Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Artitelly Solutions Inc, * * Licensed under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL-1.0) (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.testmax.framework; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import; import com.testmax.exception.ConfigDataException; import com.testmax.handler.ActionHandler; import com.testmax.runner.ExecutionEngin; import com.testmax.runner.TestEngine; import com.testmax.util.DbUtil; import com.testmax.util.FileUtility; import com.testmax.util.HttpUtil; import com.testmax.util.ItemUtility; public abstract class BasePage { /* * Execution Count Graph */ protected volatile CreateGraph executeGraph = null; /* * Execution Count Graph */ protected volatile CreateGraph responseGraph = null; /* * Execution Count Graph */ protected volatile CreateGraph elaspedTimeGraph = null; /* * Execution Count Graph */ protected volatile CreateGraph activeThreadGraph = null; /* * Use to synchronize charts */ private Object draw = new Object(); /* * Use this to synchronize Request Object */ private Object state = new Object(); /* * PageURL for this page */ private PageURL pageUrl = null; /* * URLConfig for this page */ protected URLConfig urlConfig = null; /* * Action Result */ private HashMap<String, Integer> actionResult = null; /* * Name of the page associated with the test */ private String pagename = null; /* * Name of the test associated with the page in test configuration XML file within testdata */ private String testname = null; /* * Name of the browsers with the page in test configuration XML file within testdata */ private String browsers = null; /* * Group by column for the dataset browser thread */ private String groupbythread = null; /* * override passwords lke [columnname]@[password value] * * Returns password overide columns and value i.e. overridepassword="adminpassword@Spigit1234;password@Spigit123" */ private String overrideattributes = null; /* * extension use to access different XLS file by overriding current dataset in the action with a extension */ private String datasetextension = null; /* * Service URL */ private String serviceurl = null; /* * whether global dataset is executed once */ private String globalExecution = null;; /* * default URL with the page in test configuration XML file within testdata */ private String baseurl = null; /* * Number of thread for this PageURL, default=1 */ private int threadCount = 1; /* * Number of thread for this PageURL exited after timeout, default=0 */ private int threadExit = 0; /* * Number of thread for this Test SUITE based of number of actions * threadCount set by the user, default=1 */ private int newThreadCount = 1; /* * timeout of thread for this PageURL, default=1 Hr =60,000 mili sec */ protected double timeout = 60000; /* * Whether the test i unit testing */ private boolean isUnitTest = false; /* * action which needs to be performed on this page based on testdata */ protected String action = null; /* * HTTP Request object */ public PerformerBase request = null; /* * API Request object */ public ActionHandler proc = null; /* * DbUtil for automation database connection */ private DbUtil dutl = new DbUtil(); /* * Testdata for each test */ private Connection dbConn = null; private Element testdata = null; private String urlResponse = null; /* * If any specific summary data need to be customized based on performance Adaptor this variable can be used with a setter method * Method: setPerformanceSummaryReportData() */ private String perfSummaryReportData = null; public String getURLResponse() { return (this.urlResponse); } /* * Retrieves Page URL */ public PageURL getPageURL() { return (this.pageUrl); } /* * Retrieves URLConfig for this URL object */ public URLConfig getURLConfig() { return (this.urlConfig); } /* * Verifies if the current test is usnit test */ public boolean isUnitTest() { return (this.isUnitTest); } /* * Retrieves timeout for performance */ public double getTimeOut() { return (this.timeout); } /* * Retrieves number of thread counts for this URL object */ public int getThreadCount() { return (this.threadCount); } /* * Returns password overide columns and value i.e. overridepassword="adminpassword@Spigit1234;password@Spigit123" */ public String getOverrideAttributes() { return (this.overrideattributes); } /* * Returns group by column for dataset thread */ public String getGroupByThread() { return (this.groupbythread); } /* * Returns extension name for dataset */ public String getDatasetExtension() { return (this.datasetextension); } /* * Set number of thread count for this URL object */ public void setThreadCount(int count) { this.threadCount = count; } /* * Set db connection */ public void setDbConnection(Connection dbConn) { this.dbConn = dbConn; } /* * Retrieves name of the page within testdata configuration */ public String getPageName() { return (this.pagename); } /* * Retrieves name of the test within testdata configuration */ public String getTestName() { return (this.testname); } /* * Get base URL */ public String getBaseURL() { return this.baseurl; } /* * Retrieves cookie by name */ public String getCookieByName(String name) { if (this.request != null && this.request.cookies != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.request.cookies.length; i++) { if (this.request.cookies[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return this.request.cookies[i].getValue(); //this.request.cookies[i].getDomain(); //this.request.cookies[i].getPath(); //this.request.cookies[i].getExpiryDate(); //this.request.cookies[i].getSecure(); } } } return null; } /* * Retrieves browsers configuration */ public String[] getBrowsers() { if (this.browsers != null) { return (this.browsers.split(";")); } return null; } /* * Retrieves Page URL */ public Element getTestData() { return (this.testdata); } private void invokeUnitHttpGET() { try { this.urlResponse = this.executeHttpGET(); int totalInvoked = (this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName()) == null ? 0 : this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName())) + 1; this.actionResult.put(proc.getActionName(), totalInvoked); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void invokeUnitHttpPOST() { try { this.urlResponse = this.executeHttpPOST(); int totalInvoked = (this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName()) == null ? 0 : this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName())) + 1; this.actionResult.put(proc.getActionName(), totalInvoked); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void invokeUnitHttpsGET() { try { this.urlResponse = this.executeHttpsGET(); int totalInvoked = (this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName()) == null ? 0 : this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName())) + 1; this.actionResult.put(proc.getActionName(), totalInvoked); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void invokeUnitHttpsPOST() { try { this.urlResponse = this.executeHttpsPOST(); int totalInvoked = (this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName()) == null ? 0 : this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName())) + 1; this.actionResult.put(proc.getActionName(), totalInvoked); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void invokeUnitTest(ActionHandler proc) { String startMsg = "\n\n********************** Started Testing of Action=" + proc.getActionName() + " *******************************\n\n"; String endMsg = "\n********************** Test Ends for Action=" + proc.getActionName() + " *******************************\n\n"; WmLog.getCoreLogger().info(startMsg); System.out.println(startMsg); this.executeAPI(proc); int totalInvoked = (this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName()) == null ? 0 : this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName())) + 1; this.actionResult.put(proc.getActionName(), totalInvoked); if (this.proc != null) { this.proc.closeDb(); } WmLog.getCoreLogger().info(endMsg); System.out.println(endMsg); } private void invokeAPI(ActionHandler proc) { long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long timer = 0; int invoked = 0; try { while (timer <= this.timeout) { this.executeAPI(proc); timer = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) / 1000; synchronized (draw) { invoked++; executeGraph.ts.addOrUpdate(new Millisecond(), PerformerBase.executionCount); responseGraph.ts.addOrUpdate(new Millisecond(), PerformerBase.avgOKTime); elaspedTimeGraph.ts.addOrUpdate(new Millisecond(), PerformerBase.elaspedTime); activeThreadGraph.ts.addOrUpdate(new Millisecond(), PerformerBase.activeThread); } } synchronized (proc) { if (proc != null) { int totalInvoked = (this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName()) == null ? 