List of usage examples for org.dom4j Node getText
String getText();
Returns the text of this node.
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License:Open Source License
private void loadPluginComponents() throws PluginException { Document pluginDescriptor = getPluginDescriptor(); List<Document> messageCollectionList = getMessageDocuments(); List<Node> cloudNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/Cloud"); for (Node cloudNode : cloudNodeList) { String cloudClassname = cloudNode.valueOf("@cloudClass"); String cloudId = cloudNode.valueOf("@id"); String usernameClassname = cloudNode.valueOf("@usernameClass"); boolean onlineStorage = Boolean.valueOf(cloudNode.valueOf("@onlineStorage")); String propertiesLocation = cloudNode.valueOf("@properties"); boolean disabled = Boolean.valueOf(cloudNode.valueOf("@disabled")) && !cloudId.equals(CloudFactory.DEFAULT_CLOUD); if (disabled) { continue; }//w w w. j a v a 2 s .co m boolean hidden = Boolean.valueOf(cloudNode.valueOf("@hidden")) && !cloudId.equals(CloudFactory.DEFAULT_CLOUD); Class<? extends Cloud> cloudClass = getClass(classLoader, cloudClassname, Cloud.class); Class<? extends NameLookup> usernameClass = getClass(classLoader, usernameClassname, NameLookup.class); Node cloudMessageNode = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, "/MessageCollection/Cloud[@id='" + cloudId + "']", "Missing Cloud description for cloud " + cloudId); String description = getChildText(cloudMessageNode, "Description").trim(); String details = getChildText(cloudMessageNode, "Details").trim(); PropertyBundle properties = new PropertyBundle(); if (propertiesLocation != null && propertiesLocation.length() > 0) { URL properiesURL = classLoader.getResource(propertiesLocation); if (properiesURL == null) { continue; } properties.loadPropertiesFromURL(properiesURL); } List<Node> propertyNodes = XMLUtil.selectNodes(cloudNode, "Property"); for (Node node : propertyNodes) { String key = node.valueOf("@key"); String value = node.getText().trim(); properties.setProperty(key, value); } CloudPlugin cloudPlugin = new CloudPluginBuilder().setFindbugsPluginId(plugin.getPluginId()) .setCloudid(cloudId).setClassLoader(classLoader).setCloudClass(cloudClass) .setUsernameClass(usernameClass).setHidden(hidden).setProperties(properties) .setDescription(description).setDetails(details).setOnlineStorage(onlineStorage) .createCloudPlugin(); plugin.addCloudPlugin(cloudPlugin); } // Create PluginComponents try { List<Node> componentNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/PluginComponent"); for (Node componentNode : componentNodeList) { @DottedClassName String componentKindname = componentNode.valueOf("@componentKind"); if (componentKindname == null) { throw new PluginException( "Missing @componentKind for " + plugin.getPluginId() + " loaded from " + loadedFrom); } @DottedClassName String componentClassname = componentNode.valueOf("@componentClass"); if (componentClassname == null) { throw new PluginException("Missing @componentClassname for " + plugin.getPluginId() + " loaded from " + loadedFrom); } String componentId = componentNode.valueOf("@id"); if (componentId == null) { throw new PluginException( "Missing @id for " + plugin.getPluginId() + " loaded from " + loadedFrom); } try { String propertiesLocation = componentNode.valueOf("@properties"); boolean disabled = Boolean.valueOf(componentNode.valueOf("@disabled")); Node filterMessageNode = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, "/MessageCollection/PluginComponent[@id='" + componentId + "']", "Missing Cloud description for PluginComponent " + componentId); String description = getChildText(filterMessageNode, "Description").trim(); String details = getChildText(filterMessageNode, "Details").trim(); PropertyBundle properties = new PropertyBundle(); if (propertiesLocation != null && propertiesLocation.length() > 0) { URL properiesURL = classLoaderForResources.getResource(propertiesLocation); if (properiesURL == null) { AnalysisContext.logError("Could not load properties for " + plugin.getPluginId() + " component " + componentId + " from " + propertiesLocation); continue; } properties.loadPropertiesFromURL(properiesURL); } List<Node> propertyNodes = XMLUtil.selectNodes(componentNode, "Property"); for (Node node : propertyNodes) { String key = node.valueOf("@key"); String value = node.getText(); properties.setProperty(key, value); } Class<?