Java tutorial
package com.dreikraft.axbo.sound; import com.dreikraft.axbo.beanutils.EnumConverter; import com.dreikraft.axbo.crypto.CryptoException; import com.dreikraft.axbo.crypto.CryptoUtil; import com.dreikraft.axbo.util.ByteUtil; import com.dreikraft.axbo.util.FileUtil; import com.dreikraft.axbo.util.StringUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.locale.converters.DateLocaleConverter; import org.apache.commons.digester3.Digester; import org.apache.commons.digester3.ExtendedBaseRules; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; /** * Utilities for saving, restoring and verifying a Soundpackage file. * * @author jan_solo * @author $Author: illetsch $ * @version $Revision */ public class SoundPackageUtil { /** * the commons logger category */ public static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SoundPackageUtil.class); /** * blank character {@value} */ public static final String SP = " "; /** * slash character {@value} */ public static final String SL = "/"; /** * the default encoding for the xml files and streams {@value} */ public static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8"; /** * the buffer size of the file buffer {@value} */ public static final int BUF_SIZE = 1024; public static final String SOUND_DATA_FILE_EXT = ".axs"; public static final String SOUNDS_PATH_PREFIX = "sounds"; public static final String pattern = "dd MM yyyy HH:mm"; public static final DateLocaleConverter dateConverter = new DateLocaleConverter(Locale.getDefault(), pattern); public static final int WAV_PREAMBEL_LEN = 0x3A; public static final String PACKAGE_INFO = "package-info.xml"; private static final String PUBLIC_KEY_HASH = "E9 A1 51 5A A1 FA 27 AE DA C7 B0 00 9B 86 E9 85"; private static final String PUBLIC_KEY_FILE = "/resources/"; private static final String LICENSE_KEY_ENTRY = "license.key"; /** * Enumeration with all node types of the package-info.xml. */ public static enum SoundPackageNodes { axboSounds, packageName, creator, creationDate, security, serialNumber, enforced, sounds, sound, displayName, axboFile, path, type }; /** * Enumeration with all possible attributes of the package-info.xml. */ public static enum SoundPackageAttributes { id }; static { ConvertUtils.register(new EnumConverter(), SoundType.class); ConvertUtils.register(dateConverter, Date.class); } /** * Reads meta information from package-info.xml (as stream) * * @param packageInfoXmlStream the package-info.xml FileInputStream * @return the sound package info read from the stream * @throws com.dreikraft.infactory.sound.SoundPackageException encapsulates * all low level (IO) exceptions */ public static SoundPackage readPackageInfo(InputStream packageInfoXmlStream) throws SoundPackageException { Digester digester = new Digester(); digester.setValidating(false); digester.setRules(new ExtendedBaseRules()); digester.addObjectCreate(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds.toString(), SoundPackage.class); digester.addBeanPropertySetter(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.packageName, "name"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.creator, "creator"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.creationDate, "creationDate"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + + SL + SoundPackageNodes.serialNumber, "serialNumber"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter( SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + + SL + SoundPackageNodes.enforced, "securityEnforced"); digester.addObjectCreate(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sounds, ArrayList.class); digester.addSetNext(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sounds, "setSounds"); digester.addObjectCreate( SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sound, Sound.class); digester.addSetNext( SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sound, "add"); digester.addSetProperties( SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sound, "id", "id"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sound + SL + SoundPackageNodes.displayName, "name"); digester.addObjectCreate(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sound + SL + SoundPackageNodes.axboFile, SoundFile.class); digester.addSetNext(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sound + SL + SoundPackageNodes.axboFile, "setAxboFile"); digester.addBeanPropertySetter(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sound + SL + SoundPackageNodes.axboFile + SL + SoundPackageNodes.path); digester.addBeanPropertySetter(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sounds + SL + SoundPackageNodes.sound + SL + SoundPackageNodes.axboFile + SL + SoundPackageNodes.type); try { SoundPackage soundPackage = (SoundPackage) digester.parse(packageInfoXmlStream); return