0 : this.actionResult.get(proc.getActionName())) + invoked; this.actionResult.put(proc.getActionName(), totalInvoked); threadExit = threadExit + 1; WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Exiting Thread=" + threadExit + " >>> Total Thread Count=" + newThreadCount + " >>> Action=" + proc.getActionName()); System.out.println("Exiting Thread=" + threadExit + " >>> Total Thread Count=" + newThreadCount + " >>> Action=" + proc.getActionName()); proc.closeDb(); } } WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Time Elasped (sec) =" + timer + "(sec)"); System.out.println("Time Elasped (sec)=" + timer + "(sec)"); //Add graph for Execution Count //if(this.threadCount-1== HttpThread.getThreadExit() && new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath()).mkdir()){ if (threadExit == newThreadCount && new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath()).mkdir()) { saveGraph(executeGraph, ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath() + "execution.jpg", "Execution Graph", "Time", "Execution Count"); //Add graph for Response Count saveGraph(responseGraph, ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath() + "response.jpg", "Response Graph", "Time", "Response Time (ms)"); //Add graph for Elasped Count saveGraph(elaspedTimeGraph, ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath() + "elaspedtime.jpg", "Elasped Time Graph", "Time", "Elasped Time (ms)"); createHtmlReport(this.action); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void saveGraph(CreateGraph graph, String file, String title, String xname, String yname) { WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Saving Graphs for " + title); //Add graph for Execution Count try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(new File(file), graph.getChart(), 700, 500); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Saved Graphs for " + title); } catch (IOException e) { WmLog.getCoreLogger() .info("Problem Occured while saving the Graphs for " + title + " " + e.getMessage()); } } private void createHtmlReport(String title) { WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Creating HTML report for " + title); try { FileWriter file = new FileWriter(new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath() + "html_report.html")); file.write(getHeader()); file.write(getExecutionData()); if (!this.perfSummaryReportData.isEmpty()) { file.write(this.perfSummaryReportData); } file.write(getGraphs()); file.write(getFooter()); file.close(); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Saved HTML Report for " + title); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Problem Occured while saving the HTML Report file html_report.html for " + title + " " + e.getMessage()); } } private void createUnitTestHtmlReport(String title) { WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Creating HTML report for " + title); try { FileWriter file = new FileWriter(new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath() + "html_report.html")); file.write(getUnitTestHeader()); file.write(getUnitTestExecutionData()); file.write(getFooter()); file.close(); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Saved HTML Report for " + title); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Problem Occured while saving the HTML Report file html_report.html for " + title + " " + e.getMessage()); } } public void printHtmlSummaryReport() { //String link_prefix=TestEngine.suite.getJenkinsurl()+"job/"+TestEngine.suite.getJobname()+"/ws/output/"+ExecutionEngin.getDynamicPath()+"/report/"+TestEngine.suite.getEnv()+"_jenkin_summary_report_"+TestEngine.suite.getBuildid()+".html"; String jobname = TestEngine.suite.getJobname(); String projectfolder = ConfigLoader.getWmProjectFolder(jobname); if (projectfolder != null && !projectfolder.isEmpty() && !projectfolder.equals(jobname)) { projectfolder = "/" + projectfolder; } else { projectfolder = ""; } String link_prefix = TestEngine.suite.getJenkinsurl().replace(":8080", "") + "results/" + TestEngine.suite.getJobname() + projectfolder + "/output/" + ExecutionEngin.getDynamicPath() + "/report/" + TestEngine.suite.getEnv() + "_jenkin_summary_report_" + TestEngine.suite.getBuildid() + ".html"; //WmLog.printMessage("\n<a href=\""+link_prefix.replaceAll(" ", "%20")+"\">Click Here To See Summary Report</a>"); WmLog.printMessage("\n GENERATED SUMMARY REPORT URL:"); WmLog.printMessage("\n" + link_prefix.replaceAll(" ", "%20")); WmLog.printMessage("\n ACCESS ALL JOBS HISTORY REPORTS:"); WmLog.printMessage("\n" + TestEngine.suite.getJenkinsurl().replace(":8080", "") + "results"); //WmLog.printMessage(geTestSummaryHeader()+getUnitTestSummaryResultData()+getFooter()); } public void createUnitTestHtmlSummaryReport(String title) { if (TestEngine.suite != null || ConfigLoader.getConfig("REPORT_SUMMARY").equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { String reportfile = "html_summary_report.html"; if (TestEngine.suite != null) { reportfile = TestEngine.suite.getEnv() + "_jenkin_summary_report_" + TestEngine.suite.getBuildid() + ".html"; } String summaryreport = getUnitTestSummaryResultData(); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Creating HTML report for " + title); try { FileWriter file = new FileWriter( new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath() + reportfile.toLowerCase())); file.write(geTestSummaryHeader()); file.write(summaryreport); file.write(getFooter()); file.close(); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Saved HTML Report for " + title); if (TestEngine.suite != null) { printHtmlSummaryReport(); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.out.println("Problem Occured while saving the HTML Summary Report file html_report.html for " + title + " " + e.getMessage()); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Problem Occured while saving the HTML Report file html_report.html for " + title + " " + e.getMessage()); } } } private String getUnitTestHeader() { String joburl = ""; String browser = ""; SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); Date date = new Date(); String rundate = "<TD><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\">Run Date: " + dateFormat.format(date) + "</font> </TD> "; if (TestEngine.suite != null) { joburl = "<TD><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\"><a href=\"" + TestEngine.suite.getJenkinsurl() + "\">Jenkins</a></font> </TD> "; browser = "<TD><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\">Test Matrix :" + TestEngine.suite.getBrowser() + "</font> </TD> "; } /* String backtosummry=""; String reportfile="html_summary_report.html"; if(TestEngine.suite!=null){ reportfile=TestEngine.suite.getEnv()+"_jenkin_summary_report_"+TestEngine.suite.getBuildid()+".html"; } backtosummry="<TD><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\"><a href=\"./"+reportfile+"\">Back To Summary</a></font> </TD>"; */ String header = "<html><head><h2><center><font face=\"verdana\" size=4px color=\"black\"><b><u>Test Results</u></b></font></center></h2></head><body>" + "<table border=0 width=60%><br><br><tr><TD><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\"><b>SUITE Name</b> :</font> <font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\">" + this.testname + "</font></TD>" + joburl + rundate + browser + "<TD><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\"><b>XML Name</b> :</font><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\">" + this.pagename + ".xml</font> </TD></tr></table>" + "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" border-color=\"black\" halign=\"top\" >" + "<tr bgcolor=\"#616D7E\" height=\"50\">" + "<td align=center width=\"10%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Action ID</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"15%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Test ID</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"15%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Steps</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"15%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Test Count</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Total Validator</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Validator Passed</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Validator Failed</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Average