Example usage for org.dom4j DocumentFactory createElement

List of usage examples for org.dom4j DocumentFactory createElement


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j DocumentFactory createElement.


public Element createElement(String name) 

Source Link


From source file:org.itracker.web.util.ImportExportUtilities.java

License:Open Source License

private static void addIdCollection(XMLWriter writer, List<? extends AbstractEntity> entities, String elName,
        String itName, String idPrefix) throws IOException {
    if (entities.size() > 0) {
        Element elTmp;//from www  .  j a  v  a 2s. c  o m
        final DocumentFactory factory = getDocumentFactory();
        final Element el = factory.createElement(elName);
        for (AbstractEntity c : entities) {
            elTmp = factory.createElement(itName);
            elTmp.setText(idPrefix + c.getId());

From source file:org.itracker.web.util.ImportExportUtilities.java

License:Open Source License

private static void addIssueFields(XMLWriter writer, List<IssueField> entities) throws IOException {
    if (entities.size() > 0) {
        Element elTmp;/* www . java2s  .com*/
        final DocumentFactory factory = getDocumentFactory();
        final Element el = factory.createElement(TAG_ISSUE_FIELDS);
        for (IssueField c : entities) {
            elTmp = factory.createElement(TAG_ISSUE_FIELD);
            elTmp.addAttribute(ATTR_ID, TAG_CUSTOM_FIELD + c.getId());

From source file:org.itracker.web.util.ImportExportUtilities.java

License:Open Source License

private static void addIssueAttachments(XMLWriter writer, List<IssueAttachment> entities) throws IOException {
    if (entities.size() > 0) {
        Element elTmp;/* w w  w . j  a  va2s. co m*/
        final DocumentFactory factory = getDocumentFactory();
        final Element el = factory.createElement(TAG_ISSUE_ATTACHMENTS);
        for (IssueAttachment c : entities) {
            elTmp = factory.createElement(TAG_ISSUE_ATTACHMENT);
            Properties pTmp = new Properties();
                    ITrackerResources.escapeUnicodeString(c.getDescription(), false));
                    ITrackerResources.escapeUnicodeString(c.getFileName(), false));
                    ITrackerResources.escapeUnicodeString(c.getOriginalFileName(), false));
            addCdataPropertyTags(writer, pTmp);

            pTmp.setProperty(TAG_ISSUE_ATTACHMENT_SIZE, String.valueOf(c.getSize()));
                    StringUtils.defaultString(c.getType(), "application/octet-stream"));
            pTmp.setProperty(TAG_ISSUE_ATTACHMENT_CREATOR, TAG_USER + c.getUser().getId());
            addPropertyTags(writer, pTmp);

From source file:org.itracker.web.util.ImportExportUtilities.java

License:Open Source License

private static void addIssueHistory(XMLWriter writer, List<IssueHistory> entities) throws IOException {
    if (entities.size() > 0) {
        Element elTmp;//from  ww  w. j  a v  a2s .  c  o m
        final DocumentFactory factory = getDocumentFactory();
        final Element el = factory.createElement(TAG_ISSUE_HISTORY);
        for (IssueHistory c : entities) {
            elTmp = factory.createElement(TAG_HISTORY_ENTRY);
            elTmp.addAttribute(ATTR_CREATOR_ID, TAG_USER + c.getUser().getId());
            elTmp.addAttribute(ATTR_DATE, DATE_FORMATTER.format(c.getCreateDate()));
            elTmp.addAttribute(ATTR_STATUS, String.valueOf(c.getStatus()));

            writer.write(factory.createCDATA(ITrackerResources.escapeUnicodeString(c.getDescription(), false)));

