Example usage for org.dom4j Document addElement

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Document addElement


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Document addElement.


Element addElement(String name);

Source Link


Adds a new Element node with the given name to this branch and returns a reference to the new node.


From source file:com.dreikraft.axbo.sound.SoundPackageUtil.java

 * creates a package-info.xml from the SoundPackage Bean
 * @param soundPackage a SoundPackage Bean containing all the meta information
 * @return a dom4j document/*  www  . ja  v a2  s.c  o m*/
public static Document createPackageInfoXml(final SoundPackage soundPackage) {

    Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();

    Element rootNode = document.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds.toString());
            .addText(new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).format(soundPackage.getCreationDate()));

    Element securityNode = rootNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.security.toString());
            .addText("" + soundPackage.isSecurityEnforced());

    Element soundsNode = rootNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.sounds.toString());
    int id = 1;
    for (Sound sound : soundPackage.getSounds()) {
        Element soundNode = soundsNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.sound.toString());
        soundNode.addAttribute(SoundPackageAttributes.id.toString(), String.valueOf(id));

        Element axboFileNode = soundNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.axboFile.toString());

    return document;

From source file:com.dtolabs.client.services.JobDefinitionSerializer.java

License:Apache License

 * Serialize a script dispatch into jobs.xml format
 * @param dispatchdef the script dispatch descriptor
 * @return the XML Document/*from   w w  w .  j a  va 2  s  .  c om*/
 * @throws java.io.IOException if the input IDispatchedScript throws it when accessing script stream input.
public static Document serialize(final IDispatchedScript dispatchdef) throws IOException {
    if (null == dispatchdef) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot be null");
    final Document doc = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument();
    final Element root = doc.addElement("joblist");
    final String loglevelstr = ExecutionUtils.getMessageLogLevel(dispatchdef.getLoglevel(), Constants.MSG_INFO)

    final Element job = addJobBasic(root, "dispatch commandline job", loglevelstr);

    addScriptDispatch(dispatchdef, job);

    addNodefilters(job, dispatchdef.getNodeThreadcount(), dispatchdef.isKeepgoing(),
            dispatchdef.getNodeExcludePrecedence(), dispatchdef.getNodeFilter());

    return doc;

From source file:com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.cli.util.MvnPomInfoTool.java

License:Apache License

Document generateData() {
    Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
    Element el = doc.addElement("packages");
    String basepath = basedir.getAbsolutePath();
    if (basepath.endsWith("/")) {
        basepath = basepath.substring(0, basepath.length() - 1);
    }//from  ww  w. j a  va 2s.  c  om
    el.addAttribute("basedir", basepath);
    for (Iterator iterator = data.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        String file = (String) iterator.next();
        Map data = (Map) this.data.get(file);
        logger.info(file + ": " + data);
        Element pkgelem = el.addElement("package");
                data.get("artifactId") + "-" + data.get("version") + "." + data.get("packaging"));
        File f = new File(file);

        String relpom = file.substring(basepath.length() + 1);
        pkgelem.addAttribute("pom-path", relpom);

        String groupId = (String) data.get("groupId");
        String relpath = groupId.replaceAll("\\.", "/");
        pkgelem.addAttribute("repo-path", relpath);

    return doc;

From source file:com.dtolabs.shared.resources.ResourceXMLGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Generate and store the XML file//  w  ww.  j  a  v  a  2s . c om
 * @throws IOException on error
public void generate() throws IOException {
    final Document doc = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument();
    final Element root = doc.addElement("project");
    //iterate through entities in correct order
    for (final ResourceXMLParser.Entity entity : entities) {
        if (NODE_ENTITY_TAG.equals(entity.getResourceType())) {
            final Element ent = genEntityCommon(root, entity);
            genNode(ent, entity);

    if (null != file) {
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
        try {
            serializeDocToStream(out, doc);
        } finally {
    } else if (null != output) {
        serializeDocToStream(output, doc);