Response(ms)</b></font></td></tr>"; return (header); } private String geTestSummaryHeader() { String joburl = this.testname; String env = ConfigLoader.getConfig("QA_TEST_ENV"); if (TestEngine.suite != null) { joburl = "<a href=\"" + TestEngine.suite.getJenkinsurl() + "\">Jenkins</a>"; env = TestEngine.suite.getEnv(); } String header = "<html><head><h2><center><font face=\"verdana\" size=4px color=\"black\"><b><u>Test Results</u></b></font></center></h2></head><body>" + "<table border=0 width=60%><br><br><tr><TD><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\"><b>Summary Report URL</b> :</font> <font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\">" + joburl + "</font></TD>" + "<TD><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\"><b>Test Environment:</b> :</font><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\">" + env + "</font> </TD></tr></table>" + "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" border-color=\"black\" halign=\"top\" >" + "<tr bgcolor=\"#616D7E\" height=\"50\">" + "<td align=center width=\"10%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Test SUITE</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"15%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Date</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"15%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Scenerio Count</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Total Tests</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Test Passed</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Test Failed</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Env</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Browser</b></font></td></tr>"; return (header); } /* private void insertJbertTestCaseResult(){ ResultSet rs=null; String url=ConfigLoader.getDbProperty("mysqlDBUrl"); String user=ConfigLoader.getDbProperty("mysqlUser"); String password=ConfigLoader.getDbProperty("mysqlPassword"); Connection mysqlCon=dutl.makeMysqlDbConnection(url, user, password); SimpleDateFormat sf=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss-SSS"); String date=sf.format(new Date()); String suite="BE-"+this.testname+" (SQL Tester)"; String release="R"+ConfigLoader.getConfig("RELEASE"); String env=ConfigLoader.getConfig("QA_TEST_ENV"); String testtype=ConfigLoader.getConfig("TEST_TYPE"); String track=ConfigLoader.getConfig("TRACK"); String host=""; String runId=""; String testName=""; if(this.action.indexOf("@")>0){ testName=this.action.substring(this.action.indexOf("@")+1,this.action.length()); } try { host= "SQLTester-"; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { host="localhost"; // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); } Statement st=null; String runId_sql="SELECT TestrunID FROM jbert.summary where upper(releaseNumber) like upper('" +release+"') and upper(Type)=upper('"+testtype+"') and host like ltrim('SQLTester%') order by starttime desc"; //System.out.println(runId_sql); if(mysqlCon!=null){ try { st=mysqlCon.createStatement(); rs=st.executeQuery(runId_sql); if({ runId=rs.getString("TestrunID"); } if(runId==null||runId.isEmpty()){ runId=date.toString(); String insert_sql="INSERT INTO `jbert`.`summary`"+ "("+ "`TestRunID`,"+ "`Host`,"+ "`Environment`,"+ "`Track`,"+ "`ReleaseNumber`,"+ "`Type`,"+ "`StartTime`,"+ "`EndTime`"+ ")"+ "VALUES"+ "('"+ runId+"','"+ host+"','"+ env+"','"+ track+"','"+ release+"','"+ testtype+"',"+ "now(),"+ "now())"; st.executeUpdate(insert_sql); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //First delete if the same TestRunId and AreaName String delete_sql="Delete from jbert.testcase where upper(TestRunID)=upper('"+runId+"') and upper(AreaName)=upper('"+suite+"')"; if(!testName.isEmpty()){ delete_sql=delete_sql+" and TestcaseName like ltrim('"+testName+"%')"; } try { st.executeUpdate(delete_sql); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } try { System.out.println("---------Sending Data to JBERT Dashboard ---------------------------"); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("----------------Sending Data to JBERT Dashboard ---------------"); for(Object key: this.actionResult.keySet()){ HashMap<String, String> results=PerformerBase.validatorMessage.get(key); for(Object test:results.keySet()){ String status=((results.get(test).contains("FAILED") && !results.get(test).contains(":-PASSED")) ?"FAILED":"PASSED"); String testcaseName=key+"-"+test; int resultlength=results.get(test).length(); int available=500-testcaseName.length()-3; if( available>0){ testcaseName=testcaseName+ ":-" +results.get(test).substring(0, (resultlength>available?available:resultlength)); } String insert_sql= "INSERT INTO jbert.testcase"+ "(`TestRunID`,"+ "`AreaName`,"+ "`TestcaseName`,"+ "`TestcaseStatus`,"+ "`MarkedAsPassed`,"+ "`MarkedAsPassedReason`,"+ "`Owner`,"+ "`Browser`,"+ "`PathToTestcaseInQualityCenter`,"+ "`ScriptLogPath`,"+ "`DrilldownInfo`,"+ "`TimedOutMessage`,"+ "`WebServerExceptionRetrieved`,"+ "`ScreenshotCaptured`,"+ "`StartTime`,"+ "`EndTime`,"+ "`ExceptionName`,"+ "`ExceptionErrorMessage`,"+ "`AttemptNumber`,"+ "`TicketNo`,"+ "`IssueType`,"+ "`IssueSubType`)"+ "VALUES"+ "("+ "'"+runId+"',"+ //TestRunID "'"+suite+"',"+ //AreaName "'"+testcaseName+"',"+ //TestcaseName "'"+status+"',"+ //TestcaseStatus "0,"+ //MarkedAsPassed "' ',"+ //MarkedAsPassedReason "'SQLTester',"+ //Owner "' ',"+ //Browser "' ',"+ //PathToTestcaseInQualityCenter "' ',"+ //ScriptLogPath "'"+results.get(test).substring(0,(resultlength>999?999:resultlength))+"',"+ //DrilldownInfo "' ',"+ //TimedOutMessage "0,"+ //WebServerExceptionRetrieved "0,"+ //ScreenshotCaptured "now(),"+ "now(),"+ "' ',"+ "' ',"+ "1,"+ "' ',"+ "' ',"+ "' '"+ ")"; try{ st.executeUpdate(insert_sql); } catch (SQLException e) { WmLog.getCoreLogger().info(insert_sql); System.out.println(insert_sql); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); } } } WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("JBERT URL= http://automationjst45:8080/jdash/layout_executive.jsp?testRunID="+runId); System.out.println("JBERT URL= http://automationjst45:8080/jdash/layout_executive.jsp?testRunID="+runId); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ if(st!=null){ try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } */ private String getUnitTestSummaryResultData() { WmLog.printMessage("Calling Testrepo service to get summary results!"); String url = ""; String jenkinsurl = ""; String env = ConfigLoader.getConfig("QA_TEST_ENV"); if (TestEngine.suite != null) { env = TestEngine.suite.getEnv(); } HttpUtil hu = new HttpUtil(); if (TestEngine.suite != null) { url = TestEngine.suite.getServiceUrl(); jenkinsurl = TestEngine.suite.getJenkinsurl(); } else { url = this.serviceurl; } url += "/rest/jenkin/summaryresult?env=" + env + "&jenkinsurl=" + jenkinsurl; String result = hu.getHTML(url); return result; } private String getUnitTestSummaryResult() { Statement st = null; ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> rsData = null; ItemUtility ut = new ItemUtility(); //String suite=this.testname; String releaseno = ConfigLoader.getConfig("RELEASE"); String env = ConfigLoader.getConfig("QA_TEST_ENV"); String row = ""; String actionRow = ""; if (TestEngine.suite != null) { env = TestEngine.suite.getEnv(); } String sql = "select sum(testcount) totaltest, sum(passcount) totalpass, sum(failcount) totalfail, trunc((sum(passcount)/sum(testcount))* 100,2) as pctpass," + "trunc((sum(failcount)/sum(testcount))* 100,2) as pctfail from QA_AUTOMATION_SUMMARY where env='" + env + "'"; if (this.dbConn == null) { this.dbConn = this.getDbConnection(); } if (this.dbConn != null) { try { st = this.dbConn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql); rsData = ut.setResults2Array(rs, null); if (st != null) { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block this.proc.printMessage( "Problem Occur for Saving Summary into database \n" + e.getMessage() + "\n" + sql); WmLog.getCoreLogger() .info("Problem Occur for Saving Summary into database \n" + e.getMessage() + "\n" + sql); e.printStackTrace(); } actionRow = "\n"; row = "<tr bgcolor=\"#7D226D\">" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white> Test Env: " + env + " (Grand Total)</font></td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px></font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, 1, "totaltest") + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, 1, "totalpass") + "<br>(" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, 1, "pctpass") + "%)</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, 