List of usage examples for CellStyle setBorderLeft
void setBorderLeft(BorderStyle border);
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Applies current border to specified cell style * @param cellStyle/*from w w w. j a v a2 s .c om*/ */ public void applyToCell(CellStyle cellStyle, short colorIndex) { if (left != null) { cellStyle.setBorderLeft(left); cellStyle.setLeftBorderColor(colorIndex); } if (bottom != null) { cellStyle.setBorderBottom(bottom); cellStyle.setBottomBorderColor(colorIndex); } if (right != null) { cellStyle.setBorderRight(right); cellStyle.setRightBorderColor(colorIndex); } if (top != null) { cellStyle.setBorderTop(top); cellStyle.setTopBorderColor(colorIndex); } }
From source
public static CellStyle createHeaderStyle(Workbook workbook) { CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle(); // ?/* ww w .j av a2 s .co m*/ style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.SKY_BLUE.index); style.setFillPattern(CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); style.setBorderBottom(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderLeft(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderRight(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderTop(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); // ? Font font = workbook.createFont(); font.setColor(HSSFColor.VIOLET.index); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12); font.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); // ?? style.setFont(font); return style; }
From source
public static CellStyle createBodyStyle(Workbook workbook) { CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle(); // ?//from w ww.j av a 2 s. c om style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.LIGHT_YELLOW.index); style.setFillPattern(CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); style.setBorderBottom(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderLeft(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderRight(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderTop(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); style.setVerticalAlignment(CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); // ?? Font font = workbook.createFont(); font.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_NORMAL); // ?? style.setFont(font); return style; }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * export excel// ww w. j a va2 s . c om * * @param sheetName sheet name * @param table table * @return Workbook */ @SuppressWarnings("PMD.ShortVariable") private static Workbook exportExcel(String sheetName, Table<Integer, String, String> table) { Set<Integer> tableRows = table.rowKeySet(); Set<String> tableColumns = table.columnKeySet(); // excel Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); // sheet?? Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetName); // ???n? /*for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { sheet.setColumnWidth((short) i, (short) (35.7 * 150)); }*/ // Row row = sheet.createRow((short) 0); // ??? CellStyle cs = wb.createCellStyle(); CellStyle cs2 = wb.createCellStyle(); // ? Font f1 = wb.createFont(); Font f2 = wb.createFont(); // ???? f1.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 10); f1.setColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); f1.setBold(true); // ?? f2.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 10); f2.setColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); // Font f3=wb.createFont(); // f3.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 10); // f3.setColor(IndexedColors.RED.getIndex()); // ????? cs.setFont(f1); cs.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); cs.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); cs.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); cs.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); cs.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); // ??? cs2.setFont(f2); cs2.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); cs2.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); cs2.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); cs2.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); cs2.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); // ?? int i = 0; for (String tableColumn : tableColumns) { Cell cell = row.createCell(i); cell.setCellValue(tableColumn); cell.setCellStyle(cs); i++; } // ?? for (Integer tableRow : tableRows) { // Row ,Cell , Row Cell 0 // sheet checkArgument(tableRow > 0, "Row index must be greater than zero!"); Row row1 = sheet.createRow(tableRow); // row Map<String, String> item = table.row(tableRow); int j = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : item.entrySet()) { // for(String v:item.keySet()){ // System.out.println(tableRow + "-" + v + "-" + item.get(v)); Cell cell = row1.createCell(j); cell.setCellValue(entry.getValue()); cell.setCellStyle(cs2); j++; } } return wb; }
From source
private void b_muestraActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_b_muestraActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: javax.swing.JFileChooser jF1= new javax.swing.JFileChooser(); jF1.setFileFilter(new ExtensionFileFilter("Excel document (*.xls)", new String[] { "xls" })); String ruta = null;/* ww w. j ava 2 s. com*/ if(jF1.showSaveDialog(null)==jF1.APPROVE_OPTION) { ruta = jF1.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); File archivoXLS = new File(ruta+".xls"); try { if(archivoXLS.exists()) archivoXLS.delete(); archivoXLS.createNewFile(); Workbook libro = new HSSFWorkbook(); FileOutputStream archivo = new FileOutputStream(archivoXLS); Sheet hoja = libro.createSheet("Muestras"); font10 = libro.createFont(); font10.setFontHeightInPoints((short)10); font10.setFontName("Arial"); font10.setItalic(false); font10.setBold(false); font10.setColor(new HSSFColor.YELLOW().getIndex()); CellStyle titulo = libro.createCellStyle(); CellStyle contenido = libro.createCellStyle(); CellStyle firma = libro.createCellStyle(); CellStyle costado = libro.createCellStyle(); CellStyle derecha = libro.createCellStyle(); CellStyle derecha_borde = libro.createCellStyle(); titulo.setFont(font10); titulo.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); titulo.setFillBackgroundColor(new HSSFColor.GREEN().getIndex()); titulo.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); contenido.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); contenido.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); contenido.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); contenido.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); derecha_borde.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); derecha_borde.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); derecha_borde.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); derecha_borde.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); derecha_borde.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); derecha.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); firma.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); firma.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); //costado.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); hoja.setColumnWidth(0, 3000); hoja.setColumnWidth(2, 3000); hoja.setColumnWidth(3, 8000); hoja.setColumnWidth(4, 5000); try { InputStream is = new FileInputStream("imagenes/grande300115.jpg"); byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); int pictureIdx = libro.addPicture(bytes, Workbook.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG); is.close(); CreationHelper helper = libro.getCreationHelper(); Drawing drawing = hoja.createDrawingPatriarch(); ClientAnchor anchor = helper.createClientAnchor(); anchor.setCol1(0); anchor.setRow1(0); Picture pict = drawing.createPicture(anchor, pictureIdx); pict.resize(); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();} Row r7 = hoja.createRow(7); r7.createCell(0).setCellValue("ORDEN:"); r7.createCell(1).setCellValue(String.valueOf(ord.getIdOrden())); r7.createCell(2).setCellValue("Hrs. Entrega:"); r7.createCell(3).setCellValue(""); hoja.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(7,7,4,7)); r7.createCell(4).setCellValue("ORDEN PARA SURTIR MUESTRAS"); r7.getCell(4).setCellStyle(derecha); Date fecha = new Date(); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");//YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS String valor=dateFormat.format(fecha); Row r8 = hoja.createRow(8); r8.createCell(0).setCellValue("Supervisor:"); hoja.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(8,8,1,3)); r8.createCell(1).setCellValue(""); r8.createCell(4).setCellValue("F. Elaboracin:"); r8.createCell(5).setCellValue(valor); Row r9 = hoja.createRow(9); r9.createCell(0).setCellValue("Comprador:"); hoja.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(9,9,1,3)); r9.createCell(1).setCellValue(""); r9.createCell(4).setCellValue("F. Entrega:"); r9.createCell(5).setCellValue(""); Row r10 = hoja.createRow(10); r10.createCell(0).setCellValue("Cantidad"); r10.getCell(0).setCellStyle(titulo); hoja.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(10,10,1,7)); r10.createCell(1).setCellValue("Descripcin"); r10.getCell(1).setCellStyle(titulo); int ren=11; for(int r=0;r<(t_datos.getRowCount());r++) { if((boolean)t_titulos.getValueAt(r, 3)==true) { Row fila = hoja.createRow(ren); Cell celda = fila.createCell(0); celda.setCellStyle(derecha_borde); Cell celda1 = fila.createCell(1); celda1.setCellStyle(contenido); fila.createCell(2).setCellStyle(contenido); fila.createCell(3).setCellStyle(contenido); fila.createCell(4).setCellStyle(contenido); fila.createCell(5).setCellStyle(contenido); fila.createCell(6).setCellStyle(contenido); fila.createCell(7).setCellStyle(contenido); //Cell celda8 = fila.createCell(8); //celda8.setCellStyle(costado); try{ celda.setCellValue(t_datos.getValueAt(r, 14).toString()); hoja.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(ren,ren,1,7)); celda1.setCellValue(t_titulos.getValueAt(r, 2).toString()); //celda8.setCellValue(""); }catch(Exception e){ celda.setCellValue(""); } ren++; } } Row rx = hoja.createRow(ren+5); hoja.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(ren+5,ren+5,0,2)); rx.createCell(0).setCellValue("Recibe Muestras"); rx.getCell(0).setCellStyle(firma); rx.createCell(1).setCellStyle(firma); rx.createCell(2).setCellStyle(firma); hoja.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(ren+5,ren+5,5,7)); rx.createCell(5).setCellValue("Entrega Muestras"); rx.getCell(5).setCellStyle(firma); rx.createCell(6).setCellStyle(firma); rx.createCell(7).setCellStyle(firma); libro.write(archivo); archivo.close(); Desktop.getDesktop().open(archivoXLS); }catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "No se pudo realizar el reporte si el archivo esta abierto"); } } }
From source
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try {//from w w w . j av a2 s . c om response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); dbConn conn = new dbConn(); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); Calendar ca = Calendar.getInstance(); int currentyear = ca.get(Calendar.YEAR); String mwaka = request.getParameter("year"); String facilitiestable = "subpartnera"; int selectedyear = new Integer(mwaka); if (selectedyear < currentyear) { if (selectedyear < 2014) { //db for 2014 is the smallest facilitiestable = "subpartnera2014"; } else { facilitiestable = "subpartnera" + selectedyear; } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //HTC CODE FROM MAUREEN //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (1 == 1) { int less15m = 0; int less15f = 0; int gret15m = 0; int gret15f = 0; ArrayList allFacilities = new ArrayList(); allFacilities.clear(); int year, month, prevYear, maxYearMonth; String reportDuration, duration, semi_annual, quarter; String facilityName, mflcode, countyName, districtName, facilityIds, facilityId; year = month = prevYear = maxYearMonth = 0; reportDuration = duration = semi_annual = quarter = ""; facilityName = mflcode = countyName = districtName = facilityIds = facilityId = ""; String facilityIds1 = ""; facilityIds1 = "("; if (request.getParameter("subcounty") != null && !request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { String subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); String getDist = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "WHERE district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "'"; =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh711.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { if (request.getParameter("county") != null && !request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { String county = request.getParameter("county"); String getCounty = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "JOIN county ON district.CountyID=county.CountyID WHERE county.CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh711.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { facilityIds1 = ""; } } int TestedAdultMale = 0, TestedAdultFemale = 0; int TestedChildMale = 0, TestedChildFemale = 0; int HIV_AdultMale = 0, HIV_AdultFemale = 0; int HIV_ChildMale = 0, HIV_ChildFemale = 0; double FemaleAdultTested; double FemaleTestedChild; double AdultFemaleHIV; double ChildFemaleHIV; double MaleAdultTested; double MaleTestedChild; double AdultMaleHIV; double ChildMaleHIV; double FemaleAdultTested1 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested4 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested9 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested14 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested19 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested24 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested49 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested50 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild1 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild4 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild9 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild14 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild19 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild24 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild49 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild50 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = 0; // MALES double MaleAdultTested19Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested21Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested49Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested50Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested19 = 0; double MaleAdultTested24 = 0; double MaleAdultTested49 = 0; double MaleAdultTested50 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1 = 0; double MaleTestedChild4 = 0; double MaleTestedChild9 = 0; double MaleTestedChild14 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild4Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild9Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild14Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14Neg = 0; double splitData = 0; int adderPos = 0; double childSplitData = 0; int redalert = 0; year = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("year")); reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); // year=2015; // reportDuration="4"; String period1 = ""; String duration1 = ""; prevYear = year - 1; maxYearMonth = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PEPFAR YEAR : " + year; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : OCT " + prevYear + " to MARCH " + year; } else { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : APRIL " + year + " to SEPT " + year; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + prevYear + " TO ") + " " + prevYear + ""; } else { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + year + " TO ") + " " + year + ""; } } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; String getMonthName = "SELECT name FROM month WHERE id='" + month + "'"; =; if ( == true) { if (month >= 10) { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + prevYear + ")"; } else { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + year + ")"; } } } else { duration1 = ""; } HSSFSheet shet3 = wb.createSheet("HTC "); HSSFCell c11; FemaleAdultTested = 0; FemaleTestedChild = 0; AdultFemaleHIV = 0; ChildFemaleHIV = 0; double TotalTested = 0; double TotalPositiveFemale = 0; double TotalPositiveMale = 0; double TotalNegativeFemale = 0; double TotalNegativeMale = 0; // MALES MaleAdultTested = 0; MaleTestedChild = 0; AdultMaleHIV = 0; ChildMaleHIV = 0; double TotalPositive = 0; double TotalNegative = 0; String county = ""; String district = ""; String facilityname = ""; HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_40_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stylemainHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); stylemainHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylemainHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylemainHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); stylemainHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); stborder.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); stborder.setWrapText(true); HSSFFont font1 = wb.createFont(); font1.setFontName("Cambria"); font1.setColor((short) 0000); stborder.setFont(font1); // for the red color HSSFCellStyle redstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); redstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); redstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); redstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); redstyle.setWrapText(true); shet3.setColumnWidth(0, 4000); shet3.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); shet3.setColumnWidth(2, 7000); //shet3.setColumnWidth(6,5000); HSSFCell c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c110, c111, c112, c113, c114, c115, c116, c117, c118, c219; HSSFCell c119, c120, c121, c122, c123, c124, c125, c126, c127, c128, c129, c130, c131, c132, c133, c134, c135, c136, c137; HSSFCell c211, c212, c213, c214, c215, c216, c217, cARTHV, cHTCHV, cPMTCTHV; //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXnew 20160725 //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXnew 20160725 //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXnew 20160725 //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXnew 20160725 String newheader0 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,FEMALE(POSITIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (POSITIVE),,,,,,,,NEGATIVE,FEMALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,"; String newheader1 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL +VE MALE,Paeds < 15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(F),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(M),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,Female,,Male,,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String newheader2 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL +VE MALE,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(F),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(M),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,< 15,15 +,< 15,15 +,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String header0array[] = newheader0.split(","); String header1array[] = newheader1.split(","); String header2array[] = newheader2.split(","); //create header1 HSSFRow rw0 = shet3.createRow(0); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8; c1 = rw0.createCell(0); //_____________________________________________________________report heading row 0 c1.setCellValue(period1); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); for (int j = 1; j <= header0array.length - 1; j++) { c1 = rw0.createCell(j); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 1 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(2); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header0array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header0array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 2 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(3); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header1array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header1array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 3 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(4); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header2array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header2array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } String mergeinfor[] = { "0,0,0,54", "2,4,0,0", "2,4,1,1", "2,4,2,2", "2,4,3,3", "2,4,4,4", "2,4,5,5", "2,4,6,6", "2,4,7,7", "2,4,8,8", "2,4,9,9", "2,4,10,10", "2,2,11,19", "2,2,20,27", "2,2,29,37", "2,2,38,45", "2,2,46,54", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,15,18", "3,3,20,23", "3,3,24,27", "3,3,29,32", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,33,36", "3,3,38,41", "3,3,42,45", "3,3,46,47", "3,3,48,49" }; //do the merging for (int d = 0; d < mergeinfor.length; d++) { if (!mergeinfor[d].equals("")) { String pos[] = mergeinfor[d].split(","); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(new Integer(pos[0]), new Integer(pos[1]), new Integer(pos[2]), new Integer(pos[3]))); } } double checkdiff = 0; int count = 4; TestedAdultMale = 0; TestedAdultFemale = 0; TestedChildMale = 0; TestedChildFemale = 0; HIV_AdultMale = 0; HIV_AdultFemale = 0; HIV_ChildMale = 0; HIV_ChildFemale = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- String facilid = ""; String facilname = ""; String dsdta = ""; String get711data = "SELECT(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CF) +sum( VCTClient_Tested_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_In_AF))" //ADULTS TESTED FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CM)+ sum(VCTClient_Tested_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_AM))"//ADULTS TESTED MALES + ", (sum(VCTClient_HIV_CF)+ sum(VCTClient_HIV_AF)+sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AF))" // ADULTS HIV+ FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_HIV_CM)+sum(VCTClient_HIV_AM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AM) +sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AM)) " // ADULTS HIV+ MALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CF) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CF))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CM))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED MALE + ", ( sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CF))" // CHILDREN POSITIVE FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CM)),county.County,district.DistrictNom," + "" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom," + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId," + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume"// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE + " FROM moh711 JOIN " + facilitiestable + " " + "ON moh711.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + "district.CountyID=county.CountyID" + " WHERE " + " " + facilityIds1 + " " + duration1 + " && " + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 " + "GROUP BY moh711.SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("711 : " + get711data); =; while ( { String arthv = " "; String htchv = " "; String pmtcthv = " "; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } county =; district =; district = district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase(); facilityname =; mflcode =; if ("HTC_Support1") == null) { dsdta = "DSD"; } else { dsdta ="HTC_Support1"); } TestedAdultFemale =; TestedAdultMale =; HIV_AdultFemale =; HIV_AdultMale =; TestedChildFemale =; TestedChildMale =; HIV_ChildFemale =; HIV_ChildMale =; System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); String basicDetails = county + "@" + district + "@" + facilityname + "@" + mflcode + "@" + dsdta; String arrayDetails[] = basicDetails.split("@"); count++; rw0 = shet3.createRow(count); int facilno = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arrayDetails.length; j++) { HSSFCell S3cell = rw0.createCell(facilno); S3cell.setCellValue(arrayDetails[j]); // System.out.println(arrayDetails[j]); S3cell.setCellStyle(stborder); System.out.println("facildet pos : " + facilno + " det : " + arrayDetails[j]); facilno++; } System.out.println(facilityname + " TestedAdultFemale " + TestedAdultFemale + "TestedAdultMale " + TestedAdultMale + " TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_AdultFemale " + HIV_AdultFemale + " HIV_AdultMale " + HIV_AdultMale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); // FEMALES FemaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.11 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.72 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.12 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleTestedChild1 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.29 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.40 * TestedChildFemale)); //postive AdultFemaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.02 * HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.79 * HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.10 * HIV_AdultFemale)); //positve ChildFemaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.37 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildFemale)); // MALES MaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.11 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.72 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.12 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleTestedChild1 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.29 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.40 * TestedChildMale)); //positive AdultMaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.02 * HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.79 * HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.10 * HIV_AdultMale)); //positives ChildMaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.37 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildMale)); //; //; //; //; //; //; //; //; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; double totalpositivesmale = 0; double totalpositivesfemale = 0; double totalpositives = 0; double totalnegatives = 0; double totalfemalehiv = 0; double totalmalehiv = 0; double totalfemaletesteddis = 0; double totalmaletesteddis = 0; double totalfemaletested = 0; double totalmaletested = 0; double negfem = 0; double negmale = 0; int redalert1 = 0; int redalert2 = 0; int redalert3 = 0; int redalert4 = 0; totalpositives = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14 + AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; totalnegatives = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // total tested after distribution totalfemaletesteddis = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14 + FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; totalmaletesteddis = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50 + MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; // totaltested after distriibution double totaltestedis = 0; totaltestedis = totalfemaletesteddis + totalmaletesteddis; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totalfemaletested = TestedAdultFemale + TestedChildFemale; totalmaletested = TestedAdultMale + TestedChildMale; //poistives totalfemalehiv = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; totalmalehiv = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; //+ve after dist totalpositivesfemale = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; totalpositivesmale = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; // // negative negfem = totalfemaletested - totalfemalehiv; negmale = totalmaletested - totalmalehiv; double checkdiff1 = 0; double checkdiff2 = 0; double checkdiff3 = 0; int redfemalealert = 0; int redmalealert = 0; int finalalert = 0; double totalcheckdiff = 0; checkdiff = totalfemalehiv - totalpositivesfemale; // System.out.println("checkdiff female "+checkdiff1); // positive female if (checkdiff > 2 || checkdiff < -2) { redalert = 1; } // positive male checkdiff1 = totalmalehiv - totalpositivesmale; // System.out.println("checkdiff male "+checkdiff1); if (checkdiff1 > 2 || checkdiff1 < -2) { redalert1 = 1; } totalcheckdiff = TotalTested - totaltestedis; // System.out.println("dqa "+totalcheckdiff); if (totalcheckdiff > 5 || totalcheckdiff < -5) { finalalert = 1; } // checkdiff=totalfemalehiv-totalpositivesfemale; // // positive female // if(checkdiff>=2 ||checkdiff<=-2){ // redalert=1; // } // // positive male // checkdiff1=totalmalehiv-totalpositivesmale; // if(checkdiff1>=2 ||checkdiff1<=-2){ // redalert1=1; // } //// negative female // checkdiff2=negfem-totalfemaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff2>=2 ||checkdiff2<=-2){ // redalert2=1; // } // // // negativemale // checkdiff3=negmale-totalmaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff3>=2 ||checkdiff3<=-2){ // redalert3=1; // } // // totalcheckdiff=checkdiff+checkdiff1+checkdiff2+checkdiff3; // if(totalcheckdiff>=5 || totalcheckdiff<=-5){ // finalalert=1; // } adderPos = 0; double Totalhivfemale = 0; double Totalhivmale = 0; Totalhivfemale = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; Totalhivmale = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; splitData = 0; adderPos = 0; childSplitData = 0; // // adult female hiv+ splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; // System.out.println(facilityname + " lllll added " + splitData + " from db " + HIV_AdultFemale); adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; while (splitData > HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested female adults splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // adult male hiv+ splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested male adults splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // for child female tested childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " b4 jjj " + TestedChildFemale); adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 += 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 += 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " after jjj " + TestedChildFemale); // for child male hiv // for child female +ve childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; System.out.println(facilityname + " mmmm " + childSplitData + " " + HIV_ChildFemale); adderPos = 0; double diff = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildFemale) { diff = FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14; if (adderPos == 0) { if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 1) { if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { ChildFemaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildFemaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } // tested male _______________________________________________________________________ childSplitData = MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } childSplitData = MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } // for child male +ve childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } } else if (adderPos == 1) { if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { ChildMaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildMaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } /// // System.out.println("Neg nn "+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+" "+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14Neg); // System.out.println("tested nn "+MaleTestedChild1+ " "+MaleTestedChild4+" "+MaleTestedChild9+" "+ MaleTestedChild14); // System.out.println("hiv+ nnn "+ChildMaleHIV1+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4+" "+ChildMaleHIV9+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14); // // all positives //TotalPositive=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ // ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 +ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //TotalNegative=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ // ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg +ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); double totaltestedmale1 = 0; double totaltestedfemale1 = 0; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totaltestedmale1 = TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale; totaltestedfemale1 = TestedChildFemale + TestedAdultFemale; TotalPositiveFemale = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale; TotalPositiveMale = HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalPositive = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalNegativeFemale = totaltestedfemale1 - TotalPositiveFemale; TotalNegativeMale = totaltestedmale1 - TotalPositiveMale; TotalNegative = TotalNegativeMale + TotalNegativeFemale; //201510 //this code was added later less15f = TestedChildFemale; less15m = TestedChildMale; gret15m = TestedAdultMale; gret15f = TestedAdultFemale; // TotalNegativeFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+ ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; //TotalNegativeMale=AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; // TotalPositiveFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 ; // TotalPositiveMale=AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //System.out.println(MaleTestedChild14 +" bbbbb "+ChildMaleHIV14+" mmmmm "+ (MaleTestedChild14-ChildMaleHIV14)); rw0.setHeightInPoints(25); int mypos = 0; c211 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c212 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c213 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c214 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c215 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV.setCellValue(arthv); cHTCHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cHTCHV.setCellValue(htchv); cPMTCTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cPMTCTHV.setCellValue(pmtcthv); c216 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c217 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; // the rest c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c20 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; //c11.setCellValue(facilname); //String basicDetails=county+"@"+district+"@"+facilityname+"@"+mflcode+"@"+dsdta; c211.setCellValue(county); c212.setCellValue(district); c213.setCellValue(facilityname); c214.setCellValue(mflcode); c215.setCellValue(dsdta); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 0, 0)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 1, 1)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 2, 2)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 3, 3)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 4, 4)); // Female c11.setCellValue(TotalTested); c216.setCellValue(TotalPositive); c217.setCellValue(TotalPositiveFemale); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 5, 5)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 6, 6)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 4, 7, 7)); c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50)); c20.setCellValue(TotalPositiveMale); //male c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4)); c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49)); c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50)); for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); // System.out.println("red "+redalert +" "+redalert1) ; if (redalert == 1) { c217 = rw0.getCell(6); c217.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert1 == 1) { c20 = rw0.getCell(16); c20.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,0,0)); c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c118 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c119 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; int neg1male = 0; int neg4male = 0; int neg9male = 0; int neg14male = 0; int neg19male = 0; int neg24male = 0; int neg49male = 0; int neg50male = 0; AdultMaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested19) - (AdultMaleHIV19); AdultMaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested24) - (AdultMaleHIV24); AdultMaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested49) - (AdultMaleHIV49); AdultMaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested50) - (AdultMaleHIV50); if (AdultMaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50male = 1; } // child male negatives ChildMaleHIV1Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild1) - (ChildMaleHIV1); ChildMaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild4) - (ChildMaleHIV4); ChildMaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild9) - (ChildMaleHIV9); ChildMaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild14) - (ChildMaleHIV14); if (ChildMaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14male = 1; } //negative int neg1female = 0; int neg4female = 0; int neg9female = 0; int neg14female = 0; int neg19female = 0; int neg24female = 0; int neg49female = 0; int neg50female = 0; ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild1) - (ChildFemaleHIV1); ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild4) - (ChildFemaleHIV4); ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild9) - (ChildFemaleHIV9); ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild14) - (ChildFemaleHIV14); if (ChildFemaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14female = 1; } System.out.println(facilityname + " fffff " + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg); //negative AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested19) - (AdultFemaleHIV19); AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested24) - (AdultFemaleHIV24); AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested49) - (AdultFemaleHIV49); AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested50) - (AdultFemaleHIV50); if (AdultFemaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50female = 1; } double TotalNegativeFemale1 = 0; double TotalNegativeMale1 = 0; TotalNegativeFemale1 = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; TotalNegativeMale1 = AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // negative female checkdiff2 = negfem - TotalNegativeFemale1; if (checkdiff2 > 2 || checkdiff2 < -2) { redalert2 = 1; } // negativemale checkdiff3 = negmale - TotalNegativeMale1; if (checkdiff3 > 2 || checkdiff3 < -2) { redalert3 = 1; } c11.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeFemale)); c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1Neg)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4Neg)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9Neg)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14Neg)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19Neg)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24Neg)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49Neg)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50Neg)); c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeMale)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1Neg)); c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4Neg)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9Neg)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14Neg)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19Neg)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24Neg)); c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49Neg)); c117.setCellStyle(stborder); c118.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50Neg)); c118.setCellStyle(stborder); c119.setCellValue(less15f); c119.setCellStyle(stborder); c120 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c120.setCellStyle(stborder); c121 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c121.setCellStyle(stborder); c122 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c122.setCellStyle(stborder); c123 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c123.setCellStyle(stborder); c124 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c124.setCellStyle(stborder); c125 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c125.setCellStyle(stborder); c126 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c126.setCellStyle(stborder); c127 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c127.setCellStyle(stborder); c128 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c120.setCellValue(gret15f); c121.setCellValue(less15m); c122.setCellValue(gret15m); c123.setCellValue(TotalTested); c124.setCellValue(TotalPositive); c125.setCellValue(TotalNegative); c126.setCellValue(TotalTested); c127.setCellValue("PASSED"); System.out.println(facilityname + " jjj " + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV14Neg); for (int i = 23; i <= 43; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (redalert2 == 1) { c11 = rw0.getCell(25); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert3 == 1) { c110 = rw0.getCell(34); c110.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (finalalert == 1) { c119 = rw0.getCell(43); c119.setCellStyle(redstyle); c119.setCellValue("FAILED"); } if (neg1female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(26); c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(27); c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9female == 1) { c13 = rw0.getCell(28); c13.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14female == 1) { c14 = rw0.getCell(29); c14.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19female == 1) { c15 = rw0.getCell(30); c15.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24female == 1) { c16 = rw0.getCell(31); c16.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49female == 1) { c17 = rw0.getCell(32); c17.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50female == 1) { c18 = rw0.getCell(33); c18.setCellStyle(redstyle); } //male if (neg1male == 1) { c111 = rw0.getCell(35); c111.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4male == 1) { c112 = rw0.getCell(36); c112.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9male == 1) { c113 = rw0.getCell(37); c113.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14male == 1) { c114 = rw0.getCell(38); c114.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19male == 1) { c115 = rw0.getCell(39); c115.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24male == 1) { c116 = rw0.getCell(40); c116.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49male == 1) { c117 = rw0.getCell(41); c117.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50male == 1) { c118 = rw0.getCell(42); c118.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,20,20)); } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //==============================================================================================VMMC //______________ HSSFWorkbook wb=new HSSFWorkbook();__________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ //================================================================================================== if (1 == 1) { //get the existing data for the month, year and facility that is already on session String month = ""; String year = ""; String facil = "361"; String form = "vmmc"; //===================================================================================================== year = "2015"; month = "5"; String county = ""; String header = ""; String reportType = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportType") != null) { reportType = request.getParameter("reportType"); } String reportDuration = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportDuration") != null) { reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); } if (request.getParameter("year") != null) { year = request.getParameter("year"); } if (request.getParameter("facility") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { facil = request.getParameter("facility"); String getfacil = "select SubPartnerNom,CentreSanteId as mflcode from " + facilitiestable + " where SubPartnerID='" + facil + "'"; =; while ( { header += " FACILITY : " + + " MFL CODE : " + + " "; } } if (request.getParameter("county") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { county = request.getParameter("county"); String getcounty = "select County from county where CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { header += " COUNTY : " + + " "; } } if (request.getParameter("month") != null && reportDuration.equals("4")) { month = request.getParameter("month"); String getmonth = "select name as monthname from month where id='" + month + "'"; =; while ( { header += " MONTH : " + + ""; } } header += " YEAR : " + year + ""; String facilitywhere = ""; String yearwhere = ""; String monthwhere = ""; String countywhere = ""; String duration = ""; String semi_annual = ""; String quarter = ""; //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX int yearcopy = Integer.parseInt(year); // reportType="2"; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; String yearmonth = "" + year; int prevYear = yearcopy - 1; int maxYearMonth = 0; int monthcopy = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Annual Report For " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report For " + prevYear + " Oct to " + year + " Mar"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; } else { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report for Apr to Sep " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + prevYear + " " +; } else { yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + year + " (" + + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; } } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { monthcopy = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; if (monthcopy >= 10) { yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + prevYear + "_(" + month + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; } else { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + year + "_(" + month + ")"; } } else { duration = ""; } //====================================================================== //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX String subcountywhere = ""; String subcounty = ""; if (!request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); } String getexistingdata = ""; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and district.countyid = '" + county + "'"; } if (!subcounty.equals("")) { subcountywhere = " and " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID = '" + subcounty + "'"; } if (!facil.equals("")) { facilitywhere = " and " + form + ".SubPartnerID = '" + facil + "'"; } String joinedwhwere = " where 1=1 " + yearwhere + " && " + duration + " " + countywhere + " " + subcountywhere; //===================================================================================================== //FINDFACILITIES //===================================================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________________ // NOW CREATE THE WORKSHEETS //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 18); font.setFontName("Cambria"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Cambria"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); style2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style2.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontx.setFontName("Cambria"); fontx.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFSheet shet = wb.createSheet(form.toUpperCase()); //create headers for that worksheet HSSFRow rw = shet.createRow(0); rw.setHeightInPoints(25); HSSFCell cl0 = rw.createCell(0); cl0.setCellValue("DATIM " + yearmonth); cl0.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 1; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFRow rw1 = shet.createRow(1); rw1.setHeightInPoints(23); HSSFCell cl = rw1.createCell(0); cl.setCellValue(""); cl.setCellStyle(style2); for (int a = 1; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw1.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style2); } HSSFRow rw2 = shet.createRow(2); rw2.setHeightInPoints(23); HSSFCell cl3 = rw2.createCell(0); cl3.setCellValue("VMMC CIRC "); cl3.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl31 = rw2.createCell(1); cl31.setCellValue(""); cl31.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 2; a <= 5; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3b = rw2.createCell(6); cl3b.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Age "); cl3b.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 7; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3c = rw2.createCell(14); cl3c.setCellValue("Disaggregated by HIV Status "); cl3c.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 15; a <= 16; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3d = rw2.createCell(17); cl3d.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Circumcission Technique "); cl3d.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl3e = rw2.createCell(18); cl3e.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Followup (For surgical only) "); cl3e.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 19; a < 20; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3f = rw2.createCell(20); cl3f.setCellValue("VMMC_AE Disaggregated by AE Type"); cl3f.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 21; a < 27; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } // String VMMCheaders[] = { "County", "Sub-County", "Facility Name", "Mfl Code", "Type Of Support", "Numerator", "< 1", "1-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-49", "50+", "HIV-positive clients (tested HIV positive at VMMC site", "HIV-negative clients (tested HIV negative at VMMC program", "Unknown HIV status/not tested for HIV on site/indeterminate HIV status/undocumented HIV status", "Device-Based", "Number of surgical VMMC clients who returned at least once for follow-up care within 14 days of surgery", "Number of surgical VMMC clients who did not return for follow-up care within 14 days of surgery", "Numerator", "Surgical Intra- operative: Moderate", "Surgical Intra- operative: Severe", "Surgical Post- operative: Moderate", "Surgical Post- operative: Severe", "Medical Device-related: Moderate", "Medical Device-related: Severe" }; HSSFRow rw3 = shet.createRow(3); rw3.setHeightInPoints(63); for (int a = 0; a < VMMCheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw3.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(VMMCheaders[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } //shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,10,0,0)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 13)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 0, 13)); //shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,0,4)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 1, 5)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 6, 13)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 14, 16)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 18, 19)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 20, 26)); shet.setColumnWidth(0, 5000); shet.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); shet.setColumnWidth(2, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(3, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(4, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(5, 2500); shet.setColumnWidth(14, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(15, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(16, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(17, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(18, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(19, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(20, 3000); shet.setColumnWidth(21, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(22, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(23, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(24, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(25, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(26, 6000); //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 27; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where ( VMMC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode , sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P51D1) as P51D1, sum(P51D9) as P51D9, sum(P51D10) as P51D10, sum(P51D19) as P51D19,sum(P51D24) as P51D24, sum(P51D29) as P51D29, sum(P51D49) as P51D49, sum(P51D50) as P51D50, sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P521DM) as P521DM, sum(P521DS) as P521DS, sum(P521DT) as P521DT, sum(P522DM) as P522DM, sum(P522DS) as P522DS, sum(P522DT) as P522DT, sum(P52DM) as P52DM, sum(P52DS) as P52DS, sum(P52DT) as P52DT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, sum(P511KU) as P511KU, sum(P511Surg) as P511Surg, sum(P511Dev) as P511Dev, sum(P53DF) as P53DF, sum(P53DO) as P53DO, sum(P53DM) as P53DM, sum(P53D) as P53D, sum(P54D) as P54D from "+form+" join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID "; getexistingdata = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode , sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P51D1) as P51D1, sum(P51D9) as P51D9, sum(P51D10) as P51D10, sum(P51D19) as P51D19,sum(P51D24) as P51D24, sum(P51D29) as P51D29, sum(P51D49) as P51D49, sum(P51D50) as P51D50, sum(P511KP) as P511KP , sum(P511KN) as P511KN, sum(P511KU) as P511KU , sum(P511Dev) as P511Dev , sum(P54D) as P54D , sum(P511Surg) as P511Surg , sum(P521DM + P521DS + P522DM + P522DS) as aenumerator , sum(P521DM) as P521DM , sum(P521DS) as P521DS , sum(P522DM) as P522DM , sum(P522DS) as P522DS from " + form + " join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on " + form + ".SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + joinedwhwere + " group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println(getexistingdata); String P51D1 = ""; String P51D9 = ""; String P51D10 = ""; String P51D19 = ""; String P51D24 = ""; String P51D29 = ""; String P51D49 = ""; String P51D50 = ""; String P51DT = ""; String P511KP = ""; String P521DM = ""; String P521DS = ""; // String P521DT = ""; String P522DM = ""; String P522DS = ""; // String P522DT = ""; // String P52DM = ""; // String P52DS = ""; // String P52DT = ""; // String P511KP = ""; String P511KN = ""; String P511KU = ""; String P511Surg = ""; String P511Dev = ""; // String P53DF = ""; // String P53DO = ""; // String P53DM = ""; // String P53D = ""; String P54D = ""; String distid = ""; int counter = 0; =; int r = 4; while ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //now check if form was updated and if its one month after data entry //now load the column values here P51D1 ="P51D1"); if (P51D1 == null) { P51D1 = ""; } P51D9 ="P51D9"); if (P51D9 == null) { P51D9 = ""; } P51D10 ="P51D10"); if (P51D10 == null) { P51D10 = ""; } P51D19 ="P51D19"); if (P51D19 == null) { P51D19 = ""; } P51D24 ="P51D24"); if (P51D24 == null) { P51D24 = ""; } P51D29 ="P51D29"); if (P51D29 == null) { P51D29 = ""; } P51D49 ="P51D49"); if (P51D49 == null) { P51D49 = ""; } P51D50 ="P51D50"); if (P51D50 == null) { P51D50 = ""; } P51DT ="P51DT"); if (P51DT == null) { P51DT = ""; } P521DM ="P521DM"); if (P521DM == null) { P521DM = ""; } // P521DS ="P521DS"); if (P521DS == null) { P521DS = ""; } // // P521DT ="P521DT"); // if (P521DT == null) { // P521DT = ""; // } // // // P522DM ="P522DM"); if (P522DM == null) { P522DM = ""; } // P522DS ="P522DS"); if (P522DS == null) { P522DS = ""; } // // P522DT ="P522DT"); // if (P522DT == null) { // P522DT = ""; // } // // // P52DM ="P52DM"); // if (P52DM == null) { // P52DM = ""; // } // // // P52DS ="P52DS"); // if (P52DS == null) { // P52DS = ""; // } // // // P52DT ="P52DT"); // if (P52DT == null) { // P52DT = ""; // } // // P511KP ="P511KP"); if (P511KP == null) { P511KP = ""; } // // P511KN ="P511KN"); if (P511KN == null) { P511KN = ""; } P511KU ="P511KU"); if (P511KU == null) { P511KU = ""; } // P511Surg ="P511Surg"); if (P511Surg == null) { P511Surg = ""; } // // P511Dev ="P511Dev"); if (P511Dev == null) { P511Dev = ""; } // // P53DF ="P53DF"); // if (P53DF == null) { // P53DF = ""; // } // // P53DO ="P53DO"); // if (P53DO == null) { // P53DO = ""; // } // // P53DM ="P53DM"); // if (P53DM == null) { // P53DM = ""; // } // // P53D ="P53D"); // if (P53D == null) { // P53D = ""; // } // P54D ="P54D"); if (P54D == null) { P54D = ""; } if (1 == 1) { if (1 == 1) { int celpos = 0; int celpos1 = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(r); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); //County HSSFCell clx0 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx0.setCellValue(; clx0.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; //SubCounty HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; //Facility Name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Mfl Code if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //DSD/TA //im assuming that VMMC is made of DSDs as indicated in the Datim PDF screen shared by Supervisor if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue("DSD"); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; } //Numerator if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //<1 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //1-9 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //10-24 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //15-19 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //20-24 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //25-29 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //30-49 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //50+ if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //tested positive clients P511KP if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //tested negative clients P511KN if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //unknown untested P511KU if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //device based P511KU if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //Returned if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } if (1 == 1) { int notreturned = 0; if ("P51DT") -"P54D") > 0) { //here im subtracting surgical vmmc and males who returned for postoperative follow notreturned ="P51DT") -"P54D"); } HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(notreturned); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); //increment to get past P511Surg celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //VMMC_AE Numerator if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //intra-operative moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //intra-operative severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } // surgicalpost-operative moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } // surgicalpost-operative severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Medical device related Moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(""); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Medical device related Severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(""); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } r++; } //===================================================================================== } //end of if 1==1 } //end of while loop //System.out.println(createdtable); //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shet.createRow(r); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); r++; for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(0); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(style2); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% } //================================================================================================== //HTC RESULTS BY SDP //================================================================================================== if (1 == 1) { String month = ""; String year = ""; String facil = "361"; String form = "moh711"; //===================================================================================================== year = "2015"; month = "5"; String county = ""; String header = ""; String subheaders[] = { "Tested", "Positive", "Negative" }; String sectionheaders[] = { "County", "Sub-county", "Health Facility", "Mfl Code", "Type Of Support", "ART High Volume", "HTC High Volume", "PMTCT High Volume", "Antenatal Clinic", "", "", "Labour & Delivery", "", "", "Under 5 Clinic", "", "", "Postnatal", "", "", "Tuberculosis", "", "", "Outpatient Department", "", "", "Inpatient", "", "", "Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission", "", "", "Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)", "", "" }; //String sectionheaders[]={"County","Sub-county","Health Facility","Mfl Code","Type Of Support","Antenatal Clinic","","","Labour & Delivery","","","Under 5 Clinic","","","Postnatal","","","TB_STAT","","","Sexually Transmitted Infections","","","Outpatient Department","","","Inpatient","","","Hiv Care and Treatment Clinic","","","Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Standalone)","","","Mobile","","","Home-based","","","Other","",""}; String reportType = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportType") != null) { reportType = request.getParameter("reportType"); } String reportDuration = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportDuration") != null) { reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); } if (request.getParameter("year") != null) { year = request.getParameter("year"); } if (request.getParameter("facility") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { facil = request.getParameter("facility"); String getfacil = "select SubPartnerNom,CentreSanteId as mflcode from " + facilitiestable + " where SubPartnerID='" + facil + "'"; =; while ( { header += " FACILITY : " + + " MFL CODE : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("county") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { county = request.getParameter("county"); String getcounty = "select County from county where CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { header += " COUNTY : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("month") != null && reportDuration.equals("4")) { try { month = request.getParameter("month"); String getmonth = "select name as monthname from month where id='" + month + "'"; =; while ( { header += " MONTH : " + + ""; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } header += " YEAR : " + year + ""; String facilitywhere = ""; String yearwhere = ""; String monthwhere = ""; String countywhere = ""; String duration = ""; String semi_annual = ""; String quarter = ""; String tbstatduration = ""; //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX int yearcopy = Integer.parseInt(year); // reportType="2"; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; String yearmonth = "" + year; int prevYear = yearcopy - 1; int maxYearMonth = 0; int monthcopy = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ //annually if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Annual Report For " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "'"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report For " + prevYear + " Oct to " + year + " Mar"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='1' || quarter='2') "; } else { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report for Apr to Sep " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='2' || quarter='3') "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { try { //quarterly String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "' and quarter='" + quarter + "' "; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { try { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + prevYear + " " +; } else { yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + year + " (" + + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { monthcopy = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); //since we dont want data to appear for monthly reports, we set an impossible tbstatduration = " 1=2 "; // month=5; if (monthcopy >= 10) { yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + prevYear + "_(" + month + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; } else { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + year + "_(" + month + ")"; } } else { duration = ""; } //====================================================================== //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX String subcountywhere = ""; String subcounty = ""; if (!request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); } String getexistingdata = ""; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and district.countyid = '" + county + "'"; } if (!subcounty.equals("")) { subcountywhere = " and " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID = '" + subcounty + "'"; } if (!facil.equals("") && reportType.