List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element addAttribute
Element addAttribute(QName qName, String value);
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/** * Creates a new instance of OperationParameter *//*from ww w .java 2 s. com*/ public OperationParameter(Element root) throws Exception { super(root, XMLElementTextOnlyParser.instance()); this.resultantAttribute = root.attributeValue("name").trim(); this.operatorAttribute = root.attributeValue("operation"); if (null == this.operatorAttribute) { root.addAttribute("operation", "list.set"); this.operatorAttribute = root.attributeValue("operation"); } this.operatorAttribute = this.operatorAttribute.toLowerCase().trim(); this._key[1] = this.operatorAttribute; this.parameterOperator = ParameterOperatorRegistry.getPluggableComponent(this.operatorAttribute); this.parameterOperatorName = ParameterOperatorRegistry.getPluggableName(this.operatorAttribute); if (null == this.parameterOperator) { throw new ParsingException("Could not find any <parameter> operation named " + this.operatorAttribute); } }
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License:Open Source License
public void doDictionnary(Element root, String applicationId, boolean recurse) throws ParsingException { Application application = Dictionary.getInstance().getApplication(applicationId); if (null == application) { throw new ParsingException("Unknown \"applicationId\" attribute in header: " + applicationId); }//from w w w . j ava 2 m Element unmodifiedRoot = root.createCopy(); if (root.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("header")) { // // ApplicationId // String attributeValue; attributeValue = root.attributeValue("applicationId"); if (!Utils.isInteger(attributeValue)) { root.attribute("applicationId").setValue(Integer.toString(application.get_id())); } // // CommandCode // attributeValue = root.attributeValue("command"); if (!Utils.isInteger(attributeValue)) { CommandDef commandDef = Dictionary.getInstance().getCommandDefByName(attributeValue, applicationId); if (commandDef == null) { throw (new ParsingException( "Unknown \"command\" attribute in header: " + attributeValue + "skipp it")); } root.attribute("command").setValue(Integer.toString(commandDef.get_code())); } } else if (root.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("avp")) { boolean isTypeAppId = false; boolean isTypeVendorId = false; String attributeValue; attributeValue = root.attributeValue("code"); // // Set default values implied by code in XMLTree from dictionnary // if (null != attributeValue) { AvpDef avpDef; if (!Utils.isInteger(attributeValue)) { avpDef = Dictionary.getInstance().getAvpDefByName(attributeValue, applicationId); } else { avpDef = Dictionary.getInstance().getAvpDefByCode(Integer.parseInt(attributeValue), applicationId); } if (null == avpDef) { // // If the code value is an integer, we don't necessary have to know it in the dictionnary. // However, if it isn't, we have to. // } // // Handle the code attribute // if (null != avpDef) { root.addAttribute("code", Integer.toString(avpDef.get_code())); } // // Handle the type attribute // if (null == root.attribute("type") && null != avpDef) { TypeDef typeDef = avpDef.get_type(); if (null != typeDef) { while (null != typeDef.get_type_parent()) { if (typeDef.get_type_name().equalsIgnoreCase("AppId")) isTypeAppId = true; if (typeDef.get_type_name().equalsIgnoreCase("VendorId")) isTypeVendorId = true; typeDef = typeDef.get_type_parent(); } root.addAttribute("type", typeDef.get_type_name()); } } // // Handle the vendorId attribute // if (null == root.attribute("vendorId") && null != avpDef) { VendorDef vendorDef = avpDef.get_vendor_id(); if (null != vendorDef) { root.addAttribute("vendorId", Integer.toString(vendorDef.get_code())); } } // // Handle the mandatory attribute // if (null == root.attribute("mandatory")) { if (null != avpDef && null != avpDef.get_mandatory() && avpDef.get_mandatory().equals("mustnot")) { root.addAttribute("mandatory", "false"); } else { root.addAttribute("mandatory", "true"); } } // // Handle the private attribute // if (null == root.attribute("private") && null != avpDef) { if (null != avpDef && null != avpDef.get_protected() && avpDef.get_protected().equals("mustnot")) { root.addAttribute("private", "false"); } else { root.addAttribute("private", "true"); } } // // Parse