From source file:com.ethercis.compositionservice.CompositionService.java

License:Apache License

@QuerySetting(dialect = {
        @QuerySyntax(mode = I_ServiceRunMode.DialectSpace.STANDARD, httpMethod = "GET", method = "create", path = "vehr/composition", responseType = ResponseType.Json),
        @QuerySyntax(mode = I_ServiceRunMode.DialectSpace.EHRSCAPE, httpMethod = "POST", method = "post", path = "rest/v1/composition", responseType = ResponseType.Json) })
public Object create(I_SessionClientProperties props) throws Exception {

    auditSetter.handleProperties(getDataAccess(), props);
    String sessionId = auditSetter.getSessionId();
    String templateId = props.getClientProperty(I_CompositionService.TEMPLATE_ID, (String) null);
    UUID ehrId = retrieveEhrId(sessionId, props);

    UUID committerUuid = auditSetter.getCommitterUuid();
    UUID systemUuid = auditSetter.getSystemUuid();

    I_CompositionService.CompositionFormat format = I_CompositionService.CompositionFormat
            .valueOf(props.getClientProperty(I_CompositionService.FORMAT, "XML"));

    if ((format == CompositionFormat.FLAT || format == CompositionFormat.ECISFLAT)
            && (templateId == null || templateId.length() == 0))
        throw new ServiceManagerException(getGlobal(), SysErrorCode.USER_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME,
                "Template Id must be specified");

    //get body stuff
    String content = props.getClientProperty(Constants.REQUEST_CONTENT, (String) null);

    if (content == null)
        throw new ServiceManagerException(getGlobal(), SysErrorCode.USER_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME,
                "Content cannot be empty for a new composition");

    Integer contentLength = (Integer) props.getClientProperty(Constants.REQUEST_CONTENT_LENGTH, (Integer) 0);

    if (content.length() != contentLength)
        throw new ServiceManagerException(getGlobal(), SysErrorCode.USER_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME,
                "Content may be altered found length =" + content.length() + " expected:" + contentLength);

    //        String contentType = props.getClientProperty(Constants.REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE, "");

    UUID compositionId;// w ww.j  a  v  a 2  s.  co m

    switch (format) {
    case XML:
        CanonicalHandler canonicalHandler = new CanonicalHandler(knowledgeCache.getKnowledgeCache(), templateId,
        Composition composition = canonicalHandler.build(getGlobal(), content);
        templateId = composition.getArchetypeDetails().getTemplateId().getValue();
        I_CompositionAccess compositionAccess = I_CompositionAccess.getNewInstance(getDataAccess(), composition,
                DateTime.now(), ehrId);
        I_EntryAccess entryAccess = I_EntryAccess.getNewInstance(getDataAccess(), templateId, 0,
                compositionAccess.getId(), composition);
        compositionId = compositionAccess.commit(committerUuid, systemUuid, auditSetter.getDescription());

        //create an XML response
        Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
        Element root = document.addElement("compositionCreateRestResponseData");
        root.addElement("compositionUid").addText(encodeUuid(compositionId, 1));
                .addText(Constants.URI_TAG + "?" + encodeURI(null, compositionId, 1, null));
        global.getProperty().set(MethodName.RETURN_TYPE_PROPERTY, "" + MethodName.RETURN_XML);
        return document;

    case ECISFLAT:
        PvCompoHandler pvCompoHandler = new PvCompoHandler(this.getDataAccess(), templateId, null);
        Map<String, String> kvPairs = FlatJsonUtil
                .inputStream2Map(new StringReader(new String(content.getBytes())));
        compositionId = pvCompoHandler.storeComposition(ehrId, kvPairs, auditSetter.getCommitterUuid(),
                auditSetter.getSystemUuid(), auditSetter.getDescription());

