Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet setColumnHidden

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet setColumnHidden


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Sheet setColumnHidden.


void setColumnHidden(int columnIndex, boolean hidden);

Source Link


Get the visibility state for a given column


From source file:cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.export.base.BaseExportService.java

License:Apache License

public void setColumnHidden(List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, Sheet sheet) {
    int index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < excelParams.size(); i++) {
        if (excelParams.get(i).getList() != null) {
            List<ExcelExportEntity> list = excelParams.get(i).getList();
            for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
                sheet.setColumnHidden(index, list.get(j).isColumnHidden());
                index++;/*from  w w  w  .ja  va  2 s . com*/
        } else {
            sheet.setColumnHidden(index, excelParams.get(i).isColumnHidden());

From source file:com.cms.utils.ExportExcell.java

 * Tao cac sheet. Chua export ra file excell
 * @param sheetName/* ww  w . j  ava2s .c  o m*/
 * @param lstData
 * @param formatExcell
 * @param key
public void buildSheet(String sheetName, List<?> lstData, List<FormatExcell> formatExcell, String key) {
    Sheet sheetTmp = wb.createSheet(sheetName);
    FormatExcell item;
    Row rowheader = sheetTmp.createRow(0);
    ExportExcellCelltype customCellType = new ExportExcellCelltype(wb);

    Cell cellStt = rowheader.createCell(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < formatExcell.size(); i++) {
        item = formatExcell.get(i);
        Cell cell = rowheader.createCell(i + 1);
        cell.setCellValue(getColumnTitle(item.getCellColumn(), key));
        sheetTmp.setColumnWidth(i + 1, item.getColumnWidth());
        sheetTmp.setColumnHidden(i + 1, item.getColumnHiden());
        if (item.getHeaderCommand() != null) {
            cell.setCellComment(getcellComment(sheetTmp, item, cell));
        setFormatCell(customCellType, item);
    if (DataUtil.isListNullOrEmpty(formatExcell) || DataUtil.isListNullOrEmpty(lstData)) {
    buildContentSheet(sheetTmp, customCellType, lstData, formatExcell);

From source file:com.dituiba.excel.DefaultValidateAdapter.java

License:Apache License

 * ???//from ww  w.  j  av a2s.  com
 * @param dataBean
 * @param sheet
 * @param columnIndex
 * @param filedName
public void HiddenValidateAdapter(DataBean dataBean, Sheet sheet, int columnIndex, String filedName) {
    sheet.setColumnHidden(columnIndex, true);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.qachecks.DITAQAChecker.java

License:Apache License

 * Add hidden info "DITA_taskID" for offline uploading. When upload, system
 * can know the report type and current task ID report generated from.
 *///from  w ww .j  a  va 2s.c  o  m
private void addHidenInfoForUpload(Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet, long p_taskId) throws Exception {
    Row titleRow = getRow(p_sheet, 0);
    Cell cell_AA1 = getCell(titleRow, 26);
    cell_AA1.setCellValue("DITA_" + p_taskId);

    p_sheet.setColumnHidden(26, true);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.qachecks.QAChecker.java

License:Apache License

private void addHiddenInfoForUpload(Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet, long p_taskId) {
    int hiddenColumn = COLUMN_HIDDEN_INFO;
    String hiddenValue = ReportConstants.PREFIX_QA_CHECKS_REPORT + "_" + p_taskId;
    Row titleRow = getRow(p_sheet, 0);/*from w ww . j a va  2 s .  c  o  m*/
    Cell hiddenCell = getCell(titleRow, hiddenColumn);

    p_sheet.setColumnHidden(hiddenColumn, true);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.CommentsAnalysisReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Create workbook name areas for category failure drop down list, it is
 * from "AA8" to "AAn".//from   ww  w  .ja v a 2s  .  co  m
 * <P>
 * Only write the data of drop down list into the first sheet as it can be
 * referenced from all sheets.
 * </P>
 * <P>
 * The formula is like
 * "[sheetName]!$AA$[startRow]:$AA$[endRow]",i.e."TER!$AA$8:$AA$32".
 * </P>
private void createCategoryFailureNameArea(Workbook p_workbook) {
    try {
        Sheet firstSheet = getSheet(p_workbook, 0);
        List<String> categories = getFailureCategoriesList();
        // Set the categories in "AA" column, starts with row 8.
        int col = 26;
        for (int i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++) {
            Row row = getRow(firstSheet, SEGMENT_START_ROW + i);
            Cell cell = getCell(row, col);

        String formula = firstSheet.getSheetName() + "!$AA$" + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + 1) + ":$AA$"
                + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + categories.size());
        Name name = p_workbook.createName();

