List of usage examples for org.dom4j DocumentHelper createDocument
public static Document createDocument()
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License:Apache License
private Document getDocument(String xmlFileName) throws DocumentException { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); File file = new File(xmlFileName); if (file.exists()) { return; } else {//from w w w. j ava 2 s. c om return DocumentHelper.createDocument(); } }
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License:Apache License
@QuerySetting(dialect = { @QuerySyntax(mode = I_ServiceRunMode.DialectSpace.STANDARD, httpMethod = "GET", method = "create", path = "vehr/composition", responseType = ResponseType.Json), @QuerySyntax(mode = I_ServiceRunMode.DialectSpace.EHRSCAPE, httpMethod = "POST", method = "post", path = "rest/v1/composition", responseType = ResponseType.Json) }) public Object create(I_SessionClientProperties props) throws Exception { auditSetter.handleProperties(getDataAccess(), props); String sessionId = auditSetter.getSessionId(); String templateId = props.getClientProperty(I_CompositionService.TEMPLATE_ID, (String) null); UUID ehrId = retrieveEhrId(sessionId, props); UUID committerUuid = auditSetter.getCommitterUuid(); UUID systemUuid = auditSetter.getSystemUuid(); I_CompositionService.CompositionFormat format = I_CompositionService.CompositionFormat .valueOf(props.getClientProperty(I_CompositionService.FORMAT, "XML")); if ((format == CompositionFormat.FLAT || format == CompositionFormat.ECISFLAT) && (templateId == null || templateId.length() == 0)) throw new ServiceManagerException(getGlobal(), SysErrorCode.USER_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME, "Template Id must be specified"); //get body stuff String content = props.getClientProperty(Constants.REQUEST_CONTENT, (String) null); if (content == null) throw new ServiceManagerException(getGlobal(), SysErrorCode.USER_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME, "Content cannot be empty for a new composition"); Integer contentLength = (Integer) props.getClientProperty(Constants.REQUEST_CONTENT_LENGTH, (Integer) 0); if (content.length() != contentLength) throw new ServiceManagerException(getGlobal(), SysErrorCode.USER_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME, "Content may be altered found length =" + content.length() + " expected:" + contentLength); // String contentType = props.getClientProperty(Constants.REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE, ""); UUID compositionId;/*from ww w .j ava 2 m*/ switch (format) { case XML: CanonicalHandler canonicalHandler = new CanonicalHandler(knowledgeCache.getKnowledgeCache(), templateId, null); Composition composition =, content); templateId = composition.getArchetypeDetails().getTemplateId().getValue(); I_CompositionAccess compositionAccess = I_CompositionAccess.getNewInstance(getDataAccess(), composition,, ehrId); I_EntryAccess entryAccess = I_EntryAccess.getNewInstance(getDataAccess(), templateId, 0, compositionAccess.getId(), composition); compositionAccess.addContent(entryAccess); compositionId = compositionAccess.commit(committerUuid, systemUuid, auditSetter.getDescription()); //create an XML response Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = document.addElement("compositionCreateRestResponseData"); root.addElement("action").addText("CREATE"); root.addElement("compositionUid").addText(encodeUuid(compositionId, 1)); root.addElement("meta").addElement("href") .addText(Constants.URI_TAG + "?" + encodeURI(null, compositionId, 1, null)); global.getProperty().set(MethodName.RETURN_TYPE_PROPERTY, "" + MethodName.RETURN_XML); return document; case ECISFLAT: PvCompoHandler pvCompoHandler = new PvCompoHandler(this.getDataAccess(), templateId, null); Map<String, String> kvPairs = FlatJsonUtil .inputStream2Map(new StringReader(new String(content.getBytes()))); compositionId = pvCompoHandler.storeComposition(ehrId, kvPairs, auditSetter.getCommitterUuid(), auditSetter.getSystemUuid(), auditSetter.getDescription()); //create json response global.getProperty().set(MethodName.RETURN_TYPE_PROPERTY, "" + MethodName.RETURN_JSON); Map<String, Object> retmap = new