Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010-2016 interactive instruments GmbH
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package de.interactive_instruments.etf.bsxm;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;


import nl.vrom.roo.validator.core.ValidatorContext;
import nl.vrom.roo.validator.core.ValidatorMessageBundle;
import nl.vrom.roo.validator.core.dom4j.Dom4JHelper;
import nl.vrom.roo.validator.core.errorlocation.IdErrorLocation;

import org.deegree.commons.xml.XMLParsingException;
import org.deegree.cs.exceptions.UnknownCRSException;
import org.deegree.geometry.Geometry;
import org.deegree.geometry.composite.CompositeGeometry;
import org.deegree.geometry.composite.CompositeSolid;
import org.deegree.geometry.multi.MultiGeometry;
import org.deegree.geometry.multi.MultiSolid;
import org.deegree.geometry.points.Points;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.Curve;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.Point;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.Ring;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.Solid;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.Surface;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.patches.PolygonPatch;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.patches.SurfacePatch;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.segments.Arc;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.segments.ArcString;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.segments.CubicSpline;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.segments.CurveSegment;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.segments.GeodesicString;
import org.deegree.geometry.primitive.segments.LineStringSegment;
import org.deegree.geometry.standard.points.PointsList;
import org.deegree.gml.GMLInputFactory;
import org.deegree.gml.GMLStreamReader;
import org.deegree.gml.GMLVersion;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.ElementHandler;
import org.dom4j.ElementPath;
import org.dom4j.Namespace;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * NOTE: Implementation is based on Geonovum's GeometryElementHandler.
 * @author Johannes Echterhoff (echterhoff <at> interactive-instruments
 *         <dot> de)
public class SecondaryGeometryElementValidationHandler implements ElementHandler {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SecondaryGeometryElementValidationHandler.class);

    private static final String NODE_NAME_FEATURE_MEMBER = "featureMember";

    protected GmlGeoXUtils geoutils = new GmlGeoXUtils();

    private final ValidatorContext validatorContext;

    private final Set<String> gmlGeometries = new HashSet<String>();

    private final Map<String, Integer> currentGmlGeometryCounters = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    private String currentFeatureMember;

    private boolean isGMLVersionReported;

    private boolean isTestRepetitionInCurveSegments;
    private boolean isTestPolygonPatchConnectivity;

    private boolean noRepetitionInCurveSegments = true;
    private boolean polygonPatchesAreConnected = true;

     * @param isTestPolygonPatchConnectivity
     *            - <code>true</code> if polygon patch connectivity shall be
     *            tested
     * @param isTestRepetitionInCurveSegments
     *            - <code>true</code> if repetition of consecutive points in
     *            curve segments shall be checked
     * @param validatorContext
    public SecondaryGeometryElementValidationHandler(boolean isTestPolygonPatchConnectivity,
            boolean isTestRepetitionInCurveSegments, ValidatorContext validatorContext) {

        this.isTestPolygonPatchConnectivity = isTestPolygonPatchConnectivity;
        this.isTestRepetitionInCurveSegments = isTestRepetitionInCurveSegments;

        this.validatorContext = validatorContext;




     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * When this is called on a new feature member, the geometry counters are
     * reset.
     * </p>
    public void onStart(ElementPath elementPath) {

        String currentPath = elementPath.getPath();

        if (NODE_NAME_FEATURE_MEMBER.equals(Dom4JHelper.getNodeFromPath(Dom4JHelper.getParentPath(currentPath)))) {
            currentFeatureMember = Dom4JHelper.getNodeFromPath(currentPath);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void onEnd(ElementPath elementPath) {
        String nodeName = Dom4JHelper.getNodeFromPath(elementPath.getPath());
        if (gmlGeometries.contains(nodeName)) {

            // Check if this element is a main geometry
            if (isMainGeometry(elementPath)) {

                try {
                    validate(validatorContext, elementPath.getCurrent());
                } catch (XMLParsingException e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Unexpected error detected while validating geometry", e);
                } catch (UnknownCRSException e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Unexpected error detected while validating geometry", e);
            } else {
                LOGGER.trace("Element {} is part of another geometry", nodeName);

    private void validate(ValidatorContext validatorContext, Element element)
            throws XMLParsingException, UnknownCRSException {

        Namespace namespace = element.getNamespace();
        String namespaceURI = namespace == null ? null : namespace.getURI();

        if (namespace == null
                || (!geoutils.isGML32Namespace(namespaceURI) && !geoutils.isGML31Namespace(namespaceURI))) {

            LOGGER.error("Unable to determine GML version. Namespace= {}", namespaceURI);

            String errMessage = ValidatorMessageBundle.getMessage("",


        if (!isGMLVersionReported) {
            if (geoutils.isGML32Namespace(namespaceURI)) {
                        ValidatorMessageBundle.getMessage("validator.core.validation.geometry.gmlversion", "3.2"));
            } else if (geoutils.isGML31Namespace(namespaceURI)) {
                        ValidatorMessageBundle.getMessage("validator.core.validation.geometry.gmlversion", "3.1"));
            isGMLVersionReported = true;

        try {
            ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(element.asXML().getBytes());

