Example usage for org.dom4j Node getNodeTypeName

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Node getNodeTypeName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Node getNodeTypeName.


String getNodeTypeName();

Source Link




From source file:org.jasig.portal.tenants.TemplateDataTenantOperationsListener.java

License:Apache License

public void onCreate(final ITenant tenant) {

    final StandardEvaluationContext ctx = new StandardEvaluationContext();
    ctx.setRootObject(new RootObjectImpl(tenant));

    /*/* w  w  w.j  a  va 2 s.  c  o  m*/
     * First load dom4j Documents and sort the entity files into the proper order 
    final Map<PortalDataKey, Set<Document>> importQueue = new HashMap<PortalDataKey, Set<Document>>();
    Resource rsc = null;
    try {
        for (Resource r : templateResources) {
            rsc = r;
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Loading template resource file for tenant " + "'" + tenant.getFname() + "':  "
                        + rsc.getFilename());
            final Document doc = reader.read(rsc.getInputStream());
            final QName qname = doc.getRootElement().getQName();
            PortalDataKey atLeastOneMatchingDataKey = null;
            for (PortalDataKey pdk : dataKeyImportOrder) {
                // Matching is tougher because it's dom4j <> w3c...
                boolean matches = qname.getName().equals(pdk.getName().getLocalPart())
                        && qname.getNamespaceURI().equals(pdk.getName().getNamespaceURI());
                if (matches) {
                    // Found the right bucket...
                    atLeastOneMatchingDataKey = pdk;
                    Set<Document> bucket = importQueue.get(atLeastOneMatchingDataKey);
                    if (bucket == null) {
                        // First of these we've seen;  create the bucket;
                        bucket = new HashSet<Document>();
                        importQueue.put(atLeastOneMatchingDataKey, bucket);
                     * At this point, we would normally add a break;
                     * statement, but group_membership.xml files need to
                     * match more than one PortalDataKey.
            if (atLeastOneMatchingDataKey == null) {
                // We can't proceed
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "No PortalDataKey found for QName:  " + doc.getRootElement().getQName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Failed to process the specified template:  " + (rsc != null ? rsc.getFilename() : ""), e);

    log.trace("Ready to import data entity templates for new tenant '{}';  importQueue={}", tenant.getName(),

     * Now import the identified entities each bucket in turn 
    Document doc = null;
    org.w3c.dom.Document w3c = null;
    try {
        for (PortalDataKey pdk : dataKeyImportOrder) {
            Set<Document> bucket = importQueue.get(pdk);
            if (bucket != null) {
                log.debug("Importing the specified PortalDataKey tenant '{}':  {}", tenant.getName(),
                for (Document d : bucket) {
                    doc = d;
                    log.trace("Importing document XML={}", doc.asXML());
                    for (String xpath : XPATH_EXPRESSIONS) {
                        List<Node> nodes = doc.selectNodes(xpath);
                        for (Node n : nodes) {
                            String inpt, otpt;
                            switch (n.getNodeType()) {
                            case org.w3c.dom.Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
                                Attribute a = (Attribute) n;
                                inpt = a.getValue();
                                otpt = processText(inpt, ctx);
                                if (!otpt.equals(inpt)) {
                            case org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE:
                                Text t = (Text) n;
                                inpt = t.getText();
                                otpt = processText(inpt, ctx);
                                if (!otpt.equals(inpt)) {
                                String msg = "Unsupported node type:  " + n.getNodeTypeName();
                                throw new RuntimeException(msg);
                    w3c = writer.write(doc, domImpl);
                    Source source = new DOMSource(w3c);
                    source.setSystemId(rsc.getFilename()); // must be set, else import chokes
                    dataHandlerService.importData(source, pdk);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.warn("w3c DOM=" + this.nodeToString(w3c));
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Failed to process the specified template document:  " + (doc != null ? doc.asXML() : ""), e);


From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.transformer.xupdate.TemplatesHandlerImpl.java

