.toLowerCase().endsWith("collectionpart") || predicate.toLowerCase().endsWith("haspart") || predicate.toLowerCase().endsWith("object"))) ids.add(tmpID); } } finally { if (sit != null) { sit.close(); sit = null; } } for (Iterator<Identifier> it = ids.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { int idNSLength = idNS.length(); Identifier id =; String tmpid = id.getId(); if (tmpid.startsWith(idNS)) { tmpid = tmpid.substring(idNSLength); if (tmpid.indexOf("/") > 0) // Component, File etc. tmpid = tmpid.substring(0, tmpid.indexOf("/")); if (!subjects.contains(tmpid)) subjects.add(tmpid); } else { //Internal class instance, BlankNodes or other unknown nodes retrieveSubject(id, ts, subjects); } } } private void updateResource(Statement stmt, TripleStore ts, Identifier newID, Identifier parent) throws TripleStoreException { Identifier objID = stmt.getObject(); //Add statement for the new linking. stmt.setObject(newID); ts.addStatement(stmt, parent); //Remove the original linked record statement ts.removeStatements(stmt.getSubject(), stmt.getPredicate(), objID); } private void updateErrorInfo(Map info, String message) { if (info == null) { info = error(message, null); } else { info = error(info.get("message") + " ; " + message, null); } } /** * Build querystring for Solr. **/ private String queryString(Map<String, String[]> params) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator<String> it = params.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String key =; String[] vals = params.get(key); for (int i = 0; vals != null && i < vals.length; i++) { if (buf.length() != 0) { buf.append("&"); } buf.append(URLEncoder.encode(key, encodingDefault)); buf.append("="); if (vals[i] != null) { buf.append(URLEncoder.encode(vals[i], encodingDefault)); } } } return buf.toString(); } //======================================================================== // Output formatting //======================================================================== protected Map error(String msg, Exception ex) { return error(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, ex); } protected Map error(int errorCode, String msg, Exception ex) { Map info = status(errorCode, msg); if (ex != null) { info.put("exception", ex); } return info; } protected Map status(String msg) { return status(SC_OK, msg); } protected Map status(int statusCode, String msg) { Map info = new LinkedHashMap(); info.put("statusCode", statusCode); info.put("message", msg); info.put("timestamp", dateFormat.format(new Date())); return info; } public void output(DAMSObject obj, boolean export, Map<String, String[]> params, String pathInfo, HttpServletResponse res) { try { String format = getParamString(params, "format", formatDefault); String content = null; String contentType = null; if (format.equals("nt")) { content = obj.getNTriples(export); contentType = "text/plain"; } else if (format.equals("turtle")) { content = obj.getTurtle(export); contentType = "text/turtle"; } else if (format.equals("xml")) { content = obj.getRDFXML(export); contentType = "application/xml"; } else { Map err = error(SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Unsupported format: " + format, null); output(err, params, pathInfo, res); return; } output(SC_OK, content, contentType, res); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error outputting object metadata", ex); Map err = error("Error outputting object metadata", ex); output(err, params, pathInfo, res); } } protected void output(Map info, Map<String, String[]> params, String pathInfo, HttpServletResponse res) { int statusCode = 200; try { Integer statusInteger = (Integer) info.get("statusCode"); if (statusInteger != null) { statusCode = statusInteger.intValue(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error processing status code", ex); } // auto-populate basic request info info.put("request", pathInfo); if (statusCode < 400) { info.put("status", "OK"); } else { info.put("status", "ERROR"); } // convert errors to 200/OK + error message for Flash, etc. String flash = getParamString(params, "flash", ""); if (flash != null && flash.equals("true")) { info.put("flash", "true"); info.put("statusCode", String.valueOf(statusCode)); statusCode = SC_OK; } String content = null; String contentType = null; String format = getParamString(params, "format", formatDefault); // if format is not specified/configured, or is invalid, send a warning // but don't clobber existing request status/message if (format == null) { // handle missing formatDefault info.put("warning", "No format specified and no default format configured"); format = "xml"; } else if (!format.equals("json") && !format.equals("html") && !format.equals("properties") && !format.equals("xml")) { // handle invalid format info.put("warning", "Invalid format: '" + format + "'"); format = "xml"; } if (format.equals("json")) { // convert exceptions to strings b/c toJSONString can't handle them Exception e = (Exception) info.get("exception"); if (e != null) { info.put("exception", e.getMessage()); } content = JSONValue.toJSONString(info); contentType = "application/json"; } else if (format.equals("html")) { content = toHTML(info); contentType = "text/html"; } else if (format.equals("properties")) { content = toProperties(info); contentType = "text/plain"; } else if (format.equals("xml")) { content = toXMLString(info); contentType = "application/xml; charset=utf-8"; } output(statusCode, content, contentType, res); } protected void output(int status, String content, String contentType, HttpServletResponse res) { // output content try { if (status != 200) { res.setStatus(status); } if (contentType != null) { res.setContentType(contentType); } PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(res.