        // Hide "AA" column
        firstSheet.setColumnHidden(26, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Error when create hidden area for category failures.", e);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.PostReviewQAReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Add hidden info "TER_taskID" for offline uploading. When upload, system
 * can know the report type and current task ID report generated from.
 * //from   w ww . j a v a 2s.c o m
 * @param p_workbook
 * @param p_sheet
 * @param p_job
 * @param p_targetLocale
 * @throws Exception
private void addHidenInfoForUpload(Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet, Job p_job,
        GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale) throws Exception {
    String reportInfo = "";
    for (Workflow wf : p_job.getWorkflows()) {
        if (p_targetLocale.getId() == wf.getTargetLocale().getId()) {
            Collection tasks = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getCurrentTasks(wf.getId());
            if (tasks != null) {
                for (Iterator it = tasks.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Task task = (Task) it.next();
                    reportInfo = ReportConstants.POST_REVIEW_REPORT_ABBREVIATION + "_" + task.getId();

    Row titleRow = getRow(p_sheet, 0);
    Cell taskIdCell = getCell(titleRow, 26);

    p_sheet.setColumnHidden(26, true);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.PostReviewQAReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Create workbook name areas for category failure drop down list, it is
 * from "AA8" to "AAn".//from   w ww.  j  a v a2  s . c om
 * <P>
 * Only write the data of drop down list into the first sheet as it can be
 * referenced from all sheets.
 * </P>
 * <P>
 * The formula is like
 * "[sheetName]!$AA$[startRow]:$AA$[endRow]",i.e."TER!$AA$8:$AA$32".
 * </P>
private void createCategoryFailureNameArea(Workbook p_workbook) {
    try {
        // Ensure the name area is written only one time,otherwise it has
        // problem when open generated excel file.
        if (p_workbook.getNumberOfSheets() == 1) {
            Sheet firstSheet = getSheet(p_workbook, 0);
            List<String> categories = getFailureCategoriesList();
            // Set the categories in "AA" column, starts with row 8.
            int col = 26;
            for (int i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++) {
                Row row = getRow(firstSheet, SEGMENT_START_ROW + i);
                Cell cell = getCell(row, col);

            String formula = firstSheet.getSheetName() + "!$AA$" + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + 1) + ":$AA$"
                    + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + categories.size());
            Name name = p_workbook.createName();

            // Hide "AA" column
            firstSheet.setColumnHidden(26, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Error when create hidden area for category failures.", e);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.PostReviewQAReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

private void createQualityAssessmentNameArea(Workbook p_workbook) {
    try {/*from  w  w  w.j a v a2s  .co m*/
        // Ensure the name area is written only one time,otherwise it has
        // problem when open generated excel file.
        if (p_workbook.getNumberOfSheets() == 1) {
            Sheet firstSheet = getSheet(p_workbook, 0);
            List<String> qualityCategories = getQualityAssessmentList();
            // Set the categories in "AA" column, starts with row 8.
            int col = 27;
            for (int i = 0; i < qualityCategories.size(); i++) {
                Row row = getRow(firstSheet, SEGMENT_START_ROW + i);
                Cell cell = getCell(row, col);

            String formula = firstSheet.getSheetName() + "!$AB$" + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + 1) + ":$AB$"
                    + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + qualityCategories.size());
            Name name = p_workbook.createName();

            // Hide "AB" column
            firstSheet.setColumnHidden(27, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Error when create hidden area for category failures.", e);

From source file:com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.PostReviewQAReportGenerator.java

License:Apache License

private void createMarketSuitabilityNameArea(Workbook p_workbook) {
    try {/*from   w  w  w  . j av a  2  s  .  com*/
        // Ensure the name area is written only one time,otherwise it has
        // problem when open generated excel file.
        if (p_workbook.getNumberOfSheets() == 1) {
            Sheet firstSheet = getSheet(p_workbook, 0);
            List<String> marketCategories = getMarketSuitabilityList();
            // Set the categories in "AC" column, starts with row 11.
            int col = 28;
            for (int i = 0; i < marketCategories.size(); i++) {
                Row row = getRow(firstSheet, SEGMENT_START_ROW + i);
                Cell cell = getCell(row, col);

            String formula = firstSheet.getSheetName() + "!$AC$" + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + 1) + ":$AC$"
                    + (SEGMENT_START_ROW + marketCategories.size());
            Name name = p_workbook.createName();

            // Hide "AC" column
            firstSheet.setColumnHidden(28, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Error when create hidden area for category failures.", e);