Example usage for org.dom4j ElementHandler interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.dom4j ElementHandler interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j ElementHandler interface-usage.


From source file com.globalsight.terminology.BatchLoad.java

 * This class reads multiple concept entries from a file and adds them
 * to a termbase.
public class BatchLoad implements ElementHandler {
    private String m_pruningPath = "/entries/conceptGrp";

From source file de.interactive_instruments.etf.bsxm.SecondaryGeometryElementValidationHandler.java

 * NOTE: Implementation is based on Geonovum's GeometryElementHandler.
 * @author Johannes Echterhoff (echterhoff <at> interactive-instruments
 *         <dot> de)

From source file de.tudarmstadt.ukp.lmf.transform.XMLToDBTransformer.java

 * Converts a given lexical resource from a UBY-XML file to a UBY database
 * using Hibernate.
 * @author Yevgen Chebotar
 * @author Christian M. Meyer

From source file org.dom4j.samples.LargeDocumentDemo.java

 * This sample parses a big document using the pruning option of the
 * {@link SAXReader}.
 * @author <a href="mailto:james.strachan@metastuff.com">James Strachan </a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.4 $

From source file org.localmatters.serializer.config.SerializationElementHandler.java

 * The DOM4J element handler to parse the configuration elements
public class SerializationElementHandler implements ElementHandler {
    public static final String TYPE_ROOT = "serializations";
    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_DISPLAY_EMPTY = "display-empty";