Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheetAt

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheetAt


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook getSheetAt.


Sheet getSheetAt(int index);

Source Link


Get the Sheet object at the given index.


From source file:com.lw.common.utils.ExcelUtil.java

public <T> Workbook batchImportFailList(String modelPath, List<T> objectList, Class<T> modelClass,
        Map<String, String> columnMap) throws Exception {
    //??excel//  w  w w. ja  va  2 s. c om
    File localfile = new File("D:\\lw7068\\Desktop\\ (4)\\??.xlsx");
    InputStream in = new FileInputStream(localfile);
    // ?
    Workbook book = new XSSFWorkbook(in);
    // ?sheet
    Sheet sheet = book.getSheetAt(0);
    Row titleRow = sheet.getRow(0);
    Map<String, Integer> rowIndex = getTitleRowIndex(titleRow);
    Map<Integer, Method> methodsIndex = getRowIndexAndGetMethod(titleRow, rowIndex, modelClass, columnMap);
    for (int i = 0; i < objectList.size(); i++) {
        //excelindex   ??? 
        Map<Integer, String> dataMap = getRowIndexAndData(titleRow, objectList.get(i), methodsIndex);
        Row row = sheet.createRow(i + 1);
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : dataMap.entrySet()) {
            Cell cell = row.createCell(entry.getKey());
    return book;

From source file:com.mec.DAO.Superior.SuperiorDAO.java

public Map<String, List<String>> getAll() throws IOException {
    Map<String, List<String>> s = new HashMap<>();
    ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    InputStream is = classloader.getResourceAsStream("superior.xlsx");
    Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(is);
    Sheet datatypeSheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
    for (Row row : datatypeSheet) {
        Cell cue = row.getCell(0);/*from  w  w  w.java  2 s.  co  m*/
        Cell carrera = row.getCell(1);
        if (cue != null && carrera != null && !cue.toString().isEmpty()) {
            if (s.containsKey(carrera.toString())) {
            } else {
                List<String> aux = new ArrayList<>();
                s.put(carrera.toString(), aux);
            //list.add(new Superior(cue.toString(), carrera.toString()));
    return s;

From source file:com.mec.DAO.Superior.SuperiorDAO.java

public Map<String, List<String>> getByFiltro(String filtro) throws IOException {
    Map<String, List<String>> s = new HashMap<>();
    ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    InputStream is = classloader.getResourceAsStream("superior.xlsx");
    Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(is);
    Sheet datatypeSheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);

    for (Row row : datatypeSheet) {

        Cell cue = row.getCell(0);// ww w.j a  v  a2  s  . co m
        Cell carrera = row.getCell(1);

        if (cue != null && carrera != null && !cue.toString().isEmpty()
                && clean((carrera.toString())).contains(clean(filtro))) {

            if (s.containsKey(carrera.toString())) {
            } else {
                List<String> aux = new ArrayList<>();
                s.put(carrera.toString(), aux);


    return s;

From source file:com.mec.Services.VoteroService.java

private Map<String, List<Establecimiento>> getFromExcel() throws IOException {
    Map<String, List<Establecimiento>> s = new HashMap<>();
    ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    InputStream is = classloader.getResourceAsStream("votero.xlsx");
    Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(is);
    Sheet datatypeSheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
    for (Row row : datatypeSheet) {
        Cell cue = row.getCell(0);/*w  ww  .j  a  v a  2  s  .c  om*/
        Cell anexo = row.getCell(1);
        Cell circuito = row.getCell(3);
        Cell desde = row.getCell(4);
        Cell hasta = row.getCell(5);
        Cell total = row.getCell(6);
        if (cue != null && anexo != null && !cue.toString().isEmpty()) {

            if (s.containsKey(circuito.toString())) {
                EstablecimientoPost est = establecimientosDAO.getByCueAnexo(Integer.parseInt(cue.toString()),
                s.get(circuito.toString()).add(new Establecimiento(est, Integer.parseInt(desde.toString()),
                        Integer.parseInt(hasta.toString()), Integer.parseInt(total.toString())));
            } else {
                List<Establecimiento> aux = new ArrayList<>();
                EstablecimientoPost est = establecimientosDAO.getByCueAnexo(Integer.parseInt(cue.toString()),
                aux.add(new Establecimiento(est, Integer.parseInt(desde.toString()),
                        Integer.parseInt(hasta.toString()), Integer.parseInt(total.toString())));
                s.put(circuito.toString(), aux);
    return s;

