Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet setColumnHidden

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet setColumnHidden


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet setColumnHidden.


void setColumnHidden(int columnIndex, boolean hidden);

Source Link


Get the visibility state for a given column


From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Add hidden info "RCR_taskID" for offline uploading. When upload, system
 * can know the report type and current task ID report generated from.
 * /*from  w ww.j a  v  a2 s  .  c om*/
 * @param p_workbook
 * @param p_sheet
 * @param p_job
 * @param p_targetLocale
 * @throws Exception
private void addHidenInfoForUpload(Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet, Job p_job,
        GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale) throws Exception {
    String reportInfo = "";
    for (Workflow wf : p_job.getWorkflows()) {
        if (p_targetLocale.getId() == wf.getTargetLocale().getId()) {
            Collection tasks = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getCurrentTasks(wf.getId());
            if (tasks != null) {
                for (Iterator it = tasks.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Task task = (Task) it.next();
                    reportInfo = ReportConstants.REVIEWERS_COMMENTS_REPORT_ABBREVIATION + "_" + task.getId();

    Row titleRow = getRow(p_sheet, 0);
    Cell taskIdCell = getCell(titleRow, 26);

    p_sheet.setColumnHidden(26, true);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Add hidden info "RCSR_taskID" for offline uploading. When upload, system
 * can know the report type and current task ID report generated from.
 * // w ww  .j a v  a  2  s .  c o  m
 * @param p_workbook
 * @param p_sheet
 * @param p_job
 * @param p_targetLocale
 * @throws Exception
private void addHidenInfoForUpload(Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet, Job p_job,
        GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale) throws Exception {
    String reportInfo = "";
    for (Workflow wf : p_job.getWorkflows()) {
        if (p_targetLocale.getId() == wf.getTargetLocale().getId()) {
            Collection tasks = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getCurrentTasks(wf.getId());
            if (tasks != null) {
                for (Iterator it = tasks.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Task task = (Task) it.next();
                    reportInfo = ReportConstants.REVIEWERS_COMMENTS_SIMPLE_REPORT_ABBREVIATION + "_"
                            + task.getId();

    Row titleRow = getRow(p_sheet, 0);
    Cell taskIdCell = getCell(titleRow, 26);

    p_sheet.setColumnHidden(26, true);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * For Reviewers Comments Report(Language Sign-off report), Write segment
 * information into each row of the sheet.
 * /*from  w w w .  jav a  2 s  .  c  om*/
 * @param p_sheet
 *            the sheet
 * @param p_job
 *            the job data of report
 * @param p_targetLocale
 *            the target locale
 * @param p_row
 *            the segment row in sheet
 * @throws Exception
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private int writeSegmentInfo(Workbook p_workBook, Sheet p_sheet, Job p_job, GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale,
        int p_row) throws Exception {
    Vector<TargetPage> targetPages = new Vector<TargetPage>();
    TranslationMemoryProfile tmp = p_job.getL10nProfile().getTranslationMemoryProfile();
    Vector<String> excludItems = null;
    if (tmp != null) {
        excludItems = tmp.getJobExcludeTuTypes();

    long jobId = p_job.getId();

    for (Workflow workflow : p_job.getWorkflows()) {
        if (Workflow.PENDING.equals(workflow.getState()) || Workflow.CANCELLED.equals(workflow.getState())
        // || Workflow.EXPORT_FAILED.equals(workflow.getState())
                || Workflow.IMPORT_FAILED.equals(workflow.getState())) {
        if (p_targetLocale.getId() == workflow.getTargetLocale().getId()) {
            targetPages = workflow.getTargetPages();

    if (!targetPages.isEmpty()) {
        LeverageMatchLingManager lmLingManager = LingServerProxy.getLeverageMatchLingManager();
        TermLeverageManager termLeverageManager = ServerProxy.getTermLeverageManager();