            XMLStreamReader xmlStream = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(byteArrayInputStream);

            GMLVersion gmlVersion = null;
            if (geoutils.isGML32Namespace(namespaceURI)) {
                // GML 3.2
                gmlVersion = GMLVersion.GML_32;
            } else if (geoutils.isGML31Namespace(namespaceURI)) {
                gmlVersion = GMLVersion.GML_31;
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Cannot determine GML version");

            GMLStreamReader gmlStream = GMLInputFactory.createGMLStreamReader(gmlVersion, xmlStream);

            Geometry geom = gmlStream.readGeometry();

            // ================
            // Test: polygon patches of a surface are connected
            if (isTestPolygonPatchConnectivity) {
                boolean isValid = checkConnectivityOfPolygonPatches(geom);
                if (!isValid) {
                    polygonPatchesAreConnected = false;

            // ================
            // Test: point repetition in curve segment
            if (isTestRepetitionInCurveSegments) {
                boolean isValid = checkNoRepetitionInCurveSegment(geom);
                if (!isValid) {
                    noRepetitionInCurveSegments = false;

        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {

            String currentGmlId = Dom4JHelper.findGmlId(element);

            String message = getLocationDescription(element, currentGmlId) + ": " + e.getMessage();

            validatorContext.addError(message, new IdErrorLocation(currentGmlId));

            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) {

            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String currentGmlId = Dom4JHelper.findGmlId(element);

            String message = getLocationDescription(element, currentGmlId) + ": " + e.getMessage();

            validatorContext.addError(message, new IdErrorLocation(currentGmlId));

            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        // finally {
        // // Only permitted if this is a main geometry....
        // if (isMainGeometry(element)) {
        // element.detach();
        // }
        // }

    private String getLocationDescription(Element element, String gmlId) {

        return ValidatorMessageBundle.getMessage("validator.core.validation.geometry.coordinates-position",
                new Object[] { element.getName(), currentGmlGeometryCounters.get(element.getName()),
                        currentFeatureMember, gmlId });

     * Check if this is a main geometry by making sure that the parent element
     * is <code>null</code> or in a non-GML namespace.
     * @param elementPath
     * @return true is this is a main geometry
    private boolean isMainGeometry(ElementPath elementPath) {
        // if(elementPath.getCurrent().getParent()==null) {
        // return false;
        // }
        // String namespaceURI =
        // elementPath.getCurrent().getParent().getNamespaceURI();
        // return (!isGML32Namespace(namespaceURI) &&
        // !isGML31Namespace(namespaceURI));

         * 2015-12-08 Johannes Echterhoff: the previous logic is not suitable
         * for us, in case that a single geometry (node) is validated by a
         * (x)query. Because then the geometry has no parent, which would cause
         * this method to evaluate to false - which is not what we want.

        if (elementPath.getCurrent().getParent() == null) {

            // the geometry is the only XML that is validated

            String namespaceURI = elementPath.getCurrent().getNamespaceURI();
            return (geoutils.isGML32Namespace(namespaceURI) || geoutils.isGML31Namespace(namespaceURI));

        } else {

            // if the parent namespace is not a GML one, we have a main geometry
            String namespaceURI = elementPath.getCurrent().getParent().getNamespaceURI();
            return (!geoutils.isGML32Namespace(namespaceURI) && !geoutils.isGML31Namespace(namespaceURI));

    public void registerGmlGeometry(String nodeName) {
        currentGmlGeometryCounters.put(nodeName, 0);

    public void unregisterGmlGeometry(String nodeName) {

    public void unregisterAllGmlGeometries() {

    private void raiseGmlGeometryCounter(String nodeName) {
        Integer newCounter = currentGmlGeometryCounters.get(nodeName) + 1;
        currentGmlGeometryCounters.put(nodeName, newCounter);

    private void resetGmlGeometryCounters() {
        for (String key : currentGmlGeometryCounters.keySet()) {
            currentGmlGeometryCounters.put(key, 0);
        LOGGER.trace("Counters reset");

     * Checks that multiple polygon patches within a surface are connected.
     * <p>
     * The test is implemented as follows: Each polygon patch is converted into
     * a JTS Polygon. Then the union of all polygons is created. If the union
     * geometry is a JTS Polygon then the surface is connected - otherwise it is
     * not.
     * <p>
     * Checks:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Surface (including PolyhedralSurface, CompositeSurface, and
     * OrientableSurface)</li>
     * <ul><li>Only PolygonPatch is allowed as surface patch - all surfaces that
     * contain a different type of surface patch are ignored.</li></ul>
     * <li>The elements of multi and composite geometries (except Multi- and
     * CompositeSolids).</li>
     * </ul>
     * Does NOT check the surfaces within solids!
     * @param geom
     * @return <code>true</code> if the given geometry is a connected surface, a
     *         point, a curve, multi- or composite geometry that only consists
     *         of these geometry types, else <code>false</code>. Thus,
     *         <code>false</code> will be returned whenever a solid is
     *         encountered and if a surface is not connected.
     * @throws Exception
    protected boolean checkConnectivityOfPolygonPatches(Geometry geom) throws Exception {

        if (geom instanceof Surface) {

            Surface s = (Surface) geom;