From source file:org.itracker.web.util.ImportExportUtilities.java

License:Open Source License

private static void addProjectComponents(XMLWriter writer, List<Component> entities) throws IOException {
    if (entities.size() > 0) {
        Element elTmp;/*  w w w . j av a 2 s  . co m*/
        final DocumentFactory factory = getDocumentFactory();
        final Element el = factory.createElement(TAG_COMPONENTS);
        for (Component c : entities) {
            elTmp = factory.createElement(TAG_COMPONENT);

            elTmp.addAttribute(ATTR_ID, TAG_CUSTOM_FIELD + c.getId());
            elTmp.addAttribute(ATTR_SYSTEMID, String.valueOf(c.getId()));

            Properties tags = new Properties();
            tags.setProperty(TAG_COMPONENT_NAME, ITrackerResources.escapeUnicodeString(c.getName(), false));
                    ITrackerResources.escapeUnicodeString(c.getDescription(), false));
            addCdataPropertyTags(writer, tags);

From source file:org.itracker.web.util.ImportExportUtilities.java

License:Open Source License

private static void addProjectVersions(XMLWriter writer, List<Version> entities) throws IOException {
    if (entities.size() > 0) {
        Element elTmp;//from  w ww  . j a v a 2 s . c o  m
        final DocumentFactory factory = getDocumentFactory();
        final Element el = factory.createElement(TAG_VERSIONS);
        for (Version c : entities) {
            elTmp = factory.createElement(TAG_VERSION);

            elTmp.addAttribute(ATTR_ID, TAG_VERSION + c.getId());
            elTmp.addAttribute(ATTR_SYSTEMID, String.valueOf(c.getId()));

            Properties tags = new Properties();
            tags.setProperty(TAG_VERSION_NUMBER, ITrackerResources.escapeUnicodeString(c.getNumber(), false));
                    ITrackerResources.escapeUnicodeString(c.getDescription(), false));
            addCdataPropertyTags(writer, tags);

From source file:org.mule.intents.AppBuilder.java

License:Open Source License

protected Document createMuleConfig() {
    DocumentFactory factory = DocumentFactory.getInstance();
    Element root = factory.createElement(new QName("mule", muleNS));
    root.addAttribute("version", app.getPlatformVersion());
    return DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument(root);

From source file:org.olat.core.gui.control.generic.textmarker.TextMarkerManagerImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * @see org.olat.core.gui.control.generic.textmarker.TextMarkerManager#saveToFile(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSLeaf, java.util.List)
 */// ww  w .j  a va  2s. c o m
public void saveToFile(VFSLeaf textMarkerFile, List textMarkerList) {
    DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance();
    Document doc = df.createDocument();
    // create root element with version information
    Element root = df.createElement(XML_ROOT_ELEMENT);
    root.addAttribute(XML_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, String.valueOf(VERSION));
    // add TextMarker elements
    Iterator iter = textMarkerList.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        TextMarker textMarker = (TextMarker) iter.next();
    OutputStream stream = textMarkerFile.getOutputStream(false);
    try {
        XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(stream);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        Tracing.logError("Error while saving text marker file", e, TextMarkerManagerImpl.class);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Tracing.logError("Error while saving text marker file", e, TextMarkerManagerImpl.class);

From source file:org.olat.ims.qti.qpool.QTIImportProcessor.java

License:Apache License

protected void processAssessmentFiles(QuestionItemImpl item, ItemInfos itemInfos) {
    //a package with an item
    String dir = item.getDirectory();
    String rootFilename = item.getRootFilename();
    VFSContainer container = qpoolFileStorage.getContainer(dir);
    VFSLeaf endFile = container.createChildLeaf(rootFilename);

    //embed in <questestinterop>
    DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance();
    Document itemDoc = df.createDocument();
    Element questestinteropEl = df.createElement(QTIDocument.DOCUMENT_ROOT);
    Element deepClone = (Element) itemInfos.getItemEl().clone();
    questestinteropEl.add(deepClone);//w  w  w  .j  av a  2s.  com

    try {
        OutputStream os = endFile.getOutputStream(false);
        XMLWriter xw = new XMLWriter(os, new OutputFormat("  ", true));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("", e);

    //there perhaps some other materials
    if (importedFilename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {
        processAssessmentMaterials(deepClone, container);