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) { facilitywhere = " and " + form + ".SubPartnerID = '" + facil + "'"; } String joinedwhwere = " where 1=1 " + yearwhere + " && " + duration + " " + countywhere + " " + subcountywhere; //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 35; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county union select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 right join moh731 on right join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county"; //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID union select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 right join moh731 on right join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county"; getexistingdata = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, (sum(P511KN) + sum(P511KU)) as P511KN, " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on " + form + ".SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + joinedwhwere + " and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("@@" + getexistingdata); String Tbid = year + "_" + quarter + "_" + facil; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration; String distincttbstatfacils = "select distinct(SubPartnerID) as partnerid from tb_stat_art WHERE " + tbstatduration; ArrayList tbstat = new ArrayList(); conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(distincttbstatfacils); while ( { tbstat.add(conn.rs1.getString(1)); } //===================================================================================================== //===================================================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________________ // NOW CREATE THE WORKSHEETS //______________________________________________________________________________________ // HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12); font.setFontName("Cambria"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); style.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Cambria"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); style2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style2.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); //this font will be used to show errors on negatives HSSFCellStyle errorstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); errorstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); errorstyle.setFillBackgroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); errorstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); errorstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontx.setFontName("Cambria"); fontx.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFSheet shet = wb.createSheet("HTC RESULTS BY SDP"); int rowpos = 0; //create headers for that worksheet HSSFRow rw = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw.setHeightInPoints(25); HSSFCell cl0 = rw.createCell(0); cl0.setCellValue("HTC Results BY Service Delivery Point and Test Result(Required) " + yearmonth); cl0.setCellStyle(style); rowpos++; for (int a = 1; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style); shet.setColumnWidth(a, 5000); } HSSFRow rw1 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw1.setHeightInPoints(38); rowpos++; for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw1.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(sectionheaders[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); if (a > 7 && a < sectionheaders.length) { if (sectionheaders[a].equals("")) { } else { shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, a, a + 2)); } } } shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, sectionheaders.length - 1)); shet.setColumnWidth(0, 5000); //add section 2 HSSFRow rw2 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw2.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowpos - 1, rowpos, a, a)); } int b = 0; for (int a = 8; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(subheaders[b]); b++; if (b == 3) { b = 0; } clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } rowpos++; =; while ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% int colpos = 0; int conpos = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(25); String arthv = " "; String htchv = " "; String pmtcthv = " "; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } //county if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subcounty if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //facility name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mfl if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //support type//###################################################################################### if (1 == 1) { String support = "DSD"; if ("HTC_Support1") == null ||"HTC_Support1").equals("")) { /** if("PMTCT_Support")!=null&&!"PMTCT_Support").equals("null")){"PMTCT_Support"); } **/ } else { support ="HTC_Support1"); } System.out.println("______:" +"HTC_Support1") + ":__" + support); HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(support/**"DSD"/*support*/ ); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //skip both pmtct support s conpos++; conpos++; } //arthv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(arthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //htchv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(htchv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //pmtcthv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(pmtcthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //____________________Totals begin here______________ //Antenatal if (1 == 1) { //sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0206"); tested ="HV0201"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Labour & Delivery if (1 == 1) { //,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0207"); tested ="HV0202"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Under 5 Clinic if (1 == 1) { //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0232"); tested ="HV0228"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Post Natal if (1 == 1) { //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0208"); tested ="HV0203"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //TB Stat if (1 == 1) { int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; String getstat = "select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE " + tbstatduration + " and SubPartnerID='" +"SubPartnerID") + "'"; conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getstat); if ( { positive = conn.rs1.getInt("positive"); negative = conn.rs1.getInt("negative"); tested = negative + positive; //remove the current facility id if (tbstat.contains("SubPartnerID"))) { tbstat.remove("SubPartnerID")); } } //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx.setCellValue(tested); } else { clx.setCellValue(""); } clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx1.setCellValue(positive); } else { clx1.setCellValue(""); } clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx2.setCellValue(negative); } else { clx2.setCellValue(""); } clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //sexually transmitted insfections //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //"HV0208"); //"HV0203"); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Outpatient if (1 == 1) { // sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot"); tested ="DTCB_Test_Out_Tot"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Inpatient if (1 == 1) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="DTCC_HIV_In_Tot"); tested ="DTCB_Test_In_Tot"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //HIV Care and Treatment //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //"DTCC_HIV_In_Tot"); //"DTCB_Test_In_Tot"); // negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //VMMC if (1 == 1) { // sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="P511KP"); negative ="P511KN"); tested = negative + positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //VCT (Co-located) if (1 == 1) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="VCTClient_HIV_TOT"); tested ="VCTClient_Tested_TOT"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Voluntary counselling and testing (Stand alone) //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Mobile //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Home Based //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Other //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } rowpos++; } //now check if any facilities were skipped //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% System.out.println("_____======______" + tbstat.size()); for (int a = 0; a < tbstat.size(); a++) { System.out.println("%%%%%======______RoWno::" + tbstat.get(a)); if (1 == 1) { int colpos = 0; int conpos = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(25); String getstat = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,supporttype, sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative, tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID, ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume from tb_stat_art join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID WHERE " + tbstatduration + " and tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID='" + tbstat.get(a) + "'"; =; if ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String arthv = " "; String htchv = " "; String pmtcthv = " "; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } //county if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subcounty if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //facility name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mfl if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //support type//###################################################################################### if (1 == 1) { String support = "NA"; support ="supporttype"); HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue("DSD" /*support*/); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //skip both pmtct support s conpos++; } //arthv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(arthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //htchv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(htchv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //pmtcthv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(pmtcthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //enter blanks in columns from Facility type up to the tb column if (1 == 1) { for (int c = 5; c < 17; c++) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } } //tb stat if (1 == 1) { int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration+" and SubPartnerID='"+tbstat.get(a)+"'"; positive ="positive"); negative ="negative"); tested = negative + positive; //} //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx.setCellValue(tested); } else { clx.setCellValue(""); } clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx1.setCellValue(positive); } else { clx1.setCellValue(""); } clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx2.setCellValue(negative); } else { clx2.setCellValue(""); } clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //end of tbstat if query //finish posting blanks to the remaining columns if (1 == 1) { for (int c = 20; c < sectionheaders.length; c++) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; // conpos++; } } } //end of if query } //end of if 1==1 System.out.println("____" + tbstat.get(a)); rowpos++; } //end of for loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); rowpos++; for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 5) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(5); celldsd.setCellValue(staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 6) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(6); celldsd.setCellValue(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 7) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(7); celldsd.setCellValue(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(""); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(""); celldata.setCellStyle(style2); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //HTC CODE FROM PMTCT and HTC #PMTCTHTC //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (2 == 2) { int less15m = 0; int less15f = 0; int gret15m = 0; int gret15f = 0; ArrayList allFacilities = new ArrayList(); allFacilities.clear(); int year, month, prevYear, maxYearMonth; String reportDuration, duration, semi_annual, quarter; String facilityName, mflcode, countyName, districtName, facilityIds, facilityId; year = month = prevYear = maxYearMonth = 0; reportDuration = duration = semi_annual = quarter = ""; facilityName = mflcode = countyName = districtName = facilityIds = facilityId = ""; String facilityIds1 = ""; facilityIds1 = "("; if (request.getParameter("subcounty") != null && !request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { String subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); String getDist = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "WHERE district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "'"; =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh711.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { if (request.getParameter("county") != null && !request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { String county = request.getParameter("county"); String getCounty = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "JOIN county ON district.CountyID=county.CountyID WHERE county.CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh711.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { facilityIds1 = ""; } } int TestedAdultMale = 0, TestedAdultFemale = 0; int TestedChildMale = 0, TestedChildFemale = 0; int HIV_AdultMale = 0, HIV_AdultFemale = 0; int HIV_ChildMale = 0, HIV_ChildFemale = 0; int pmtcttested = 0; int pmtctpositive = 0; int pmtctnegative = 0; double FemaleAdultTested; double FemaleTestedChild; double AdultFemaleHIV; double ChildFemaleHIV; double MaleAdultTested; double MaleTestedChild; double AdultMaleHIV; double ChildMaleHIV; double FemaleAdultTested1 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested4 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested9 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested14 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested19 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested24 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested49 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested50 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild1 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild4 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild9 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild14 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild19 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild24 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild49 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild50 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = 0; // MALES double MaleAdultTested19Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested21Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested49Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested50Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested19 = 0; double MaleAdultTested24 = 0; double MaleAdultTested49 = 0; double MaleAdultTested50 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1 = 0; double MaleTestedChild4 = 0; double MaleTestedChild9 = 0; double MaleTestedChild14 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild4Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild9Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild14Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14Neg = 0; double splitData = 0; int adderPos = 0; double childSplitData = 0; int redalert = 0; year = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("year")); reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); // year=2015; // reportDuration="4"; String period1 = ""; String duration1 = ""; prevYear = year - 1; maxYearMonth = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PEPFAR YEAR : " + year; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : OCT " + prevYear + " to MARCH " + year; } else { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : APRIL " + year + " to SEPT " + year; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + prevYear + " TO ") + " " + prevYear + ""; } else { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + year + " TO ") + " " + year + ""; } } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; String getMonthName = "SELECT name FROM month WHERE id='" + month + "'"; =; if ( == true) { if (month >= 10) { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + prevYear + ")"; } else { duration1 = " moh711.yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + year + ")"; } } } else { duration1 = ""; } HSSFSheet shet3 = wb.createSheet("PMTCT , HTC ,UNDER 5 & VMMC "); HSSFCell c11; FemaleAdultTested = 0; FemaleTestedChild = 0; AdultFemaleHIV = 0; ChildFemaleHIV = 0; double TotalTested = 0; double TotalPositiveFemale = 0; double TotalPositiveMale = 0; double TotalNegativeFemale = 0; double TotalNegativeMale = 0; // MALES MaleAdultTested = 0; MaleTestedChild = 0; AdultMaleHIV = 0; ChildMaleHIV = 0; double TotalPositive = 0; double TotalNegative = 0; String county = ""; String district = ""; String facilityname = ""; HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_40_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stylemainHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); stylemainHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylemainHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylemainHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); stylemainHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); stborder.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); stborder.setWrapText(true); HSSFFont font1 = wb.createFont(); font1.setFontName("Cambria"); font1.setColor((short) 0000); stborder.setFont(font1); // for the red color HSSFCellStyle redstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); redstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); redstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); redstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); redstyle.setWrapText(true); shet3.setColumnWidth(0, 4000); shet3.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); shet3.setColumnWidth(2, 7000); //shet3.setColumnWidth(6,5000); HSSFCell c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c110, c111, c112, c113, c114, c115, c116, c117, c118, c219; HSSFCell c119, c120, c121, c122, c123, c124, c125, c126, c127, c128, c129, c130, c131, c132, c133, c134, c135, c136, c137; HSSFCell c211, c212, c213, c214, c215, c216, c217, cARTHV, cHTCHV, cPMTCTHV; String newheader0 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,FEMALE(POSITIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (POSITIVE),,,,,,,,NEGATIVE,FEMALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,"; String newheader1 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL +VE MALE,Paeds < 15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(F),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(M),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,Female,,Male,,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String newheader2 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL +VE MALE,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(F),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(M),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,< 15,15 +,< 15,15 +,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String header0array[] = newheader0.split(","); String header1array[] = newheader1.split(","); String header2array[] = newheader2.split(","); //create header1 HSSFRow rw0 = shet3.createRow(0); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8; c1 = rw0.createCell(0); //_____________________________________________________________report heading row 0 c1.setCellValue(period1); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); for (int j = 1; j <= header0array.length - 1; j++) { c1 = rw0.createCell(j); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 1 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(2); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header0array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header0array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 2 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(3); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header1array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header1array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 3 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(4); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header2array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header2array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } String mergeinfor[] = { "0,0,0,54", "2,4,0,0", "2,4,1,1", "2,4,2,2", "2,4,3,3", "2,4,4,4", "2,4,5,5", "2,4,6,6", "2,4,7,7", "2,4,8,8", "2,4,9,9", "2,4,10,10", "2,2,11,19", "2,2,20,27", "2,2,29,37", "2,2,38,45", "2,2,46,54", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,15,18", "3,3,20,23", "3,3,24,27", "3,3,29,32", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,33,36", "3,3,38,41", "3,3,42,45", "3,3,46,47", "3,3,48,49" }; //do the merging for (int d = 0; d < mergeinfor.length; d++) { if (!mergeinfor[d].equals("")) { String pos[] = mergeinfor[d].split(","); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(new Integer(pos[0]), new Integer(pos[1]), new Integer(pos[2]), new Integer(pos[3]))); } } double checkdiff = 0; int count = 4; TestedAdultMale = 0; TestedAdultFemale = 0; TestedChildMale = 0; TestedChildFemale = 0; HIV_AdultMale = 0; HIV_AdultFemale = 0; HIV_ChildMale = 0; HIV_ChildFemale = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- String facilid = ""; String facilname = ""; String dsdta = ""; //20151010 int pmtcttestedtotal = 0; int pmtctpositivestotal = 0; int pmtctnegativetotal = 0; double pmtct15to19tes = 0; double pmtct20to24tes = 0; double pmtct25to49tes = 0; double pmtct50tes = 0; double pmtct15to19pos = 0; double pmtct20to24pos = 0; double pmtct25to49pos = 0; double pmtct50pos = 0; int vmmctes = 0; int vmmcpos = 0; int vmmcneg = 0; double vmmcless1neg = 0; double vmmc1to9neg = 0; double vmmc10to14neg = 0; double vmmc15to19neg = 0; double vmmc20to24neg = 0; double vmmc25to29neg = 0; double vmmc30to49neg = 0; double vmmc50neg = 0; double vmmcless1pos = 0; double vmmc1to9pos = 0; double vmmc10to14pos = 0; double vmmc15to19pos = 0; double vmmc20to24pos = 0; double vmmc25to29pos = 0; double vmmc30to49pos = 0; double vmmc50pos = 0; double vmmcless1tes = 0; double vmmc1to9tes = 0; double vmmc10to14tes = 0; double vmmc15to19tes = 0; double vmmc20to24tes = 0; double vmmc25to29tes = 0; double vmmc30to49tes = 0; double vmmc50tes = 0; double vmmcless15 = 0; double vmmcgret15 = 0; //========================================= double under5pos = 0; double under5tes = 0; double under5neg = 0; double under5posf = 0; double under5posm = 0; double under5negf = 0; double under5negm = 0; double pmtct15to19neg = 0; double pmtct20to24neg = 0; double pmtct25to49neg = 0; double pmtct50neg = 0; //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 55; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + " district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " WHERE (" + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".VMMC=1) " + " GROUP BY SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String get711data = "SELECT(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CF) +sum( VCTClient_Tested_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_In_AF))" //ADULTS TESTED FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CM)+ sum(VCTClient_Tested_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_AM))"//ADULTS TESTED MALES + ", (sum(VCTClient_HIV_CF)+ sum(VCTClient_HIV_AF)+sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AF))" // ADULTS HIV+ FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_HIV_CM)+sum(VCTClient_HIV_AM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AM) +sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AM)) " // ADULTS HIV+ MALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CF) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CF))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CM))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED MALE + ", ( sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CF))" // CHILDREN POSITIVE FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CM)), " + " county.County,district.DistrictNom," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom," + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode," + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1, "// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE //======================added later 20151010 + " sum(HV0204) as PMTCTTESTED , (sum(HV0206)+sum(HV0207)+sum(HV0208) ) as PMTCTPOS "//pmtct tested and positive added on 201510 + ",SUM(P51D1) as VMMCunder1,SUM(P51D9) as VMMC1to9,SUM(P51D10) as VMMC10to14, SUM(P51D19) as VMMC15to19 , SUM(P51D24) as VMMC20to24, SUM(P51D29) as VMMC25to29, SUM(P51D49) as VMMC30to49, SUM(P51D50) as VMMC50,SUM(P51DT) as VMMCTESTED ,SUM(P511KP) as VMMCPOS, (SUM(P511KN)+SUM(P511KU)) as VMMCNEG "//vmmc added 20151016 + ",SUM(HV0232) as HV0232,SUM(HV0228) as HV0228 ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume"//under five + " FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on moh711.ID=vmmc.tableid JOIN " + facilitiestable + " " + " ON moh711.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + " JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + " district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " WHERE " + " " + facilityIds1 + " " + duration1 + " && (" + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".VMMC=1) " + " GROUP BY moh711.SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("711 : " + get711data); =; while ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String arthv = " "; String htchv = " "; String pmtcthv = " "; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } //=============================================now add vmmc and add under 1 county =; district =; district = district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase(); facilityname =; mflcode =; if ("HTC_Support1") == null) { dsdta = "DSD"; } else { dsdta =; } pmtcttestedtotal ="PMTCTTESTED"); pmtctpositivestotal ="PMTCTPOS"); //under 5 computations under5tes ="HV0228"); //under5 tested under5pos ="HV0232"); //under5 positives under5neg = under5tes - under5pos; //under 5 negatives //vmmc //VMMC50,SUM(P51DT) as VMMCTESTED ,SUM(P511KP) as VMMCPOS, SUM(P511KN) as VMMCNEG "//vmmc added 20151016 vmmcpos ="VMMCPOS"); vmmcneg ="VMMCNEG"); vmmctes ="VMMCTESTED"); // SUM(P51D50) as vmmcless1tes ="VMMCunder1"); vmmc1to9tes ="VMMC1to9"); vmmc10to14tes ="VMMC10to14"); vmmc15to19tes ="VMMC15to19"); vmmc20to24tes ="VMMC20to24"); vmmc25to29tes ="VMMC25to29"); vmmc30to49tes ="VMMC30to49"); vmmc50tes ="VMMC50"); TestedAdultFemale =; TestedAdultMale =; HIV_AdultFemale =; HIV_AdultMale =; TestedChildFemale =; TestedChildMale =; HIV_ChildFemale =; HIV_ChildMale =; System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); String basicDetails = county + "@" + district + "@" + facilityname + "@" + mflcode + "@" + dsdta; String arrayDetails[] = basicDetails.split("@"); count++; rw0 = shet3.createRow(count); int facilno = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arrayDetails.length; j++) { HSSFCell S3cell = rw0.createCell(facilno); S3cell.setCellValue(arrayDetails[j]); // System.out.println(arrayDetails[j]); S3cell.setCellStyle(stborder); System.out.println("facildet pos : " + facilno + " det : " + arrayDetails[j]); facilno++; } System.out.println(facilityname + " TestedAdultFemale " + TestedAdultFemale + "TestedAdultMale " + TestedAdultMale + " TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_AdultFemale " + HIV_AdultFemale + " HIV_AdultMale " + HIV_AdultMale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); //< 1 1-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-49 50+ //0% 1% 45% 25% 15% 8% 6% 0% //vmmc positives double vmmcposverify = 0; double vmmcnegverify = 0; vmmc1to9pos = (float) Math.round((0.01 * vmmcpos)); vmmc10to14pos = (float) Math.round((0.45 * vmmcpos)); vmmc15to19pos = (float) Math.round((0.25 * vmmcpos)); vmmc20to24pos = (float) Math.round((0.15 * vmmcpos)); vmmc25to29pos = (float) Math.round((0.08 * vmmcpos)); vmmc30to49pos = (float) Math.round((0.06 * vmmcpos)); //do a verification before subtracting the negatives vmmcposverify = vmmc1to9pos + vmmc10to14pos + vmmc15to19pos + vmmc20to24pos + vmmc25to29pos + vmmc30to49pos; //------------------------------------------//do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution double tofauti = 0; if (vmmcposverify < vmmcpos) { tofauti = vmmcpos - vmmcposverify; if (tofauti > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the male first until equal // while (tofauti > 0) { vmmc10to14pos += 1; tofauti--; } //end of while tofauti } else if (vmmcposverify > vmmcpos) { //minus until equal tofauti = vmmcposverify - vmmcpos; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { vmmc10to14pos -= 1; tofauti--; } } //end of else //Now do the deductions for the negatives from the tes // vmmcless1neg=vmmcless1tes;//pos =0% // vmmc1to9neg=vmmc1to9tes-vmmc1to9pos; // vmmc10to14neg=vmmc10to14tes-vmmc10to14pos; // vmmc15to19neg=vmmc15to19tes-vmmc15to19pos; // vmmc20to24neg=vmmc20to24tes-vmmc20to24pos; // vmmc25to29neg=vmmc20to24tes-vmmc20to24pos; // vmmc30to49neg=vmmc20to24tes-vmmc20to24pos; // vmmc50neg=vmmc20to24tes;//vmmc50positives =0% //******I HAVE USED THE SAME RATIOS AS THE POSITIVE THOH THATS NOT THE CASE vmmcless1neg = (float) Math.round((0.00 * vmmcneg)); vmmc1to9neg = (float) Math.round((0.01 * vmmcneg)); vmmc10to14neg = (float) Math.round((0.45 * vmmcneg)); vmmc15to19neg = (float) Math.round((0.25 * vmmcneg)); vmmc20to24neg = (float) Math.round((0.15 * vmmcneg)); vmmc25to29neg = (float) Math.round((0.08 * vmmcneg)); vmmc30to49neg = (float) Math.round((0.06 * vmmcneg)); vmmc50neg = (float) Math.round((0.00 * vmmcneg)); //verify the negatives vmmcnegverify = vmmcless1neg + vmmc1to9neg + vmmc10to14neg + vmmc15to19neg + vmmc20to24neg + vmmc25to29neg + vmmc30to49neg + vmmc50neg; //------------------------------------------//do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution tofauti = 0; if (vmmcnegverify < vmmcneg) { tofauti = vmmcneg - vmmcnegverify; if (tofauti > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the male first until equal // while (tofauti > 0) { vmmc10to14neg += 1; tofauti--; } //end of while tofauti } else if (vmmcnegverify > vmmcneg) { //minus until equal tofauti = vmmcnegverify - vmmcneg; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { vmmc10to14neg -= 1; tofauti--; } } //end of else vmmcless15 = vmmcless1neg + vmmc1to9neg + vmmc10to14neg + vmmcless1pos + vmmc1to9pos + vmmc10to14pos; vmmcgret15 = vmmc15to19neg + vmmc20to24neg + vmmc25to29neg + vmmc30to49neg + vmmc50neg + vmmc15to19pos + vmmc20to24pos + vmmc25to29pos + vmmc30to49pos + vmmc50pos; // FEMALES FemaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.11 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.72 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.12 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleTestedChild1 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.29 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.40 * TestedChildFemale)); //postive AdultFemaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.02 * HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.79 * HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.10 * HIV_AdultFemale)); //positve ChildFemaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.37 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildFemale)); // MALES MaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.11 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.72 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.12 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleTestedChild1 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.29 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.40 * TestedChildMale)); //positive AdultMaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.02 * HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.79 * HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.10 * HIV_AdultMale)); //positives ChildMaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.37 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildMale)); //under 5 distribution // femalepos, malepos, femaleneg, maleneg // 50% 50% 49% 51% double under5testedverify = 0; double under5posverify = 0; double under5negverify = 0; under5posf = (float) Math.round((0.50 * under5pos)); under5posm = (float) Math.round((0.50 * under5pos)); under5negf = (float) Math.round((0.49 * under5neg)); under5negm = (float) Math.round((0.51 * under5neg)); under5posverify = under5posf + under5posm; under5negverify = under5negf + under5negm; //do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution tofauti = 0; if (under5posverify < under5pos) { tofauti = under5pos - under5posverify; if (tofauti > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the male first until equal // while (tofauti > 0) { under5posm += 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { under5posf += 1; tofauti--; } } //end of while tofauti } else if (under5posverify > under5pos) { //minus until equal tofauti = under5posverify - under5pos; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { under5posm -= 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { under5posf -= 1; tofauti--; } } } //end of else //====================normalize negatives========================== if (under5negverify < under5neg) { tofauti = under5neg - under5negverify; if (tofauti > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { under5negm += 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { under5negf += 1; tofauti--; } } } else if (under5negverify > under5neg) { //minus until equal tofauti = under5negverify - under5neg; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { under5negm -= 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { under5negf -= 1; tofauti--; } } } //end of under 5 distribution //15-19 20-24 25-49 //PMTCT TESTED 13.9% 27.8% 58.3% //PMTCT Posit 5.3% 17.5% 77.2% //variables to hold the total of the distributed double pmtcttestedverify = 0; double pmtctpositiveverify = 0; pmtct15to19tes = (float) Math.round((0.139 * pmtcttestedtotal)); pmtct20to24tes = (float) Math.round((0.278 * pmtcttestedtotal)); pmtct25to49tes = (float) Math.round((0.583 * pmtcttestedtotal)); pmtct15to19pos = (float) Math.round((0.053 * pmtctpositivestotal)); pmtct20to24pos = (float) Math.round((0.175 * pmtctpositivestotal)); pmtct25to49pos = (float) Math.round((0.772 * pmtctpositivestotal)); pmtcttestedverify = pmtct15to19tes + pmtct20to24tes + pmtct25to49tes; pmtctpositiveverify = pmtct15to19pos + pmtct20to24pos + pmtct25to49pos; //do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution double currdiff = 0; if (pmtcttestedverify < pmtcttestedtotal) { currdiff = pmtcttestedtotal - pmtcttestedverify; if (currdiff > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49tes += 1; currdiff--; } } else if (pmtcttestedverify > pmtcttestedtotal) { //minus until equal currdiff = pmtcttestedverify - pmtcttestedtotal; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49tes -= 1; currdiff--; } } //do normalization for the POSITIVE // if the two are not equal, do a distribution if (pmtctpositiveverify < pmtctpositivestotal) { currdiff = pmtctpositivestotal - pmtctpositiveverify; if (currdiff > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49pos += 1; currdiff--; } } else if (pmtctpositiveverify > pmtctpositivestotal) { //minus until equal currdiff = pmtctpositiveverify - pmtctpositivestotal; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49pos -= 1; currdiff--; } } //now get the pmtct negatives by subtracting from the pmtct15to19neg = pmtct15to19tes - pmtct15to19pos; pmtct20to24neg = pmtct20to24tes - pmtct20to24pos; pmtct25to49neg = pmtct25to49tes - pmtct25to49pos; pmtctnegativetotal = pmtcttestedtotal - pmtctpositivestotal; //; //; //; //; //; //; //; //; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; double totalpositivesmale = 0; double totalpositivesfemale = 0; double totalpositives = 0; double totalnegatives = 0; double totalfemalehiv = 0; double totalmalehiv = 0; double totalfemaletesteddis = 0; double totalmaletesteddis = 0; double totalfemaletested = 0; double totalmaletested = 0; double negfem = 0; double negmale = 0; int redalert1 = 0; int redalert2 = 0; int redalert3 = 0; int redalert4 = 0; totalpositives = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14 + AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; totalnegatives = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // total tested after distribution totalfemaletesteddis = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14 + FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; totalmaletesteddis = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50 + MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; // totaltested after distriibution double totaltestedis = 0; totaltestedis = totalfemaletesteddis + totalmaletesteddis; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totalfemaletested = TestedAdultFemale + TestedChildFemale; totalmaletested = TestedAdultMale + TestedChildMale; //poistives totalfemalehiv = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; totalmalehiv = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; //+ve after dist totalpositivesfemale = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; totalpositivesmale = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; // // negative negfem = totalfemaletested - totalfemalehiv; negmale = totalmaletested - totalmalehiv; double checkdiff1 = 0; double checkdiff2 = 0; double checkdiff3 = 0; int redfemalealert = 0; int redmalealert = 0; int finalalert = 0; double totalcheckdiff = 0; //check a difference checkdiff = totalfemalehiv - totalpositivesfemale; // System.out.println("checkdiff female "+checkdiff1); // positive female if (checkdiff > 2 || checkdiff < -2) { redalert = 1; } // positive male checkdiff1 = totalmalehiv - totalpositivesmale; // System.out.println("checkdiff male "+checkdiff1); if (checkdiff1 > 2 || checkdiff1 < -2) { redalert1 = 1; } totalcheckdiff = TotalTested - totaltestedis; // System.out.println("dqa "+totalcheckdiff); if (totalcheckdiff > 5 || totalcheckdiff < -5) { finalalert = 1; } // checkdiff=totalfemalehiv-totalpositivesfemale; // // positive female // if(checkdiff>=2 ||checkdiff<=-2){ // redalert=1; // } // // positive male // checkdiff1=totalmalehiv-totalpositivesmale; // if(checkdiff1>=2 ||checkdiff1<=-2){ // redalert1=1; // } //// negative female // checkdiff2=negfem-totalfemaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff2>=2 ||checkdiff2<=-2){ // redalert2=1; // } // // // negativemale // checkdiff3=negmale-totalmaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff3>=2 ||checkdiff3<=-2){ // redalert3=1; // } // // totalcheckdiff=checkdiff+checkdiff1+checkdiff2+checkdiff3; // if(totalcheckdiff>=5 || totalcheckdiff<=-5){ // finalalert=1; // } adderPos = 0; double Totalhivfemale = 0; double Totalhivmale = 0; Totalhivfemale = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; Totalhivmale = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; splitData = 0; adderPos = 0; childSplitData = 0; // // adult female hiv+ splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; // System.out.println(facilityname + " lllll added " + splitData + " from db " + HIV_AdultFemale); adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; while (splitData > HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested female adults splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // adult male hiv+ splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested male adults splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // for child female tested childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " b4 jjj " + TestedChildFemale); adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 += 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 += 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " after jjj " + TestedChildFemale); // for child male hiv // for child female +ve childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; System.out.println(facilityname + " mmmm " + childSplitData + " " + HIV_ChildFemale); adderPos = 0; double diff = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildFemale) { diff = FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14; if (adderPos == 0) { if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 1) { if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { ChildFemaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildFemaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } // tested male _______________________________________________________________________ childSplitData = MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } childSplitData = MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } // for child male +ve childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } } else if (adderPos == 1) { if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { ChildMaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildMaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } /// // System.out.println("Neg nn "+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+" "+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14Neg); // System.out.println("tested nn "+MaleTestedChild1+ " "+MaleTestedChild4+" "+MaleTestedChild9+" "+ MaleTestedChild14); // System.out.println("hiv+ nnn "+ChildMaleHIV1+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4+" "+ChildMaleHIV9+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14); // // all positives //TotalPositive=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ // ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 +ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //TotalNegative=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ // ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg +ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); double totaltestedmale1 = 0; double totaltestedfemale1 = 0; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totaltestedmale1 = TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale; totaltestedfemale1 = TestedChildFemale + TestedAdultFemale; TotalPositiveFemale = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale; TotalPositiveMale = HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalPositive = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalNegativeFemale = totaltestedfemale1 - TotalPositiveFemale; TotalNegativeMale = totaltestedmale1 - TotalPositiveMale; TotalNegative = TotalNegativeMale + TotalNegativeFemale; //201510 //this code was added later less15f = TestedChildFemale; less15m = TestedChildMale; gret15m = TestedAdultMale; gret15f = TestedAdultFemale; // TotalNegativeFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+ ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; //TotalNegativeMale=AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; // TotalPositiveFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 ; // TotalPositiveMale=AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //System.out.println(MaleTestedChild14 +" bbbbb "+ChildMaleHIV14+" mmmmm "+ (MaleTestedChild14-ChildMaleHIV14)); rw0.setHeightInPoints(25); int mypos = 0; c211 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c212 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c213 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c214 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c215 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV.setCellValue(arthv); cHTCHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cHTCHV.setCellValue(htchv); cPMTCTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cPMTCTHV.setCellValue(pmtcthv); c216 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c217 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; // the rest c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c20 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; //c11.setCellValue(facilname); //String basicDetails=county+"@"+district+"@"+facilityname+"@"+mflcode+"@"+dsdta; c211.setCellValue(county); c212.setCellValue(district); c213.setCellValue(facilityname); c214.setCellValue(mflcode); c215.setCellValue(/*"DSD"*/dsdta); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 0, 0)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 1, 1)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 2, 2)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 3, 3)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 4, 4)); // Female c11.setCellValue(TotalTested + pmtcttestedtotal + under5tes + vmmctes); System.out.println(facilityname + "####### HTC: " + TotalTested + " Pmtct : " + pmtcttestedtotal + ": Under5 " + under5tes); c216.setCellValue(TotalPositive + pmtctpositivestotal + under5pos + vmmcpos); //since pmtct belongs to female double under5femalestotal = under5posf + under5negf; double under5malestotal = under5posm + under5negm; // c217.setCellValue(TotalPositiveFemale+pmtctpositivestotal+under5femalestotal); had an error c217.setCellValue(TotalPositiveFemale + pmtctpositivestotal + under5posf); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 5, 5)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 6, 6)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 4, 7, 7)); //rem under5 are children c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1 + under5posf)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19 + pmtct15to19pos)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24 + pmtct20to24pos)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49 + pmtct25to49pos)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50)); c20.setCellValue(TotalPositiveMale + under5posm + vmmcpos); //male c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1 + under5posm + vmmcless1pos)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4));//skip this for vmmc c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9 + vmmc1to9pos)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14 + vmmc10to14pos)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19 + vmmc15to19pos)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24 + vmmc20to24pos)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49 + vmmc25to29pos + vmmc30to49pos));//two vmmc options c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50 + vmmc50pos)); for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); // System.out.println("red "+redalert +" "+redalert1) ; if (redalert == 1) { c217 = rw0.getCell(6); c217.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert1 == 1) { c20 = rw0.getCell(16); c20.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,0,0)); c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c118 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c119 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c119.setCellStyle(stborder); int neg1male = 0; int neg4male = 0; int neg9male = 0; int neg14male = 0; int neg19male = 0; int neg24male = 0; int neg49male = 0; int neg50male = 0; AdultMaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested19) - (AdultMaleHIV19); AdultMaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested24) - (AdultMaleHIV24); AdultMaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested49) - (AdultMaleHIV49); AdultMaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested50) - (AdultMaleHIV50); if (AdultMaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50male = 1; } // child male negatives ChildMaleHIV1Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild1) - (ChildMaleHIV1); ChildMaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild4) - (ChildMaleHIV4); ChildMaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild9) - (ChildMaleHIV9); ChildMaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild14) - (ChildMaleHIV14); if (ChildMaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14male = 1; } //negative int neg1female = 0; int neg4female = 0; int neg9female = 0; int neg14female = 0; int neg19female = 0; int neg24female = 0; int neg49female = 0; int neg50female = 0; ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild1) - (ChildFemaleHIV1); ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild4) - (ChildFemaleHIV4); ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild9) - (ChildFemaleHIV9); ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild14) - (ChildFemaleHIV14); if (ChildFemaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14female = 1; } System.out.println(facilityname + " fffff " + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg); //negative AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested19) - (AdultFemaleHIV19); AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested24) - (AdultFemaleHIV24); AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested49) - (AdultFemaleHIV49); AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested50) - (AdultFemaleHIV50); if (AdultFemaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50female = 1; } double TotalNegativeFemale1 = 0; double TotalNegativeMale1 = 0; TotalNegativeFemale1 = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; TotalNegativeMale1 = AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // negative female checkdiff2 = negfem - TotalNegativeFemale1; if (checkdiff2 > 2 || checkdiff2 < -2) { redalert2 = 1; } // negativemale checkdiff3 = negmale - TotalNegativeMale1; if (checkdiff3 > 2 || checkdiff3 < -2) { redalert3 = 1; } c11.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeFemale + pmtctnegativetotal + under5negf));//pmtct if for women c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + under5negf)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4Neg)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9Neg)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14Neg)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + pmtct15to19neg)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + pmtct20to24neg)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + pmtct25to49neg)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50Neg)); c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeMale + under5negm + vmmcneg)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1Neg + under5negm + vmmcless1neg)); c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4Neg)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9Neg + vmmc1to9neg)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14Neg + vmmc10to14neg)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19Neg + vmmc15to19neg)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24Neg + vmmc20to24neg)); c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49Neg + vmmc25to29neg + vmmc30to49neg));//here we join two vmmc age sets c117.setCellStyle(stborder); c118.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50Neg + vmmc50neg)); c118.setCellStyle(stborder); // rem under 5 are all children c119.setCellValue(less15f + under5femalestotal); c119.setCellStyle(stborder); c120 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c120.setCellStyle(stborder); c121 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c121.setCellStyle(stborder); c122 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c122.setCellStyle(stborder); c123 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c123.setCellStyle(stborder); c124 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c124.setCellStyle(stborder); c125 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c125.setCellStyle(stborder); c126 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c126.setCellStyle(stborder); c127 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c127.setCellStyle(stborder); c128 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; //this is the new addition c120.setCellValue(gret15f + pmtcttestedtotal); //add the males too c121.setCellValue(less15m + under5malestotal + vmmcless15); c122.setCellValue(gret15m + vmmcgret15); c123.setCellValue(TotalTested + pmtcttestedtotal + under5tes + vmmctes); c124.setCellValue(TotalPositive + pmtctpositivestotal + under5pos + vmmcpos); c125.setCellValue(TotalNegative + pmtctnegativetotal + under5neg + vmmcneg); c126.setCellValue(TotalTested + pmtcttestedtotal + under5tes + vmmctes); c127.setCellValue("PASSED"); System.out.println(facilityname + " jjj " + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV14Neg); for (int i = 23; i <= 43; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (redalert2 == 1) { c11 = rw0.getCell(25); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert3 == 1) { c110 = rw0.getCell(34); c110.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (finalalert == 1) { c119 = rw0.getCell(51); c119.setCellStyle(redstyle); c119.setCellValue("FAILED"); } //String PMTCT total tested and negatives //System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@@@ PMTCT TOTAL TESTED "+pmtcttestedtotal+" :: PMTCT POSITIVE "+pmtctpositivestotal); if (neg1female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(26); c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(27); c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9female == 1) { c13 = rw0.getCell(28); c13.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14female == 1) { c14 = rw0.getCell(29); c14.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19female == 1) { c15 = rw0.getCell(30); c15.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24female == 1) { c16 = rw0.getCell(31); c16.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49female == 1) { c17 = rw0.getCell(32); c17.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50female == 1) { c18 = rw0.getCell(33); c18.setCellStyle(redstyle); } //male if (neg1male == 1) { c111 = rw0.getCell(35); c111.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4male == 1) { c112 = rw0.getCell(36); c112.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9male == 1) { c113 = rw0.getCell(37); c113.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14male == 1) { c114 = rw0.getCell(38); c114.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19male == 1) { c115 = rw0.getCell(39); c115.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24male == 1) { c116 = rw0.getCell(40); c116.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49male == 1) { c117 = rw0.getCell(41); c117.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50male == 1) { c118 = rw0.getCell(42); c118.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,20,20)); } //end of while //AFTER END OF WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows count++; rw0 = shet3.createRow(count); rw0.setHeightInPoints(23); for (int b = 0; b < blankrows; b++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (b == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rw0.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rw0.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rw0.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rw0.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 5) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(5); celldsd.setCellValue(staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 6) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(6); celldsd.setCellValue(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 7) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(7); celldsd.setCellValue(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rw0.createCell(b); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(stborder); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (conn.conn != null) { conn.conn.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.rs1 != null) { conn.rs1.close(); } if (conn.rs2 != null) { conn.rs2.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.st2 != null) { conn.st2.close(); } IdGenerator IG = new IdGenerator(); String createdOn = IG.CreatedOn(); ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outByteStream); byte[] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray(); response.setContentType("application/ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(outArray.length); response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=OLD_HTC-SDP_VMMC_HTC_Generatted_On_" + createdOn + ".xls"); OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(outArray); outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try {//from w w w.j a v a 2s . com String subcounty_countywhere = " (1=1) and "; response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); allFacilities.clear(); session = request.getSession(); dbConn conn = new dbConn(); Calendar ca = Calendar.getInstance(); int currentyear = ca.get(Calendar.YEAR); String mwaka = request.getParameter("year"); String facilitiestable = "subpartnera"; int selectedyear = new Integer(mwaka); if (selectedyear < currentyear) { if (selectedyear < 2014) { //db for 2014 is the smallest facilitiestable = "subpartnera2014"; } else { facilitiestable = "subpartnera" + selectedyear; } } year = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("year")); reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); String headerTB[] = "County,Sub County,Health Facility,MFL Code,Type of support,Numerator,Denominator,Female,Male,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20+Y,Positive,Negative,Total PLVHIV enrolled in clinical care (HV0319),Ho of PLV in HIV clinical care screened for TB (HV0354),Female,Male, Screened for TB <15 Years,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,Screened for TB >15 years,15-19Y,20+Y,Numerator,Denominator,Female,Male,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20+,Verification Status,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume" .split(","); String facilityIds1 = ""; excelDuration = ""; String tbscreenperiod = ""; period = ""; prevYear = year - 1; maxYearMonth = 0; facilityIds = "("; tbpos = 0; HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //============================================================================================ //TB Place tb code on the if //============================================================================================ if (2 == 2) { // GET REPORT DURATION================TB============================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; period = "DATIM ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PEPFAR YEAR : " + year; excelDuration = "year='" + year + "' && "; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; period = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR : OCT " + prevYear + " to MARCH " + year; excelDuration = " year='" + year + "' && quarter<=2 && "; } else { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; period = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR : APRIL " + year + " to SEPT " + year; excelDuration = " year='" + year + "' && quarter>=3 && "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; int tbstartmonth = new Integer(startMonth) + 1; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN '" + prevYear + "" + startMonth + "' AND '" + prevYear + "" + endMonth + "'"; tbscreenperiod = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN '" + prevYear + "" + tbstartmonth + "' AND '" + prevYear + "" + endMonth + "'"; period = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR : " +"-", " " + prevYear + " TO ") + " " + prevYear + ""; } else { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN '" + year + "" + startMonth + "' AND '" + year + "" + endMonth + "'"; tbscreenperiod = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN '" + year + "0" + tbstartmonth + "' AND '" + year + "0" + endMonth + "'"; //eg 20161101 and 20161230 period = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR : " +"-", " " + year + " TO ") + " " + year + ""; } excelDuration = " year='" + year + "' && quarter='" + quarter + "' && "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { excelDuration = ""; month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; String getMonthName = "SELECT name FROM month WHERE id='" + month + "'"; =; if ( == true) { if (month >= 10) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; period = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + prevYear + ")"; } else { duration = " moh731.yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; period = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + year + ")"; } } } else { duration = ""; } if (request.getParameter("subcounty") != null && !request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { String subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); String getDist = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "WHERE district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and "; =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds = facilityIds.substring(0, facilityIds.length() - 3); facilityIds += ") && "; } else { if (request.getParameter("county") != null && !request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { String county = request.getParameter("county"); String getCounty = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "JOIN county ON district.CountyID=county.CountyID WHERE county.CountyID='" + county + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds = facilityIds.substring(0, facilityIds.length() - 3); facilityIds += ") && "; } else { facilityIds = ""; facilityIds1 = ""; } } System.out.println("period is : " + period); // GET FACILITIES TO OUTPUT................................. mflcode = countyName = districtName = facilityName = ""; HSSFSheet shetTB = wb.createSheet("TB"); HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 18); font.setFontName("Arial Black"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Arial Black"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); stborder.setWrapText(true); // for the red color HSSFCellStyle redstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); redstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); redstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); redstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); redstyle.