Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2010 University of Cambridge * Licensed under the Educational Community License (ECL), Version 2.0. You may not use this file except in * compliance with this License. * * You may obtain a copy of the ECL 2.0 License at */ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.Field; import org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.FieldParent; import org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.FieldSet; import org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.Group; import org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.Record; import org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.Relationship; import org.collectionspace.chain.csp.schema.Repeat; import org.collectionspace.chain.util.json.JSONUtils; import org.collectionspace.csp.api.core.CSPRequestCache; import org.collectionspace.csp.api.core.CSPRequestCredentials; import org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.ExistException; import org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnderlyingStorageException; import org.collectionspace.csp.api.persistence.UnimplementedException; import org.collectionspace.csp.helper.persistence.ContextualisedStorage; import; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class ConfiguredVocabStorage extends GenericStorage { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfiguredVocabStorage.class); private ServicesConnection conn; private Record r; final static String XPATH_FIRST_EL = "[1]"; final static String XPATH_GENERIC_FIRST_EL = "*[1]"; final static String ITEMS_SUFFIX = "/items"; final static String VOCAB_WILDCARD = "_ALL_"; final static String ALL_VOCAB_ITEMS = "/" + VOCAB_WILDCARD + ITEMS_SUFFIX; final static String VOCABULARY_UPDATE_FAILED_MESSAGE = "Could not update vocabulary"; public ConfiguredVocabStorage(Record r, ServicesConnection conn) throws DocumentException, IOException { super(r, conn); initializeGlean(r); this.conn = conn; this.r = r; } private String getDisplayNameKey() throws UnderlyingStorageException { Field dnf = (Field) r.getDisplayNameField(); if (dnf == null) throw new UnderlyingStorageException("no display-name='yes' field"); return dnf.getID(); } private String getDisplayNameXPath() throws UnderlyingStorageException { Field dnf = (Field) r.getDisplayNameField(); if (dnf == null) throw new UnderlyingStorageException("no display-name='yes' field"); return getXPathForField(dnf); } /** * Returns an XPath-conformant string that specifies the full (X)path to this field. * May recurse to handle nested fields. Will choose primary, in lists (i.e, 1st element) * This should probably live in, not here (but needs to be in both * and - do I hear "Base Class"?!?!) * * @param fieldSet the containing fieldSet * @return NXQL conformant specifier. **/ public static String getXPathForField(FieldSet fieldSet) { String specifier = fieldSet.getServicesTag(); // Check for a composite (fooGroupList/fooGroup). For these, the name is the // leaf, and the first part is held in the "services parent" if (fieldSet.hasServicesParent()) { // Prepend the services parent field, and make the child a wildcard String[] svcsParent = fieldSet.getServicesParent(); if (svcsParent[0] != null && !svcsParent[0].isEmpty()) { specifier = svcsParent[0] + "/"; // Note that we do not handle paths more the 2 in length - makes no sense if (svcsParent.length < 2) { specifier += XPATH_GENERIC_FIRST_EL; } else if (svcsParent[1] == null) { // Work around ridiculous hack/nonsense in Repeat init specifier += fieldSet.getServicesTag(); } else { specifier += svcsParent[1]; } specifier += XPATH_FIRST_EL; } } FieldParent parent = fieldSet.getParent(); boolean isRootLevelField = false; // Assume we are recursing until we see otherwise if (parent instanceof Record) { // A simple reference to base field. isRootLevelField = true; log.debug("Specifier for root-level field: " + specifier + " is: " + specifier); } else { FieldSet parentFieldSet = (FieldSet) parent; // "repeator" marks things for some expansion - not handled here (?) if (parentFieldSet.getSearchType().equals("repeator")) { isRootLevelField = true; } else { // Otherwise, we're dealing with some amount of nesting. // First, recurse to get the fully qualified path to the parent. