List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element attributes
List<Attribute> attributes();
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public Properties() throws DocumentException { File fichier = new File("configuration.xml"); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); List attributes = root.attributes(); List elements = root.elements(); QName qName = root.getQName(); String nom = qName.getName(); // lecture du nom de l'espace de noms String nomEspaceDeNoms = qName.getNamespaceURI(); // lecture du prfixe utilis pour cet espace de nom String nomPrefix = qName.getNamespacePrefix(); String texte = root.getText(); Attribute attribute = (Attribute) attributes.iterator().next(); QName attributeQName = attribute.getQName(); String value = attribute.getValue(); String nomAttribut = attribute.getName(); }
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License:Open Source License
public void createControls(Composite parent, final Object data) throws ExplorerException { Element rootElem = getXml(data); if (rootElem == null) return;//www . ja v a2s . c o m final Object[] root = new Object[] { rootElem }; TreeViewer tree = new TreeViewer(parent, SWT.SINGLE); tree.setContentProvider(new ITreeContentProvider() { public void dispose() { } /** * Called to get the top level items */ public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) { return root; } /** * Called to get the item's children */ public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) { Element elem = (Element) inputElement; return elem.elements().toArray(); } public boolean hasChildren(Object element) { Element elem = (Element) element; List<Element> list = elem.elements(); return list != null && list.size() > 0; } public Object getParent(Object element) { Element elem = (Element) element; return elem.getParent(); } public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) { // Nothing } }); tree.setLabelProvider(new LabelProvider() { @Override public String getText(Object obj) { Element elem = (Element) obj; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append('<'); result.append(elem.getName()); for (Object o : elem.attributes()) { Attribute attr = (Attribute) o; result.append(' ').append(attr.getName()).append('=').append('\"').append(attr.getValue()) .append('\"'); } if (!elem.hasContent()) result.append('/'); result.append('>'); return result.toString(); } }); tree.expandToLevel(1); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Publishes stream to destination database. * /*from w w w.jav a m*/ * @param datastreamDTO - keeps stream info */ public static void publishStreamToDB(DatastreamDTO datastreamDTO) { Long schemaId = datastreamDTO.getIdSchema(); QuickDBRecognizer quickDBRecognizer = new QuickDBRecognizer(schemaId); log.debug("quickDBRecognizer started"); try { List<Element> xmlTextNodes = parseStreamXml(datastreamDTO.getOutput()); StreamToDbDynamicObject streamObj = quickDBRecognizer.traceDefine(xmlTextNodes); Map<String, Map<String, String>> schemaFields = streamObj.getInsertedFields(); //boolean isLoadedFields = streamObj.isLoadedFields(); Object toPersist = streamObj.getObject(); for (Element el : xmlTextNodes) { String fieldPath = formatPathForXmlNode(el.getPath()); String fieldValue = el.getText(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry : schemaFields.entrySet()) { String entryFieldPath = getFieldPathPrefix(datastreamDTO.getIdStreamType()) + entry.getValue().get("path"); if (entry.getValue().get(IS_ATTR).equals("true")) { for (Object o : el.attributes()) { DefaultAttribute attr = (DefaultAttribute) o; String attrPath = fieldPath + "/" + attr.getName().toUpperCase(); if (attrPath.equals(entryFieldPath)) { fieldPath = attrPath; fieldValue = attr.getValue(); break; } } } if (entryFieldPath.equals(fieldPath)) { String fieldJavaType = entry.getValue().get("type"); Method meth = toPersist.getClass().getMethod("set" + entry.getKey(), Class.forName(fieldJavaType)); if (fieldJavaType.contains("String")) { meth.invoke(toPersist, fieldValue); } else if (fieldJavaType.contains("Long")) { meth.invoke(toPersist, Long.valueOf(fieldValue)); } else if (fieldJavaType.contains("Double")) { meth.invoke(toPersist, Double.valueOf(fieldValue)); } else if (fieldJavaType.contains("Integer")) { meth.invoke(toPersist, Integer.valueOf(fieldValue)); } else if (fieldJavaType.contains("Date")) { //never invoked because now all dates are of string type meth.invoke(toPersist, new Date()); } } } } toPersist.getClass().getMethod("setPath", String.class).invoke(toPersist, getAllPaths(schemaFields)); int inserito = quickDBRecognizer.insertTrace(streamObj); if (inserito > 0) {"Stream published successfully"); } } catch (ReflectionException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (SecurityException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (CannotCompileException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { log.error(ex); } catch (DocumentException e) { log.error("Stream parse exception", e); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * ?mainifest//from w w w . j a v a m * * @param manifestFile * @return */ public static ManifestInfo getManifestFileObject(File manifestFile) throws DocumentException { ManifestInfo manifestFileObject = new ManifestInfo(); manifestFileObject.setManifestFile(manifestFile); if (manifestFile.exists()) { Document document = XmlHelper.readXml(manifestFile);// ?XML Element root = document.getRootElement();// for (Attribute attribute : root.attributes()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attribute.getNamespacePrefix())) { manifestFileObject.addManifestProperty( attribute.getNamespacePrefix() + ":" + attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } else { manifestFileObject.addManifestProperty(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } } Element useSdkElement = root.element("uses-sdk"); Element applicationElement = root.element("application"); if (null != useSdkElement) { for (Attribute attribute : useSdkElement.attributes()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attribute.getNamespacePrefix())) { manifestFileObject.addUseSdkProperty( attribute.getNamespacePrefix() + ":" + attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } else { manifestFileObject.addUseSdkProperty(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } } } if (null != applicationElement) { for (Attribute attribute : applicationElement.attributes()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attribute.getNamespacePrefix())) { manifestFileObject.addApplicationProperty( attribute.getNamespacePrefix() + ":" + attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } else { manifestFileObject.addApplicationProperty(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } } } } manifestFileObject.init(); return manifestFileObject; }
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License:Apache License
private static ArtifactBundleInfo getMainArtifactBundInfo(File manifestFile) { ArtifactBundleInfo mainBundleInfo = new ArtifactBundleInfo(); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document document = null;// ?XML try {/*from w ww .j a va 2s . c o m*/ document =; } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new GradleException(e.getMessage(), e); } Element root = document.getRootElement();// List<? extends Node> metadataNodes = root.selectNodes("//meta-data"); for (Node node : metadataNodes) { Element element = (Element) node; Attribute attribute = element.attribute("name"); if (attribute.getValue().equals("label")) { Attribute labelAttribute = element.attribute("value"); mainBundleInfo.setName(labelAttribute.getValue()); } } List<? extends Node> applicatNodes = root.selectNodes("//application"); for (Node node : applicatNodes) { Element element = (Element) node; Attribute attribute = element.attribute("name"); if (attribute != null) { mainBundleInfo.setApplicationName(attribute.getValue()); } } if ("manifest".equalsIgnoreCase(root.getName())) { List<Attribute> attributes = root.attributes(); for (Attribute attr : attributes) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(attr.getName(), "versionName")) { String versionName = attr.getValue(); mainBundleInfo.setVersion(versionName); } } } String pkgName = root.attributeValue("package"); mainBundleInfo.setPkgName(pkgName); return mainBundleInfo; }
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License:Apache License
/** * libManifest//from w w w. java 2 s .c o m * * @param libManifestFile * @param mainManifestFileObject param updateSdkVersion */ public static void updatePreProcessManifestFile(File libManifestFile, ManifestFileObject mainManifestFileObject, boolean updateSdkVersion) throws IOException, DocumentException { if (!libManifestFile.exists()) { return; } File orgManifestFile = new File(libManifestFile.getParentFile(), "AndroidManifest-org.xml"); if (orgManifestFile.exists()) { return; } libManifestFile.renameTo(orgManifestFile); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); format.setEncoding("UTF-8");// XML?? Document document =;// ?XML Element root = document.getRootElement();// if (updateSdkVersion) { Element useSdkElement = root.element("uses-sdk"); if (null == useSdkElement) { useSdkElement = root.addElement("uses-sdk"); } if (null != useSdkElement) { updateElement(useSdkElement, mainManifestFileObject.getUseSdkProperties()); } } // ?tools:removetools:replace?ManifestMerge?? Element applicationElement = root.element("application"); Map<String, String> replaceAttrs = mainManifestFileObject.getReplaceApplicationAttribute(); List<String> removeAttrs = mainManifestFileObject.getRemoveApplicationAttribute(); if (null != applicationElement) { // libtools List<Attribute> toRomoved = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); for (Attribute attribute : applicationElement.attributes()) { if (attribute.getName().equals("replace") || attribute.getName().equals("remove")) { // applicationElement.remove(attribute); // applicationElement.attributes().remove(attribute); toRomoved.add(attribute); } } if (toRomoved.size() > 0) { for (Attribute attribute : toRomoved) { applicationElement.remove(attribute); } } updateApplicationElement(applicationElement, replaceAttrs, removeAttrs); } //?packageName TODO String packageName = root.attributeValue("package"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(packageName)) { packageName = ManifestFileUtils.getPackage(orgManifestFile); } List<? extends Node> applicatNodes = root.selectNodes("//application"); for (Node node : applicatNodes) { Element element = (Element) node; Attribute attribute = element.attribute("name"); if (attribute != null) { if (!attribute.getValue().startsWith(packageName)) { attribute.setValue(packageName + attribute.getValue()); } } } fillFullClazzName(root, packageName, "activity"); fillFullClazzName(root, packageName, "provider"); fillFullClazzName(root, packageName, "receiver"); fillFullClazzName(root, packageName, "service"); saveFile(document, format, libManifestFile); }
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License:Apache License