        Locale sourcePageLocale = p_job.getSourceLocale().getLocale();
        Locale targetPageLocale = p_targetLocale.getLocale();
        TermLeverageOptions termLeverageOptions = getTermLeverageOptions(sourcePageLocale, targetPageLocale,
                p_job.getL10nProfile().getProject().getTermbaseName(), String.valueOf(p_job.getCompanyId()));
        Map<Long, Set<TermLeverageMatch>> termLeverageMatchResultMap = null;
        if (termLeverageOptions != null) {
            termLeverageMatchResultMap = termLeverageManager.getTermMatchesForPages(p_job.getSourcePages(),

        String category = null;
        PseudoData pData = new PseudoData();
        String sid = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < targetPages.size(); i++) {
            if (cancel)
                return 0;

            TargetPage targetPage = (TargetPage) targetPages.get(i);
            SourcePage sourcePage = targetPage.getSourcePage();

            List sourceTuvs = SegmentTuvUtil.getSourceTuvs(sourcePage);
            List targetTuvs = SegmentTuvUtil.getTargetTuvs(targetPage);

            MatchTypeStatistics tuvMatchTypes = lmLingManager.getMatchTypesForStatistics(
                    sourcePage.getIdAsLong(), targetPage.getLocaleId(), p_job.getLeverageMatchThreshold());
            Map fuzzyLeverageMatchMap = lmLingManager.getFuzzyMatches(sourcePage.getIdAsLong(),

            boolean m_rtlSourceLocale = EditUtil.isRTLLocale(sourcePageLocale.toString());
            boolean m_rtlTargetLocale = EditUtil.isRTLLocale(targetPageLocale.toString());
            // Find segment all comments belong to this target page
            Map<Long, IssueImpl> issuesMap = CommentHelper.getIssuesMap(targetPage.getId());

            for (int j = 0; j < targetTuvs.size(); j++) {
                if (cancel)
                    return 0;

                int col = 0;
                Tuv targetTuv = (Tuv) targetTuvs.get(j);
                Tuv sourceTuv = (Tuv) sourceTuvs.get(j);
                category = sourceTuv.getTu(jobId).getTuType();
                if (excludItems != null && excludItems.contains(category)) {

                // Comment
                String failure = "";
                Issue issue = issuesMap.get(targetTuv.getId());
                if (issue != null) {
                    failure = issue.getCategory();
                sid = sourceTuv.getSid();

                // TM Match
                StringBuilder matches = getMatches(fuzzyLeverageMatchMap, tuvMatchTypes, excludItems,
                        sourceTuvs, targetTuvs, sourceTuv, targetTuv, jobId);

                // Get Terminology/Glossary Source and Target.
                String sourceTerms = "";
                String targetTerms = "";
                if (termLeverageMatchResultMap != null) {
                    Set<TermLeverageMatch> termLeverageMatchSet = termLeverageMatchResultMap
                    if (termLeverageMatchSet != null) {
                        TermLeverageMatch tlm = termLeverageMatchSet.iterator().next();
                        sourceTerms = tlm.getMatchedSourceTerm();
                        targetTerms = tlm.getMatchedTargetTerm();

                CellStyle contentStyle;
                if (matches.toString().equals("In Context Match"))
                    contentStyle = getIceContentStyle(p_workBook);
                else if (matches.toString().equals("100%"))
                    contentStyle = getExactContentStyle(p_workBook);
                    contentStyle = getContentStyle(p_workBook);

                Row currentRow = getRow(p_sheet, p_row);

                // Source segment
                CellStyle srcStyle;
                if (m_rtlSourceLocale) {
                    if (matches.toString().equals("In Context Match"))
                        srcStyle = getIceRtlContentStyle(p_workBook);
                    else if (matches.toString().equals("100%"))
                        srcStyle = getExactRtlContentStyle(p_workBook);
                        srcStyle = getRtlContentStyle(p_workBook);
                } else {
                    srcStyle = contentStyle;
                Cell cell_A = getCell(currentRow, col);
                cell_A.setCellValue(getSegment(pData, sourceTuv, m_rtlSourceLocale, jobId));