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleminiHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleminiHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.ORCHID.index); styleminiHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleminiHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleminiHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFFont fontHeader = wb.createFont(); fontHeader.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); styleHeader.setFont(fontHeader); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); for (int i = 3; i <= headerTB.length; i++) { shetTB.setColumnWidth(i, 4000); } for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { shetTB.setColumnWidth(i, 5000); } shetTB.setColumnWidth(2, 8000); // TB HEADER====================================================================== HSSFRow rw0shetTB = shetTB.createRow(1); rw0shetTB.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c001; for (int j = 0; j < headerTB.length; j++) { c001 = rw0shetTB.createCell(j); c001.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } c001 = rw0shetTB.getCell(0); c001.setCellValue(period); c001 = rw0shetTB.getCell(5); c001.setCellValue("TB_STAT"); c001 = rw0shetTB.getCell(17); c001.setCellValue("TB_SCREEN"); c001 = rw0shetTB.getCell(29); c001.setCellValue("TB_ARV"); shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 5, 16)); shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 17, 28)); shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 29, 38)); HSSFRow rw1shetTB = shetTB.createRow(2); rw1shetTB.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int j = 0; j < headerTB.length; j++) { c001 = rw1shetTB.createCell(j); c001.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } c001 = rw1shetTB.getCell(0); c001.setCellValue(period); c001 = rw1shetTB.getCell(5); c001.setCellValue("Numerator"); c001 = rw1shetTB.getCell(6); c001.setCellValue("Denominator"); c001 = rw1shetTB.getCell(9); c001.setCellValue("Paeds"); c001 = rw1shetTB.getCell(12); c001.setCellValue("Adults"); c001 = rw1shetTB.getCell(15); c001.setCellValue("HIV Status"); c001 = rw1shetTB.getCell(17); c001.setCellValue("Denominator"); c001 = rw1shetTB.getCell(18); c001.setCellValue("Numerator"); shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 0, 4)); shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 9, 11)); shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 12, 14)); shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 15, 16)); // shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,2,29,31)); HSSFRow rw2shetTB = shetTB.createRow(3); rw2shetTB.setHeightInPoints(50); HSSFCell c11; for (int headerpos = 0; headerpos < headerTB.length; headerpos++) { String headerInfor = headerTB[headerpos]; c11 = rw2shetTB.createCell(headerpos); c11.setCellValue(headerInfor); c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } tbpos = 4; //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 43; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where " + subcounty_countywhere + " ( PMTCT=1 || ART=1) group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //For tb screen , when a quarterly report is generated, we need to get data for the last two months. //otherwise, get data from the specified period String getData = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom,district.DistrictNom,county.County," + "" + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId,ART_Support,PMTCT_Support," + "SUM(HV0308),SUM(HV0309),SUM(HV0310),SUM(HV0311),SUM(HV0312)," + "SUM(HV0320),SUM(HV0321),SUM(HV0322),SUM(HV0323),SUM(HV0324)," + "" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID," + "SUM(HV0205),SUM(HV0209),SUM(HV0210),SUM(HV0216),SUM(HV0217)," + "SUM(HV0224),SUM(HV0225),SUM(HV0227),SUM(HV0229),SUM(HV0230),SUM(HV0231),SUM(HV0232)," + "SUM(HV0302),SUM(HV0206),SUM(HV0207),SUM(HV0208)" + ",SUM(HV0350),SUM(HV0351),SUM(HV0352),SUM(HV0353),SUM(HV0354) ,moh731.SubPartnerID as subpartnerid ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume" + " FROM moh731 JOIN " + facilitiestable + " " + "ON moh731.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + "district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " " + " WHERE " + " " + facilityIds + " " + duration + " && (" + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 || ART=1) " + "GROUP BY moh731.SubPartnerID " + " union " + "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom,district.DistrictNom,county.County, " + "" + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId,ART_Support,PMTCT_Support, " + "SUM(HV0308),SUM(HV0309),SUM(HV0310),SUM(HV0311),SUM(HV0312), " + "SUM(HV0320),SUM(HV0321),SUM(HV0322),SUM(HV0323),SUM(HV0324), " + "" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID," + "SUM(HV0205),SUM(HV0209),SUM(HV0210),SUM(HV0216),SUM(HV0217), " + "SUM(HV0224),SUM(HV0225),SUM(HV0227),SUM(HV0229),SUM(HV0230),SUM(HV0231),SUM(HV0232), " + "SUM(HV0302),SUM(HV0206),SUM(HV0207),SUM(HV0208) " + ",SUM(HV0350),SUM(HV0351),SUM(HV0352),SUM(HV0353),SUM(HV0354),tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID as subpartnerid ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM moh731 JOIN " + facilitiestable + " " + " ON moh731.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + " JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + " district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " Right join tb_stat_art on tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID=moh731.SubpartnerID " + " WHERE moh731.subPartnerID in ( " + " SELECT tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID FROM tb_stat_art join " + facilitiestable + " on tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + " where ART=1 and tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID not in " + " ( select moh731.subPartnerID from moh731 join " + facilitiestable + " on moh731.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID where " + facilityIds + " " + duration + " && (" + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 || ART=1) ) " + " ) "; System.out.println("^" + getData); // System.out.println("new : "+getData); =; while ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("CentreSanteId")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String arthv = " "; String htchv = " "; String pmtcthv = " "; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } HV0308 = HV0309 = HV0310 = HV0311 = HV0312 = HV0320 = HV0321 = HV0322 = HV0323 = HV0324 = 0; HV0314 = HV0315 = HV0316 = HV0317 = HV0318 = HV0334 = HV0335 = HV0336 = HV0337 = HV0338 = 0; errorTB = 0; HV0319 = HV0350 = HV0351 = HV0352 = HV0353 = HV0354 = 0; TB_STAT_N = TB_STAT_D = TB_STAT_FEMALE = TB_STAT_MALE = TB_STAT_1 = TB_STAT_4 = TB_STAT_9 = TB_STAT_14 = TB_STAT_19 = TB_STAT_20 = TB_STAT_POSTIVE = TB_STAT_NEGATIVE = 0; TB_SCREEN_D = TB_SCREEN_N = TB_SCREEN_FEMALE = TB_SCREEN_MALE = TB_SCREEN_LESS15 = TB_SCREEN_1 = TB_SCREEN_4 = TB_SCREEN_9 = TB_SCREEN_14 = TB_SCREEN_MORE15 = TB_SCREEN_19 = TB_SCREEN_20 = 0.0; TB_ART_N = TB_ART_D = TB_ART_FEMALE = TB_ART_MALE = TB_ART_1 = TB_ART_4 = TB_ART_9 = TB_ART_14 = TB_ART_19 = TB_ART_20 = 0; facilityName =; districtName =; countyName =; mflcode =; ARTSupport =; //; //; HV0308 =; HV0309 =; HV0310 =; HV0311 =; HV0312 =; HV0320 =; HV0321 =; HV0322 =; HV0323 =; HV0324 =; facilityId =; HV0205 =; HV0209 =; HV0210 =; HV0216 =; HV0217 =; HV0224 =; HV0225 =; HV0227 =; HV0229 =; HV0230 =; HV0231 =; HV0232 =; HV0302 =; HV0206 =; HV0207 =; HV0208 =; HV0350 =;//note that in quarterly report, this value will be replaced by the rsults of the query below HV0351 =; HV0352 =; HV0353 =; HV0354 =; // HV0302=0; //get values for cumulative indicators String getMaxYearMonth = "SELECT MAX(yearmonth) FROM moh731 WHERE moh731.SubPartnerID='" + facilityId + "' && " + duration; conn.rs2 = conn.st2.executeQuery(getMaxYearMonth); if ( == true) { maxYearMonth = conn.rs2.getInt(1); } String getCurrent = "SELECT HV0314,HV0315,HV0316,HV0317,HV0318," + "HV0334,HV0335,HV0336,HV0337,HV0338,HV0302,HV0319 FROM moh731 WHERE " + "moh731.SubPartnerID='" + facilityId + "' && yearmonth='" + maxYearMonth + "'"; // System.out.println("current : "+getCurrent); conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getCurrent); if ( == true) { HV0314 = conn.rs1.getInt(1); HV0315 = conn.rs1.getInt(2); HV0316 = conn.rs1.getInt(3); HV0317 = conn.rs1.getInt(4); HV0318 = conn.rs1.getInt(5); HV0334 = conn.rs1.getInt(6); HV0335 = conn.rs1.getInt(7); HV0336 = conn.rs1.getInt(8); HV0337 = conn.rs1.getInt(9); HV0338 = conn.rs1.getInt(10); // HV0302=conn.rs1.getInt(11); HV0319 = conn.rs1.getInt(12); } if (ARTSupport != null) { // tb query if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { } else { if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { //get the data for the two months for the quarter //SUM(HV0350),SUM(HV0351),SUM(HV0352),SUM(HV0353),SUM(HV0354) String gettbscreenquarterly = "SELECT SUM(HV0350) as HV0350,SUM(HV0351) as HV0351,SUM(HV0352) as HV0352,SUM(HV0353) as HV0353,SUM(HV0354) as HV0354 FROM moh731 WHERE " + "moh731.SubPartnerID='" + facilityId + "' && " + tbscreenperiod + ""; //System.out.println("tbscreen : "+gettbscreenquarterly); conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(gettbscreenquarterly); if ( { HV0350 = conn.rs1.getInt("HV0350"); HV0351 = conn.rs1.getInt("HV0351"); HV0352 = conn.rs1.getInt("HV0352"); HV0353 = conn.rs1.getInt("HV0353"); HV0354 = conn.rs1.getInt("HV0354"); } } String getTB = "SELECT SUM(numerator),SUM(denominator),SUM(female),SUM(male),SUM(less1),SUM(1to4),SUM(5to9),SUM(10to14),SUM(15to19),SUM(20above),SUM(positive),SUM(negative" + "),SUM(art_numerator),SUM(art_denominator),SUM(art_female),SUM(" + "art_male),SUM(art_less1),SUM(art_1to4),SUM(art_5to9),SUM(art_10to14),SUM(art_15to19),SUM(art_20above) FROM tb_stat_art WHERE " + excelDuration + " SubPartnerID='" + facilityId + "' "; conn.rs4 = conn.st4.executeQuery(getTB); if ( == true) { TB_STAT_N = conn.rs4.getInt(1); TB_STAT_D = conn.rs4.getInt(2); TB_STAT_FEMALE = conn.rs4.getInt(3); TB_STAT_MALE = conn.rs4.getInt(4); TB_STAT_1 = conn.rs4.getInt(5); TB_STAT_4 = conn.rs4.getInt(6); TB_STAT_9 = conn.rs4.getInt(7); TB_STAT_14 = conn.rs4.getInt(8); TB_STAT_19 = conn.rs4.getInt(9); TB_STAT_20 = conn.rs4.getInt(10); TB_STAT_POSTIVE = conn.rs4.getInt(11); TB_STAT_NEGATIVE = conn.rs4.getInt(12); TB_ART_N = conn.rs4.getInt(13); TB_ART_D = conn.rs4.getInt(14); TB_ART_FEMALE = conn.rs4.getInt(15); TB_ART_MALE = conn.rs4.getInt(16); TB_ART_1 = conn.rs4.getInt(17); TB_ART_4 = conn.rs4.getInt(18); TB_ART_9 = conn.rs4.getInt(19); TB_ART_14 = conn.rs4.getInt(20); TB_ART_19 = conn.rs4.getInt(21); TB_ART_20 = conn.rs4.getInt(22); } } // TB OUTPUT HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // TB STAT---------------------------------------------------------------------- // TB SCREEN-------------------------------------------------------------------- TB_SCREEN_D = (double) HV0319; TB_SCREEN_N = (double) HV0354; TB_SCREEN_FEMALE = (double) (HV0351 + HV0353); TB_SCREEN_MALE = (double) (HV0350 + HV0352); TB_SCREEN_LESS15 = (double) (HV0350 + HV0351); TB_SCREEN_MORE15 = (double) (HV0352 + HV0353); TB_SCREEN_1 = (double) Math.round((0.034 * TB_SCREEN_LESS15)); TB_SCREEN_4 = (double) Math.round((0.214 * TB_SCREEN_LESS15)); TB_SCREEN_9 = (double) Math.round((0.37 * TB_SCREEN_LESS15)); TB_SCREEN_14 = (double) Math.round((0.382 * TB_SCREEN_LESS15)); TB_SCREEN_19 = (double) Math.round((0.02 * TB_SCREEN_MORE15)); TB_SCREEN_20 = (double) Math.round((0.98 * TB_SCREEN_MORE15)); // Normalizing===== double normalizer = TB_SCREEN_1 + TB_SCREEN_4 + TB_SCREEN_9 + TB_SCREEN_14; int tbnum = 0; if ((normalizer - TB_SCREEN_LESS15) > 2 || (TB_SCREEN_LESS15 - normalizer) > 2) { errorTB++; } else { while (TB_SCREEN_LESS15 > normalizer) { if (tbnum == 0) { TB_SCREEN_14++; } else if (tbnum == 1) { TB_SCREEN_9++; } else if (tbnum == 2) { TB_SCREEN_4++; } else { tbnum = 0; } normalizer++; tbnum++; } normalizer = TB_SCREEN_1 + TB_SCREEN_4 + TB_SCREEN_9 + TB_SCREEN_14; tbnum = 0; while (TB_SCREEN_LESS15 < normalizer) { if (tbnum == 0) { TB_SCREEN_14--; } else if (tbnum == 1) { TB_SCREEN_9--; } else if (tbnum == 2) { TB_SCREEN_4--; } else { tbnum = 0; } normalizer--; tbnum++; } } normalizer = TB_SCREEN_19 + TB_SCREEN_20; tbnum = 0; if ((normalizer - TB_SCREEN_MORE15) > 2 || (TB_SCREEN_MORE15 - normalizer) > 2) { errorTB++; } else { while (TB_SCREEN_MORE15 > normalizer) { TB_SCREEN_20++; normalizer++; tbnum++; } normalizer = TB_SCREEN_19 + TB_SCREEN_20; tbnum = 0; while (TB_SCREEN_MORE15 < normalizer) { TB_SCREEN_20--; normalizer--; tbnum++; } } // TB ARV------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OUTPUT---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { String dataTB[] = (countyName + "," + districtName + "," + facilityName + "," + mflcode + ",DSD," + ",,,,," + ",,,,,,," + TB_SCREEN_D + "," + TB_SCREEN_N + "," + TB_SCREEN_FEMALE + "," + "" + TB_SCREEN_MALE + "," + TB_SCREEN_LESS15 + "," + TB_SCREEN_1 + "," + TB_SCREEN_4 + "," + TB_SCREEN_9 + "," + TB_SCREEN_14 + "," + TB_SCREEN_MORE15 + "," + TB_SCREEN_19 + "," + TB_SCREEN_20 + ",,,,,,,,,,," + errorTB + "," + arthv + "," + htchv + "," + pmtcthv).split(","); HSSFRow rw3shet5 = shetTB.createRow(tbpos); rw3shet5.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int positionTB = 0; positionTB < dataTB.length; positionTB++) { String value = dataTB[positionTB]; c11 = rw3shet5.createCell(positionTB); if (positionTB >= 17 && positionTB <= 28) { c11.setCellValue(Double.parseDouble(value)); } else { c11.setCellValue(value); } c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (positionTB == 5 || positionTB == 6 || positionTB == 17 || positionTB == 18 || positionTB == 29 || positionTB == 30) { c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } if (positionTB == dataTB.length - 4) { if (errorTB > 0) { c11.setCellValue("FAILED"); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } else { c11.setCellValue("PASSED"); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); } } } } else { String dataTB[] = (countyName + "," + districtName + "," + facilityName + "," + mflcode + ",DSD," + "" + TB_STAT_N + "," + TB_STAT_D + "," + TB_STAT_FEMALE + "," + TB_STAT_MALE + "," + TB_STAT_1 + "," + "" + TB_STAT_4 + "," + TB_STAT_9 + "," + TB_STAT_14 + "," + TB_STAT_19 + "," + TB_STAT_20 + "," + TB_STAT_POSTIVE + "," + TB_STAT_NEGATIVE + "," + TB_SCREEN_D + "," + TB_SCREEN_N + "," + TB_SCREEN_FEMALE + "," + "" + TB_SCREEN_MALE + "," + TB_SCREEN_LESS15 + "," + TB_SCREEN_1 + "," + TB_SCREEN_4 + "," + TB_SCREEN_9 + "," + TB_SCREEN_14 + "," + TB_SCREEN_MORE15 + "," + TB_SCREEN_19 + "," + TB_SCREEN_20 + "," + TB_ART_N + "," + TB_ART_D + "," + TB_ART_FEMALE + "," + TB_ART_MALE + "," + TB_ART_1 + "," + TB_ART_4 + "," + "" + TB_ART_9 + "," + TB_ART_14 + "," + TB_ART_19 + "," + TB_ART_20 + "," + errorTB + "," + arthv + "," + htchv + "," + pmtcthv) .split(","); HSSFRow rw3shet5 = shetTB.createRow(tbpos); rw3shet5.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int positionTB = 0; positionTB < dataTB.length; positionTB++) { String value = dataTB[positionTB]; c11 = rw3shet5.createCell(positionTB); if (positionTB > 4 && positionTB < dataTB.length - 4) { c11.setCellValue(Double.parseDouble(value)); } else { c11.setCellValue(value); } c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (positionTB == 5 || positionTB == 6 || positionTB == 17 || positionTB == 18 || positionTB == 29 || positionTB == 30) { c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } if (positionTB == dataTB.length - 4) { if (errorTB > 0) { c11.setCellValue("FAILED"); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } else { c11.setCellValue("PASSED"); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); } } } } tbpos++; } } //end of while //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shetTB.createRow(tbpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); tbpos++; for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 4) { //data status HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 4); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 3) { //art high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 3); celldsd.setCellValue(staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 2) { //ht high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 2); celldsd.setCellValue(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //pmtct high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(stborder); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% } //============================================================================================ //RETENTION REPORT //============================================================================================ if (3 == 3) { int retentionPos = 0; int HV0325 = 0; double SA_Numerator, SA_PG = 0, SA_BF = 0, SA_Sub1, SA_Sub2, SA_5F, SA_14F, SA_19F, SA_20F, SA_5M, SA_14M, SA_19M, SA_20M; double IA_Denominator, IA_PG = 0, IA_BF = 0, IA_Sub1, IA_Sub2, IA_5F, IA_14F, IA_19F, IA_20F, IA_5M, IA_14M, IA_19M, IA_20M; double SA_F_Paeds, SA_M_Paeds, IA_F_Paeds, IA_M_Paeds, SA_F_Adult, SA_M_Adult, IA_F_Adult, IA_M_Adult; int percentage, retentionPOS, errorRETENTION; allFacilities.clear(); // year=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("year")); // reportDuration=request.getParameter("reportDuration"); String headerRETENTION[] = "County,Sub County,Health Facility,MFL Code,Type of support,Numerator,Pregnant,Breastfeeding,sub-total,<5,5-14Y,15-19Y,20+Y,<5,5-14Y,15-19Y,20+Y,sub-total,Denominator,Pregnant,Breastfeeding,sub-total,<5,5-14Y,15-19Y,20+Y,<5,5-14Y,15-19Y,20+Y,sub-total,Verification Status,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume" .split(","); percentage = 81; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); facilityIds1 = ""; excelDuration = ""; period = ""; prevYear = year - 1; maxYearMonth = 0; facilityIds = "("; facilityIds1 = "("; retentionPos = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; period = "DATIM ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PEPFAR YEAR : " + year; excelDuration = "year='" + year + "' && "; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; period = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR : OCT " + prevYear + " to MARCH " + year; excelDuration = " year='" + year + "' && quarter<=2 && "; } else { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; period = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR : APRIL " + year + " to SEPT " + year; excelDuration = " year='" + year + "' && quarter>=3 && "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; period = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR : " +"-", " " + prevYear + " TO ") + " " + prevYear + ""; } else { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; period = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR : " +"-", " " + year + " TO ") + " " + year + ""; } excelDuration = " year='" + year + "' && quarter='" + quarter + "' && "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { excelDuration = ""; month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; String getMonthName = "SELECT name FROM month WHERE id='" + month + "'"; =; if ( == true) { if (month >= 10) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; period = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + prevYear + ")"; } else { duration = " moh731.yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; period = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + year + ")"; } } } else { duration = ""; } if (request.getParameter("subcounty") != null && !request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { String subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); String getDist = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "WHERE district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and "; =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; facilityIds1 += " moh711.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds = facilityIds.substring(0, facilityIds.length() - 3); facilityIds += ") && "; facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { if (request.getParameter("county") != null && !request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { String county = request.getParameter("county"); String getCounty = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "JOIN county ON district.CountyID=county.CountyID WHERE county.CountyID='" + county + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; facilityIds1 += " moh711.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds = facilityIds.substring(0, facilityIds.length() - 3); facilityIds += ") && "; facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { facilityIds = ""; facilityIds1 = ""; } } HSSFSheet shetRETENTION = wb.createSheet("RETENTION"); HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 18); font.setFontName("Arial Black"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Arial Black"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); stborder.setWrapText(true); // for the red color HSSFCellStyle redstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); redstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); redstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); redstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); redstyle.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleminiHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleminiHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.ORCHID.index); styleminiHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleminiHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleminiHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFFont fontHeader = wb.createFont(); fontHeader.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); styleHeader.setFont(fontHeader); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { shetRETENTION.setColumnWidth(i, 4000); } HSSFRow rw0shetRETENTION = shetRETENTION.createRow(0); rw0shetRETENTION.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c1; for (int j = 0; j < headerRETENTION.length; j++) { c1 = rw0shetRETENTION.createCell(j); c1.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } c1 = rw0shetRETENTION.getCell(5); c1.setCellValue("NO. STILL ALIVE AND ON TREATMENT 12 MONTHS AFTER INITIATING ART"); c1 = rw0shetRETENTION.getCell(18); c1.setCellValue( "NO. INITIATED ART IN 12 MONTHS PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF REPORTING PERIOD, DIED, STOPPED ART AND LOST TO FOLLOW-UPS."); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 5, 17)); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 18, 30)); HSSFRow rw1shetRETENTION = shetRETENTION.createRow(1); rw1shetRETENTION.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int j = 0; j < headerRETENTION.length; j++) { c1 = rw1shetRETENTION.createCell(j); c1.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } c1 = rw1shetRETENTION.getCell(9); c1.setCellValue("DISAGGREGATED BY AGE AND SEX"); c1 = rw1shetRETENTION.getCell(22); c1.setCellValue("DISAGGREGATED BY AGE AND SEX"); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 9, 17)); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 22, 30)); HSSFRow rw2shetRETENTION = shetRETENTION.createRow(2); rw2shetRETENTION.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int j = 0; j < headerRETENTION.length; j++) { c1 = rw2shetRETENTION.createCell(j); c1.setCellStyle(styleHeader); if (j <= 5 || j == 17 || j == 18 || j == 30) { String headerInfor = headerRETENTION[j]; c1.setCellValue(headerInfor); } } c1 = rw2shetRETENTION.getCell(6); c1.setCellValue("DISAGGREGATED BY "); c1 = rw2shetRETENTION.getCell(9); c1.setCellValue("FEMALE"); c1 = rw2shetRETENTION.getCell(13); c1.setCellValue("MALE"); c1 = rw2shetRETENTION.getCell(19); c1.setCellValue("DISAGGREGATED BY "); c1 = rw2shetRETENTION.getCell(22); c1.setCellValue("FEMALE"); c1 = rw2shetRETENTION.getCell(26); c1.setCellValue("MALE"); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 6, 7)); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 9, 12)); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 13, 16)); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 19, 20)); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 22, 25)); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 26, 29)); HSSFRow rw3shetRETENTION = shetRETENTION.createRow(3); rw3shetRETENTION.setHeightInPoints(50); for (int headerpos = 0; headerpos < headerRETENTION.length; headerpos++) { String headerInfor = headerRETENTION[headerpos]; c1 = rw3shetRETENTION.createCell(headerpos); c1.setCellValue(headerInfor); c1.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 3, i, i)); } shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 3, 17, 17)); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 3, 18, 18)); shetRETENTION.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 3, 30, 30)); //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 35; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where ( ART='1' || PMTCT='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // GET STARTING ART DATA retentionPOS = 3; String getData = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom,district.DistrictNom,county.County," + "" + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId,ART_Support," // + "SUM(HV0320),SUM(HV0321),SUM(HV0322),SUM(HV0323),SUM(HV0324),SUM(HV0325) " + "SUM(HV0349) as HV0349,SUM(HV0345) as HV0345 ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume" + " FROM moh731 JOIN " + facilitiestable + " " + "ON moh731.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + "district.CountyID=county.CountyID" + " WHERE " + " " + facilityIds + " " + duration + " && (" + facilitiestable + ".ART=1 ||" + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 ) && ART_Support is not NULL " + "GROUP BY moh731.SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("!!!!: " + getData); =; while ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("CentreSanteId")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String arthv = " "; String htchv = " "; String pmtcthv = " "; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } retentionPOS++; errorRETENTION = 0; facilityName =; districtName =; countyName =; mflcode =; ARTSupport =; //; //; //; //; //; int numerator ="HV0349"); int denominator ="HV0345"); SA_F_Paeds = (float) Math.round((percentage * HV0322) / 100); SA_F_Adult = (float) Math.round((percentage * HV0324) / 100); SA_M_Paeds = (float) Math.round((percentage * HV0321) / 100); SA_M_Adult = (float) Math.round((percentage * HV0323) / 100); IA_F_Paeds = (float) Math.round((percentage * HV0322) / 100); IA_F_Adult = (float) Math.round((percentage * HV0324) / 100); IA_M_Paeds = (float) Math.round((percentage * HV0321) / 100); IA_M_Adult = (float) Math.round((percentage * HV0323) / 100); SA_5F = (float) Math.round(0 * numerator); SA_14F = (float) Math.round(0.035 * numerator); SA_19F = (float) Math.round(0.002 * numerator); SA_20F = (float) Math.round(0.653 * numerator); SA_5M = (float) Math.round(0.001 * numerator); SA_14M = (float) Math.round(0.035 * numerator); SA_19M = (float) Math.round(0.004 * numerator); SA_20M = (float) Math.round(0.26 * numerator); SA_Sub1 = SA_BF + SA_PG; double numeratorverify = Math .round(SA_5F + SA_14F + SA_19F + SA_20F + SA_5M + SA_14M + SA_19M + SA_20M); SA_Sub2 = numerator; //??????????? SA_Numerator = numerator; IA_5F = (float) Math.round(0 * denominator); IA_14F = (float) Math.round(0.035 * denominator); IA_19F = (float) Math.round(0.002 * denominator); IA_20F = (float) Math.round(0.653 * denominator); IA_5M = (float) Math.round(0.01 * denominator); IA_14M = (float) Math.round(0.035 * denominator); IA_19M = (float) Math.round(0.004 * denominator); IA_20M = (float) Math.round(0.26 * denominator); double denominatorverify = Math .round(IA_5F + IA_14F + IA_19F + IA_20F + IA_5M + IA_14M + IA_19M + IA_20M); IA_Sub1 = denominator; IA_Sub2 = denominator; IA_Denominator = denominator; //Normalizer code here======================================================================== //Normalize NUMERATOR //do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution double tofauti = 0; if (numeratorverify < numerator) { tofauti = numerator - numeratorverify; System.out.println("****TOFAUTI NI " + tofauti); if (tofauti > 5) { //raise an alarm errorRETENTION++; } //add to the male first until equal // while (tofauti > 0) { //distribute the extras in the ratios of 2:1 for SA_20F:SA_20M SA_20F += 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { SA_20F += 1; tofauti--; } if (tofauti != 0) { SA_20M += 1; tofauti--; } } //end of while tofauti } else if (numeratorverify > numerator) { if (tofauti > 2) { //raise an alarm errorRETENTION++; } //minus until equal tofauti = numeratorverify - numerator; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { //distribute the extras in the ratios of 2:1 for SA_20F:SA_20M SA_20F -= 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { SA_20F -= 1; tofauti--; } if (tofauti != 0) { SA_20M -= 1; tofauti--; } } } //end of else //________________________do normalization for the denominator if (denominatorverify < denominator) { tofauti = denominator - denominatorverify; System.out.println("****TOFAUTI NI " + tofauti); if (tofauti > 5) { //raise an alarm errorRETENTION++; } //add to the male first until equal // while (tofauti > 0) { //distribute the extras in the ratios of 2:1 for SA_20F:SA_20M IA_20F += 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { IA_20F += 1; tofauti--; } if (tofauti != 0) { IA_20M += 1; tofauti--; } } //end of while tofauti } else if (denominatorverify > denominator) { if (tofauti > 2) { //raise an alarm errorRETENTION++; } //minus until equal tofauti = denominatorverify - denominator; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { //distribute the extras in the ratios of 2:1 for SA_20F:SA_20M IA_20F -= 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { IA_20F -= 1; tofauti--; } if (tofauti != 0) { IA_20M -= 1; tofauti--; } } } //end of else String dataRETENTION[] = (countyName + "," + districtName + "," + facilityName + "," + mflcode + ",DSD," + SA_Numerator + "," + "" + SA_PG + "," + SA_BF + "," + SA_Sub1 + "," + SA_5F + "," + "" + SA_14F + "," + SA_19F + "," + SA_20F + "," + SA_5M + "," + SA_14M + "," + SA_19M + "," + SA_20M + "," + SA_Sub2 + "," + "" + IA_Denominator + "," + IA_PG + "," + IA_BF + "," + IA_Sub1 + "," + IA_5F + "," + IA_14F + "," + "" + IA_19F + "," + IA_20F + "," + IA_5M + "," + IA_14M + "," + IA_19M + "," + IA_20M + "," + IA_Sub2 + ",status" + "," + arthv + "," + htchv + "," + pmtcthv).split(","); HSSFRow rw4shetRETENTION = shetRETENTION.createRow(retentionPOS); rw4shetRETENTION.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int positionRETENTION = 0; positionRETENTION < dataRETENTION.length; positionRETENTION++) { String value = dataRETENTION[positionRETENTION]; HSSFCell c11 = rw4shetRETENTION.createCell(positionRETENTION); if (positionRETENTION > 4 && positionRETENTION < (dataRETENTION.length - 4)) { c11.setCellValue(Double.parseDouble(value)); } else { c11.setCellValue(value); } c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (positionRETENTION == 5 || positionRETENTION == 8 || positionRETENTION == 17 || positionRETENTION == 18 || positionRETENTION == 21 || positionRETENTION == 30) { c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } // System.out.println("position "+positionPMTCT+" end v : "+dataPMTCT.length); if (positionRETENTION == dataRETENTION.length - 4) { // System.out.println("entered here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); if (errorRETENTION > 0) { c11.setCellValue("FAILED"); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } else { c11.setCellValue("PASSED"); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); } } } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% retentionPOS++; HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shetRETENTION.createRow(retentionPOS); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); retentionPOS++; for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 4) { //data status HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 4); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 3) { //art high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 3); celldsd.setCellValue(staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 2) { //ht high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 2); celldsd.setCellValue(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //pmtct high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(stborder); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% } if (2 == 2) { //=============================VIRAL LOAD============================================ String month = ""; String year = ""; String facil = "361"; String form = "moh711"; //===================================================================================================== year = "2015"; month = "5"; String county = ""; String header = ""; String subheaders[] = { "Tested", "Positive", "Negative" }; String sectionheaders[] = { "County", "Sub-county", "Health Facility", "Mfl Code", "Type Of Support", "Numerator", "Denominator", "<1", "1-4", "5-14", "15-19", "20+", "<1", "1-4", "5-14", "15-19", "20+", "Sub- Total", "Numerator", "Denominator", "<1", "1-4", "5-14", "15-19", "20+", "<1", "1-4", "5-14", "15-19", "20+", "Sub-Total", "ART High Volume", "HTC High Volume", "PMTCT High Volume" }; String sectionheaders0[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "No. Of Viral load tests conducted in the past 12 months with < 1000", "No. of load tests performed in the reporting period", "Female", "", "", "", "", "Male", "", "", "", "", "", "No. of ART patients with viral load result documented within the past 12 months", "No. on ART at least 6 months whose medical records were reviewed by Age and Sex", "Female", "", "", "", "", "Male", "", "", "", "", "Sub-Total", "ART High Volume", "HTC High Volume", "PMTCT High Volume" }; //String sectionheaders[]={"County","Sub-county","Health Facility","Mfl Code","Type Of Support","Antenatal Clinic","","","Labour & Delivery","","","Under 5 Clinic","","","Postnatal","","","TB_STAT","","","Sexually Transmitted Infections","","","Outpatient Department","","","Inpatient","","","Hiv Care and Treatment Clinic","","","Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Standalone)","","","Mobile","","","Home-based","","","Other","",""}; String merge_row_col[] = { "0,1,0,4", "0,1,5,5", "0,1,6,6", "0,0,7,17", "0,1,18,18", "0,1,19,19", "0,0,20,30", "1,1,7,11", "1,1,12,17", "1,1,20,24", "1,1,25,29", "1,2,31,31", "1,2,32,32", "1,2,33,33" }; String reportType = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportType") != null) { reportType = request.getParameter("reportType"); } String reportDuration = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportDuration") != null) { reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); } if (request.getParameter("year") != null) { year = request.getParameter("year"); } if (request.getParameter("facility") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { facil = request.getParameter("facility"); String getfacil = "select SubPartnerNom,CentreSanteId as mflcode from " + facilitiestable + " where SubPartnerID='" + facil + "'"; =; while ( { header += " FACILITY : " + + " MFL CODE : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("county") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { county = request.getParameter("county"); String getcounty = "select County from county where CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { header += " COUNTY : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("month") != null && reportDuration.equals("4")) { try { month = request.getParameter("month"); String getmonth = "select name as monthname from month where id='" + month + "'"; =; while ( { header += " MONTH : " + + ""; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } header += " YEAR : " + year + ""; String facilitywhere = ""; String yearwhere = ""; String monthwhere = ""; String countywhere = ""; String duration = ""; String semi_annual = ""; String quarter = ""; String viralloadduration = ""; String excelDuration; //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX int yearcopy = Integer.parseInt(year); // reportType="2"; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; String yearmonth = "" + year; int prevYear = yearcopy - 1; int maxYearMonth = 0; int monthcopy = 0; String viralloadquarter = ""; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ //annually if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Annual Report For " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; viralloadduration = "year='" + year + "'"; viralloadquarter = "4"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report For " + prevYear + " Oct to " + year + " Mar"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; viralloadduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='1' || quarter='2') "; viralloadquarter = "2"; } else { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report for Apr to Sep " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; viralloadduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='3' || quarter='4') "; viralloadquarter = "3"; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { try { //quarterly String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; viralloadquarter = quarter; viralloadduration = "year='" + year + "' and quarter='" + quarter + "' "; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { try { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + prevYear + " " +; } else { yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + year + " (" + + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { //on monthly reports, i dont expect any output since viral load is entered quarterly monthcopy = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); viralloadquarter = ""; //since we dont want data to appear for monthly reports, we set an impossible viralloadduration = " 1=2 "; // month=5; if (monthcopy >= 10) { yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + prevYear + "_(" + month + ")"; duration = "1=2";// this will make the report not output any data which is what i wanted } else { duration = " 1=2"; // this will make the report not output any data which is what i wanted yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + year + "_(" + month + ")"; } } else { duration = ""; } //====================================================================== //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX String subcountywhere = ""; String subcounty = ""; if (!request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); } String getexistingdata = ""; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and district.countyid = '" + county + "'"; } if (!subcounty.equals("")) { subcountywhere = " and " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID = '" + subcounty + "'"; } if (!facil.equals("")) { facilitywhere = " and " + form + ".SubPartnerID = '" + facil + "'"; } String joinedwhwere = " where 1=1 " + yearwhere + " && " + viralloadduration + " " + countywhere + " " + subcountywhere; //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, "+facilitiestable+".SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county union select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 right join moh731 on right join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county"; //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,supporttype,sum(numerator_un) as numerator_un ,sum(denominator_un) as denominator_un,sum(less1_fun) as less1_fun,sum(1to4_fun) as 1to4_fun,sum(5to14_fun) as 5to14_fun, sum(15to19_fun) as 5to14_fun, sum(20_fun) as 20_fun ,sum(less1_mun) as less1_mun, sum(1to4_mun) as 1to4_mun,sum(5to14_mun) as 5to14_mun,sum(15to19_mun) as 15to19_mun ,sum(20_mun) as 20_mun,sum(subtotal_un) as subtotal_un ,sum(numerator_vi) as numerator_vi,denominator_vi as denominator_vi,sum(less1_fvi) as less1_fvi,sum(1to4_fvi) as 1to4_fvi ,sum(5to14_fvi) as 5to14_fvi,sum(15to19_fvi) as 15to19_fvi,sum(20_fvi) as 20_fvi,sum(less1_mvi) as less1_mvi ,sum(1to4_mvi) as 1to4_mvi, sum(5to14_mvi) as 5to14_mvi,sum(15to19_mvi) as 15to19_mvi,sum(20_mvi) as 20_mvi ,sum(subtotal_vi) as subtotal_vi, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume FROM viral_load join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on viral_load.SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID "; getexistingdata = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,supporttype,sum(numerator_un) as numerator_un ,sum(denominator_un) as denominator_un,sum(less1_fun) as less1_fun,sum(1to4_fun) as 1to4_fun,sum(5to14_fun) as 5to14_fun, sum(15to19_fun) as 5to14_fun, sum(20_fun) as 20_fun ,sum(less1_mun) as less1_mun, sum(1to4_mun) as 1to4_mun,sum(5to14_mun) as 5to14_mun,sum(15to19_mun) as 15to19_mun ,sum(20_mun) as 20_mun,sum(subtotal_un) as subtotal_un ,sum(numerator_vi) as numerator_vi,sum(denominator_vi) as denominator_vi,sum(less1_fvi) as less1_fvi,sum(1to4_fvi) as 1to4_fvi ,sum(5to14_fvi) as 5to14_fvi,sum(15to19_fvi) as 15to19_fvi,sum(20_fvi) as 20_fvi,sum(less1_mvi) as less1_mvi ,sum(1to4_mvi) as 1to4_mvi, sum(5to14_mvi) as 5to14_mvi,sum(15to19_mvi) as 15to19_mvi,sum(20_mvi) as 20_mvi ,sum(subtotal_vi) as subtotal_vi, " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume FROM viral_load join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on viral_load.SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + joinedwhwere + " group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID ";//and "+facilitiestable+".ART='1' System.out.println(getexistingdata); String Tbid = year + "_" + quarter + "_" + facil; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration; //===================================================================================================== //===================================================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________________ // NOW CREATE THE WORKSHEETS //______________________________________________________________________________________ // HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12); font.setFontName("Cambria"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); style.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Cambria"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); style2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style2.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontx.setFontName("Cambria"); fontx.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFSheet shet = wb.createSheet("VIRAL LOAD"); int rowpos = 0; //create headers for that worksheet HSSFRow rw = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style); shet.setColumnWidth(a, 3100); } HSSFCell cl0 = rw.createCell(0); cl0.setCellValue("DATIM Viral Load Report For " + yearmonth); cl0.setCellStyle(stylex); //create the first row HSSFCell cl00 = rw.createCell(5); cl00.setCellValue(sectionheaders0[5]); cl00.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl01 = rw.createCell(6); cl01.setCellValue(sectionheaders0[6]); cl01.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl02 = rw.createCell(18); cl02.setCellValue(sectionheaders0[18]); cl02.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl03 = rw.createCell(19); cl03.setCellValue(sectionheaders0[19]); cl03.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl1 = rw.createCell(7); cl1.setCellValue("TX_UNDETECT"); cl1.setCellStyle(stylex); // shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0,0,7,17)); HSSFCell cl2 = rw.createCell(20); cl2.setCellValue("TX_VIRAL"); cl2.setCellStyle(stylex); // shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0,0,20,30)); HSSFCell cl3 = rw.createCell(31); cl3.setCellValue(""); cl3.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl4 = rw.createCell(32); cl4.setCellValue(""); cl4.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl5 = rw.createCell(33); cl5.setCellValue(""); cl5.setCellStyle(stylex); rowpos++; //row two HSSFRow rw1 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw1.setHeightInPoints(38); for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw1.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(sectionheaders0[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } rowpos++; //row three HSSFRow rw2 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw2.setHeightInPoints(38); for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(sectionheaders[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } rowpos++; //do all the merging here as dictated by the merge_row_col array for (int a = 0; a < merge_row_col.length; a++) { String points[] = merge_row_col[a].split(","); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(Integer.parseInt(points[0]), Integer.parseInt(points[1]), Integer.parseInt(points[2]), Integer.parseInt(points[3]))); } shet.setColumnWidth(0, 5000); //add the rows here =; while ( { String arthv = " "; String htchv = " "; String pmtcthv = " "; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } int colpos = 0; int conpos = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(25); //county if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subcounty if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //facility name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mfl if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //support type//###################################################################################### if (1 == 1) { String supporttype =; if (supporttype.equals("")) { supporttype = "DSD"; } HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(supporttype); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //___ numerator_un if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //denominator_un if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //fun_less1 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //fun_1to4 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } // fun_5to14 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //fun_15to19 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //fun_20 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } // mun_less1 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mun_1to4 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mun_5to14, if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } // mun_15to19, if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mun_20, if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subtotal_un, if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } // numerator_vi if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //denominator_vi if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (1 == 2) { //commeted for now String myval = ""; String getCurrent = "SELECT denominator_vi FROM viral_load WHERE " + " year='" + year + "' && quarter='" + viralloadquarter + "' and SubPartnerID='" +"SubPartnerID") + "'"; System.out.println("current : " + getCurrent); conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getCurrent); if ( == true) { //HV0314=conn.rs1.getInt(1); myval = "" + conn.rs1.getInt(1); // System.out.println("Num / Den = "+numerator_vi+"/"+denominator_vi); } if (myval.equals("")) { myval = "0"; } clx.setCellValue(new Integer(myval)); } /** old code .*/ clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } // fvi_less1 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //fvi_1to4 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //fvi_5to14 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //fvi_15to19 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //fvi_20, if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mvi_less1 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mvi_1to4, if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mvi_5to14, if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mvi_15to19, if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mvi_20 , if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subtotal_vi, if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(arthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //conpos++; } if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(htchv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //conpos++; } if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(pmtcthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //conpos++; } rowpos++; } } //end of viral load report //============================================================================================ // new report post gbv //============================================================================================ if (4 == 4) { String month = ""; String year = ""; String facil = "361"; String form = "moh731"; //===================================================================================================== year = "2015"; month = "5"; String county = ""; String header = ""; String mainheaders[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "Female", "", "", "", "", "", "Male", "", "", "", "", "Disagggregated by Type of Service", "", "" }; String sectionheaders[] = { "County", "Sub-county", "Health Facility", "Mfl Code", "Support type", "Numerator", "Female", "<10", "10-14", "15-17", "18-24", "25+", "Male", "<10", "10-14", "15-17", "18-24", "25+", "Sexual Violence (Post Rape Care)", "PHYSICAL and/or EMOTIONAL Violence (Other Post GBV Care)", "Verification", "ART High Volume", "HTC High Volume", "PMTCT High Volume" }; //String sectionheaders[]={"County","Sub-county","Health Facility","Mfl Code","Type Of Support","Antenatal Clinic","","","Labour & Delivery","","","Under 5 Clinic","","","Postnatal","","","TB_STAT","","","Sexually Transmitted Infections","","","Outpatient Department","","","Inpatient","","","Hiv Care and Treatment Clinic","","","Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Standalone)","","","Mobile","","","Home-based","","","Other","",""}; String merge_row_col[] = { "0,0,0,23", "1,1,0,4", "1,1,5,6", "1,1,7,11", "1,1,13,17", "1,1,18,19" }; String reportType = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportType") != null) { reportType = request.getParameter("reportType"); } String reportDuration = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportDuration") != null) { reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); } if (request.getParameter("year") != null) { year = request.getParameter("year"); } if (request.getParameter("facility") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { facil = request.getParameter("facility"); String getfacil = "select SubPartnerNom,CentreSanteId as mflcode from " + facilitiestable + " where SubPartnerID='" + facil + "'"; =; while ( { header += " FACILITY : " + + " MFL CODE : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("county") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { county = request.getParameter("county"); String getcounty = "select County from county where CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { header += " COUNTY : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("month") != null && reportDuration.equals("4")) { try { month = request.getParameter("month"); String getmonth = "select name as monthname from month where id='" + month + "'"; =; while ( { header += " MONTH : " + + ""; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } header += " YEAR : " + year + ""; String facilitywhere = ""; String yearwhere = ""; String monthwhere = ""; String countywhere = ""; String duration = ""; String semi_annual = ""; String quarter = ""; String viralloadduration = ""; String excelDuration; //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX int yearcopy = Integer.parseInt(year); // reportType="2"; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; String yearmonth = "" + year; int prevYear = yearcopy - 1; int maxYearMonth = 0; int monthcopy = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ //annually if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Annual Report For " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; viralloadduration = "Annee='" + year + "'"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report For " + prevYear + " Oct to " + year + " Mar"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; viralloadduration = "Annee='" + year + "' and (quarter='1' || quarter='2') "; } else { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report for Apr to Sep " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; viralloadduration = "Annee='" + year + "' and (quarter='2' || quarter='3') "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { try { //quarterly String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; viralloadduration = "Annee='" + year + "' and quarter='" + quarter + "' "; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { try { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + prevYear + " " +; } else { yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + year + " (" + + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimTbViralRetention.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimTbViralRetention.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { //on monthly reports, i dont expect any output since viral load is entered quarterly monthcopy = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); //since we dont want data to appear for monthly reports, we set an impossible viralloadduration = " 1=2 "; // month=5; if (monthcopy >= 10) { yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + prevYear + "_(" + month + ")"; duration = "1=2";// this will make the report not output any data which is what i wanted } else { duration = " 1=2"; // this will make the report not output any data which is what i wanted yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + year + "_(" + month + ")"; } } else { duration = ""; } //====================================================================== //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX String subcountywhere = ""; String subcounty = ""; if (!request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { county = request.getParameter("county"); subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 } if (!request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and "; } String getexistingdata = ""; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and district.countyid = '" + county + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 } if (!subcounty.equals("")) { subcountywhere = " and " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID = '" + subcounty + "'"; } if (!facil.equals("")) { facilitywhere = " and " + form + ".SubPartnerID = '" + facil + "'"; } String joinedwhwere = " where (" + facilitiestable + ".PEP=1) " + yearwhere + " && " + duration + " " + countywhere + " " + subcountywhere; //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 24; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where ( PEP='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, "+facilitiestable+".SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county union select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 right join moh731 on right join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county"; // getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode,ART_Support , sum(HV0507) as numerator ,(sum(HV0502)+sum(HV0504)+sum(HV0506)) as femaletotal, (sum(HV0501)+sum(HV0503)+sum(HV0505)) as maletotal ,(sum(HV0503)+sum(HV0504)) as postrapecare, (sum(HV0501)+sum(HV0502)+sum(HV0505)+sum(HV0506)) as otherpostgbv, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh731 join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on moh731.SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID "; getexistingdata = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode,ART_Support , (sum(HV0503)+sum(HV0504)) as numerator ,(sum(HV0504)) as femaletotal, (sum(HV0503)) as maletotal ,(sum(HV0503)+sum(HV0504)) as postrapecare, " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume FROM moh731 join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on moh731.SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + joinedwhwere + " group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println(getexistingdata); String Tbid = year + "_" + quarter + "_" + facil; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration; //===================================================================================================== //===================================================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________________ // NOW CREATE THE WORKSHEETS //______________________________________________________________________________________ // HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12); font.setFontName("Cambria"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); style.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Cambria"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); style2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style2.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); //this font will be used to show errors on negatives HSSFCellStyle errorstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); errorstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); errorstyle.setFillBackgroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); errorstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); errorstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontx.setFontName("Cambria"); fontx.