the enumerated value that could be present in "value" // if (null != root.attribute("value") && null != avpDef) { String enumName = root.attributeValue("value"); long enumValue = avpDef.getEnumCodeByName(enumName); if (enumValue != -1) { root.attribute("value").setValue(Long.toString(enumValue)); } } } else { throw new ParsingException( "in element: " + unmodifiedRoot + "\n" + "code is a mandatory attribute"); } // // Set the vendorId code (in case it isn't referenced by the avp Code via dictionnary, or overwritten). // attributeValue = root.attributeValue("vendorId"); if (null != attributeValue) { if (!Utils.isInteger(attributeValue)) { VendorDef vendorDef = Dictionary.getInstance().getVendorDefByName(attributeValue, applicationId); if (null != vendorDef) { root.attribute("vendorId").setValue(Integer.toString(vendorDef.get_code())); } else { throw new ParsingException("in element: " + unmodifiedRoot + "\n" + attributeValue + " is not a valid vendor id in element"); } } } // // Set the top-parent type (in case it isn't referenced by the avp Code via dictionnary, or overwritten). // if (root.elements().size() > 0) { root.addAttribute("type", "grouped"); } attributeValue = root.attributeValue("type"); if (null != attributeValue) { if (!attributeValue.equalsIgnoreCase("grouped")) { if (null != attributeValue) { TypeDef typeDef = Dictionary.getInstance().getTypeDefByName(attributeValue, applicationId); if (null != typeDef) { while (null != typeDef && null != typeDef.get_type_parent()) { if (typeDef.get_type_name().equalsIgnoreCase("AppId")) isTypeAppId = true; if (typeDef.get_type_name().equalsIgnoreCase("VendorId")) isTypeVendorId = true; typeDef = typeDef.get_type_parent(); } root.attribute("type").setValue(typeDef.get_type_name()); } else { throw new ParsingException("In element: " + unmodifiedRoot + "\n" + attributeValue + " is not a valid type"); } } } } // // Handle the value in case it is an appId or vendorId avp, enum should have already been handled at this point // attributeValue = root.attributeValue("value"); if (null != attributeValue) { if (isTypeAppId) { Application anApplication = Dictionary.getInstance().getApplication(attributeValue); if (null != anApplication) { root.attribute("value").setValue(Integer.toString(anApplication.get_id())); } } if (isTypeVendorId) { VendorDef vendorDef = Dictionary.getInstance().getVendorDefByName(attributeValue, applicationId); if (null != vendorDef) { root.attribute("value").setValue(Integer.toString(vendorDef.get_code())); } } } else { if (!root.attributeValue("type").equalsIgnoreCase("grouped")) { throw new ParsingException("in element: " + unmodifiedRoot + "\n" + "value is a mandatory attribute for element <avp .../> if it is not a grouped avp"); } } } if (recurse) { List<Element> list = root.elements(); for (Element element : list) { doDictionnary(element, applicationId, recurse); } } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @param args the command line arguments *//*ww w .jav a2 s . co m*/ public static void main(String[] args) { // Initialisation de MTS core ExceptionHandlerSingleton.setInstance(new TextExceptionHandler()); SingletonFSInterface.setInstance(new LocalFSInterface()); TextListenerProviderRegistry.instance().register(new FileTextListenerProvider()); // set the storage location to FILE for logging PropertiesEnhanced properties = new PropertiesEnhanced(); properties.addPropertiesEnhancedComplete("logs.STORAGE_LOCATION", "FILE"); Config.overrideProperties("", properties); // S'il n'y a pas d'arguments, on affiche la syntaxe utiliser if (args.length < 3) { System.out.println("ERROR => At least two arguments are required : filtre and capture file"); System.out.println("Usage : genscript <protocol>:<host>:<port> <capturefile> <generatedfile>"); GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().error(TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "ERROR => At least two arguments are required : filtre and capture file"); System.exit(-1); } // Si le nombre d'argument est bon, on lance la convertion System.out.println("-------- GENSCRIPT -------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("START => capture file: " + args[args.length - 2]); GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().info(TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "START => capture file: " + args[args.length - 2]); List<FiltreGenerator> listeFiltre = new ArrayList<FiltreGenerator>(); List<Probe> listeProbe = new ArrayList<Probe>(); String src = ""; URI srcURI = null; String out = ""; URI outURI = null; String nomPcap = ""; // Pour chaque lment pass en paramtre for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // Si l'argument est un filtre if (args[i].matches("[a-zA-Z0-9]+:[a-zA-Z0-9.]