                // Target segment
                CellStyle trgStyle;
                if (m_rtlTargetLocale) {
                    if (matches.toString().equals("In Context Match"))
                        trgStyle = getIceRtlContentStyle(p_workBook);
                    else if (matches.toString().equals("100%"))
                        trgStyle = getExactRtlContentStyle(p_workBook);
                        trgStyle = getRtlContentStyle(p_workBook);
                } else {
                    trgStyle = contentStyle;
                Cell cell_B = getCell(currentRow, col);
                cell_B.setCellValue(getSegment(pData, targetTuv, m_rtlTargetLocale, jobId));

                //Reviewers comments
                CellStyle reviewersCommentStyle;
                if (m_rtlTargetLocale) {
                    if (matches.toString().equals("In Context Match"))
                        reviewersCommentStyle = getIceUnlockedRightStyle(p_workBook);
                    else if (matches.toString().equals("100%"))
                        reviewersCommentStyle = getExactUnlockedRightStyle(p_workBook);
                        reviewersCommentStyle = getUnlockedRightStyle(p_workBook);
                } else {
                    if (matches.toString().equals("In Context Match"))
                        reviewersCommentStyle = getIceUnlockedStyle(p_workBook);
                    else if (matches.toString().equals("100%"))
                        reviewersCommentStyle = getExactUnlockedStyle(p_workBook);
                        reviewersCommentStyle = getUnlockedStyle(p_workBook);
                Cell cell_C = getCell(currentRow, col);

                // Category failure
                Cell cell_D = getCell(currentRow, col);

                // Glossary source
                Cell cell_E = getCell(currentRow, col);

                // Glossary target
                Cell cell_F = getCell(currentRow, col);

                // TM match
                Cell cell_G = getCell(currentRow, col);

                // Job id
                Cell cell_H = getCell(currentRow, col);

                // SID// Segment id
                Cell cell_I = getCell(currentRow, col);

                // Fix for GBS-1484
                String externalPageId = sourcePage.getExternalPageId();
                String[] pathNames = externalPageId.split("\\\\");
                String name = pathNames[pathNames.length - 1];
                boolean temp = pathNames[0].contains(")");
                if (temp) {
                    String[] firstNames = pathNames[0].split("\\)");
                    String detailName = firstNames[0];
                    name = name + detailName + ")";
                // Page Name
                Cell cell_J = getCell(currentRow, col);

                // SID
                Cell cell_K = getCell(currentRow, col);

        // Add category failure drop down list here.
        addCategoryFailureValidation(p_sheet, SEGMENT_START_ROW, p_row, CATEGORY_FAILURE_COLUMN,

    p_sheet.setColumnHidden(7, true);
    p_sheet.setColumnHidden(8, true);
    p_sheet.setColumnHidden(10, true);

    return p_row;

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.TranslationsEditReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Add hidden info "TER_taskID" for offline uploading. When upload, system
 * can know the report type and current task ID report generated from.
 * /*ww w . java2  s.  co  m*/
 * @param p_workbook
 * @param p_sheet
 * @param p_job
 * @param p_targetLocale
 * @throws Exception
private void addHidenInfoForUpload(Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet, Job p_job,
        GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale) throws Exception {
    String reportInfo = "";
    for (Workflow wf : p_job.getWorkflows()) {
        if (p_targetLocale.getId() == wf.getTargetLocale().getId()) {
            Collection tasks = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getCurrentTasks(wf.getId());
            if (tasks != null) {
                for (Iterator it = tasks.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Task task = (Task) it.next();
                    reportInfo = ReportConstants.TRANSLATIONS_EDIT_REPORT_ABBREVIATION + "_" + task.getId();

    Row titleRow = getRow(p_sheet, 0);
    Cell taskIdCell = getCell(titleRow, 26);

    p_sheet.setColumnHidden(26, true);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.TranslationVerificationReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Add hidden info "TER_taskID" for offline uploading. When upload, system
 * can know the report type and current task ID report generated from.
 * //w  w w. j  a v a2s  .c o m
 * @param p_workbook
 * @param p_sheet
 * @param p_job
 * @param p_targetLocale
 * @throws Exception
private void addHidenInfoForUpload(Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet, Job p_job,
        GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale) throws Exception {
    String reportInfo = "";
    for (Workflow wf : p_job.getWorkflows()) {
        if (p_targetLocale.getId() == wf.getTargetLocale().getId()) {
            Collection tasks = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getCurrentTasks(wf.getId());
            if (tasks != null) {
                for (Iterator it = tasks.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Task task = (Task) it.next();
                    reportInfo = ReportConstants.TRANSLATIONS_VERIFICATION_REPORT_ABBREVIATION + "_"
                            + task.getId();