HashMap<>(); retmap.put("action", "CREATE"); retmap.put(COMPOSITION_UID, encodeUuid(compositionId, 1)); Map<String, Map<String, String>> metaref = MetaBuilder.add2MetaMap(null, "href", Constants.URI_TAG + "?" + encodeURI(null, compositionId, 1, null)); retmap.putAll(metaref); return retmap; case FLAT: I_FlatJsonCompositionConverter flatJsonCompositionConverter = FlatJsonCompositionConverter .getInstance(getDataAccess().getKnowledgeManager()); Map flatMap = FlatJsonUtil.inputStream2Map(new StringReader(new String(content.getBytes()))); Composition newComposition = flatJsonCompositionConverter.toComposition(templateId, flatMap); I_CompositionAccess access = I_CompositionAccess.getNewInstance(getDataAccess(), newComposition,, ehrId); I_EntryAccess entry = I_EntryAccess.getNewInstance(getDataAccess(), templateId, 0, access.getId(), newComposition); access.addContent(entry); compositionId = access.commit(committerUuid, systemUuid, auditSetter.getDescription()); //create json response global.getProperty().set(MethodName.RETURN_TYPE_PROPERTY, "" + MethodName.RETURN_JSON); retmap = new HashMap<>(); retmap.put("action", "CREATE"); retmap.put(COMPOSITION_UID, encodeUuid(compositionId, 1)); metaref = MetaBuilder.add2MetaMap(null, "href", Constants.URI_TAG + "?" + encodeURI(null, compositionId, 1, null)); retmap.putAll(metaref); return retmap; default: throw new ServiceManagerException(getGlobal(), SysErrorCode.USER_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME, "This format is not supported:" + format); } }
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License:Open Source License
public Document createDocument() { document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); document.setXMLEncoding("UTF-8"); Element root = document.addElement("export"); Element info = root.addElement("info"); if (creator != null) info.addElement("creator").addText(creator); if (opencmsversion != null) info.addElement("opencms_version").addText(opencmsversion); info.addElement("createdate").addText(dateformat.format(new Date())); if (project != null) info.addElement("infoproject").addText(project); if (exportversion != null) info.addElement("export_version").addText(exportversion); Element module = root.addElement("module"); if (name != null) module.addElement("name").addText(name); if (nicename != null) module.addElement("nicename").addText(nicename); if (group != null) module.addElement("group").addText(group); if (moduleclass != null) module.addElement("class").addText(moduleclass); if (moduledescription != null) module.addElement("description").add(new FlyweightCDATA(moduledescription)); if (version != null) module.addElement("version").addText(version); if (authorname != null) module.addElement("authorname").add(new FlyweightCDATA(authorname)); if (authoremail != null) module.addElement("authoremail").add(new FlyweightCDATA(authoremail)); module.addElement("datecreated").addText(dateformat.format(new Date())); module.addElement("userinstalled").addText(userinstalled); module.addElement("dateinstalled").addText(dateinstalled); Element dependenciesBlock = module.addElement("dependencies"); for (Dependency dep : dependencies) { dependenciesBlock.addElement("dependency").addAttribute("name", dep.getName()).addAttribute("version", dep.getVersion());/*from ww w .j ava2 s .c o m*/ } Element exportPointsBlock = module.addElement("exportpoints"); for (ExportPoint ep : exportpoints) { exportPointsBlock.addElement("exportpoint").addAttribute("uri", ep.getSrc()).addAttribute("destination", ep.getDst()); } Element resourcesBlock = module.addElement("resources"); for (Resource res : resources) { resourcesBlock.addElement("resource").addAttribute("uri", res.getUri()); } Element parametersBlock = module.addElement("parameters"); for (Parameter par : parameters) { parametersBlock.addElement("param").addAttribute("name", par.getName()).addText(par.getValue()); } insertResourceTypes(module); insertExplorerTypes(module); if (!filesets.isEmpty()) { Element files = root.addElement("files"); for (FileSet fileset : filesets) { DirectoryScanner ds = fileset.getDirectoryScanner(fileset.getProject()); String[] dirs = ds.getIncludedDirectories(); String[] filesColl = ds.getIncludedFiles(); String[] excluDirsArray = ds.getExcludedDirectories(); List<String> excluDirs = new ArrayList<String>(); excluDirs.addAll(Arrays.asList(excluDirsArray)); String[] excluFilesArray = ds.getExcludedFiles(); List<String> excluFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); excluFiles.addAll(Arrays.asList(excluFilesArray)); CmsUUID.init("B4:B6:76:78:7F:3E"); // FOLDERS MANAGEMENT for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) { String filepath = dirs[i]; String filepathUnix = dirs[i].replace(SEPARATOR, "/"); if (dirs[i] != "") { Element tmpFile = files.addElement("file"); tmpFile.addElement("destination").addText(filepathUnix); String folderPropertiesPath = getProject().getBaseDir() + SEPARATOR + srcfolder + SEPARATOR + folderPropertiesPath(filepath); String tmpType = getEurelisProperty("type", folderPropertiesPath); if (null == tmpType) { tmpType = "folder"; } tmpFile.addElement("type").addText(tmpType); if (generateuuids) { Element uuidNode = tmpFile.addElement("uuidstructure"); String tmpUUID = getEurelisProperty("structureUUID", folderPropertiesPath); if (null != tmpUUID) uuidNode.addText(tmpUUID); else uuidNode.addText(new CmsUUID().toString()); // AJOUTER SAUVEGARDE DU NOUVEL UUID } long date = new File( getProject().getBaseDir() + SEPARATOR + srcfolder + SEPARATOR + filepath) .lastModified(); if (0L == date) date = new Date().getTime(); String formattedDate = dateformat.format(date); tmpFile.addElement("datelastmodified").addText(formattedDate); tmpFile.addElement("userlastmodified").addText("Admin"); // WARNING : CONSTANT VALUE tmpFile.addElement("datecreated").addText(formattedDate); // WARNING : CONSTANT VALUE tmpFile.addElement("usercreated").addText("Admin"); tmpFile.addElement("flags").addText("0"); Element properties = tmpFile.addElement("properties"); // props detection and implementation String tmpPropFile = folderPropertiesPath; addPropertiesToTree(properties, tmpPropFile); String tmpAccessFile = getProject().getBaseDir() + SEPARATOR + srcfolder + SEPARATOR + folderAccessesPath(filepath); addAccessesToTree(tmpFile, tmpAccessFile); } } // FILES MANAGEMENT for (int i = 0; i < filesColl.length; i++) { String filepath = filesColl[i]; String filepathUnix = filesColl[i].replace(SEPARATOR, "/"); if (filesColl[i] != "") { Element tmpFile = files.addElement("file"); tmpFile.addElement("source").addText(filepathUnix); tmpFile.addElement("destination").addText(filepathUnix); String propertiesFilepath = getProject().getBaseDir() + SEPARATOR + srcfolder + SEPARATOR + filePropertiesPath(filepath); String tmpType = getEurelisProperty("type", propertiesFilepath); if (null == tmpType) { if (filepathUnix.endsWith(".config")) tmpType = "module_config"; else if (filepathUnix.endsWith("main.jsp")) tmpType = "containerpage_template"; else if (filepathUnix.endsWith(".jsp")) tmpType = "jsp"; else if (filepathUnix.endsWith(".png") || filepathUnix.endsWith(".gif") || filepathUnix.endsWith(".jpg") || filepathUnix.endsWith(".jpeg")) tmpType = "image"; else if (filepathUnix.endsWith(".html") && filepathUnix.contains("/models/")) tmpType = "containerpage"; else tmpType = "plain"; } tmpFile.addElement("type").addText(tmpType); if (generateuuids) { Element uuidNode = tmpFile.addElement("uuidresource"); Element uuidNode2 = tmpFile.addElement("uuidstructure"); String tmpUUID = getEurelisProperty("resourceUUID", propertiesFilepath); if (null != tmpUUID) uuidNode.addText(tmpUUID); else uuidNode.addText(new CmsUUID().toString()); tmpUUID = getEurelisProperty("structureUUID", propertiesFilepath); if (null != tmpUUID) uuidNode2.addText(tmpUUID); else uuidNode2.addText(new CmsUUID().toString()); } long date = new File( getProject().getBaseDir() + SEPARATOR + srcfolder + SEPARATOR + filepath) .lastModified(); if (0L == date) date = new Date().getTime(); String formattedDate = dateformat.format(date); tmpFile.addElement("datelastmodified").addText(formattedDate); tmpFile.addElement("userlastmodified").addText("Admin"); tmpFile.addElement("datecreated").addText(formattedDate); tmpFile.addElement("usercreated").addText("Admin"); tmpFile.addElement("flags").addText("0"); Element properties = tmpFile.addElement("properties"); String tmpPropFile = propertiesFilepath; addPropertiesToTree(properties, tmpPropFile); tmpFile.addElement("accesscontrol"); } } } } return document; }
