List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element addAttribute
Element addAttribute(QName qName, String value);
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@Override public void toXml(Element element, Param.ValueProperty valueProperty) { super.toXml(element, valueProperty); element.addAttribute("type",; element.addAttribute("queryKeyParamName", queryKeyParamName); element.addAttribute("sessionIdParamName", sessionIdParamName); }
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@Override public void toXml(Element element, Param.ValueProperty valueProperty) { super.toXml(element, valueProperty); element.addAttribute("type",; element.addAttribute("operatorType", getOperatorType()); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public boolean saveSettings(Element element) { Boolean changed = false;//ww w . j a va2 s . com Element e = element.element("defaultFilter"); if (e == null) e = element.addElement("defaultFilter"); UUID defaultId = null; Boolean applyDefault = false; for (FilterEntity filter : filterEntities) { if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(filter.getIsDefault())) { defaultId = filter.getId(); applyDefault = filter.getApplyDefault(); break; } } String newDef = defaultId != null ? defaultId.toString() : null; Attribute attr = e.attribute("id"); String oldDef = attr != null ? attr.getValue() : null; if (!Objects.equals(oldDef, newDef)) { if (newDef == null && attr != null) { e.remove(attr); } else { if (attr == null) e.addAttribute("id", newDef); else attr.setValue(newDef); } changed = true; } Boolean newApplyDef = BooleanUtils.isTrue(applyDefault); Attribute applyDefaultAttr = e.attribute("applyDefault"); Boolean oldApplyDef = applyDefaultAttr != null ? Boolean.valueOf(applyDefaultAttr.getValue()) : false; if (!Objects.equals(oldApplyDef, newApplyDef)) { if (applyDefaultAttr != null) { applyDefaultAttr.setValue(newApplyDef.toString()); } else { e.addAttribute("applyDefault", newApplyDef.toString()); } changed = true; } Element groupBoxExpandedEl = element.element("groupBoxExpanded"); if (groupBoxExpandedEl == null) groupBoxExpandedEl = element.addElement("groupBoxExpanded"); Boolean oldGroupBoxExpandedValue = Boolean.valueOf(groupBoxExpandedEl.getText()); Boolean newGroupBoxExpandedValue = groupBoxLayout.isExpanded(); if (!Objects.equals(oldGroupBoxExpandedValue, newGroupBoxExpandedValue)) { groupBoxExpandedEl.setText(newGroupBoxExpandedValue.toString()); changed = true; } return changed; }
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public void toXml(Element element, ValueProperty valueProperty) { Element paramElem = element.addElement("param"); paramElem.addAttribute("name", getName()); paramElem.addAttribute("javaClass", getJavaClass().getName()); if (runtimeEnum != null) { paramElem.addAttribute("categoryAttrId", categoryAttrId.toString()); }/*from w w w .j a v a2 s. c o m*/ if (isDateInterval) { paramElem.addAttribute("isDateInterval", "true"); } paramElem.setText(formatValue(_getValue(valueProperty))); }
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public static String generateSetFilter(Set ids, String entityClass, String componentId, String entityAlias) { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = DocumentHelper.createElement("filter"); Element or = root.addElement("and"); Element condition = or.addElement("c"); condition.addAttribute("name", "set"); condition.addAttribute("inExpr", "true"); condition.addAttribute("hidden", "true"); condition.addAttribute("locCaption", "Set filter"); condition.addAttribute("entityAlias", entityAlias); condition.addAttribute("class", entityClass); condition.addAttribute("type",; String listOfId = createIdsString(ids); String randomName = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(10); condition.addText(entityAlias + ".id in :component$" + componentId + "." + randomName); Element param = condition.addElement("param"); param.addAttribute("name", "component$" + componentId + "." + randomName); param.addText(listOfId);// w w w .ja v a 2 s.c om document.add(root); return Dom4j.writeDocument(document, true); }