    Row titleRow = getRow(p_sheet, 0);
    Cell taskIdCell = getCell(titleRow, 26);

    p_sheet.setColumnHidden(26, true);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.ReviewerLisaQAXlsReportHelper.java

License:Apache License

 * Create workbook name areas for category failure drop down list, it is
 * from "AA8" to "AAn".// www . j a va2  s  .  co  m
 * <P>
 * Only write the data of drop down list into the first sheet as it can be
 * referenced from all sheets.
 * </P>
 * <P>
 * The formula is like
 * "[sheetName]!$AA$[startRow]:$AA$[endRow]",i.e."TER!$AA$8:$AA$32".
 * </P>
private void createCategoryFailureNameArea(Workbook p_workbook) {
    Sheet firstSheet = getSheet(p_workbook, 0);
    List<String> categories = getFailureCategoriesList();
    // Set the categories in "AA" column, starts with row 8.
    int col = 26;
    for (int i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++) {
        Row row = getRow(firstSheet, SEGMENT_START_ROW + i);
        Cell cell = getCell(row, col);

    String formula = firstSheet.getSheetName() + "!$AA$" + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + 1) + ":$AA$"
            + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + categories.size());
    Name name = p_workbook.createName();

    // Hide "AA" column
    firstSheet.setColumnHidden(26, true);

From source file:com.gtwm.pb.servlets.ReportDownloader.java

License:Open Source License

 * Return the session report as an Excel file
 * //from  w  w  w.  j  av a2  s . com
 * @param sessionData
 * @return
private ByteArrayOutputStream getSessionReportAsExcel(CompanyInfo company, AppUserInfo user,
        SessionDataInfo sessionData) throws AgileBaseException, IOException, SQLException {
    BaseReportInfo report = sessionData.getReport();
    if (report == null) {
        throw new ObjectNotFoundException("No report found in the session");
    // create Excel spreadsheet
    Workbook workbook = new SXSSFWorkbook();
    // the pane 2 report
    String reportName = report.getReportName();
    // Replace any invalid characters : \ / ? * [ or ]
    // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/215205
    reportName = reportName.replaceAll("[\\/\\:\\\\\\?\\*\\[\\]]", "-");
    Sheet reportSheet;
    try {
        reportSheet = workbook.createSheet(reportName);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iaex) {
        reportSheet = workbook.createSheet(reportName + " " + report.getInternalReportName());
    int rowNum = 0;
    // header
    CellStyle boldCellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
    Font font = workbook.createFont();
    Row row = reportSheet.createRow(rowNum);
    int columnNum = 0;
    Set<ReportFieldInfo> reportFields = report.getReportFields();
    for (ReportFieldInfo reportField : reportFields) {
        Cell cell = row.createCell(columnNum);
        BaseField field = reportField.getBaseField();
        if (field.equals(field.getTableContainingField().getPrimaryKey())) {
            reportSheet.setColumnHidden(columnNum, true);
    // data
    DataManagementInfo dataManagement = this.databaseDefn.getDataManagement();
    List<DataRowInfo> reportDataRows = dataManagement.getReportDataRows(company, report,
            sessionData.getReportFilterValues(), false, sessionData.getReportSorts(), -1, QuickFilterType.AND,
    String fieldValue = "";
    boolean defaultReport = (report.equals(report.getParentTable().getDefaultReport()));
    for (DataRowInfo dataRow : reportDataRows) {
        Map<BaseField, DataRowFieldInfo> dataRowFieldMap = dataRow.getDataRowFields();
        row = reportSheet.createRow(rowNum);
        columnNum = 0;
        for (ReportFieldInfo reportField : reportFields) {
            BaseField field = reportField.getBaseField();
            if (field instanceof TextField) {
                fieldValue = dataRowFieldMap.get(field).getKeyValue();
            } else {
                fieldValue = dataRowFieldMap.get(field).getDisplayValue();
            if (!fieldValue.equals("")) {
                Cell cell;
                DatabaseFieldType dbFieldType = field.getDbType();
                if ((defaultReport) && (field instanceof RelationField)) {
                    dbFieldType = ((RelationField) field).getDisplayField().getDbType();
                switch (dbFieldType) {
                case FLOAT:
                    cell = row.createCell(columnNum, Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC);
                    try {
                        cell.setCellValue(Double.valueOf(fieldValue.replace(",", "")));
                    } catch (NumberFormatException nfex) {
                        // Fall back to a string representation
                        cell = row.createCell(columnNum, Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING);
                case INTEGER:
                case SERIAL:
                    cell = row.createCell(columnNum, Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC);
                    try {
                        cell.setCellValue(Integer.valueOf(fieldValue.replace(",", "")));
                    } catch (NumberFormatException nfex) {
                        logger.debug(nfex.toString() + ": value " + fieldValue.replace(",", ""));
                        // Fall back to a string representation
                        cell = row.createCell(columnNum, Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING);
                        logger.debug("Successfully set string instead");
                case VARCHAR:
                    cell = row.createCell(columnNum, Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING);
    // Export info worksheet
    addReportMetaDataWorksheet(company, user, sessionData, report, workbook);
    // one worksheet for each of the report summaries
    for (ChartInfo savedChart : report.getSavedCharts()) {
        this.addSummaryWorksheet(company, sessionData, savedChart, workbook);
    // the default summary
    ChartInfo reportSummary = report.getChart();
    Set<ChartAggregateInfo> aggregateFunctions = reportSummary.getAggregateFunctions();
    Set<ChartGroupingInfo> groupings = reportSummary.getGroupings();
    if ((groupings.size() > 0) || (aggregateFunctions.size() > 0)) {
        this.addSummaryWorksheet(company, sessionData, reportSummary, workbook);
    // write to output
    ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    return outputStream;