From source file:org.olat.ims.qti.render.ResultsBuilder.java

License:Apache License

 * Method getResDoc.//  ww w. j a v a  2  s . co m
 * @param ai The assessment instance
 * @param locale The users locale
 * @param identity
 * @return Document The XML document
public Document getResDoc(final AssessmentInstance ai, final Locale locale, final Identity identity) {
    final AssessmentContext ac = ai.getAssessmentContext();
    final DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance();
    final Document res_doc = df.createDocument();
    final Element root = df.createElement("qti_result_report");
    final Element result = root.addElement("result");
    final Element extension_result = result.addElement("extension_result");

    // add items (not qti standard, but nice to display original questions ->
    // put it into extensions)
    // extension_result.
    final int sectioncnt = ac.getSectionContextCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < sectioncnt; i++) {
        final SectionContext sc = ac.getSectionContext(i);
        final int itemcnt = sc.getItemContextCount();
        for (int j = 0; j < itemcnt; j++) {
            final ItemContext it = sc.getItemContext(j);
            final Element el_item = it.getEl_item();

    // add ims cp id for any media references
    addStaticsPath(extension_result, ai);

    // add assessment_result

    // Add User information
    final Element context = result.addElement("context");
    final User user = identity.getUser();
    final String name = user.getProperty(UserConstants.LASTNAME, locale) + " "
            + user.getProperty(UserConstants.FIRSTNAME, locale) + " (" + identity.getName() + ")";
    String instId = user.getProperty(UserConstants.INSTITUTIONALUSERIDENTIFIER, locale);
    final String instName = user.getProperty(UserConstants.INSTITUTIONALNAME, locale);

    if (instId == null) {
        instId = "N/A";

    String institution;
    if (instName == null) {
        institution = "N/A";
    } else {
        institution = instName;
    if (institution == null) {
        institution = "N/A";

    // Add institutional identifier (e.g. Matrikelnummer)
    final Element generic_identifier = context.addElement("generic_identifier");

    // Add start and stop date formatted as datetime
    final Element beginDate = context.addElement("date");
    beginDate.addElement("datetime").addText(Formatter.formatDatetime(new Date(ac.getTimeOfStart())));
    final Element stopDate = context.addElement("date");
    stopDate.addElement("datetime").addText(Formatter.formatDatetime(new Date(ac.getTimeOfStop())));

    final Element ares = result.addElement("assessment_result");
    ares.addAttribute("ident_ref", ac.getIdent());
    if (ac.getTitle() != null) {
        ares.addAttribute("asi_title", ac.getTitle());

    // process assessment score
    final Element a_score = ares.addElement("outcomes").addElement("score");
    a_score.addAttribute("varname", "SCORE");
    String strVal = StringHelper.formatFloat(ac.getScore(), 2);

    strVal = ac.getMaxScore() == -1.0f ? "N/A" : StringHelper.formatFloat(ac.getMaxScore(), 2);

    strVal = ac.getCutvalue() == -1.0f ? "N/A" : StringHelper.formatFloat(ac.getCutvalue(), 2);

    addElementText(ares, "duration", QTIHelper.getISODuration(ac.getDuration()));
    addElementText(ares, "num_sections", "" + ac.getSectionContextCount());
    addElementText(ares, "num_sections_presented", "0");
    addElementText(ares, "num_items", "" + ac.getItemContextCount());
    addElementText(ares, "num_items_presented", "" + ac.getItemsPresentedCount());
    addElementText(ares, "num_items_attempted", "" + ac.getItemsAttemptedCount());

    // add section_result
    final int secnt = ac.getSectionContextCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < secnt; i++) {
        final SectionContext secc = ac.getSectionContext(i);
        final Element secres = ares.addElement("section_result");
        secres.addAttribute("ident_ref", secc.getIdent());
        if (secc.getTitle() != null) {
            secres.addAttribute("asi_title", secc.getTitle());
        addElementText(secres, "duration", QTIHelper.getISODuration(secc.getDuration()));
        addElementText(secres, "num_items", "" + secc.getItemContextCount());
        addElementText(secres, "num_items_presented", "" + secc.getItemsPresentedCount());
        addElementText(secres, "num_items_attempted", "" + secc.getItemsAttemptedCount());