1, "totalfail") + "<br>(" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, 1, "pctfail") + "%)</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + env + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>All</font> </td></tr>"; String sql_detail = " select suite,releaseno,rundate,testcount,passcount,failcount,pctpass,pctfail,runby,env,runid,jobname,browser from QA_AUTOMATION_SUMMARY where env='" + env + "'"; try { st = this.dbConn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql_detail); rsData = ut.setResults2Array(rs, null); } catch (SQLException e) { this.proc.printMessage( "Problem Occur for Saving Summary into database \n" + e.getMessage() + "\n" + sql); // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (st != null) { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } int rowCount = 1; String link_prefix = "../../"; while (rowCount < rsData.size()) { if (TestEngine.suite != null) { link_prefix = TestEngine.suite.getJenkinsurl().replace(":8080", "") + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "jobname") + "/output/"; } actionRow = actionRow + "<tr bgcolor=\"#4AA02C\">" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><a href=\"" + link_prefix + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "runid") + "/report/html_report.html\">" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "suite") + "</a></font></td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "rundate") + "</font> <br></td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px></font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "testcount") + "</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "passcount") + "<br>(" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "pctpass") + ")%</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "failcount") + "<br>(" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "pctfail") + ")%</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "env") + "</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + ut.getColumnValue(rsData, rowCount, "browser") + "</font> </td></tr>"; rowCount++; } return (row + actionRow); } private String getUnitTestExecutionData() { String actionRow = "\n"; String testid = ""; String tmptestval = ""; String tmpteststep = ""; String stepdiv = ""; int stepindex = 1; int totaltestcount = 0; for (Object key : this.actionResult.keySet()) { String[] messages = PerformerBase.actionErrorMessage.get(key).split("<br><br>"); int actiontestcount = 0; int msgcount = 0; URLConfig urlConf = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(key.toString()); String description = key + "<br><br>(" + urlConf.getUrlElement().attributeValue("description") + ")"; //for(String message:messages){ for (int c = 0; c < messages.length; c++) { String message = messages[c]; String tmphtml = ""; msgcount++; String[] results = message.split(">>"); if ((results.length >= 2 && (testid.isEmpty() || !testid.equals(results[2])))) { testid = results[2]; stepdiv = "<div id=\"step" + msgcount + "-" + stepindex + ">"; tmptestval = "<div>" + results[2] + "</div>"; stepindex = 1; totaltestcount++; actiontestcount++; } if (results.length >= 2) { tmpteststep = "<div id=\"step" + msgcount + "-" + stepindex + "><div><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white>Step-" + stepindex + ":" + results[results.length - 2] + "</div>" + "<div><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><br>" + results[0] + " See Details:" + results[results.length - 1] + "</font></div>"; tmphtml = "<tr bgcolor=\"#4AA02C\">" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white>" + (msgcount == 1 ? description : "") + "</font></td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + tmptestval + "</font> <br></td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + tmpteststep + "</font> <br></td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (msgcount == 1 ? "@actiontestcount" : "") + "</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (msgcount == 1 ? getActionTotalValidator(key) : "") + "</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (msgcount == 1 ? (PerformerBase.validatorOKCount.get(key) == null ? 0 : PerformerBase.validatorOKCount.get(key)) : "") + "</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (msgcount == 1 ? (PerformerBase.validatorErrorCount.get(key) == null ? 0 : PerformerBase.validatorErrorCount.get(key)) : "") + "</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (msgcount == 1 ? (PerformerBase.actionReposneTime.get(key) / PerformerBase.actionExecutionCount.get(key)) : "") + "</font> </td></tr>"; } else { totaltestcount++; tmphtml = "<tr bgcolor=\"#4AA02C\">" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white>" + (msgcount == 1 ? description : "") + "</font></td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + key + "</font> <br></td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + PerformerBase.actionErrorMessage.get(key) + "</font> <br></td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + msgcount + "</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + msgcount + "</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (message.contains("PASSED") ? 1 : 0) + "</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (message.contains("PASSED") ? 0 : 1) + "</font> </td>" + "<td valign=top ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (PerformerBase.actionReposneTime.get(key) / PerformerBase.actionExecutionCount.get(key)) + "</font> </td></tr>"; } actionRow = actionRow + tmphtml; //System.out.println(actionRow); if (results.length >= 2 && testid.equals(results[2])) { tmptestval = ""; stepindex++; } } actionRow = actionRow.replaceAll("@actiontestcount", String.valueOf(actiontestcount)); } String row = "<tr bgcolor=\"#7D226D\">" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white>" + this.testname + "</font></td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white></font></td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (PerformerBase.responseERCount == 0 ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + totaltestcount + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + getTotalValidator() + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + getTotalPassedValidator() + "<br>(" + getTotalPctPassed() + "%)</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + getTotalFailedValidator() + "<br>(" + getTotalPctFailed() + "%)</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + PerformerBase.avgTime + "</font> </td></tr>"; return (row + actionRow); } private void insertSummaryResult() { String actionname = null; //String customname=this.pagename; if (TestEngine.suite != null && TestEngine.suite.getTestSuite() != null) { actionname = TestEngine.suite.getTestSuite().attributeValue("action").toString(); /*if(!TestEngine.suite.getName().contains("$name")){ customname=TestEngine.suite.getName(); }*/ } String suite = (actionname != null && actionname.contains("unit@") ? this.testname + " : " + actionname.split("@")[1] : this.testname); if (suite.length() >= 500) { suite = suite.substring(0, 499); } String releaseno = ConfigLoader.getConfig("RELEASE"); String env = ConfigLoader.getConfig("QA_TEST_ENV"); String actioncount = String.valueOf(PerformerBase.executionCount); String testcount = String.valueOf(getTotalValidator()); String passcount = String.valueOf(getTotalPassedValidator()); String failcount = String.valueOf(getTotalFailedValidator()); String pctpass = String.valueOf(getTotalPctPassed()); String pctfail = String.valueOf(getTotalPctFailed()); String jobname = ""; String jenkinsurl = ""; String browser = ""; String dbdate = "sysdate"; String runid = ExecutionEngin.getDynamicPath(); Statement st = null; String insert_sql = ""; if (TestEngine.suite != null) { env = TestEngine.suite.getEnv(); jobname = TestEngine.suite.getJobname(); jenkinsurl = TestEngine.suite.getJenkinsurl(); browser = TestEngine.suite.getBrowser(); } String delete_sql = "delete from QA_AUTOMATION_SUMMARY where suite='" + suite + "' and env='" + env + "' and browser='" + browser + "'"; if (this.dbConn == null && TestEngine.suite != null) { this.dbConn = this.getDbConnection(); } if (this.dbConn != null) { try { st = this.dbConn.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate(delete_sql); } catch (SQLException e) { WmLog.getCoreLogger().info( "Problem Occur for Saving Summary into database \n" + e.getMessage() + "\n" + delete_sql); try { Element dbEnv = ConfigLoader.getDatabaseEnv("automation"); if (dbEnv.attributeValue("db") != null && dbEnv.attributeValue("db").equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) { dbdate = "now()"; } this.dbConn = dutl.getDbConnection(ConfigLoader.getDatabaseEnv("automation"), "automation"); st = this.dbConn.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate(delete_sql);// TODO Auto-generated catch block } catch (SQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } e.printStackTrace(); } insert_sql = "insert into QA_AUTOMATION_SUMMARY(suite,releaseno,rundate,testcount,passcount,failcount,pctpass,pctfail,runby,env,runid,jobname,jenkinsurl,browser) values(" + "'" + suite + "','" + releaseno + "'," + dbdate + "," + testcount + "," + passcount + "," + failcount + "," + pctpass + "," + pctfail + ",'Automation','" + env + "','" + runid + "','" + jobname + "','" + jenkinsurl + "','" + browser + "')"; try { st.executeUpdate(insert_sql); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block WmLog.getCoreLogger().info( "Problem Occur for Saving Summary into database \n" + e.getMessage() + "\n" + insert_sql); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (st != null) { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } private void postTestSummaryResult() { String actionname = null; String url; String overideattrs = null; String[] vals; HashMap<String, String> overides = new HashMap<String, String>(); //String customname=this.pagename; if (TestEngine.suite != null && TestEngine.suite.getTestSuite() != null) { actionname = TestEngine.suite.getTestSuite().attributeValue("action").toString(); /*if(!TestEngine.suite.getName().contains("$name")){ customname=TestEngine.suite.getName(); }*/ } /*String suite=(actionname!=null &&actionname.contains("unit@")?this.testname+" : "+actionname.split("@")[1]:this.testname); if(suite.length()>=500){ suite=suite.substring(0, 499); } */ String name = ""; String releaseno = ConfigLoader.getConfig("RELEASE"); String env = ConfigLoader.getConfig("QA_TEST_ENV"); String actioncount = String.valueOf(PerformerBase.executionCount); String testcount = String.valueOf(getTotalValidator()); String passcount = String.valueOf(getTotalPassedValidator()); String failcount = String.valueOf(getTotalFailedValidator()); String pctpass = String.valueOf(getTotalPctPassed()); String pctfail = String.valueOf(getTotalPctFailed()); String jobname = ""; String jenkinsurl = ""; String projectfolder = ""; //String browser=""; String jenkinrunid = ExecutionEngin.getDynamicPath(); if (TestEngine.suite != null) { env = TestEngine.suite.getEnv(); jobname = TestEngine.suite.getJobname(); jenkinsurl = TestEngine.suite.getJenkinsurl(); name = TestEngine.suite.getName(); projectfolder = ConfigLoader.getWmProjectFolder(jobname); overideattrs = TestEngine.suite.getOverrideAttributes(); //browser=TestEngine.suite.getBrowser(); } WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Verify overideattrs=" + overideattrs); if (overideattrs != null && !overideattrs.isEmpty()) { vals = overideattrs.split(","); String seperator = " "; if (vals.length > 0 && vals[0].indexOf("=") >= 0) { seperator = "="; } else if (vals.length > 0 && vals[0].indexOf(":") >= 0) { seperator = ":"; } for (String val : vals) { String[] items = val.split(seperator); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info( "Overide Items= " + val + " length=" + items.length + " key=" + items[0].toLowerCase()); if (items.length >= 0) { overides.put(items[0].toLowerCase(), items[1]); } } } String runid = overides.get("runid"); String matrixid = overides.get("matrixid"); String featureid = overides.get("featureid"); String data = "<record id=\"0\">" + "<name>" + this.pagename + "</name>" + "<suite>" + name.replaceAll(" ", "") + "</suite>" + "<runid>" + runid + "</runid>" + "<matrixid>" + matrixid + "</matrixid>" + "<featureid>" + featureid + "</featureid>" + "<releaseno>" + releaseno + "</releaseno>" + "<testcount>" + testcount + "</testcount>" + "<passcount>" + passcount + "</passcount>" + "<failcount>" + failcount + "</failcount>" + "<pctpass>" + pctpass + "</pctpass>" + "<pctfail>" + pctfail + "</pctfail>" + "<runby>Automation</runby>" + "<env>" + env + "</env>" + "<jenkinrunid>" + jenkinrunid + "</jenkinrunid>" + "<jobname>" + jobname + "</jobname>" + "<jenkinsurl>" + jenkinsurl + "</jenkinsurl>" + "<browsers>" + this.browsers + "</browsers>" + "<projectfolder>" + projectfolder + "</projectfolder>" + "</record>"; data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<summaryreport>\n" + data + "\n</summaryreport>"; if (TestEngine.suite != null) { url = TestEngine.suite.getServiceUrl(); } else { url = this.serviceurl; } url = url + "/rest/jenkin/postsummaryresult"; HttpUtil ht = new HttpUtil(); ht.postFormdata(url, "body", data); } private void postTestResultToTestRepo() { String data = ""; String url = ""; String overideattrs; String[] vals; WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Calling postTestResultToTestRepo() to update sceneriorun!"); HashMap<String, String> overides = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (TestEngine.suite != null) { overideattrs = TestEngine.suite.getOverrideAttributes(); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("overideattrs=" + overideattrs); url = TestEngine.suite.getServiceUrl(); } else { overideattrs = this.overrideattributes; url = this.serviceurl; } WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Verify overideattrs=" + overideattrs); if (overideattrs != null && !overideattrs.isEmpty()) { vals = overideattrs.split(","); String seperator = " "; if (vals.length > 0 && vals[0].indexOf("=") >= 0) { seperator = "="; } else if (vals.length > 0 && vals[0].indexOf(":") >= 0) { seperator = ":"; } for (String val : vals) { String[] items = val.split(seperator); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info( "Overide Items= " + val + " length=" + items.length + " key=" + items[0].toLowerCase()); if (items.length >= 0) { overides.put(items[0].toLowerCase(), items[1]); } } } String runid = overides.get("runid"); String matrixid = overides.get("matrixid"); String featureid = overides.get("featureid"); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("runid= " + runid + " matrixid=" + matrixid + " featureid=" + featureid); String result = "<record id=\"@id\">" + "<runid isRequired=\"false\" type=\"RAW\">" + runid + "</runid>" + "<scenerioid isRequired=\"false\" type=\"RAW\">@scenerioid</scenerioid>" + "<matrixid isRequired=\"false\" type=\"RAW\">" + matrixid + "</matrixid>" + "<featureid isRequired=\"false\" type=\"RAW\">" + featureid + "</featureid>" + "<name isRequired=\"false\" type=\"VARCHAR\">@description</name>" + "<note isRequired=\"false\" type=\"VARCHAR\">@note</note>" + "<status isRequired=\"false\" type=\"VARCHAR\">@teststatus</status>" + "<browsers isRequired=\"false\" type=\"VARCHAR\">" + this.browsers + "</browsers>" + "</record>"; int id = 0; for (Object key : this.actionResult.keySet()) { String xml = result; URLConfig urlConf = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(key.toString()); String description = urlConf.getUrlElement().attributeValue("description"); String teststatus = "Passed"; int totalvalidator = getActionTotalValidator(key.toString()); int passed = getActionPassedValidatorCount(key.toString()); int failed = getActionFailedValidatorCount(key.toString()); if (failed > 0) { teststatus = "Failed"; } String note = "Total Validator: " + totalvalidator + "\nTest Passed:" + passed + "\nTest Failed:" + failed; xml = xml.replace("@id", String.valueOf(id)); xml = xml.replace("@scenerioid", key.toString()); xml = xml.replace("@description", description); xml = xml.replace("@teststatus", teststatus); xml = xml.replace("@note", note); data += xml; } data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<sceneriorun>\n" + data + "\n</sceneriorun>"; url = url + "/rest/jenkin/testresult"; HttpUtil ht = new HttpUtil(); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Posting Sceneriorun Data= " + data); int response = ht.postFormdata(url, "body", data); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Posting Response= " + response); } private int getActionTotalValidator(Object key) { int total = (PerformerBase.validatorErrorCount.get(key) == null ? 0 : PerformerBase.validatorErrorCount.get(key)) + (PerformerBase.validatorOKCount.get(key) == null ? 0 : PerformerBase.validatorOKCount.get(key)); return (total); } private double getTotalPctPassed() { double pct = ((double) getTotalPassedValidator() / (double) getTotalValidator()) * 100; return (Math.round(pct)); } private double getTotalPctFailed() { double pct = ((double) getTotalFailedValidator() / (double) getTotalValidator()) * 100; return (Math.round(pct)); } private int getTotalValidator() { int total = getTotalFailedValidator() + getTotalPassedValidator(); return (total == 0 ? 