License:Open Source License

private Statement[] parseStatements(List nodes) {
    List statements = new ArrayList();
    for (Iterator i = nodes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        Node node = (Node) i.next();
        if (node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
            if (!"".equals(node.getText().trim()))
                statements.add(new Text(node.getText().trim()));
        } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            Element element = (Element) node;
            NamespaceContext namespaceContext = new SimpleNamespaceContext(
            if (XUpdateConstants.XUPDATE_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(element.getNamespaceURI())) {
                if (element.getName().equals("remove")) {
                    statements.add(new Remove((LocationData) element.getData(),
                            element.attributeValue("select"), namespaceContext));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("update")) {
                    statements//from w w w . j  av  a  2  s. c  o m
                            .add(new Update((LocationData) element.getData(), element.attributeValue("select"),
                                    namespaceContext, parseStatements(element.content())));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("append")) {
                    statements.add(new Append((LocationData) element.getData(),
                            element.attributeValue("select"), namespaceContext, element.attributeValue("child"),
                } else if (element.getName().equals("insert-before")) {
                            new InsertBefore((LocationData) element.getData(), element.attributeValue("select"),
                                    namespaceContext, parseStatements(element.content())));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("insert-after")) {
                            new InsertAfter((LocationData) element.getData(), element.attributeValue("select"),
                                    namespaceContext, parseStatements(element.content())));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("for-each")) {
                            .add(new ForEach((LocationData) element.getData(), element.attributeValue("select"),
                                    namespaceContext, parseStatements(element.content())));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("while")) {
                    statements.add(new While((LocationData) element.getData(), element.attributeValue("select"),
                            namespaceContext, parseStatements(element.content())));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("value-of")) {
                    statements.add(new ValueOf((LocationData) element.getData(),
                            element.attributeValue("select"), namespaceContext));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("copy-of")) {
                    statements.add(new CopyOf((LocationData) element.getData(),
                            element.attributeValue("select"), namespaceContext));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("node-set")) {
                    statements.add(new NodeSet((LocationData) element.getData(),
                            element.attributeValue("select"), namespaceContext));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("attribute")) {
                    statements.add(new Attribute((LocationData) element.getData(), parseQName(element),
                } else if (element.getName().equals("namespace")) {
                    statements.add(new Namespace((LocationData) element.getData(),
                            element.attributeValue("name"), element.attributeValue("select"), namespaceContext,
                } else if (element.getName().equals("element")) {
                    statements.add(new DynamicElement((LocationData) element.getData(), parseQName(element),
                } else if (element.getName().equals("if")) {
                    statements.add(new If((LocationData) element.getData(), element.attributeValue("test"),
                            namespaceContext, parseStatements(element.content())));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("choose")) {
                    List whenTests = new ArrayList();
                    List whenNamespaceContext = new ArrayList();
                    List whenStatements = new ArrayList();
                    for (Iterator j = element.elements("when").iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                        Element whenElement = (Element) j.next();
                                .add(new SimpleNamespaceContext(Dom4jUtils.getNamespaceContext(whenElement)));
                    Element otherwiseElement = element.element("otherwise");
                    statements.add(new Choose((LocationData) element.getData(),
                            (String[]) whenTests.toArray(new String[whenTests.size()]),
                            (NamespaceContext[]) whenNamespaceContext
                                    .toArray(new NamespaceContext[whenNamespaceContext.size()]),
                            (Statement[][]) whenStatements.toArray(new Statement[whenStatements.size()][]),
                            otherwiseElement == null ? null : parseStatements(otherwiseElement.content())));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("variable")) {
                    statements.add(new Variable((LocationData) element.getData(), parseQName(element),
                            element.attributeValue("select"), namespaceContext,
                } else if (element.getName().equals("assign")) {
                    statements.add(new Assign((LocationData) element.getData(), parseQName(element),
                            element.attributeValue("select"), namespaceContext,
                } else if (element.getName().equals("function")) {
                    statements.add(new Function((LocationData) element.getData(), parseQName(element),
                } else if (element.getName().equals("param")) {
                    statements.add(new Param((LocationData) element.getData(), parseQName(element),
                            element.attributeValue("select"), namespaceContext,
                } else if (element.getName().equals("message")) {
                            new Message((LocationData) element.getData(), parseStatements(element.content())));
                } else if (element.getName().equals("error")) {
                            new Error((LocationData) element.getData(), parseStatements(element.content())));
                } else {
                    throw new ValidationException(
                            "Unsupported XUpdate element '" + element.getQualifiedName() + "'",
                            (LocationData) element.getData());
            } else {
                Element staticElement = new NonLazyUserDataElement(element.getQName());
                List childNodes = new ArrayList();
                for (Iterator j = element.attributes().iterator(); j.hasNext();)
                    staticElement.add((org.dom4j.Attribute) ((org.dom4j.Attribute) j.next()).clone());
                for (Iterator j = element.content().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                    Node child = (Node) j.next();
                    if (child instanceof org.dom4j.Namespace) {
                        staticElement.add((Node) child.clone());
                    } else {
                statements.add(new StaticElement((LocationData) element.getData(), staticElement,
        } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.NAMESPACE_NODE) {
            // Ignore namespace declarations
        } else {
            throw new OXFException("Unsupported node: " + node.getNodeTypeName());
    return (Statement[]) statements.toArray(new Statement[statements.size()]);