> componentKind = classLoader.loadClass(componentKindname); loadComponentPlugin(plugin, componentKind, componentClassname, componentId, disabled, description, details, properties); } catch (RuntimeException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("Unable to load ComponentPlugin " + componentId + " : " + componentClassname + " implementing " + componentKindname, e); } } // Create FindBugsMains if (!FindBugs.isNoMains()) { List<Node> findBugsMainList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/FindBugsMain"); for (Node main : findBugsMainList) { String className = main.valueOf("@class"); if (className == null) { throw new PluginException("Missing @class for FindBugsMain in plugin" + plugin.getPluginId() + " loaded from " + loadedFrom); } String cmd = main.valueOf("@cmd"); if (cmd == null) { throw new PluginException("Missing @cmd for for FindBugsMain in plugin " + plugin.getPluginId() + " loaded from " + loadedFrom); } String kind = main.valueOf("@kind"); boolean analysis = Boolean.valueOf(main.valueOf("@analysis")); Element mainMessageNode = (Element) findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, "/MessageCollection/FindBugsMain[@cmd='" + cmd // + " and @class='" + className + "']/Description", "Missing FindBugsMain description for cmd " + cmd); String description = mainMessageNode.getTextTrim(); try { Class<?> mainClass = classLoader.loadClass(className); plugin.addFindBugsMain(mainClass, cmd, description, kind, analysis); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Unable to load FindBugsMain " + cmd + " : " + className + " in plugin " + plugin.getPluginId() + " loaded from " + loadedFrom; PluginException e2 = new PluginException(msg, e); AnalysisContext.logError(msg, e2); } } } List<Node> detectorNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/Detector"); int detectorCount = 0; for (Node detectorNode : detectorNodeList) { String className = detectorNode.valueOf("@class"); String speed = detectorNode.valueOf("@speed"); String disabled = detectorNode.valueOf("@disabled"); String reports = detectorNode.valueOf("@reports"); String requireJRE = detectorNode.valueOf("@requirejre"); String hidden = detectorNode.valueOf("@hidden"); if (speed == null || speed.length() == 0) { speed = "fast"; } // System.out.println("Found detector: class="+className+", disabled="+disabled); // Create DetectorFactory for the detector Class<?> detectorClass = null; if (!FindBugs.isNoAnalysis()) { detectorClass = classLoader.loadClass(className); if (!Detector.class.isAssignableFrom(detectorClass) && !Detector2.class.isAssignableFrom(detectorClass)) { throw new PluginException( "Class " + className + " does not implement Detector or Detector2"); } } DetectorFactory factory = new DetectorFactory(plugin, className, detectorClass, !"true".equals(disabled), speed, reports, requireJRE); if (Boolean.valueOf(hidden).booleanValue()) { factory.setHidden(true); } factory.setPositionSpecifiedInPluginDescriptor(detectorCount++); plugin.addDetectorFactory(factory); // Find Detector node in one of the messages files, // to get the detail HTML. Node node = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, "/MessageCollection/Detector[@class='" + className + "']/Details", "Missing Detector description for detector " + className); Element details = (Element) node; String detailHTML = details.getText(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n"); buf.append("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Detector Description</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n"); buf.append(detailHTML); buf.append("</BODY></HTML>\n"); factory.setDetailHTML(buf.toString()); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new PluginException("Could not instantiate detector class: " + e, e); } // Create ordering constraints Node orderingConstraintsNode = pluginDescriptor.selectSingleNode("/FindbugsPlugin/OrderingConstraints"); if (orderingConstraintsNode != null) { // Get inter-pass and intra-pass constraints List<Element> elements = XMLUtil.selectNodes(orderingConstraintsNode, "./SplitPass|./WithinPass"); for (Element constraintElement : elements) { // Create the selectors which determine which detectors are // involved in the constraint DetectorFactorySelector earlierSelector = getConstraintSelector(constraintElement, plugin, "Earlier"); DetectorFactorySelector laterSelector = getConstraintSelector(constraintElement, plugin, "Later"); // Create the constraint DetectorOrderingConstraint constraint = new DetectorOrderingConstraint(earlierSelector, laterSelector); // Keep track of which constraints are single-source constraint.setSingleSource(earlierSelector instanceof SingleDetectorFactorySelector); // Add the constraint to the plugin if ("SplitPass".equals(constraintElement.getName())) { plugin.addInterPassOrderingConstraint(constraint); } else { plugin.addIntraPassOrderingConstraint(constraint); } } } // register global Category descriptions List<Node> categoryNodeListGlobal = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/BugCategory"); for (Node categoryNode : categoryNodeListGlobal) { String key = categoryNode.valueOf("@category"); if ("".equals(key)) { throw new PluginException("BugCategory element with missing category attribute"); } BugCategory bc = plugin.addOrCreateBugCategory(key); boolean hidden = Boolean.valueOf(categoryNode.valueOf("@hidden")); if (hidden) { bc.setHidden(hidden); } } for (Document messageCollection : messageCollectionList) { List<Node> categoryNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(messageCollection, "/MessageCollection/BugCategory"); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("found " + categoryNodeList.size() + " categories in " + plugin.getPluginId()); } for (Node categoryNode : categoryNodeList) { String key = categoryNode.valueOf("@category"); if ("".equals(key)) { throw new PluginException("BugCategory element with missing category attribute"); } BugCategory bc = plugin.addOrCreateBugCategory(key); String shortDesc = getChildText(categoryNode, "Description"); bc.setShortDescription(shortDesc); try { String abbrev = getChildText(categoryNode, "Abbreviation"); if (bc.getAbbrev() == null) { bc.setAbbrev(abbrev); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("category " + key + " abbrev -> " + abbrev); } } else if (DEBUG) { System.out.println( "rejected abbrev '" + abbrev + "' for category " + key + ": " + bc.getAbbrev()); } } catch (PluginException pe) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("missing Abbreviation for category " + key + "/" + shortDesc); // do nothing else -- Abbreviation is required, but handle // its omission gracefully } } try { String details = getChildText(categoryNode, "Details"); if (bc.getDetailText() == null) { bc.setDetailText(details); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("category " + key + " details -> " + details); } } else if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("rejected details [" + details + "] for category " + key + ": [" + bc.getDetailText() + ']'); } } catch (PluginException pe) { // do nothing -- LongDescription is optional } } } // Create BugPatterns List<Node> bugPatternNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/BugPattern"); for (Node bugPatternNode : bugPatternNodeList) { String type = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@type"); String abbrev = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@abbrev"); String category = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@category"); boolean experimental = Boolean.parseBoolean(bugPatternNode.valueOf("@experimental")); // Find the matching element in messages.xml (or translations) String query = "/MessageCollection/BugPattern[@type='" + type + "']"; Node messageNode = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, query, "messages.xml missing BugPattern element for type " + type); Node bugsUrlNode = messageNode.getDocument() .selectSingleNode("/MessageCollection/Plugin/" + (experimental ? "AllBugsUrl" : "BugsUrl")); String bugsUrl = bugsUrlNode == null ? null : bugsUrlNode.getText(); String shortDesc = getChildText(messageNode, "ShortDescription"); String longDesc = getChildText(messageNode, "LongDescription"); String detailText = getChildText(messageNode, "Details"); int cweid = 0; try { String cweString = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@cweid"); if (cweString.length() > 0) { cweid = Integer.parseInt(cweString); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { assert true; // ignore } BugPattern bugPattern = new BugPattern(type, abbrev, category, experimental, shortDesc, longDesc, detailText, bugsUrl, cweid); try { String deprecatedStr = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@deprecated"); boolean deprecated = deprecatedStr.length() > 0 && Boolean.valueOf(deprecatedStr).booleanValue(); if (deprecated) { bugPattern.setDeprecated(deprecated); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { assert true; // ignore } plugin.addBugPattern(bugPattern); } // Create BugCodes Set<String> definedBugCodes = new HashSet<String>(); for (Document messageCollection : messageCollectionList) { List<Node> bugCodeNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(messageCollection, "/MessageCollection/BugCode"); for (Node bugCodeNode : bugCodeNodeList) { String abbrev = bugCodeNode.valueOf("@abbrev"); if ("".equals(abbrev)) { throw new PluginException("BugCode element with missing abbrev attribute"); } if (definedBugCodes.contains(abbrev)) { continue; } String description = bugCodeNode.getText(); String query = "/FindbugsPlugin/BugCode[@abbrev='" + abbrev + "']"; Node fbNode = pluginDescriptor.selectSingleNode(query); int cweid = 0; if (fbNode != null) { try { cweid = Integer.parseInt(fbNode.valueOf("@cweid")); } catch (RuntimeException e) { assert true; // ignore } } BugCode bugCode = new BugCode(abbrev, description, cweid); plugin.addBugCode(bugCode); definedBugCodes.add(abbrev); } } // If an engine registrar is specified, make a note of its classname Node node = pluginDescriptor.selectSingleNode("/FindbugsPlugin/EngineRegistrar"); if (node != null) { String engineClassName = node.valueOf("@class"); if (engineClassName == null) { throw new PluginException("EngineRegistrar element with missing class attribute"); } try { Class<?> engineRegistrarClass = classLoader.loadClass(engineClassName); if (!IAnalysisEngineRegistrar.class.isAssignableFrom(engineRegistrarClass)) { throw new PluginException( engineRegistrarClass + " does not implement IAnalysisEngineRegistrar"); } plugin.setEngineRegistrarClass( engineRegistrarClass.<IAnalysisEngineRegistrar>asSubclass(IAnalysisEngineRegistrar.class)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new PluginException("Could not instantiate analysis engine registrar class: " + e, e); } } try { URL bugRankURL = getResource(BugRanker.FILENAME); if (bugRankURL == null) { // see // // plugin can not have bugrank.txt. In this case, an empty // bugranker will be created if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("No " + BugRanker.FILENAME + " for plugin " + plugin.getPluginId()); } } BugRanker ranker = new BugRanker(bugRankURL); plugin.setBugRanker(ranker); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PluginException("Couldn't parse \"" + BugRanker.FILENAME + "\"", e); } }
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License:Open Source License
private Plugin constructMinimalPlugin(Document pluginDescriptor, List<Document> messageCollectionList) throws DuplicatePluginIdError { // Get the unique plugin id (or generate one, if none is present) // Unique plugin id String pluginId = pluginDescriptor.valueOf(XPATH_PLUGIN_PLUGINID); if ("".equals(pluginId)) { synchronized (PluginLoader.class) { pluginId = "plugin" + nextUnknownId++; }/*from w ww . ja va2 s. c om*/ } cannotDisable = Boolean.parseBoolean(pluginDescriptor.valueOf("/FindbugsPlugin/@cannotDisable")); String de = pluginDescriptor.valueOf("/FindbugsPlugin/@defaultenabled"); if (de != null && "false".equals(de.toLowerCase().trim())) { optionalPlugin = true; } if (optionalPlugin) { cannotDisable = false; } if (!loadedPluginIds.add(pluginId)) { Plugin existingPlugin = Plugin.getByPluginId(pluginId); URL u = existingPlugin == null ? null : existingPlugin.getPluginLoader().getURL(); if (cannotDisable && initialPlugin) { throw new DuplicatePluginIdError(pluginId, loadedFrom, u); } else { throw new DuplicatePluginIdException(pluginId, loadedFrom, u); } } parentId = pluginDescriptor.valueOf("/FindbugsPlugin/@parentid"); String version = pluginDescriptor.valueOf("/FindbugsPlugin/@version"); String releaseDate = pluginDescriptor.valueOf("/FindbugsPlugin/@releaseDate"); if ((releaseDate == null || releaseDate.length() == 0) && isCorePlugin()) { releaseDate = Version.CORE_PLUGIN_RELEASE_DATE; } // Create the Plugin object (but don't assign to the plugin field yet, // since we're still not sure if everything will load correctly) Date parsedDate = parseDate(releaseDate); Plugin constructedPlugin = new Plugin(pluginId, version, parsedDate, this, !optionalPlugin, cannotDisable); // Set provider and website, if specified String provider = pluginDescriptor.valueOf(XPATH_PLUGIN_PROVIDER).trim(); if (!"".equals(provider)) { constructedPlugin.setProvider(provider); } String website = pluginDescriptor.valueOf(XPATH_PLUGIN_WEBSITE).trim(); if (!"".equals(website)) { try { constructedPlugin.setWebsite(website); } catch (URISyntaxException e1) { AnalysisContext.logError( "Plugin " + constructedPlugin.getPluginId() + " has invalid website: " + website, e1); } } String updateUrl = pluginDescriptor.valueOf("/FindbugsPlugin/@update-url").trim(); if (!"".equals(updateUrl)) { try { constructedPlugin.setUpdateUrl(updateUrl); } catch (URISyntaxException e1) { AnalysisContext.logError( "Plugin " + constructedPlugin.getPluginId() + " has invalid update check URL: " + website, e1); } } // Set short description, if specified Node pluginShortDesc = null; try { pluginShortDesc = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, XPATH_PLUGIN_SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "no plugin description"); } catch (PluginException e) { // Missing description is not fatal, so ignore } if (pluginShortDesc != null) { constructedPlugin.setShortDescription(pluginShortDesc.getText().trim()); } Node detailedDescription = null; try { detailedDescription = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, "/MessageCollection/Plugin/Details", "no plugin description"); } catch (PluginException e) { // Missing description is not fatal, so ignore } if (detailedDescription != null) { constructedPlugin.setDetailedDescription(detailedDescription.getText().trim()); } List<Node> globalOptionNodes = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/GlobalOptions/Property"); for (Node optionNode : globalOptionNodes) { String key = optionNode.valueOf("@key"); String value = optionNode.getText().trim(); constructedPlugin.setMyGlobalOption(key, value); } return constructedPlugin; }
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License:Open Source License
private static String findMessageText(List<Document> messageCollectionList, String xpath, String missingMsg) { for (Document document : messageCollectionList) { Node node = document.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node != null) { return node.getText().trim(); }/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s . co m*/ } return missingMsg; }
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License:Open Source License
private static String getChildText(Node node, String childName) throws PluginException { Node child = node.selectSingleNode(childName); if (child == null) { throw new PluginException("Could not find child \"" + childName + "\" for node"); }// w w w.j a v a2 s . co m return child.getText(); }
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License:Apache License
public static ParseWebXml parse(String webXmlFileName) throws FileNotFoundException, DocumentException { File file = new File(webXmlFileName); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document document =; ParseWebXml webXml = new ParseWebXml(); Element root = document.getRootElement(); for (Iterator<?> ii = root.elementIterator("servlet-mapping"); ii.hasNext();) { Element elt = (Element); //System.out.print("name: " +elt.getName()); String urlPattern = null; String servletName = null; for (int jj = 0; jj < elt.nodeCount(); jj++) { Node node = elt.node(jj); if (node.getName() == null) continue; if (node.getName().equals(SERVLET_NAME)) { servletName = node.getText().trim(); if (webXml.tryToMapServlet(servletName, urlPattern)) break; } else if (node.getName().equals(SERVLET_URL_PATTERN)) { urlPattern = node.getText().trim(); if (webXml.tryToMapServlet(servletName, urlPattern)) break; }/*from w ww .j a va 2s . c o m*/ } //System.out.println(" is mapped thusly: " +servletName +" => "+ urlPattern); } for (Iterator<?> ii = root.elementIterator("filter-mapping"); ii.hasNext();) { Element elt = (Element); //System.out.print("name: " +elt.getName()); String filterName = null; String urlPattern = null; for (int jj = 0; jj < elt.nodeCount(); jj++) { Node node = elt.node(jj); if (node.getName() == null) continue; if (node.getName().equals(FILTER_NAME)) { filterName = node.getText().trim(); if (webXml.tryToCreateFilter(filterName, urlPattern)) break; } else if (node.getName().equals(FILTER_URL_PATTERN)) { urlPattern = node.getText().trim(); if (webXml.tryToCreateFilter(filterName, urlPattern)) break; } } //System.out.println(" is mapped thusly: " +filterName+ " => "+ urlPattern); } return webXml; }
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License:Open Source License
private boolean compareTrees(Element node1, Document doc2, boolean ignoreEmptyNodes, boolean ignoreEmptyAttributes) { boolean isValid = true; Element root2 = doc2.getRootElement(); String path = node1.getUniquePath(); Element elementDoc2 = (Element) doc2.selectSingleNode(path); // the node doesn't exist in doc2 if (elementDoc2 == null && node1.elements().size() == 0 && "".equals(node1.getTextTrim())) { if (ignoreEmptyNodes == false) { errorMessages// w w w. j a va 2 s. c o m .append("The following empty node doesnt exist in xml file #2: " + node1.getUniquePath()) .append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); isValid = false; } } else if (elementDoc2 == null && (node1.elements().size() > 0 || !"".equals(node1.getTextTrim()))) { errorMessages.append("The following node (which is not empty) doesn't exist in xml