Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheetAt

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheetAt


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheetAt.


Sheet getSheetAt(int index);

Source Link


Get the Sheet object at the given index.


From source file:net.ceos.project.poi.annotated.core.MaskTest.java

License:Apache License

 * /*from w w  w. ja  va  2 s .co  m*/
 * Test the marshal/unmarshal of one object applying mask at the Double
 * attribute with {@link XlsElement}
@Test(dataProvider = "dataProvider")
public void checkDoubleTransformMask(ObjectMask charger, Workbook wb) throws Exception {
    // transform double attributes
    Cell cellDouble1 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 11);
    assertEquals(Double.valueOf(cellDouble1.getStringCellValue()), charger.getDoubleAttribute4());

    Cell cellDouble2 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 12);
    assertEquals(Double.valueOf(cellDouble2.getStringCellValue()), charger.getDoubleAttribute5());

From source file:net.ceos.project.poi.annotated.core.MaskTest.java

License:Apache License

 * /*from w w w . j a  v  a2 s  .  c  o  m*/
 * Test the marshal/unmarshal of one object applying mask at the Float
 * attribute with {@link XlsElement}
// @Test(dataProvider = "dataProvider")
public void checkFloatFormatMask(ObjectMask charger, Workbook wb) throws Exception {
    // FIX this problem : incorrect application of the mask
    // format float attributes
    Cell cellFloat1 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 20);
    assertEquals(cellFloat1.getNumericCellValue(), charger.getFloatAttribute2());

    Cell cellFloat2 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 21);
    assertEquals(cellFloat2.getNumericCellValue(), charger.getFloatAttribute3());

From source file:net.ceos.project.poi.annotated.core.MaskTest.java

License:Apache License

 * //  w  w w.ja v a2s.c o  m
 * Test the marshal/unmarshal of one object applying mask at the Float
 * attribute with {@link XlsElement}
@Test(dataProvider = "dataProvider")
public void checkFloatTransformMask(ObjectMask charger, Workbook wb) throws Exception {
    // transform float attributes
    Cell cellFloat1 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 22);
    String floatStr1 = charger.getFloatAttribute4().toString();
    assertEquals(cellFloat1.getStringCellValue().startsWith(floatStr1.substring(0, floatStr1.length() - 1)),

    Cell cellFloat2 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 23);
    String floatStr2 = String.valueOf(charger.getFloatAttribute5());
    assertEquals(cellFloat2.getStringCellValue().startsWith(floatStr2.substring(0, floatStr2.length() - 1)),

From source file:net.ceos.project.poi.annotated.core.MaskTest.java

License:Apache License

 * // ww w .  ja v a 2  s  . c o  m
 * Test the marshal/unmarshal of one object applying mask at the BigDecimal
 * attribute with {@link XlsElement}
@Test(dataProvider = "dataProvider")
public void checkBigDecimalTransformMask(ObjectMask charger, Workbook wb) throws Exception {
    // transform bigdecimal attributes
    Cell cellBD1 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 16);

    Cell cellBD2 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 17);

    Cell cellBD3 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 18);

From source file:net.ceos.project.poi.annotated.core.MaskTest.java

License:Apache License

 * //w  w w . j a v a 2 s .co  m
 * Test the marshal/unmarshal of one object applying mask at the Boolean
 * attribute with {@link XlsElement}
@Test(dataProvider = "dataProvider")
public void checkBooleanFormatMask(ObjectMask charger, Workbook wb) throws Exception {
    // format boolean attributes
    Cell cellBool1 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 27);
    assertNotEquals(cellBool1.getStringCellValue(), "No No");
    assertEquals(charger.isBooleanAttribute4(), cellBool1.getStringCellValue().equals("false") ? false : true);

From source file:net.ceos.project.poi.annotated.core.MaskTest.java

License:Apache License

 * /*from   ww  w  .j a  v  a 2  s.  c o  m*/
 * Test the marshal/unmarshal of one object applying mask at the Boolean
 * attribute with {@link XlsElement}
@Test(dataProvider = "dataProvider")
public void checkBooleanTransformMask(ObjectMask charger, Workbook wb) throws Exception {
    // transform boolean attributes
    Cell cellBool1 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 24);
    assertEquals(charger.isBooleanAttribute1(), parserBoolean(cellBool1.getStringCellValue(), "Yes/No"));

    Cell cellBool2 = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 26);
            Boolean.valueOf(parserBoolean(cellBool2.getStringCellValue(), "Oui/Non")));

From source file:net.ceos.project.poi.annotated.core.MaskTest.java

License:Apache License

 * /*from   w ww .  j  a v  a 2s .co  m*/
 * Test the marshal/unmarshal of one object applying mask at the Boolean
 * attribute with {@link XlsElement}
@Test(dataProvider = "dataProvider")
public void checkIntegerFormatMask(ObjectMask charger, Workbook wb) throws Exception {
    // transform integer attributes
    Cell cellInteger = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 28);
    assertEquals(charger.getIntegerAttribute1(), Integer.valueOf((int) cellInteger.getNumericCellValue()));
    assertEquals(parserNumeric(charger.getIntegerAttribute1(), "0.0"), cellInteger.getNumericCellValue());

From source file:net.ceos.project.poi.annotated.core.MaskTest.java

License:Apache License

 * //from ww  w  .j a v a2 s .  co  m
 * Test the marshal/unmarshal of one object applying mask at the Boolean
 * attribute with {@link XlsElement}
@Test(dataProvider = "dataProvider")
public void checkIntegerTransformMask(ObjectMask charger, Workbook wb) throws Exception {
    // transform integer attributes
    Cell cellInteger = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 29);
    assertEquals(String.valueOf(parserNumeric(charger.getIntAttribute2(), "0.0")),

From source file:net.ceos.project.poi.annotated.core.MaskTest.java

License:Apache License

 * /*www  .j  a  v a  2 s.  c o  m*/
 * Test the marshal/unmarshal of one object applying mask at the Boolean
 * attribute with {@link XlsElement}
@Test(dataProvider = "dataProvider")
public void checkShortFormatMask(ObjectMask charger, Workbook wb) throws Exception {
    // transform short attributes
    Cell cellShort = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 30);
    assertEquals(charger.getShortAttribute1(), (short) cellShort.getNumericCellValue());
    assertEquals(parserNumeric(charger.getShortAttribute1(), "0.0000"), cellShort.getNumericCellValue());

From source file:net.ceos.project.poi.annotated.core.MaskTest.java

License:Apache License

 * //from  ww  w .j a v  a 2  s .  c o m
 * Test the marshal/unmarshal of one object applying mask at the Boolean
 * attribute with {@link XlsElement}
@Test(dataProvider = "dataProvider")
public void checkShortTransformMask(ObjectMask charger, Workbook wb) throws Exception {
    // transform short attributes
    Cell cellShort = extractCell(charger, wb.getSheetAt(0), 31);
    assertEquals(String.valueOf(parserNumeric(charger.getShortAttribute2(), "0.0")),