        // process section score
        final Element sec_score = secres.addElement("outcomes").addElement("score");
        sec_score.addAttribute("varname", "SCORE");
        strVal = secc.getScore() == -1.0f ? "N/A" : "" + StringHelper.formatFloat(secc.getScore(), 2);
        strVal = secc.getMaxScore() == -1.0f ? "N/A" : "" + StringHelper.formatFloat(secc.getMaxScore(), 2);
        strVal = secc.getCutValue() == -1 ? "N/A" : "" + secc.getCutValue();

        // iterate over all items in this section context
        final List itemsc = secc.getSectionItemContexts();
        for (final Iterator it_it = itemsc.iterator(); it_it.hasNext();) {
            final ItemContext itemc = (ItemContext) it_it.next();
            final Element itres = secres.addElement("item_result");
            itres.addAttribute("ident_ref", itemc.getIdent());
            itres.addAttribute("asi_title", itemc.getEl_item().attributeValue("title"));
            final Element it_duration = itres.addElement("duration");

            // process item score
            final DecimalVariable scoreVar = (DecimalVariable) (itemc.getVariables().getSCOREVariable());
            final Element it_score = itres.addElement("outcomes").addElement("score");
            it_score.addAttribute("varname", "SCORE");
                    .addText(StringHelper.formatFloat(scoreVar.getTruncatedValue(), 2));
            strVal = scoreVar.hasMinValue() ? "" + scoreVar.getMinValue() : "0.0";
            strVal = scoreVar.hasMaxValue() ? "" + scoreVar.getMaxValue() : "N/A";
            strVal = scoreVar.hasCutValue() ? "" + scoreVar.getCutValue() : "N/A";

            final Element el_item = itemc.getEl_item();
            final Map res_responsehash = new HashMap(3);

            // iterate over all responses of this item
            final List resps = el_item.selectNodes(
            for (final Iterator it_resp = resps.iterator(); it_resp.hasNext();) {
                final Element resp = (Element) it_resp.next();
                final String ident = resp.attributeValue("ident");
                final String rcardinality = resp.attributeValue("rcardinality");
                final String rtiming = resp.attributeValue("rtiming");

                // add new response
                final Element res_response = itres.addElement("response");
                res_response.addAttribute("ident_ref", ident);
                res_responsehash.put(ident, res_response); // enable lookup of
                // @identref of <response>
                // (needed with <varequal>
                // elements

                // add new response_form
                // <response_lid ident="MR01" rcardinality="Multiple" rtiming="No">
                final Element res_responseform = res_response.addElement("response_form");
                res_responseform.addAttribute("cardinality", rcardinality);
                res_responseform.addAttribute("timing", rtiming);
                final String respName = resp.getName();
                final String type = respName.substring(respName.indexOf("_") + 1);
                res_responseform.addAttribute("response_type", type);

                // add user answer
                final ItemInput itemInp = itemc.getItemInput();
                final Translator trans = Util.createPackageTranslator(QTIModule.class, locale);
                if (itemInp == null) { // user did not answer this question at all
                } else {
                    final List userAnswer = itemInp.getAsList(ident);
                    if (userAnswer == null) { // user did not answer this question at
                        // all
                    } else { // the user chose at least one option of an answer (did not
                             // simply click send)
                        for (final Iterator it_ans = userAnswer.iterator(); it_ans.hasNext();) {
                            res_response.addElement("response_value").addText((String) it_ans.next());


             * The simple element correct_response can only list correct elements, that is, no "or" or "and" elements may be in the conditionvar. Pragmatic solution:
             * if condition has ors or ands, then put whole conditionvar into <extension_response> (proprietary), and for easier cases (just "varequal" "not"
             * elements) use correct_response.