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFSheet shet = wb.createSheet("POST-GBV Care"); int rowpos = 0; //create headers for that worksheet HSSFRow rw = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int a = 0; a < mainheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style); shet.setColumnWidth(a, 3100); } HSSFCell cl0 = rw.createCell(0); cl0.setCellValue("Number of people receiving post-GBV care Report For " + yearmonth); cl0.setCellStyle(stylex); //create the first row //ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ // shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0,0,20,30)); rowpos++; //row two HSSFRow rw1 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw1.setHeightInPoints(38); for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw1.createCell(a); //ZZZ clx.setCellValue(sectionheaders0[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } rowpos++; //row three HSSFRow rw2 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw2.setHeightInPoints(38); for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(sectionheaders[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } rowpos++; //do all the merging here as dictated by the merge_row_col array for (int a = 0; a < merge_row_col.length; a++) { String points[] = merge_row_col[a].split(","); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(Integer.parseInt(points[0]), Integer.parseInt(points[1]), Integer.parseInt(points[2]), Integer.parseInt(points[3]))); } shet.setColumnWidth(0, 5000); //add the rows here =; while ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String arthv = " "; String htchv = " "; String pmtcthv = " "; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } int colpos = 0; int conpos = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(25); //county if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subcounty if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //facility name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mfl if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++;//connection position } //support type if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); //clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellValue("DSD"); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++;//connection position } //get the variables int Numerator = 0; int gbvfemaletotal = 0; int gbvmaletotal = 0; //female proportions double gbvless10f = 0; double gbv10to14f = 0; double gbv15to17f = 0; double gbv18to24f = 0; double gbv25f = 0; //male proportions double gbvless10m = 0; double gbv10to14m = 0; double gbv15to17m = 0; double gbv18to24m = 0; double gbv25m = 0; int redalert = 0; double maleverify = 0; double femaleverify = 0; int postrapecare = 0; int otherpostgbv = 0; // (sum(HV0501)+sum(HV0502)+sum(HV0505)+sum(HV0506)) as otherpostgbv, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID Numerator ="numerator"); gbvmaletotal ="maletotal"); gbvfemaletotal ="femaletotal"); postrapecare ="postrapecare"); //"otherpostgbv"); this was ignored later //begin the distributions //< 10 10-14 15-17 18-24 25+ Male < 10 10-14 15-17 18-24 25+ //11.8% 18.4% 23.3% 10.3% 36.3% 4.3% 20.2% 14.6% 32.2% 28.8% gbvless10f = (float) Math.round((0.118 * gbvfemaletotal)); gbv10to14f = (float) Math.round((0.184 * gbvfemaletotal)); gbv15to17f = (float) Math.round((0.233 * gbvfemaletotal)); gbv18to24f = (float) Math.round((0.103 * gbvfemaletotal)); gbv25f = (float) Math.round((0.363 * gbvfemaletotal)); //then do the normalization femaleverify = gbvless10f + gbv10to14f + gbv15to17f + gbv18to24f + gbv25f; //do normalization for the female // if the two are not equal, do a distribution double currdiff = 0; if (femaleverify < gbvfemaletotal) { currdiff = gbvfemaletotal - femaleverify; if (currdiff > 2) { //raise an alarm redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { gbv25f += 1; currdiff--; } } else if (femaleverify > gbvfemaletotal) { //minus until equal currdiff = femaleverify - gbvfemaletotal; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 if (currdiff > 2) { //raise an alarm redalert++; } while (currdiff > 0) { gbv25f -= 1; currdiff--; } } //=====================work on males now========================================================== //begin the distributions //< 10 10-14 15-17 18-24 25+ Male < 10 10-14 15-17 18-24 25+ //11.8% 18.4% 23.3% 10.3% 36.3% 4.3% 20.2% 14.6% 32.2% 28.8% gbvless10m = (float) Math.round((0.043 * gbvmaletotal)); gbv10to14m = (float) Math.round((0.202 * gbvmaletotal)); gbv15to17m = (float) Math.round((0.146 * gbvmaletotal)); gbv18to24m = (float) Math.round((0.322 * gbvmaletotal)); gbv25m = (float) Math.round((0.288 * gbvmaletotal)); //then do the normalization maleverify = gbvless10m + gbv10to14m + gbv15to17m + gbv18to24m + gbv25m; //do normalization for the male // if the two are not equal, do a distribution currdiff = 0; if (maleverify < gbvmaletotal) { currdiff = gbvmaletotal - maleverify; if (currdiff > 2) { //raise an alarm redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { gbv18to24m += 1; currdiff--; } } else if (maleverify > gbvmaletotal) { //minus until equal currdiff = maleverify - gbvmaletotal; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 if (currdiff > 2) { //raise an alarm redalert++; } while (currdiff > 0) { gbv18to24m -= 1; currdiff--; } } ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.add(Numerator); al.add(gbvfemaletotal); al.add(gbvless10f); al.add(gbv10to14f); al.add(gbv15to17f); al.add(gbv18to24f); al.add(gbv25f); al.add(gbvmaletotal); al.add(gbvless10m); al.add(gbv10to14m); al.add(gbv15to17m); al.add(gbv18to24m); al.add(gbv25m); al.add(postrapecare); al.add(otherpostgbv); //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //FINISH UP THE POST GBV //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ for (int a = 0; a < al.size(); a++) { //data from the arraylist HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(Double.parseDouble(al.get(a).toString())); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; // } if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (redalert == 0) { clx.setCellValue("PASSED"); clx.setCellStyle(style2); } else { clx.setCellValue("FAILED"); clx.setCellStyle(errorstyle); } } if (1 == 1) { colpos++; HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(arthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); } if (1 == 1) { colpos++; HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(htchv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); } if (1 == 1) { colpos++; HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(pmtcthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); } //all the rows should come before this line rowpos++; } //end of while loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); rowpos++; for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == blankrows - 4) { //data status HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 4); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 3) { //art high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 3); celldsd.setCellValue(staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 2) { //ht high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 2); celldsd.setCellValue(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //pmtct high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(style2); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% } //====================================================================================== //====================================================================================== if (conn.conn != null) { conn.conn.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.rs1 != null) { conn.rs1.close(); } if (conn.rs2 != null) { conn.rs2.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.st2 != null) { conn.st2.close(); } IdGenerator IG = new IdGenerator(); String createdOn = IG.CreatedOn(); ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outByteStream); byte[] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray(); response.setContentType("application/ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(outArray.length); response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=TB_RETENTION_VIRALLOAD_Generatted_On_" + createdOn + ".xls"); OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(outArray); outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try {/*w w w . java 2 s . c om*/ response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); session = request.getSession(); dbConn conn = new dbConn(); //get the existing data for the month, year and facility that is already on session String month = ""; String year = ""; String facil = "361"; String form = "vmmc"; Calendar ca = Calendar.getInstance(); int currentyear = ca.get(Calendar.YEAR); String mwaka = request.getParameter("year"); String facilitiestable = "subpartnera"; int selectedyear = new Integer(mwaka); if (selectedyear < currentyear) { if (selectedyear < 2014) { //db for 2014 is the smallest facilitiestable = "subpartnera2014"; } else { facilitiestable = "subpartnera" + selectedyear; } } //===================================================================================================== year = "2015"; month = "5"; String county = ""; String header = ""; String reportType = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportType") != null) { reportType = request.getParameter("reportType"); } String reportDuration = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportDuration") != null) { reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); } if (request.getParameter("year") != null) { year = request.getParameter("year"); } if (request.getParameter("facility") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { facil = request.getParameter("facility"); String getfacil = "select SubPartnerNom,CentreSanteId as mflcode from " + facilitiestable + " where SubPartnerID='" + facil + "'"; =; while ( { header += " FACILITY : " + + " MFL CODE : " + + " "; } } if (request.getParameter("county") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { county = request.getParameter("county"); String getcounty = "select County from county where CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { header += " COUNTY : " + + " "; } } if (request.getParameter("month") != null && reportDuration.equals("4")) { month = request.getParameter("month"); String getmonth = "select name as monthname from month where id='" + month + "'"; =; while ( { header += " MONTH : " + + ""; } } header += " YEAR : " + year + ""; String facilitywhere = ""; String yearwhere = ""; String monthwhere = ""; String countywhere = ""; String duration = ""; String semi_annual = ""; String quarter = ""; //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX int yearcopy = Integer.parseInt(year); // reportType="2"; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; String yearmonth = "" + year; int prevYear = yearcopy - 1; int maxYearMonth = 0; int monthcopy = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Annual Report For " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report For " + prevYear + " Oct to " + year + " Mar"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; } else { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report for Apr to Sep " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + prevYear + " " +; } else { yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + year + " (" + + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; } } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { monthcopy = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; if (monthcopy >= 10) { yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + prevYear + "_(" + month + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; } else { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + year + "_(" + month + ")"; } } else { duration = ""; } //====================================================================== //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX String subcountywhere = ""; String subcounty = ""; if (!request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); } String getexistingdata = ""; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and district.countyid = '" + county + "'"; } if (!subcounty.equals("")) { subcountywhere = " and " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID = '" + subcounty + "'"; } if (!facil.equals("")) { facilitywhere = " and " + form + ".SubPartnerID = '" + facil + "'"; } String joinedwhwere = " where 1=1 " + yearwhere + " && " + duration + " " + countywhere + " " + subcountywhere; //===================================================================================================== //FINDFACILITIES //===================================================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________________ // NOW CREATE THE WORKSHEETS //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 18); font.setFontName("Cambria"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Cambria"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); style2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style2.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontx.setFontName("Cambria"); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFSheet shet = wb.createSheet(form); //create headers for that worksheet HSSFRow rw = shet.createRow(0); rw.setHeightInPoints(25); HSSFCell cl0 = rw.createCell(0); cl0.setCellValue("DATIM " + yearmonth); cl0.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 1; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFRow rw1 = shet.createRow(1); rw1.setHeightInPoints(23); HSSFCell cl = rw1.createCell(0); cl.setCellValue(""); cl.setCellStyle(style2); for (int a = 1; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw1.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style2); } HSSFRow rw2 = shet.createRow(2); rw2.setHeightInPoints(23); HSSFCell cl3 = rw2.createCell(0); cl3.setCellValue("VMMC CIRC "); cl3.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl31 = rw2.createCell(1); cl31.setCellValue(""); cl31.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 2; a <= 5; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3b = rw2.createCell(6); cl3b.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Age "); cl3b.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 7; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3c = rw2.createCell(14); cl3c.setCellValue("Disaggregated by HIV Status "); cl3c.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 15; a <= 16; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3d = rw2.createCell(17); cl3d.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Circumcission Technique "); cl3d.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl3e = rw2.createCell(18); cl3e.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Followup (For surgical only) "); cl3e.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 19; a < 20; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3f = rw2.createCell(20); cl3f.setCellValue("VMMC_AE Disaggregated by AE Type"); cl3f.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 21; a < 27; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } // String VMMCheaders[] = { "County", "Sub-County", "Facility Name", "Mfl Code", "Type Of Support", "Numerator", "< 1", "1-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-49", "50+", "HIV-positive clients (tested HIV positive at VMMC site", "HIV-negative clients (tested HIV negative at VMMC program", "Unknown HIV status/not tested for HIV on site/indeterminate HIV status/undocumented HIV status", "Device-Based", "Number of surgical VMMC clients who returned at least once for follow-up care within 14 days of surgery", "Number of surgical VMMC clients who did not return for follow-up care within 14 days of surgery", "Numerator", "Surgical Intra- operative: Moderate", "Surgical Intra- operative: Severe", "Surgical Post- operative: Moderate", "Surgical Post- operative: Severe", "Medical Device-related: Moderate", "Medical Device-related: Severe" }; HSSFRow rw3 = shet.createRow(3); rw3.setHeightInPoints(63); for (int a = 0; a < VMMCheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw3.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(VMMCheaders[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } //shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,10,0,0)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 13)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 0, 13)); //shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,0,4)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 1, 5)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 6, 13)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 14, 16)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 18, 19)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 20, 26)); shet.setColumnWidth(0, 5000); shet.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); shet.setColumnWidth(2, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(3, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(4, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(5, 2500); shet.setColumnWidth(14, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(15, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(16, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(17, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(18, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(19, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(20, 3000); shet.setColumnWidth(21, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(22, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(23, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(24, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(25, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(26, 6000); //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode , sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P51D1) as P51D1, sum(P51D9) as P51D9, sum(P51D10) as P51D10, sum(P51D19) as P51D19,sum(P51D24) as P51D24, sum(P51D29) as P51D29, sum(P51D49) as P51D49, sum(P51D50) as P51D50, sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P521DM) as P521DM, sum(P521DS) as P521DS, sum(P521DT) as P521DT, sum(P522DM) as P522DM, sum(P522DS) as P522DS, sum(P522DT) as P522DT, sum(P52DM) as P52DM, sum(P52DS) as P52DS, sum(P52DT) as P52DT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, sum(P511KU) as P511KU, sum(P511Surg) as P511Surg, sum(P511Dev) as P511Dev, sum(P53DF) as P53DF, sum(P53DO) as P53DO, sum(P53DM) as P53DM, sum(P53D) as P53D, sum(P54D) as P54D from "+form+" join ( "+facilitiestable+" join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = "+facilitiestable+".DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID "; getexistingdata = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode , sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P51D1) as P51D1, sum(P51D9) as P51D9, sum(P51D10) as P51D10, sum(P51D19) as P51D19,sum(P51D24) as P51D24, sum(P51D29) as P51D29, sum(P51D49) as P51D49, sum(P51D50) as P51D50, sum(P511KP) as P511KP , sum(P511KN) as P511KN, sum(P511KU) as P511KU , sum(P511Dev) as P511Dev , sum(P54D) as P54D , sum(P511Surg) as P511Surg , sum(P521DM + P521DS + P522DM + P522DS) as aenumerator , sum(P521DM) as P521DM , sum(P521DS) as P521DS , sum(P522DM) as P522DM , sum(P522DS) as P522DS from " + form + " join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on " + form + ".SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + joinedwhwere + " group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println(getexistingdata); String P51D1 = ""; String P51D9 = ""; String P51D10 = ""; String P51D19 = ""; String P51D24 = ""; String P51D29 = ""; String P51D49 = ""; String P51D50 = ""; String P51DT = ""; String P511KP = ""; String P521DM = ""; String P521DS = ""; // String P521DT = ""; String P522DM = ""; String P522DS = ""; // String P522DT = ""; // String P52DM = ""; // String P52DS = ""; // String P52DT = ""; // String P511KP = ""; String P511KN = ""; String P511KU = ""; String P511Surg = ""; String P511Dev = ""; // String P53DF = ""; // String P53DO = ""; // String P53DM = ""; // String P53D = ""; String P54D = ""; String distid = ""; if (session.getAttribute("subcountyid") != null) { distid = session.getAttribute("subcountyid").toString(); } int counter = 0; =; int r = 4; while ( { //now check if form was updated and if its one month after data entry //now load the column values here P51D1 ="P51D1"); if (P51D1 == null) { P51D1 = ""; } P51D9 ="P51D9"); if (P51D9 == null) { P51D9 = ""; } P51D10 ="P51D10"); if (P51D10 == null) { P51D10 = ""; } P51D19 ="P51D19"); if (P51D19 == null) { P51D19 = ""; } P51D24 ="P51D24"); if (P51D24 == null) { P51D24 = ""; } P51D29 ="P51D29"); if (P51D29 == null) { P51D29 = ""; } P51D49 ="P51D49"); if (P51D49 == null) { P51D49 = ""; } P51D50 ="P51D50"); if (P51D50 == null) { P51D50 = ""; } P51DT ="P51DT"); if (P51DT == null) { P51DT = ""; } P521DM ="P521DM"); if (P521DM == null) { P521DM = ""; } // P521DS ="P521DS"); if (P521DS == null) { P521DS = ""; } // // P521DT ="P521DT"); // if (P521DT == null) { // P521DT = ""; // } // // // P522DM ="P522DM"); if (P522DM == null) { P522DM = ""; } // P522DS ="P522DS"); if (P522DS == null) { P522DS = ""; } // // P522DT ="P522DT"); // if (P522DT == null) { // P522DT = ""; // } // // // P52DM ="P52DM"); // if (P52DM == null) { // P52DM = ""; // } // // // P52DS ="P52DS"); // if (P52DS == null) { // P52DS = ""; // } // // // P52DT ="P52DT"); // if (P52DT == null) { // P52DT = ""; // } // // P511KP ="P511KP"); if (P511KP == null) { P511KP = ""; } // // P511KN ="P511KN"); if (P511KN == null) { P511KN = ""; } P511KU ="P511KU"); if (P511KU == null) { P511KU = ""; } // P511Surg ="P511Surg"); if (P511Surg == null) { P511Surg = ""; } // // P511Dev ="P511Dev"); if (P511Dev == null) { P511Dev = ""; } // // P53DF ="P53DF"); // if (P53DF == null) { // P53DF = ""; // } // // P53DO ="P53DO"); // if (P53DO == null) { // P53DO = ""; // } // // P53DM ="P53DM"); // if (P53DM == null) { // P53DM = ""; // } // // P53D ="P53D"); // if (P53D == null) { // P53D = ""; // } // P54D ="P54D"); if (P54D == null) { P54D = ""; } if (1 == 1) { if (1 == 1) { int celpos = 0; int celpos1 = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(r); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); //County HSSFCell clx0 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx0.setCellValue(; clx0.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; //SubCounty HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; //Facility Name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Mfl Code if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //DSD/TA //im assuming that VMMC is made of DSDs as indicated in the Datim PDF screen shared by Supervisor if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue("DSD"); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; } //Numerator if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //<1 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //1-9 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //10-24 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //15-19 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //20-24 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //25-29 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //30-49 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //50+ if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //tested positive clients P511KP if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //tested negative clients P511KN if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //unknown untested P511KU if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //device based P511KU if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //Returned if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } if (1 == 1) { int notreturned = 0; if ("P51DT") -"P54D") > 0) { //here im subtracting surgical vmmc and males who returned for postoperative follow notreturned ="P51DT") -"P54D"); } HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(notreturned); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); //increment to get past P511Surg celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //VMMC_AE Numerator if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //intra-operative moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //intra-operative severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } // surgicalpost-operative moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } // surgicalpost-operative severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Medical device related Moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(""); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Medical device related Severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(""); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } r++; } //===================================================================================== } } //System.out.println(createdtable); if (conn.conn != null) { conn.conn.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.rs1 != null) { conn.rs1.close(); } if (conn.rs2 != null) { conn.rs2.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.st2 != null) { conn.st2.close(); } IdGenerator IG = new IdGenerator(); String createdOn = IG.CreatedOn(); ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outByteStream); byte[] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray(); response.setContentType("application/ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(outArray.length); response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + form + "Datim_Generatted_On_" + createdOn + ".xls"); OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(outArray); outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimvmmc.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException { try {//from w 2s . c o m response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); dbConn conn = new dbConn(); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); String subcounty_countywhere = " (1=1) and "; Calendar ca = Calendar.getInstance(); int currentyear = ca.get(Calendar.YEAR); String mwaka = request.getParameter("year"); String facilitiestable = "subpartnera"; int selectedyear = new Integer(mwaka); if (selectedyear < currentyear) { if (selectedyear < 2014) { //db for 2014 is the smallest facilitiestable = "subpartnera2014"; } else { facilitiestable = "subpartnera" + selectedyear; } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //HTC CODE FROM MAUREEN -OLD 711 VCT / DTC SECTION //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (1 == 1) { //deactivated on 29th june 2016 and activated again int less15m = 0; int less15f = 0; int gret15m = 0; int gret15f = 0; ArrayList allFacilities = new ArrayList(); allFacilities.clear(); int year, month, prevYear, maxYearMonth, mflcode; String reportDuration, duration, semi_annual, quarter; String facilityName, countyName, districtName, facilityIds, facilityId; year = month = prevYear = maxYearMonth = mflcode = 0; reportDuration = duration = semi_annual = quarter = ""; facilityName = countyName = districtName = facilityIds = facilityId = ""; String facilityIds1 = ""; facilityIds1 = "("; if (request.getParameter("subcounty") != null && !request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { String subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); String getDist = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "WHERE district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and ";//20160711 =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { if (request.getParameter("county") != null && !request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { String county = request.getParameter("county"); String getCounty = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "JOIN county ON district.CountyID=county.CountyID WHERE county.CountyID='" + county + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { facilityIds1 = ""; } } int TestedAdultMale = 0, TestedAdultFemale = 0; int TestedChildMale = 0, TestedChildFemale = 0; int HIV_AdultMale = 0, HIV_AdultFemale = 0; int HIV_ChildMale = 0, HIV_ChildFemale = 0; double FemaleAdultTested; double FemaleTestedChild; double AdultFemaleHIV; double ChildFemaleHIV; double MaleAdultTested; double MaleTestedChild; double AdultMaleHIV; double ChildMaleHIV; double FemaleAdultTested1 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested4 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested9 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested14 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested19 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested24 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested49 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested50 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild1 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild4 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild9 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild14 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild19 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild24 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild49 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild50 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = 0; // MALES double MaleAdultTested19Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested21Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested49Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested50Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested19 = 0; double MaleAdultTested24 = 0; double MaleAdultTested49 = 0; double MaleAdultTested50 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1 = 0; double MaleTestedChild4 = 0; double MaleTestedChild9 = 0; double MaleTestedChild14 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild4Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild9Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild14Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14Neg = 0; double splitData = 0; int adderPos = 0; double childSplitData = 0; int redalert = 0; year = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("year")); reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); // year=2015; // reportDuration="4"; String period1 = ""; String duration1 = ""; prevYear = year - 1; maxYearMonth = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PEPFAR YEAR : " + year; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : OCT " + prevYear + " to MARCH " + year; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : APRIL " + year + " to SEPT " + year; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + prevYear + " TO ") + " " + prevYear + ""; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + year + " TO ") + " " + year + ""; } } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; String getMonthName = "SELECT name FROM month WHERE id='" + month + "'"; =; if ( == true) { if (month >= 10) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + prevYear + ")"; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + year + ")"; } } } else { duration1 = ""; } HSSFSheet shet3 = wb.createSheet("HTC "); HSSFCell c11; FemaleAdultTested = 0; FemaleTestedChild = 0; AdultFemaleHIV = 0; ChildFemaleHIV = 0; double TotalTested = 0; double TotalPositiveFemale = 0; double TotalPositiveMale = 0; double TotalNegativeFemale = 0; double TotalNegativeMale = 0; // MALES MaleAdultTested = 0; MaleTestedChild = 0; AdultMaleHIV = 0; ChildMaleHIV = 0; double TotalPositive = 0; double TotalNegative = 0; String county = ""; String district = ""; String facilityname = ""; HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_40_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stylemainHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); stylemainHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylemainHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylemainHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); stylemainHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); stborder.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); stborder.setWrapText(true); HSSFFont font1 = wb.createFont(); font1.setFontName("Cambria"); font1.setColor((short) 0000); stborder.setFont(font1); // for the red color HSSFCellStyle redstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); redstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); redstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); redstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); redstyle.setWrapText(true); shet3.setColumnWidth(0, 4000); shet3.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); shet3.setColumnWidth(2, 5000); //shet3.setColumnWidth(6,5000); //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXnew 20160725 String newheader0 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,FEMALE(POSITIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (POSITIVE),,,,,,,,NEGATIVE,FEMALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,"; String newheader1 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL +VE MALE,Paeds < 15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(F),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(M),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,Female,,Male,,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String newheader2 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL +VE MALE,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(F),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(M),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,< 15,15 +,< 15,15 +,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String header0array[] = newheader0.split(","); String header1array[] = newheader1.split(","); String header2array[] = newheader2.split(","); //create header1 HSSFRow rw0 = shet3.createRow(0); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8; c1 = rw0.createCell(0); //_____________________________________________________________report heading row 0 c1.setCellValue(period1); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); for (int j = 1; j <= header0array.length - 1; j++) { c1 = rw0.createCell(j); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 1 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(2); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header0array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header0array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 2 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(3); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header1array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header1array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 3 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(4); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header2array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header2array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } String mergeinfor[] = { "0,0,0,54", "2,4,0,0", "2,4,1,1", "2,4,2,2", "2,4,3,3", "2,4,4,4", "2,4,5,5", "2,4,6,6", "2,4,7,7", "2,4,8,8", "2,4,9,9", "2,4,10,10", "2,2,11,19", "2,2,20,27", "2,2,29,37", "2,2,38,45", "2,2,46,54", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,15,18", "3,3,20,23", "3,3,24,27", "3,3,29,32", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,33,36", "3,3,38,41", "3,3,42,45", "3,3,46,47", "3,3,48,49" }; //do the merging for (int d = 0; d < mergeinfor.length; d++) { if (!mergeinfor[d].equals("")) { String pos[] = mergeinfor[d].split(","); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(new Integer(pos[0]), new Integer(pos[1]), new Integer(pos[2]), new Integer(pos[3]))); } } //20151009 double checkdiff = 0; int count = 4; TestedAdultMale = 0; TestedAdultFemale = 0; TestedChildMale = 0; TestedChildFemale = 0; HIV_AdultMale = 0; HIV_AdultFemale = 0; HIV_ChildMale = 0; HIV_ChildFemale = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 55; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport, IFNULL(ART_highvolume,0) as ART_highvolume, IFNULL(HTC_highvolume,0) as HTC_highvolume, IFNULL(PMTCT_highvolume,0) as PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where ( HTC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } //staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String facilid = ""; String facilname = ""; String dsdta = ""; /** String get711data="SELECT(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CF) +sum( VCTClient_Tested_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_In_AF))" //ADULTS TESTED FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CM)+ sum(VCTClient_Tested_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_AM))"//ADULTS TESTED MALES + ", (sum(VCTClient_HIV_CF)+ sum(VCTClient_HIV_AF)+sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AF))" // ADULTS HIV+ FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_HIV_CM)+sum(VCTClient_HIV_AM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AM) +sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AM)) " // ADULTS HIV+ MALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CF) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CF))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CM))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED MALE + ", ( sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CF))" // CHILDREN POSITIVE FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CM)),county.County,district.DistrictNom," + "subpartnera.SubPartnerNom,subpartnera.CentreSanteId,subpartnera.HTC_Support1"// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE +" FROM moh711 JOIN subpartnera " + "ON moh711.SubPartnerID=subpartnera.SubPartnerID " + "JOIN district ON subpartnera.DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + "district.CountyID=county.CountyID" + " WHERE " + " "+facilityIds1+" "+duration1+" && subpartnera.HTC=1 " + "GROUP BY moh711.SubPartnerID " ; */ String get731data = "SELECT " + " sum(HV0103) as 711_totaltested, " + " sum(HV0110) as 711_less15m ," + " sum(HV0111) as 711_less15f ," + " sum(HV0112) as 711_15_24m ," + " sum(HV0113) as 711_15_24f ," + " sum(HV0114) as 711_25m ," + " sum(HV0115) as 711_25f ," + " sum(HV0116) as 711_totalpositive ," //updated in 201607 + " county.County,district.DistrictNom," + "" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom," + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId," + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 ,IFNULL(ART_highvolume,0) as ART_highvolume, IFNULL(HTC_highvolume,0) as HTC_highvolume, IFNULL(PMTCT_highvolume,0) as PMTCT_highvolume"// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE + " FROM moh731 JOIN " + facilitiestable + " " + "ON moh731.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + "district.CountyID=county.CountyID" + " WHERE " + " " + facilityIds1 + " " + duration1 + " && " + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 " + "GROUP BY moh731.SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("731 : " + get731data); =; while ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("CentreSanteId")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% county =; district =; district = district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase(); facilityname =; mflcode =; if ( == null) { dsdta = "DSD"; } else { dsdta =; } int arthv = 0; int htchv = 0; int pmtcthv = 0; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } /** //adult;;;; //children;;;; **/ //============================================================================================================================START NEW RATIOS=================================== //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%added 201606 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // 38 (M)% --- 62% (F) int tested_new711 ="711_totaltested"); double testedmale_711 = (float) Math.round((0.38 * tested_new711)); double testedfemale_711 = (float) Math.round((0.62 * tested_new711)); double tofautimpya = tested_new711 - (testedmale_711 + testedfemale_711); if (tofautimpya != 0) { testedfemale_711 += tofautimpya; } //System.out.println("**2016_06_ "+testedmale_711+ "~ "+testedfemale_711+" ~ "+ tested_new711); //12% 88% //this will be defined from ratios TestedAdultFemale = (int) Math.round((0.88 * testedfemale_711)); //adult TestedChildFemale = (int) Math.round((0.12 * testedfemale_711)); //child tofautimpya = testedfemale_711 - (TestedAdultFemale + TestedChildFemale); if (tofautimpya != 0) { TestedAdultFemale += tofautimpya; } // 17% 83% //; //; TestedAdultMale = (int) Math.round((0.83 * testedmale_711)); //adult TestedChildMale = (int) Math.round((0.17 * testedmale_711)); //child tofautimpya = testedmale_711 - (TestedAdultMale + TestedChildMale); if (tofautimpya != 0) { TestedAdultMale += tofautimpya; } int hivpos_711_15_24f ="711_15_24f"); int hivpos_711_15_24m ="711_15_24m"); int hivpos_711_25m ="711_25m"); int hivpos_711_25f ="711_25f"); HIV_AdultFemale = new Integer("711_15_24f") +"711_25f")); HIV_AdultMale = new Integer("711_15_24m") +"711_25m")); HIV_ChildFemale ="711_less15f"); HIV_ChildMale ="711_less15m"); //============================================================================================================================END NEW RATIOS==================== System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); String basicDetails = county + "@" + district + "@" + facilityname + "@" + mflcode + "@" + dsdta; String arrayDetails[] = basicDetails.split("@"); count++; rw0 = shet3.createRow(count); int facilno = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arrayDetails.length; j++) { HSSFCell S3cell = rw0.createCell(facilno); S3cell.setCellValue(arrayDetails[j]); // System.out.println(arrayDetails[j]); S3cell.setCellStyle(stborder); System.out.println("facildet pos : " + facilno + " det : " + arrayDetails[j]); facilno++; } System.out.println(facilityname + " TestedAdultFemale " + TestedAdultFemale + "TestedAdultMale " + TestedAdultMale + " TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_AdultFemale " + HIV_AdultFemale + " HIV_AdultMale " + HIV_AdultMale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); //============OLD FINE AGE RATIOS // FEMALES /** COMMENTED ON 201607 FemaleAdultTested19=(float)Math.round((0.05*TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested24=(float)Math.round((0.11*TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested49=(float)Math.round((0.72*TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested50=(float)Math.round((0.12*TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleTestedChild1=(float)Math.round((0.05*TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild4=(float)Math.round((0.26*TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild9=(float)Math.round((0.29*TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild14=(float)Math.round((0.40*TestedChildFemale)); //postive AdultFemaleHIV19=(float)Math.round((0.02*HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV24=(float)Math.round((0.09*HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV49=(float)Math.round((0.79*HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV50=(float)Math.round((0.10*HIV_AdultFemale)); //positve ChildFemaleHIV1=(float)Math.round((0.13*HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV4=(float)Math.round((0.37*HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV9=(float)Math.round((0.25*HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV14=(float)Math.round((0.25*HIV_ChildFemale)); // MALES MaleAdultTested19=(float)Math.round((0.05*TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested24=(float)Math.round((0.11*TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested49=(float)Math.round((0.72*TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested50=(float)Math.round((0.12*TestedAdultMale)); MaleTestedChild1=(float)Math.round((0.05*TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild4=(float)Math.round((0.26*TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild9=(float)Math.round((0.29*TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild14=(float)Math.round((0.40*TestedChildMale)); //positive AdultMaleHIV19=(float)Math.round((0.02*HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV24=(float)Math.round((0.09*HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV49=(float)Math.round((0.79*HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV50=(float)Math.round((0.10*HIV_AdultMale)); //positives ChildMaleHIV1=(float)Math.round((0.13*HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV4=(float)Math.round((0.37*HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV9=(float)Math.round((0.25*HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV14=(float)Math.round((0.25*HIV_ChildMale)); **/ //========================NEW FINE AGE RATIOS added 201607===================================== // FEMALES //adult FemaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.54 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.07 * TestedAdultFemale)); //children FemaleTestedChild1 = (float) Math.round((0 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.27 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.30 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.43 * TestedChildFemale)); //postive //adult ** remaining //hivpos_711_25f#hivpos_711_25m#hivpos_711_15_24m#hivpos_711_15_24f AdultFemaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.23 * hivpos_711_15_24f)); AdultFemaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.77 * hivpos_711_15_24f)); AdultFemaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.90 * hivpos_711_25f)); AdultFemaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.10 * hivpos_711_25f)); //positive //children ChildFemaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.45 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.30 * HIV_ChildFemale)); // MALES //adult MaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.20 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.56 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.11 * TestedAdultMale)); //children MaleTestedChild1 = (float) Math.round((0 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.29 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.45 * TestedChildMale)); //positive //adult ** remaining //hivpos_711_25f#hivpos_711_25m#hivpos_711_15_24m#hivpos_711_15_24f AdultMaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.36 * hivpos_711_15_24m)); AdultMaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.64 * hivpos_711_15_24m)); AdultMaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.79 * hivpos_711_25m)); AdultMaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.21 * hivpos_711_25m)); //positives //children ChildMaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.37 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.27 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.36 * HIV_ChildMale)); //=======================END OF NEW FINE AGE RATIOS============================== //; //; //; //; //; //; //; //; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; double totalpositivesmale = 0; double totalpositivesfemale = 0; double totalpositives = 0; double totalnegatives = 0; double totalfemalehiv = 0; double totalmalehiv = 0; double totalfemaletesteddis = 0; double totalmaletesteddis = 0; double totalfemaletested = 0; double totalmaletested = 0; double negfem = 0; double negmale = 0; int redalert1 = 0; int redalert2 = 0; int redalert3 = 0; int redalert4 = 0; totalpositives = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14 + AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; totalnegatives = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // total tested after distribution totalfemaletesteddis = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14 + FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; totalmaletesteddis = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50 + MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; // totaltested after distriibution double totaltestedis = 0; totaltestedis = totalfemaletesteddis + totalmaletesteddis; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totalfemaletested = TestedAdultFemale + TestedChildFemale; totalmaletested = TestedAdultMale + TestedChildMale; //poistives totalfemalehiv = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; totalmalehiv = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; //+ve after dist totalpositivesfemale = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; totalpositivesmale = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; // // negative negfem = totalfemaletested - totalfemalehiv; negmale = totalmaletested - totalmalehiv; double checkdiff1 = 0; double checkdiff2 = 0; double checkdiff3 = 0; int redfemalealert = 0; int redmalealert = 0; int finalalert = 0; double totalcheckdiff = 0; checkdiff = totalfemalehiv - totalpositivesfemale; // System.out.println("checkdiff female "+checkdiff1); // positive female if (checkdiff > 2 || checkdiff < -2) { redalert = 1; } // positive male checkdiff1 = totalmalehiv - totalpositivesmale; // System.out.println("checkdiff male "+checkdiff1); if (checkdiff1 > 2 || checkdiff1 < -2) { redalert1 = 1; } totalcheckdiff = TotalTested - totaltestedis; // System.out.println("dqa "+totalcheckdiff); if (totalcheckdiff > 5 || totalcheckdiff < -5) { finalalert = 1; } // checkdiff=totalfemalehiv-totalpositivesfemale; // // positive female // if(checkdiff>=2 ||checkdiff<=-2){ // redalert=1; // } // // positive male // checkdiff1=totalmalehiv-totalpositivesmale; // if(checkdiff1>=2 ||checkdiff1<=-2){ // redalert1=1; // } //// negative female // checkdiff2=negfem-totalfemaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff2>=2 ||checkdiff2<=-2){ // redalert2=1; // } // // // negativemale // checkdiff3=negmale-totalmaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff3>=2 ||checkdiff3<=-2){ // redalert3=1; // } // // totalcheckdiff=checkdiff+checkdiff1+checkdiff2+checkdiff3; // if(totalcheckdiff>=5 || totalcheckdiff<=-5){ // finalalert=1; // } adderPos = 0; double Totalhivfemale = 0; double Totalhivmale = 0; Totalhivfemale = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; Totalhivmale = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; splitData = 0; adderPos = 0; childSplitData = 0; // // adult female hiv+ splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; // System.out.println(facilityname + " lllll added " + splitData + " from db " + HIV_AdultFemale); adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; while (splitData > HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested female adults splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // adult male hiv+ splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested male adults splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // for child female tested childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " b4 jjj " + TestedChildFemale); adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 += 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 += 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " after jjj " + TestedChildFemale); // for child male hiv // for child female +ve childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; System.out.println(facilityname + " mmmm " + childSplitData + " " + HIV_ChildFemale); adderPos = 0; double diff = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildFemale) { diff = FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14; if (adderPos == 0) { if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 1) { if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { ChildFemaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildFemaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } // tested male _______________________________________________________________________ childSplitData = MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } childSplitData = MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } // for child male +ve childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } } else if (adderPos == 1) { if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { ChildMaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildMaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } /// // System.out.println("Neg nn "+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+" "+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14Neg); // System.out.println("tested nn "+MaleTestedChild1+ " "+MaleTestedChild4+" "+MaleTestedChild9+" "+ MaleTestedChild14); // System.out.println("hiv+ nnn "+ChildMaleHIV1+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4+" "+ChildMaleHIV9+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14); // // all positives //TotalPositive=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ // ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 +ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //TotalNegative=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ // ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg +ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); double totaltestedmale1 = 0; double totaltestedfemale1 = 0; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totaltestedmale1 = TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale; totaltestedfemale1 = TestedChildFemale + TestedAdultFemale; TotalPositiveFemale = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale; TotalPositiveMale = HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalPositive = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalNegativeFemale = totaltestedfemale1 - TotalPositiveFemale; TotalNegativeMale = totaltestedmale1 - TotalPositiveMale; TotalNegative = TotalNegativeMale + TotalNegativeFemale; //201510 //this code was added later less15f = TestedChildFemale; less15m = TestedChildMale; gret15m = TestedAdultMale; gret15f = TestedAdultFemale; // TotalNegativeFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+ ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; //TotalNegativeMale=AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; // TotalPositiveFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 ; // TotalPositiveMale=AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //System.out.println(MaleTestedChild14 +" bbbbb "+ChildMaleHIV14+" mmmmm "+ (MaleTestedChild14-ChildMaleHIV14)); HSSFCell c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c110, c111, c112, c113, c114, c115, c116, c117, c118, c219; HSSFCell c119, c120, c121, c122, c123, c124, c125, c126, c127, c128, c129, c130, c131, c132, c133, c134, c135, c136, c137; HSSFCell c211, c212, c213, c214, c215, c216, c217, cARTHV, cHTCHV, cPMTCTHV; rw0.setHeightInPoints(25); int mypos = 0; c211 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c212 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c213 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c214 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c215 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV.setCellValue(arthv); cHTCHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cHTCHV.setCellValue(htchv); cPMTCTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cPMTCTHV.setCellValue(pmtcthv); c216 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c217 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; // the rest c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c20 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; //c11.setCellValue(facilname); //String basicDetails=county+"@"+district+"@"+facilityname+"@"+mflcode+"@"+dsdta; c211.setCellValue(county); c212.setCellValue(district); c213.setCellValue(facilityname); c214.setCellValue(mflcode); c215.setCellValue(dsdta); // Female c11.setCellValue(TotalTested); c216.setCellValue(TotalPositive); c217.setCellValue(TotalPositiveFemale); c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50)); c20.setCellValue(TotalPositiveMale); //male c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4)); c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49)); c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50)); for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); // System.out.println("red "+redalert +" "+redalert1) ; if (redalert == 1) { c217 = rw0.getCell(6); c217.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert1 == 1) { c20 = rw0.getCell(16); c20.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,0,0)); c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c118 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c119 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; int neg1male = 0; int neg4male = 0; int neg9male = 0; int neg14male = 0; int neg19male = 0; int neg24male = 0; int neg49male = 0; int neg50male = 0; AdultMaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested19) - (AdultMaleHIV19); AdultMaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested24) - (AdultMaleHIV24); AdultMaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested49) - (AdultMaleHIV49); AdultMaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested50) - (AdultMaleHIV50); if (AdultMaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50male = 1; } // child male negatives ChildMaleHIV1Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild1) - (ChildMaleHIV1); ChildMaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild4) - (ChildMaleHIV4); ChildMaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild9) - (ChildMaleHIV9); ChildMaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild14) - (ChildMaleHIV14); if (ChildMaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14male = 1; } //negative int neg1female = 0; int neg4female = 0; int neg9female = 0; int neg14female = 0; int neg19female = 0; int neg24female = 0; int neg49female = 0; int neg50female = 0; ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild1) - (ChildFemaleHIV1); ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild4) - (ChildFemaleHIV4); ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild9) - (ChildFemaleHIV9); ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild14) - (ChildFemaleHIV14); if (ChildFemaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14female = 1; } System.out.println(facilityname + " fffff " + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg); //negative AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested19) - (AdultFemaleHIV19); AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested24) - (AdultFemaleHIV24); AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested49) - (AdultFemaleHIV49); AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested50) - (AdultFemaleHIV50); if (AdultFemaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50female = 1; } double TotalNegativeFemale1 = 0; double TotalNegativeMale1 = 0; TotalNegativeFemale1 = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; TotalNegativeMale1 = AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // negative female checkdiff2 = negfem - TotalNegativeFemale1; if (checkdiff2 > 2 || checkdiff2 < -2) { redalert2 = 1; } // negativemale checkdiff3 = negmale - TotalNegativeMale1; if (checkdiff3 > 2 || checkdiff3 < -2) { redalert3 = 1; } c11.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeFemale)); c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1Neg)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4Neg)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9Neg)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14Neg)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19Neg)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24Neg)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49Neg)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50Neg)); c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeMale)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1Neg)); c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4Neg)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9Neg)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14Neg)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19Neg)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24Neg)); c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49Neg)); c117.setCellStyle(stborder); c118.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50Neg)); c118.setCellStyle(stborder); c119.setCellValue(less15f); c119.setCellStyle(stborder); c120 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c120.setCellStyle(stborder); c121 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c121.setCellStyle(stborder); c122 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c122.setCellStyle(stborder); c123 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c123.setCellStyle(stborder); c124 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c124.setCellStyle(stborder); c125 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c125.setCellStyle(stborder); c126 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c126.setCellStyle(stborder); c127 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c127.setCellStyle(stborder); c128 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c120.setCellValue(gret15f); c121.setCellValue(less15m); c122.setCellValue(gret15m); c123.setCellValue(TotalTested); c124.setCellValue(TotalPositive); c125.setCellValue(TotalNegative); c126.setCellValue(TotalTested); c127.setCellValue("PASSED"); System.out.println(facilityname + " jjj " + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV14Neg); for (int i = 23; i <= 43; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (redalert2 == 1) { c11 = rw0.getCell(25); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert3 == 1) { c110 = rw0.getCell(34); c110.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (finalalert == 1) { c119 = rw0.getCell(43); c119.setCellStyle(redstyle); c119.setCellValue("FAILED"); } if (neg1female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(26); c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(27); c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9female == 1) { c13 = rw0.getCell(28); c13.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14female == 1) { c14 = rw0.getCell(29); c14.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19female == 1) { c15 = rw0.getCell(30); c15.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24female == 1) { c16 = rw0.getCell(31); c16.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49female == 1) { c17 = rw0.getCell(32); c17.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50female == 1) { c18 = rw0.getCell(33); c18.setCellStyle(redstyle); } //male if (neg1male == 1) { c111 = rw0.getCell(35); c111.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4male == 1) { c112 = rw0.getCell(36); c112.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9male == 1) { c113 = rw0.getCell(37); c113.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14male == 1) { c114 = rw0.getCell(38); c114.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19male == 1) { c115 = rw0.getCell(39); c115.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24male == 1) { c116 = rw0.getCell(40); c116.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49male == 1) { c117 = rw0.getCell(41); c117.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50male == 1) { c118 = rw0.getCell(42); c118.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,20,20)); } //end of while loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows count++; rwx = shet3.createRow(count); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(new Integer(staticmfl.get(a).toString())); cellmfl.