From source file:com.skt.adcas.lte.action.DownLinkByNMSAction.java

private void makeTrafficSheet(Workbook wb, String safeName, Map map) {
    //sheet //  w ww.  ja  v  a2 s  .c  o  m
    Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(safeName);

    //header ?
    Row hrow0 = sheet.createRow((short) 0);
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 0, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 1, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); // "MB_TIME"
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 2, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DU"); // "BTS_NM"
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 3, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CELL ID"); // "CELL_ID"
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 4, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CELL "); //  "CELL_NM"
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 5, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MCID"); //  "MCID"
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 6, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); //  "FREQ_KIND"
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 7, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MIMO"); //   "MIMO_TYPE"
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 8, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "(Mbps)"); //   "THROUGHPUT"
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 9, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CQI ?"); //   "CQI_AVERAGE"
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 10, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CQI0 (%)"); //   "RI_RATE"
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 11, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RI2 (%)"); //
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 12, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DL PRB(%)"); //
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 13, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MCS?"); //SS
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 14, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RSSI"); //SS
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 15, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RSSI"); //SS
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 16, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MIMO "); //    ELG
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 17, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DL Throughput(kbps)");//    ELG
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 18, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER,
            "License  "); //    ELG
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 19, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "OL MIMO (%)"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 20, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MCS0 (%)"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 21, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RSSI"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 22, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RSSI"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 23, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RSSI"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 24, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RSSI"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 25, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 26, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 27, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 28, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 29, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 30, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 31, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 32, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 33, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "HD Voice");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 34, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "HD Voice");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 35, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "HD Voice");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 36, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "HD Voice");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 37, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 38, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 39, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 40, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 41, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "");
    createCell(wb, hrow0, (short) 42, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "");