        //create json response
        global.getProperty().set(MethodName.RETURN_TYPE_PROPERTY, "" + MethodName.RETURN_JSON);
        Map<String, Object> retmap = new HashMap<>();
        retmap.put("action", "CREATE");
        retmap.put(COMPOSITION_UID, encodeUuid(compositionId, 1));
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> metaref = MetaBuilder.add2MetaMap(null, "href",
                Constants.URI_TAG + "?" + encodeURI(null, compositionId, 1, null));
        return retmap;

    case FLAT:
        I_FlatJsonCompositionConverter flatJsonCompositionConverter = FlatJsonCompositionConverter
        Map flatMap = FlatJsonUtil.inputStream2Map(new StringReader(new String(content.getBytes())));
        Composition newComposition = flatJsonCompositionConverter.toComposition(templateId, flatMap);
        I_CompositionAccess access = I_CompositionAccess.getNewInstance(getDataAccess(), newComposition,
                DateTime.now(), ehrId);
        I_EntryAccess entry = I_EntryAccess.getNewInstance(getDataAccess(), templateId, 0, access.getId(),
        compositionId = access.commit(committerUuid, systemUuid, auditSetter.getDescription());
        //create json response
        global.getProperty().set(MethodName.RETURN_TYPE_PROPERTY, "" + MethodName.RETURN_JSON);
        retmap = new HashMap<>();
        retmap.put("action", "CREATE");
        retmap.put(COMPOSITION_UID, encodeUuid(compositionId, 1));
        metaref = MetaBuilder.add2MetaMap(null, "href",
                Constants.URI_TAG + "?" + encodeURI(null, compositionId, 1, null));
        return retmap;

        throw new ServiceManagerException(getGlobal(), SysErrorCode.USER_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME,
                "This format is not supported:" + format);

From source file:com.ewcms.content.particular.service.ProjectBasicService.java

License:Open Source License

public Document exportXml(List<Long> projectBasicIds) {
    Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();

    Element root = document.addElement("MetaDatas");
    Element metaViewData = root.addElement("MetaViewData");

    if (projectBasicIds.isEmpty())
        return document;

    for (Long projectBasicId : projectBasicIds) {
        ProjectBasic projectBasic = projectBasicDAO.get(projectBasicId);

        Element projects = metaViewData.addElement("PROPERTIES");

        Element code = projects.addElement("?");
        code.addText(projectBasic.getCode() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getCode());

        Element name = projects.addElement("??");
        name.addText(projectBasic.getName() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getName());

        Element buildTime = projects.addElement("");
        DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        if (projectBasic.getBuildTime() != null) {
        } else {// www. j  ava  2  s .  c o  m

        Element investmentScale = projects.addElement("");
                .addText(projectBasic.getInvestmentScale() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getInvestmentScale());

        Element overview = projects.addElement("");
        overview.addText(projectBasic.getOverview() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getOverview());

        Element buildUnit = projects.addElement("??");
        buildUnit.addText(projectBasic.getBuildUnit() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getBuildUnit());

        Element unitPhone = projects.addElement("????");
        unitPhone.addText(projectBasic.getUnitPhone() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getUnitPhone());

        Element unitAddress = projects.addElement("???");
        unitAddress.addText(projectBasic.getUnitAddress() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getUnitAddress());

        Element zoningCode_code = projects.addElement("?");
        if (projectBasic.getZoningCode() != null)
            zoningCode_code.addText(projectBasic.getZoningCode().getCode() == null ? ""
                    : projectBasic.getZoningCode().getCode());

        Element organizationCode = projects.addElement("?");
                .addText(projectBasic.getOrganizationCode() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getOrganizationCode());

        Element industryCode_code = projects.addElement("?");
        if (projectBasic.getIndustryCode() != null)
            industryCode_code.addText(projectBasic.getIndustryCode().getCode() == null ? ""
                    : projectBasic.getIndustryCode().getCode());

        Element category = projects.addElement("");
        category.addText(projectBasic.getCategory() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getCategory());

        Element unitId = projects.addElement("???");
        unitId.addText(projectBasic.getUnitId() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getUnitId());

        Element approvalRecord_code = projects.addElement("?");
        if (projectBasic.getApprovalRecord() != null)
            approvalRecord_code.addText(projectBasic.getApprovalRecord().getCode() == null ? ""
                    : projectBasic.getApprovalRecord().getCode());

        Element address = projects.addElement("?");
        address.addText(projectBasic.getAddress() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getAddress());