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 5) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(5); celldsd.setCellValue(new Integer(staticart_hv.get(a).toString())); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 6) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(6); celldsd.setCellValue(new Integer(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString())); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 7) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(7); celldsd.setCellValue(new Integer(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString())); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(stborder); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //____autofilter______ //shet3.setAutoFilter(new, rowpos - 1, 0, sectionheaders.length+3)); //System.out.println("1,"+rowpos+",0,"+colposcopy); for (int e = 0; e < 4; e++) { shet3.autoSizeColumn(e); } //Made my life veery simple... shet3.setDisplayGridlines(false); shet3.createFreezePane(5, 5); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //VMMC //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //==============================================================================================VMMC //______________ HSSFWorkbook wb=new HSSFWorkbook();__________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ //================================================================================================== if (1 == 1) { //get the existing data for the month, year and facility that is already on session String month = ""; String year = ""; String facil = "361"; String form = "vmmc"; //===================================================================================================== year = "2015"; month = "5"; String county = ""; String header = ""; String reportType = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportType") != null) { reportType = request.getParameter("reportType"); } String reportDuration = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportDuration") != null) { reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); } if (request.getParameter("year") != null) { year = request.getParameter("year"); } if (request.getParameter("facility") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { facil = request.getParameter("facility"); String getfacil = "select SubPartnerNom,CentreSanteId as mflcode from " + facilitiestable + " where SubPartnerID='" + facil + "'"; =; while ( { header += " FACILITY : " + + " MFL CODE : " + + " "; } } if (request.getParameter("county") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { county = request.getParameter("county"); String getcounty = "select County from county where CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { header += " COUNTY : " + + " "; } } if (request.getParameter("month") != null && reportDuration.equals("4")) { month = request.getParameter("month"); String getmonth = "select name as monthname from month where id='" + month + "'"; =; while ( { header += " MONTH : " + + ""; } } header += " YEAR : " + year + ""; String facilitywhere = ""; String yearwhere = ""; String monthwhere = ""; String countywhere = ""; String duration = ""; String semi_annual = ""; String quarter = ""; //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX int yearcopy = Integer.parseInt(year); // reportType="2"; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; String yearmonth = "" + year; int prevYear = yearcopy - 1; int maxYearMonth = 0; int monthcopy = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Annual Report For " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report For " + prevYear + " Oct to " + year + " Mar"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; } else { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report for Apr to Sep " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + prevYear + " " +; } else { yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + year + " (" + + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; } } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { monthcopy = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; if (monthcopy >= 10) { yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + prevYear + "_(" + month + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; } else { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + year + "_(" + month + ")"; } } else { duration = ""; } //====================================================================== //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX String subcountywhere = ""; String subcounty = ""; if (!request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); } String getexistingdata = ""; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and district.countyid = '" + county + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.countyid='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 } if (!subcounty.equals("")) { subcountywhere = " and " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID = '" + subcounty + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and ";//20160711 } if (!facil.equals("")) { facilitywhere = " and " + form + ".SubPartnerID = '" + facil + "'"; } String joinedwhwere = " where 1=1 " + yearwhere + " && " + duration + " " + countywhere + " " + subcountywhere; //===================================================================================================== //FINDFACILITIES //===================================================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________________ // NOW CREATE THE WORKSHEETS //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 18); font.setFontName("Cambria"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Cambria"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); style2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style2.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontx.setFontName("Cambria"); fontx.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFSheet shet = wb.createSheet(form.toUpperCase()); //create headers for that worksheet HSSFRow rw = shet.createRow(0); rw.setHeightInPoints(25); HSSFCell cl0 = rw.createCell(0); cl0.setCellValue("DATIM " + yearmonth); cl0.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 1; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFRow rw1 = shet.createRow(1); rw1.setHeightInPoints(23); HSSFCell cl = rw1.createCell(0); cl.setCellValue(""); cl.setCellStyle(style2); for (int a = 1; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw1.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style2); } HSSFRow rw2 = shet.createRow(2); rw2.setHeightInPoints(23); HSSFCell cl3 = rw2.createCell(0); cl3.setCellValue("VMMC CIRC "); cl3.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl31 = rw2.createCell(1); cl31.setCellValue(""); cl31.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 2; a <= 5; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3b = rw2.createCell(6); cl3b.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Age "); cl3b.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 7; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3c = rw2.createCell(14); cl3c.setCellValue("Disaggregated by HIV Status "); cl3c.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 15; a <= 16; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3d = rw2.createCell(17); cl3d.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Circumcission Technique "); cl3d.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl3e = rw2.createCell(18); cl3e.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Followup (For surgical only) "); cl3e.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 19; a < 20; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3f = rw2.createCell(20); cl3f.setCellValue("VMMC_AE Disaggregated by AE Type"); cl3f.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 21; a < 27; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } // String VMMCheaders[] = { "County", "Sub-County", "Facility Name", "Mfl Code", "Type Of Support", "Numerator", "< 1", "1-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-49", "50+", "HIV-positive clients (tested HIV positive at VMMC site", "HIV-negative clients (tested HIV negative at VMMC program", "Unknown HIV status/not tested for HIV on site/indeterminate HIV status/undocumented HIV status", "Device-Based", "Number of surgical VMMC clients who returned at least once for follow-up care within 14 days of surgery", "Number of surgical VMMC clients who did not return for follow-up care within 14 days of surgery", "Numerator", "Surgical Intra- operative: Moderate", "Surgical Intra- operative: Severe", "Surgical Post- operative: Moderate", "Surgical Post- operative: Severe", "Medical Device-related: Moderate", "Medical Device-related: Severe" }; HSSFRow rw3 = shet.createRow(3); rw3.setHeightInPoints(63); for (int a = 0; a < VMMCheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw3.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(VMMCheaders[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } //shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,10,0,0)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 13)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 0, 13)); //shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,0,4)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 1, 5)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 6, 13)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 14, 16)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 18, 19)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 20, 26)); shet.setColumnWidth(0, 5000); shet.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); shet.setColumnWidth(2, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(3, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(4, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(5, 2500); shet.setColumnWidth(14, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(15, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(16, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(17, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(18, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(19, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(20, 3000); shet.setColumnWidth(21, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(22, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(23, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(24, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(25, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(26, 6000); //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 27; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where " + subcountywhere + " ( VMMC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode , sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P51D1) as P51D1, sum(P51D9) as P51D9, sum(P51D10) as P51D10, sum(P51D19) as P51D19,sum(P51D24) as P51D24, sum(P51D29) as P51D29, sum(P51D49) as P51D49, sum(P51D50) as P51D50, sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P521DM) as P521DM, sum(P521DS) as P521DS, sum(P521DT) as P521DT, sum(P522DM) as P522DM, sum(P522DS) as P522DS, sum(P522DT) as P522DT, sum(P52DM) as P52DM, sum(P52DS) as P52DS, sum(P52DT) as P52DT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, sum(P511KU) as P511KU, sum(P511Surg) as P511Surg, sum(P511Dev) as P511Dev, sum(P53DF) as P53DF, sum(P53DO) as P53DO, sum(P53DM) as P53DM, sum(P53D) as P53D, sum(P54D) as P54D from "+form+" join ( "+facilitiestable+" join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = "+facilitiestable+".DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID "; getexistingdata = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode , sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P51D1) as P51D1, sum(P51D9) as P51D9, sum(P51D10) as P51D10, sum(P51D19) as P51D19,sum(P51D24) as P51D24, sum(P51D29) as P51D29, sum(P51D49) as P51D49, sum(P51D50) as P51D50, sum(P511KP) as P511KP , sum(P511KN) as P511KN, sum(P511KU) as P511KU , sum(P511Dev) as P511Dev , sum(P54D) as P54D , sum(P511Surg) as P511Surg , sum(P521DM + P521DS + P522DM + P522DS) as aenumerator , sum(P521DM) as P521DM , sum(P521DS) as P521DS , sum(P522DM) as P522DM , sum(P522DS) as P522DS from " + form + " join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on " + form + ".SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + joinedwhwere + " group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println(getexistingdata); String P51D1 = ""; String P51D9 = ""; String P51D10 = ""; String P51D19 = ""; String P51D24 = ""; String P51D29 = ""; String P51D49 = ""; String P51D50 = ""; String P51DT = ""; String P511KP = ""; String P521DM = ""; String P521DS = ""; // String P521DT = ""; String P522DM = ""; String P522DS = ""; // String P522DT = ""; // String P52DM = ""; // String P52DS = ""; // String P52DT = ""; // String P511KP = ""; String P511KN = ""; String P511KU = ""; String P511Surg = ""; String P511Dev = ""; // String P53DF = ""; // String P53DO = ""; // String P53DM = ""; // String P53D = ""; String P54D = ""; String distid = ""; int counter = 0; =; int r = 4; while ( { //now check if form was updated and if its one month after data entry //now load the column values here //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% P51D1 ="P51D1"); if (P51D1 == null) { P51D1 = ""; } P51D9 ="P51D9"); if (P51D9 == null) { P51D9 = ""; } P51D10 ="P51D10"); if (P51D10 == null) { P51D10 = ""; } P51D19 ="P51D19"); if (P51D19 == null) { P51D19 = ""; } P51D24 ="P51D24"); if (P51D24 == null) { P51D24 = ""; } P51D29 ="P51D29"); if (P51D29 == null) { P51D29 = ""; } P51D49 ="P51D49"); if (P51D49 == null) { P51D49 = ""; } P51D50 ="P51D50"); if (P51D50 == null) { P51D50 = ""; } P51DT ="P51DT"); if (P51DT == null) { P51DT = ""; } P521DM ="P521DM"); if (P521DM == null) { P521DM = ""; } // P521DS ="P521DS"); if (P521DS == null) { P521DS = ""; } // // P521DT ="P521DT"); // if (P521DT == null) { // P521DT = ""; // } // // // P522DM ="P522DM"); if (P522DM == null) { P522DM = ""; } // P522DS ="P522DS"); if (P522DS == null) { P522DS = ""; } // // P522DT ="P522DT"); // if (P522DT == null) { // P522DT = ""; // } // // // P52DM ="P52DM"); // if (P52DM == null) { // P52DM = ""; // } // // // P52DS ="P52DS"); // if (P52DS == null) { // P52DS = ""; // } // // // P52DT ="P52DT"); // if (P52DT == null) { // P52DT = ""; // } // // P511KP ="P511KP"); if (P511KP == null) { P511KP = ""; } // // P511KN ="P511KN"); if (P511KN == null) { P511KN = ""; } P511KU ="P511KU"); if (P511KU == null) { P511KU = ""; } // P511Surg ="P511Surg"); if (P511Surg == null) { P511Surg = ""; } // // P511Dev ="P511Dev"); if (P511Dev == null) { P511Dev = ""; } // // P53DF ="P53DF"); // if (P53DF == null) { // P53DF = ""; // } // // P53DO ="P53DO"); // if (P53DO == null) { // P53DO = ""; // } // // P53DM ="P53DM"); // if (P53DM == null) { // P53DM = ""; // } // // P53D ="P53D"); // if (P53D == null) { // P53D = ""; // } // P54D ="P54D"); if (P54D == null) { P54D = ""; } if (1 == 1) { if (1 == 1) { int celpos = 0; int celpos1 = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(r); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); //County HSSFCell clx0 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx0.setCellValue(; clx0.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; //SubCounty HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; //Facility Name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Mfl Code if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //DSD/TA //im assuming that VMMC is made of DSDs as indicated in the Datim PDF screen shared by Supervisor if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue("DSD"); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; } //Numerator if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //<1 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //1-9 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //10-24 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //15-19 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //20-24 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //25-29 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //30-49 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //50+ if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //tested positive clients P511KP if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //tested negative clients P511KN if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //unknown untested P511KU if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //device based P511KU if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //Returned if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } if (1 == 1) { int notreturned = 0; if ("P51DT") -"P54D") > 0) { //here im subtracting surgical vmmc and males who returned for postoperative follow notreturned ="P51DT") -"P54D"); } HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(notreturned); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); //increment to get past P511Surg celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //VMMC_AE Numerator if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //intra-operative moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //intra-operative severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } // surgicalpost-operative moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } // surgicalpost-operative severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Medical device related Moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(""); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Medical device related Severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(""); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } r++; } //===================================================================================== } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shet.createRow(r); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); r++; for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(""); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(style2); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //____autofilter______ //shet3.setAutoFilter(new, rowpos - 1, 0, sectionheaders.length+3)); //System.out.println("1,"+rowpos+",0,"+colposcopy); for (int e = 0; e < 4; e++) { shet.autoSizeColumn(e); } //Made my life veery simple... shet.setDisplayGridlines(false); shet.createFreezePane(5, 5); } //================================================================================================== //HTC RESULTS BY SDP //================================================================================================== if (1 == 1) { String month = ""; String year = ""; String facil = "361"; String form = "moh731"; //===================================================================================================== year = "2015"; month = "5"; String county = ""; String header = ""; String subheaders[] = { "Tested", "Positive", "Negative" }; String sectionheaders[] = { "County", "Sub-county", "Health Facility", "Mfl Code", "Type Of Support", "ART High Volume", "HTC High Volume", "PMTCT High Volume", "Antenatal Clinic", "", "", "Labour & Delivery", "", "", "Under 5 Clinic", "", "", "Postnatal", "", "", "Tuberculosis", "", "", "Outpatient Department", "", "", "Inpatient", "", "", "Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission", "", "", "Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)", "", "" }; //String sectionheaders[]={"County","Sub-county","Health Facility","Mfl Code","Type Of Support","Antenatal Clinic","","","Labour & Delivery","","","Under 5 Clinic","","","Postnatal","","","Tuberculosis","","","Outpatient Department","","","Inpatient","","","Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)","",""}; //String sectionheaders[]={"County","Sub-county","Health Facility","Mfl Code","Type Of Support","Antenatal Clinic","","","Labour & Delivery","","","Under 5 Clinic","","","Postnatal","","","TB_STAT","","","Sexually Transmitted Infections","","","Outpatient Department","","","Inpatient","","","Hiv Care and Treatment Clinic","","","Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Standalone)","","","Mobile","","","Home-based","","","Other","",""}; String reportType = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportType") != null) { reportType = request.getParameter("reportType"); } String reportDuration = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportDuration") != null) { reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); } if (request.getParameter("year") != null) { year = request.getParameter("year"); } if (request.getParameter("facility") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { facil = request.getParameter("facility"); String getfacil = "select SubPartnerNom,CentreSanteId as mflcode from " + facilitiestable + " where SubPartnerID='" + facil + "'"; =; while ( { header += " FACILITY : " + + " MFL CODE : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("county") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { county = request.getParameter("county"); subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 String getcounty = "select County from county where CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { header += " COUNTY : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("month") != null && reportDuration.equals("4")) { try { month = request.getParameter("month"); String getmonth = "select name as monthname from month where id='" + month + "'"; =; while ( { header += " MONTH : " + + ""; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } header += " YEAR : " + year + ""; String facilitywhere = ""; String yearwhere = ""; String monthwhere = ""; String countywhere = ""; String duration = ""; String semi_annual = ""; String quarter = ""; String tbstatduration = ""; //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX int yearcopy = Integer.parseInt(year); // reportType="2"; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; String yearmonth = "" + year; int prevYear = yearcopy - 1; int maxYearMonth = 0; int monthcopy = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ //annually if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Annual Report For " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "'"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report For " + prevYear + " Oct to " + year + " Mar"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='1' || quarter='2') "; } else { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report for Apr to Sep " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='2' || quarter='3') "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { try { //quarterly String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "' and quarter='" + quarter + "' "; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { try { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + prevYear + " " +; } else { yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + year + " (" + + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { monthcopy = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); //since we dont want data to appear for monthly reports, we set an impossible tbstatduration = " 1=2 "; // month=5; if (monthcopy >= 10) { yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + prevYear + "_(" + month + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; } else { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + year + "_(" + month + ")"; } } else { duration = ""; } //====================================================================== //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX String subcountywhere = ""; String subcounty = ""; if (!request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and "; } if (!request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { county = request.getParameter("county"); subcounty_countywhere = " (district.countyid='" + request.getParameter("county") + "') and ";//20160711 } String getexistingdata = ""; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and district.countyid = '" + county + "'"; } if (!subcounty.equals("")) { subcountywhere = " and " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID = '" + subcounty + "'"; } if (!facil.equals("") && reportType.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) { facilitywhere = " and " + form + ".SubPartnerID = '" + facil + "'"; } String joinedwhwere = " where 1=1 " + yearwhere + " && " + duration + " " + countywhere + " " + subcountywhere; //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 35; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,IFNULL(ART_highvolume,0) as ART_highvolume, IFNULL(HTC_highvolume,0) as HTC_highvolume, IFNULL(PMTCT_highvolume,0) as PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where " + subcounty_countywhere + " (HTC='1'|| PMTCT='1'|| VMMC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("~~~~~~~~" + getstaticfacilities); =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, "+facilitiestable+".SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county union select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 right join moh731 on right join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county"; //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID union select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 right join moh731 on right join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county"; //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, (sum(P511KN) + sum(P511KU)) as P511KN,sum(HV0103) as HV0103,sum(HV0116) as HV0116 subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh731 left join moh711_new on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID "; getexistingdata = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, (sum(P511KN) + sum(P511KU)) as P511KN,sum(HV0103) as HV0103, sum(HV0116) as HV0116 , " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID , " + facilitiestable + ".ART ,IFNULL(ART_highvolume,0) as ART_highvolume, IFNULL(HTC_highvolume,0) as HTC_highvolume, IFNULL(PMTCT_highvolume,0) as PMTCT_highvolume FROM moh731 left join moh711_new on left join vmmc on join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on " + form + ".SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + joinedwhwere + " and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("@@" + getexistingdata); String Tbid = year + "_" + quarter + "_" + facil; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration; String distincttbstatfacils = "select distinct(SubPartnerID) as partnerid from tb_stat_art WHERE " + tbstatduration; ArrayList tbstat = new ArrayList(); conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(distincttbstatfacils); while ( { tbstat.add(conn.rs1.getString(1)); } //distinct eid sites String distincteidfacils = "select distinct(SubPartnerID) as partnerid from eid_datim WHERE " + tbstatduration; ArrayList eidal = new ArrayList(); conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(distincteidfacils); while ( { eidal.add(conn.rs1.getString(1)); } //===================================================================================================== //HTC RESULTS BY SDP //===================================================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________________ // NOW CREATE THE WORKSHEETS //______________________________________________________________________________________ // HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12); font.setFontName("Cambria"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); style.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Cambria"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); style2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style2.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); //this font will be used to show errors on negatives HSSFCellStyle errorstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); errorstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); errorstyle.setFillBackgroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); errorstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); errorstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontx.setFontName("Cambria"); fontx.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFSheet shet = wb.createSheet("HTC RESULTS BY SDP"); int rowpos = 0; //create headers for that worksheet HSSFRow rw = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw.setHeightInPoints(25); HSSFCell cl0 = rw.createCell(0); cl0.setCellValue("HTC Results BY Service Delivery Point and Test Result(Required) " + yearmonth); cl0.setCellStyle(style); rowpos++; for (int a = 1; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style); shet.setColumnWidth(a, 5000); } HSSFRow rw1 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw1.setHeightInPoints(38); rowpos++; for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw1.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(sectionheaders[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); if (a > 7 && a < sectionheaders.length) { if (sectionheaders[a].equals("")) { } else { shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, a, a + 2)); } } } shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, sectionheaders.length - 1)); shet.setColumnWidth(0, 5000); //add section 2 HSSFRow rw2 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw2.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowpos - 1, rowpos, a, a)); } int b = 0; for (int a = 8; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(subheaders[b]); b++; if (b == 3) { b = 0; } clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } rowpos++; =; while ( { String isARTsite ="ART"); //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% int colpos = 0; int conpos = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(25); int arthv = 0; int htchv = 0; int pmtcthv = 0; if (1 == 1) { if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } } //county if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subcounty if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //facility name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mfl if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //support type//###################################################################################### if (1 == 1) { String support = "DSD"; if ("HTC_Support1") == null ||"HTC_Support1").equals("")) { /** commented on 201607 if("PMTCT_Support")!=null&&!"PMTCT_Support").equals("null")){"PMTCT_Support"); } */ } else { support ="HTC_Support1"); } System.out.println("______:" +"HTC_Support1") + ":__" + support); HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(support/*"DSD" *//**/); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //skip both pmtct support s conpos++; conpos++; } //arthv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(arthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //htchv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(htchv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //pmtcthv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(pmtcthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //____________________Totals begin here______________ //Antenatal if (1 == 1) { //sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0206"); tested ="HV0201"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Labour & Delivery if (1 == 1) { //,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0207"); tested ="HV0202"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //under 5 from nascop if (1 == 1) { //Note: on 201607, it was suggested that we be reading tb data from opd and not from tbstat as it used to be. That proporsal however was later discaerded //The old status of reading tb data from tibu still remains int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; String getstat = "select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from eid_datim join " + facilitiestable + " on eid_datim.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID WHERE " + tbstatduration + " and eid_datim.SubPartnerID='" +"SubPartnerID") + "' and (" + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 )"; conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getstat); if ( { //uncomment if to get data from tbstat //if(1==1){ positive = conn.rs1.getInt("positive"); negative = conn.rs1.getInt("negative"); tested = negative + positive; //positive=tbpositive; //uncomment if tb data will appear //negative=tbnegative; //uncomment if tb data will appear //tested=tbtested; //uncomment if tb data will appear //continue from here //remove the current facility id //uncomment if commented ///** if (eidal.contains("SubPartnerID"))) { eidal.remove("SubPartnerID")); } //*/ } //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { //if generating a monthly report, dont show data since tb stat data is quarterly //if(1==1){ clx.setCellValue(tested); } else { clx.setCellValue(""); } clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { //if generating a monthly report, dont show data since tb stat data is quarterly //if(1==1){ clx1.setCellValue(positive); } else { clx1.setCellValue(""); } clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { //if generating a monthly report, dont show data since tb stat data is quarterly //if(1==1){ clx2.setCellValue(negative); } else { clx2.setCellValue(""); } clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //old Under 5 Clinic is not active now.. //_____________________________ //_____________________________ //_____________________________ //____COMMENTED FOR NOW________ //_____________________________ //_____________________________ if (1 == 2) { //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0232"); tested ="HV0228"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Post Natal if (1 == 1) { //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0208"); tested ="HV0203"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Outpatient //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //NEW CHANGES 201607 CHANGING DATA SOURCE FROM old 711 to new 711 //Here Ratios are being applied //isARTsite int htctested ="HV0103"); int htcpositive ="HV0116"); double inpatienttested = 0; double inpatientpos = 0; double inpatientneg = 0; double outpatienttested = 0; double outpatientpos = 0; double outpatientneg = 0; double vcttested = 0; double vctpos = 0; double vctneg = 0; int tbtested = 0; int tbpositive = 0; int tbnegative = 0; //____Discard the suggestion below. it was disregarded_____ //NOTE ..TB TESTED DATA WILL NOW BE 1 % OF OPD DATA // TB POS will be 33% of the tested, if only there is some positive data in the opd section.. //note, this will only happen on the art sites, otherwise the opd data will not be edited //do a query that calculates the sites supporting inpatient and outpatient for the last six months //since we are already in a loop, see if the current site calculates String issiteipd = " select sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot from moh711 where SubPartnerID='" +"SubPartnerID") + "' and ( yearmonth between '201510' and '201603') "; System.out.println("%%" + issiteipd); conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(issiteipd); if ( { int semiannualinpatient = 0; if (conn.rs1.getString("DTCB_Test_In_Tot") != null) { semiannualinpatient = conn.rs1.getInt("DTCB_Test_In_Tot"); } if (semiannualinpatient > 0) { //Sites with Inpatient services //OPD IPD VCT //Testing ratios 72% 17% 11% //Positivity ratios 62% 19% 19% //tested outpatienttested = (double) Math.round((0.72 * htctested)); inpatienttested = (double) Math.round((0.17 * htctested)); vcttested = (double) Math.round((0.11 * htctested)); //positive outpatientpos = (double) Math.round((0.62 * htcpositive)); inpatientpos = (double) Math.round((0.19 * htcpositive)); vctpos = (double) Math.round((0.19 * htcpositive)); //do normalization here.. add the values not matching to int totaltestedratios = (int) (outpatienttested + inpatienttested + vcttested); int testedtofauti = htctested - totaltestedratios; int totalpositiveratios = (int) (outpatientpos + inpatientpos + vctpos); int positivetofauti = htcpositive - totalpositiveratios; //apply the difference to the highest rated service area , which is outpatient outpatienttested += testedtofauti; outpatientpos += positivetofauti; //now get the negative values vctneg = vcttested - vctpos; inpatientneg = inpatienttested - inpatientpos; outpatientneg = outpatienttested - outpatientpos; } else { //site not supporting inpatient //Sites without Inpatient services //OPD VCT //HIV Tested 86% 14% //Tested Positive 85% 15% outpatienttested = (double) Math.round((0.86 * htctested)); // inpatienttested=(double)Math.round((0.17*htctested)); vcttested = (double) Math.round((0.14 * htctested)); //positive outpatientpos = (double) Math.round((0.85 * htcpositive)); //inpatientpos=(double)Math.round((0.19*htcpositive)); vctpos = (double) Math.round((0.15 * htcpositive)); //do normalization here.. add the values not matching to int totaltestedratios = (int) (outpatienttested + vcttested); int testedtofauti = htctested - totaltestedratios; int totalpositiveratios = (int) (outpatientpos + vctpos); int positivetofauti = htcpositive - totalpositiveratios; //apply the difference to the highest rated service area , which is outpatient outpatienttested += testedtofauti; outpatientpos += positivetofauti; //now get the negative values vctneg = vcttested - vctpos; // inpatientneg=inpatienttested-inpatientpos; outpatientneg = outpatienttested - outpatientpos; } /** if(isARTsite.equals("1")){ //deduct tb numbers tbtested=(int)Math.round((0.01*outpatienttested)); //outpatienttested=outpatienttested-tbtested; // outpatient tested data now has been deducted the tb tested data //uncomment if tb data will appear //int tbpositive=0; if(outpatientpos>0) { //tb positive is 33 % of the tbpositive=(int)Math.round(tbtested*0.33); //outpatientpos=outpatientpos-tbpositive; //uncomment if tb data will appear } tbnegative=tbtested-tbpositive; //outpatientneg=outpatientneg-tbnegative; //uncomment if tb data will appear } */ } //end of conn //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //TB Stat if (1 == 1) { //Note: on 201607, it was suggested that we be reading tb data from opd and not from tbstat as it used to be. That proporsal however was not followed //The old status of reading tb data still remains int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; String getstat = "select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE " + tbstatduration + " and SubPartnerID='" +"SubPartnerID") + "'"; conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getstat); if ( { //uncomment if to get data from tbstat //if(1==1){ /** * commented following a request from komen on 17th October 2016 . positive=conn.rs1.getInt("positive"); negative=conn.rs1.getInt("negative"); tested=negative+positive; */ //positive=tbpositive; //uncomment if tb data will appear //negative=tbnegative; //uncomment if tb data will appear //tested=tbtested; //uncomment if tb data will appear //continue from here //remove the current facility id //uncomment if commented ///** if (tbstat.contains("SubPartnerID"))) { tbstat.remove("SubPartnerID")); } //*/ } //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { //if generating a monthly report, dont show data since tb stat data is quarterly //if(1==1){ clx.setCellValue(tested); } else { clx.setCellValue(""); } clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { //if generating a monthly report, dont show data since tb stat data is quarterly //if(1==1){ clx1.setCellValue(positive); } else { clx1.setCellValue(""); } clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { //if generating a monthly report, dont show data since tb stat data is quarterly //if(1==1){ clx2.setCellValue(negative); } else { clx2.setCellValue(""); } clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //sexually transmitted insfections //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //"HV0208"); //"HV0203"); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } if (1 == 1) { // sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN // int tested=0; // int positive=0; // int negative=0; // //"DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot"); //"DTCB_Test_Out_Tot"); // negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(outpatienttested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(outpatientpos); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(outpatientneg); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Inpatient if (1 == 1) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN // int tested=0; // int positive=0; // int negative=0; // //"DTCC_HIV_In_Tot"); //"DTCB_Test_In_Tot"); // negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(inpatienttested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(inpatientpos); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(inpatientneg); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //HIV Care and Treatment //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //"DTCC_HIV_In_Tot"); //"DTCB_Test_In_Tot"); // negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //VMMC if (1 == 1) { // sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="P511KP"); negative ="P511KN"); tested = negative + positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //VCT (Co-located) if (1 == 1) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN // int tested=0; // int positive=0; // int negative=0; // //"VCTClient_HIV_TOT"); //"VCTClient_Tested_TOT"); // negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(vcttested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(vctpos); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(vctneg); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Voluntary counselling and testing (Stand alone) //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Mobile //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Home Based //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Other //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } rowpos++; } //now check if any facilities were skipped //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //________________________________________________EID SKIPPED SITES_______________________________________________________ //________________________________________________EID SKIPPED SITES_______________________________________________________ for (int a = 0; a < eidal.size(); a++) { System.out.println("%%%%%======______EIDRoWno::" + eidal.get(a)); if (1 == 1) { int colpos = 0; int conpos = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(25); String getstat = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1 as supporttype , IFNULL(ART_highvolume,0) as ART_highvolume, IFNULL(HTC_highvolume,0) as HTC_highvolume, IFNULL(PMTCT_highvolume,0) as PMTCT_highvolume, sum(eid_datim.positive) as positive ,sum(eid_datim.negative) as negative,sum(tb_stat_art.positive) as tbpositive ,sum(tb_stat_art.negative) as tbnegative, eid_datim.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID, IFNULL(" + facilitiestable + ".HTC,0) as HTC, IFNULL(" + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1,0) as PMTCT from eid_datim join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on eid_datim.SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID left join tb_stat_art on eid_datim.SubPartnerID=tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID WHERE " + tbstatduration.replace("year", "eid_datim.year").replace("quarter", "eid_datim.quarter") + " and eid_datim.SubPartnerID='" + eidal.get(a) + "' "; System.out.println("~~~" + getstat); // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from eid_datim join subpartnera on eid_datim.SubPartnerID=subpartnera.SubPartnerID WHERE "+tbstatduration+" and eid_datim.SubPartnerID='""SubPartnerID")+"' and (subpartnera.HTC=1 || subpartnera.PMTCT=1 )"; =; if ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //county if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subcounty if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //facility name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mfl if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //support type//###################################################################################### if (1 == 1) { String support = "DSD"; if ("supporttype") != null && !"supporttype").equals("")) { support ="supporttype"); } HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(/*"DSD" **/support); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //skip both pmtct support s conpos++; } //ART HIGH VOLUME if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //HTC HIGH VOLUME if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //PMTCT HIGH VOLUME if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //enter blanks in columns from Facility type up to the tb column if (1 == 1) { for (int c = 0; c < 6; c++) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(0); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } } //eid stat if (1 == 1) { int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration+" and SubPartnerID='"+tbstat.get(a)+"'"; if ("HTC") == 1 ||"PMTCT") == 1) { positive ="positive"); negative ="negative"); tested = negative + positive; } //} //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx.setCellValue(tested); } else { clx.setCellValue(0); } clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx1.setCellValue(positive); } else { clx1.setCellValue(0); } clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx2.setCellValue(negative); } else { clx2.setCellValue(0); } clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //end of eid if query //post blanks on postnatal columns if (1 == 1) { for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(0); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; // conpos++; } } //post tb values and remove tb too if (1 == 1) { int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration+" and SubPartnerID='"+tbstat.get(a)+"'"; /** * commented following a request from komen on 17th October 2016"tbpositive");"tbnegative"); tested=negative+positive; */ if (tbstat.contains("SubPartnerID"))) { tbstat.remove("SubPartnerID")); } //} //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx.setCellValue(tested); } else { clx.setCellValue(0); } clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx1.setCellValue(positive); } else { clx1.setCellValue(0); } clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx2.setCellValue(negative); } else { clx2.setCellValue(0); } clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //end of tbstat if query //finish posting blanks to the remaining columns if (1 == 1) { for (int c = 23; c < sectionheaders.length; c++) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(0); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; // conpos++; } } } //end of if query } //end of if 1==1 System.out.println("____" + eidal.get(a)); rowpos++; } //end of for loop //________________________________________________END EID SKIPPED SITES_______________________________________________________ //________________________________________________END EID SKIPPED SITES_______________________________________________________ //TB SKIPPED SITES //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% System.out.println("_____======______" + tbstat.size()); for (int a = 0; a < tbstat.size(); a++) { //System.out.println("%%%%%======______RoWno::"+tbstat.get(a)); if (1 == 1) { int colpos = 0; int conpos = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(25); String getstat = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,supporttype,IFNULL(ART_highvolume,0) as ART_highvolume, IFNULL(HTC_highvolume,0) as HTC_highvolume, IFNULL(PMTCT_highvolume,0) as PMTCT_highvolume, sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative, tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID , IFNULL(" + facilitiestable + ".HTC,0) as HTC, IFNULL(" + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1,0) as PMTCT from tb_stat_art join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID WHERE " + tbstatduration + " and tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID='" + tbstat.get(a) + "' "; //and (subpartnera.HTC=1 || subpartnera.PMTCT=1 ) =; if ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //county if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subcounty if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //facility name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mfl if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //support type//###################################################################################### if (1 == 1) { String support = "NA"; support ="supporttype"); HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue("DSD" /** support */ ); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //skip both pmtct support s conpos++; } //ART HIGH VOLUME if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //HTC HIGH VOLUME if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //PMTCT HIGH VOLUME if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //enter blanks in columns from Facility type up to the tb column if (1 == 1) { for (int c = 8; c < 20; c++) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(0); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } } //tb stat if (1 == 1) { int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration+" and SubPartnerID='"+tbstat.get(a)+"'"; /** * commented following a request from komen on 17th October 2016 * */ if ("HTC") == 1 ||"PMTCT") == 1) { /** * commented following a request from komen on 17th October 2016"positive");"negative"); tested=negative+positive; * */ } //} //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx.setCellValue(tested); } else { clx.setCellValue(0); } clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx1.setCellValue(positive); } else { clx1.setCellValue(0); } clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx2.setCellValue(negative); } else { clx2.setCellValue(0); } clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //end of tbstat if query //finish posting blanks to the remaining columns if (1 == 1) { for (int c = 23; c < sectionheaders.length; c++) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(0); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; // conpos++; } } } //end of if query } //end of if 1==1 System.out.println("____" + tbstat.get(a)); rowpos++; } //end of for loop //AFTER END OF WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); rowpos++; for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(new Integer(staticmfl.get(a).toString())); cellmfl.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 5) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(5); celldsd.setCellValue(new Integer(staticart_hv.get(a).toString())); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 6) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(6); celldsd.setCellValue(new Integer(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString())); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 7) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(7); celldsd.setCellValue(new Integer(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString())); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(0); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(style2); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //____autofilter______ shet.setAutoFilter(new CellRangeAddress(2, rowpos - 1, 0, sectionheaders.length)); //System.out.println("1,"+rowpos+",0,"+colposcopy); for (int e = 0; e < 5; e++) { shet.autoSizeColumn(e); } for (int e = 8; e < sectionheaders.length; e++) { shet.autoSizeColumn(e); } //Made my life veery simple... shet.setDisplayGridlines(false); shet.createFreezePane(5, 3); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //HTC FROM NEW 731 updated 201606 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (2 == 2) { int less15m = 0; int less15f = 0; int gret15m = 0; int gret15f = 0; ArrayList allFacilities = new ArrayList(); allFacilities.clear(); int year, month, prevYear, maxYearMonth, mflcode; String reportDuration, duration, semi_annual, quarter; String facilityName, countyName, districtName, facilityIds, facilityId; year = month = prevYear = maxYearMonth = mflcode = 0; reportDuration = duration = semi_annual = quarter = ""; facilityName = countyName = districtName = facilityIds = facilityId = ""; String facilityIds1 = ""; facilityIds1 = "("; if (request.getParameter("subcounty") != null && !request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { String subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); String getDist = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "WHERE district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and "; =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { if (request.getParameter("county") != null && !request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { String county = request.getParameter("county"); String getCounty = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "JOIN county ON district.CountyID=county.CountyID WHERE county.CountyID='" + county + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { facilityIds1 = ""; } } int TestedAdultMale = 0, TestedAdultFemale = 0; int TestedChildMale = 0, TestedChildFemale = 0; int HIV_AdultMale = 0, HIV_AdultFemale = 0; int HIV_ChildMale = 0, HIV_ChildFemale = 0; int pmtcttested = 0; int pmtctpositive = 0; int pmtctnegative = 0; double FemaleAdultTested; double FemaleTestedChild; double AdultFemaleHIV; double ChildFemaleHIV; double MaleAdultTested; double MaleTestedChild; double AdultMaleHIV; double ChildMaleHIV; double FemaleAdultTested1 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested4 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested9 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested14 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested19 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested24 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested49 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested50 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild1 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild4 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild9 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild14 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild19 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild24 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild49 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild50 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = 0; // MALES double MaleAdultTested19Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested21Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested49Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested50Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested19 = 0; double MaleAdultTested24 = 0; double MaleAdultTested49 = 0; double MaleAdultTested50 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1 = 0; double MaleTestedChild4 = 0; double MaleTestedChild9 = 0; double MaleTestedChild14 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild4Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild9Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild14Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14Neg = 0; double splitData = 0; int adderPos = 0; double childSplitData = 0; int redalert = 0; year = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("year")); reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); // year=2015; // reportDuration="4"; String period1 = ""; String duration1 = ""; prevYear = year - 1; maxYearMonth = 0; String eidduration = ""; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PEPFAR YEAR : " + year; eidduration = "year='" + year + "'"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : OCT " + prevYear + " to MARCH " + year; eidduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='1' || quarter='2') "; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : APRIL " + year + " to SEPT " + year; eidduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='3' || quarter='4') "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); eidduration = "year='" + year + "' and quarter='" + quarter + "' "; // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + prevYear + " TO ") + " " + prevYear + ""; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + year + " TO ") + " " + year + ""; } } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; String getMonthName = "SELECT name FROM month WHERE id='" + month + "'"; =; if ( == true) { if (month >= 10) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + prevYear + ")"; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + year + ")"; } } eidduration = " 1=2 "; } else { duration1 = ""; } HSSFSheet shet3 = wb.createSheet("PMTCT ,HTC ,EID"); HSSFCell c11; FemaleAdultTested = 0; FemaleTestedChild = 0; AdultFemaleHIV = 0; ChildFemaleHIV = 0; double TotalTested = 0; double TotalPositiveFemale = 0; double TotalPositiveMale = 0; double TotalNegativeFemale = 0; double TotalNegativeMale = 0; // MALES MaleAdultTested = 0; MaleTestedChild = 0; AdultMaleHIV = 0; ChildMaleHIV = 0; double TotalPositive = 0; double TotalNegative = 0; String county = ""; String district = ""; String facilityname = ""; HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_40_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stylemainHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); stylemainHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylemainHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylemainHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); stylemainHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); stborder.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); stborder.setWrapText(true); HSSFFont font1 = wb.createFont(); font1.setFontName("Cambria"); font1.setColor((short) 0000); stborder.setFont(font1); // for the red color HSSFCellStyle redstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); redstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.WHITE.index); redstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); redstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); redstyle.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); redstyle.setWrapText(true); shet3.setColumnWidth(0, 4000); shet3.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); shet3.setColumnWidth(2, 5000); //shet3.setColumnWidth(6,5000); HSSFCell c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c110, c111, c112, c113, c114, c115, c116, c117, c118, c219; HSSFCell c119, c120, c121, c122, c123, c124, c125, c126, c127, c128, c129, c130, c131, c132, c133, c134, c135, c136, c137; HSSFCell c211, c212, c213, c214, c215, c216, c217, cARTHV, cHTCHV, cPMTCTHV; String newheader0 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,FEMALE(POSITIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (POSITIVE),,,,,,,,NEGATIVE,FEMALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,"; String newheader1 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL +VE MALE,Paeds < 15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(F),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(M),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,Female,,Male,,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String newheader2 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL +VE MALE,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(F),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(M),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,< 15,15 +,< 15,15 +,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String header0array[] = newheader0.split(","); String header1array[] = newheader1.split(","); String header2array[] = newheader2.split(","); //create header1 HSSFRow rw0 = shet3.createRow(0); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8; c1 = rw0.createCell(0); //_____________________________________________________________report heading row 0 c1.setCellValue(period1); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); for (int j = 1; j <= header0array.length - 1; j++) { c1 = rw0.createCell(j); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 1 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(2); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header0array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header0array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 2 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(3); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header1array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header1array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 3 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(4); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header2array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header2array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } String mergeinfor[] = { "0,0,0,54", "2,4,0,0", "2,4,1,1", "2,4,2,2", "2,4,3,3", "2,4,4,4", "2,4,5,5", "2,4,6,6", "2,4,7,7", "2,4,8,8", "2,4,9,9", "2,4,10,10", "2,2,11,19", "2,2,20,27", "2,2,29,37", "2,2,38,45", "2,2,46,54", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,15,18", "3,3,20,23", "3,3,24,27", "3,3,29,32", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,33,36", "3,3,38,41", "3,3,42,45", "3,3,46,47", "3,3,48,49", "3,4,50,50", "3,4,51,51", "3,4,52,52", "3,4,53,53", "3,4,54,54", "3,4,50,50", "3,4,51,51", "3,4,52,52", "3,4,53,53", "3,4,54,54" }; //do the merging for (int d = 0; d < mergeinfor.length; d++) { if (!mergeinfor[d].equals("")) { String pos[] = mergeinfor[d].split(","); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(new Integer(pos[0]), new Integer(pos[1]), new Integer(pos[2]), new Integer(pos[3]))); } } double checkdiff = 0; int count = 4; TestedAdultMale = 0; TestedAdultFemale = 0; TestedChildMale = 0; TestedChildFemale = 0; HIV_AdultMale = 0; HIV_AdultFemale = 0; HIV_ChildMale = 0; HIV_ChildFemale = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- String facilid = ""; String facilname = ""; String dsdta = ""; //20151010 int pmtcttestedtotal = 0; int pmtctpositivestotal = 0; int pmtctnegativetotal = 0; double pmtct15to19tes = 0; double pmtct20to24tes = 0; double pmtct25to49tes = 0; double pmtct50tes = 0; double pmtct15to19pos = 0; double pmtct20to24pos = 0; double pmtct25to49pos = 0; double pmtct50pos = 0; int vmmctes = 0; int vmmcpos = 0; int vmmcneg = 0; double vmmcless1neg = 0; double vmmc1to9neg = 0; double vmmc10to14neg = 0; double vmmc15to19neg = 0; double vmmc20to24neg = 0; double vmmc25to29neg = 0; double vmmc30to49neg = 0; double vmmc50neg = 0; double vmmcless1pos = 0; double vmmc1to9pos = 0; double vmmc10to14pos = 0; double vmmc15to19pos = 0; double vmmc20to24pos = 0; double vmmc25to29pos = 0; double vmmc30to49pos = 0; double vmmc50pos = 0; double vmmcless1tes = 0; double vmmc1to9tes = 0; double vmmc10to14tes = 0; double vmmc15to19tes = 0; double vmmc20to24tes = 0; double vmmc25to29tes = 0; double vmmc30to49tes = 0; double vmmc50tes = 0; double vmmcless15 = 0; double vmmcgret15 = 0; //========================================= double under5pos = 0; double under5tes = 0; double under5neg = 0; double under5posf = 0; double under5posm = 0; double under5negf = 0; double under5negm = 0; double pmtct15to19neg = 0; double pmtct20to24neg = 0; double pmtct25to49neg = 0; double pmtct50neg = 0; //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 55; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,IFNULL(ART_highvolume,0) as ART_highvolume, IFNULL(HTC_highvolume,0) as HTC_highvolume, IFNULL(PMTCT_highvolume,0) as PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + " district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " WHERE " + subcounty_countywhere + " (" + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 ) " + " GROUP BY SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } //"htcsupport"); dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); } int less1_fpos = 0; int less1_ftes = 0; int oneto4_fpos = 0; int less1_mpos = 0; int less1_mtes = 0; int oneto4_mpos = 0; int less1_fneg = 0; int oneto4_fneg = 0; int less1_mneg = 0; int oneto4_mneg = 0; int under5male = 0; int under5female = 0; //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /** String get711data="SELECT(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CF) +sum( VCTClient_Tested_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_In_AF))" //ADULTS TESTED FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CM)+ sum(VCTClient_Tested_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_AM))"//ADULTS TESTED MALES + ", (sum(VCTClient_HIV_CF)+ sum(VCTClient_HIV_AF)+sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AF))" // ADULTS HIV+ FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_HIV_CM)+sum(VCTClient_HIV_AM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AM) +sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AM)) " // ADULTS HIV+ MALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CF) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CF))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CM))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED MALE + ", ( sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CF))" // CHILDREN POSITIVE FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CM)), " + " county.County,district.DistrictNom," // + " subpartnera.SubPartnerNom,subpartnera.CentreSanteId,subpartnera.HTC_Support1, "// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE //======================added later 20151010 + " sum(HV0204) as PMTCTTESTED , (sum(HV0206)+sum(HV0207)+sum(HV0208) ) as PMTCTPOS "//pmtct tested and positive added on 201510 +",SUM(P51D1) as VMMCunder1,SUM(P51D9) as VMMC1to9,SUM(P51D10) as VMMC10to14, SUM(P51D19) as VMMC15to19 , SUM(P51D24) as VMMC20to24, SUM(P51D29) as VMMC25to29, SUM(P51D49) as VMMC30to49, SUM(P51D50) as VMMC50,SUM(P51DT) as VMMCTESTED ,SUM(P511KP) as VMMCPOS, (SUM(P511KN)+SUM(P511KU)) as VMMCNEG "//vmmc added 20151016 + ",SUM(HV0232) as HV0232,SUM(HV0228) as HV0228 "//under five + " FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on moh711.ID=vmmc.tableid JOIN subpartnera " + " ON moh711.SubPartnerID=subpartnera.SubPartnerID " + " JOIN district ON subpartnera.DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + " district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " WHERE " + " "+facilityIds1+" "+duration1+" && (subpartnera.HTC=1 || subpartnera.PMTCT=1 || subpartnera.VMMC=1) " + " GROUP BY moh711.SubPartnerID " ; */ //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NEW QUERY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NEW QUERY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /** String get731data="SELECT " + " sum(HV0103) as 711_totaltested, " + " sum(HV0110) as 711_less15m ," + " sum(HV0111) as 711_less15f ," + " sum(HV0112) as 711_15_24m ," + " sum(HV0113) as 711_15_24f ," + " sum(HV0114) as 711_25m ," + " sum(HV0115) as 711_25f ," + " sum(HV0116) as 711_totalpositive ," //updated in 201606 + " county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " subpartnera.SubPartnerNom as facility,subpartnera.CentreSanteId as mflcode,subpartnera.HTC_Support1 as htcsupport, "// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE //======================added later 20151010 + " sum(HV0204) as PMTCTTESTED , (sum(HV0206)+sum(HV0207)+sum(HV0208) ) as PMTCTPOS "//pmtct tested and positive added on 201510 +",SUM(P51D1) as VMMCunder1,SUM(P51D9) as VMMC1to9,SUM(P51D10) as VMMC10to14, SUM(P51D19) as VMMC15to19 , SUM(P51D24) as VMMC20to24, SUM(P51D29) as VMMC25to29, SUM(P51D49) as VMMC30to49, SUM(P51D50) as VMMC50,SUM(P51DT) as VMMCTESTED ,SUM(P511KP) as VMMCPOS, (SUM(P511KN)+SUM(P511KU)) as VMMCNEG "//vmmc added 20151016 + ",SUM(HV0232) as HV0232,SUM(HV0228) as HV0228, "//under five + " IFNULL(ART_highvolume,0) as ART_highvolume, IFNULL(HTC_highvolume,0) as HTC_highvolume, IFNULL(PMTCT_highvolume,0) as PMTCT_highvolume FROM moh731 left join vmmc on moh731.ID=vmmc.tableid JOIN subpartnera " + " ON moh731.SubPartnerID=subpartnera.SubPartnerID " + " JOIN district ON subpartnera.DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + " district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " WHERE " + " "+facilityIds1+" "+duration1+" && (subpartnera.HTC=1 || subpartnera.PMTCT=1 || subpartnera.VMMC=1) " + " GROUP BY moh731.SubPartnerID " ; **/ String get731data = "SELECT " + " sum(HV0103) as 711_totaltested, " + " sum(HV0110) as 711_less15m ," + " sum(HV0111) as 711_less15f ," + " sum(HV0112) as 711_15_24m ," + " sum(HV0113) as 711_15_24f ," + " sum(HV0114) as 711_25m ," + " sum(HV0115) as 711_25f ," + " sum(HV0116) as 711_totalpositive ," //updated in 201606 + " county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility," + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode," + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport, "// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE //======================added later 20151010 + " sum(HV0204) as PMTCTTESTED , (sum(HV0206)+sum(HV0207)+sum(HV0208) ) as PMTCTPOS ,"//pmtct tested and positive added on 201510 // +",SUM(P51D1) as VMMCunder1,SUM(P51D9) as VMMC1to9,SUM(P51D10) as VMMC10to14, SUM(P51D19) as VMMC15to19 , SUM(P51D24) as VMMC20to24, SUM(P51D29) as VMMC25to29, SUM(P51D49) as VMMC30to49, SUM(P51D50) as VMMC50,SUM(P51DT) as VMMCTESTED ,SUM(P511KP) as VMMCPOS, (SUM(P511KN)+SUM(P511KU)) as VMMCNEG "//vmmc added 20151016 + " IFNULL(ART_highvolume,0) as ART_highvolume, IFNULL(HTC_highvolume,0) as HTC_highvolume, IFNULL(PMTCT_highvolume,0) as PMTCT_highvolume, moh731.