    Row hrow1 = sheet.createRow((short) 1);
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 0, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 1, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); // "MB_TIME"
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 2, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DU"); // "BTS_NM"
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 3, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CELL ID"); // "CELL_ID"
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 4, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CELL "); //  "CELL_NM"
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 5, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MCID"); //  "MCID"
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 6, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); //  "FREQ_KIND"
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 7, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MIMO"); //  "MIMO_TYPE"
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 8, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "(Mbps)"); //   "THROUGHPUT"
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 9, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CQI ?"); //   "CQI_AVERAGE"
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 10, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CQI0 (%)"); //   "RI_RATE"
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 11, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RI2 (%)"); //
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 12, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DL PRB(%)"); //
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 13, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MCS?"); //SS
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 14, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); //SS
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 15, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); //SS
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 16, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MIMO "); //    ELG
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 17, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DL Throughput(kbps)");//    ELG
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 18, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER,
            "License  "); //    ELG
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 19, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "OL MIMO (%)"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 20, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MCS0 (%)"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 21, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "PUCCH"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 22, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "PUCCH"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 23, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "PUSCH"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 24, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "PUSCH"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 25, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "(MB)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 26, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "PRB(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 27, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DPR(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 28, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??(Erl)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 29, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 30, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 31, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CD(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 32, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "FA(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 33, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "(MB)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 34, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "PRB (%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 35, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 36, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 37, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, " (MB)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 38, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "PRB(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 39, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 40, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 41, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "");
    createCell(wb, hrow1, (short) 42, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "");

    Row hrow2 = sheet.createRow((short) 2);
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 0, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 1, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); // "MB_TIME"
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 2, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DU"); // "BTS_NM"
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 3, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CELL ID"); // "CELL_ID"
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 4, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CELL "); //  "CELL_NM"
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 5, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MCID"); //  "MCID"
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 6, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); //  "FREQ_KIND"
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 7, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MIMO"); //  "MIMO_TYPE"
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 8, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "(Mbps)"); //   "THROUGHPUT"
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 9, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CQI ?"); //   "CQI_AVERAGE"
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 10, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CQI0 (%)"); //   "RI_RATE"
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 11, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RI2 (%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 12, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DL PRB(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 13, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MCS?"); //SS
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 14, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RSSI "); //SS
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 15, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "RSSI "); //SS
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 16, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MIMO "); //    ELG
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 17, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DL Throughput(kbps)");//    ELG
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 18, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER,
            "License  "); //    ELG
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 19, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "OL MIMO (%)"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 20, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "MCS0 (%)"); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 21, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 22, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 23, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 24, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, ""); //NSN
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 25, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "(MB)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 26, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "PRB(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 27, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "DPR(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 28, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "??(Erl)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 29, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 30, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 31, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "CD(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 32, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "FA(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 33, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "(MB)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 34, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "PRB (%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 35, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 36, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 37, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, " (MB)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 38, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "PRB(%)");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 39, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 40, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "?");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 41, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "");
    createCell(wb, hrow2, (short) 42, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER, CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER, "");

    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 0, 0)); // ("");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 1, 1)); // ("");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 2, 2)); // ("DU");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 3, 3)); // ("CELL ID");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 4, 4)); // ("CELL ");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 5, 5)); // ("MCID");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 6, 6)); // ("");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 7, 7)); // ("MIMO ");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 8, 8)); // ("(Mbps)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 9, 9)); // ("CQI ?");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 10, 10)); // ("CQI0 (%)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 11, 11)); // ("RI2 (%)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 12, 12)); // ("DL PRB(%)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 13, 13)); // ("MCS?");

    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 14, 15)); // ("RSSI");    //ss
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 14, 14)); // ("");  //ss
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 15, 15)); // ("");  //ss

    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 16, 16)); // ("MIMO ");            //    ELG
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 17, 17)); // ("DL Throughput(kbps)");//    ELG
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 18, 18)); // ("License  "); //    ELG
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 19, 19)); // ("OL MIMO (%)");      //NSN
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 2, 20, 20)); // ("MCS0 (%)");         //NSN

    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 21, 24)); //  RSSI                     //NSN  
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 21, 22)); //  RSSI - PUCCH             //NSN  ?
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 23, 24)); //  RSSI - PUSCH             //NSN  ?
    // 4 