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.action.actions.XFormsInsertAction.java

License:Open Source License

public static List<NodeInfo> doInsert(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument,
        IndentedLogger indentedLogger, String positionAttribute, List collectionToBeUpdated,
        NodeInfo insertContextNodeInfo, List<Item> originItems, int insertionIndex, boolean doClone,
        boolean doDispatch) {

    final boolean isEmptyNodesetBinding = collectionToBeUpdated == null || collectionToBeUpdated.size() == 0;

    // "3. The origin node-set is determined."
    // "5. Each node in the origin node-set is cloned in the order it appears in the origin node-set."
    final List<Node> sourceNodes;
    final List<Node> clonedNodes;
    {//ww  w.  j ava 2 s  .c  o  m
        final List<Node> clonedNodesTemp;
        if (originItems == null) {
            // There are no explicitly specified origin objects, use node from Node Set Binding node-set

            // "If the origin attribute is not given and the Node Set Binding node-set is empty, then the origin
            // node-set is the empty node-set. [...] The insert action is terminated with no effect if the
            // origin node-set is the empty node-set."

            if (isEmptyNodesetBinding) {
                if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                            "origin node-set from node-set binding is empty, terminating");
                return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

            // "Otherwise, if the origin attribute is not given, then the origin node-set consists of the last
            // node of the Node Set Binding node-set."
            final Node singleSourceNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfoConvert(
                    (NodeInfo) collectionToBeUpdated.get(collectionToBeUpdated.size() - 1));
            // TODO: check namespace handling might be incorrect. Should use copyElementCopyParentNamespaces() instead?
            final Node singleClonedNode = Dom4jUtils.createCopy(singleSourceNode);

            sourceNodes = Collections.singletonList(singleSourceNode);
            clonedNodesTemp = Collections.singletonList(singleClonedNode);
        } else {
            // There are explicitly specified origin objects

            // "The insert action is terminated with no effect if the origin node-set is the empty node-set."
            if (originItems.size() == 0) {
                if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                    indentedLogger.logDebug("xf:insert", "origin node-set is empty, terminating");
                return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

            // "Each node in the origin node-set is cloned in the order it appears in the origin node-set."

            sourceNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(originItems.size()); // set to max possible size
            clonedNodesTemp = new ArrayList<Node>(originItems.size());

            for (final Object currentObject : originItems) {
                if (currentObject instanceof NodeInfo) {
                    // This is the regular case covered by XForms 1.1 / XPath 1.0

                    // NOTE: Don't clone nodes if doClone == false
                    final Node sourceNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfoConvert((NodeInfo) currentObject);
                    final Node clonedNode = doClone
                            ? (sourceNode instanceof Element) ? ((Element) sourceNode).createCopy()
                                    : (Node) sourceNode.clone()
                            : sourceNode;


                } else if (currentObject instanceof AtomicValue) {
                    // This is an extension: support sequences containing atomic values

                    // Convert the result to a text node
                    final String stringValue = ((Item) currentObject).getStringValue();
                    final Text textNode = Dom4jUtils.createText(stringValue);

                    sourceNodes.add(null); // there is no source node for this cloned node, it's a source item
                } else
                    throw new IllegalStateException();