        Element bildNature = projects.addElement("");
        if (projectBasic.getBildNature() != null)
            bildNature.addText(projectBasic.getBildNature().getDescription() == null ? ""
                    : projectBasic.getBildNature().getDescription());

        Element contact = projects.addElement("?");
        contact.addText(projectBasic.getContact() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getContact());

        Element phone = projects.addElement("??");
        phone.addText(projectBasic.getPhone() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getPhone());

        Element email = projects.addElement("??");
        email.addText(projectBasic.getEmail() == null ? "" : projectBasic.getEmail());
    return document;

From source file:com.example.sample.pMainActivity.java

License:Apache License

public Document createXMLDocument() {
    Document doc = null;
    doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
    doc.addComment("edited with XMLSpy v2005 rel. 3 U (http://www.altova.com) by  ()");
    //  doc.addDocType("class","//By Jack Chen","saveXML.xsd");
    Element root = doc.addElement("class");
    Element company = root.addElement("company");
    Element person = company.addElement("person");
    person.addAttribute("id", "11");
    person.addElement("name").setText("Jack Chen");
    return doc;/*from   w  w  w . java 2  s.c  o  m*/

From source file:com.fivepebbles.ProcessFiles.java

License:MIT License

public void setFiles(String[][] valuesin) {

    //Create a XML file to hold AWS bucket names and related files/folders
    Document mydoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
    Element root = mydoc.addElement("s3backup");
    Element bucket1 = null;/*from w w w .  j a v a  2  s  .c  o  m*/

    for (int a1 = 0; a1 < valuesin.length; a1++) {

        for (int b1 = 0; b1 < valuesin[a1].length; b1++) {
            //Bucket names are in index 0
            if (b1 == 0) {
                bucket1 = root.addElement("bucket").addAttribute("name", valuesin[a1][b1]);
            } else {
                if (bucket1 != null & valuesin[a1][b1] != null) {
        bucket1 = null;

    //Save files and folders in file system
    FileWriter fWriter2;
    try {
        fWriter2 = new FileWriter(new File("target", "s3files.xml"));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        //***TODO*** log message

From source file:com.flaptor.hounder.crawler.modules.IndexerModule.java

License:Apache License

private void deleteFromIndex(Page page) {
    org.dom4j.Document dom = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
    Element root = dom.addElement("documentDelete");

    try {// w w w. j a va  2 s. co  m
        int i = pageMapper.mapPage(page);
        while (indexers[i].index(dom) == IndexerReturnCode.RETRY_QUEUE_FULL) {
            try {
                Thread.sleep(indexerBusyRetryTime * 1000);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                logger.debug("Sleep interrupted: " + e, e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error(e, e);

From source file:com.flaptor.hounder.crawler.modules.IndexerModule.java

License:Apache License

protected void addToIndex(FetchDocument doc) {

    byte[] content = doc.getContent();
    if (0 == content.length) {
        logger.warn("Page has no data. Ignoring this document.");
        return;/* w w w.  ja  va2s.  c o  m*/

    Set<String> categories = doc.getCategories();
    Map<String, Object> attributes = doc.getAttributes();
    Map<String, Object> indexableAttributes = doc.getIndexableAttributes();

    // build xml doc
    org.dom4j.Document dom = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
    Element root = dom.addElement("documentAdd");
    Page page = doc.getPage();
    String text = doc.getText();
    String url = page.getUrl();
    String host = getHost(url);
    String title = doc.getTitle(titleLengthLimit);
    String tokenizedHost = tokenizeHost(host);
    String anchorText = getAnchorText(page);

    float categoryBoost = calculateCategoryBoost(attributes);
    float pagerankBoost = calculatePagerankBoost(page);
    float spamrankBoost = calculateSpamrankBoost(page);
    float logBoost = calculateLogBoost(page);
    float freshnessBoost = calculateFreshnessBoost(page);