+:[0-9]+")) { String[] filtre = args[i].split(":"); listeFiltre.add(new FiltreGenerator(filtre[0], filtre[1], Integer.parseInt(filtre[2]))); } } // Cration des URI partir des paramtres // URI du fichier pcap source src = args[args.length - 2]; srcURI = new File(src).toURI(); // URI du fichier de test gnrer out = args[args.length - 1]; outURI = new File(out).toURI(); // On rcupre le nom du fichier pcap String[] nomPcapPath = args[args.length - 2].split("/"); nomPcap = nomPcapPath[nomPcapPath.length - 1].replaceAll("[.]([0-9A-Za-z])+", ""); // Creation du generateur de script ScriptGenerator generator = new ScriptGenerator(outURI); generator.setTestcaseName(nomPcap); try { // Chaque filtre est enregistr dans le gnrateur de script de test for (FiltreGenerator fg : listeFiltre) { generator.addFiltre(fg); } // Generation des fichiers de test //generator.generateTestFile(); generator.generateTest(); // Pour chaque filtre on crer l'objet Probe for (FiltreGenerator fg : listeFiltre) { System.out.println("CAPTURE filter: => " + fg); GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().info(TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "CAPTURE filter: => " + fg); // Cration de la stack du protocole que l'on souhaite filtrer Stack stack = StackFactory.getStack(fg.getProtocole()); DOMDocument docProbe = new DOMDocument(); Element root = docProbe.addElement("root"); root.addAttribute("filename", src); // String captureFilter = "host " + fg.getHostName() + " and port " + fg.getHostPort().toString(); String captureFilter = "host " + fg.getHostName() + " and (port " + fg.getHostPort().toString() + " or not (ip[6:2] & 0x1FFF = 0)) and ip"; root.addAttribute("captureFilter", captureFilter); // Cration de l'objet Probe Probe probe = new Probe(stack, root); listeProbe.add(probe); // On configure le probe pour la gnration de script probe.genScript(generator); stack.createProbe(probe, fg.getProtocole()); } // Attente de la fin de la capture partir du fichier while (!listeProbe.get(0).getProbeJpcapThread().getStopPossible()) { } generator.closeTest(); System.out.println("END => test file: " + args[args.length - 1] + "(See application.log)"); GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().info(TextEvent.Topic.CORE, "END => test file: " + args[args.length - 1] + "(See application.log)"); // On ferme proprement le programme System.exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EXCEPTION => " + e); e.printStackTrace(); GlobalLogger.instance().getApplicationLogger().error(TextEvent.Topic.CORE, e, "EXCEPTION => "); System.exit(-10); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Store user preference information to a specified file. * /* www. j a va 2 s . c om*/ * @param obj * @param fullPath Specified the full path of the configuration file. */ public void store(Object obj, String fullPath) { try { FileWriter out; Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = document.addElement(getName(obj.getClass())); root.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.CLASS, obj.getClass().getName()); List<Field> pFields = getPreferenceFieldList(obj.getClass()); for (int i = 0; i < pFields.size(); i++) { store(obj, pFields.get(i), root); } OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(" ", true); out = new FileWriter(new File(fullPath)); XMLWriter w = new XMLWriter(out, format); w.write(document); w.close(); out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PreferenceProcessor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PreferenceProcessor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PreferenceProcessor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Store object tree into XML file.