        // Remove instance data from cloned nodes and perform Document node adjustment
        for (int i = 0; i < clonedNodesTemp.size(); i++) {
            final Node clonedNodeTemp = clonedNodesTemp.get(i);

            if (clonedNodeTemp instanceof Element) {
                // Element node
            } else if (clonedNodeTemp instanceof Attribute) {
                // Attribute node
            } else if (clonedNodeTemp instanceof Document) {
                // Document node
                final Element clonedNodeTempRootElement = clonedNodeTemp.getDocument().getRootElement();

                if (clonedNodeTempRootElement == null) {
                    // Can be null in rare cases of documents without root element
                    clonedNodesTemp.set(i, null); // we support having a null node further below, so set this to null
                } else {
                    // We can never really insert a document into anything at this point, but we assume that this means the root element
                    clonedNodesTemp.set(i, clonedNodeTempRootElement.detach());
            } else {
                // Other nodes
        clonedNodes = clonedNodesTemp;

    // "6. The target location of each cloned node or nodes is determined"
    // "7. The cloned node or nodes are inserted in the order they were cloned at their target location
    // depending on their node type."

    // Identify the instance that actually changes
    final XFormsInstance modifiedInstance;
    // Find actual insertion point and insert
    final NodeInfo insertLocationNodeInfo;
    final List<Node> insertedNodes;
    final String beforeAfterInto;
    if (isEmptyNodesetBinding) {
        // Insert INTO a node

        // "If the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or empty, the insert location node is the insert
        // context node."

        // "a. If the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or empty, the target location depends on the
        // node type of the cloned node. If the cloned node is an attribute, then the target location is before
        // the first attribute of the insert location node. If the cloned node is not an attribute, then the
        // target location is before the first child of the insert location node."

        modifiedInstance = (containingDocument != null)
                ? containingDocument.getInstanceForNode(insertContextNodeInfo)
                : null;
        insertLocationNodeInfo = insertContextNodeInfo;
        final Node insertLocationNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfo(insertContextNodeInfo,
        insertedNodes = doInsert(insertLocationNode, clonedNodes, modifiedInstance, doDispatch);
        beforeAfterInto = "into";

        // Normalize text nodes if needed to respect XPath 1.0 constraint
            boolean hasTextNode = false;
            for (Node clonedNode : clonedNodes) {
                hasTextNode |= clonedNode != null && clonedNode.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE;
            if (hasTextNode)
    } else {
        // Insert BEFORE or AFTER a node
        insertLocationNodeInfo = (NodeInfo) collectionToBeUpdated.get(insertionIndex - 1);
        final Node insertLocationNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfo(insertLocationNodeInfo,
        modifiedInstance = (containingDocument != null)
                ? containingDocument.getInstanceForNode(insertLocationNodeInfo)
                : null;

        final Document insertLocationNodeDocument = insertLocationNode.getDocument();
        if (insertLocationNodeDocument != null
                && insertLocationNodeDocument.getRootElement() == insertLocationNode) {

            // "c. if insert location node is the root element of an instance, then that instance root element
            // location is the target location. If there is more than one cloned node to insert, only the
            // first node that does not cause a conflict is considered."

            insertedNodes = doInsert(insertLocationNode.getDocument(), clonedNodes, modifiedInstance,
            beforeAfterInto = positionAttribute; // TODO: ideally normalize to "into document node"?

            // NOTE: Don't need to normalize text nodes in this case, as no new text node is inserted
        } else {
            // "d. Otherwise, the target location is immediately before or after the insert location
            // node, based on the position attribute setting or its default."

            if (insertLocationNode.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
                // Special case for "next to an attribute"

                // NOTE: In XML, attributes are unordered. dom4j handles them as a list so has order, but
                // the XForms spec shouldn't rely on attribute order. We could try to keep the order, but it
                // is harder as we have to deal with removing duplicate attributes and find a reasonable
                // insertion strategy.

                // TODO: Don't think we should even do this now in XForms 1.1
                insertedNodes = doInsert(insertLocationNode.getParent(), clonedNodes, modifiedInstance,

            } else {
                // Other node types
                final Element parentNode = insertLocationNode.getParent();
                final List<Node> siblingElements = Dom4jUtils.content(parentNode);
                final int actualIndex = siblingElements.indexOf(insertLocationNode);

                // Prepare insertion of new element
                final int actualInsertionIndex;
                if ("before".equals(positionAttribute)) {
                    actualInsertionIndex = actualIndex;
                } else {
                    // "after"
                    actualInsertionIndex = actualIndex + 1;