file #2: " + node1.getUniquePath() + System.getProperty("line.separator")); errorMessages.append("File #1: " + node1.getTextTrim() + System.getProperty("line.separator")); errorMessages .append("File #2: " + ((elementDoc2 == null) ? "<not existent>" : elementDoc2.getTextTrim()) + System.getProperty("line.separator")); isValid = false; } else if (elementDoc2 == null || !elementDoc2.getTextTrim().equals(node1.getTextTrim())) { errorMessages.append("Text of following nodes not equal in both xmls: " + node1.getUniquePath() + System.getProperty("line.separator")); errorMessages.append("File #1: " + node1.getTextTrim() + System.getProperty("line.separator")); errorMessages .append("File #2: " + ((elementDoc2 == null) ? "<not existent>" : elementDoc2.getTextTrim()) + System.getProperty("line.separator")); isValid = false; } // // compare attributes // List<Attribute> attributes = node1.attributes(); for (Attribute a : attributes) { String attributePath = a.getUniquePath(); org.dom4j.Node node = root2.selectSingleNode(attributePath); if (node == null && "".equals(a.getValue().trim())) { // document 1 has an empty attribute (sting length = 0) which // does not exist in document 2 if (ignoreEmptyAttributes == false) { errorMessages.append( "Attribute " + a.getName() + " doesn't exist in xml file #2, node " + a.getUniquePath()) .append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); isValid = false; } continue; } if (node == null || !a.getValue().equals(node.getText())) { errorMessages.append("Value of following attribute not equal in both xmls: " + a.getUniquePath() + System.getProperty("line.separator")); errorMessages.append("File #1: " + a.getValue() + System.getProperty("line.separator")); errorMessages.append("File #2: " + ((node != null) ? node.getText() : "<not existent>") + System.getProperty("line.separator")); isValid = false; } } List<Element> elements = node1.elements(); for (Element e : elements) { if (!compareTrees(e, doc2, ignoreEmptyNodes, ignoreEmptyAttributes)) { isValid = false; } } return isValid; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Reads the ID annotation of the t2flow. * /*from w w w . j a va 2 m*/ * @return the id the workflow adheres to * @throws TavernaParserException */ public String getId() throws TavernaParserException { log.debug("Extracting profile ID"); XPath xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("/t2f:workflow/t2f:dataflow[@role='top']/@id"); xpath.setNamespaceURIs(T2FLOW_NAMESPACE_MAP); Node node = xpath.selectSingleNode(doc); if (node == null) { return null; } return node.getText(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Reads the name annotation of the t2flow. * //from w ww. j av a 2 s . c om * @return the name of the workflow * @throws TavernaParserException */ public String getName() throws TavernaParserException { log.debug("Extracting workflow name"); XPath xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath( "/t2f:workflow/t2f:dataflow[@role='top']/t2f:annotations/*/*/*/*/annotationBean[@class='net.sf.taverna.t2.annotation.annotationbeans.DescriptiveTitle']/text"); xpath.setNamespaceURIs(T2FLOW_NAMESPACE_MAP); Node node = xpath.selectSingleNode(doc); if (node == null) { return null; } return node.getText(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Reads the description annotation of the t2flow. * //from w w w . ja v a 2 s .c o m * @return the description of the workflow * @throws TavernaParserException */ public String getDescription() throws TavernaParserException { log.debug("Extracting workflow description"); XPath xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath( "/t2f:workflow/t2f:dataflow[@role='top']/t2f:annotations/*/*/*/*/annotationBean[@class='net.sf.taverna.t2.annotation.annotationbeans.FreeTextDescription']/text"); xpath.setNamespaceURIs(T2FLOW_NAMESPACE_MAP); Node node = xpath.selectSingleNode(doc); if (node == null) { return null; } return node.getText(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Reads the author annotation of the t2flow. * /*from w w w .j av a 2 s. c o m*/ * @return the author of the workflow * @throws TavernaParserException */ public String getAuthor() throws TavernaParserException { log.debug("Extracting workflow author"); XPath xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath( "/t2f:workflow/t2f:dataflow[@role='top']/t2f:annotations/*/*/*/*/annotationBean[@class='net.sf.taverna.t2.annotation.annotationbeans.Author']/text"); xpath.setNamespaceURIs(T2FLOW_NAMESPACE_MAP); Node node = xpath.selectSingleNode(doc); if (node == null) { return null; } return node.getText(); }