            List<? extends SurfacePatch> sps = s.getPatches();

            if (sps.size() <= 1) {

                // not multiple patches -> nothing to check
                return true;

            } else {

                 * Compute JTS geometry from the surface with multiple patches.
                 * An exception will be thrown if the surface does not consist
                 * of polygon patches. If the surface is connected then the
                 * resulting geometry is a JTS Polygon (because a union of all
                 * patches has been created). Otherwise the surface is not
                 * connected.
                com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry g = geoutils.toJTSGeometry(geom);

                if (g instanceof com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;

        } else if (geom instanceof MultiSolid || geom instanceof CompositeSolid || geom instanceof Solid) {

            return false;

        } else if (geom instanceof MultiGeometry || geom instanceof CompositeGeometry) {

            // MultiSurface extends MultiGeometry
            // CompositeSurface extends CompositeGeometry

            List l = (List) geom;

            for (Object o : l) {
                Geometry g = (Geometry) o;
                if (!checkConnectivityOfPolygonPatches(g)) {
                    return false;

            return true;

        } else {

            return true;


     * Checks that two consecutive points in a posList - within a CurveSegment -
     * are not equal.
     * <p>
     * Checks:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Curve (including CompositeCurve, LineString, OrientableCurve, Ring)
     * </li>
     * <li>The following CurveSegment types: Arc, ArcString, CubicSpline,
     * GeodesicString, LineStringSegment</li>
     * <li>The exterior and interior rings of polygon patches (contained within
     * Surface, Polygon, PolyhedralSurface, TriangulatedSurface, Tin,
     * CompositeSurface, or OrientableSurface) - NOTE: all other types of
     * surface patches are currently ignored!</li>
     * <li>The elements of multi and composite geometries</li>
     * </ul>
     * Does NOT check curve segments within solids!
     * @param geom
     *            the geometry that shall be tested
     * @return <code>true</code> if no repetition was detected (or if the
     *         geometry is a point, a solid, or consists of solids), else
     *         <code>false</code>
    protected boolean checkNoRepetitionInCurveSegment(Geometry geom) {

        if (geom instanceof Curve) {

             * includes CompositeCurve, LineString, OrientableCurve, Ring

            Curve curve = (Curve) geom;

            for (CurveSegment segment : curve.getCurveSegments()) {

                Points points = null;

                if (segment instanceof ArcString) {

                    ArcString as = (ArcString) segment;
                    points = as.getControlPoints();

                } else if (segment instanceof Arc) {

                    Arc arc = (Arc) segment;
                    List<Point> lp = new ArrayList<Point>();


                    points = new PointsList(lp);

                } else if (segment instanceof CubicSpline) {

                    CubicSpline cs = (CubicSpline) segment;
                    points = cs.getControlPoints();

                } else if (segment instanceof GeodesicString) {

                    GeodesicString gs = (GeodesicString) segment;
                    points = gs.getControlPoints();

                } else if (segment instanceof LineStringSegment) {

                    LineStringSegment lss = (LineStringSegment) segment;
                    points = lss.getControlPoints();

                Point lastPoint = null;
                for (Point point : points) {
                    if (lastPoint != null) {
                        if (point.equals(lastPoint)) {
                            return false;
                    lastPoint = point;

            return true;

        } else if (geom instanceof Surface) {

            Surface s = (Surface) geom;

            List<? extends SurfacePatch> patches = s.getPatches();

            for (SurfacePatch sp : patches) {

                if (sp instanceof PolygonPatch) {

                    PolygonPatch pp = (PolygonPatch) sp;

                    Ring exterior = pp.getExteriorRing();

                    if (!checkNoRepetitionInCurveSegment(exterior)) {
                        return false;

                    List<Ring> interiorRings = pp.getInteriorRings();
                    for (Ring interiorRing : interiorRings) {
                        if (!checkNoRepetitionInCurveSegment(interiorRing)) {
                            return false;

                } else {
                    // TODO is another type of surface patch relevant?

            return true;

        } else if (geom instanceof MultiGeometry || geom instanceof CompositeGeometry) {

            List l = (List) geom;

            for (Object o : l) {
                Geometry g = (Geometry) o;
                if (!checkNoRepetitionInCurveSegment(g)) {
                    return false;

            return true;

        } else {

            return true;

     * @return <code>true</code> if there is no repetition in curve segments
    public boolean isNoRepetitionInCurveSegments() {
        return noRepetitionInCurveSegments;

     * @return <code>true</code> if the polygon patches are connected
    public boolean arePolygonPatchesConnected() {
        return polygonPatchesAreConnected;