    // add overall score
    float f1 = factor("category", categoryBoost, categoryBoostDamp);
    float f2 = factor("pagerank", pagerankBoost, pagerankBoostDamp);
    float f3 = factor("spamrank", spamrankBoost, spamrankBoostDamp);
    float f4 = factor("log", logBoost, logBoostDamp);
    float f5 = factor("freshness", freshnessBoost, freshnessBoostDamp);
    float f6 = ((Double) attributes.get("boost")).floatValue(); // as calculated by the boost module, or 1.0 if no boost module is defined.
    float boost = f1 * f2 * f3 * f4 * f5 * f6;

    // System.out.println("BOOST url=["+url+"]  category="+f1+" ("+categoryBoost+":"+categoryBoostDamp+")  pagerank="+f2+" ("+pagerankBoost+":"+pagerankBoostDamp+")  log="+f3+" ("+logBoost+":"+logBoostDamp+")  freshness="+f4+" ("+freshnessBoost+":"+freshnessBoostDamp+") moduleBoost="+f5+"  Boost="+boost);

    if (boost < 1e-6f) {
        logger.warn("Boost too low! (" + boost + ")  category=" + f1 + " (" + categoryBoost + ":"
                + categoryBoostDamp + ")  pagerank=" + f2 + " (" + pagerankBoost + ":" + pagerankBoostDamp
                + ")  spamrank=" + f3 + " (" + spamrankBoost + ":" + spamrankBoostDamp + ")  log=" + f4 + " ("
                + logBoost + ":" + logBoostDamp + ")  freshness=" + f5 + " (" + freshnessBoost + ":"
                + freshnessBoostDamp + ") moduleBoost=" + f6);
        boost = 1e-6f;

    if (null == title || "".equals(title)) {
        title = "Untitled";


    Map<String, Double> boostMap = (Map<String, Double>) attributes.get("field_boost");

    // add the search fields
    addField(root, "url", url, true, true, true, boostMap);
    addField(root, "site", host, true, true, false, boostMap);
    addField(root, "tokenizedHost", tokenizedHost, false, true, true, boostMap);
    addField(root, "title", title, true, true, true, boostMap);
    addField(root, "text", text, true, true, true, boostMap);
    addField(root, "anchor", anchorText, false, true, true, boostMap);
    addField(root, "crawl", crawlName, false, true, true, boostMap);

    if (sendContent) {
        addBody(root, doc, content);

    // for debugging only
    //addField(root, "boostinfo", "category="+f1+" ("+categoryBoost+":"+categoryBoostDamp+")  pagerank="+f2+" ("+pagerankBoost+":"+pagerankBoostDamp+")  log="+f3+" ("+logBoost+":"+logBoostDamp+")  freshness="+f4+" ("+freshnessBoost+":"+freshnessBoostDamp+") moduleBoost="+f5+"  Boost="+boost, true, false, false, null);

    addAdditionalFields(root, page, boostMap);

    // Adding metainfo from attributes
    Set<Entry<String, Object>> attributeSet = indexableAttributes.entrySet();
    for (Entry<String, Object> attribute : attributeSet) {
        addField(root, attribute.getKey(), attribute.getValue() == null ? "" : attribute.getValue().toString(),
                true, true, true, boostMap);

    StringBuffer assignedCategories = new StringBuffer();
    if (null != categories) {
        // iterate through the classes the page belongs to add each category and its score
        for (Iterator<String> iter = categories.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            assignedCategories.append(" ");

            // repeat the field times proportional to the score (this is a way to boost the document by category);
            //for (int rep = 0; rep < score*10; rep++) {
            //    addField(root, "categoryBoost", categ, false, true, false);
        addField(root, "categories", assignedCategories.toString().trim(), true, true, true, boostMap);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Indexing dom: " + DomUtil.domToString(dom));
    // Send the document to the indexer. If the queue is full, wait and retry.
    try {
        int i = pageMapper.mapPage(page);
        while (indexers[i].index(dom) == IndexerReturnCode.RETRY_QUEUE_FULL) {
            try {
                Thread.sleep(indexerBusyRetryTime * 1000);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                logger.debug("Sleep interrupted: " + e, e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error(e, e);