List of usage examples for org.dom4j DocumentFactory createElement
public Element createElement(String name)
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License:Apache License
private static void addStaticsPath(final Element el_in, final AssessmentInstance ai) { Element el_staticspath = (Element) el_in.selectSingleNode(STATICS_PATH); if (el_staticspath == null) { final DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); el_staticspath = df.createElement(STATICS_PATH); final Resolver resolver = ai.getResolver(); el_staticspath.addAttribute("ident", resolver.getStaticsBaseURI()); el_in.add(el_staticspath);//from w ww .j av a 2 s. c o m } }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext channelHandlerContext, Object object, List out) throws Exception { if (object instanceof Element) { Element root = (Element) object; try {/*w w w. j av a 2s.c om*/ Packet packet = recognizeAndReturnXmppPacket(root); validate(packet); out.add(packet); } catch (UnsupportedStanzaTypeException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new XmppValidationException(false); } } else if (object instanceof XMLEvent) { XMLEvent event = (XMLEvent) object; if (event.isStartElement()) { final StartElement element = event.asStartElement(); if (element.getName().getLocalPart().equals(XmppConstants.STREAM_QNAME)) { DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); QName qname = (element.getName().getPrefix() == null) ? df.createQName(element.getName().getLocalPart(), element.getName().getNamespaceURI()) : df.createQName(element.getName().getLocalPart(), element.getName().getPrefix(), element.getName().getNamespaceURI()); Element newElement = df.createElement(qname); Iterator nsIt = element.getNamespaces(); // add all relevant XML namespaces to Element while (nsIt.hasNext()) { Namespace ns = (Namespace); newElement.addNamespace(ns.getPrefix(), ns.getNamespaceURI()); } Iterator attrIt = element.getAttributes(); // add all attributes to Element while (attrIt.hasNext()) { Attribute attr = (Attribute); newElement.addAttribute(attr.getName().getLocalPart(), attr.getValue()); } XmppStreamOpen xmppStreamOpen = new XmppStreamOpen(newElement); validator.validateStream(xmppStreamOpen); out.add(xmppStreamOpen); } } else if (event.isEndElement()) { out.add(new XmppStreamClose()); } } }
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License:Open Source License
public static Element createElement(final String name) { final DocumentFactory factory = NonLazyUserDataDocumentFactory.getInstance(); return factory.createElement(name); }
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License:Open Source License
public static Element createElement(final QName qName) { final DocumentFactory factory = NonLazyUserDataDocumentFactory.getInstance(); return factory.createElement(qName); }
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License:Open Source License
protected org.dom4j.Element createElement(final org.dom4j.QName qName) { final DocumentFactory factory = NonLazyUserDataDocumentFactory.getInstance(); final org.dom4j.Element ret = factory.createElement(qName); final Object dta = getCopyOfUserData(); ret.setData(dta);/*from w w w . j ava2 s. c om*/ return ret; }
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License:Open Source License
public boolean createIndexFile(File indexFile, List<ComponentIndexBean> newIndexList) throws IOException { if (newIndexList == null || newIndexList.isEmpty() || indexFile == null) { return false; }//from ww w. ja v a 2 s. com XMLWriter xmlWriter = null; boolean created = false; try { // write to index final DocumentFactory docFactory = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); final Element components = docFactory.createElement(ELEM_COMPONENTS); Document newDoc = docFactory.createDocument(components); for (ComponentIndexBean b : newIndexList) { final Element elem = createXmlElement(b); if (elem != null) { components.add(elem); } } // 4 spaces OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(); format.setEncoding("UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ format.setIndentSize(4); format.setNewlines(true); xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(new FileOutputStream(indexFile), format); xmlWriter.write(newDoc); created = true; return true; } finally { if (xmlWriter != null) { try { xmlWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // } } if (!created && indexFile.exists()) { indexFile.delete(); // remove the wrong file. } } }
From source
License:Open Source License
Element createXmlElement(ComponentIndexBean indexBean) { if (indexBean == null) { return null; }//from w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m if (!indexBean.validRequired()) { return null; // no valid } final DocumentFactory docFactory = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); final Element component = docFactory.createElement(ComponentIndexManager.ELEM_COMPONENT); for (ComponentIndexNames in : ComponentIndexNames.values()) { final String value = indexBean.getValue(in); if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { continue; // not value } switch (in) { case name: case bundle_id: case version: case mvn_uri: case license_uri: case product: case image_mvn_uri: case types: case categories: case degradable: case compatibleStudioVersion: default: // attribute component.add(docFactory.createAttribute(component, in.getName(), value)); break; case description: case license: // child element final Element child = docFactory.createElement(in.getName()); child.setText(value); component.add(child); break; } } return component; }