1 : total); } private int getTotalPassedValidator() { int total = 0; for (Object key : this.actionResult.keySet()) { total = total + ((PerformerBase.validatorOKCount.get(key) == null ? 0 : PerformerBase.validatorOKCount.get(key))); } return (total); } private int getTotalFailedValidator() { int total = 0; for (Object key : this.actionResult.keySet()) { total = total + ((PerformerBase.validatorErrorCount.get(key) == null ? 0 : PerformerBase.validatorErrorCount.get(key))); } return (total); } private int getActionPassedValidatorCount(String key) { int total = ((PerformerBase.validatorOKCount.get(key) == null ? 0 : PerformerBase.validatorOKCount.get(key))); return (total); } private int getActionFailedValidatorCount(String key) { int total = ((PerformerBase.validatorErrorCount.get(key) == null ? 0 : PerformerBase.validatorErrorCount.get(key))); return (total); } private String getHeader() { String header = "<html><head><h2><center><font face=\"verdana\" size=4px color=\"black\"><b><u>Test Results</u></b></font></center></h2></head><body>" + "<table border=0 width=60%><br><br><tr><TD><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\"><b>Summary Report</b> :</font> <font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\">" + this.testname + "</font></TD>" + "<TD><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\"><b>XML Name</b> :</font><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=\"#1589FF\">" + this.pagename + ".xml</font> </TD></tr></table>" + "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" border-color=\"black\" halign=\"top\" >" + "<tr bgcolor=\"#616D7E\" height=\"50\">" + "<td align=center width=\"10%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Test Case ID</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"15%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Threads</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"10%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Run Time (Sec)</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"15%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Total Execution</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>OK Count</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Error Count</b></font></td>" + "<td align=center width=\"25%\"><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white><b>Average Response(ms)</b></font></td></tr>"; return (header); } private String getGraphs() { String graph = "<tr bgcolor=\"#4AA02C\">" + "<table width=\"100%\" ><tr><td><image src=\"execution.jpg\"></image></td></tr></table></tr>" + "<tr bgcolor=\"#4AA02C\">" + "<table width=\"100%\" ><tr><td><image src=\"response.jpg\"></image></td></tr></table></tr>" + "<tr bgcolor=\"#4AA02C\">" + "<table width=\"100%\" ><tr><td><image src=\"elaspedtime.jpg\"></image></td></tr></table></tr>" + "<tr bgcolor=\"#4AA02C\">" + "<table width=\"100%\" ><tr><td><image src=\"activeuser.jpg\"></image></td></tr></table></tr>"; return (graph); } private String getExecutionData() { String actionRow = "\n"; String row = "<tr bgcolor=\"#7D226D\">" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white>" + this.testname + "</font></td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + this.newThreadCount + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + this.timeout + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + PerformerBase.executionCount + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + PerformerBase.responseOKCount + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + PerformerBase.responseERCount + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + PerformerBase.avgTime + "</font> </td></tr>"; for (Object key : this.actionResult.keySet()) { actionRow = actionRow + "<tr bgcolor=\"#4AA02C\">" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" size=2px color=white>" + key + "</font></td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + this.threadCount + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + this.timeout + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + PerformerBase.actionExecutionCount.get(key) + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + PerformerBase.actionOKCount.get(key) + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (PerformerBase.actionErrorCount.get(key) == null ? 0 : PerformerBase.actionErrorCount.get(key)) + "</font> </td>" + "<td align=left ><font face=\"verdana\" color=white size=2px>" + (PerformerBase.actionReposneTime.get(key) / PerformerBase.actionExecutionCount.get(key)) + "</font> </td></tr>"; } return (row + actionRow); } private String getFooter() { return ("</table></body></html>"); } public void invokeWs(URLConfig urlConf, String action) { String url = urlConf.getUrl(); if (!urlConf.getUrl().contains("http") && ConfigLoader.getConfig("WEB_SERVICE_URL") != null) { url = (ConfigLoader.getConfig("WEB_SERVICE_URL").replace("[env]", ConfigLoader.getConfig("QA_TEST_ENV"))) + urlConf.getUrl(); urlConf.setUrl(url); } // Set new URLConfig this.urlConfig = urlConf; if (this.urlConfig.getUrlElement().attributeValue("method") != null) { this.request = this.getRequestObject(action); //this.request= new ExecuteHttpRequest(this,action); //verify if this is unit test if (this.isUnitTest && this.action.indexOf("unit") >= 0) { if (this.urlConfig.getUrl().contains("https") && this.urlConfig.getUrlElement().attributeValue("method").equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) { this.invokeUnitHttpsGET(); } else if (this.urlConfig.getUrl().contains("http") && this.urlConfig.getUrlElement().attributeValue("method").equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) { this.invokeUnitHttpGET(); } else if (this.urlConfig.getUrl().contains("https") && this.urlConfig.getUrlElement().attributeValue("method").equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) { this.invokeUnitHttpsPOST(); } else if (this.urlConfig.getUrl().contains("http") && this.urlConfig.getUrlElement().attributeValue("method").equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) { this.invokeUnitHttpPOST(); } } } } private void invokeWsPerformance(PerformerBase httpResuest) { long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long timer = 0; int invoked = 0; try { while (timer <= this.timeout) { this.executeWsPerformance(httpResuest); timer = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) / 1000; synchronized (draw) { invoked++; executeGraph.ts.addOrUpdate(new Millisecond(), PerformerBase.executionCount); responseGraph.ts.addOrUpdate(new Millisecond(), PerformerBase.avgOKTime); elaspedTimeGraph.ts.addOrUpdate(new Millisecond(), PerformerBase.elaspedTime); activeThreadGraph.ts.addOrUpdate(new Millisecond(), PerformerBase.activeThread); } } synchronized (httpResuest) { if (httpResuest != null) { int totalInvoked = (this.actionResult.get(httpResuest.getActionName()) == null ? 0 : this.actionResult.get(httpResuest.getActionName())) + invoked; this.actionResult.put(httpResuest.getActionName(), totalInvoked); threadExit = threadExit + 1; httpResuest.closeDriver(); WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Exiting Thread=" + threadExit + " >>> Total Thread Count=" + newThreadCount + " >>> Action=" + httpResuest.getActionName()); System.out.println("Exiting Thread=" + threadExit + " >>> Total Thread Count=" + newThreadCount + " >>> Action=" + httpResuest.getActionName()); } } WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("Time Elasped (sec) =" + timer + "(sec)"); System.out.println("Time Elasped (sec)=" + timer + "(sec)"); //Add graph for Execution Count //if(this.threadCount-1== HttpThread.getThreadExit() && new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath()).mkdir()){ if (threadExit == newThreadCount && new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath()).mkdir()) { saveGraph(executeGraph, ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath() + "execution.jpg", "Execution Graph", "Time", "Execution Count"); //Add graph for Response Count saveGraph(responseGraph, ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath() + "response.jpg", "Response Graph", "Time", "Response Time (ms)"); //Add graph for Elasped Count saveGraph(elaspedTimeGraph, ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath() + "elaspedtime.jpg", "Elasped Time Graph", "Time", "Elasped Time (ms)"); //Add graph for Elasped Count saveGraph(activeThreadGraph, ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath() + "activeuser.jpg", "Active User