From source file:com.mimp.controllers.reporte.java

    public void ReporteOrganismo(ModelMap map, HttpSession session, HttpServletResponse response) {
        Personal usuario = (Personal) session.getAttribute("usuario");
        Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
        try {//from  w  ww  . j a v  a2 s . c om
            //Se llama a la plantilla localizada en la ruta

            //            InputStream inp = new FileInputStream("C:\\Plantillas\\OrgAcred.xlsx");
            InputStream inp = new FileInputStream("/opt/Plantillas/OrgAcred.xlsx");

            wb = WorkbookFactory.create(inp);
            Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);

            //Aqu va el query que consigue los datos de la tabla
            //ArrayList<Organismo> listaorg = ServicioPersonal.ListaOrganismos();
            ArrayList<Organismo> listaorg = ServicioReporte.ReporteOrganismo2();

            int i = 1;
            for (Organismo org : listaorg) {
                Row row = sheet.createRow(i);

                Cell cell = row.createCell(0);
                cell = row.createCell(1);
                cell = row.createCell(2);
                cell = row.createCell(3);
                cell = row.createCell(4);
                String fechaVenc = "";
                try {
                    fechaVenc = format.dateToString(org.getEntidad().getFechaVenc());
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                cell = row.createCell(5);
                for (Iterator iter = org.getRepresentantes().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    Representante rep = (Representante) iter.next();
                    cell.setCellValue(rep.getNombre() + " " + rep.getApellidoP());
                cell = row.createCell(6);

        } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
                    "attachment; filename=Registro del nmero Organismos Acreditados.xlsx");
            OutputStream fileOut = response.getOutputStream();
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        String mensaje_log = "El usuario: " + usuario.getNombre() + " " + usuario.getApellidoP() + " con ID: "
                + usuario.getIdpersonal() + ". Descarg el Reporte 'Organismos Acreditados' ";

        String Tipo_registro = "Personal";

        try {
            String Numero_registro = String.valueOf(usuario.getIdpersonal());

            ServicioPersonal.InsertLog(usuario, Tipo_registro, Numero_registro, mensaje_log);
        } catch (Exception ex) {

From source file:com.movielabs.availslib.AvailSS.java

License:Open Source License

 * Add a sheet from an Excel spreadsheet to a spreadsheet object
 * @param sheetNumber zero-based index of sheet to add
 * @return created sheet object//  w  w  w .  j  a  va  2 s .  co  m
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sheet does not exist in the Excel spreadsheet
 * @throws Exception other error conditions may also throw exceptions
public AvailsSheet addSheet(int sheetNumber) throws Exception {
    Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(file));

    Sheet sheet;
    try {
        sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNumber);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(file + ": sheet number " + sheetNumber + " not found");
    AvailsSheet as = addSheetHelper(wb, sheet);
    return as;

From source file:com.movielabs.availslib.AvailSS.java

License:Open Source License

 * Dump the contents (sheet-by-sheet) of an Excel spreadsheet
 * @param file name of the Excel .xlsx spreadsheet
 * @throws Exception if any error is encountered (e.g. non-existant or corrupt file)
 *//*from  www  . ja  v  a2s.  c  o  m*/
public static void dumpFile(String file) throws Exception {
    Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(file));
    for (int i = 0; i < wb.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) {
        Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(i);
        System.out.println("Sheet <" + wb.getSheetName(i) + ">");
        for (Row row : sheet) {
            System.out.println("rownum: " + row.getRowNum());
            for (Cell cell : row) {
                System.out.println("   | " + cell.toString());

From source file:com.mycompany.bandaru_exam.ReadfromExcel.java

public List getAccountListFromExcel() {
    List accountList = new ArrayList();
    FileInputStream fis = null;//from ww w. j a v a 2  s. com

    try {
        fis = new FileInputStream(FILE_PATH);