            final Map corr_answers = new HashMap(); // keys: respIdents, values: HashSet
            // of correct answers for this
            // respIdent
            final List respconds = el_item.selectNodes(".//respcondition");
            for (final Iterator it_respc = respconds.iterator(); it_respc.hasNext();) {
                final Element el_respc = (Element) it_respc.next();

                // check for add/set in setvar elements (check for single instance
                // only -> spec allows for multiple instances)
                final Element el_setvar = (Element) el_respc.selectSingleNode(".//setvar");
                if (el_setvar == null) {
                if (el_setvar.attributeValue("action").equals("Add")
                        || el_setvar.attributeValue("action").equals("Set")) {
                    // This resrocessing gives points -> assume correct answer
                    float numPoints = 0;
                    try {
                        numPoints = Float.parseFloat(el_setvar.getTextTrim());
                    } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    if (numPoints <= 0) {
                    Element conditionvar = (Element) el_respc.selectSingleNode(".//conditionvar");
                    // there is an evaluation defined (a "resprocessing" element exists)
                    // if (xpath(count(.//varequal) + count(.//not) = count(.//*)) is
                    // true, then there are only "not" and "varequal" elements
                    final XPath xCanHandle = DocumentHelper
                            .createXPath("count(.//varequal) + count(.//not) = count(.//*)");
                    boolean canHandle = xCanHandle.matches(conditionvar);
                    if (!canHandle) { // maybe we have <condvar> <and> <...>, try again
                        final Element el_and = (Element) conditionvar.selectSingleNode("and");
                        if (el_and != null) {
                            canHandle = xCanHandle.matches(el_and);
                            if (canHandle) { // simultate the el_and to be the conditionvar
                                conditionvar = el_and;
                        } else { // and finally, maybe we have an <or> element ..
                            final Element el_or = (Element) conditionvar.selectSingleNode("or");
                            if (el_or != null) {
                                canHandle = xCanHandle.matches(el_or);
                                if (canHandle) { // simultate the el_and to be the conditionvar
                                    conditionvar = el_or;

                    if (!canHandle) {
                        // qti res 1.2.1 can't handle it
                        final Element condcopy = conditionvar.createCopy();
                    } else {
                         * easy case: get all varequal directly under the conditionvar element and assume the "not" elements do not contain "not" elements again...
                         * <!ELEMENT response (qti_comment? , response_form? , num_attempts? , response_value* , extension_response?)> <!ELEMENT response_form
                         * (correct_response* , extension_responseform?)> <!ELEMENT correct_response (#PCDATA)>
                        final List vareqs = conditionvar.selectNodes("./varequal");
                        for (final Iterator it_vareq = vareqs.iterator(); it_vareq.hasNext();) {
                             * get the identifier of the response, so that we can attach the <correct_response> to the right <response> element quote: ims qti asi xml
                             * binding : <varequal> Element: respident (required). The identifier of the corresponding <response_lid>, <response_xy>, etc.
                             * element (this was assigned using its ident attribute).
                            final Element vareq = (Element) it_vareq.next();
                            final String respIdent = vareq.attributeValue("respident");
                            Set respIdent_corr_answers = (Set) corr_answers.get(respIdent);
                            if (respIdent_corr_answers == null) {
                                respIdent_corr_answers = new HashSet(3);
                            corr_answers.put(respIdent, respIdent_corr_answers);
                        } // for varequal
                    } // else varequal
                } // add/set setvar
            } // for resprocessing
            final Set resp_ids = corr_answers.keySet();
            for (final Iterator idents = resp_ids.iterator(); idents.hasNext();) {
                final String respIdent = (String) idents.next();
                final Set respIdent_corr_answers = (Set) corr_answers.get(respIdent);
                final Element res_response = (Element) res_responsehash.get(respIdent);
                final Element res_respform = res_response.element("response_form");
                for (final Iterator iter = respIdent_corr_answers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    final String answer = (String) iter.next();
        } // for response_xy
    return res_doc;