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8")); out.print(content); out.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error sending output", ex); } } public static Document toXML(Map m) { Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = doc.addElement("response"); doc.setRootElement(root); Iterator keys = m.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String); Object val = m.get(key); Element e = root.addElement(key); if (val instanceof String) { e.setText(val.toString()); } else if (val instanceof Collection) { Collection col = (Collection) val; for (Iterator it = col.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object o =; Element sub = e.addElement("value"); if (o instanceof Map) { Map valmap = (Map) o; Iterator fields = valmap.keySet().iterator(); while (fields.hasNext()) { String field = (String); Element sub2 = sub.addElement(field); sub2.setText(valmap.get(field).toString()); } } else { sub.setText(o.toString()); } } } else if (val instanceof Map) { Map m2 = (Map) val; for (Iterator it = m2.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String k2 = (String); String v2 = (String) m2.get(k2); Element sub = e.addElement("value"); sub.addAttribute("key", k2); sub.setText(v2); } } else if (val instanceof Exception) { Exception ex = (Exception) val; e.addElement("p").setText(ex.toString()); StackTraceElement[] elem = ex.getStackTrace(); for (int i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) { e.addElement("p").setText(elem[i].toString()); } } else { e.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } } return doc; } public static String toProperties(Map m) { Properties props = new Properties(); Iterator keys = m.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String); Object val = m.get(key); if (val instanceof Collection) { Collection col = (Collection) val; int i = 0; for (Iterator it = col.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { Object o =; if (o instanceof Map) { Map valmap = (Map) o; Iterator fields = valmap.keySet().iterator(); while (fields.hasNext()) { String field = (String); props.put(key + "." + i + "." + field, valmap.get(field).toString()); } } else { props.put(key + "." + i, o.toString()); } } } else if (val instanceof Map) { Map m2 = (Map) val; for (Iterator it = m2.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String k2 = (String); props.put(key + "." + k2, (String) m2.get(k2)); } } else if (val instanceof Exception) { Exception ex = (Exception) val; props.put(key + ".summary", ex.toString()); StackTraceElement[] elem = ex.getStackTrace(); for (int i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) { props.put(key + "." + i, elem[i].toString()); } } else { props.put(key, val.toString()); } } // serialize to a string String content = null; try { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();, null); content = sw.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { content = "Error serializing properties: " + ex.toString(); log.error(content, ex); } return content; } public static String toXMLString(Map m) { return toXML(m).asXML(); } public static String toHTML(Map m) { Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = doc.addElement("html"); doc.setRootElement(root); Element body = root.addElement("body"); Element table = body.addElement("table"); Iterator keys = m.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String); Object val = m.get(key); Element row = table.addElement("tr"); Element keyCell = row.addElement("td"); keyCell.setText(key); Element valCell = row.addElement("td"); if (val instanceof String) { valCell.setText(val.toString()); } else if (val instanceof Collection) { Collection col = (Collection) val; for (Iterator it = col.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element p = valCell.addElement("p"); Object o =; if (o instanceof Map) { Map valmap = (Map) o; Iterator fields = valmap.keySet().iterator(); while (fields.hasNext()) { String field = (String); String value = (String) valmap.get(field); p.addText(field + ": " + value); if (fields.hasNext()) { p.addElement("br"); } } } else { p.setText(o.toString()); } } } else if (val instanceof Map) { Map m2 = (Map) val; for (Iterator it = m2.