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License:Open Source License
public Document exportXml(List<Long> projectBasicIds) { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = document.addElement("MetaDatas"); Element metaViewData = root.addElement("MetaViewData"); if (projectBasicIds.isEmpty()) return document; for (Long projectBasicId : projectBasicIds) { ProjectBasic projectBasic = projectBasicDAO.get(projectBasicId); Element projects = metaViewData.addElement("PROPERTIES"); Element code = projects.addElement("?"); code.addText(projectBasic.getCode() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getCode()); Element name = projects.addElement("??"); name.addText(projectBasic.getName() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getName()); Element buildTime = projects.addElement(""); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (projectBasic.getBuildTime() != null) { buildTime.addText(dateFormat.format(projectBasic.getBuildTime())); } else {//from w w w . jav a2 s . co m buildTime.addText(""); } Element investmentScale = projects.addElement(""); investmentScale .addText(projectBasic.getInvestmentScale() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getInvestmentScale()); Element overview = projects.addElement(""); overview.addText(projectBasic.getOverview() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getOverview()); Element buildUnit = projects.addElement("??"); buildUnit.addText(projectBasic.getBuildUnit() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getBuildUnit()); Element unitPhone = projects.addElement("????"); unitPhone.addText(projectBasic.getUnitPhone() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getUnitPhone()); Element unitAddress = projects.addElement("???"); unitAddress.addText(projectBasic.getUnitAddress() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getUnitAddress()); Element zoningCode_code = projects.addElement("?"); if (projectBasic.getZoningCode() != null) zoningCode_code.addText(projectBasic.getZoningCode().getCode() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getZoningCode().getCode()); else zoningCode_code.addText(""); Element organizationCode = projects.addElement("?"); organizationCode .addText(projectBasic.getOrganizationCode() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getOrganizationCode()); Element industryCode_code = projects.addElement("?"); if (projectBasic.getIndustryCode() != null) industryCode_code.addText(projectBasic.getIndustryCode().getCode() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getIndustryCode().getCode()); else industryCode_code.addText(""); Element category = projects.addElement(""); category.addText(projectBasic.getCategory() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getCategory()); Element unitId = projects.addElement("???"); unitId.addText(projectBasic.getUnitId() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getUnitId()); Element approvalRecord_code = projects.addElement("?"); if (projectBasic.getApprovalRecord() != null) approvalRecord_code.addText(projectBasic.getApprovalRecord().getCode() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getApprovalRecord().getCode()); else approvalRecord_code.addText(""); Element address = projects.addElement("?"); address.addText(projectBasic.getAddress() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getAddress()); Element bildNature = projects.addElement(""); if (projectBasic.getBildNature() != null) bildNature.addText(projectBasic.getBildNature().getDescription() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getBildNature().getDescription()); else bildNature.addText(""); Element contact = projects.addElement("?"); contact.addText(projectBasic.getContact() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getContact()); Element phone = projects.addElement("??"); phone.addText(projectBasic.getPhone() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getPhone()); Element email = projects.addElement("??"); email.addText(projectBasic.getEmail() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getEmail()); } return document; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * ?Document */ public XMLUtil() { document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); }
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License:Apache License
public Document createXMLDocument() { Document doc = null;/* ww w. j a va 2 s . co m*/ doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); doc.addComment("edited with XMLSpy v2005 rel. 3 U ( by ()"); // doc.addDocType("class","//By Jack Chen","saveXML.xsd"); Element root = doc.addElement("class"); Element company = root.addElement("company"); Element person = company.addElement("person"); person.addAttribute("id", "11"); person.addElement("name").setText("Jack Chen"); person.addElement("sex").setText(""); person.addElement("date").setText("2001-04-01"); person.addElement("email").setText(""); person.addElement("QQ").setText("2366001"); return doc; }
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License:MIT License
@Override public void setFiles(String[][] valuesin) { //Create a XML file to hold AWS bucket names and related files/folders Document mydoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = mydoc.addElement("s3backup"); Element bucket1 = null;/*from w w w . ja va 2s .co m*/ for (int a1 = 0; a1 < valuesin.length; a1++) { for (int b1 = 0; b1 < valuesin[a1].length; b1++) { //Bucket names are in index 0 if (b1 == 0) { bucket1 = root.addElement("bucket").addAttribute("name", valuesin[a1][b1]); } else { if (bucket1 != null & valuesin[a1][b1] != null) { bucket1.addElement("file").addText(valuesin[a1][b1]); } } } bucket1 = null; } //Save files and folders in file system FileWriter fWriter2; try { fWriter2 = new FileWriter(new File("target", "s3files.xml")); mydoc.write(fWriter2); fWriter2.flush(); fWriter2.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //***TODO*** log message e.printStackTrace(); } }
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License:Apache License
private void deleteFromIndex(Page page) { org.dom4j.Document dom = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = dom.addElement("documentDelete"); root.addElement("documentId").addText(getDocumentId(page)); try {//from w w w. j av a2 s .c o m int i = pageMapper.mapPage(page); while (indexers[i].index(dom) == IndexerReturnCode.RETRY_QUEUE_FULL) { try { Thread.sleep(indexerBusyRetryTime * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.debug("Sleep interrupted: " + e, e); } } page.setEmitted(false); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, e); } }
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License:Apache License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void addToIndex(FetchDocument doc) { byte[] content = doc.getContent(); if (0 == content.length) { logger.warn("Page has no data. Ignoring this document."); return;/*w w w. j a va2 s .c om*/ } Set<String> categories = doc.getCategories(); Map<String, Object> attributes = doc.getAttributes(); Map<String, Object> indexableAttributes = doc.getIndexableAttributes(); // build xml doc org.dom4j.Document dom = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = dom.addElement("documentAdd"); Page page = doc.getPage(); String text = doc.getText(); String url = page.getUrl(); String host = getHost(url); String title = doc.getTitle(titleLengthLimit); String tokenizedHost = tokenizeHost(host); String anchorText = getAnchorText(page); float categoryBoost = calculateCategoryBoost(attributes); float pagerankBoost = calculatePagerankBoost(page); float spamrankBoost = calculateSpamrankBoost(page); float logBoost = calculateLogBoost(page); float freshnessBoost = calculateFreshnessBoost(page); // add overall score float f1 = factor("category", categoryBoost, categoryBoostDamp); float f2 = factor("pagerank", pagerankBoost, pagerankBoostDamp); float f3 = factor("spamrank", spamrankBoost, spamrankBoostDamp); float f4 = factor("log", logBoost, logBoostDamp); float f5 = factor("freshness", freshnessBoost, freshnessBoostDamp); float f6 = ((Double) attributes.get("boost")).floatValue(); // as calculated by the boost module, or 1.0 if no boost module is defined. float boost = f1 * f2 * f3 * f4 * f5 * f6; // System.out.println("BOOST url=["+url+"] category="+f1+" ("+categoryBoost+":"+categoryBoostDamp+") pagerank="+f2+" ("+pagerankBoost+":"+pagerankBoostDamp+") log="+f3+" ("+logBoost+":"+logBoostDamp+") freshness="+f4+" ("+freshnessBoost+":"+freshnessBoostDamp+") moduleBoost="+f5+" Boost="+boost); if (boost < 1e-6f) { logger.warn("Boost too low! (" + boost + ") category=" + f1 + " (" + categoryBoost + ":" + categoryBoostDamp + ") pagerank=" + f2 + " (" + pagerankBoost + ":" + pagerankBoostDamp + ") spamrank=" + f3 + " (" + spamrankBoost + ":" + spamrankBoostDamp + ") log=" + f4 + " (" + logBoost + ":" + logBoostDamp + ") freshness=" + f5 + " (" + freshnessBoost + ":" + freshnessBoostDamp + ") moduleBoost=" + f6); boost = 1e-6f; } if (null == title || "".equals(title)) { title = "Untitled"; } root.addElement("boost").addText(String.valueOf(boost)); root.addElement("documentId").addText(getDocumentId(page)); Map<String, Double> boostMap = (Map<String, Double>) attributes.get("field_boost"); // add the search fields addField(root, "url", url, true, true, true, boostMap); addField(root, "site", host, true, true, false, boostMap); addField(root, "tokenizedHost", tokenizedHost, false, true, true, boostMap); addField(root, "title", title, true, true, true, boostMap); addField(root, "text", text, true, true, true, boostMap); addField(root, "anchor", anchorText, false, true, true, boostMap); addField(root, "crawl", crawlName, false, true, true, boostMap); if (sendContent) { addBody(root, doc, content); } // for debugging only //addField(root, "boostinfo", "category="+f1+" ("+categoryBoost+":"+categoryBoostDamp+") pagerank="+f2+" ("+pagerankBoost+":"+pagerankBoostDamp+") log="+f3+" ("+logBoost+":"+logBoostDamp+") freshness="+f4+" ("+freshnessBoost+":"+freshnessBoostDamp+") moduleBoost="+f5+" Boost="+boost, true, false, false, null); addAdditionalFields(root, page, boostMap); // Adding metainfo from attributes Set<Entry<String, Object>> attributeSet = indexableAttributes.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> attribute : attributeSet) { addField(root, attribute.getKey(), attribute.getValue() == null ? "" : attribute.getValue().toString(), true, true, true, boostMap); } StringBuffer assignedCategories = new StringBuffer(); if (null != categories) { // iterate through the classes the page belongs to add each category and its score for (Iterator<String> iter = categories.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { assignedCategories.append(; assignedCategories.append(" "); // repeat the field times proportional to the score (this is a way to boost the document by category); //for (int rep = 0; rep < score*10; rep++) { // addField(root, "categoryBoost", categ, false, true, false); //} } addField(root, "categories", assignedCategories.toString().trim(), true, true, true, boostMap); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Indexing dom: " + DomUtil.domToString(dom)); } // Send the document to the indexer. If the queue is full, wait and retry. try { int i = pageMapper.mapPage(page); while (indexers[i].index(dom) == IndexerReturnCode.RETRY_QUEUE_FULL) { try { Thread.sleep(indexerBusyRetryTime * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.debug("Sleep interrupted: " + e, e); } } page.setEmitted(true); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, e); } }
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License:Apache License
public void applyCommand(Object command) { if ("optimize".equals(command.toString())) {"optimize requested."); try {/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ org.dom4j.Document dom = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); dom.addElement("command").addAttribute("name", "optimize"); for (int i = 0; i < indexers.length; i++) { indexers[i].index(dom); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, e); } } else if ("delete".equals(command.toString())) { FetchDocument doc = ((CommandWithDoc) command).getDoc(); Page page = doc.getPage(); deleteFromIndex(page); } else if ("startCycle".equals(command.toString())) { PageDB pagedb = ((CommandWithPageDB) command).getPageDB(); scoreThreshold = new float[11]; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { scoreThreshold[i] = pagedb.getScoreThreshold(i * 10); } antiScoreThreshold = new float[11]; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { antiScoreThreshold[i] = pagedb.getAntiScoreThreshold(i * 10); } } }