soundPackage; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SoundPackageException(ex); } } /** * retrieves an entry from the package file (ZIP file) * * @param packageFile the sound package file * @param entryName the name of the entry in the ZIP file * @throws com.dreikraft.infactory.sound.SoundPackageException encapsulates * all low level (IO) exceptions * @return the entry data as stream */ public static InputStream getPackageEntryStream(File packageFile, String entryName) throws SoundPackageException { if (packageFile == null) { throw new SoundPackageException(new IllegalArgumentException("missing package file")); } InputStream keyIn = null; try { ZipFile packageZip = new ZipFile(packageFile); // get key from package ZipEntry keyEntry = packageZip.getEntry(LICENSE_KEY_ENTRY); keyIn = packageZip.getInputStream(keyEntry); Key key = CryptoUtil.unwrapKey(keyIn, PUBLIC_KEY_FILE); // read entry ZipEntry entry = packageZip.getEntry(entryName); return new ZipClosingInputStream(packageZip, CryptoUtil.decryptInput(packageZip.getInputStream(entry), key)); } catch (ZipException ex) { throw new SoundPackageException(ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SoundPackageException(ex); } catch (CryptoException ex) { throw new SoundPackageException(ex); } finally { try { if (keyIn != null) { keyIn.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } /** * Extracts the packageFile and writes its content in temporary directory * * @param packageFile the packageFile (zip format) * @param tempDir the tempDir directory */ public static void extractPackage(File packageFile, File tempDir) throws SoundPackageException { if (packageFile == null) { throw new SoundPackageException(new IllegalArgumentException("missing package file")); } ZipFile packageZip = null; try { packageZip = new ZipFile(packageFile); Enumeration<?> entries = packageZip.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement(); String entryName = entry.getName(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("ZipEntry name: " + entryName); } if (entry.isDirectory()) { File dir = new File(tempDir, entryName); if (dir.mkdirs())"successfully created dir: " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); } else { FileUtil.createFileFromInputStream(getPackageEntryStream(packageFile, entryName), tempDir + File.separator + entryName); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new SoundPackageException(ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SoundPackageException(ex); } finally { try { if (packageZip != null) packageZip.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } /** * saves a sound package with all meta information and audio files to a ZIP * file and creates the security tokens. * * @param packageFile the zip file, where the soundpackage should be stored * @param soundPackage the sound package info * @throws com.dreikraft.infactory.sound.SoundPackageException encapsulates * all low level (IO) exceptions */ public static void exportSoundPackage(final File packageFile, final SoundPackage soundPackage) throws SoundPackageException { if (packageFile == null) { throw new SoundPackageException(new IllegalArgumentException("null package file")); } if (packageFile.delete()) {"successfully deleted file: " + packageFile.getAbsolutePath()); } ZipOutputStream out = null; InputStream in = null; try { out = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(packageFile)); out.setLevel(9); // write package info writePackageInfoZipEntry(soundPackage, out); // create path entries ZipEntry soundDir = new ZipEntry(SOUNDS_PATH_PREFIX + SL); out.putNextEntry(soundDir); out.flush(); out.closeEntry(); // write files for (Sound sound : soundPackage.getSounds()) { File axboFile = new File(sound.getAxboFile().getPath()); in = new FileInputStream(axboFile); writeZipEntry(SOUNDS_PATH_PREFIX + SL + axboFile.getName(), out, in); in.close(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new SoundPackageException(ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SoundPackageException(ex); } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("failed to close ZipOutputStream", ex); } } try { if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("failed to close FileInputStream", ex); } } } private static void writePackageInfoZipEntry(final SoundPackage soundPackage, final ZipOutputStream out) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { // write xml to temporary byte array, because of stripping problems, when // directly writing to encrypted stream ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); format.setEncoding(ENCODING); XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(bOut, format); writer.setEscapeText(true); writer.write(createPackageInfoXml(soundPackage)); writer.close(); // write temporary byte array to encrypet zip entry ByteArrayInputStream bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bOut.toByteArray()); writeZipEntry(PACKAGE_INFO, out, bIn); } private static void writeZipEntry(final String entryName, final ZipOutputStream out, final InputStream in) throws IOException { try { ZipEntry fileEntry = new ZipEntry(entryName); out.putNextEntry(fileEntry); final byte[] buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; int avail; while ((avail = != -1) { out.write(buf, 0, avail); } } finally { out.flush(); out.closeEntry(); } } /** * creates a package-info.xml from the SoundPackage Bean * * @param soundPackage a SoundPackage Bean containing all the meta information * @return a dom4j document */ public static Document createPackageInfoXml(final SoundPackage soundPackage) { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); document.setXMLEncoding(ENCODING); Element rootNode = document.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.axboSounds.toString()); rootNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.packageName.toString()).addText(soundPackage.getName()); rootNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.creator.toString()).addText(soundPackage.getCreator()); rootNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.creationDate.toString()) .addText(new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).format(soundPackage.getCreationDate())); Element securityNode = rootNode.addElement(; securityNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.serialNumber.toString()).addText(soundPackage.getSerialNumber()); securityNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.enforced.toString()) .addText("" + soundPackage.isSecurityEnforced()); Element soundsNode = rootNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.sounds.toString()); int id = 1; for (Sound sound : soundPackage.getSounds()) { Element soundNode = soundsNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.sound.toString()); soundNode.addAttribute(, String.valueOf(id)); soundNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.displayName.toString()).addText(sound.getName()); Element axboFileNode = soundNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.axboFile.toString()); axboFileNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.path.toString()).setText(sound.getAxboFile().extractName()); axboFileNode.addElement(SoundPackageNodes.type.toString()) .setText(sound.getAxboFile().getType().toString()); id++; } return document; } /** * verifies the security token of the SoundPackage. Verifies that the * SoundPackage has not been altered * * @param packageFile the SoundPackage ZIP file * @return true if the sound package has not been altered. False if somebody * changed the contents of the sound package. */ public static boolean verifyPackage(File packageFile) { try { // check, whether the public key file has not been changed byte[] pubKeyBytes = CryptoUtil.readKey(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE); if (!PUBLIC_KEY_HASH.equals(ByteUtil.dumpByteArray(CryptoUtil.calcMD5(pubKeyBytes)).trim())) { return false; } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); return false; } } /** * calculate the size of all audio files in this package that will be uploaded * to the aXbo clock. * * @param soundPackage * @return */ public static long calculateSoundFilesSize(SoundPackage soundPackage) { int size = 0; for (Sound sound : soundPackage.getSounds()) { File f = new File(sound.getAxboFile().getPath()); size += (f.length() - WAV_PREAMBEL_LEN); } return size; } /** * Checks if for every {@link Sound} object a name and axbo file was set. * Return * <CODE>null</CODE> if all names and files were provided otherwise a * {@link String} with the bundle key for the error message is returned. * * @param sounds <CODE>List</CODE> with {@link Sound} objects * @return <CODE>null</CODE> if all names and files are set otherwise return * {@link String} with resource bundle key for the according error message. */ public static void validateSoundPackage(SoundPackage soundPackage) throws SoundPackageException { // check if soundpackage name was typed in if (StringUtil.isEmpty(soundPackage.getName())) { throw new MissingSoundPackageNameException(); } // check if serial number is empty if (StringUtil.isEmpty(soundPackage.getSerialNumber())) { throw new MissingSerialNumberException(); } // check if every sound is complete List<Sound> sounds = soundPackage.getSounds(); for (Sound sound : sounds) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sound.getName())) { throw new MissingSoundNameException(); } if (sound.getAxboFile() == null) { throw new MissingSoundFileException(); } } } public static File validateSoundPackageFilename(File f) { String filename = f.getName(); if (!filename.endsWith(SOUND_DATA_FILE_EXT)) { return new File(f.getPath() + SOUND_DATA_FILE_EXT); } else { return f; } } }