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String k2 = (String); String v2 = (String) m2.get(k2); Element div = valCell.addElement("div"); div.setText(k2 + ": " + v2); } } else if (val instanceof Exception) { Exception ex = (Exception) val; valCell.addElement("p").setText(ex.toString()); StackTraceElement[] elem = ex.getStackTrace(); for (int i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) { valCell.addText(elem[i].toString()); valCell.addElement("br"); } } } return doc.asXML(); } public String xslt(String xml, String xslName, Map<String, String[]> params, String queryString) throws TransformerException { // setup the transformer String xsl = xslName.startsWith("http") ? xslName : xslBase + xslName; TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xsl)); return xslt(xml, t, params, queryString); } public String xslt(String xml, Transformer t, Map<String, String[]> params, String queryString) throws TransformerException { if (xml == null) { throw new TransformerException("No input document provided"); } if (t == null) { throw new TransformerException("Null transform"); } // params String casGroupTest = getParamString(params, "casGroupTest", null); // clear stale parameters t.clearParameters(); // add request params to xsl if (params != null) { Iterator<String> it = params.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; String val = null; String[] vals = (String[]) params.get(key); for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { if (vals[i] != null && !vals[i].equals("")) { if (val == null) { val = vals[i]; } else { val += "; " + vals[i]; } } } if (key != null && val != null) { String escaped = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(val); t.setParameter(key, escaped); } } } if (queryString != null) { t.setParameter("queryString", StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(queryString)); } if (casGroupTest != null) { t.setParameter("casTest", casGroupTest); } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); t.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xml)), new StreamResult(sw)); return sw.toString(); } //======================================================================== // Request parsing, input, etc. //======================================================================== public static boolean isNumber(String s) { if (numberPattern == null) { numberPattern = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); } return numberPattern.matcher(s).matches(); } public static String fileString(String cmpid, String fileid) { return (cmpid != null) ? "/" + cmpid + "/" + fileid : "/" + fileid; } private Identifier createPred(String preid) { if (preid == null) { return null; } else if (preid.startsWith("http")) { return Identifier.publicURI(preid); } else { String[] parts = preid.split(":"); String ns = nsmap.get(parts[0]); return Identifier.publicURI(ns + parts[1]); } } protected Identifier createID(String objid, String cmpid, String fileid) { String id = objid; if (cmpid != null) { id += "/" + cmpid; } if (fileid != null) { id += "/" + fileid; } if (!id.startsWith("http")) { id = idNS + id; } return Identifier.publicURI(id); } public List<String> list(Properties props, String prefix, String suffix) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Iterator it = props.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String key = (String); if (key != null && key.startsWith(prefix) && key.endsWith(suffix)) { String s = key.substring(prefix.length(), key.length() - suffix.length()); if (!values.contains(s)) { values.add(s); } } } return values; } public String getRole(String ip) { // return default role if the ip address is not provided if (ip == null || ip.trim().equals("")) { return roleDefault; } // get each role and associated ip ranges, checking to see if any match Iterator<String> roles = roleMap.keySet().iterator(); while (roles.hasNext()) { String role =; String[] ipranges = roleMap.get(role); for (int i = 0; i < ipranges.length; i++) { // trailing . is treated as a wildcard if (ipranges[i].endsWith(".")) { if (ip.startsWith(ipranges[i])) { return role.replaceAll(".*\\.", ""); } } // otherwise, require exact match else if (ip.equals(ipranges[i])) { return role.replaceAll(".*\\.", ""); } } } // return the default role if nothing matches return roleDefault; } protected File getParamFile(Map<String, String[]> params, String key, File defaultFile) { if (params == null) { return defaultFile; } File f = null; String[] arr = params.get(key); if (arr != null && arr.length > 0 && arr[0] != null && !arr[0].trim().equals("")) { f = new File(fsStaging, arr[0]); } // make sure file exists if (f != null && f.isFile() && f.exists()) { return f; } else { return defaultFile; } } /* * Target path for the EZID record */ private String findTargetPath(String objid, Model rdf) { // default path: object? String path = "/object"; ExtendedIterator<Triple> triples = rdf.getGraph().find(NodeFactory.createURI(idNS + objid), NodeFactory.createURI(rdfNS + "type"), Node.ANY); for (Triple triple : triples.toList()) { if (triple.getObject() != null) { Node typeNode = triple.getObject(); if (typeNode.isURI()) { String rdfType = typeNode.getURI(); if (rdfType.endsWith("Object")) return path; else if (rdfType.endsWith("Collection")) return "/collection"; } } } return path; } /** * Extract technical metadata with Jhove * @param srcFilename * @return * @throws Exception */ public static Map<String, String> jhoveExtraction(String srcFilename) throws Exception { /* data dictionary: property source size jhove, filestore mimeType jhove formatName jhove formatVersion jhove dateCreated jhove quality jhove crc32checksum