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh731 JOIN " + facilitiestable + " " + " ON moh731.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + " JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + " district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " WHERE " + " " + facilityIds1 + " " + duration1 + " && (" + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 ) " + " GROUP BY moh731.SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("731 : " + get731data); =; while ( { //get data from EID String geteids = " select sum(less1_fneg) as less1_fneg ,sum(1to4_fneg) as 1to4_fneg, " + " sum(less1_mneg) as less1_mneg,sum(1to4_mneg) as 1to4_mneg, " + " sum(less1_ftes) as less1_ftes, " + " sum(less1_fpos) as less1_fpos,sum(1to4_fpos) as 1to4_fpos, " + " sum(less1_mtes) as less1_mtes, " + " sum(less1_mpos) as less1_mpos,sum(1to4_mpos) as 1to4_mpos, " + " sum(tested) as eidtested,sum(negative) as eidnegative, " + " sum(positive) as eidpositive from eid_datim where " + eidduration + " and SubPartnerID='" +"SubPartnerID") + "' "; System.out.println("" + geteids); conn.rs2 = conn.st2.executeQuery(geteids); while ( { // under5tes=conn.rs2.getInt("eidtested"); //under5 tested // under5pos=conn.rs2.getInt("eidpositive"); //under5 positives // under5neg=conn.rs2.getInt("eidnegative"); //under 5 negatives less1_ftes = conn.rs2.getInt("less1_ftes"); less1_fpos = conn.rs2.getInt("less1_fpos"); //oneto4_fpos=conn.rs2.getInt("1to4_fpos"); less1_mtes = conn.rs2.getInt("less1_mtes"); less1_mpos = conn.rs2.getInt("less1_mpos"); //oneto4_mpos=conn.rs2.getInt("1to4_mpos"); less1_fneg = conn.rs2.getInt("less1_fneg"); //oneto4_fneg=conn.rs2.getInt("1to4_fneg"); less1_mneg = conn.rs2.getInt("less1_mneg"); // oneto4_mneg=conn.rs2.getInt("1to4_mneg"); // under5male=less1_mpos+oneto4_mpos+less1_mneg+oneto4_mneg; // under5female=less1_fpos+oneto4_fpos+less1_fneg+oneto4_fneg; } System.out.println("=======" + geteids); //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //=============================================now add vmmc and add under 1 county ="county"); district ="district"); district = district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase(); facilityname ="facility"); mflcode ="mflcode"); if ("htcsupport") != null && !"htcsupport").equals("")) { dsdta ="htcsupport"); } else { dsdta = "DSD"; } //dsdta="DSD"; //static as of 201606 int arthv = 0; int htchv = 0; int pmtcthv = 0; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } pmtcttestedtotal ="PMTCTTESTED"); pmtctpositivestotal ="PMTCTPOS"); //under 5 computations //vmmc //VMMC50,SUM(P51DT) as VMMCTESTED ,SUM(P511KP) as VMMCPOS, SUM(P511KN) as VMMCNEG "//vmmc added 20151016 /**"VMMCPOS");"VMMCNEG");"VMMCTESTED"); **/ // SUM(P51D50) as /*"VMMCunder1");"VMMC1to9");"VMMC10to14");"VMMC15to19");"VMMC20to24");"VMMC25to29");"VMMC30to49");"VMMC50"); **/ //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%added 201606 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // 38 (M)% --- 62% (F) int tested_new711 ="711_totaltested"); //System.out.println("%%%%%%%%%%%%% NEW HTC "+facilityname+" HTC TES= "+tested_new711+" PMTCT TESTED= "+pmtcttestedtotal+" UNDER 5= "+under5tes); double testedmale_711 = (float) Math.round((0.38 * tested_new711)); double testedfemale_711 = (float) Math.round((0.62 * tested_new711)); double tofautimpya = tested_new711 - (testedmale_711 + testedfemale_711); if (tofautimpya != 0) { testedfemale_711 += tofautimpya; } //System.out.println("**2016_06_ "+testedmale_711+ "~ "+testedfemale_711+" ~ "+ tested_new711); //12% 88% //this will be defined from ratios TestedAdultFemale = (int) Math.round((0.88 * testedfemale_711)); //adult TestedChildFemale = (int) Math.round((0.12 * testedfemale_711)); //child tofautimpya = testedfemale_711 - (TestedAdultFemale + TestedChildFemale); if (tofautimpya != 0) { TestedAdultFemale += tofautimpya; } // 17% 83% //; //; TestedAdultMale = (int) Math.round((0.83 * testedmale_711)); //adult TestedChildMale = (int) Math.round((0.17 * testedmale_711)); //child tofautimpya = testedmale_711 - (TestedAdultMale + TestedChildMale); if (tofautimpya != 0) { TestedAdultMale += tofautimpya; } System.out.println("**2016_06_ '17%' '83%' " + TestedChildMale + "~ " + TestedAdultMale + " ~ " + testedmale_711); System.out.println("**2016_06_ '12%' '88%' " + TestedChildFemale + "~ " + TestedAdultFemale + " ~ " + testedfemale_711); int hivpos_711_15_24f ="711_15_24f"); int hivpos_711_15_24m ="711_15_24m"); int hivpos_711_25m ="711_25m"); int hivpos_711_25f ="711_25f"); HIV_AdultFemale = new Integer("711_15_24f") +"711_25f")); HIV_AdultMale = new Integer("711_15_24m") +"711_25m")); HIV_ChildFemale ="711_less15f"); HIV_ChildMale ="711_less15m"); System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); String basicDetails = county + "@" + district + "@" + facilityname + "@" + mflcode + "@" + dsdta; String arrayDetails[] = basicDetails.split("@"); count++; rw0 = shet3.createRow(count); int facilno = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arrayDetails.length; j++) { HSSFCell S3cell = rw0.createCell(facilno); S3cell.setCellValue(arrayDetails[j]); // System.out.println(arrayDetails[j]); S3cell.setCellStyle(stborder); System.out.println("facildet pos : " + facilno + " det : " + arrayDetails[j]); facilno++; } System.out.println(facilityname + " TestedAdultFemale " + TestedAdultFemale + "TestedAdultMale " + TestedAdultMale + " TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_AdultFemale " + HIV_AdultFemale + " HIV_AdultMale " + HIV_AdultMale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); double tofauti = 0; /** //< 1 1-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-49 50+ //0% 1% 45% 25% 15% 8% 6% 0% //vmmc positives double vmmcposverify=0; double vmmcnegverify=0; vmmc1to9pos=(float)Math.round((0.01*vmmcpos)); vmmc10to14pos=(float)Math.round((0.45*vmmcpos)); vmmc15to19pos=(float)Math.round((0.25*vmmcpos)); vmmc20to24pos=(float)Math.round((0.15*vmmcpos)); vmmc25to29pos=(float)Math.round((0.08*vmmcpos)); vmmc30to49pos=(float)Math.round((0.06*vmmcpos)); //do a verification before subtracting the negatives vmmcposverify=vmmc1to9pos+vmmc10to14pos+vmmc15to19pos+vmmc20to24pos+vmmc25to29pos+vmmc30to49pos; //------------------------------------------//do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution if(vmmcposverify<vmmcpos){ tofauti=vmmcpos-vmmcposverify; if(tofauti>2){ //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the male first until equal // while(tofauti>0){ vmmc10to14pos+=1; tofauti--; }//end of while tofauti } else if(vmmcposverify>vmmcpos) { //minus until equal tofauti=vmmcposverify-vmmcpos; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while(tofauti>0){ vmmc10to14pos-=1; tofauti--; } } //end of else //Now do the deductions for the negatives from the tes // vmmcless1neg=vmmcless1tes;//pos =0% // vmmc1to9neg=vmmc1to9tes-vmmc1to9pos; // vmmc10to14neg=vmmc10to14tes-vmmc10to14pos; // vmmc15to19neg=vmmc15to19tes-vmmc15to19pos; // vmmc20to24neg=vmmc20to24tes-vmmc20to24pos; // vmmc25to29neg=vmmc20to24tes-vmmc20to24pos; // vmmc30to49neg=vmmc20to24tes-vmmc20to24pos; // vmmc50neg=vmmc20to24tes;//vmmc50positives =0% //******I HAVE USED THE SAME RATIOS AS THE POSITIVE THOH THATS NOT THE CASE vmmcless1neg=(float)Math.round((0.00*vmmcneg)); vmmc1to9neg=(float)Math.round((0.01*vmmcneg)); vmmc10to14neg=(float)Math.round((0.45*vmmcneg)); vmmc15to19neg=(float)Math.round((0.25*vmmcneg)); vmmc20to24neg=(float)Math.round((0.15*vmmcneg)); vmmc25to29neg=(float)Math.round((0.08*vmmcneg)); vmmc30to49neg=(float)Math.round((0.06*vmmcneg)); vmmc50neg=(float)Math.round((0.00*vmmcneg)); //verify the negatives vmmcnegverify=vmmcless1neg+vmmc1to9neg+vmmc10to14neg+vmmc15to19neg+vmmc20to24neg+vmmc25to29neg+vmmc30to49neg+vmmc50neg; //------------------------------------------//do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution tofauti=0; if(vmmcnegverify<vmmcneg){ tofauti=vmmcneg-vmmcnegverify; if(tofauti>2){ //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the male first until equal // while(tofauti>0){ vmmc10to14neg+=1; tofauti--; }//end of while tofauti } else if(vmmcnegverify>vmmcneg) { //minus until equal tofauti=vmmcnegverify-vmmcneg; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while(tofauti>0){ vmmc10to14neg-=1; tofauti--; } } //end of else vmmcless15= vmmcless1neg+vmmc1to9neg+vmmc10to14neg+vmmcless1pos+vmmc1to9pos+vmmc10to14pos; vmmcgret15= vmmc15to19neg+vmmc20to24neg+vmmc25to29neg+vmmc30to49neg+vmmc50neg+vmmc15to19pos+vmmc20to24pos+vmmc25to29pos+vmmc30to49pos+vmmc50pos; */ // FEMALES //adult FemaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.54 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.07 * TestedAdultFemale)); //children //FemaleTestedChild1=(float)Math.round((0*TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild1 = less1_ftes; FemaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.27 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.30 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.43 * TestedChildFemale));//0.05 added to 0.38 after revising ratios in sep 2016 //postive //adult ** remaining //hivpos_711_25f#hivpos_711_25m#hivpos_711_15_24m#hivpos_711_15_24f AdultFemaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.23 * hivpos_711_15_24f)); AdultFemaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.77 * hivpos_711_15_24f)); AdultFemaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.90 * hivpos_711_25f)); AdultFemaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.10 * hivpos_711_25f)); //positive //children //ChildFemaleHIV1=(float)Math.round((0*HIV_ChildFemale));//0.1 removed to accomodate eid under 1 from nascop ChildFemaleHIV1 = less1_fpos;//0.1 removed to accomodate eid under 1 from nascop ChildFemaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.45 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.30 * HIV_ChildFemale));//0.10 added to 0.20 after revising ratios in sep 2016 // MALES //adult MaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.20 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.56 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.11 * TestedAdultMale)); //children //MaleTestedChild1=(float)Math.round((0*TestedChildMale));//0.04 removed to accomodate under 1 from nascop eid MaleTestedChild1 = less1_mtes; //0.04 removed to accomodate under 1 from nascop eid MaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.29 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.45 * TestedChildMale));//0.04 added to 0.41 after revising ratios in sep 2016 //positive //adult ** remaining //hivpos_711_25f#hivpos_711_25m#hivpos_711_15_24m#hivpos_711_15_24f AdultMaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.36 * hivpos_711_15_24m)); AdultMaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.64 * hivpos_711_15_24m)); AdultMaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.79 * hivpos_711_25m)); AdultMaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.21 * hivpos_711_25m)); //positives //children ChildMaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0 * HIV_ChildMale));//0.05 deducted to hiv14 ChildMaleHIV1 = less1_mpos; ChildMaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.37 * HIV_ChildMale));//0.01 deducted to hiv14 ChildMaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.27 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.36 * HIV_ChildMale));//0.06 added to 0.30 after revising ratios in sep 2016 /** //under 5 distribution // femalepos, malepos, femaleneg, maleneg // 50% 50% 49% 51% double under5testedverify=0; double under5posverify=0; double under5negverify=0; under5posf=(float)Math.round((0.50*under5pos)); under5posm=(float)Math.round((0.50*under5pos)); under5negf=(float)Math.round((0.49*under5neg)); under5negm=(float)Math.round((0.51*under5neg)); under5posverify=under5posf+under5posm; under5negverify=under5negf+under5negm; //do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution tofauti=0; if(under5posverify<under5pos){ tofauti=under5pos-under5posverify; if(tofauti>2){ //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the male first until equal // while(tofauti>0){ under5posm+=1; tofauti--; if(tofauti!=0){ under5posf+=1; tofauti--; } }//end of while tofauti } else if(under5posverify>under5pos) { //minus until equal tofauti=under5posverify-under5pos; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while(tofauti>0){ under5posm-=1; tofauti--; if(tofauti!=0){ under5posf-=1; tofauti--; } } } //end of else //====================normalize negatives========================== if(under5negverify<under5neg){ tofauti=under5neg-under5negverify; if(tofauti>2){ //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while(tofauti>0){ under5negm+=1; tofauti--; if(tofauti!=0){ under5negf+=1; tofauti--; } } } else if(under5negverify>under5neg) { //minus until equal tofauti=under5negverify-under5neg; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while(tofauti>0){ under5negm-=1; tofauti--; if(tofauti!=0){ under5negf-=1; tofauti--; } } } //end of under 5 distribution **/ //15-19 20-24 25-49 //PMTCT TESTED 13.9% 27.8% 58.3% //PMTCT Posit 5.3% 17.5% 77.2% //variables to hold the total of the distributed double pmtcttestedverify = 0; double pmtctpositiveverify = 0; pmtct15to19tes = (float) Math.round((0.139 * pmtcttestedtotal)); pmtct20to24tes = (float) Math.round((0.278 * pmtcttestedtotal)); pmtct25to49tes = (float) Math.round((0.583 * pmtcttestedtotal)); pmtct15to19pos = (float) Math.round((0.053 * pmtctpositivestotal)); pmtct20to24pos = (float) Math.round((0.175 * pmtctpositivestotal)); pmtct25to49pos = (float) Math.round((0.772 * pmtctpositivestotal)); pmtcttestedverify = pmtct15to19tes + pmtct20to24tes + pmtct25to49tes; pmtctpositiveverify = pmtct15to19pos + pmtct20to24pos + pmtct25to49pos; //do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution double currdiff = 0; if (pmtcttestedverify < pmtcttestedtotal) { currdiff = pmtcttestedtotal - pmtcttestedverify; if (currdiff > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49tes += 1; currdiff--; } } else if (pmtcttestedverify > pmtcttestedtotal) { //minus until equal currdiff = pmtcttestedverify - pmtcttestedtotal; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49tes -= 1; currdiff--; } } //do normalization for the POSITIVE // if the two are not equal, do a distribution if (pmtctpositiveverify < pmtctpositivestotal) { currdiff = pmtctpositivestotal - pmtctpositiveverify; if (currdiff > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49pos += 1; currdiff--; } } else if (pmtctpositiveverify > pmtctpositivestotal) { //minus until equal currdiff = pmtctpositiveverify - pmtctpositivestotal; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49pos -= 1; currdiff--; } } //now get the pmtct negatives by subtracting from the pmtct15to19neg = pmtct15to19tes - pmtct15to19pos; pmtct20to24neg = pmtct20to24tes - pmtct20to24pos; pmtct25to49neg = pmtct25to49tes - pmtct25to49pos; pmtctnegativetotal = pmtcttestedtotal - pmtctpositivestotal; //; //; //; //; //; //; //; //; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; double totalpositivesmale = 0; double totalpositivesfemale = 0; double totalpositives = 0; double totalnegatives = 0; double totalfemalehiv = 0; double totalmalehiv = 0; double totalfemaletesteddis = 0; double totalmaletesteddis = 0; double totalfemaletested = 0; double totalmaletested = 0; double negfem = 0; double negmale = 0; int redalert1 = 0; int redalert2 = 0; int redalert3 = 0; int redalert4 = 0; totalpositives = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14 + AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; totalnegatives = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // total tested after distribution totalfemaletesteddis = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14 + FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; totalmaletesteddis = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50 + MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; // totaltested after distriibution double totaltestedis = 0; totaltestedis = totalfemaletesteddis + totalmaletesteddis; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totalfemaletested = TestedAdultFemale + TestedChildFemale; totalmaletested = TestedAdultMale + TestedChildMale; //poistives totalfemalehiv = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; totalmalehiv = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; //+ve after dist totalpositivesfemale = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; totalpositivesmale = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; // // negative negfem = totalfemaletested - totalfemalehiv; negmale = totalmaletested - totalmalehiv; double checkdiff1 = 0; double checkdiff2 = 0; double checkdiff3 = 0; int redfemalealert = 0; int redmalealert = 0; int finalalert = 0; double totalcheckdiff = 0; //check a difference checkdiff = totalfemalehiv - totalpositivesfemale; // System.out.println("checkdiff female "+checkdiff1); // positive female if (checkdiff > 2 || checkdiff < -2) { redalert = 1; } // positive male checkdiff1 = totalmalehiv - totalpositivesmale; // System.out.println("checkdiff male "+checkdiff1); if (checkdiff1 > 2 || checkdiff1 < -2) { redalert1 = 1; } totalcheckdiff = TotalTested - totaltestedis; // System.out.println("dqa "+totalcheckdiff); if (totalcheckdiff > 5 || totalcheckdiff < -5) { finalalert = 1; } // checkdiff=totalfemalehiv-totalpositivesfemale; // // positive female // if(checkdiff>=2 ||checkdiff<=-2){ // redalert=1; // } // // positive male // checkdiff1=totalmalehiv-totalpositivesmale; // if(checkdiff1>=2 ||checkdiff1<=-2){ // redalert1=1; // } //// negative female // checkdiff2=negfem-totalfemaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff2>=2 ||checkdiff2<=-2){ // redalert2=1; // } // // // negativemale // checkdiff3=negmale-totalmaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff3>=2 ||checkdiff3<=-2){ // redalert3=1; // } // // totalcheckdiff=checkdiff+checkdiff1+checkdiff2+checkdiff3; // if(totalcheckdiff>=5 || totalcheckdiff<=-5){ // finalalert=1; // } adderPos = 0; double Totalhivfemale = 0; double Totalhivmale = 0; Totalhivfemale = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; Totalhivmale = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; splitData = 0; adderPos = 0; childSplitData = 0; // // adult female hiv+ splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; // System.out.println(facilityname + " lllll added " + splitData + " from db " + HIV_AdultFemale); adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; while (splitData > HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested female adults splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // adult male hiv+ splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested male adults splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // for child female tested childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " b4 jjj " + TestedChildFemale); adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 += 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 += 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " after jjj " + TestedChildFemale); // for child male hiv // for child female +ve childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; System.out.println(facilityname + " mmmm " + childSplitData + " " + HIV_ChildFemale); adderPos = 0; double diff = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildFemale) { diff = FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14; if (adderPos == 0) { if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 1) { if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { ChildFemaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildFemaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } // tested male _______________________________________________________________________ childSplitData = MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } childSplitData = MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } // for child male +ve childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } } else if (adderPos == 1) { if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { ChildMaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildMaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } /// // System.out.println("Neg nn "+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+" "+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14Neg); // System.out.println("tested nn "+MaleTestedChild1+ " "+MaleTestedChild4+" "+MaleTestedChild9+" "+ MaleTestedChild14); // System.out.println("hiv+ nnn "+ChildMaleHIV1+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4+" "+ChildMaleHIV9+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14); // // all positives //TotalPositive=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ // ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 +ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //TotalNegative=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ // ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg +ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); double totaltestedmale1 = 0; double totaltestedfemale1 = 0; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totaltestedmale1 = TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale; totaltestedfemale1 = TestedChildFemale + TestedAdultFemale; TotalPositiveFemale = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale; TotalPositiveMale = HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalPositive = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalNegativeFemale = totaltestedfemale1 - TotalPositiveFemale; TotalNegativeMale = totaltestedmale1 - TotalPositiveMale; TotalNegative = TotalNegativeMale + TotalNegativeFemale; //201510 //this code was added later less15f = TestedChildFemale; less15m = TestedChildMale; gret15m = TestedAdultMale; gret15f = TestedAdultFemale; // TotalNegativeFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+ ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; //TotalNegativeMale=AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; // TotalPositiveFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 ; // TotalPositiveMale=AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //System.out.println(MaleTestedChild14 +" bbbbb "+ChildMaleHIV14+" mmmmm "+ (MaleTestedChild14-ChildMaleHIV14)); rw0.setHeightInPoints(25); int mypos = 0; c211 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c212 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c213 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c214 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c215 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV.setCellValue(arthv); cHTCHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cHTCHV.setCellValue(htchv); cPMTCTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cPMTCTHV.setCellValue(pmtcthv); c216 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c217 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; // the rest c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c20 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; //c11.setCellValue(facilname); //String basicDetails=county+"@"+district+"@"+facilityname+"@"+mflcode+"@"+dsdta; c211.setCellValue(county); c212.setCellValue(district); c213.setCellValue(facilityname); c214.setCellValue(mflcode); c215.setCellValue(dsdta); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 0, 0)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 1, 1)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 2, 2)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 3, 3)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 4, 4)); // Female c11.setCellValue(TotalTested + pmtcttestedtotal + less1_mtes + less1_ftes); System.out.println(facilityname + "####### HTC: " + TotalTested + " Pmtct : " + pmtcttestedtotal + ": Under5 " + under5tes); c216.setCellValue(TotalPositive + pmtctpositivestotal + less1_mpos + less1_fpos); //since pmtct belongs to female double under5femalestotal = under5female; double under5malestotal = under5male; // c217.setCellValue(TotalPositiveFemale+pmtctpositivestotal+under5femalestotal); had an error c217.setCellValue(TotalPositiveFemale + pmtctpositivestotal + less1_fpos); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 5, 5)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 6, 6)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 4, 7, 7)); //rem under5 are children c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19 + pmtct15to19pos)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24 + pmtct20to24pos)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49 + pmtct25to49pos)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50)); c20.setCellValue(TotalPositiveMale + less1_mpos); //male c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4));//skip this for vmmc c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49));//two vmmc options c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50)); for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); // System.out.println("red "+redalert +" "+redalert1) ; if (redalert == 1) { c217 = rw0.getCell(6); c217.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert1 == 1) { c20 = rw0.getCell(16); c20.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,0,0)); c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c118 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c119 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; int neg1male = 0; int neg4male = 0; int neg9male = 0; int neg14male = 0; int neg19male = 0; int neg24male = 0; int neg49male = 0; int neg50male = 0; AdultMaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested19) - (AdultMaleHIV19); AdultMaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested24) - (AdultMaleHIV24); AdultMaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested49) - (AdultMaleHIV49); AdultMaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested50) - (AdultMaleHIV50); if (AdultMaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50male = 1; } // child male negatives ChildMaleHIV1Neg = less1_mneg; ChildMaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild4) - (ChildMaleHIV4); ChildMaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild9) - (ChildMaleHIV9); ChildMaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild14) - (ChildMaleHIV14); if (ChildMaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14male = 1; } //negative int neg1female = 0; int neg4female = 0; int neg9female = 0; int neg14female = 0; int neg19female = 0; int neg24female = 0; int neg49female = 0; int neg50female = 0; ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = less1_fneg; ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild4) - (ChildFemaleHIV4); ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild9) - (ChildFemaleHIV9); ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild14) - (ChildFemaleHIV14); if (ChildFemaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14female = 1; } System.out.println(facilityname + " fffff " + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg); //negative AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested19) - (AdultFemaleHIV19); AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested24) - (AdultFemaleHIV24); AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested49) - (AdultFemaleHIV49); AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested50) - (AdultFemaleHIV50); if (AdultFemaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50female = 1; } double TotalNegativeFemale1 = 0; double TotalNegativeMale1 = 0; TotalNegativeFemale1 = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; TotalNegativeMale1 = AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // negative female checkdiff2 = negfem - TotalNegativeFemale1; if (checkdiff2 > 2 || checkdiff2 < -2) { redalert2 = 1; } // negativemale checkdiff3 = negmale - TotalNegativeMale1; if (checkdiff3 > 2 || checkdiff3 < -2) { redalert3 = 1; } c11.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeFemale + pmtctnegativetotal + less1_fneg));//pmtct if for women c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1Neg)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4Neg)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9Neg)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14Neg)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + pmtct15to19neg)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + pmtct20to24neg)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + pmtct25to49neg)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50Neg)); //c110.setCellValue((float)Math.round(TotalNegativeMale+less1_mneg+oneto4_mneg+vmmcneg)); c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeMale + less1_mneg)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1Neg)); c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4Neg)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9Neg)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14Neg)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19Neg)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24Neg)); c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49Neg));//here we join two vmmc age sets c117.setCellStyle(stborder); c118.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50Neg)); c118.setCellStyle(stborder); // rem under 5 are all children c119.setCellValue(less15f + less1_ftes); c119.setCellStyle(stborder); c120 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c120.setCellStyle(stborder); c121 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c121.setCellStyle(stborder); c122 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c122.setCellStyle(stborder); c123 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c123.setCellStyle(stborder); c124 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c124.setCellStyle(stborder); c125 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c125.setCellStyle(stborder); c126 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c126.setCellStyle(stborder); c127 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c127.setCellStyle(stborder); c128 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; //this is the new addition c120.setCellValue(gret15f + pmtcttestedtotal); //add the males too c121.setCellValue(less15m + less1_mtes); c122.setCellValue(gret15m + vmmcgret15); c123.setCellValue(TotalTested + pmtcttestedtotal + less1_mtes + less1_ftes); //under1 tested includes some 'collect new sample'. Therefore, we are adding <1male and <1female (pos and neg) to get total tested c124.setCellValue(TotalPositive + pmtctpositivestotal + less1_mpos + less1_fpos); c125.setCellValue(TotalNegative + pmtctnegativetotal + less1_mneg + less1_fneg); c126.setCellValue(TotalTested + pmtcttestedtotal + less1_mtes + less1_ftes); c127.setCellValue("PASSED"); System.out.println(facilityname + " jjj " + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV14Neg); for (int i = 23; i <= 43; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (redalert2 == 1) { c11 = rw0.getCell(25); //c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert3 == 1) { //c110=rw0.getCell(34); //c110.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (finalalert == 1) { // c119=rw0.getCell(51); // c119.setCellStyle(redstyle); //c119.setCellValue("FAILED"); } //String PMTCT total tested and negatives //System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@@@ PMTCT TOTAL TESTED "+pmtcttestedtotal+" :: PMTCT POSITIVE "+pmtctpositivestotal); if (neg1female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(26); //c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(27); // c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9female == 1) { c13 = rw0.getCell(28); //c13.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14female == 1) { c14 = rw0.getCell(29); //c14.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19female == 1) { c15 = rw0.getCell(30); //c15.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24female == 1) { c16 = rw0.getCell(31); //c16.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49female == 1) { c17 = rw0.getCell(32); // c17.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50female == 1) { c18 = rw0.getCell(33); // c18.setCellStyle(redstyle); } //male if (neg1male == 1) { c111 = rw0.getCell(35); // c111.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4male == 1) { c112 = rw0.getCell(36); //c112.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9male == 1) { c113 = rw0.getCell(37); // c113.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14male == 1) { c114 = rw0.getCell(38); //c114.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19male == 1) { c115 = rw0.getCell(39); //c115.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24male == 1) { c116 = rw0.getCell(40); //c116.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49male == 1) { c117 = rw0.getCell(41); // c117.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50male == 1) { c118 = rw0.getCell(42); //c118.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,20,20)); } //end of while loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows count++; rw0 = shet3.createRow(count); rw0.setHeightInPoints(23); for (int b = 0; b < blankrows; b++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (b == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rw0.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rw0.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rw0.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rw0.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(new Integer(staticmfl.get(a).toString())); cellmfl.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 5) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(5); celldsd.setCellValue(new Integer(staticart_hv.get(a).toString())); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 6) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(6); celldsd.setCellValue(new Integer(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString())); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 7) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(7); celldsd.setCellValue(new Integer(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString())); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rw0.createCell(b); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(stborder); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //____autofilter______ shet3.setAutoFilter( new, count - 1, 0, header2array.length)); //System.out.println("1,"+rowpos+",0,"+colposcopy); for (int e = 0; e < 4; e++) { shet3.autoSizeColumn(e); } //Made my life veery simple... shet3.setDisplayGridlines(false); shet3.createFreezePane(5, 5); //_________________________________AUTOSUM__________________________________ HSSFRow rwsum = shet3.createRow(count); HSSFRow initialrow = shet3.getRow(5); HSSFRow prevrow = shet3.getRow(count - 1); int colpossum = 0; int firstcols = 8; int periodcolumn = 0; for (int f = 0; f < firstcols; f++) { if (f == 0) { HSSFCell cellsum = rwsum.createCell(0); //cellsum.setCellValue("Total"); //cellsum.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } else if (f > 0 && f < firstcols) { HSSFCell cellsum = rwsum.createCell(f); // cellsum.setCellValue(" "); //cellsum.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } } if (1 == 2) { for (int c = firstcols; c < header2array.length - 1; c++) { HSSFCell cellsum = rwsum.createCell(colpossum + firstcols); HSSFCell initialcell = initialrow.getCell(colpossum + firstcols); String cellformula = ""; HSSFCell prevcell = prevrow.getCell(colpossum + firstcols);//the last cell of the current column. rem whe are looping through all the columns //periodcolumncell //HSSFCell initialperiodcell = initialrow.getCell(periodcolumn);// the first cell of the period(month, year) column //HSSFCell currentperiodcell = prevrow.getCell(periodcolumn);//the last cell of the period column /* cellsum.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA); CellAddress startcellreference = initialcell.getAddress(); CellAddress prevcellreference = initialcell.getAddress(); //String lastavailableperiod = currentperiodcell.getStringCellValue(); cellformula = "SUBTOTAL(9," + startcellreference + ":" +prevcellreference + ")"; **/ //for cumulative indicators, we need to do column total for the last selected month //we therefore need to always track where the previous month started at. cellsum.setCellFormula(cellformula); cellsum.setCellStyle(styleHeader); colpossum++; } } //merge last cell // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(count, count, 0, 4)); } //end of HTC , VMMC , //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //_____________________________________________________________EID_DATA_________________________________________________________________ if (3 == 3) { String month = ""; String year = ""; String facil = "361"; String form = "moh731"; //===================================================================================================== year = "2016"; month = "4"; String county = ""; String header = ""; // String subheaders[]={"Female","Male"}; String sectionheaders[] = { "Facility details", "", "", "", "EID Tested", "", "", "", "EID HIV positive", "", "", "", "EID HIV negative", "", "", "", "EID HIV enrollment status", "", "", "", "Totals", "", "", "", "ART High Volume", "HTC High Volume", "PMTCT High Volume" }; String sectionheaders0[] = { "Facility details", "", "", "", "Female", "", "Male", "", "Female", "", "Male", "", "Female", "", "Male", "", "EID HIV enrollment status", "", "", "", "EID Tested", "EID HIV positive", "EID HIV negative", "EID HIV enrollment", "ART High Volume", "HTC High Volume", "PMTCT High Volume" }; String sectionheaders1[] = { "County", "Sub-county", "Facility Name", "MFL Code", "<1", "1-4", "<1", "1-4", "<1", "1-4", "<1", "1-4", "<1", "1-4", "<1", "1-4", "Dead", "Enrolled", "Lost to Follow Up", "Other", "EID Tested", "EID HIV positive", "EID HIV negative", "EID HIV enrollment", "ART High Volume", "HTC High Volume", "PMTCT High Volume" }; //String sectionheaders[]={"County","Sub-county","Health Facility","Mfl Code","Type Of Support","Antenatal Clinic","","","Labour & Delivery","","","Under 5 Clinic","","","Postnatal","","","TB_STAT","","","Sexually Transmitted Infections","","","Outpatient Department","","","Inpatient","","","Hiv Care and Treatment Clinic","","","Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Standalone)","","","Mobile","","","Home-based","","","Other","",""}; String merge_row_col[] = { "0,0,0,26", "1,1,0,3", "1,1,4,7", "1,1,8,11", "1,1,12,15", "1,1,16,19", "1,1,20,23", "1,2,0,3", "2,2,4,5", "2,2,6,7", "2,2,8,9", "2,2,10,11", "2,2,12,13", "2,2,14,15", "1,2,16,19", "2,3,20,20", "2,3,21,21", "2,3,22,22", "2,3,23,23", "1,3,24,24", "1,3,25,25", "1,3,26,26" }; String reportType = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportType") != null) { reportType = request.getParameter("reportType"); } String reportDuration = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportDuration") != null) { reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); } if (request.getParameter("year") != null) { year = request.getParameter("year"); } if (request.getParameter("facility") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { facil = request.getParameter("facility"); String getfacil = "select SubPartnerNom,CentreSanteId as mflcode from " + facilitiestable + " where SubPartnerID='" + facil + "'"; =; while ( { header += " FACILITY : " + + " MFL CODE : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("county") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { county = request.getParameter("county"); String getcounty = "select County from county where CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { header += " COUNTY : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("month") != null && reportDuration.equals("4")) { try { month = request.getParameter("month"); String getmonth = "select name as monthname from month where id='" + month + "'"; =; while ( { header += " MONTH : " + + ""; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } header += " YEAR : " + year + ""; String facilitywhere = ""; String yearwhere = ""; String monthwhere = ""; String countywhere = ""; String duration = ""; String semi_annual = ""; String quarter = ""; String eidduration = ""; String excelDuration; //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX int yearcopy = Integer.parseInt(year); // reportType="2"; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; String yearmonth = "" + year; int prevYear = yearcopy - 1; int maxYearMonth = 0; int monthcopy = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ //annually if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Annual Report For " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; eidduration = "year='" + year + "'"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report For " + prevYear + " Oct to " + year + " Mar"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; eidduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='1' || quarter='2') "; } else { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report for Apr to Sep " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; eidduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='2' || quarter='3') "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { try { //quarterly String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; eidduration = "year='" + year + "' and quarter='" + quarter + "' "; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { try { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + prevYear + " " +; } else { yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + year + " (" + + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { //on monthly reports, i dont expect any output since viral load is entered quarterly monthcopy = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); //since we dont want data to appear for monthly reports, we set an impossible eidduration = " 1=2 "; // month=5; if (monthcopy >= 10) { yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + prevYear + "_(" + month + ")"; duration = "1=2";// this will make the report not output any data which is what i wanted } else { duration = " 1=2"; // this will make the report not output any data which is what i wanted yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + year + "_(" + month + ")"; } } else { duration = ""; } //====================================================================== //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX String subcountywhere = ""; String subcounty = ""; if (!request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); } String getexistingdata = ""; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and district.countyid = '" + county + "'"; } if (!subcounty.equals("")) { subcountywhere = " and " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID = '" + subcounty + "'"; } if (!facil.equals("")) { facilitywhere = " and eid_datim.SubPartnerID = '" + facil + "'"; } String joinedwhwere = " where 1=1 " + yearwhere + " && " + eidduration + " " + countywhere + " " + subcountywhere; //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county union select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 right join moh731 on right join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county"; getexistingdata = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,sum(less1_ftes) as less1_ftes, sum(1to4_ftes) as 1to4_ftes,sum(less1_mtes) as less1_mtes,sum(1to4_mtes) as 1to4_mtes, sum(less1_fpos) as less1_fpos, sum(1to4_fpos) as 1to4_fpos, sum(less1_mpos) as less1_mpos, sum(1to4_mpos) as 1to4_mpos, sum(less1_fneg) as less1_fneg, sum(1to4_fneg) as 1to4_fneg, sum(less1_mneg) as less1_mneg, sum(1to4_mneg) as 1to4_mneg, sum(dead) as dead, sum(enrolled) as enrolled, sum(ltfu) as ltfu, sum(other) as other, sum(tested) as tested, sum(positive) as positive, sum(negative) as negative, sum(hivenrollment) as hivenrollment ,IFNULL(ART_highvolume,0) as ART_highvolume, IFNULL(HTC_highvolume,0) as HTC_highvolume, IFNULL(PMTCT_highvolume,0) as PMTCT_highvolume FROM eid_datim join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on eid_datim.SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + joinedwhwere + " and (" + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".VMMC=1) group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println(getexistingdata); String Tbid = year + "_" + quarter + "_" + facil; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration; //===================================================================================================== //===================================================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________________ // NOW CREATE THE WORKSHEETS //______________________________________________________________________________________ // HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12); font.setFontName("Cambria"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); style.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Cambria"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); style2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style2.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontx.setFontName("Cambria"); fontx.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFSheet shet = wb.createSheet("EID"); int rowpos = 0; //create headers for that worksheet HSSFRow rw = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw.setHeightInPoints(25); HSSFCell cl0 = rw.createCell(0); cl0.setCellValue("DATIM EID " + yearmonth); cl0.setCellStyle(stylex); //______header 1 facility details rowpos++; HSSFRow rw1 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw1.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw1.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(sectionheaders[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); shet.setColumnWidth(a, 3100); } //______header 2 facility details rowpos++; HSSFRow rw2 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw2.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders0.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(sectionheaders0[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } //______header 3 all details rowpos++; HSSFRow rw3 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw3.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders1.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw3.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(sectionheaders1[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } rowpos++; //do all the merging here as dictated by the merge_row_col array for (int a = 0; a < merge_row_col.length; a++) { String points[] = merge_row_col[a].split(","); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(Integer.parseInt(points[0]), Integer.parseInt(points[1]), Integer.parseInt(points[2]), Integer.parseInt(points[3]))); } shet.setColumnWidth(0, 5000); //add the rows here =; while ( { int colpos = 0; int conpos = 1; int loopstart = 5; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(25); //county if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subcounty if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; //clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //facility name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); //clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mfl if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //support type//###################################################################################### if (1 == 2) { String supporttype =; if (supporttype.equals("")) { supporttype = "DSD"; } HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(supporttype); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //___ a for loop for (int e = loopstart; e <= sectionheaders.length; e++) { if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } } rowpos++; } //____autofilter______ shet.setAutoFilter( new, rowpos - 1, 0, sectionheaders.length + 3)); //System.out.println("1,"+rowpos+",0,"+colposcopy); for (int e = 0; e < 4; e++) { shet.autoSizeColumn(e); } //Made my life veery simple... shet.setDisplayGridlines(false); shet.createFreezePane(4, 4); } if (conn.conn != null) { conn.conn.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.rs1 != null) { conn.rs1.close(); } if (conn.rs2 != null) { conn.rs2.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.st2 != null) { conn.st2.close(); } IdGenerator IG = new IdGenerator(); String createdOn = IG.CreatedOn(); ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outByteStream); byte[] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray(); response.setContentType("application/ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(outArray.length); response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=HTC-SDP_HTC_EID_Generatted_On_" + createdOn + ".xls"); OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(outArray); outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException { try {/*from www.j ava2 s .c o m*/ response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); Calendar ca = Calendar.getInstance(); int currentyear = ca.get(Calendar.YEAR); String mwaka = request.getParameter("year"); String facilitiestable = "subpartnera"; int selectedyear = new Integer(mwaka); if (selectedyear < currentyear) { if (selectedyear < 2014) { //db for 2014 is the smallest facilitiestable = "subpartnera2014"; } else { facilitiestable = "subpartnera" + selectedyear; } } dbConn conn = new dbConn(); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); String subcounty_countywhere = " (1=1) and "; //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //HTC CODE FROM MAUREEN -OLD 711 VCT / DTC SECTION //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (1 == 1) { //deactivated on 29th june 2016 and activated again int less15m = 0; int less15f = 0; int gret15m = 0; int gret15f = 0; ArrayList allFacilities = new ArrayList(); allFacilities.clear(); int year, month, prevYear, maxYearMonth; String reportDuration, duration, semi_annual, quarter; String facilityName, mflcode, countyName, districtName, facilityIds, facilityId; year = month = prevYear = maxYearMonth = 0; reportDuration = duration = semi_annual = quarter = ""; facilityName = mflcode = countyName = districtName = facilityIds = facilityId = ""; String facilityIds1 = ""; facilityIds1 = "("; if (request.getParameter("subcounty") != null && !request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { String subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); String getDist = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "WHERE district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and ";//20160711 =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { if (request.getParameter("county") != null && !request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { String county = request.getParameter("county"); String getCounty = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "JOIN county ON district.CountyID=county.CountyID WHERE county.CountyID='" + county + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { facilityIds1 = ""; } } int TestedAdultMale = 0, TestedAdultFemale = 0; int TestedChildMale = 0, TestedChildFemale = 0; int HIV_AdultMale = 0, HIV_AdultFemale = 0; int HIV_ChildMale = 0, HIV_ChildFemale = 0; double FemaleAdultTested; double FemaleTestedChild; double AdultFemaleHIV; double ChildFemaleHIV; double MaleAdultTested; double MaleTestedChild; double AdultMaleHIV; double ChildMaleHIV; double FemaleAdultTested1 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested4 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested9 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested14 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested19 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested24 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested49 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested50 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild1 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild4 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild9 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild14 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild19 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild24 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild49 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild50 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = 0; // MALES double MaleAdultTested19Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested21Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested49Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested50Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested19 = 0; double MaleAdultTested24 = 0; double MaleAdultTested49 = 0; double MaleAdultTested50 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1 = 0; double MaleTestedChild4 = 0; double MaleTestedChild9 = 0; double MaleTestedChild14 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild4Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild9Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild14Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14Neg = 0; double splitData = 0; int adderPos = 0; double childSplitData = 0; int redalert = 0; year = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("year")); reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); // year=2015; // reportDuration="4"; String period1 = ""; String duration1 = ""; prevYear = year - 1; maxYearMonth = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PEPFAR YEAR : " + year; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : OCT " + prevYear + " to MARCH " + year; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : APRIL " + year + " to SEPT " + year; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + prevYear + " TO ") + " " + prevYear + ""; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + year + " TO ") + " " + year + ""; } } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; String getMonthName = "SELECT name FROM month WHERE id='" + month + "'"; =; if ( == true) { if (month >= 10) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + prevYear + ")"; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + year + ")"; } } } else { duration1 = ""; } HSSFSheet shet3 = wb.createSheet("HTC "); HSSFCell c11; FemaleAdultTested = 0; FemaleTestedChild = 0; AdultFemaleHIV = 0; ChildFemaleHIV = 0; double TotalTested = 0; double TotalPositiveFemale = 0; double TotalPositiveMale = 0; double TotalNegativeFemale = 0; double TotalNegativeMale = 0; // MALES MaleAdultTested = 0; MaleTestedChild = 0; AdultMaleHIV = 0; ChildMaleHIV = 0; double TotalPositive = 0; double TotalNegative = 0; String county = ""; String district = ""; String facilityname = ""; HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_40_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stylemainHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); stylemainHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylemainHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylemainHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); stylemainHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); stborder.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); stborder.setWrapText(true); HSSFFont font1 = wb.createFont(); font1.setFontName("Cambria"); font1.setColor((short) 0000); stborder.setFont(font1); // for the red color HSSFCellStyle redstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); redstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); redstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); redstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); redstyle.setWrapText(true); shet3.setColumnWidth(0, 4000); shet3.