    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 25, 32)); //??
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 25, 25)); // ?? - ("(MB)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 26, 26)); // ?? - ("PRB(%)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 27, 27)); // ?? - ("DPR(%)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 28, 28)); // ?? - ("??(Erl)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 29, 29)); // ?? - ("?");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 30, 30)); // ?? - ("?(%)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 31, 31)); // ?? - ("CD(%)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 32, 32)); // ?? - ("FA(%)");

    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 33, 36)); // HD Voice
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 33, 33)); // HD Voice - ("(MB)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 34, 34)); // HD Voice - ("PRB (%)");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 35, 35)); // HD Voice - ("?");
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 36, 36)); // HD Voice - ("?");

    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 37, 40)); //??
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 37, 37)); //
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 38, 38)); //
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 39, 39)); //
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 40, 40)); //

    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 41, 42)); //
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 41, 41)); //
    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 42, 42)); //

    String _MFC_CD = "MFC00001";
    ArrayList list01 = (ArrayList) map.get("rows");
    Iterator iterator = (Iterator) list01.iterator();
    short i = 3;
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

        StringMap jrow = (StringMap) iterator.next();

        if (i == 3) {
            _MFC_CD = jrow.containsKey("MFC_CD") ? jrow.get("MFC_CD").toString() : "MFC00001";

            // hieddn  
            if (_MFC_CD.equals("MFC00001")) {
                // ?
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(13,true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(14,true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(15,true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(16, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(17, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(18, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(19, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(20, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(21, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(22, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(23, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(24, true);
            } else if (_MFC_CD.equals("MFC00002")) {
                sheet.setColumnHidden(13, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(14, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(15, true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(16,true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(17,true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(18,true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(19, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(20, true);
                //                        sheet.setColumnHidden(21,true);
                //                        sheet.setColumnHidden(22,true);
                //                        sheet.setColumnHidden(23,true);
                //                        sheet.setColumnHidden(24,true);
            } else if (_MFC_CD.equals("MFC00014")) {
                sheet.setColumnHidden(13, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(14, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(15, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(16, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(17, true);
                sheet.setColumnHidden(18, true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(19,true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(20,true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(21,true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(22,true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(23,true);
                //                sheet.setColumnHidden(24,true);


        Row row = sheet.createRow((short) i);

        row.createCell(0).setCellValue((String) jrow.get("YMD"));
        row.createCell(1).setCellValue((String) jrow.get("MB_TIME"));
        row.createCell(2).setCellValue((String) jrow.get("BTS_NM"));
        row.createCell(3).setCellValue((String) jrow.get("CELL_ID"));
        row.createCell(4).setCellValue((String) jrow.get("CELL_NM"));
        row.createCell(5).setCellValue((String) jrow.get("MCID"));
        row.createCell(6).setCellValue((String) jrow.get("FREQ_KIND"));
        row.createCell(7).setCellValue(jrow.containsKey("MIMO_TYPE") ? jrow.get("MIMO_TYPE").toString() : "-"); // ");       //   "MIMO_TYPE"       //?

        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(8), jrow, "THROUGHPUT"); // (Mbps)");       //   "THROUGHPUT"
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(9), jrow, "CQI_AVERAGE"); // CQI ?");         //   "CQI_AVERAGE"
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(10), jrow, "CQI0_RATE"); // CQI0 (%)");         //   "RI_RATE"
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(11), jrow, "RI_RATE"); // RI2 (%)");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(12), jrow, "DL_PRB_RATE"); // DL PRB(%)");

        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(13), jrow, "MCS_AVERAGE"); // MCS?");               //SS
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(14), jrow, "RSSI"); // RSSI ");          //SS
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(15), jrow, "R2_RSSI"); // RSSI ");          //SS
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(16), jrow, "MIMO_RATE"); // MIMO ");             //    ELG
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(17), jrow, "DL_THROUGHPUT"); // DL Throughput(kbps)");   //    ELG
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(18), jrow, "LICENSE_FAIL"); // License  ");   //    ELG
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(19), jrow, "MIMO_RATE"); // OL MIMO (%)");           //ELG + NSN
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(20), jrow, "MCS_AVERAGE"); // MCS0 (%)");         //ELG + NSN
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(21), jrow, "PUCCH_AVG"); // RSSI PUCCH ");        //ELG + NSN
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(22), jrow, "R2_PUCCH_AVG"); // RSSI PUCCH "); //NSN
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(23), jrow, "PUSCH_AVG"); // RSSI PUSCH ");        //NSN
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(24), jrow, "R2_PUSCH_AVG"); // RSSI PUSCH "); //NSN