jhove md5checksum jhove sha1checksum jhove preservationLevel fixed=full objectCategory fixed=file compositionLevel fixed=0 sourceFilename jhove tmp file/initial upload/automatic sourcePath jhove tmp file/initial upload/user-specified use user-specified/type from mime, role=service? */ MyJhoveBase jhove = MyJhoveBase.getMyJhoveBase(); JhoveInfo data = jhove.getJhoveMetaData(srcFilename); Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>(); props.put("size", String.valueOf(data.getSize())); props.put("mimeType", data.getMIMEtype()); props.put("formatName", data.getFormat()); props.put("formatVersion", data.getVersion()); props.put("dateCreated", dateFormat.format(data.getDateModified())); props.put("quality", data.getQuality()); props.put("duration", data.getDuration()); props.put("sourceFileName", data.getLocalFileName()); props.put("sourcePath", data.getFilePath()); props.put("crc32checksum", data.getCheckSum_CRC32()); props.put("md5checksum", data.getChecksum_MD5()); props.put("sha1checksum", data.getChecksum_SHA()); props.put("status", data.getStatus()); return props; } /** * Default file use * @param filename */ public String getFileUse(String filename) { String use = null; // check for generated derivatives if (filename.endsWith(derivativesExt)) { String fid = filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf(derivativesExt)); use = props.getProperty("derivatives." + fid + ".use"); } if (use == null) { // check in fsUseMap String ext = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); use = fsUseMap.get(ext); } if (use == null) { // fallback on mime type MimetypesFileTypeMap mimeTypes = new MimetypesFileTypeMap(); String mimeType = mimeTypes.getContentType(filename); String format = mimeType.substring(0, mimeType.indexOf('/')); if (format.equals("application")) { format = "data"; } if (!filename.startsWith("1.") && filename.endsWith(derivativesExt)) { // Derivative type use = format + "-thumbnail"; } else { use = format + "-service"; } } return use; } public static String getDefaultCompositionLevel(String srcFileName) { String compositionLevel = "0"; if (srcFileName != null) { if (srcFileName.endsWith(".tar.gz") || srcFileName.endsWith(".tgz")) { compositionLevel = "2"; } else if (srcFileName.endsWith(".gz") || srcFileName.endsWith(".tar") || srcFileName.endsWith(".zip")) { compositionLevel = "1"; } } return compositionLevel; } protected static int getPropInt(Properties props, String key, int defaultValue) { if (props == null) { return defaultValue; } int value = defaultValue; String val = props.getProperty(key); try { int i = Integer.parseInt(val); value = i; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error parsing integer property: " + ex.toString()); value = defaultValue; } return value; } protected static long getPropLong(Properties props, String key, long defaultValue) { if (props == null) { return defaultValue; } long value = defaultValue; String val = props.getProperty(key); try { long l = Long.parseLong(val); value = l; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error parsing long property: " + ex.toString()); value = defaultValue; } return value; } protected static String[] getParamArray(Map<String, String[]> params, String key, String[] defaultValues) { if (params == null) { return defaultValues; } String[] values = null; if (params != null) { String[] arr = params.get(key); if (arr != null && arr.length > 0) { return arr; } } return defaultValues; } protected static String getParamString(Map params, String key, String defaultValue) { String value = null; if (params == null) { return defaultValue; } else { Object o = params.get(key); if (o != null && o instanceof String[]) { String[] arr = (String[]) o; if (arr != null && arr.length > 0 && arr[0] != null && !arr[0].trim().equals("")) { return arr[0]; } } else if (o != null) { value = o.toString(); } } if (value != null) { return value; } else { return defaultValue; } } protected static String getParamString(HttpServletRequest req, String key, String defaultValue) { return getParamString(req.getParameterMap(), key, defaultValue); } protected static boolean getParamBool(Map params, String key, boolean defaultValue) { if (params == null) { return defaultValue; } String value = getParamString(params, key, null); if (value == null || value.trim().equals("")) { return defaultValue; } else { return value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } } protected static boolean getParamBool(HttpServletRequest req, String key, boolean defaultValue) { return getParamBool(req.getParameterMap(), key, defaultValue); } protected static int getParamInt(HttpServletRequest req, String key, int defaultValue) { return getParamInt(req.getParameterMap(), key, defaultValue); } protected static int getParamInt(Map params, String key, int defaultValue) { if (params == null) { return defaultValue; } String s = getParamString(params, key, null); System.out.println("getParamInt: " + key + ", " + s); int value = defaultValue; if (s != null) { try { int i = Integer.parseInt(s); value = i; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error parsing integer parameter: " + ex.toString()); value = defaultValue; } } return value; } protected