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); shet3.setColumnWidth(2, 5000); //shet3.setColumnWidth(6,5000); //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXnew 20160725 String newheader0 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,FEMALE(POSITIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (POSITIVE),,,,,,,,NEGATIVE,FEMALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,"; String newheader1 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL +VE MALE,Paeds < 15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(F),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(M),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,Female,,Male,,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String newheader2 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL +VE MALE,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(F),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(M),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,< 15,15 +,< 15,15 +,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String header0array[] = newheader0.split(","); String header1array[] = newheader1.split(","); String header2array[] = newheader2.split(","); //create header1 HSSFRow rw0 = shet3.createRow(0); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8; c1 = rw0.createCell(0); //_____________________________________________________________report heading row 0 c1.setCellValue(period1); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); for (int j = 1; j <= header0array.length - 1; j++) { c1 = rw0.createCell(j); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 1 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(2); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header0array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header0array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 2 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(3); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header1array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header1array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 3 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(4); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header2array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header2array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } String mergeinfor[] = { "0,0,0,54", "2,4,0,0", "2,4,1,1", "2,4,2,2", "2,4,3,3", "2,4,4,4", "2,4,5,5", "2,4,6,6", "2,4,7,7", "2,4,8,8", "2,4,9,9", "2,4,10,10", "2,2,11,19", "2,2,20,27", "2,2,29,37", "2,2,38,45", "2,2,46,54", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,15,18", "3,3,20,23", "3,3,24,27", "3,3,29,32", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,33,36", "3,3,38,41", "3,3,42,45", "3,3,46,47", "3,3,48,49" }; //do the merging for (int d = 0; d < mergeinfor.length; d++) { if (!mergeinfor[d].equals("")) { String pos[] = mergeinfor[d].split(","); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(new Integer(pos[0]), new Integer(pos[1]), new Integer(pos[2]), new Integer(pos[3]))); } } //20151009 double checkdiff = 0; int count = 4; TestedAdultMale = 0; TestedAdultFemale = 0; TestedChildMale = 0; TestedChildFemale = 0; HIV_AdultMale = 0; HIV_AdultFemale = 0; HIV_ChildMale = 0; HIV_ChildFemale = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 55; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport, ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where ( HTC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } //staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String facilid = ""; String facilname = ""; String dsdta = ""; /** String get711data="SELECT(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CF) +sum( VCTClient_Tested_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_In_AF))" //ADULTS TESTED FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CM)+ sum(VCTClient_Tested_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_AM))"//ADULTS TESTED MALES + ", (sum(VCTClient_HIV_CF)+ sum(VCTClient_HIV_AF)+sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AF))" // ADULTS HIV+ FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_HIV_CM)+sum(VCTClient_HIV_AM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AM) +sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AM)) " // ADULTS HIV+ MALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CF) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CF))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CM))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED MALE + ", ( sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CF))" // CHILDREN POSITIVE FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CM)),county.County,district.DistrictNom," + "subpartnera.SubPartnerNom,subpartnera.CentreSanteId,subpartnera.HTC_Support1"// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE +" FROM moh711 JOIN subpartnera " + "ON moh711.SubPartnerID=subpartnera.SubPartnerID " + "JOIN district ON subpartnera.DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + "district.CountyID=county.CountyID" + " WHERE " + " "+facilityIds1+" "+duration1+" && subpartnera.HTC=1 " + "GROUP BY moh711.SubPartnerID " ; */ String get731data = "SELECT " + " sum(HV0103) as 711_totaltested, " + " sum(HV0110) as 711_less15m ," + " sum(HV0111) as 711_less15f ," + " sum(HV0112) as 711_15_24m ," + " sum(HV0113) as 711_15_24f ," + " sum(HV0114) as 711_25m ," + " sum(HV0115) as 711_25f ," + " sum(HV0116) as 711_totalpositive ," //updated in 201607 + " county.County,district.DistrictNom," + "" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom," + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId," + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume"// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE + " FROM moh731 JOIN " + facilitiestable + " " + "ON moh731.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + "district.CountyID=county.CountyID" + " WHERE " + " " + facilityIds1 + " " + duration1 + " && " + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 " + "GROUP BY moh731.SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("731 : " + get731data); =; while ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("CentreSanteId")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% county =; district =; district = district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase(); facilityname =; mflcode =; if ( == null) { dsdta = "DSD"; } else { dsdta =; } String arthv = ""; String htchv = ""; String pmtcthv = ""; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } /** //adult;;;; //children;;;; **/ //============================================================================================================================START NEW RATIOS=================================== //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%added 201606 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // 38 (M)% --- 62% (F) int tested_new711 ="711_totaltested"); double testedmale_711 = (float) Math.round((0.38 * tested_new711)); double testedfemale_711 = (float) Math.round((0.62 * tested_new711)); double tofautimpya = tested_new711 - (testedmale_711 + testedfemale_711); if (tofautimpya != 0) { testedfemale_711 += tofautimpya; } //System.out.println("**2016_06_ "+testedmale_711+ "~ "+testedfemale_711+" ~ "+ tested_new711); //12% 88% //this will be defined from ratios TestedAdultFemale = (int) Math.round((0.88 * testedfemale_711)); //adult TestedChildFemale = (int) Math.round((0.12 * testedfemale_711)); //child tofautimpya = testedfemale_711 - (TestedAdultFemale + TestedChildFemale); if (tofautimpya != 0) { TestedAdultFemale += tofautimpya; } // 17% 83% //; //; TestedAdultMale = (int) Math.round((0.83 * testedmale_711)); //adult TestedChildMale = (int) Math.round((0.17 * testedmale_711)); //child tofautimpya = testedmale_711 - (TestedAdultMale + TestedChildMale); if (tofautimpya != 0) { TestedAdultMale += tofautimpya; } int hivpos_711_15_24f ="711_15_24f"); int hivpos_711_15_24m ="711_15_24m"); int hivpos_711_25m ="711_25m"); int hivpos_711_25f ="711_25f"); HIV_AdultFemale = new Integer("711_15_24f") +"711_25f")); HIV_AdultMale = new Integer("711_15_24m") +"711_25m")); HIV_ChildFemale ="711_less15f"); HIV_ChildMale ="711_less15m"); //============================================================================================================================END NEW RATIOS==================== System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); String basicDetails = county + "@" + district + "@" + facilityname + "@" + mflcode + "@" + dsdta; String arrayDetails[] = basicDetails.split("@"); count++; rw0 = shet3.createRow(count); int facilno = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arrayDetails.length; j++) { HSSFCell S3cell = rw0.createCell(facilno); S3cell.setCellValue(arrayDetails[j]); // System.out.println(arrayDetails[j]); S3cell.setCellStyle(stborder); System.out.println("facildet pos : " + facilno + " det : " + arrayDetails[j]); facilno++; } System.out.println(facilityname + " TestedAdultFemale " + TestedAdultFemale + "TestedAdultMale " + TestedAdultMale + " TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_AdultFemale " + HIV_AdultFemale + " HIV_AdultMale " + HIV_AdultMale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); //============OLD FINE AGE RATIOS // FEMALES /** COMMENTED ON 201607 FemaleAdultTested19=(float)Math.round((0.05*TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested24=(float)Math.round((0.11*TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested49=(float)Math.round((0.72*TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested50=(float)Math.round((0.12*TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleTestedChild1=(float)Math.round((0.05*TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild4=(float)Math.round((0.26*TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild9=(float)Math.round((0.29*TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild14=(float)Math.round((0.40*TestedChildFemale)); //postive AdultFemaleHIV19=(float)Math.round((0.02*HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV24=(float)Math.round((0.09*HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV49=(float)Math.round((0.79*HIV_AdultFemale)); AdultFemaleHIV50=(float)Math.round((0.10*HIV_AdultFemale)); //positve ChildFemaleHIV1=(float)Math.round((0.13*HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV4=(float)Math.round((0.37*HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV9=(float)Math.round((0.25*HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV14=(float)Math.round((0.25*HIV_ChildFemale)); // MALES MaleAdultTested19=(float)Math.round((0.05*TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested24=(float)Math.round((0.11*TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested49=(float)Math.round((0.72*TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested50=(float)Math.round((0.12*TestedAdultMale)); MaleTestedChild1=(float)Math.round((0.05*TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild4=(float)Math.round((0.26*TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild9=(float)Math.round((0.29*TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild14=(float)Math.round((0.40*TestedChildMale)); //positive AdultMaleHIV19=(float)Math.round((0.02*HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV24=(float)Math.round((0.09*HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV49=(float)Math.round((0.79*HIV_AdultMale)); AdultMaleHIV50=(float)Math.round((0.10*HIV_AdultMale)); //positives ChildMaleHIV1=(float)Math.round((0.13*HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV4=(float)Math.round((0.37*HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV9=(float)Math.round((0.25*HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV14=(float)Math.round((0.25*HIV_ChildMale)); **/ //========================NEW FINE AGE RATIOS added 201607===================================== // FEMALES //adult FemaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.54 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.07 * TestedAdultFemale)); //children FemaleTestedChild1 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.27 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.30 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.38 * TestedChildFemale)); //postive //adult ** remaining //hivpos_711_25f#hivpos_711_25m#hivpos_711_15_24m#hivpos_711_15_24f AdultFemaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.23 * hivpos_711_15_24f)); AdultFemaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.77 * hivpos_711_15_24f)); AdultFemaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.90 * hivpos_711_25f)); AdultFemaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.10 * hivpos_711_25f)); //positive //children ChildFemaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0.10 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.45 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.20 * HIV_ChildFemale)); // MALES //adult MaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.20 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.56 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.11 * TestedAdultMale)); //children MaleTestedChild1 = (float) Math.round((0.04 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.29 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.41 * TestedChildMale)); //positive //adult ** remaining //hivpos_711_25f#hivpos_711_25m#hivpos_711_15_24m#hivpos_711_15_24f AdultMaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.36 * hivpos_711_15_24m)); AdultMaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.64 * hivpos_711_15_24m)); AdultMaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.79 * hivpos_711_25m)); AdultMaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.21 * hivpos_711_25m)); //positives //children ChildMaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.38 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.27 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.30 * HIV_ChildMale)); //=======================END OF NEW FINE AGE RATIOS============================== //; //; //; //; //; //; //; //; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; double totalpositivesmale = 0; double totalpositivesfemale = 0; double totalpositives = 0; double totalnegatives = 0; double totalfemalehiv = 0; double totalmalehiv = 0; double totalfemaletesteddis = 0; double totalmaletesteddis = 0; double totalfemaletested = 0; double totalmaletested = 0; double negfem = 0; double negmale = 0; int redalert1 = 0; int redalert2 = 0; int redalert3 = 0; int redalert4 = 0; totalpositives = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14 + AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; totalnegatives = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // total tested after distribution totalfemaletesteddis = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14 + FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; totalmaletesteddis = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50 + MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; // totaltested after distriibution double totaltestedis = 0; totaltestedis = totalfemaletesteddis + totalmaletesteddis; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totalfemaletested = TestedAdultFemale + TestedChildFemale; totalmaletested = TestedAdultMale + TestedChildMale; //poistives totalfemalehiv = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; totalmalehiv = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; //+ve after dist totalpositivesfemale = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; totalpositivesmale = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; // // negative negfem = totalfemaletested - totalfemalehiv; negmale = totalmaletested - totalmalehiv; double checkdiff1 = 0; double checkdiff2 = 0; double checkdiff3 = 0; int redfemalealert = 0; int redmalealert = 0; int finalalert = 0; double totalcheckdiff = 0; checkdiff = totalfemalehiv - totalpositivesfemale; // System.out.println("checkdiff female "+checkdiff1); // positive female if (checkdiff > 2 || checkdiff < -2) { redalert = 1; } // positive male checkdiff1 = totalmalehiv - totalpositivesmale; // System.out.println("checkdiff male "+checkdiff1); if (checkdiff1 > 2 || checkdiff1 < -2) { redalert1 = 1; } totalcheckdiff = TotalTested - totaltestedis; // System.out.println("dqa "+totalcheckdiff); if (totalcheckdiff > 5 || totalcheckdiff < -5) { finalalert = 1; } // checkdiff=totalfemalehiv-totalpositivesfemale; // // positive female // if(checkdiff>=2 ||checkdiff<=-2){ // redalert=1; // } // // positive male // checkdiff1=totalmalehiv-totalpositivesmale; // if(checkdiff1>=2 ||checkdiff1<=-2){ // redalert1=1; // } //// negative female // checkdiff2=negfem-totalfemaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff2>=2 ||checkdiff2<=-2){ // redalert2=1; // } // // // negativemale // checkdiff3=negmale-totalmaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff3>=2 ||checkdiff3<=-2){ // redalert3=1; // } // // totalcheckdiff=checkdiff+checkdiff1+checkdiff2+checkdiff3; // if(totalcheckdiff>=5 || totalcheckdiff<=-5){ // finalalert=1; // } adderPos = 0; double Totalhivfemale = 0; double Totalhivmale = 0; Totalhivfemale = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; Totalhivmale = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; splitData = 0; adderPos = 0; childSplitData = 0; // // adult female hiv+ splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; // System.out.println(facilityname + " lllll added " + splitData + " from db " + HIV_AdultFemale); adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; while (splitData > HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested female adults splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // adult male hiv+ splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested male adults splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // for child female tested childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " b4 jjj " + TestedChildFemale); adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 += 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 += 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " after jjj " + TestedChildFemale); // for child male hiv // for child female +ve childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; System.out.println(facilityname + " mmmm " + childSplitData + " " + HIV_ChildFemale); adderPos = 0; double diff = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildFemale) { diff = FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14; if (adderPos == 0) { if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 1) { if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { ChildFemaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildFemaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } // tested male _______________________________________________________________________ childSplitData = MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } childSplitData = MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } // for child male +ve childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } } else if (adderPos == 1) { if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { ChildMaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildMaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } /// // System.out.println("Neg nn "+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+" "+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14Neg); // System.out.println("tested nn "+MaleTestedChild1+ " "+MaleTestedChild4+" "+MaleTestedChild9+" "+ MaleTestedChild14); // System.out.println("hiv+ nnn "+ChildMaleHIV1+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4+" "+ChildMaleHIV9+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14); // // all positives //TotalPositive=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ // ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 +ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //TotalNegative=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ // ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg +ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); double totaltestedmale1 = 0; double totaltestedfemale1 = 0; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totaltestedmale1 = TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale; totaltestedfemale1 = TestedChildFemale + TestedAdultFemale; TotalPositiveFemale = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale; TotalPositiveMale = HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalPositive = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalNegativeFemale = totaltestedfemale1 - TotalPositiveFemale; TotalNegativeMale = totaltestedmale1 - TotalPositiveMale; TotalNegative = TotalNegativeMale + TotalNegativeFemale; //201510 //this code was added later less15f = TestedChildFemale; less15m = TestedChildMale; gret15m = TestedAdultMale; gret15f = TestedAdultFemale; // TotalNegativeFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+ ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; //TotalNegativeMale=AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; // TotalPositiveFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 ; // TotalPositiveMale=AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //System.out.println(MaleTestedChild14 +" bbbbb "+ChildMaleHIV14+" mmmmm "+ (MaleTestedChild14-ChildMaleHIV14)); HSSFCell c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c110, c111, c112, c113, c114, c115, c116, c117, c118, c219; HSSFCell c119, c120, c121, c122, c123, c124, c125, c126, c127, c128, c129, c130, c131, c132, c133, c134, c135, c136, c137; HSSFCell c211, c212, c213, c214, c215, c216, c217, cARTHV, cHTCHV, cPMTCTHV; rw0.setHeightInPoints(25); int mypos = 0; c211 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c212 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c213 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c214 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c215 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV.setCellValue(arthv); cHTCHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cHTCHV.setCellValue(htchv); cPMTCTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cPMTCTHV.setCellValue(pmtcthv); c216 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c217 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; // the rest c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c20 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; //c11.setCellValue(facilname); //String basicDetails=county+"@"+district+"@"+facilityname+"@"+mflcode+"@"+dsdta; c211.setCellValue(county); c212.setCellValue(district); c213.setCellValue(facilityname); c214.setCellValue(mflcode); c215.setCellValue(dsdta); // Female c11.setCellValue(TotalTested); c216.setCellValue(TotalPositive); c217.setCellValue(TotalPositiveFemale); c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50)); c20.setCellValue(TotalPositiveMale); //male c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4)); c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49)); c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50)); for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); // System.out.println("red "+redalert +" "+redalert1) ; if (redalert == 1) { c217 = rw0.getCell(6); c217.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert1 == 1) { c20 = rw0.getCell(16); c20.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,0,0)); c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c118 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c119 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; int neg1male = 0; int neg4male = 0; int neg9male = 0; int neg14male = 0; int neg19male = 0; int neg24male = 0; int neg49male = 0; int neg50male = 0; AdultMaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested19) - (AdultMaleHIV19); AdultMaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested24) - (AdultMaleHIV24); AdultMaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested49) - (AdultMaleHIV49); AdultMaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested50) - (AdultMaleHIV50); if (AdultMaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50male = 1; } // child male negatives ChildMaleHIV1Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild1) - (ChildMaleHIV1); ChildMaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild4) - (ChildMaleHIV4); ChildMaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild9) - (ChildMaleHIV9); ChildMaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild14) - (ChildMaleHIV14); if (ChildMaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14male = 1; } //negative int neg1female = 0; int neg4female = 0; int neg9female = 0; int neg14female = 0; int neg19female = 0; int neg24female = 0; int neg49female = 0; int neg50female = 0; ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild1) - (ChildFemaleHIV1); ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild4) - (ChildFemaleHIV4); ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild9) - (ChildFemaleHIV9); ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild14) - (ChildFemaleHIV14); if (ChildFemaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14female = 1; } System.out.println(facilityname + " fffff " + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg); //negative AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested19) - (AdultFemaleHIV19); AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested24) - (AdultFemaleHIV24); AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested49) - (AdultFemaleHIV49); AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested50) - (AdultFemaleHIV50); if (AdultFemaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50female = 1; } double TotalNegativeFemale1 = 0; double TotalNegativeMale1 = 0; TotalNegativeFemale1 = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; TotalNegativeMale1 = AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // negative female checkdiff2 = negfem - TotalNegativeFemale1; if (checkdiff2 > 2 || checkdiff2 < -2) { redalert2 = 1; } // negativemale checkdiff3 = negmale - TotalNegativeMale1; if (checkdiff3 > 2 || checkdiff3 < -2) { redalert3 = 1; } c11.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeFemale)); c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1Neg)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4Neg)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9Neg)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14Neg)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19Neg)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24Neg)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49Neg)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50Neg)); c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeMale)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1Neg)); c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4Neg)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9Neg)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14Neg)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19Neg)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24Neg)); c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49Neg)); c117.setCellStyle(stborder); c118.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50Neg)); c118.setCellStyle(stborder); c119.setCellValue(less15f); c119.setCellStyle(stborder); c120 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c120.setCellStyle(stborder); c121 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c121.setCellStyle(stborder); c122 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c122.setCellStyle(stborder); c123 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c123.setCellStyle(stborder); c124 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c124.setCellStyle(stborder); c125 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c125.setCellStyle(stborder); c126 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c126.setCellStyle(stborder); c127 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c127.setCellStyle(stborder); c128 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c120.setCellValue(gret15f); c121.setCellValue(less15m); c122.setCellValue(gret15m); c123.setCellValue(TotalTested); c124.setCellValue(TotalPositive); c125.setCellValue(TotalNegative); c126.setCellValue(TotalTested); c127.setCellValue("PASSED"); System.out.println(facilityname + " jjj " + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV14Neg); for (int i = 23; i <= 43; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (redalert2 == 1) { c11 = rw0.getCell(25); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert3 == 1) { c110 = rw0.getCell(34); c110.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (finalalert == 1) { c119 = rw0.getCell(43); c119.setCellStyle(redstyle); c119.setCellValue("FAILED"); } if (neg1female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(26); c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(27); c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9female == 1) { c13 = rw0.getCell(28); c13.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14female == 1) { c14 = rw0.getCell(29); c14.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19female == 1) { c15 = rw0.getCell(30); c15.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24female == 1) { c16 = rw0.getCell(31); c16.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49female == 1) { c17 = rw0.getCell(32); c17.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50female == 1) { c18 = rw0.getCell(33); c18.setCellStyle(redstyle); } //male if (neg1male == 1) { c111 = rw0.getCell(35); c111.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4male == 1) { c112 = rw0.getCell(36); c112.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9male == 1) { c113 = rw0.getCell(37); c113.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14male == 1) { c114 = rw0.getCell(38); c114.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19male == 1) { c115 = rw0.getCell(39); c115.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24male == 1) { c116 = rw0.getCell(40); c116.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49male == 1) { c117 = rw0.getCell(41); c117.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50male == 1) { c118 = rw0.getCell(42); c118.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,20,20)); } //end of while loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows count++; rwx = shet3.createRow(count); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 5) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(5); celldsd.setCellValue(staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 6) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(6); celldsd.setCellValue(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 7) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(7); celldsd.setCellValue(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(stborder); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //VMMC //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //==============================================================================================VMMC //______________ HSSFWorkbook wb=new HSSFWorkbook();__________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ //================================================================================================== if (1 == 1) { //get the existing data for the month, year and facility that is already on session String month = ""; String year = ""; String facil = "361"; String form = "vmmc"; //===================================================================================================== year = "2015"; month = "5"; String county = ""; String header = ""; String reportType = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportType") != null) { reportType = request.getParameter("reportType"); } String reportDuration = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportDuration") != null) { reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); } if (request.getParameter("year") != null) { year = request.getParameter("year"); } if (request.getParameter("facility") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { facil = request.getParameter("facility"); String getfacil = "select SubPartnerNom,CentreSanteId as mflcode from " + facilitiestable + " where SubPartnerID='" + facil + "'"; =; while ( { header += " FACILITY : " + + " MFL CODE : " + + " "; } } if (request.getParameter("county") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { county = request.getParameter("county"); String getcounty = "select County from county where CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { header += " COUNTY : " + + " "; } } if (request.getParameter("month") != null && reportDuration.equals("4")) { month = request.getParameter("month"); String getmonth = "select name as monthname from month where id='" + month + "'"; =; while ( { header += " MONTH : " + + ""; } } header += " YEAR : " + year + ""; String facilitywhere = ""; String yearwhere = ""; String monthwhere = ""; String countywhere = ""; String duration = ""; String semi_annual = ""; String quarter = ""; //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX int yearcopy = Integer.parseInt(year); // reportType="2"; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; String yearmonth = "" + year; int prevYear = yearcopy - 1; int maxYearMonth = 0; int monthcopy = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Annual Report For " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report For " + prevYear + " Oct to " + year + " Mar"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; } else { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report for Apr to Sep " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + prevYear + " " +; } else { yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + year + " (" + + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; } } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { monthcopy = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; if (monthcopy >= 10) { yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + prevYear + "_(" + month + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; } else { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + year + "_(" + month + ")"; } } else { duration = ""; } //====================================================================== //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX String subcountywhere = ""; String subcounty = ""; if (!request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); } String getexistingdata = ""; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and district.countyid = '" + county + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.countyid='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 } if (!subcounty.equals("")) { subcountywhere = " and " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID = '" + subcounty + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and ";//20160711 } if (!facil.equals("")) { facilitywhere = " and " + form + ".SubPartnerID = '" + facil + "'"; } String joinedwhwere = " where 1=1 " + yearwhere + " && " + duration + " " + countywhere + " " + subcountywhere; //===================================================================================================== //FINDFACILITIES //===================================================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________________ // NOW CREATE THE WORKSHEETS //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 18); font.setFontName("Cambria"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Cambria"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); style2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style2.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontx.setFontName("Cambria"); fontx.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFSheet shet = wb.createSheet(form.toUpperCase()); //create headers for that worksheet HSSFRow rw = shet.createRow(0); rw.setHeightInPoints(25); HSSFCell cl0 = rw.createCell(0); cl0.setCellValue("DATIM " + yearmonth); cl0.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 1; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFRow rw1 = shet.createRow(1); rw1.setHeightInPoints(23); HSSFCell cl = rw1.createCell(0); cl.setCellValue(""); cl.setCellStyle(style2); for (int a = 1; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw1.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style2); } HSSFRow rw2 = shet.createRow(2); rw2.setHeightInPoints(23); HSSFCell cl3 = rw2.createCell(0); cl3.setCellValue("VMMC CIRC "); cl3.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl31 = rw2.createCell(1); cl31.setCellValue(""); cl31.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 2; a <= 5; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3b = rw2.createCell(6); cl3b.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Age "); cl3b.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 7; a <= 13; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3c = rw2.createCell(14); cl3c.setCellValue("Disaggregated by HIV Status "); cl3c.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 15; a <= 16; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3d = rw2.createCell(17); cl3d.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Circumcission Technique "); cl3d.setCellStyle(stylex); HSSFCell cl3e = rw2.createCell(18); cl3e.setCellValue("Disaggregated by Followup (For surgical only) "); cl3e.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 19; a < 20; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } HSSFCell cl3f = rw2.createCell(20); cl3f.setCellValue("VMMC_AE Disaggregated by AE Type"); cl3f.setCellStyle(stylex); for (int a = 21; a < 27; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } // String VMMCheaders[] = { "County", "Sub-County", "Facility Name", "Mfl Code", "Type Of Support", "Numerator", "< 1", "1-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-49", "50+", "HIV-positive clients (tested HIV positive at VMMC site", "HIV-negative clients (tested HIV negative at VMMC program", "Unknown HIV status/not tested for HIV on site/indeterminate HIV status/undocumented HIV status", "Device-Based", "Number of surgical VMMC clients who returned at least once for follow-up care within 14 days of surgery", "Number of surgical VMMC clients who did not return for follow-up care within 14 days of surgery", "Numerator", "Surgical Intra- operative: Moderate", "Surgical Intra- operative: Severe", "Surgical Post- operative: Moderate", "Surgical Post- operative: Severe", "Medical Device-related: Moderate", "Medical Device-related: Severe" }; HSSFRow rw3 = shet.createRow(3); rw3.setHeightInPoints(63); for (int a = 0; a < VMMCheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw3.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(VMMCheaders[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } //shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,10,0,0)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 13)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 0, 13)); //shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,0,4)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 1, 5)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 6, 13)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 14, 16)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 18, 19)); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 20, 26)); shet.setColumnWidth(0, 5000); shet.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); shet.setColumnWidth(2, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(3, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(4, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(5, 2500); shet.setColumnWidth(14, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(15, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(16, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(17, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(18, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(19, 6500); shet.setColumnWidth(20, 3000); shet.setColumnWidth(21, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(22, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(23, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(24, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(25, 6000); shet.setColumnWidth(26, 6000); //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 27; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where " + subcountywhere + " ( VMMC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode , sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P51D1) as P51D1, sum(P51D9) as P51D9, sum(P51D10) as P51D10, sum(P51D19) as P51D19,sum(P51D24) as P51D24, sum(P51D29) as P51D29, sum(P51D49) as P51D49, sum(P51D50) as P51D50, sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P521DM) as P521DM, sum(P521DS) as P521DS, sum(P521DT) as P521DT, sum(P522DM) as P522DM, sum(P522DS) as P522DS, sum(P522DT) as P522DT, sum(P52DM) as P52DM, sum(P52DS) as P52DS, sum(P52DT) as P52DT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, sum(P511KU) as P511KU, sum(P511Surg) as P511Surg, sum(P511Dev) as P511Dev, sum(P53DF) as P53DF, sum(P53DO) as P53DO, sum(P53DM) as P53DM, sum(P53D) as P53D, sum(P54D) as P54D from "+form+" join ( "+facilitiestable+" join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = "+facilitiestable+".DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = "+facilitiestable+".SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID "; getexistingdata = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode , sum(P51DT) as P51DT, sum(P51D1) as P51D1, sum(P51D9) as P51D9, sum(P51D10) as P51D10, sum(P51D19) as P51D19,sum(P51D24) as P51D24, sum(P51D29) as P51D29, sum(P51D49) as P51D49, sum(P51D50) as P51D50, sum(P511KP) as P511KP , sum(P511KN) as P511KN, sum(P511KU) as P511KU , sum(P511Dev) as P511Dev , sum(P54D) as P54D , sum(P511Surg) as P511Surg , sum(P521DM + P521DS + P522DM + P522DS) as aenumerator , sum(P521DM) as P521DM , sum(P521DS) as P521DS , sum(P522DM) as P522DM , sum(P522DS) as P522DS from " + form + " join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on " + form + ".SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + joinedwhwere + " group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println(getexistingdata); String P51D1 = ""; String P51D9 = ""; String P51D10 = ""; String P51D19 = ""; String P51D24 = ""; String P51D29 = ""; String P51D49 = ""; String P51D50 = ""; String P51DT = ""; String P511KP = ""; String P521DM = ""; String P521DS = ""; // String P521DT = ""; String P522DM = ""; String P522DS = ""; // String P522DT = ""; // String P52DM = ""; // String P52DS = ""; // String P52DT = ""; // String P511KP = ""; String P511KN = ""; String P511KU = ""; String P511Surg = ""; String P511Dev = ""; // String P53DF = ""; // String P53DO = ""; // String P53DM = ""; // String P53D = ""; String P54D = ""; String distid = ""; int counter = 0; =; int r = 4; while ( { //now check if form was updated and if its one month after data entry //now load the column values here //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% P51D1 ="P51D1"); if (P51D1 == null) { P51D1 = ""; } P51D9 ="P51D9"); if (P51D9 == null) { P51D9 = ""; } P51D10 ="P51D10"); if (P51D10 == null) { P51D10 = ""; } P51D19 ="P51D19"); if (P51D19 == null) { P51D19 = ""; } P51D24 ="P51D24"); if (P51D24 == null) { P51D24 = ""; } P51D29 ="P51D29"); if (P51D29 == null) { P51D29 = ""; } P51D49 ="P51D49"); if (P51D49 == null) { P51D49 = ""; } P51D50 ="P51D50"); if (P51D50 == null) { P51D50 = ""; } P51DT ="P51DT"); if (P51DT == null) { P51DT = ""; } P521DM ="P521DM"); if (P521DM == null) { P521DM = ""; } // P521DS ="P521DS"); if (P521DS == null) { P521DS = ""; } // // P521DT ="P521DT"); // if (P521DT == null) { // P521DT = ""; // } // // // P522DM ="P522DM"); if (P522DM == null) { P522DM = ""; } // P522DS ="P522DS"); if (P522DS == null) { P522DS = ""; } // // P522DT ="P522DT"); // if (P522DT == null) { // P522DT = ""; // } // // // P52DM ="P52DM"); // if (P52DM == null) { // P52DM = ""; // } // // // P52DS ="P52DS"); // if (P52DS == null) { // P52DS = ""; // } // // // P52DT ="P52DT"); // if (P52DT == null) { // P52DT = ""; // } // // P511KP ="P511KP"); if (P511KP == null) { P511KP = ""; } // // P511KN ="P511KN"); if (P511KN == null) { P511KN = ""; } P511KU ="P511KU"); if (P511KU == null) { P511KU = ""; } // P511Surg ="P511Surg"); if (P511Surg == null) { P511Surg = ""; } // // P511Dev ="P511Dev"); if (P511Dev == null) { P511Dev = ""; } // // P53DF ="P53DF"); // if (P53DF == null) { // P53DF = ""; // } // // P53DO ="P53DO"); // if (P53DO == null) { // P53DO = ""; // } // // P53DM ="P53DM"); // if (P53DM == null) { // P53DM = ""; // } // // P53D ="P53D"); // if (P53D == null) { // P53D = ""; // } // P54D ="P54D"); if (P54D == null) { P54D = ""; } if (1 == 1) { if (1 == 1) { int celpos = 0; int celpos1 = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(r); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); //County HSSFCell clx0 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx0.setCellValue(; clx0.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; //SubCounty HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; //Facility Name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Mfl Code if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //DSD/TA //im assuming that VMMC is made of DSDs as indicated in the Datim PDF screen shared by Supervisor if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue("DSD"); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; } //Numerator if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //<1 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //1-9 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //10-24 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //15-19 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //20-24 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //25-29 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //30-49 if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //50+ if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //tested positive clients P511KP if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //tested negative clients P511KN if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //unknown untested P511KU if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //device based P511KU if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //Returned if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } if (1 == 1) { int notreturned = 0; if ("P51DT") -"P54D") > 0) { //here im subtracting surgical vmmc and males who returned for postoperative follow notreturned ="P51DT") -"P54D"); } HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(notreturned); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); //increment to get past P511Surg celpos++; celpos1++; } //============================================================= //VMMC_AE Numerator if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //intra-operative moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //intra-operative severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } // surgicalpost-operative moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } // surgicalpost-operative severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(; clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Medical device related Moderate if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(""); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } //Medical device related Severe if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(celpos); clx1.setCellValue(""); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); celpos++; celpos1++; } r++; } //===================================================================================== } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shet.createRow(r); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); r++; for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(""); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(style2); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% } //================================================================================================== //HTC RESULTS BY SDP //================================================================================================== if (1 == 1) { String month = ""; String year = ""; String facil = "361"; String form = "moh731"; //===================================================================================================== year = "2015"; month = "5"; String county = ""; String header = ""; String subheaders[] = { "Tested", "Positive", "Negative" }; String sectionheaders[] = { "County", "Sub-county", "Health Facility", "Mfl Code", "Type Of Support", "ART High Volume", "HTC High Volume", "PMTCT High Volume", "Antenatal Clinic", "", "", "Labour & Delivery", "", "", "Under 5 Clinic", "", "", "Postnatal", "", "", "Tuberculosis", "", "", "Outpatient Department", "", "", "Inpatient", "", "", "Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission", "", "", "Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)", "", "" }; //String sectionheaders[]={"County","Sub-county","Health Facility","Mfl Code","Type Of Support","Antenatal Clinic","","","Labour & Delivery","","","Under 5 Clinic","","","Postnatal","","","Tuberculosis","","","Outpatient Department","","","Inpatient","","","Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)","",""}; //String sectionheaders[]={"County","Sub-county","Health Facility","Mfl Code","Type Of Support","Antenatal Clinic","","","Labour & Delivery","","","Under 5 Clinic","","","Postnatal","","","TB_STAT","","","Sexually Transmitted Infections","","","Outpatient Department","","","Inpatient","","","Hiv Care and Treatment Clinic","","","Voluntary Medical Male Circumcission","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Co-located)","","","Voluntary Counselling & Testing (Standalone)","","","Mobile","","","Home-based","","","Other","",""}; String reportType = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportType") != null) { reportType = request.getParameter("reportType"); } String reportDuration = ""; if (request.getParameter("reportDuration") != null) { reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); } if (request.getParameter("year") != null) { year = request.getParameter("year"); } if (request.getParameter("facility") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { facil = request.getParameter("facility"); String getfacil = "select SubPartnerNom,CentreSanteId as mflcode from " + facilitiestable + " where SubPartnerID='" + facil + "'"; =; while ( { header += " FACILITY : " + + " MFL CODE : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("county") != null && reportType.equals("2")) { try { county = request.getParameter("county"); subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 String getcounty = "select County from county where CountyID='" + county + "'"; =; while ( { header += " COUNTY : " + + " "; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if (request.getParameter("month") != null && reportDuration.equals("4")) { try { month = request.getParameter("month"); String getmonth = "select name as monthname from month where id='" + month + "'"; =; while ( { header += " MONTH : " + + ""; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } header += " YEAR : " + year + ""; String facilitywhere = ""; String yearwhere = ""; String monthwhere = ""; String countywhere = ""; String duration = ""; String semi_annual = ""; String quarter = ""; String tbstatduration = ""; //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX int yearcopy = Integer.parseInt(year); // reportType="2"; // year=2015; // reportDuration="3"; String yearmonth = "" + year; int prevYear = yearcopy - 1; int maxYearMonth = 0; int monthcopy = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ //annually if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Annual Report For " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "'"; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report For " + prevYear + " Oct to " + year + " Mar"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='1' || quarter='2') "; } else { yearmonth = "Semi Annual Report for Apr to Sep " + year; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "' and (quarter='2' || quarter='3') "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { try { //quarterly String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; tbstatduration = "year='" + year + "' and quarter='" + quarter + "' "; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { try { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + prevYear + " " +; } else { yearmonth = "Quarterly Report For " + year + " (" + + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { monthcopy = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); //since we dont want data to appear for monthly reports, we set an impossible tbstatduration = " 1=2 "; // month=5; if (monthcopy >= 10) { yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + prevYear + "_(" + month + ")"; duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; } else { duration = " " + form + ".yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; yearmonth = "Monthly Report For " + year + "_(" + month + ")"; } } else { duration = ""; } //====================================================================== //================================================================================================== //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX String subcountywhere = ""; String subcounty = ""; if (!request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and "; } if (!request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { county = request.getParameter("county"); subcounty_countywhere = " (district.countyid='" + request.getParameter("county") + "') and ";//20160711 } String getexistingdata = ""; if (!county.equals("")) { countywhere = " and district.countyid = '" + county + "'"; } if (!subcounty.equals("")) { subcountywhere = " and " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID = '" + subcounty + "'"; } if (!facil.equals("") && reportType.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) { facilitywhere = " and " + form + ".SubPartnerID = '" + facil + "'"; } String joinedwhwere = " where 1=1 " + yearwhere + " && " + duration + " " + countywhere + " " + subcountywhere; //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 35; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where " + subcounty_countywhere + " (HTC='1'|| PMTCT='1'|| VMMC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("~~~~~~~~" + getstaticfacilities); =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, "+facilitiestable+".SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county union select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 right join moh731 on right join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county"; //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID union select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN, subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh711 right join moh731 on right join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID order by county"; //getexistingdata="select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, (sum(P511KN) + sum(P511KU)) as P511KN,sum(HV0103) as HV0103,sum(HV0116) as HV0116 subpartnera.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID FROM moh731 left join moh711_new on left join vmmc on join ( subpartnera join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = subpartnera.DistrictID ) on "+form+".SubPartnerID = subpartnera.SubPartnerID "+joinedwhwere+" and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by subpartnera.SubPartnerID "; getexistingdata = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,HTC_Support1,PMTCT_Support, sum(HV0201) as HV0201,sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, (sum(P511KN) + sum(P511KU)) as P511KN,sum(HV0103) as HV0103, sum(HV0116) as HV0116 , " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID , " + facilitiestable + ".ART ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume FROM moh731 left join moh711_new on left join vmmc on join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on " + form + ".SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + joinedwhwere + " and (HTC='1'||PMTCT='1'||VMMC='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("@@" + getexistingdata); String Tbid = year + "_" + quarter + "_" + facil; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration; String distincttbstatfacils = "select distinct(SubPartnerID) as partnerid from tb_stat_art WHERE " + tbstatduration; ArrayList tbstat = new ArrayList(); conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(distincttbstatfacils); while ( { tbstat.add(conn.rs1.getString(1)); } //===================================================================================================== //HTC RESULTS BY SDP //===================================================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________________ // NOW CREATE THE WORKSHEETS //______________________________________________________________________________________ // HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //______________________________________________________________________________________ //______________________________________________________________________________________ HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12); font.setFontName("Cambria"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); style.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Cambria"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); style2.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style2.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style2.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); //this font will be used to show errors on negatives HSSFCellStyle errorstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); errorstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); errorstyle.setFillBackgroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); errorstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); errorstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); errorstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); fontx.setFontName("Cambria"); fontx.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFSheet shet = wb.createSheet("HTC RESULTS BY SDP"); int rowpos = 0; //create headers for that worksheet HSSFRow rw = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw.setHeightInPoints(25); HSSFCell cl0 = rw.createCell(0); cl0.setCellValue("HTC Results BY Service Delivery Point and Test Result(Required) " + yearmonth); cl0.setCellStyle(style); rowpos++; for (int a = 1; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style); shet.setColumnWidth(a, 5000); } HSSFRow rw1 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw1.setHeightInPoints(38); rowpos++; for (int a = 0; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw1.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(sectionheaders[a]); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); if (a > 7 && a < sectionheaders.length) { if (sectionheaders[a].equals("")) { } else { shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, a, a + 2)); } } } shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, sectionheaders.length - 1)); shet.setColumnWidth(0, 5000); //add section 2 HSSFRow rw2 = shet.createRow(rowpos); rw2.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(stylex); shet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(rowpos - 1, rowpos, a, a)); } int b = 0; for (int a = 8; a < sectionheaders.length; a++) { HSSFCell clx = rw2.createCell(a); clx.setCellValue(subheaders[b]); b++; if (b == 3) { b = 0; } clx.setCellStyle(stylex); } rowpos++; =; while ( { String isARTsite ="ART"); //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% int colpos = 0; int conpos = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(25); String arthv = ""; String htchv = ""; String pmtcthv = ""; if (1 == 1) { if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } } //county if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subcounty if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //facility name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mfl if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //support type//###################################################################################### if (1 == 1) { String support = "DSD"; if ("HTC_Support1") == null ||"HTC_Support1").equals("")) { /** commented on 201607 if("PMTCT_Support")!