//w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m * * @param fieldClass * @param fieldName * @param fieldValue * @param parent * @param adapterClass * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws IllegalAccessException */ private void store(Class fieldClass, String fieldName, Object fieldValue, Element parent, Class<? extends PersistentAdapterIF> adapterClass) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { if (fieldClass.isArray()) { if (fieldName.endsWith("[]")) { fieldName = fieldName.substring(0, fieldName.length() - 2); } Object[] array = (Object[]) fieldValue; Element arrayEle = parent.addElement(fieldName); String arryType = fieldClass.getName(); arryType = arryType.substring(arryType.lastIndexOf("[") + 2, arryType.length() - 1); arrayEle.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.CLASS, GlobalConstant.ARRAY); arrayEle.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.ARRAY_TYPE, arryType); arrayEle.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.ARRAY_LENGTH, array.length + ""); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { List<Field> arrFields = getPreferenceFieldList(array[i].getClass()); if (arrFields.size() > 0) { Element child = arrayEle.addElement(getName(array[i].getClass())); child.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.CLASS, array[i].getClass().getName()); for (int j = 0; j < arrFields.size(); j++) { store(array[i], arrFields.get(j), child); } } else { store(array[i].getClass(), array[i].getClass().getSimpleName(), array[i], arrayEle, adapterClass); } } } else if (fieldValue instanceof Collection) { Element lstEle = parent.addElement(fieldName); lstEle.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.CLASS, fieldValue.getClass().getName()); Collection coll = (Collection) fieldValue; Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item =; List<Field> lstFields = getPreferenceFieldList(item.getClass()); if (lstFields.size() > 0) { Element child = lstEle.addElement(getName(item.getClass())); child.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.CLASS, item.getClass().getName()); for (int j = 0; j < lstFields.size(); j++) { store(item, lstFields.get(j), child); } } else { store(item.getClass(), item.getClass().getSimpleName(), item, lstEle, adapterClass); } } } else if (fieldValue instanceof Map) { Element mapEle = parent.addElement(fieldName); mapEle.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.CLASS, fieldValue.getClass().getName()); Map map = (Map) fieldValue; Iterator iter = map.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object key =; Object value = map.get(key); Element keyEle = mapEle.addElement(GlobalConstant.KEY); keyEle.setText(key.toString());// Not suppert any adapter! keyEle.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.CLASS, key.getClass().getName()); List<Field> vFields = getPreferenceFieldList(value.getClass()); if (vFields.size() > 0) { Element valueEle = keyEle.addElement(getName(value.getClass())); valueEle.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.CLASS, value.getClass().getName()); for (int j = 0; j < vFields.size(); j++) { store(value, vFields.get(j), valueEle); } } else { store(value.getClass(), value.getClass().getSimpleName(), value, keyEle, adapterClass); } } } else { List<Field> pFields = getPreferenceFieldList(fieldValue.getClass()); if (pFields.size() > 0) { Element child = parent.addElement(fieldName); child.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.CLASS, fieldValue.getClass().getName()); for (int i = 0; i < pFields.size(); i++) { store(fieldValue, pFields.get(i), child); } } else { Element attrEle = parent.addElement(fieldName); attrEle.setText(getValue(fieldValue, adapterClass)); attrEle.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.CLASS, fieldValue.getClass().getName()); if (adapterClass != DefaultPersistentAdapter.class) { attrEle.addAttribute(GlobalConstant.ADAPTER, adapterClass.getName()); } } } }
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License:Open Source License