static String[] path(HttpServletRequest req) { String pathstr = req.getPathInfo(); + " " + req.getContextPath() + req.getServletPath() + pathstr); if (pathstr == null) { return new String[] {}; } else { return pathstr.split("/"); } } protected InputBundle input(HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException, FileUploadException { return input(req, null, null, null); } protected InputBundle input(HttpServletRequest req, String objid, String cmpid, String fileid) throws IOException, FileUploadException { + " " + req.getRequestURL()); InputBundle input = null; if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req) || (req.getContentType() != null && req.getContentType().startsWith("multipart/form-data"))) { // process multipart uploads input = multipartInput(req, objid, cmpid, fileid); } else if (req.getContentLength() > 0) { // if there is a POST/PUT body, then use it InputStream in = req.getInputStream(); input = new InputBundle(req.getParameterMap(), in, fedoraDebug); } else { // check for locally-staged file or source filestore reference Map<String, String[]> params = req.getParameterMap(); InputStream in = alternateStream(params, objid, cmpid, fileid); input = new InputBundle(params, in); } // retrieve the user userID = null; user = getParamString(input.getParams(), "user", null); client = getParamString(input.getParams(), "client", "No client specified"); return input; } /** * Look for file sources other than HttpRequest, such as locally-staged * files and FileStore source references. **/ private InputStream alternateStream(Map<String, String[]> params, String objid, String cmpid, String fileid) throws IOException { File f = getParamFile(params, "local", null); InputStream in = null; if (f != null) { in = new FileInputStream(f); } else { String srcName = getParamString(params, "srcfs", null); if (srcName != null) { try { FileStore srcfs = FileStoreUtil.getFileStore(props, srcName);"Loading from " + srcfs + ": " + objid + "/" + cmpid + "/" + fileid); if (srcfs != null && srcfs.exists(objid, cmpid, fileid)) { in = srcfs.getInputStream(objid, cmpid, fileid); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException("Error trying to load file from alternate FileStore", ex); } } } return in; } private InputBundle multipartInput(HttpServletRequest req, String objid, String cmpid, String fileid) throws IOException, SizeLimitExceededException { // process parts Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); params.putAll(req.getParameterMap()); InputStream in = null; FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory); if (maxUploadSize != -1L) { upload.setSizeMax(maxUploadSize); } List items = null; try { items = upload.parseRequest(req); } catch (SizeLimitExceededException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; items != null && i < items.size(); i++) { FileItem item = (FileItem) items.get(i); // form fields go in parameter map if (item.isFormField()) { params.put(item.getFieldName(), new String[] { item.getString() }); log.debug("Parameter: " + item.getFieldName() + " = " + item.getString()); } // file gets opened as an input stream else { in = item.getInputStream(); log.debug("File: " + item.getFieldName() + ", " + item.getName()); params.put("sourceFileName", new String[] { item.getName() }); } } // if no file upload found, check for locally-staged file if (in == null) { in = alternateStream(params, objid, cmpid, fileid); } return new InputBundle(params, in); } /** * List embargoed objects a collection/unit */ private List<Map<String, String>> getEmbargoedList(String pred, String gid, TripleStore ts) throws TripleStoreException { Identifier pre = createPred(pred); String sparql = "select ?oid ?endDate where {?oid <" + pre.getId() + "> <" + idNS + gid + ">" + " . ?oid <" + prNS + "license> ?Lisense . ?Lisense <" + prNS + "licenseNote> '\"embargo\"'" + " . ?Lisense <" + prNS + "restriction> ?Restriction . ?Restriction <" + prNS + "endDate> ?endDate}"; BindingIterator embargoeds = null; try { embargoeds = ts.sparqlSelect(sparql); List<Map<String, String>> embargoedList = bindings(embargoeds); return embargoedList; } finally { if (embargoeds != null) embargoeds.close(); } } private Set<String> loadSet(ServletContext context, String resourcePath) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); try { InputStream in = context.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath); BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); for (String line = null; (line = buf.readLine()) != null;) { set.add(line); } return set; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error loading set from " + resourcePath, ex); return null; } } /** * Remove characters that are not allowed in XML. * @see **/ private static String escapeForXml(String s) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(s.length()); char c; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { c = s.charAt(i); if (c == 0x9 || c == 0xA || c == 0xD || (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0xD7FF) || (c >= 0xE000 && c <= 0xFFFD) || (c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x10FFFF)) { buf.append(c); } } return buf.toString(); } private void loadDerivativesConfig(String derList, Map<String, String> derivativesRes, Map<String, String> derivativesUse) { if (derList != null) { String[] d = derList.