Example usage for org.dom4j Element addText

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element addText


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Element addText.


Element addText(String text);

Source Link


Adds a new Text node with the given text to this element.


From source file:org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.internal.marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.java

License:Apache License

 * Add title property if needed./*from w  ww  .j  ava2 s .c o  m*/
private void addTitle() {
    if (!propsPart.getTitleProperty().hasValue())

    Element elem = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_TITLE, namespaceDC));
    if (elem == null) {
        // missing, we add it
        elem = xmlDoc.getRootElement().addElement(new QName(KEYWORD_TITLE, namespaceDC));
    } else {
        elem.clearContent();// clear the old value

From source file:org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.internal.marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.java

License:Apache License

private void addVersion() {
    if (!propsPart.getVersionProperty().hasValue())
        return;/*from w w  w  . j  av a  2  s  . co m*/

    Element elem = xmlDoc.getRootElement().element(new QName(KEYWORD_VERSION, namespaceCoreProperties));
    if (elem == null) {
        // missing, we add it
        elem = xmlDoc.getRootElement().addElement(new QName(KEYWORD_VERSION, namespaceCoreProperties));
    } else {
        elem.clearContent();// clear the old value

From source file:org.apache.taglibs.xtags.servlet.XPathServlet.java

License:Apache License

protected void appendResults(Element element, List results) {
    for (int i = 0, size = results.size(); i < size; i++) {
        Object result = results.get(i);
        if (result instanceof String) {
            element.addText((String) result);
        } else if (result instanceof Node) {
            Node node = (Node) result;
            node.detach();/*from   www  .j  av  a2  s. c  o  m*/
        } else if (result != null) {

From source file:org.arangitester.log.XmlResult.java

License:Apache License

public void save(File file, FunctionalSuite result) {

    // file indicates a pathname
    Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); // create a new xml document
    Element root = document.addElement("LccFunctionalSuite"); // create the root tag named LccFunctionalSuite
    if (result == null)
        return;//  www.jav  a2 s .co  m

    SummaryHelper summary = new SummaryHelper(result);

    root.addAttribute("totalTime", String.valueOf(summary.getTotalTime()));
    System.out.println("Tempo de Execuo: " + summary.getTotalTime() + " min");
    root.addAttribute("total", String.valueOf(summary.getTotal()));
    System.out.println("Total: " + summary.getTotal());
    root.addAttribute("skip", String.valueOf(summary.getSkip()));
    System.out.println("Skiped: " + summary.getSkip());
    root.addAttribute("fail", String.valueOf(summary.getFail()));
    System.out.println("Fail: " + summary.getFail());
    root.addAttribute("successful", String.valueOf(summary.getSuccessful()));
    System.out.println("Successful: " + summary.getSuccessful());
    root.addAttribute("percent", String.valueOf(summary.getPercent()));
    System.out.println("Sucessful: " + summary.getPercent() + "%");

    for (UseCase usecase : result.getCases()) {
        Element userCaseElement = root.addElement("UseCase").addAttribute("name", usecase.getName())
                .addAttribute("startTime", getFormatedDate((usecase.getStartTime())))
                .addAttribute("endTime", getFormatedDate(usecase.getEndTime()));

        for (String obs : usecase.getObs()) {
            Element obsElement = userCaseElement.addElement("Obs");

        for (Object log : usecase.getlogs()) {
            if (log instanceof Info) {
                userCaseElement.addElement("info").addText(((Info) log).getMessage());
            } else {
                Error error = ((Error) log);
                Element errorElement = userCaseElement.addElement("error").addAttribute("cause",
                if (error.getScreenshot() != null)
                    errorElement.addAttribute("screenshot", error.getScreenshot());

                if (error.getError() != null)

        for (TestCase testcase : usecase.getTestcases()) {
            Element testCaseElement = userCaseElement.addElement("TestCase")
                    .addAttribute("name", testcase.getJavaMethod())
                    .addAttribute("description", testcase.getTestcase())
                    .addAttribute("startTime", getFormatedDate(testcase.getStartTime()))
                    .addAttribute("endTime", getFormatedDate(testcase.getEndTime()))
                    .addAttribute("skip", String.valueOf(testcase.isSkip()));

            for (Object log : testcase.getlogs()) {
                if (log instanceof Info) {
                    testCaseElement.addElement("info").addText(((Info) log).getMessage());
                } else {
                    Error error = ((Error) log);
                    Element errorElement = testCaseElement.addElement("error").addAttribute("cause",
                    if (error.getScreenshot() != null)
                        errorElement.addAttribute("screenshot", error.getScreenshot());

                    if (error.getError() != null)

    // End of the document building
    // Now, we will start to write in document
    try {
        OutputFormat outformat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
        XMLWriter write = new XMLWriter(new FileWriter(file), outformat); // Initialize the xml file
        write.write(document); // Write the final document on xml file
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("Erro durante a gravao no arquivo " + file + " :\n" + e.toString());


From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.GenericStorage.java

License:Educational Community License

protected static Element createRelationship(Relationship rel, Object data, String csid, String subjtype,
        String metaType, Boolean reverseIt, Spec spec)
        throws ExistException, UnderlyingStorageException, JSONException {

    Document doc = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument();
    Element subroot = doc.addElement("relation-list-item");

    Element predicate = subroot.addElement("predicate");
    Element relMetaType = subroot.addElement("relationshipMetaType");
    relMetaType.addText(metaType);/* www  .java2s.  c o m*/
    String subjectName = "subject";
    String objectName = "object";
    if (reverseIt) {
        subjectName = "object";
        objectName = "subject";
    Element subject = subroot.addElement(subjectName);
    Element subjcsid = subject.addElement("csid");
    if (csid != null) {
    } else {