public static void run(AbstractUIProcessHandler handler, String[] args) { if (args.length != 3) { System.out.println("file login password"); return;/*from w ww . java 2s . c o m*/ } String target = args[0]; File xmlFile = new File(target); BufferedWriter writer; try { writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(xmlFile)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } try { for (String line : Arrays.asList(emptyFileLines)) { writer.write(line + System.getProperty("line.separator")); } writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String login = args[1]; String passwd = args[2]; UsersToXmlFile elem = new UsersToXmlFile(); ConstellioUser dataUser = ConstellioUser(login, passwd, null); dataUser.setFirstName("System"); dataUser.setLastName("Administrator"); dataUser.getRoles().add(Roles.ADMIN); Document xmlDocument; try { xmlDocument = new SAXReader().read(target); Element root = xmlDocument.getRootElement(); BaseElement user = new BaseElement(USER); user.addAttribute(FIRST_NAME, dataUser.getFirstName()); user.addAttribute(LAST_NAME, dataUser.getLastName()); user.addAttribute(LOGIN, dataUser.getUsername()); user.addAttribute(PASSWORD_HASH, dataUser.getPasswordHash()); if (dataUser.getLocale() != null) { user.addAttribute(LOCALE, dataUser.getLocaleCode()); } Set<String> constellioRoles = dataUser.getRoles(); if (!constellioRoles.isEmpty()) { Element roles = user.addElement(ROLES); for (String constellioRole : constellioRoles) { Element role = roles.addElement(ROLE); role.addAttribute(VALUE, constellioRole); } } root.add(user); OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); xmlFile = new File(target); // FIXME recrire la DTD // xmlDocument.addDocType(arg0, arg1, arg2) XMLWriter writer2 = new XMLWriter(new FileOutputStream(xmlFile), format); writer2.write(xmlDocument); writer2.close(); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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private Element setConnectorConfig(ConnectorManager connectorManager, String connectorName, String connectorType, Map<String, String[]> requestParams, boolean update, Locale locale) { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = document.addElement(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_CONNECTOR_CONFIG); root.addElement(ServletUtil.QUERY_PARAM_LANG).addText(locale.getLanguage()); root.addElement(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_CONNECTOR_NAME).addText(connectorName); root.addElement(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_CONNECTOR_TYPE).addText(connectorType); root.addElement(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_UPDATE_CONNECTOR).addText(Boolean.toString(update)); for (String paramName : requestParams.keySet()) { if (!paramName.startsWith("wicket:")) { String[] paramValues = requestParams.get(paramName); for (String paramValue : paramValues) { Element paramElement = root.addElement(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_PARAMETERS); paramElement.addAttribute("name", paramName); paramElement.addAttribute("value", paramValue); }/*from ww w. j av a2 s .c om*/ } } Element response = ConnectorManagerRequestUtils.sendPost(connectorManager, "/setConnectorConfig", document); Element statusIdElement = response.element(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_STATUSID); if (statusIdElement != null) { String statusId = statusIdElement.getTextTrim(); if (!statusId.equals("" + ConnectorMessageCode.SUCCESS)) { return response; } else { BackupServices backupServices = ConstellioSpringUtils.getBackupServices(); backupServices.backupConfig(connectorName, connectorType); return null; } } else { return null; } }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override//from w w w. ja va 2s . co m public List<Record> authorizeByConnector(List<Record> records, Collection<UserCredentials> userCredentialsList, ConnectorManager connectorManager) { List<Record> authorizedRecords = new ArrayList<Record>(); Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = document.addElement(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_AUTHZ_QUERY); Element connectorQueryElement = root.addElement(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_CONNECTOR_QUERY); Map<ConnectorInstance, UserCredentials> credentialsMap = new HashMap<ConnectorInstance, UserCredentials>(); Set<ConnectorInstance> connectorsWithoutCredentials = new HashSet<ConnectorInstance>(); Map<String, Record> recordsByURLMap = new HashMap<String, Record>(); boolean recordToValidate = false; for (Record record : records) { // Use to accelerate the matching between response urls and actual entities recordsByURLMap.put(record.getUrl(), record); ConnectorInstance connectorInstance = record.getConnectorInstance(); UserCredentials connectorCredentials = credentialsMap.get(connectorInstance); if (connectorCredentials == null && !connectorsWithoutCredentials.contains(connectorInstance)) { RecordCollection