Graph", "Time", "Elasped Time (ms)"); //reset Jenkins Signals httpResuest.resetJenkinSignal(); //set any additional custom data retrieved during performance test this.perfSummaryReportData = httpResuest.getPerformanceSummaryReportData(); createHtmlReport(this.action); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void executeWsPerformance(PerformerBase httpRequest) { this.request = httpRequest; String action = httpRequest.action; URLConfig urlConf =; if (urlConf.getUrl().contains("https") && urlConf.getUrlElement().attributeValue("method").equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) { this.executeHttpsGET(); } else if (urlConf.getUrl().contains("http") && urlConf.getUrlElement().attributeValue("method").equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) { this.executeHttpGET(); } else if (urlConf.getUrl().contains("https") && urlConf.getUrlElement().attributeValue("method").equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) { this.executeHttpsPOST(); } else if (urlConf.getUrl().contains("http") && urlConf.getUrlElement().attributeValue("method").equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) { this.executeHttpPOST(); } } protected void invokeBrowser(String action, String driver) { ActionHandler mproc = new ActionHandler(this, action); synchronized (mproc) { mproc.setBrowserDriver(driver); if (this.isUnitTest && this.action.indexOf("unit") >= 0) { this.invokeUnitTest(mproc); this.proc = mproc; ; } else { //Invoke API test this.invokeAPI(mproc); this.proc = mproc; } } } protected void invoke(String action) throws ConfigDataException { if (!ConfigLoader.isGUID(action) && action.length() != 32) { String ermsg = "\n** ERROR :Please use a valid action name using feature template file which can be generated using" + "\n Check whether you had generated the right page - action template script file with page name=\"" + testdata.attributeValue("page") + "\" and action name=" + action + "\n Please use correct action name attribute value = GUID generated in the template page script file under module folder. \n\n" + "\n If you DO NOT have an account with CloudTestSoftware , \n please create an account at by clicking \" My CloudTest --> Registration\"." + "\n Please create Product -->Release -->Project --> Epic -->Feature --> Scenario and generate template script file." + "\n If you are not sure please follow video instruction at \n"; WmLog.printMessage(ermsg); throw new ConfigDataException(ermsg); } if (!this.isUnitTest && this.urlConfig.getUrlElement().attributeValue("type") == null) { WmLog.printMessage( "Please check your Test page action config attribute = type. Provide type=WEBSERVICE or API based on your test as a action attribute."); System.exit(0); } if (!this.isUnitTest && !this.urlConfig.getUrlElement().attributeValue("type").equalsIgnoreCase("API") && urlConfig.getUrl() != null) { invokeWsPerformance(this.getRequestObject(action)); } else { this.proc = new ActionHandler(this, action); if (this.isUnitTest && this.action.indexOf("unit") >= 0) { this.invokeUnitTest(proc); } else { //Invoke API test this.invokeAPI(this.proc); } } } protected void setupPage(Element testdata, PageURL page) { this.actionResult = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); this.pageUrl = page; this.testdata = testdata; this.globalExecution = ""; List attributes = testdata.attributes(); for (Object seter : attributes.toArray()) { Attribute el = (Attribute) seter; String attrName = el.getName(); if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("threads")) { this.setThreadCount(Integer.valueOf(testdata.attributeValue(attrName))); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("timeout")) { this.timeout = Integer.valueOf(testdata.attributeValue(attrName)); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("action")) { this.action = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) { this.testname = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("browsers")) { this.browsers = testdata.attributeValue(attrName).trim().toLowerCase(); if (this.browsers == null || this.browsers.isEmpty()) { this.browsers = ConfigLoader.getConfig("SELENIUM_DRIVER").toLowerCase(); if (this.browsers == null || this.browsers.isEmpty()) { this.browsers = "firefox"; } } } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("page")) { this.pagename = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("datasetextension")) { this.datasetextension = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("groupbythread")) { this.groupbythread = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("serviceurl")) { this.serviceurl = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("overrideattributes")) { this.overrideattributes = testdata.attributeValue(attrName); } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("baseurl")) { this.baseurl = testdata.attributeValue(attrName).trim(); if (this.baseurl != null && !this.baseurl.isEmpty() && this.baseurl.contains("http")) { ConfigLoader.setConfigProperty("BASE_APPLICATION_URL", this.baseurl); ConfigLoader.setConfigProperty("WEB_SERVICE_URL", this.baseurl); } } else if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("env")) { String env = testdata.attributeValue(attrName).trim(); if (env != null && !env.isEmpty()) { ConfigLoader.setConfigProperty("QA_TEST_ENV", env); } } } //initialize request object and create an execution session before invoke() is called //this.request= new ExecuteHttpRequest(this); //initialize urlConfig try { this.urlConfig = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(this.action); } catch (Exception e) { WmLog.printMessage("** ERROR : Please verify your test configuration for page and action name ! " + e.getMessage()); WmLog.printMessage( "** ERROR : Probably, you have passed a WRONG Page name or Action Name to run which cloud not found in module configuration data files. "); } } protected PerformerBase getRequestObject(String action) { PerformerBase httprequest = null; String httpclient = this.urlConfig.getUrlElement().attributeValue("httpclient"); if (httpclient == null || httpclient.equals("")) { httpclient = "com.testmax.uri.HttpRestWithXmlBody"; } try { synchronized (state) { httprequest = (PerformerBase) Class.forName(httpclient).newInstance(); httprequest.setup(this, action); } } catch (InstantiationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return (httprequest); } /* * Setup test data */ public void setupTestData(Element testdata, PageURL page) { this.setupPage(testdata, page); // add any custom setup if needed } /* * Execute test and create threads based on the configuration */ protected void executeTest(BasePage page) throws ConfigDataException { /* if(this.isMultiBrowserTest()){ this.executeMultiBrowserTest(page); }else{ this.executeRegularTest(page); } */ this.executeRegularTest(page); } private void executeRegularTest(BasePage page) throws ConfigDataException { threadExit = 0; ExecutorService exec = null; executeGraph = new CreateGraph("Execution Graph", "Time", "Execution Count"); responseGraph = new CreateGraph("Response Graph", "Time", "Response Time (ms)"); elaspedTimeGraph = new CreateGraph("Elasped Time Graph", "Time", "Elasped Time (ms)"); activeThreadGraph = new CreateGraph("Active User Graph", "User Count", "Elasped Time (ms)"); if (page.action.equalsIgnoreCase("performance")) { exec = setSuitePerformanceExecutor(page); } else if (page.action.equalsIgnoreCase("unit")) { this.isUnitTest = true; setUnitTestSuiteExecutor(); } else if (page.action.toLowerCase().indexOf("unit@") >= 0) { this.isUnitTest = true; setUnitTestExecutor(); } else { exec = setUnitPerformanceExecutor(page); } try { if (!this.isUnitTest) { exec.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } public void executeBrowserTest(BasePage page, String driver) { threadExit = 0; ExecutorService exec = null; executeGraph = new CreateGraph("Execution Graph", "Time", "Execution Count"); responseGraph = new CreateGraph("Response Graph", "Time", "Response Time (ms)"); elaspedTimeGraph = new CreateGraph("Elasped Time Graph", "Time", "Elasped Time (ms)"); activeThreadGraph = new CreateGraph("Active User Graph", "User Count", "Elasped Time (ms)"); if (page.action.equalsIgnoreCase("unit")) { this.isUnitTest = true; setUnitBrowserTestSuiteExecutor(driver); } else if (page.action.toLowerCase().indexOf("unit@") >= 0) { this.isUnitTest = true; setUnitBrowserTestExecutor(driver); } } /* * Executor for Single Unit Test */ private void setUnitBrowserTestExecutor(String driver) { //get action string by removing "unit@" prefix String actiontest = this.action.substring(this.action.indexOf("@") + 1); String[] actions = actiontest.split(";"); for (String action : actions) { this.urlConfig = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(action); this.invokeBrowser(action, driver); } //insert execution result for debug // if( new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath()).mkdir()){ if (FileUtility.createDir(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath())) { createUnitTestHtmlReport(this.action); /* String report_flag=ConfigLoader.getConfig("SEND_TO_JBERT_REPORT"); if(report_flag!