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String parentID = parentFieldSet.getID(); log.debug("Recursing for parent: " + parentID); } specifier = getXPathForField(parentFieldSet); // Is parent a scalar list or a complex list? Repeat rp = (Repeat) parentFieldSet; FieldSet[] children = rp.getChildren(""); int size = children.length; // HACK - we should really mark a repeating scalar as such, // or a complex schema from which only 1 field is used, will break this. if (size > 1) { // The parent is a complex schema, not just a scalar repeat // Append the field name to build an XPath-like specifier. specifier += "/" + fieldSet.getServicesTag(); } else { // Leave specifier as is. We just search on the parent name, // as the backend is smart about scalar lists. } } log.debug("Specifier for non-leaf field: " + fieldSet.getServicesTag() + " is: " + specifier); } if (isRootLevelField) { // TODO - map leaf names like "titleGroupList/titleGroup" to "titleGroupList/*" } return specifier; } private Document createEntry(String section, String namespace, String root_tag, JSONObject data, String vocab, String refname, Record r, Boolean isAuth) throws UnderlyingStorageException, ConnectionException, ExistException, JSONException { Document out = XmlJsonConversion.convertToXml(r, data, section, "POST", isAuth); if (section.equals("common")) {//XXX not great... but not sure how else to differentiate if (out != null) { Element root = out.getRootElement(); Element vocabtag = root.addElement("inAuthority"); if (vocab != null) { vocabtag.addText(vocab); } if (refname != null) { // CSPACE-4460 // Element refnametag=root.addElement("refName"); // refnametag.addText(refname); } if (r.isType("compute-displayname")) { Element dnc = root.addElement("displayNameComputed"); dnc.addText("false"); } //"create Configured Vocab Entry"+out.asXML()); } } return out; } @Override public String autocreateJSON(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String filePath, JSONObject jsonObject, JSONObject restrictions) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException { try { Map<String, Document> body = new HashMap<String, Document>(); String vocab = null; String pathurl = "/" + r.getServicesURL() + "/"; if (filePath.equals("")) { //this creating an authority instance not an item for (String section : r.getServicesInstancesPaths()) { String path = r.getServicesInstancesPath(section); String[] record_path = path.split(":", 2); String[] tag_path = record_path[1].split(",", 2); Document temp = createEntry(section, tag_path[0], tag_path[1], jsonObject, vocab, null, r, true); if (temp != null) { body.put(record_path[0], temp); //; } } } else { vocab = RefName.shortIdToPath(filePath); pathurl = "/" + r.getServicesURL() + "/" + vocab + ITEMS_SUFFIX; for (String section : r.getServicesRecordPathKeys()) { String path = r.getServicesRecordPath(section); String[] record_path = path.split(":", 2); String[] tag_path = record_path[1].split(",", 2); Document temp = createEntry(section, tag_path[0], tag_path[1], jsonObject, vocab, null, r, false); if (temp != null) { body.put(record_path[0], temp); //; } } } handleHierarchyPayloadSend(r, body, jsonObject, null); ReturnedURL out = conn.getMultipartURL(RequestMethod.POST, pathurl, body, creds, cache); if (out.getStatus() > 299) throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Could not create vocabulary", out.getStatus(), pathurl); String csid = out.getURLTail(); //CACHE????? should we cache things? // create related sub records? for (FieldSet fs : r.getAllSubRecords("POST")) { Record sr = fs.usesRecordId(); //sr.getID() if (sr.isType("authority")) { String savePath = out.getURL() + "/" + sr.getServicesURL(); if (fs instanceof Field) {//get the fields form inline XXX untested - might not work... JSONObject subdata = new JSONObject(); //loop thr jsonObject and find the fields I need for (FieldSet subfs : sr.getAllFieldTopLevel("POST")) { String key = subfs.getID(); if (jsonObject.has(key)) { subdata.put(key, jsonObject.get(key)); } } subautocreateJSON(root, creds, cache, sr, subdata, savePath); } else if (fs instanceof Group) {//JSONObject if (jsonObject.has(fs.getID())) { Object subdata = jsonObject.get(fs.getID()); if (subdata instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject subrecord = (JSONObject) subdata; subautocreateJSON(root, creds, cache, sr, subrecord, savePath); } else { log.warn("autocreateJSON: Contact subrecord is malformed (not a JSONObject)!"