collection = connectorInstance.getRecordCollection(); for (CredentialGroup credentialGroup : collection.getCredentialGroups()) { if (credentialGroup.getConnectorInstances().contains(connectorInstance)) { for (UserCredentials userCredentials : userCredentialsList) { if (userCredentials.getCredentialGroup().equals(credentialGroup)) { connectorCredentials = userCredentials; credentialsMap.put(connectorInstance, userCredentials); break; } } break; } } } if (connectorCredentials == null) { connectorsWithoutCredentials.add(connectorInstance); LOGGER.warning("Missing credentials for connector " + connectorInstance.getName()); } else { String username = connectorCredentials.getUsername(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username)) { String password = EncryptionUtils.decrypt(connectorCredentials.getEncryptedPassword()); String domain = connectorCredentials.getDomain(); Element identityElement = connectorQueryElement.addElement(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_IDENTITY); identityElement.setText(username); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(domain)) { identityElement.addAttribute(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_DOMAIN_ATTRIBUTE, domain); } identityElement.addAttribute(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_PASSWORD_ATTRIBUTE, password); Element resourceElement = identityElement.addElement(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_RESOURCE); resourceElement.setText(record.getUrl()); resourceElement.addAttribute(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_CONNECTOR_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, connectorInstance.getName()); recordToValidate = true; } } } if (recordToValidate) { Element response = ConnectorManagerRequestUtils.sendPost(connectorManager, "/authorization", document); Element authzResponseElement = response.element(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_AUTHZ_RESPONSE); List<Element> answerElements = authzResponseElement.elements(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_ANSWER); for (Element answerElement : answerElements) { Element decisionElement = answerElement.element(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_DECISION); boolean permit = decisionElement.getTextTrim().equals("Permit"); if (permit) { Element resourceElement = answerElement.element(ServletUtil.XMLTAG_RESOURCE); String recordUrl = resourceElement.getTextTrim(); Record record = recordsByURLMap.get(recordUrl); authorizedRecords.add(record); } } } return authorizedRecords; }
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private Element buildQueryElementFromCache(String queryText, String queryDisplayText, String collectionName) { Element queryElement; Map<String, List<String>> solrCoreElevationCache = elevationCache.get(collectionName); List<String> queryElevationCache = solrCoreElevationCache.get(queryText); Map<String, List<String>> solrCoreExclusionCache = exclusionCache.get(collectionName); List<String> queryExclusionCache = solrCoreExclusionCache.get(queryText); if ((queryElevationCache != null && !queryElevationCache.isEmpty()) || (queryExclusionCache != null && !queryExclusionCache.isEmpty())) { queryElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("query"); queryElement.addAttribute("text", queryText); queryElement.addAttribute("displayText", queryDisplayText); if (queryElevationCache != null) { for (String elevatedDocId : queryElevationCache) { Element docElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("doc"); docElement.addAttribute("id", elevatedDocId); queryElement.add(docElement); }//from www. java 2s. co m } if (queryExclusionCache != null) { for (String excludedDocId : queryExclusionCache) { Element docElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("doc"); docElement.addAttribute("id", excludedDocId); docElement.addAttribute("exclude", "true"); queryElement.add(docElement); } } } else { queryElement = null; } return queryElement; }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void updateSchemaFields(RecordCollection collection, Document schemaDocument) { Element fieldsElement = schemaDocument.getRootElement().element("fields"); List<Element> fieldElements = fieldsElement.elements("field"); for (Iterator<Element> it = fieldElements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {;// w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m it.remove(); } List<Element> copyFields = schemaDocument.getRootElement().elements("copyField"); for (Iterator<Element> it = copyFields.