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public void saveSettings() { if (settings != null) { ComponentsHelper.walkComponents(window, (component, name) -> { if (component.getId() != null && component instanceof Component.HasSettings) { log.trace("Saving settings for : {} : {}", name, component); Element e = WindowDelegate.this.settings.get(name); boolean modified = ((Component.HasSettings) component).saveSettings(e); if (component instanceof Component.HasPresentations && ((Component.HasPresentations) component).isUsePresentations()) { Object def = ((Component.HasPresentations) component).getDefaultPresentationId(); e.addAttribute("presentation", def != null ? def.toString() : ""); Presentations presentations = ((Component.HasPresentations) component).getPresentations(); if (presentations != null) { presentations.commit(); }/* ww w. j a va2s. c om*/ } WindowDelegate.this.settings.setModified(modified); } }); settings.commit(); } }
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protected Element createConditionXmlElement() { Element conditionElement = DocumentHelper.createDocument().addElement("c"); conditionElement.addAttribute("name", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(10)); conditionElement.addAttribute("width", "1"); conditionElement.addAttribute("type", "CUSTOM"); conditionElement.addAttribute("locCaption", messages.getMainMessage("dynamicAttributes.filter.conditionName")); return conditionElement; }
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protected Element getConditionXmlElement(String conditionName, MetaClass metaClass) { Element conditionElement = DocumentHelper.createDocument().addElement("c"); conditionElement.addAttribute("name", conditionName); conditionElement.addAttribute("width", "1"); conditionElement.addAttribute("type", "CUSTOM"); String conditionCaption = String.format("%s ids", metaClass.getName().split("\\$")[1]); // condition will be hidden so we don't have to load localized condition caption conditionElement.addAttribute("locCaption", conditionCaption); return conditionElement; }
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@Override public Element get(final String componentId) { checkLoaded();/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ Element componentsRoot = root.element("components"); if (componentsRoot == null) { componentsRoot = root.addElement("components"); } for (Element e : ((List<Element>) componentsRoot.elements())) { if (componentId.equals(e.attributeValue("name"))) { return e; } } Element e = componentsRoot.addElement("component"); e.addAttribute("name", componentId); return e; }
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License:Apache License
private void process(Element resultElem, Element extElem) { // set text/*from w ww .ja v a 2 m*/ if (!StringUtils.isBlank(extElem.getText())) resultElem.setText(extElem.getText()); // add all attributes from extension for (Attribute attribute : Dom4j.attributes(extElem)) { if (resultElem == document.getRootElement() && attribute.getName().equals("extends")) { // ignore "extends" in root element continue; } resultElem.addAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue()); } String idx = extElem.attributeValue(new QName("index", extNs)); if (resultElem != document.getRootElement() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(idx)) { int index = Integer.parseInt(idx); Element parent = resultElem.getParent(); if (index < 0 || index > parent.elements().size()) { String message = String.format( "Incorrect extension XML for screen. Could not move existing element %s to position %s", resultElem.getName(), index); throw new DevelopmentException(message, ParamsMap.of("element", resultElem.getName(), "index", index)); } parent.remove(resultElem); //noinspection unchecked parent.elements().add(index, resultElem); } // add and process elements Set<Element> justAdded = new HashSet<>(); for (Element element : Dom4j.elements(extElem)) { // look for suitable locator ElementTargetLocator locator = null; for (ElementTargetLocator l : targetLocators) { if (l.suitableFor(element)) { locator = l; break; } } if (locator != null) { Element target = locator.locate(resultElem, element); // process target or a new element if target not found if (target != null) { process(target, element); } else { addNewElement(resultElem, element, justAdded); } } else { // if no suitable locator found, look for a single element with the same name List<Element> list = Dom4j.elements(resultElem, element.getName()); if (list.size() == 1 && !justAdded.contains(list.get(0))) { process(list.get(0), element); } else { addNewElement(resultElem, element, justAdded); } } } }