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { String res = props.getProperty("derivatives." + d[i] + ".resolution"); String use = props.getProperty("derivatives." + d[i] + ".use"); derivativesRes.put(d[i], res); derivativesUse.put(d[i], use); } } } public static Properties loadConfig() throws Exception { Properties props = null; String envName = getEnvCode(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(envName)) { // load default configuration if environment variables is not set props = loadDefaultConfig(); } else { String varNamePrefix = "APPS_DAMS_" + (envName.equalsIgnoreCase("production") ? "PROD" : envName).toUpperCase(); props = new Properties(); //#default api output format addProperty(props, "format.default", varNamePrefix); //#editor backup save dir addProperty(props, "edit.backupDir", varNamePrefix); //#derivatives and characterization addProperty(props, "derivatives.list", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.ext", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.2.resolution", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.2.use", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.3.resolution", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.3.use", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.4.resolution", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.4.use", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.5.resolution", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.5.use", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.6.resolution", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.6.use", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.7.resolution", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.7.use", varNamePrefix); //#video derivatives and characterization addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.2.mp4.resolution", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "derivatives.2.mp4.use", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ffmpeg", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "magick.convert", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "jhove.conf", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "jhove.maxSize", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "jhove.zipModel.command", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "jhove.gzipModel.command", varNamePrefix); //#namespaces and identifiers addProperty(props, "minters.default", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "minters.list", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "minters.xx", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ns.damsid", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ns.dams", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ns.mads", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ns.owl", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ns.rdf", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ns.owl.sameAs", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ns.rdf.label", varNamePrefix); //#solr addProperty(props, "solr.base", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "solr.mimeDefault", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "solr.encoding", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "solr.xslDir", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "solr.profile.dams", varNamePrefix); //#accesscontrol/filters addProperty(props, "role.localCopyright", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "role.admin", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "role.admin2", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "role.default", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "role.local", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "role.super", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "role.list", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "role.public.filter", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "role.public.iplist", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "role.local.filter", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "role.local.iplist", varNamePrefix); //#triplestores addProperty(props, "ts.default", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ts.cacheSize", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ts.dams.className", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ts.dams.tripleStoreName", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ts.dams.dataSource", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ts.dams.driverClass", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ts.dams.dataSourceUser", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ts.dams.dataSourcePass", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ts.dams.dataSourceURL", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ts.dams.columnDef", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); //#filestores