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("autocreateJSON: Contact subrecord: " + subdata.toString()); } } } } else {//JSONArray if (jsonObject.has(fs.getID())) { Object subdata = jsonObject.get(fs.getID()); if (subdata instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray subarray = (JSONArray) subdata; for (int i = 0; i < subarray.length(); i++) { JSONObject subrecord = subarray.getJSONObject(i); subautocreateJSON(root, creds, cache, sr, subrecord, savePath); } } } } } } return csid; } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Connection exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Cannot parse surrounding JSON" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } public JSONObject retrieveJSON(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String filePath, JSONObject restrictions) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException { try { Integer num = 0; String[] parts = filePath.split("/"); //deal with different url structures String vocab, csid; if ("_direct".equals(parts[0])) { vocab = parts[2]; csid = parts[3]; num = 4; } else { vocab = parts[0]; if (!VOCAB_WILDCARD.equals(vocab)) { vocab = RefName.shortIdToPath(vocab); } csid = parts[1]; num = 2; } if (parts.length > num) { String extra = ""; Integer extradata = num + 1; if (parts.length > extradata) { extra = parts[extradata]; } String servicepath = generateURL(vocab, csid, "", this.r); return viewRetrieveJSON(root, creds, cache, null, parts[num], extra, restrictions, servicepath); } else return simpleRetrieveJSON(root, creds, cache, vocab, csid); } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Connection exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e); } catch (JSONException x) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Error building JSON" + x.getLocalizedMessage(), x); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Error UnsupportedEncodingException JSON", x); } } private String generateURL(String vocab, String path, String extrapath, Record myr) throws ExistException, ConnectionException, UnderlyingStorageException { String url = myr.getServicesURL() + "/" + vocab + "/items/" + path + extrapath; return url; } public JSONObject simpleRetrieveJSON(ContextualisedStorage storage, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String vocab, String csid) throws ConnectionException, ExistException, UnderlyingStorageException, JSONException { JSONObject out = new JSONObject(); out = get(storage, creds, cache, vocab, csid, conn.getIMSBase()); //cache.setCached(getClass(),new String[]{"csidfor",vocab,csid},out.get("csid"));//cos csid might be a refname at this point.. //cache.setCached(getClass(),new String[]{"namefor",vocab,csid},out.get(getDisplayNameKey())); //cache.setCached(getClass(),new String[]{"reffor",vocab,csid},out.get("refid")); //cache.setCached(getClass(),new String[]{"shortId",vocab,csid},out.get("shortIdentifier")); return out; } private JSONObject get(ContextualisedStorage storage, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String vocab, String csid, String ims_url) throws ConnectionException, ExistException, UnderlyingStorageException, JSONException { String url = generateURL(vocab, csid, "", this.r); return get(storage, creds, cache, url, ims_url); } private JSONObject get(ContextualisedStorage storage, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String url, String ims_url) throws ConnectionException, ExistException, UnderlyingStorageException, JSONException { //int status=0; String csid = ""; JSONObject out = new JSONObject(); // XXX pagination support String softurl = url; if (r.hasSoftDeleteMethod()) { softurl = softpath(url); } if (r.hasHierarchyUsed("screen")) { softurl = hierarchicalpath(softurl); } ReturnedMultipartDocument doc = conn.getMultipartXMLDocument(RequestMethod.GET, softurl, null, creds, cache); if (doc.getStatus() == 404) throw new ExistException("Does not exist " + softurl); if (doc.getStatus() == 403) { //permission error - keep calm and carry on with what we can glean out.put("displayName", getDisplayNameKey()); out.put("csid", csid); out.put("recordtype", r.getWebURL()); return out; } if (doc.getStatus() > 299) throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Could not retrieve vocabulary status=" + doc.getStatus(), doc.getStatus(), softurl); String name = null; String refid = null; String termStatus = null; String parentcsid = null; String shortIdentifier = ""; for (String section : r.getServicesRecordPathKeys()) { String path = r.getServicesRecordPath(section); String[] record_path = path.split(":", 2); String[] tag_path = record_path[1].split(",", 2); Document result = doc.getDocument(record_path[0]); if ("common".equals(section)) { // XXX hardwired :( String dnXPath = getDisplayNameXPath(); name = result.selectSingleNode(tag_path[1] + "/" + dnXPath).getText(); if (result.selectSingleNode(tag_path[1] + "/shortIdentifier") != null) { shortIdentifier = result.selectSingleNode(tag_path[1] + "/shortIdentifier").getText(); } refid = result.selectSingleNode(tag_path[1] + "/refName").getText(); // We need to replace this with the same model as for displayName if (result.selectSingleNode(tag_path[1] + "/termStatus") != null) { termStatus = result.selectSingleNode(tag_path[1] + "/termStatus").getText(); } else { termStatus = ""; } csid = result.selectSingleNode(tag_path[1] + "/csid").getText(); parentcsid = result.selectSingleNode(tag_path[1] + "/inAuthority").getText(); XmlJsonConversion.convertToJson(out, r, result, "GET", section, csid, ims_url); } else { XmlJsonConversion.convertToJson(out, r, result, "GET", section, csid, ims_url); } } // If this record has hierarchy, will pull out the relations section and map it to the hierarchy // fields (special case handling of XML-JSON handleHierarchyPayloadRetrieve(r, doc, out, csid); // get related sub records? for (FieldSet fs : r.getAllSubRecords("GET")) { Record sr = fs.usesRecordId(); //sr.getID() if (sr.isType("authority")) { String getPath = url + "/" + sr.getServicesURL(); JSONArray subout = get(storage, creds, cache, url, getPath, sr); if (fs instanceof Field) { JSONObject fielddata = subout.getJSONObject(0); Iterator<String> rit = fielddata.keys(); while (rit.hasNext()) { String key =; out.put(key, fielddata.get(key)); } } else if (fs instanceof Group) { if (subout.length() > 0) { out.put(fs.getID(), subout.getJSONObject(0)); } } else { out.put(fs.getID(), subout); } } } //csid = urn_processor.deconstructURN(refid,false)[4]; out.put(getDisplayNameKey(), name); out.put("csid", csid); out.put("refid", refid); RefName.AuthorityItem item = RefName.AuthorityItem.parse(refid); out.put("namespace", item.getParentShortIdentifier()); out.put("shortIdentifier", shortIdentifier); out.put("termStatus", termStatus); out.put("authorityid", parentcsid); out.put("recordtype", r.getWebURL()); return out; } /** * Returns JSON containing pagenumber, pagesize, itemsinpage, totalitems and the list of items itself */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public JSONObject getPathsJSON(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String rootPath, JSONObject restrictions) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException { try { JSONObject out = new JSONObject(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); String url; if (rootPath.isEmpty()) { url = "/" + r.getServicesURL() + ALL_VOCAB_ITEMS; } else { String vocab = RefName.shortIdToPath(rootPath); url = "/" + r.getServicesURL() + "/" + vocab + ITEMS_SUFFIX; } String path = getRestrictedPath(url, restrictions, r.getServicesSearchKeyword(), "", true, getDisplayNameKey()); boolean excludeSoftDeleted = true; if (restrictions.has("deleted")) { excludeSoftDeleted = !restrictions.getBoolean("deleted"); } if (excludeSoftDeleted && r.hasSoftDeleteMethod()) { path = softpath(path); } ReturnedDocument data = conn.getXMLDocument(RequestMethod.GET, path, null, creds, cache); Document doc = data.getDocument(); if (doc == null) throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Could not retrieve vocabulary items", data.getStatus(), path); String[] tag_parts = r.getServicesListPath().split(",", 2); JSONObject pagination = new JSONObject(); String[] allfields = null; String fieldsReturnedName = r.getServicesFieldsPath(); List<Node> nodes = doc.selectNodes("/" + tag_parts[1].split("/")[0] + "/*"); for (Node node : nodes) { if (node.matches("/" + tag_parts[1])) { // Risky hack - assumes displayName must be at root. Really should // understand that the list results are a different schema from record GET. String dnName = getDisplayNameKey(); String csid = node.selectSingleNode("csid").getText(); list.add(csid); String urlPlusCSID = url + "/" + csid; List<Node> nameNodes = node.selectNodes(dnName); String nameListValue = null; for (Node nameNode : nameNodes) { String name = nameNode.getText(); if (nameListValue == null) { nameListValue = name; } else { nameListValue = JSONUtils.appendWithArraySeparator(nameListValue, name); } } if (nameListValue == null) { throw new JSONException("No displayNames found!"); } else { String json_name = view_map.get(dnName); setGleanedValue(cache, urlPlusCSID, json_name, nameListValue); } List<Node> fields = node.selectNodes("*[(name()!