/** * ?mainifest// w w w. java 2 s . c om * * @param manifestFile * @return */ public static ManifestFileObject getManifestFileObject(File manifestFile) throws DocumentException { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); ManifestFileObject manifestFileObject = new ManifestFileObject(); manifestFileObject.setManifestFile(manifestFile); if (manifestFile.exists()) { Document document =;// ?XML Element root = document.getRootElement();// for (Attribute attribute : root.attributes()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attribute.getNamespacePrefix())) { manifestFileObject.addManifestProperty( attribute.getNamespacePrefix() + ":" + attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } else { manifestFileObject.addManifestProperty(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } } Element useSdkElement = root.element("uses-sdk"); Element applicationElement = root.element("application"); if (null != useSdkElement) { for (Attribute attribute : useSdkElement.attributes()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attribute.getNamespacePrefix())) { manifestFileObject.addUseSdkProperty( attribute.getNamespacePrefix() + ":" + attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } else { manifestFileObject.addUseSdkProperty(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } } } if (null != applicationElement) { for (Attribute attribute : applicationElement.attributes()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attribute.getNamespacePrefix())) { manifestFileObject.addApplicationProperty( attribute.getNamespacePrefix() + ":" + attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } else { manifestFileObject.addApplicationProperty(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } } } } return manifestFileObject; }
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License:Apache License
/** * ?minSdkVersiontargetSdkVersion/*ww w.j av a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param androidManifestFile * @throws IOException * @throws DocumentException */ public static String getVersionName(File androidManifestFile) throws IOException, DocumentException { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); String versionName = ""; if (androidManifestFile.exists()) { Document document =;// ?XML Element root = document.getRootElement();// if ("manifest".equalsIgnoreCase(root.getName())) { List<Attribute> attributes = root.attributes(); for (Attribute attr : attributes) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(attr.getName(), "versionName")) { versionName = attr.getValue(); } } } } return versionName; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Clean the element./*from w w w . j a v a2 s. co m*/ * * @param ele * The element. */ private void cleanElement(Element ele) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Cleaning the element " + ele); } // Attribute check shouldn't be necessary since only trying to write // populated attributes // but leave for now just in case for (Iterator i = ele.attributes().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Attribute a = (Attribute); if (!mapFile.isSuppressAttribIfEmpty() || a.getText().length() > 0) continue; if (!mapFile.isSuppressAttribIfHasOnlyWhitespace() || a.getText().trim().length() > 0) continue; ele.remove(a); } for (Iterator i = ele.elements().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { cleanElement((Element); } if (!mapFile.isSuppressElementIfHasNoChildren() || ele.elements().size() > 0) return; if (!mapFile.isSuppressElementIfHasOnlyEmptyAttribs() || ele.attributes().size() > 0) return; if (!mapFile.isSuppressElementIfEmpty() || ele.getText().length() > 0) return; if (!mapFile.isSuppressElementIfHasOnlyWhitespace() || ele.getTextTrim().length() > 0) return; ele.getParent().remove(ele); }
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License:CDDL license
protected void setupPage(Element testdata, PageURL page) { this.actionResult = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); this.pageUrl = page; this.testdata = testdata; this.globalExecution = ""; List attributes = testdata.attributes(); for (Object seter : attributes.toArray()) { Attribute el = (Attribute) seter; String attrName = el.getName(); if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("threads")) { this.setThreadCount(Integer.valueOf(testdata.attributeValue(attrName))); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("timeout")) { this.timeout = Integer.valueOf(testdata.attributeValue(attrName)); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("action")) { this.action = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) { this.testname = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("browsers")) { this.browsers = testdata.attributeValue(attrName).trim().toLowerCase(); if (this.browsers == null || this.browsers.isEmpty()) { this.browsers = ConfigLoader.getConfig("SELENIUM_DRIVER").toLowerCase(); if (this.browsers == null || this.browsers.isEmpty()) { this.browsers = "firefox"; }/*www . ja v a2s .c om*/ } } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("page")) { this.pagename = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("datasetextension")) { this.datasetextension = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("groupbythread")) { this.groupbythread = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("serviceurl")) { this.serviceurl = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("overrideattributes")) { this.overrideattributes = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("baseurl")) { this.baseurl = testdata.attributeValue(attrName).trim(); if (this.baseurl != null && !this.baseurl.isEmpty() && this.baseurl.contains("http")) { ConfigLoader.setConfigProperty("BASE_APPLICATION_URL", this.baseurl); ConfigLoader.setConfigProperty("WEB_SERVICE_URL", this.baseurl); } } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("env")) { String env = testdata.attributeValue(attrName).trim(); if (env != null && !env.isEmpty()) { ConfigLoader.setConfigProperty("QA_TEST_ENV", env); } } } //initialize request object and create an execution session before invoke() is called //this.request= new ExecuteHttpRequest(this); //initialize urlConfig try { this.urlConfig = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(this.action); } catch (Exception e) { WmLog.printMessage("** ERROR : Please verify your test configuration for page and action name ! " + e.getMessage()); WmLog.printMessage( "** ERROR : Probably, you have passed a WRONG Page name or Action Name to run which cloud not found in module configuration data files. "); } }