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {; it.remove(); } List<Element> dynamicFieldElements = fieldsElement.elements("dynamicField"); for (Iterator<Element> it = dynamicFieldElements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {; it.remove(); } List<String> addedFieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection<IndexField> indexFields = collection.getIndexFields(); for (IndexField indexField : indexFields) { if (!addedFieldNames.contains(indexField.getName())) { addedFieldNames.add(indexField.getName()); FieldType fieldType = indexField.getFieldType(); Analyzer analyzer = indexField.getAnalyzer(); if (fieldType == null) { throw new RuntimeException(indexField.getName() + " has no type"); } Element fieldElement; if (indexField.isDynamicField()) { fieldElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("dynamicField"); } else { fieldElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("field"); } fieldsElement.add(fieldElement); addNotNullAttribute(fieldElement, "name", indexField.getName()); addNotNullAttribute(fieldElement, "type", fieldType.getName()); addNotNullAttribute(fieldElement, "indexed", indexField.isIndexed()); addNotNullAttribute(fieldElement, "stored", true); addNotNullAttribute(fieldElement, "multiValued", indexField.isMultiValued()); if (analyzer != null) { fieldElement.addAttribute("analyzer", analyzer.getAnalyzerClass().getClassName()); } } } // used by solrcloud Element fieldElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("field"); addNotNullAttribute(fieldElement, "name", "_version_"); addNotNullAttribute(fieldElement, "type", "long"); addNotNullAttribute(fieldElement, "indexed", true); addNotNullAttribute(fieldElement, "stored", true); fieldsElement.add(fieldElement); List<Element> uniqueKeyElements = schemaDocument.getRootElement().elements("uniqueKey"); for (Iterator<Element> it = uniqueKeyElements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {; it.remove(); } IndexField uniqueKeyField = collection.getUniqueKeyIndexField(); if (uniqueKeyField != null) { Element uniqueKeyElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("uniqueKey"); uniqueKeyElement.setText(uniqueKeyField.getName()); schemaDocument.getRootElement().add(uniqueKeyElement); } List<Element> defaultSearchFieldElements = schemaDocument.getRootElement().elements("defaultSearchField"); for (Iterator<Element> it = defaultSearchFieldElements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {; it.remove(); } IndexField defaultSearchField = collection.getDefaultSearchIndexField(); if (defaultSearchField != null) { Element defaultSearchFieldElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("defaultSearchField"); defaultSearchFieldElement.setText(defaultSearchField.getName()); schemaDocument.getRootElement().add(defaultSearchFieldElement); } List<Element> solrQueryParserElements = schemaDocument.getRootElement().elements("solrQueryParser"); for (Iterator<Element> it = solrQueryParserElements.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {; it.remove(); } String queryParserOperator = collection.getQueryParserOperator(); if (queryParserOperator != null) { Element solrQueryParserElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("solrQueryParser"); solrQueryParserElement.addAttribute("defaultOperator", queryParserOperator); schemaDocument.getRootElement().add(solrQueryParserElement); } for (IndexField indexField : indexFields) { if (!indexField.isDynamicField()) { for (CopyField copyFieldDest : indexField.getCopyFieldsDest()) { Element copyFieldElement = DocumentHelper.createElement("copyField"); String source; if (copyFieldDest.isSourceAllFields()) { source = "*"; } else { IndexField indexFieldSource = copyFieldDest.getIndexFieldSource(); source = indexFieldSource.getName(); } copyFieldElement.addAttribute("source", source); copyFieldElement.addAttribute("dest", copyFieldDest.getIndexFieldDest().getName()); addNotNullAttribute(copyFieldElement, "maxChars", copyFieldDest); // Ajout Rida schemaDocument.getRootElement().add(copyFieldElement); } } } writeSchema(collection.getName(), schemaDocument); }