='" + dnName + "')]"); for (Node field : fields) { String json_name = view_map.get(field.getName()); if (json_name != null) { String value = field.getText(); // XXX hack to cope with multi values if (value == null || "".equals(value)) { List<Node> inners = field.selectNodes("*"); for (Node n : inners) { value += n.getText(); } } setGleanedValue(cache, urlPlusCSID, json_name, value); } } if (allfields == null || allfields.length == 0) { log.warn("Missing fieldsReturned value - may cause fan-out!"); } else { // Mark all the fields not yet found as gleaned - for (String s : allfields) { String gleaned = getGleanedValue(cache, urlPlusCSID, s); if (gleaned == null) { setGleanedValue(cache, urlPlusCSID, s, ""); } } } } else if (fieldsReturnedName.equals(node.getName())) { String myfields = node.getText(); allfields = myfields.split("\\|"); } else { pagination.put(node.getName(), node.getText()); } } out.put("pagination", pagination); out.put("listItems", list.toArray(new String[0])); return out; } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Connection exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("UTF-8 not supported!?" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Error parsing JSON" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } public void deleteJSON(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String filePath) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException { try { String vocab = RefName.shortIdToPath(filePath.split("/")[0]); String url = generateURL(vocab, filePath.split("/")[1], "", this.r); if (r.hasSoftDeleteMethod()) { // The url we compute already has the filepath built in, so just pass an empty // filepath, and it will work out. String emptyFilepath = ""; transitionWorkflowJSON(root, creds, cache, emptyFilepath, url, WORKFLOW_TRANSITION_DELETE); } else { int status = conn.getNone(RequestMethod.DELETE, url, null, creds, cache); if (status > 299) throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Could not retrieve vocabulary", status, url); } //cache.removeCached(getClass(),new String[]{"namefor",vocab,filePath.split("/")[1]}); //cache.removeCached(getClass(),new String[]{"reffor",vocab,filePath.split("/")[1]}); //cache.removeCached(getClass(),new String[]{"shortId",vocab,filePath.split("/")[1]}); //cache.removeCached(getClass(),new String[]{"csidfor",vocab,filePath.split("/")[1]}); //delete name and id versions from teh cache? } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Connection exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e); } } public void updateJSON(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String filePath, JSONObject jsonObject, JSONObject restrictions, Record thisr, String serviceurl) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException { String vocab = RefName.shortIdToPath(filePath.split("/")[0]); String csid = filePath.split("/")[1]; String savePath; try { savePath = generateURL(vocab, csid, "", thisr); updateJSON(root, creds, cache, jsonObject, restrictions, thisr, savePath); } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Connection exception " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e); } } public void updateJSON(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, JSONObject jsonObject, JSONObject restrictions, Record thisr, String savePath) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException { try { String csid = savePath.split("/")[3]; Map<String, Document> body = new HashMap<String, Document>(); for (String section : r.getServicesRecordPathKeys()) { String path = r.getServicesRecordPath(section); String[] record_path = path.split(":", 2); String[] tag_path = record_path[1].split(",", 2); Document temp = createEntry(section, tag_path[0], tag_path[1], jsonObject, null, null, thisr, false); if (temp != null) { body.put(record_path[0], temp); //; } } handleHierarchyPayloadSend(thisr, body, jsonObject, csid); ReturnedMultipartDocument out = conn.getMultipartXMLDocument(RequestMethod.PUT, savePath, body, creds, cache); if (out.isErrorStatus()) { if (out.isTransactionFailedStatus()) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException( VOCABULARY_UPDATE_FAILED_MESSAGE + ": " + out.TRANSACTION_FAILED_MESSAGE, out.getStatus(), savePath); } else { throw new UnderlyingStorageException(VOCABULARY_UPDATE_FAILED_MESSAGE, out.getStatus(), savePath); } } //cache.setCached(getClass(),new String[]{"namefor",vocab,filePath.split("/")[1]},name); //cache.setCached(getClass(),new String[]{"reffor",vocab,filePath.split("/")[1]},refname); //subrecord update for (FieldSet fs : thisr.getAllSubRecords("PUT")) { Record sr = fs.usesRecordId(); //get list of existing subrecords JSONObject existingcsid = new JSONObject(); JSONObject updatecsid = new JSONObject(); JSONArray createcsid = new JSONArray(); String getPath = savePath + "/" + sr.getServicesURL(); String node = "/" + sr.getServicesListPath().split("/")[0] + "/*"; Integer subcount = 0; String firstfile = ""; while (!getPath.equals("")) { JSONObject data = getListView(creds, cache, getPath, node, "/" + sr.getServicesListPath(), "csid", false, sr); String[] filepaths = (String[]) data.get("listItems"); subcount += filepaths.length; if (firstfile.equals("") && subcount != 0) { firstfile = filepaths[0]; } for (String uri : filepaths) { String path = uri; if (path != null && path.startsWith("/")) path = path.substring(1); existingcsid.put(path, "original"); } if (data.has("pagination")) { Integer ps = Integer.valueOf(data.getJSONObject("pagination").getString("pageSize")); Integer pn = Integer.valueOf(data.getJSONObject("pagination").getString("pageNum")); Integer ti = Integer.valueOf(data.getJSONObject("pagination").getString("totalItems")); if (ti > (ps * (pn + 1))) { JSONObject pgRestrictions = new JSONObject(); pgRestrictions.put("pageSize", Integer.toString(ps)); pgRestrictions.put("pageNum", Integer.toString(pn + 1)); getPath = getRestrictedPath(getPath, pgRestrictions, sr.getServicesSearchKeyword(), "", false, ""); //need more values } else { getPath = ""; } } } //how does that compare to what we need if (sr.isType("authority")) { if (fs instanceof Field) { JSONObject subdata = new JSONObject(); //loop thr jsonObject and find the fields I need for (FieldSet subfs : sr.getAllFieldTopLevel("PUT")) { String key = subfs.getID(); if (jsonObject.has(key)) { subdata.put(key, jsonObject.get(key)); } } if (subcount == 0) { //create createcsid.put(subdata); } else { //update - there should only be one String firstcsid = firstfile; updatecsid.put(firstcsid, subdata); existingcsid.remove(firstcsid); } } else if (fs instanceof Group) {//JSONObject //do we have a csid //subrecorddata.put(value); if (jsonObject.has(fs.getID())) { Object subdata = jsonObject.get(fs.getID()); if (subdata instanceof JSONObject) { if (((JSONObject) subdata).has("_subrecordcsid")) { String thiscsid = ((JSONObject) subdata).getString("_subrecordcsid"); //update if (existingcsid.has(thiscsid)) { updatecsid.put(thiscsid, (JSONObject) subdata); existingcsid.remove(thiscsid); } else { //something has gone wrong... best just create it from scratch createcsid.put(subdata); } } else { //create createcsid.put(subdata); } } } } else {//JSONArray Repeat //need to find if we have csid's for each one if (jsonObject.has(fs.getID())) { Object subdata = jsonObject.get(fs.getID()); if (subdata instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray subarray = (JSONArray) subdata; for (int i = 0; i < subarray.length(); i++) { JSONObject subrecord = subarray.getJSONObject(i); if (subrecord.has("_subrecordcsid")) { String thiscsid = subrecord.getString("_subrecordcsid"); //update if (existingcsid.has(thiscsid)) { updatecsid.put(thiscsid, (JSONObject) subdata); existingcsid.remove(thiscsid); } else { //something has gone wrong... best just create it from scratch createcsid.put(subdata); } } else { //create createcsid.put(subdata); } } } } } String savePathSr = savePath + "/" + sr.getServicesURL() + "/"; //do delete JSONObject existingcsid = new JSONObject(); Iterator<String> rit = existingcsid.keys(); while (rit.hasNext()) { String key =; deleteJSON(root, creds, cache, key, savePathSr, sr); } //do update JSONObject updatecsid = new JSONObject(); Iterator<String> keys = updatecsid.