=null&&report_flag.equalsIgnoreCase("ON")){ insertJbertTestCaseResult(); } //No need to create summary for individual test insertSummaryResult(); */ postTestSummaryResult(); postTestResultToTestRepo(); createUnitTestHtmlSummaryReport("Summary Report"); //reset new actionResult for multi suite run this.actionResult = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); PerformerBase.executionCount = 0; PerformerBase.responseERCount = 0; } //Close db Manager ActionHandler.closeDbManager(); } /* * Executor for Unit Test Suite */ private void setUnitBrowserTestSuiteExecutor(String driver) { /*Set testset=this.getPageURL().getUrlKeySet(); for(Object actionName: testset){ this.urlConfig=this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(actionName.toString()); this.invoke(actionName.toString()); }*/ synchronized (globalExecution) { if (globalExecution == null && globalExecution.isEmpty()) { for (Object actionName : this.getPageURL().getGlobalActionList()) { this.urlConfig = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(actionName.toString()); this.invokeBrowser(actionName.toString(), driver); } globalExecution = "executed"; } } for (Object actionName : this.getPageURL().getNonGlobalActionList()) { this.urlConfig = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(actionName.toString()); this.invokeBrowser(actionName.toString(), driver); } if (new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath()).mkdir()) { createUnitTestHtmlReport(this.action); postTestResultToTestRepo(); postTestSummaryResult(); /* //insert execution result insertSummaryResult(); //send data to jbert String report_flag=ConfigLoader.getConfig("SEND_TO_JBERT_REPORT"); if(report_flag!=null&&report_flag.equalsIgnoreCase("ON")){ insertJbertTestCaseResult(); } */ createUnitTestHtmlSummaryReport("Summary Report"); //reset new actionResult for multi suite run this.actionResult = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); PerformerBase.executionCount = 0; PerformerBase.responseERCount = 0; } //close all db Connections ActionHandler.closeDbManager(); } /* * Executor for Single Unit Test */ private void setUnitTestExecutor() throws ConfigDataException { //get action string by removing "unit@" prefix String actiontest = this.action.substring(this.action.indexOf("@") + 1); String[] actions = actiontest.split(";"); for (String action : actions) { this.urlConfig = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(action); this.invoke(action); } //insert execution result for debug // if( new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath()).mkdir()){ if (FileUtility.createDir(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath())) { createUnitTestHtmlReport(this.action); /* String report_flag=ConfigLoader.getConfig("SEND_TO_JBERT_REPORT"); if(report_flag!=null&&report_flag.equalsIgnoreCase("ON")){ insertJbertTestCaseResult(); } */ //No need to create summary for individual test //insertSummaryResult(); postTestSummaryResult(); postTestResultToTestRepo(); createUnitTestHtmlSummaryReport("Summary Report"); //reset new actionResult for multi suite run this.actionResult = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); PerformerBase.executionCount = 0; PerformerBase.responseERCount = 0; } //Close db Manager ActionHandler.closeDbManager(); } /* * Executor for Unit Test Suite */ private void setUnitTestSuiteExecutor() throws ConfigDataException { synchronized (globalExecution) { if (globalExecution.isEmpty()) { for (Object actionName : this.getPageURL().getGlobalActionList()) { this.urlConfig = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(actionName.toString()); this.invoke(actionName.toString()); } this.globalExecution = "executed"; } } for (Object actionName : this.getPageURL().getNonGlobalActionList()) { this.urlConfig = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(actionName.toString()); this.invoke(actionName.toString()); } if (new File(ConfigLoader.getWmOutputReportPath()).mkdir()) { createUnitTestHtmlReport(this.action); //insert execution result //insertSummaryResult(); postTestSummaryResult(); postTestResultToTestRepo(); // getUnitTestSummaryResultData(); //send data to jbert /* String report_flag=ConfigLoader.getConfig("SEND_TO_JBERT_REPORT"); if(report_flag!=null&&report_flag.equalsIgnoreCase("ON")){ insertJbertTestCaseResult(); } */ createUnitTestHtmlSummaryReport("Summary Report"); //reset new actionResult for multi suite run this.actionResult = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); PerformerBase.executionCount = 0; PerformerBase.responseERCount = 0; } //close all db Connections ActionHandler.closeDbManager(); } /* * Executor for Performance Suite */ private ExecutorService setSuitePerformanceExecutor(BasePage page) { String url = ""; Set testset = this.getPageURL().getUrlKeySet(); this.newThreadCount = this.threadCount * testset.size(); ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(this.newThreadCount); for (int count = 0; count < this.getThreadCount(); count++) { if (count == 0) { executeGraph.createChart(this.timeout); responseGraph.createChart(this.timeout); elaspedTimeGraph.createChart(this.timeout); activeThreadGraph.createChart(this.timeout); } for (Object actionName : testset) { this.action = actionName.toString(); //System.out.println("action="+this.action); this.urlConfig = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(actionName.toString()); url = this.getURLConfig().getUrl(); if (url != null && url.indexOf("http") < 0) { url = (ConfigLoader.getConfig("WEB_SERVICE_URL").replace("[env]", ConfigLoader.getConfig("QA_TEST_ENV"))) + this.getURLConfig().getUrl(); this.getURLConfig().setUrl(url); //System.out.println(url); } exec.execute(new HttpThread(this, actionName.toString())); } } exec.shutdown(); return (exec); } /* * Executor for Performance Unit Test */ private ExecutorService setUnitPerformanceExecutor(BasePage page) { //get action string by removing "unit@" prefix String action = this.action.substring(this.action.indexOf("@") + 1); this.newThreadCount = this.threadCount; ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(this.getThreadCount()); for (int count = 0; count < this.getThreadCount(); count++) { this.urlConfig = this.pageUrl.getUrlConfig(action); exec.execute(new HttpThread(page, action)); if (count == 0) { executeGraph.createChart(this.timeout); responseGraph.createChart(this.timeout); elaspedTimeGraph.createChart(this.timeout); activeThreadGraph.createChart(this.timeout); } } exec.shutdown(); return (exec); } public boolean isMultiBrowserTest() { Set testset = this.getPageURL().getUrlKeySet(); if (this.browsers != null && !this.browsers.isEmpty()) { String[] browserlist = this.browsers.split(";"); if (browserlist.length >= 1) { for (Object action : testset) { String elmXml = this.getPageURL().getUrlConfig(action.toString()).getUrlElement().asXML(); if (elmXml.contains("@taglib:")) { return true; } } } } return false; } public Connection getDbConnection() { if (this.dbConn == null) { this.dbConn = dutl.getDbConnection("automation"); if (this.dbConn == null && TestEngine.suite != null) { WmLog.getCoreLogger().info("####### Trying to Connect Database using automation_local tag"); this.dbConn = dutl.getDbConnection(ConfigLoader.getLocalAutomationDatabaseEnv(), "automation_local"); } } return (this.dbConn); } /* * Implement this method for custom invocation for executing the test */ abstract public void execute() throws ConfigDataException; /* * Implement this method for custom invocation of HTTP POST */ abstract protected String executeHttpPOST(); /* * Implement this method for custom invocation of HTTPS POST */ abstract protected String executeHttpsPOST(); /* * Implement this method for custom invocation of HTTP GET */ abstract protected String executeHttpGET(); /* * Implement this method for custom invocation of HTTPS GET */ abstract protected String executeHttpsGET(); /* * Implement this method for custom invocation of Database API */ abstract protected void executeAPI(ActionHandler proc); }