    //find out record type from urn 
    String refName = (String) data;
    Element object = subroot.addElement(objectName);

    // We may or may not be dealing with a sub-resource like AuthItems.
    // TODO - this may all be unneccessary, as the services should fill in
    // doc types, etc. now automatically.
    // OTOH, not a bad idea to validate the refName...
    RefName.AuthorityItem itemParsed = RefName.AuthorityItem.parse(refName);
    if (itemParsed != null) {
        String serviceurl = itemParsed.inAuthority.resource;
        Record myr = spec.getRecordByServicesUrl(serviceurl);
        if (myr.isType("authority")) {

            Element objRefName = object.addElement("refName");
        } else {
            throw new JSONException(
                    "Relation object refName is for sub-resources other than authority item - NYI!");
    } else {
        RefName.Authority resourceParsed = RefName.Authority.parse(refName);
        if (resourceParsed != null) {
            Element objRefName = object.addElement("refName");
        } else {
            throw new JSONException("Relation object refName does not appear to be valid!");

    return subroot;

From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.vocab.ConfiguredVocabStorage.java

License:Educational Community License

private Document createEntry(String section, String namespace, String root_tag, JSONObject data, String vocab,
        String refname, Record r, Boolean isAuth)
        throws UnderlyingStorageException, ConnectionException, ExistException, JSONException {
    Document out = XmlJsonConversion.convertToXml(r, data, section, "POST", isAuth);
    if (section.equals("common")) {//XXX not great... but not sure how else to differentiate
        if (out != null) {
            Element root = out.getRootElement();
            Element vocabtag = root.addElement("inAuthority");
            if (vocab != null) {
            }//from   w w w . ja  v a  2  s  .  co  m
            if (refname != null) {
                //   CSPACE-4460
                //   Element refnametag=root.addElement("refName");
                //   refnametag.addText(refname);
            if (r.isType("compute-displayname")) {
                Element dnc = root.addElement("displayNameComputed");
            //log.info("create Configured Vocab Entry"+out.asXML());
    return out;

From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.vocab.VocabInstanceCache.java

License:Educational Community License

private Document createList(String namespace, String tag, String id, String vocab_type) throws ExistException {
    Document out = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument();
    String[] path = tag.split("/");
    Element root = out.addElement("ns2:" + path[0], namespace);
    for (int i = 1; i < path.length; i++) {
        root = root.addElement(path[i]);
    }//from   www . j a v a  2s.c om
    Element nametag = root.addElement("displayName");

    Element sidtag = root.addElement("shortIdentifier");

    Element vocabtag = root.addElement("vocabType");
    //   log.info(out.asXML());
    return out;

From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.XmlJsonConversion.java

License:Educational Community License

private static void addFieldToXml(Element root, Field field, JSONObject in, String permlevel)
        throws JSONException, UnderlyingStorageException {
    if (field.isServicesReadOnly()) {
        // Omit fields that are read-only in the services layer.
        log.debug("Omitting services-readonly field: " + field.getID());
        return;//  w w  w.  j  a v  a2  s .  c  o m

    Element element = root;

    if (field.getUIType().startsWith("groupfield") && field.getUIType().contains("selfrenderer")) {
        //ignore the top level if this is a self renderer as the UI needs it but the services doesn't
    } else {
        element = root.addElement(field.getServicesTag());
    String value = in.optString(field.getID());
    if (field.getUIType().startsWith("groupfield")) {
        if (field.getUIType().contains("selfrenderer")) {
            addSubRecordToXml(element, field, in, permlevel);
        } else {
            if (in.has(field.getID())) {
                addSubRecordToXml(element, field, in.getJSONObject(field.getID()), permlevel);
    } else if (field.getDataType().equals("boolean")) {
        // Rather than dump what we have coming in, first convert to proper boolean and back.
        // Properly handles null, in particular.
        boolean bool = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
    } else {

From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.XmlJsonConversion.java

License:Educational Community License

public static Document convertToXml(Record r, JSONObject in, String section, String permtype,
        Boolean useInstance) throws JSONException, UnderlyingStorageException {
    if (!useInstance) {
        return convertToXml(r, in, section, permtype);
    }/* w w w. jav  a2 s.c  om*/

    Document doc = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument();
    String[] parts = r.getServicesRecordPath(section).split(":", 2);
    if (useInstance) {
        parts = r.getServicesInstancesPath(section).split(":", 2);
    String[] rootel = parts[1].split(",");
    Element root = doc.addElement(new QName(rootel[1], new Namespace("ns2", rootel[0])));

    Element element = root.addElement("displayName");
    Element element2 = root.addElement("shortIdentifier");
    if (in.has("vocabType")) {
        Element element3 = root.addElement("vocabType");

    return doc;
    //yes I know hardcode is bad - but I need this out of the door today
    <ns2:personauthorities_common xmlns:ns2="http://collectionspace.org/services/person">
    <displayName>PAHMA Person Authority</displayName>


From source file:org.collectionspace.services.id.IDResource.java

License:Educational Community License

 * Appends a display name to an element representing
 * an ID generator instance./*from  ww  w .  j  av  a2 s  . com*/
 * @param   instanceElement  An XML element representing an
 *                           ID generator instance.
 * @param   displayname      A displayname for the resource representing that instance.
 * @return  The XML element representing an ID generator instance,
 *          with the display name appended.
private Element appendDisplayNameIDGeneratorInformation(Element instanceElement, String displaynameValue) {

    Element displayname = instanceElement.addElement("displayname");

    return instanceElement;