                // "7. The cloned node or nodes are inserted in the order they were cloned at their target
                // location depending on their node type."

                boolean hasTextNode = false;
                int addIndex = 0;
                insertedNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(clonedNodes.size());
                for (Node clonedNode : clonedNodes) {

                    if (clonedNode != null) {// NOTE: we allow passing some null nodes so we check on null
                        if (!(clonedNode instanceof Attribute || clonedNode instanceof Namespace)) {
                            // Element, text, comment, processing instruction node
                            siblingElements.add(actualInsertionIndex + addIndex, clonedNode);
                            hasTextNode |= clonedNode.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE;
                        } else {
                            // We never insert attributes or namespace nodes as siblings
                            if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                                        "skipping insertion of node as sibling in element content", "type",
                                        clonedNode.getNodeTypeName(), "node",
                                        clonedNode instanceof Attribute
                                                ? Dom4jUtils.attributeToDebugString((Attribute) clonedNode)
                                                : clonedNode.toString());

                // Normalize text nodes if needed to respect XPath 1.0 constraint
                if (hasTextNode)

            beforeAfterInto = positionAttribute;

    // Whether some nodes were inserted
    final boolean didInsertNodes = insertedNodes != null && insertedNodes.size() > 0;

    // Log stuff
    if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if (didInsertNodes)
            indentedLogger.logDebug("xf:insert", "inserted nodes", "count",
                    Integer.toString(insertedNodes.size()), "instance",
                    (modifiedInstance != null) ? modifiedInstance.getEffectiveId() : null);
            indentedLogger.logDebug("xf:insert", "no node inserted");

    // "XForms Actions that change the tree structure of instance data result in setting all four flags to true"
    if (didInsertNodes && modifiedInstance != null) {
        // NOTE: Can be null if document into which delete is performed is not in an instance, e.g. in a variable

    // Gather list of modified nodes
    final List<NodeInfo> insertedNodeInfos;
    if (didInsertNodes && modifiedInstance != null) {
        // Can be null if document into which delete is performed is not in an instance, e.g. in a variable
        final DocumentWrapper documentWrapper = (DocumentWrapper) modifiedInstance.documentInfo();
        insertedNodeInfos = new ArrayList<NodeInfo>(insertedNodes.size());
        for (Object insertedNode : insertedNodes)
    } else {
        insertedNodeInfos = Collections.emptyList();

    // "4. If the insert is successful, the event xforms-insert is dispatched."
    // XFormsInstance handles index and repeat items updates 
    if (doDispatch && didInsertNodes && modifiedInstance != null) {

        // Adjust insert location node and before/after/into in case the root element was replaced
        final NodeInfo adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo;
        final String adjustedBeforeAfterInto;

        final NodeInfo parent = insertedNodeInfos.get(0).getNodeKind() == org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE
                ? insertedNodeInfos.get(0).getParent()
                : null;
        if (parent != null && parent.equals(parent.getDocumentRoot())) {
            // Node was inserted under document node
            adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo = parent.getDocumentRoot();
            adjustedBeforeAfterInto = "into";
        } else {
            adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo = insertLocationNodeInfo;
            adjustedBeforeAfterInto = beforeAfterInto;

        Dispatch.dispatchEvent(new XFormsInsertEvent(modifiedInstance, insertedNodeInfos, originItems,
                adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo, adjustedBeforeAfterInto));

    return insertedNodeInfos;

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.InstanceData.java

License:Open Source License

private static InstanceData createNewInstanceData(Node node) {
    final InstanceData instanceData;
    if (node instanceof Element) {
        final Element element = (Element) node;
        instanceData = InstanceData.createNewInstanceData(element.getData());
        element.setData(instanceData);// w  w  w. j  av a 2  s  . c  om
    } else if (node instanceof Attribute) {
        final Attribute attribute = (Attribute) node;
        instanceData = InstanceData.createNewInstanceData(attribute.getData());
    } else if (node instanceof Document) {
        // We can't store data on the Document object. Use root element instead.
        final Element element = ((Document) node).getRootElement();
        instanceData = InstanceData.createNewInstanceData(element.getData());
    } else {
        // No other node type is supported
        throw new OXFException("Cannot create InstanceData on node type: " + node.getNodeTypeName());
    return instanceData;