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; JSONObject value = updatecsid.getJSONObject(key); String thissave = savePathSr + key; updateJSON(root, creds, cache, value, new JSONObject(), sr, thissave); //updateJSON( root, creds, cache, key, value, sr, savePathSr); } //do create JSONArray createcsid = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < createcsid.length(); i++) { JSONObject value = createcsid.getJSONObject(i); subautocreateJSON(root, creds, cache, sr, value, savePathSr); } } } //XXX dont currently update the shortID??? //cache.setCached(getClass(),new String[]{"shortId",vocab,filePath.split("/")[1]},shortId); } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Connection exception " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Cannot parse surrounding JSON " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new UnimplementedException("UnsupportedEncodingException" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } private JSONArray get(ContextualisedStorage storage, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String vocab, String csid, String filePath, Record thisr) throws ConnectionException, ExistException, UnderlyingStorageException, JSONException { String url = generateURL(vocab, csid, "", this.r); return get(storage, creds, cache, url, filePath, thisr); } private JSONArray get(ContextualisedStorage storage, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String url, String filePath, Record thisr) throws ConnectionException, ExistException, UnderlyingStorageException, JSONException { JSONArray itemarray = new JSONArray(); //get list view String node = "/" + thisr.getServicesListPath().split("/")[0] + "/*"; JSONObject data = getListView(creds, cache, filePath, node, "/" + thisr.getServicesListPath(), "csid", false, thisr); String[] filepaths = (String[]) data.get("listItems"); for (String uri : filepaths) { String path = uri; if (path != null && path.startsWith("/")) path = path.substring(1); String[] parts = path.split("/"); String recordurl = parts[0]; String mycsid = parts[parts.length - 1]; try { JSONObject itemdata = simpleRetrieveJSON(creds, cache, filePath + "/" + mycsid, "", thisr); itemdata.put("_subrecordcsid", mycsid);//add in csid so I can do update with a modicum of confidence itemarray.put(itemdata); } catch (UnimplementedException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException(e.getMessage()); } } return itemarray; } protected JSONObject miniViewAbstract(ContextualisedStorage storage, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, JSONObject out, String servicepath, String filePath) throws UnderlyingStorageException { try { //actually use cache String cachelistitem = "/" + servicepath; if (filePath != null) { cachelistitem = cachelistitem + "/" + filePath; } if (!cachelistitem.startsWith("/")) { cachelistitem = "/" + cachelistitem; } String dnName = getDisplayNameKey(); String g1 = getGleanedValue(cache, cachelistitem, "refName"); String g2 = getGleanedValue(cache, cachelistitem, "shortIdentifier"); String g3 = getGleanedValue(cache, cachelistitem, dnName); String g4 = getGleanedValue(cache, cachelistitem, "csid"); String g5 = getGleanedValue(cache, cachelistitem, "termStatus"); if (g1 == null || g2 == null || g3 == null || g4 == null || g5 == null) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("ConfiguredVocabStorage fanning out "); if (g2 != null) { sb.append("(shId:"); sb.append(g2); sb.append(")"); } if (g4 != null) { sb.append("(csid:"); sb.append(g4); sb.append(")"); } sb.append(", as could not get: "); if (g1 == null) sb.append("refName,"); if (g2 == null) sb.append("shortIdentifier,"); if (g3 == null) sb.append("dnName,"); if (g4 == null) sb.append("csid,"); if (g5 == null) sb.append("termStatus,"); log.warn(sb.toString()); } JSONObject cached = get(storage, creds, cache, servicepath, filePath); g1 = cached.getString("refid"); g2 = cached.getString("shortIdentifier"); g3 = cached.getString(dnName); g4 = cached.getString("csid"); g5 = cached.getString("termStatus"); } out.put(dnName, g3); out.put("refid", g1); out.put("csid", g4); out.put("termStatus", g5); //out.put("authorityid", cached.get("authorityid")); out.put("shortIdentifier", g2); out.put("recordtype", r.getWebURL()); RefName.AuthorityItem item = RefName.AuthorityItem.parse(g1); out.put("namespace", item.getParentShortIdentifier()); return out; } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Connection exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e); } catch (ExistException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("ExistException exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("JSONException exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } }