Example usage for Java org.dom4j DocumentHelper fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
Attribute | createAttribute(Element owner, QName qname, String value) |
Attribute | createAttribute(Element owner, String name, String value) |
CDATA | createCDATA(String text) |
Comment | createComment(String text) |
Document | createDocument(Element rootElement) |
Document | createDocument() |
Element | createElement(QName qname) |
Element | createElement(String name) |
Entity | createEntity(String name, String text) |
Namespace | createNamespace(String prefix, String uri) |
Pattern | createPattern(String xpathPattern) |
ProcessingInstruction | createProcessingInstruction(String pi, String d) |
ProcessingInstruction | createProcessingInstruction(String pi, Map |
QName | createQName(String localName, Namespace namespace) |
QName | createQName(String localName) |
Text | createText(String text) |
XPath | createXPath(String xpathExpression) |
Element | makeElement(Branch source, String path) makeElement a helper method which navigates from the given Document or Element node to some Element using the path expression, creating any necessary elements along the way. |
Document | parseText(String text) |
List | selectNodes(String xpathFilterExpression, List |
List | selectNodes(String xpathFilterExpression, Node node) |
void | sort(List |
void | sort(List |