        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(25), jrow, "PDCP_DL_MB"); // ?? (MB)");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(26), jrow, "PRB_USG_RATE"); // ?? PRB(%)");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(27), jrow, "DRB_USG_RATE"); // ?? DPR(%)");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(28), jrow, "CON_TIME"); // ?? ??(Erl)");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(29), jrow, "TRY_CCNT"); // ?? ?");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(30), jrow, "CON_RATE"); // ?? ?(%)");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(31), jrow, "CDC_RATE"); // ?? CD(%)");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(32), jrow, "DL_FA_USG_RATE"); //?? FA(%)

        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(33), jrow, "VOICE_DL_MB");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(34), jrow, "VOICE_DL_PRB"); // HD Voice PRB (%)");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(35), jrow, "VOICE_TRY_CCNT"); // HD Voice ?");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(36), jrow, "VOICE_TIME"); // HD Voice ?");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(37), jrow, "IMAGE_DL_MB"); // ??  (MB)");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(38), jrow, "IMAGE_DL_PRB"); // ?? PRB(%)");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(39), jrow, "IMAGE_TRY_CCNT"); // ?? ?");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(40), jrow, "IMAGE_TIME"); // ?? ?");
        row.createCell(41).setCellValue((String) jrow.get("CHNL_TYPE")); //  ");
        setCellDoubleIfExistValue(row.createCell(42), jrow, "CHNL_COUNT"); //  ");




From source file:fr.openwide.core.export.excel.AbstractExcelTableExport.java

License:Apache License

 * Ajoute les en-ttes dans la feuille de calcul et cache les colonnes qui doivent l'tre, <strong>en utilisant la cl
 * de la map comme cl de ressource pour le header si {@code columnInformation.getHeaderKey()} est null</strong>.
 * // w  ww .j  a  v  a  2 s .c  o m
 * @param sheet feuille de calcul
 * @param rowIndex numro de la ligne
 * @param columnInfos map contenant l'en-tte et les informations d'une colonne
 * @deprecated Utiliser de prfrence {@link #addHeadersToSheet(Sheet, int, Collection)}.
protected void addHeadersToSheet(Sheet sheet, int rowIndex, Map<String, ColumnInformation> columnInfos) {
    int columnIndex = 0;

    Row rowHeader = sheet.createRow(rowIndex);
    for (Entry<String, ColumnInformation> entry : columnInfos.entrySet()) {
        ColumnInformation columnInformation = entry.getValue();
        sheet.setColumnHidden(columnIndex, columnInformation.isHidden());
        addHeaderCell(rowHeader, columnIndex, getColumnLabel(
                columnInformation.getHeaderKey() != null ? columnInformation.getHeaderKey() : entry.getKey()));

From source file:fr.openwide.core.export.excel.AbstractExcelTableExport.java

License:Apache License

 * Ajoute les en-ttes dans la feuille de calcul et cache les colonnes qui doivent l'tre.
 * // w w w  . j  a  v  a2s.  co  m
 * @param sheet feuille de calcul
 * @param rowIndex numro de la ligne
 * @param columnInfos collection contenant les informations de colonnes
protected void addHeadersToSheet(Sheet sheet, int rowIndex, Collection<ColumnInformation> columnInfos) {
    int columnIndex = 0;

    Row rowHeader = sheet.createRow(rowIndex);
    for (ColumnInformation columnInformation : columnInfos) {
        sheet.setColumnHidden(columnIndex, columnInformation.isHidden());
        addHeaderCell(rowHeader, columnIndex, getColumnLabel(columnInformation.getHeaderKey()));