addProperty(props, "fs.default", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.maxUploadCount", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.maxUploadSize", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.staging", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.localStore.baseDir", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.localStore.className", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.localStore.orgCode", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.isilon-nfs.baseDir", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.isilon-nfs.className", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.isilon-nfs.orgCode", varNamePrefix); //#file use default values for common file types addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.avi", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.mp4", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.tif", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.jpg", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.png", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.pdf", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.wav", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.mp3", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.tar", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.tgz", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fs.usemap.tar.gz", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); //#ldap authorization addProperty(props, "ldap.url", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ldap.principal", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ldap.pass", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ldap.queryPrefix", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ldap.querySuffix", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ldap.defaultAttributes", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ldap.memberOf.match", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ldap.memberOf.trimstart", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ldap.memberOf.trimend", varNamePrefix); //#fedora compat config addProperty(props, "fedora.objectDS", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fedora.rightsDS", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fedora.linksDS", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fedora.systemDS", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fedora.samplePID", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fedora.compatVersion", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "fedora.adminEmail", varNamePrefix); //#update test //#activemq for solrizerd addProperty(props, "queue.url", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); //#ezid for doi minting addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ezid.shoulder", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ezid.user", varNamePrefix); addProperty(props, "ezid.pass", varNamePrefix); //#FFMPEG codec parameters addProperty(props, "ffmpeg.codec.params", varNamePrefix); } return props; } private static void addProperty(Properties props, String propName, String prefix) { // Env variable convenient: APPS_[JIRA code]{deploy][purpose] APPS_DAMS_PROD_DERIVATIVES_2_RESOLUTION String val = System.getProperty(prefix + "_" + propName.toUpperCase().replace("\\.", "_")); props.put(propName, val); } private static String getEnvCode() throws Exception { String envCode = System.getProperty("RAILS_ENV"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(envCode)) return envCode; List<String> envCodes = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, String> vars = System.getenv(); for (String key : vars.keySet()) { if (key != null && key.startsWith("APPS_DAMS_")) { String[] tokens = key.split("_"); if (tokens.length >= 4 && !envCodes.contains(tokens[2])) envCodes.add(tokens[2]); } } if (envCodes.size() == 0) return null; else if (envCodes.size() == 1) return envCodes.get(0); else throw new Exception("Configuration error: more than one sets of environment variable found - " + envCodes.get(0) + ", " + envCodes.get(1) + "."); } private static Properties loadDefaultConfig() throws NamingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { String damsHome = null; InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); try { damsHome = (String) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/dams/home"); } catch (Exception ex) { damsHome = "dams"; log.error("Error looking up enviroment variable: java:comp/env/dams/home", ex); } File f = new File(damsHome, ""); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(new FileInputStream(f)); return props; } } class InputBundle { Map<String, String[]> params; InputStream in; InputBundle(Map<String, String[]> params, InputStream in) { this(params, in, false); } InputBundle(Map<String, String[]> params, InputStream in, boolean debug) { this.params = params; if (debug) { try { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = -1; (i = != -1;) { buf.append((char) i); } in.close(); System.out.println("raw input: " + buf.toString()); = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.toString().getBytes()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { = in; } } Map<String, String[]> getParams() { return params; } InputStream getInputStream() { return in; } }