          Use XSSF for xlsx format, for xls use HSSF
        Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);

        int numberOfSheets = workbook.getNumberOfSheets();

        looping over each workbook sheet
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSheets; i++) {
            Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(i);
            Iterator rowIterator = sheet.iterator();

                iterating over each row
            while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {

                Account account = new Account();
                Row row = (Row) rowIterator.next();

                Iterator cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = (Cell) cellIterator.next();

                    checking if the cell is having a String value .
                    if (Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING == cell.getCellType()) {

                        Cell with index 0 contains first name 
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 0) {


                        Cell with index 1 contains last name
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 1) {

                        Cell with index 2 contains account number
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 2) {


                     checking if the cell is having a numeric value
                    else if (Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC == cell.getCellType()) {

                        Cell with index 3 contains account number
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 3) {



                end iterating a row, add all the elements of a row in list


    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    //Remove Headers
    return accountList;

From source file:com.mycompany.gannaraputakehomeexam.ReadingFromExcel.java

public List getSongsListFromExcel() {
    List songList = new ArrayList();
    FileInputStream fis = null;//from  www.j a v  a  2  s .c o  m

    try {
        fis = new FileInputStream(FILE_PATH);

          Use XSSF for xlsx format, for xls use HSSF
        Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);

        int numberOfSheets = workbook.getNumberOfSheets();

        looping over each workbook sheet
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSheets; i++) {
            Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(i);
            Iterator rowIterator = sheet.iterator();

                iterating over each row
            while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {

                SongsList song = new SongsList();
                Row row = (Row) rowIterator.next();

                Iterator cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = (Cell) cellIterator.next();

                    checking if the cell is having a String value .
                    if (Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING == cell.getCellType()) {

                        Cell with index 1 contains Album name 
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 1) {

                        Cell with index 2 contains Genre
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 2) {

                        Cell with index 3 contains Artist name
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 3) {


                     checking if the cell is having a numeric value
                    else if (Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC == cell.getCellType()) {

                        Cell with index 0 contains Sno
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 0) {
                            song.setSno((int) cell.getNumericCellValue());

                        Cell with index 5 contains Critic score.
                        else if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 5) {
                            song.setCriticscore((int) cell.getNumericCellValue());

                        Cell with index 4 contains Release date
                        else if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 4) {
                            Date dateValue = null;

                            if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) {
                                dateValue = cell.getDateCellValue();



                end iterating a row, add all the elements of a row in list


    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return songList;

From source file:com.mycompany.gayamtakehomeexam.ReadfromExcel.java

public List getSongsListFromExcel() {
    List songList = new ArrayList();
    FileInputStream fis = null;//ww  w  .  ja v a 2 s . com

    try {
        fis = new FileInputStream(FILE_PATH);

          Use XSSF for xlsx format, for xls use HSSF
        Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);

        int numberOfSheets = workbook.getNumberOfSheets();

        looping over each workbook sheet
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSheets; i++) {
            Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(i);
            Iterator rowIterator = sheet.iterator();

                iterating over each row
            while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {

                Song song = new Song();
                Row row = (Row) rowIterator.next();

                Iterator cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = (Cell) cellIterator.next();

                    checking if the cell is having a String value .
                    if (Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING == cell.getCellType()) {

                        Cell with index 1 contains Album name 
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 1) {

                        Cell with index 2 contains Genre
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 2) {

                        Cell with index 3 contains Artist name
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 3) {


                     checking if the cell is having a numeric value
                    else if (Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC == cell.getCellType()) {

                        Cell with index 0 contains Sno
                        if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 0) {
                            song.setSno((int) cell.getNumericCellValue());

                        Cell with index 5 contains Critic score.
                        else if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 5) {
                            song.setCriticscore((int) cell.getNumericCellValue());

                        Cell with index 4 contains Release date
                        else if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 4) {
                            Date dateValue = null;

                            if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) {
                                dateValue = cell.getDateCellValue();



                end iterating a row, add all the elements of a row in list


    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return songList;