=null&&!"PMTCT_Support").equals("null")){"PMTCT_Support"); } */ } else { support ="HTC_Support1"); } System.out.println("______:" +"HTC_Support1") + ":__" + support); HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(support/*"DSD" *//**/); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //skip both pmtct support s conpos++; conpos++; } //arthv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(arthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //htchv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(htchv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //pmtcthv if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(pmtcthv); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //____________________Totals begin here______________ //Antenatal if (1 == 1) { //sum(HV0202) as HV0202,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0206"); tested ="HV0201"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Labour & Delivery if (1 == 1) { //,sum(HV0203) as HV0203,sum(HV0206) as HV0206,sum(HV0207) as HV0207,sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0207"); tested ="HV0202"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Under 5 Clinic if (1 == 1) { //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0232"); tested ="HV0228"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Post Natal if (1 == 1) { //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="HV0208"); tested ="HV0203"); negative = tested - positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Outpatient //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //NEW CHANGES 201607 CHANGING DATA SOURCE FROM old 711 to new 711 //Here Ratios are being applied //isARTsite int htctested ="HV0103"); int htcpositive ="HV0116"); double inpatienttested = 0; double inpatientpos = 0; double inpatientneg = 0; double outpatienttested = 0; double outpatientpos = 0; double outpatientneg = 0; double vcttested = 0; double vctpos = 0; double vctneg = 0; int tbtested = 0; int tbpositive = 0; int tbnegative = 0; //NOTE ..TB TESTED DATA WILL NOW BE 1 % OF OPD DATA // TB POS will be 33% of the tested, if only there is some positive data in the opd section.. //note, this will only happen on the art sites, otherwise the opd data will not be edited //do a query that calculates the sites supporting inpatient and outpatient for the last six months //since we are already in a loop, see if the current site calculates String issiteipd = " select sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot from moh711 where SubPartnerID='" +"SubPartnerID") + "' and ( yearmonth between '201510' and '201603') "; System.out.println("%%" + issiteipd); conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(issiteipd); if ( { int semiannualinpatient = 0; if (conn.rs1.getString("DTCB_Test_In_Tot") != null) { semiannualinpatient = conn.rs1.getInt("DTCB_Test_In_Tot"); } if (semiannualinpatient > 0) { //Sites with Inpatient services //OPD IPD VCT //Testing ratios 72% 17% 11% //Positivity ratios 62% 19% 19% //tested outpatienttested = (double) Math.round((0.72 * htctested)); inpatienttested = (double) Math.round((0.17 * htctested)); vcttested = (double) Math.round((0.11 * htctested)); //positive outpatientpos = (double) Math.round((0.62 * htcpositive)); inpatientpos = (double) Math.round((0.19 * htcpositive)); vctpos = (double) Math.round((0.19 * htcpositive)); //do normalization here.. add the values not matching to int totaltestedratios = (int) (outpatienttested + inpatienttested + vcttested); int testedtofauti = htctested - totaltestedratios; int totalpositiveratios = (int) (outpatientpos + inpatientpos + vctpos); int positivetofauti = htcpositive - totalpositiveratios; //apply the difference to the highest rated service area , which is outpatient outpatienttested += testedtofauti; outpatientpos += positivetofauti; //now get the negative values vctneg = vcttested - vctpos; inpatientneg = inpatienttested - inpatientpos; outpatientneg = outpatienttested - outpatientpos; } else { //site not supporting inpatient //Sites without Inpatient services //OPD VCT //HIV Tested 86% 14% //Tested Positive 85% 15% outpatienttested = (double) Math.round((0.86 * htctested)); // inpatienttested=(double)Math.round((0.17*htctested)); vcttested = (double) Math.round((0.14 * htctested)); //positive outpatientpos = (double) Math.round((0.85 * htcpositive)); //inpatientpos=(double)Math.round((0.19*htcpositive)); vctpos = (double) Math.round((0.15 * htcpositive)); //do normalization here.. add the values not matching to int totaltestedratios = (int) (outpatienttested + vcttested); int testedtofauti = htctested - totaltestedratios; int totalpositiveratios = (int) (outpatientpos + vctpos); int positivetofauti = htcpositive - totalpositiveratios; //apply the difference to the highest rated service area , which is outpatient outpatienttested += testedtofauti; outpatientpos += positivetofauti; //now get the negative values vctneg = vcttested - vctpos; // inpatientneg=inpatienttested-inpatientpos; outpatientneg = outpatienttested - outpatientpos; } if (isARTsite.equals("1")) { //deduct tb numbers tbtested = (int) Math.round((0.01 * outpatienttested)); //outpatienttested=outpatienttested-tbtested; // outpatient tested data now has been deducted the tb tested data //uncomment if tb data will appear //int tbpositive=0; if (outpatientpos > 0) { //tb positive is 33 % of the tbpositive = (int) Math.round(tbtested * 0.33); //outpatientpos=outpatientpos-tbpositive; //uncomment if tb data will appear } tbnegative = tbtested - tbpositive; //outpatientneg=outpatientneg-tbnegative; //uncomment if tb data will appear } } //end of conn //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //TB Stat if (1 == 1) { //Note: from 201607, we are reading tb data from opd and not from tbstat as it used to be. //This means will not read tb tested , positive and negative from tb stat but we will devide it from OPD int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; String getstat = "select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE " + tbstatduration + " and SubPartnerID='" +"SubPartnerID") + "'"; conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getstat); if ( { //uncomment if to get data from tbstat //if(1==1){ positive = conn.rs1.getInt("positive"); negative = conn.rs1.getInt("negative"); tested = negative + positive; //positive=tbpositive; //uncomment if tb data will appear //negative=tbnegative; //uncomment if tb data will appear //tested=tbtested; //uncomment if tb data will appear //continue from here //remove the current facility id //uncomment if commented ///** if (tbstat.contains("SubPartnerID"))) { tbstat.remove("SubPartnerID")); } //*/ } //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { //if generating a monthly report, dont show data since tb stat data is quarterly //if(1==1){ clx.setCellValue(tested); } else { clx.setCellValue(""); } clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { //if generating a monthly report, dont show data since tb stat data is quarterly //if(1==1){ clx1.setCellValue(positive); } else { clx1.setCellValue(""); } clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { //if generating a monthly report, dont show data since tb stat data is quarterly //if(1==1){ clx2.setCellValue(negative); } else { clx2.setCellValue(""); } clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //sexually transmitted insfections //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //"HV0208"); //"HV0203"); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } if (1 == 1) { // sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN // int tested=0; // int positive=0; // int negative=0; // //"DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot"); //"DTCB_Test_Out_Tot"); // negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(outpatienttested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(outpatientpos); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(outpatientneg); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Inpatient if (1 == 1) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN // int tested=0; // int positive=0; // int negative=0; // //"DTCC_HIV_In_Tot"); //"DTCB_Test_In_Tot"); // negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(inpatienttested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(inpatientpos); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(inpatientneg); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //HIV Care and Treatment //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //"DTCC_HIV_In_Tot"); //"DTCB_Test_In_Tot"); // negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //VMMC if (1 == 1) { // sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; positive ="P511KP"); negative ="P511KN"); tested = negative + positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //VCT (Co-located) if (1 == 1) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN // int tested=0; // int positive=0; // int negative=0; // //"VCTClient_HIV_TOT"); //"VCTClient_Tested_TOT"); // negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(vcttested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(vctpos); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(vctneg); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Voluntary counselling and testing (Stand alone) //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Mobile //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Home Based //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //Other //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTED FOR NOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX if (1 == 2) { // sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; //""); //""); //negative=tested-positive; //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(tested); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx1.setCellValue(positive); clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx2.setCellValue(negative); clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } rowpos++; } //now check if any facilities were skipped //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% System.out.println("_____======______" + tbstat.size()); for (int a = 0; a < tbstat.size(); a++) { System.out.println("%%%%%======______RoWno::" + tbstat.get(a)); if (1 == 1) { int colpos = 0; int conpos = 1; HSSFRow rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(25); String getstat = "select county,DistrictNom, SubPartnerNom, CentreSanteId as mflcode ,supporttype, sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative, tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID as SubPartnerID from tb_stat_art join ( " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID ) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID ) on tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID = " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID WHERE " + tbstatduration + " and tb_stat_art.SubPartnerID='" + tbstat.get(a) + "'"; =; if ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //county if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //subcounty if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //facility name if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(, 1).toUpperCase() +; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //mfl if (1 == 1) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(; clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; conpos++; } //support type//###################################################################################### if (1 == 1) { String support = "NA"; support ="supporttype"); HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue("DSD" /** support */ ); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //skip both pmtct support s conpos++; } //enter blanks in columns from Facility type up to the tb column if (1 == 1) { for (int c = 5; c < 17; c++) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } } //tb stat if (1 == 1) { int tested = 0; int positive = 0; int negative = 0; // String getstat="select sum(positive) as positive ,sum(negative) as negative from tb_stat_art WHERE "+tbstatduration+" and SubPartnerID='"+tbstat.get(a)+"'"; positive ="positive"); negative ="negative"); tested = negative + positive; //} //sum(HV0208) as HV0208,sum(HV0228) as HV0228,sum(HV0232) as HV0232, sum(DTCB_Test_Out_Tot) as DTCB_Test_Out_Tot,sum(DTCB_Test_In_Tot) as DTCB_Test_In_Tot , sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_Out_Tot, sum(DTCC_HIV_In_Tot) as DTCC_HIV_In_Tot, sum(VCTClient_Tested_TOT) as VCTClient_Tested_TOT, sum(VCTClient_HIV_TOT) as VCTClient_HIV_TOT, sum(P511KP) as P511KP, sum(P511KN) as P511KN //tested HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx.setCellValue(tested); } else { clx.setCellValue(""); } clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //positive HSSFCell clx1 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx1.setCellValue(positive); } else { clx1.setCellValue(""); } clx1.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; //negative HSSFCell clx2 = rwx.createCell(colpos); if (!reportDuration.equals("4")) { clx2.setCellValue(negative); } else { clx2.setCellValue(""); } clx2.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; } //end of tbstat if query //finish posting blanks to the remaining columns if (1 == 1) { for (int c = 20; c < sectionheaders.length; c++) { HSSFCell clx = rwx.createCell(colpos); clx.setCellValue(""); clx.setCellStyle(style2); colpos++; // conpos++; } } } //end of if query } //end of if 1==1 System.out.println("____" + tbstat.get(a)); rowpos++; } //end of for loop //AFTER END OF WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shet.createRow(rowpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); rowpos++; for (int z = 0; z < blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else if (z == 5) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(5); celldsd.setCellValue(staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 6) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(6); celldsd.setCellValue(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 7) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(7); celldsd.setCellValue(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(""); celldsd.setCellStyle(style2); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(""); celldata.setCellStyle(style2); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //HTC FROM NEW 731 updated 201606 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (2 == 2) { int less15m = 0; int less15f = 0; int gret15m = 0; int gret15f = 0; ArrayList allFacilities = new ArrayList(); allFacilities.clear(); int year, month, prevYear, maxYearMonth; String reportDuration, duration, semi_annual, quarter; String facilityName, mflcode, countyName, districtName, facilityIds, facilityId; year = month = prevYear = maxYearMonth = 0; reportDuration = duration = semi_annual = quarter = ""; facilityName = mflcode = countyName = districtName = facilityIds = facilityId = ""; String facilityIds1 = ""; facilityIds1 = "("; if (request.getParameter("subcounty") != null && !request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { String subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); String getDist = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "WHERE district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and "; =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { if (request.getParameter("county") != null && !request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { String county = request.getParameter("county"); String getCounty = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "JOIN county ON district.CountyID=county.CountyID WHERE county.CountyID='" + county + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds1 += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds1 = facilityIds1.substring(0, facilityIds1.length() - 3); facilityIds1 += ") && "; } else { facilityIds1 = ""; } } int TestedAdultMale = 0, TestedAdultFemale = 0; int TestedChildMale = 0, TestedChildFemale = 0; int HIV_AdultMale = 0, HIV_AdultFemale = 0; int HIV_ChildMale = 0, HIV_ChildFemale = 0; int pmtcttested = 0; int pmtctpositive = 0; int pmtctnegative = 0; double FemaleAdultTested; double FemaleTestedChild; double AdultFemaleHIV; double ChildFemaleHIV; double MaleAdultTested; double MaleTestedChild; double AdultMaleHIV; double ChildMaleHIV; double FemaleAdultTested1 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested4 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested9 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested14 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested19 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested24 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested49 = 0; double FemaleAdultTested50 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild1 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild4 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild9 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild14 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild19 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild24 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild49 = 0; double FemaleTestedChild50 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultFemaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = 0; // MALES double MaleAdultTested19Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested21Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested49Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested50Neg = 0; double MaleAdultTested19 = 0; double MaleAdultTested24 = 0; double MaleAdultTested49 = 0; double MaleAdultTested50 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1 = 0; double MaleTestedChild4 = 0; double MaleTestedChild9 = 0; double MaleTestedChild14 = 0; double MaleTestedChild1Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild4Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild9Neg = 0; double MaleTestedChild14Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50Neg = 0; double AdultMaleHIV19 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV24 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV49 = 0; double AdultMaleHIV50 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14 = 0; double ChildMaleHIV1Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV4Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV9Neg = 0; double ChildMaleHIV14Neg = 0; double splitData = 0; int adderPos = 0; double childSplitData = 0; int redalert = 0; year = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("year")); reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); // year=2015; // reportDuration="4"; String period1 = ""; String duration1 = ""; prevYear = year - 1; maxYearMonth = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PEPFAR YEAR : " + year; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : OCT " + prevYear + " to MARCH " + year; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; period1 = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : APRIL " + year + " to SEPT " + year; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + prevYear + " TO ") + " " + prevYear + ""; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; period1 = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR PERIOD : " +"-", " " + year + " TO ") + " " + year + ""; } } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; String getMonthName = "SELECT name FROM month WHERE id='" + month + "'"; =; if ( == true) { if (month >= 10) { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + prevYear + ")"; } else { duration1 = " moh731.yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; period1 = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + year + ")"; } } } else { duration1 = ""; } HSSFSheet shet3 = wb.createSheet("PMTCT , HTC ,UNDER 5 & VMMC "); HSSFCell c11; FemaleAdultTested = 0; FemaleTestedChild = 0; AdultFemaleHIV = 0; ChildFemaleHIV = 0; double TotalTested = 0; double TotalPositiveFemale = 0; double TotalPositiveMale = 0; double TotalNegativeFemale = 0; double TotalNegativeMale = 0; // MALES MaleAdultTested = 0; MaleTestedChild = 0; AdultMaleHIV = 0; ChildMaleHIV = 0; double TotalPositive = 0; double TotalNegative = 0; String county = ""; String district = ""; String facilityname = ""; HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_40_PERCENT.index); stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); stylex.setFont(fontx); stylex.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stylemainHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); stylemainHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); stylemainHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); stylemainHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stylemainHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); stylemainHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); stborder.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); stborder.setWrapText(true); HSSFFont font1 = wb.createFont(); font1.setFontName("Cambria"); font1.setColor((short) 0000); stborder.setFont(font1); // for the red color HSSFCellStyle redstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); redstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); redstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); redstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); redstyle.setWrapText(true); shet3.setColumnWidth(0, 4000); shet3.setColumnWidth(1, 5000); shet3.setColumnWidth(2, 5000); //shet3.setColumnWidth(6,5000); HSSFCell c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c110, c111, c112, c113, c114, c115, c116, c117, c118, c219; HSSFCell c119, c120, c121, c122, c123, c124, c125, c126, c127, c128, c129, c130, c131, c132, c133, c134, c135, c136, c137; HSSFCell c211, c212, c213, c214, c215, c216, c217, cARTHV, cHTCHV, cPMTCTHV; String newheader0 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,FEMALE(POSITIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (POSITIVE),,,,,,,,NEGATIVE,FEMALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,,,MALE (NEGATIVE),,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,"; String newheader1 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL +VE MALE,Paeds < 15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(F),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,TOTAL -VE(M),Paeds <15Yr,,,,Adults 15+Yr,,,,Female,,Male,,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String newheader2 = "COUNTY,SUB-COUNTY,FACILITY,MFL-CODE,TYPE OF SUPPORT,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume,TOTAL HIV+,TOTAL +VE(F),NUM,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL +VE MALE,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(F),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,TOTAL -VE(M),<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,< 15,15 +,< 15,15 +,Sub-total,Positive,Negative,Sub-total,Verification Status"; String header0array[] = newheader0.split(","); String header1array[] = newheader1.split(","); String header2array[] = newheader2.split(","); //create header1 HSSFRow rw0 = shet3.createRow(0); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8; c1 = rw0.createCell(0); //_____________________________________________________________report heading row 0 c1.setCellValue(period1); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); for (int j = 1; j <= header0array.length - 1; j++) { c1 = rw0.createCell(j); c1.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 1 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(2); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header0array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header0array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 2 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(3); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header1array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header1array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } //-----------------------------------row 3 header rw0 = shet3.createRow(4); rw0.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int i = 0; i < header2array.length; i++) { HSSFCell clx = rw0.createCell(i); clx.setCellValue(header2array[i]); clx.setCellStyle(stylemainHeader); } String mergeinfor[] = { "0,0,0,54", "2,4,0,0", "2,4,1,1", "2,4,2,2", "2,4,3,3", "2,4,4,4", "2,4,5,5", "2,4,6,6", "2,4,7,7", "2,4,8,8", "2,4,9,9", "2,4,10,10", "2,2,11,19", "2,2,20,27", "2,2,29,37", "2,2,38,45", "2,2,46,54", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,15,18", "3,3,20,23", "3,3,24,27", "3,3,29,32", "3,3,11,14", "3,3,33,36", "3,3,38,41", "3,3,42,45", "3,3,46,47", "3,3,48,49", "3,4,50,50", "3,4,51,51", "3,4,52,52", "3,4,53,53", "3,4,54,54", "3,4,50,50", "3,4,51,51", "3,4,52,52", "3,4,53,53", "3,4,54,54" }; //do the merging for (int d = 0; d < mergeinfor.length; d++) { if (!mergeinfor[d].equals("")) { String pos[] = mergeinfor[d].split(","); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(new Integer(pos[0]), new Integer(pos[1]), new Integer(pos[2]), new Integer(pos[3]))); } } double checkdiff = 0; int count = 4; TestedAdultMale = 0; TestedAdultFemale = 0; TestedChildMale = 0; TestedChildFemale = 0; HIV_AdultMale = 0; HIV_AdultFemale = 0; HIV_ChildMale = 0; HIV_ChildFemale = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- String facilid = ""; String facilname = ""; String dsdta = ""; //20151010 int pmtcttestedtotal = 0; int pmtctpositivestotal = 0; int pmtctnegativetotal = 0; double pmtct15to19tes = 0; double pmtct20to24tes = 0; double pmtct25to49tes = 0; double pmtct50tes = 0; double pmtct15to19pos = 0; double pmtct20to24pos = 0; double pmtct25to49pos = 0; double pmtct50pos = 0; int vmmctes = 0; int vmmcpos = 0; int vmmcneg = 0; double vmmcless1neg = 0; double vmmc1to9neg = 0; double vmmc10to14neg = 0; double vmmc15to19neg = 0; double vmmc20to24neg = 0; double vmmc25to29neg = 0; double vmmc30to49neg = 0; double vmmc50neg = 0; double vmmcless1pos = 0; double vmmc1to9pos = 0; double vmmc10to14pos = 0; double vmmc15to19pos = 0; double vmmc20to24pos = 0; double vmmc25to29pos = 0; double vmmc30to49pos = 0; double vmmc50pos = 0; double vmmcless1tes = 0; double vmmc1to9tes = 0; double vmmc10to14tes = 0; double vmmc15to19tes = 0; double vmmc20to24tes = 0; double vmmc25to29tes = 0; double vmmc30to49tes = 0; double vmmc50tes = 0; double vmmcless15 = 0; double vmmcgret15 = 0; //========================================= double under5pos = 0; double under5tes = 0; double under5neg = 0; double under5posf = 0; double under5posm = 0; double under5negf = 0; double under5negm = 0; double pmtct15to19neg = 0; double pmtct20to24neg = 0; double pmtct25to49neg = 0; double pmtct50neg = 0; //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int blankrows = 55; String getstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + " district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " WHERE " + subcounty_countywhere + " (" + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".VMMC=1) " + " GROUP BY SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { staticcounty.add("county")); district ="district"); staticdistrict .add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); staticfacility.add("facility")); staticmfl.add("mflcode")); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } //"htcsupport"); dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /** String get711data="SELECT(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CF) +sum( VCTClient_Tested_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AF)+sum(DTCB_Test_In_AF))" //ADULTS TESTED FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_Tested_CM)+ sum(VCTClient_Tested_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_Out_AM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_AM))"//ADULTS TESTED MALES + ", (sum(VCTClient_HIV_CF)+ sum(VCTClient_HIV_AF)+sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AF))" // ADULTS HIV+ FEMALE + ",(sum(VCTClient_HIV_CM)+sum(VCTClient_HIV_AM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_In_AM) +sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_AM)) " // ADULTS HIV+ MALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CF) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CF))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCB_Test_Out_CM) + sum(DTCB_Test_In_CM))" // CHILDREN TOTAL TESTED MALE + ", ( sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CF)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CF))" // CHILDREN POSITIVE FEMALE + ", (sum(DTCC_HIV_In_CM)+ sum(DTCC_HIV_Out_CM)), " + " county.County,district.DistrictNom," // + " subpartnera.SubPartnerNom,subpartnera.CentreSanteId,subpartnera.HTC_Support1, "// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE //======================added later 20151010 + " sum(HV0204) as PMTCTTESTED , (sum(HV0206)+sum(HV0207)+sum(HV0208) ) as PMTCTPOS "//pmtct tested and positive added on 201510 +",SUM(P51D1) as VMMCunder1,SUM(P51D9) as VMMC1to9,SUM(P51D10) as VMMC10to14, SUM(P51D19) as VMMC15to19 , SUM(P51D24) as VMMC20to24, SUM(P51D29) as VMMC25to29, SUM(P51D49) as VMMC30to49, SUM(P51D50) as VMMC50,SUM(P51DT) as VMMCTESTED ,SUM(P511KP) as VMMCPOS, (SUM(P511KN)+SUM(P511KU)) as VMMCNEG "//vmmc added 20151016 + ",SUM(HV0232) as HV0232,SUM(HV0228) as HV0228 "//under five + " FROM moh711 left join moh731 on left join vmmc on moh711.ID=vmmc.tableid JOIN subpartnera " + " ON moh711.SubPartnerID=subpartnera.SubPartnerID " + " JOIN district ON subpartnera.DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + " district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " WHERE " + " "+facilityIds1+" "+duration1+" && (subpartnera.HTC=1 || subpartnera.PMTCT=1 || subpartnera.VMMC=1) " + " GROUP BY moh711.SubPartnerID " ; */ //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NEW QUERY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NEW QUERY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String get731data = "SELECT " + " sum(HV0103) as 711_totaltested, " + " sum(HV0110) as 711_less15m ," + " sum(HV0111) as 711_less15f ," + " sum(HV0112) as 711_15_24m ," + " sum(HV0113) as 711_15_24f ," + " sum(HV0114) as 711_25m ," + " sum(HV0115) as 711_25f ," + " sum(HV0116) as 711_totalpositive ," //updated in 201606 + " county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility," + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode," + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport, "// CHILDREN POSITIVE MALE //======================added later 20151010 + " sum(HV0204) as PMTCTTESTED , (sum(HV0206)+sum(HV0207)+sum(HV0208) ) as PMTCTPOS "//pmtct tested and positive added on 201510 + ",SUM(P51D1) as VMMCunder1,SUM(P51D9) as VMMC1to9,SUM(P51D10) as VMMC10to14, SUM(P51D19) as VMMC15to19 , SUM(P51D24) as VMMC20to24, SUM(P51D29) as VMMC25to29, SUM(P51D49) as VMMC30to49, SUM(P51D50) as VMMC50,SUM(P51DT) as VMMCTESTED ,SUM(P511KP) as VMMCPOS, (SUM(P511KN)+SUM(P511KU)) as VMMCNEG "//vmmc added 20151016 + ",SUM(HV0232) as HV0232,SUM(HV0228) as HV0228, "//under five + " ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume FROM moh731 left join vmmc on moh731.ID=vmmc.tableid JOIN " + facilitiestable + " " + " ON moh731.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + " JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + " district.CountyID=county.CountyID " + " WHERE " + " " + facilityIds1 + " " + duration1 + " && (" + facilitiestable + ".HTC=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 || " + facilitiestable + ".VMMC=1) " + " GROUP BY moh731.SubPartnerID "; System.out.println("731 : " + get731data); =; while ( { //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = staticmfl.indexOf("mflcode")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist staticfacility.remove(mflindex); staticcounty.remove(mflindex); staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); staticmfl.remove(mflindex); staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //=============================================now add vmmc and add under 1 county ="county"); district ="district"); district = district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase(); facilityname ="facility"); mflcode ="mflcode"); if ("htcsupport") != null && !"htcsupport").equals("")) { dsdta ="htcsupport"); } else { dsdta = "DSD"; } //dsdta="DSD"; //static as of 201606 String arthv = ""; String htchv = ""; String pmtcthv = ""; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } pmtcttestedtotal ="PMTCTTESTED"); pmtctpositivestotal ="PMTCTPOS"); //under 5 computations under5tes ="HV0228"); //under5 tested under5pos ="HV0232"); //under5 positives under5neg = under5tes - under5pos; //under 5 negatives //vmmc //VMMC50,SUM(P51DT) as VMMCTESTED ,SUM(P511KP) as VMMCPOS, SUM(P511KN) as VMMCNEG "//vmmc added 20151016 vmmcpos ="VMMCPOS"); vmmcneg ="VMMCNEG"); vmmctes ="VMMCTESTED"); // SUM(P51D50) as vmmcless1tes ="VMMCunder1"); vmmc1to9tes ="VMMC1to9"); vmmc10to14tes ="VMMC10to14"); vmmc15to19tes ="VMMC15to19"); vmmc20to24tes ="VMMC20to24"); vmmc25to29tes ="VMMC25to29"); vmmc30to49tes ="VMMC30to49"); vmmc50tes ="VMMC50"); //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%added 201606 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // 38 (M)% --- 62% (F) int tested_new711 ="711_totaltested"); System.out.println("%%%%%%%%%%%%% NEW HTC " + facilityname + " HTC TES= " + tested_new711 + " PMTCT TESTED= " + pmtcttestedtotal + " UNDER 5= " + under5tes); double testedmale_711 = (float) Math.round((0.38 * tested_new711)); double testedfemale_711 = (float) Math.round((0.62 * tested_new711)); double tofautimpya = tested_new711 - (testedmale_711 + testedfemale_711); if (tofautimpya != 0) { testedfemale_711 += tofautimpya; } //System.out.println("**2016_06_ "+testedmale_711+ "~ "+testedfemale_711+" ~ "+ tested_new711); //12% 88% //this will be defined from ratios TestedAdultFemale = (int) Math.round((0.88 * testedfemale_711)); //adult TestedChildFemale = (int) Math.round((0.12 * testedfemale_711)); //child tofautimpya = testedfemale_711 - (TestedAdultFemale + TestedChildFemale); if (tofautimpya != 0) { TestedAdultFemale += tofautimpya; } // 17% 83% //; //; TestedAdultMale = (int) Math.round((0.83 * testedmale_711)); //adult TestedChildMale = (int) Math.round((0.17 * testedmale_711)); //child tofautimpya = testedmale_711 - (TestedAdultMale + TestedChildMale); if (tofautimpya != 0) { TestedAdultMale += tofautimpya; } System.out.println("**2016_06_ '17%' '83%' " + TestedChildMale + "~ " + TestedAdultMale + " ~ " + testedmale_711); System.out.println("**2016_06_ '12%' '88%' " + TestedChildFemale + "~ " + TestedAdultFemale + " ~ " + testedfemale_711); int hivpos_711_15_24f ="711_15_24f"); int hivpos_711_15_24m ="711_15_24m"); int hivpos_711_25m ="711_25m"); int hivpos_711_25f ="711_25f"); HIV_AdultFemale = new Integer("711_15_24f") +"711_25f")); HIV_AdultMale = new Integer("711_15_24m") +"711_25m")); HIV_ChildFemale ="711_less15f"); HIV_ChildMale ="711_less15m"); System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); String basicDetails = county + "@" + district + "@" + facilityname + "@" + mflcode + "@" + dsdta; String arrayDetails[] = basicDetails.split("@"); count++; rw0 = shet3.createRow(count); int facilno = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arrayDetails.length; j++) { HSSFCell S3cell = rw0.createCell(facilno); S3cell.setCellValue(arrayDetails[j]); // System.out.println(arrayDetails[j]); S3cell.setCellStyle(stborder); System.out.println("facildet pos : " + facilno + " det : " + arrayDetails[j]); facilno++; } System.out.println(facilityname + " TestedAdultFemale " + TestedAdultFemale + "TestedAdultMale " + TestedAdultMale + " TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_AdultFemale " + HIV_AdultFemale + " HIV_AdultMale " + HIV_AdultMale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); //< 1 1-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-49 50+ //0% 1% 45% 25% 15% 8% 6% 0% //vmmc positives double vmmcposverify = 0; double vmmcnegverify = 0; vmmc1to9pos = (float) Math.round((0.01 * vmmcpos)); vmmc10to14pos = (float) Math.round((0.45 * vmmcpos)); vmmc15to19pos = (float) Math.round((0.25 * vmmcpos)); vmmc20to24pos = (float) Math.round((0.15 * vmmcpos)); vmmc25to29pos = (float) Math.round((0.08 * vmmcpos)); vmmc30to49pos = (float) Math.round((0.06 * vmmcpos)); //do a verification before subtracting the negatives vmmcposverify = vmmc1to9pos + vmmc10to14pos + vmmc15to19pos + vmmc20to24pos + vmmc25to29pos + vmmc30to49pos; //------------------------------------------//do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution double tofauti = 0; if (vmmcposverify < vmmcpos) { tofauti = vmmcpos - vmmcposverify; if (tofauti > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the male first until equal // while (tofauti > 0) { vmmc10to14pos += 1; tofauti--; } //end of while tofauti } else if (vmmcposverify > vmmcpos) { //minus until equal tofauti = vmmcposverify - vmmcpos; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { vmmc10to14pos -= 1; tofauti--; } } //end of else //Now do the deductions for the negatives from the tes // vmmcless1neg=vmmcless1tes;//pos =0% // vmmc1to9neg=vmmc1to9tes-vmmc1to9pos; // vmmc10to14neg=vmmc10to14tes-vmmc10to14pos; // vmmc15to19neg=vmmc15to19tes-vmmc15to19pos; // vmmc20to24neg=vmmc20to24tes-vmmc20to24pos; // vmmc25to29neg=vmmc20to24tes-vmmc20to24pos; // vmmc30to49neg=vmmc20to24tes-vmmc20to24pos; // vmmc50neg=vmmc20to24tes;//vmmc50positives =0% //******I HAVE USED THE SAME RATIOS AS THE POSITIVE THOH THATS NOT THE CASE vmmcless1neg = (float) Math.round((0.00 * vmmcneg)); vmmc1to9neg = (float) Math.round((0.01 * vmmcneg)); vmmc10to14neg = (float) Math.round((0.45 * vmmcneg)); vmmc15to19neg = (float) Math.round((0.25 * vmmcneg)); vmmc20to24neg = (float) Math.round((0.15 * vmmcneg)); vmmc25to29neg = (float) Math.round((0.08 * vmmcneg)); vmmc30to49neg = (float) Math.round((0.06 * vmmcneg)); vmmc50neg = (float) Math.round((0.00 * vmmcneg)); //verify the negatives vmmcnegverify = vmmcless1neg + vmmc1to9neg + vmmc10to14neg + vmmc15to19neg + vmmc20to24neg + vmmc25to29neg + vmmc30to49neg + vmmc50neg; //------------------------------------------//do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution tofauti = 0; if (vmmcnegverify < vmmcneg) { tofauti = vmmcneg - vmmcnegverify; if (tofauti > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the male first until equal // while (tofauti > 0) { vmmc10to14neg += 1; tofauti--; } //end of while tofauti } else if (vmmcnegverify > vmmcneg) { //minus until equal tofauti = vmmcnegverify - vmmcneg; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { vmmc10to14neg -= 1; tofauti--; } } //end of else vmmcless15 = vmmcless1neg + vmmc1to9neg + vmmc10to14neg + vmmcless1pos + vmmc1to9pos + vmmc10to14pos; vmmcgret15 = vmmc15to19neg + vmmc20to24neg + vmmc25to29neg + vmmc30to49neg + vmmc50neg + vmmc15to19pos + vmmc20to24pos + vmmc25to29pos + vmmc30to49pos + vmmc50pos; // FEMALES //adult FemaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.54 * TestedAdultFemale)); FemaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.07 * TestedAdultFemale)); //children FemaleTestedChild1 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.27 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.30 * TestedChildFemale)); FemaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.38 * TestedChildFemale)); //postive //adult ** remaining //hivpos_711_25f#hivpos_711_25m#hivpos_711_15_24m#hivpos_711_15_24f AdultFemaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.23 * hivpos_711_15_24f)); AdultFemaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.77 * hivpos_711_15_24f)); AdultFemaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.90 * hivpos_711_25f)); AdultFemaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.10 * hivpos_711_25f)); //positive //children ChildFemaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0.10 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.45 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.25 * HIV_ChildFemale)); ChildFemaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.20 * HIV_ChildFemale)); // MALES //adult MaleAdultTested19 = (float) Math.round((0.13 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested24 = (float) Math.round((0.20 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested49 = (float) Math.round((0.56 * TestedAdultMale)); MaleAdultTested50 = (float) Math.round((0.11 * TestedAdultMale)); //children MaleTestedChild1 = (float) Math.round((0.04 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild4 = (float) Math.round((0.26 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild9 = (float) Math.round((0.29 * TestedChildMale)); MaleTestedChild14 = (float) Math.round((0.41 * TestedChildMale)); //positive //adult ** remaining //hivpos_711_25f#hivpos_711_25m#hivpos_711_15_24m#hivpos_711_15_24f AdultMaleHIV19 = (float) Math.round((0.36 * hivpos_711_15_24m)); AdultMaleHIV24 = (float) Math.round((0.64 * hivpos_711_15_24m)); AdultMaleHIV49 = (float) Math.round((0.79 * hivpos_711_25m)); AdultMaleHIV50 = (float) Math.round((0.21 * hivpos_711_25m)); //positives //children ChildMaleHIV1 = (float) Math.round((0.05 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV4 = (float) Math.round((0.38 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV9 = (float) Math.round((0.27 * HIV_ChildMale)); ChildMaleHIV14 = (float) Math.round((0.30 * HIV_ChildMale)); //under 5 distribution // femalepos, malepos, femaleneg, maleneg // 50% 50% 49% 51% double under5testedverify = 0; double under5posverify = 0; double under5negverify = 0; under5posf = (float) Math.round((0.50 * under5pos)); under5posm = (float) Math.round((0.50 * under5pos)); under5negf = (float) Math.round((0.49 * under5neg)); under5negm = (float) Math.round((0.51 * under5neg)); under5posverify = under5posf + under5posm; under5negverify = under5negf + under5negm; //do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution tofauti = 0; if (under5posverify < under5pos) { tofauti = under5pos - under5posverify; if (tofauti > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the male first until equal // while (tofauti > 0) { under5posm += 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { under5posf += 1; tofauti--; } } //end of while tofauti } else if (under5posverify > under5pos) { //minus until equal tofauti = under5posverify - under5pos; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { under5posm -= 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { under5posf -= 1; tofauti--; } } } //end of else //====================normalize negatives========================== if (under5negverify < under5neg) { tofauti = under5neg - under5negverify; if (tofauti > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { under5negm += 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { under5negf += 1; tofauti--; } } } else if (under5negverify > under5neg) { //minus until equal tofauti = under5negverify - under5neg; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (tofauti > 0) { under5negm -= 1; tofauti--; if (tofauti != 0) { under5negf -= 1; tofauti--; } } } //end of under 5 distribution //15-19 20-24 25-49 //PMTCT TESTED 13.9% 27.8% 58.3% //PMTCT Posit 5.3% 17.5% 77.2% //variables to hold the total of the distributed double pmtcttestedverify = 0; double pmtctpositiveverify = 0; pmtct15to19tes = (float) Math.round((0.139 * pmtcttestedtotal)); pmtct20to24tes = (float) Math.round((0.278 * pmtcttestedtotal)); pmtct25to49tes = (float) Math.round((0.583 * pmtcttestedtotal)); pmtct15to19pos = (float) Math.round((0.053 * pmtctpositivestotal)); pmtct20to24pos = (float) Math.round((0.175 * pmtctpositivestotal)); pmtct25to49pos = (float) Math.round((0.772 * pmtctpositivestotal)); pmtcttestedverify = pmtct15to19tes + pmtct20to24tes + pmtct25to49tes; pmtctpositiveverify = pmtct15to19pos + pmtct20to24pos + pmtct25to49pos; //do normalization for the tested // if the two are not equal, do a distribution double currdiff = 0; if (pmtcttestedverify < pmtcttestedtotal) { currdiff = pmtcttestedtotal - pmtcttestedverify; if (currdiff > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49tes += 1; currdiff--; } } else if (pmtcttestedverify > pmtcttestedtotal) { //minus until equal currdiff = pmtcttestedverify - pmtcttestedtotal; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49tes -= 1; currdiff--; } } //do normalization for the POSITIVE // if the two are not equal, do a distribution if (pmtctpositiveverify < pmtctpositivestotal) { currdiff = pmtctpositivestotal - pmtctpositiveverify; if (currdiff > 2) { //raise an alarm //redalert++; } //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49pos += 1; currdiff--; } } else if (pmtctpositiveverify > pmtctpositivestotal) { //minus until equal currdiff = pmtctpositiveverify - pmtctpositivestotal; //add to the groupings with the larger percentage until equal //25-49 while (currdiff > 0) { pmtct25to49pos -= 1; currdiff--; } } //now get the pmtct negatives by subtracting from the pmtct15to19neg = pmtct15to19tes - pmtct15to19pos; pmtct20to24neg = pmtct20to24tes - pmtct20to24pos; pmtct25to49neg = pmtct25to49tes - pmtct25to49pos; pmtctnegativetotal = pmtcttestedtotal - pmtctpositivestotal; //; //; //; //; //; //; //; //; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; double totalpositivesmale = 0; double totalpositivesfemale = 0; double totalpositives = 0; double totalnegatives = 0; double totalfemalehiv = 0; double totalmalehiv = 0; double totalfemaletesteddis = 0; double totalmaletesteddis = 0; double totalfemaletested = 0; double totalmaletested = 0; double negfem = 0; double negmale = 0; int redalert1 = 0; int redalert2 = 0; int redalert3 = 0; int redalert4 = 0; totalpositives = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14 + AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; totalnegatives = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // total tested after distribution totalfemaletesteddis = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14 + FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; totalmaletesteddis = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50 + MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; // totaltested after distriibution double totaltestedis = 0; totaltestedis = totalfemaletesteddis + totalmaletesteddis; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totalfemaletested = TestedAdultFemale + TestedChildFemale; totalmaletested = TestedAdultMale + TestedChildMale; //poistives totalfemalehiv = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; totalmalehiv = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; //+ve after dist totalpositivesfemale = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50 + ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; totalpositivesmale = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50 + ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; // // negative negfem = totalfemaletested - totalfemalehiv; negmale = totalmaletested - totalmalehiv; double checkdiff1 = 0; double checkdiff2 = 0; double checkdiff3 = 0; int redfemalealert = 0; int redmalealert = 0; int finalalert = 0; double totalcheckdiff = 0; //check a difference checkdiff = totalfemalehiv - totalpositivesfemale; // System.out.println("checkdiff female "+checkdiff1); // positive female if (checkdiff > 2 || checkdiff < -2) { redalert = 1; } // positive male checkdiff1 = totalmalehiv - totalpositivesmale; // System.out.println("checkdiff male "+checkdiff1); if (checkdiff1 > 2 || checkdiff1 < -2) { redalert1 = 1; } totalcheckdiff = TotalTested - totaltestedis; // System.out.println("dqa "+totalcheckdiff); if (totalcheckdiff > 5 || totalcheckdiff < -5) { finalalert = 1; } // checkdiff=totalfemalehiv-totalpositivesfemale; // // positive female // if(checkdiff>=2 ||checkdiff<=-2){ // redalert=1; // } // // positive male // checkdiff1=totalmalehiv-totalpositivesmale; // if(checkdiff1>=2 ||checkdiff1<=-2){ // redalert1=1; // } //// negative female // checkdiff2=negfem-totalfemaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff2>=2 ||checkdiff2<=-2){ // redalert2=1; // } // // // negativemale // checkdiff3=negmale-totalmaletesteddis; // if(checkdiff3>=2 ||checkdiff3<=-2){ // redalert3=1; // } // // totalcheckdiff=checkdiff+checkdiff1+checkdiff2+checkdiff3; // if(totalcheckdiff>=5 || totalcheckdiff<=-5){ // finalalert=1; // } adderPos = 0; double Totalhivfemale = 0; double Totalhivmale = 0; Totalhivfemale = HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildFemale; Totalhivmale = HIV_AdultMale + HIV_ChildMale; splitData = 0; adderPos = 0; childSplitData = 0; // // adult female hiv+ splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; // System.out.println(facilityname + " lllll added " + splitData + " from db " + HIV_AdultFemale); adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultFemaleHIV19 + AdultFemaleHIV24 + AdultFemaleHIV49 + AdultFemaleHIV50; while (splitData > HIV_AdultFemale) { AdultFemaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested female adults splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = FemaleAdultTested19 + FemaleAdultTested24 + FemaleAdultTested49 + FemaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultFemale) { FemaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // adult male hiv+ splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = AdultMaleHIV19 + AdultMaleHIV24 + AdultMaleHIV49 + AdultMaleHIV50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HIV_AdultMale) { AdultMaleHIV49 -= 1; splitData--; } //tested male adults splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData < TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 += 1; splitData++; } splitData = MaleAdultTested19 + MaleAdultTested24 + MaleAdultTested49 + MaleAdultTested50; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > TestedAdultMale) { MaleAdultTested49 -= 1; splitData--; } // for child female tested childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " b4 jjj " + TestedChildFemale); adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 += 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 += 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = FemaleTestedChild1 + FemaleTestedChild4 + FemaleTestedChild9 + FemaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { FemaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { FemaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { FemaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildFemale) { } } System.out.println(facilityname + " " + childSplitData + " after jjj " + TestedChildFemale); // for child male hiv // for child female +ve childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; System.out.println(facilityname + " mmmm " + childSplitData + " " + HIV_ChildFemale); adderPos = 0; double diff = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildFemale) { diff = FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14; if (adderPos == 0) { if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 1) { if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (FemaleTestedChild4 - ChildFemaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild14 - ChildFemaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (FemaleTestedChild9 - ChildFemaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildFemaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } childSplitData = ChildFemaleHIV1 + ChildFemaleHIV4 + ChildFemaleHIV9 + ChildFemaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildFemale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildFemaleHIV14 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 1) { ChildFemaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildFemaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildFemale) { } } // tested male _______________________________________________________________________ childSplitData = MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 += 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 += 1; } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } childSplitData = MaleTestedChild1 + MaleTestedChild4 + MaleTestedChild9 + MaleTestedChild14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > TestedChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { MaleTestedChild14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { MaleTestedChild9 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { MaleTestedChild4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == TestedChildMale) { } } // for child male +ve childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData < HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } } else if (adderPos == 1) { if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } } if (adderPos == 2) { if (MaleTestedChild4 - ChildMaleHIV4 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV4 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild14 - ChildMaleHIV14 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 += 1; } else if (MaleTestedChild9 - ChildMaleHIV9 > 0) { ChildMaleHIV9 += 1; } } childSplitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } childSplitData = ChildMaleHIV1 + ChildMaleHIV4 + ChildMaleHIV9 + ChildMaleHIV14; adderPos = 0; while (childSplitData > HIV_ChildMale) { if (adderPos == 0) { ChildMaleHIV14 -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { ChildMaleHIV9 -= 1; } if (adderPos == 2) { ChildMaleHIV4 -= 1; } childSplitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (childSplitData == HIV_ChildMale) { } } /// // System.out.println("Neg nn "+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+" "+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14Neg); // System.out.println("tested nn "+MaleTestedChild1+ " "+MaleTestedChild4+" "+MaleTestedChild9+" "+ MaleTestedChild14); // System.out.println("hiv+ nnn "+ChildMaleHIV1+ " "+ChildMaleHIV4+" "+ChildMaleHIV9+" "+ ChildMaleHIV14); // // all positives //TotalPositive=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ // ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 +ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //TotalNegative=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ // ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg +ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; System.out.println(facilityname + " KKK " + HIV_AdultFemale + " " + HIV_AdultMale + " " + HIV_ChildFemale + " " + HIV_ChildMale); System.out.println(facilityname + "TestedChildFemale " + TestedChildFemale + " HIV_ChildFemale " + HIV_ChildFemale + " TestedChildMale " + TestedChildMale + " HIV_ChildMale " + HIV_ChildMale); double totaltestedmale1 = 0; double totaltestedfemale1 = 0; TotalTested = TestedChildFemale + TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale + TestedAdultFemale; totaltestedmale1 = TestedChildMale + TestedAdultMale; totaltestedfemale1 = TestedChildFemale + TestedAdultFemale; TotalPositiveFemale = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale; TotalPositiveMale = HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalPositive = HIV_ChildFemale + HIV_AdultFemale + HIV_ChildMale + HIV_AdultMale; TotalNegativeFemale = totaltestedfemale1 - TotalPositiveFemale; TotalNegativeMale = totaltestedmale1 - TotalPositiveMale; TotalNegative = TotalNegativeMale + TotalNegativeFemale; //201510 //this code was added later less15f = TestedChildFemale; less15m = TestedChildMale; gret15m = TestedAdultMale; gret15f = TestedAdultFemale; // TotalNegativeFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19Neg+AdultFemaleHIV24Neg+AdultFemaleHIV49Neg+AdultFemaleHIV50Neg+ ChildFemaleHIV1Neg+ChildFemaleHIV4Neg+ChildFemaleHIV9Neg+ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; //TotalNegativeMale=AdultMaleHIV19Neg+AdultMaleHIV24Neg+AdultMaleHIV49Neg+AdultMaleHIV50Neg+ChildMaleHIV1Neg+ChildMaleHIV4Neg+ChildMaleHIV9Neg+ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // TotalTested=FemaleTestedChild1+FemaleTestedChild4+FemaleTestedChild9+FemaleTestedChild14+FemaleAdultTested19+FemaleAdultTested24+FemaleAdultTested49+FemaleAdultTested50+ MaleAdultTested19+MaleAdultTested24+MaleAdultTested49+MaleAdultTested50+MaleTestedChild1+MaleTestedChild4+MaleTestedChild9+MaleTestedChild14; // TotalPositiveFemale=AdultFemaleHIV19+AdultFemaleHIV24+AdultFemaleHIV49+AdultFemaleHIV50+ChildFemaleHIV1+ChildFemaleHIV4+ChildFemaleHIV9+ChildFemaleHIV14 ; // TotalPositiveMale=AdultMaleHIV19+AdultMaleHIV24+AdultMaleHIV49+AdultMaleHIV50+ChildMaleHIV1+ChildMaleHIV4+ChildMaleHIV9+ChildMaleHIV14; // //System.out.println(MaleTestedChild14 +" bbbbb "+ChildMaleHIV14+" mmmmm "+ (MaleTestedChild14-ChildMaleHIV14)); rw0.setHeightInPoints(25); int mypos = 0; c211 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c212 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c213 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c214 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c215 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cARTHV.setCellValue(arthv); cHTCHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cHTCHV.setCellValue(htchv); cPMTCTHV = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; cPMTCTHV.setCellValue(pmtcthv); c216 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c217 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; // the rest c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c20 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; //c11.setCellValue(facilname); //String basicDetails=county+"@"+district+"@"+facilityname+"@"+mflcode+"@"+dsdta; c211.setCellValue(county); c212.setCellValue(district); c213.setCellValue(facilityname); c214.setCellValue(mflcode); c215.setCellValue(dsdta); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 0, 0)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 1, 1)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 2, 2)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 3, 3)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 4, 4)); // Female c11.setCellValue(TotalTested + pmtcttestedtotal + under5tes + vmmctes); System.out.println(facilityname + "####### HTC: " + TotalTested + " Pmtct : " + pmtcttestedtotal + ": Under5 " + under5tes); c216.setCellValue(TotalPositive + pmtctpositivestotal + under5pos + vmmcpos); //since pmtct belongs to female double under5femalestotal = under5posf + under5negf; double under5malestotal = under5posm + under5negm; // c217.setCellValue(TotalPositiveFemale+pmtctpositivestotal+under5femalestotal); had an error c217.setCellValue(TotalPositiveFemale + pmtctpositivestotal + under5posf); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 5, 5)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 6, 6)); shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 4, 7, 7)); //rem under5 are children c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1 + under5posf)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19 + pmtct15to19pos)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24 + pmtct20to24pos)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49 + pmtct25to49pos)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50)); c20.setCellValue(TotalPositiveMale + under5posm + vmmcpos); //male c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1 + under5posm + vmmcless1pos)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4));//skip this for vmmc c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9 + vmmc1to9pos)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14 + vmmc10to14pos)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19 + vmmc15to19pos)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24 + vmmc20to24pos)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49 + vmmc25to29pos + vmmc30to49pos));//two vmmc options c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50 + vmmc50pos)); for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); // System.out.println("red "+redalert +" "+redalert1) ; if (redalert == 1) { c217 = rw0.getCell(6); c217.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert1 == 1) { c20 = rw0.getCell(16); c20.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,0,0)); c11 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c12 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c13 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c14 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c15 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c16 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c17 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c18 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c19 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c110 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c111 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c112 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c113 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c114 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c115 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c116 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c117 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c118 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c119 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; int neg1male = 0; int neg4male = 0; int neg9male = 0; int neg14male = 0; int neg19male = 0; int neg24male = 0; int neg49male = 0; int neg50male = 0; AdultMaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested19) - (AdultMaleHIV19); AdultMaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested24) - (AdultMaleHIV24); AdultMaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested49) - (AdultMaleHIV49); AdultMaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleAdultTested50) - (AdultMaleHIV50); if (AdultMaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49male = 1; } if (AdultMaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50male = 1; } // child male negatives ChildMaleHIV1Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild1) - (ChildMaleHIV1); ChildMaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild4) - (ChildMaleHIV4); ChildMaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild9) - (ChildMaleHIV9); ChildMaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(MaleTestedChild14) - (ChildMaleHIV14); if (ChildMaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9male = 1; } if (ChildMaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14male = 1; } //negative int neg1female = 0; int neg4female = 0; int neg9female = 0; int neg14female = 0; int neg19female = 0; int neg24female = 0; int neg49female = 0; int neg50female = 0; ChildFemaleHIV1Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild1) - (ChildFemaleHIV1); ChildFemaleHIV4Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild4) - (ChildFemaleHIV4); ChildFemaleHIV9Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild9) - (ChildFemaleHIV9); ChildFemaleHIV14Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleTestedChild14) - (ChildFemaleHIV14); if (ChildFemaleHIV1Neg <= -1) { neg1female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV4Neg <= -1) { neg4female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV9Neg <= -1) { neg9female = 1; } if (ChildFemaleHIV14Neg <= -1) { neg14female = 1; } System.out.println(facilityname + " fffff " + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + " " + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg); //negative AdultFemaleHIV19Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested19) - (AdultFemaleHIV19); AdultFemaleHIV24Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested24) - (AdultFemaleHIV24); AdultFemaleHIV49Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested49) - (AdultFemaleHIV49); AdultFemaleHIV50Neg = (float) Math.round(FemaleAdultTested50) - (AdultFemaleHIV50); if (AdultFemaleHIV19Neg <= -1) { neg19female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV24Neg <= -1) { neg24female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV49Neg <= -1) { neg49female = 1; } if (AdultFemaleHIV50Neg <= -1) { neg50female = 1; } double TotalNegativeFemale1 = 0; double TotalNegativeMale1 = 0; TotalNegativeFemale1 = AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + AdultFemaleHIV50Neg + ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + ChildFemaleHIV4Neg + ChildFemaleHIV9Neg + ChildFemaleHIV14Neg; TotalNegativeMale1 = AdultMaleHIV19Neg + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + ChildMaleHIV14Neg; // negative female checkdiff2 = negfem - TotalNegativeFemale1; if (checkdiff2 > 2 || checkdiff2 < -2) { redalert2 = 1; } // negativemale checkdiff3 = negmale - TotalNegativeMale1; if (checkdiff3 > 2 || checkdiff3 < -2) { redalert3 = 1; } c11.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeFemale + pmtctnegativetotal + under5negf));//pmtct if for women c12.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV1Neg + under5negf)); c13.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV4Neg)); c14.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV9Neg)); c15.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildFemaleHIV14Neg)); c16.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV19Neg + pmtct15to19neg)); c17.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV24Neg + pmtct20to24neg)); c18.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV49Neg + pmtct25to49neg)); c19.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultFemaleHIV50Neg)); c110.setCellValue((float) Math.round(TotalNegativeMale + under5negm + vmmcneg)); c111.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV1Neg + under5negm + vmmcless1neg)); c112.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV4Neg)); c113.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV9Neg + vmmc1to9neg)); c114.setCellValue((float) Math.round(ChildMaleHIV14Neg + vmmc10to14neg)); c115.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV19Neg + vmmc15to19neg)); c116.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV24Neg + vmmc20to24neg)); c117.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV49Neg + vmmc25to29neg + vmmc30to49neg));//here we join two vmmc age sets c117.setCellStyle(stborder); c118.setCellValue((float) Math.round(AdultMaleHIV50Neg + vmmc50neg)); c118.setCellStyle(stborder); // rem under 5 are all children c119.setCellValue(less15f + under5femalestotal); c119.setCellStyle(stborder); c120 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c120.setCellStyle(stborder); c121 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c121.setCellStyle(stborder); c122 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c122.setCellStyle(stborder); c123 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c123.setCellStyle(stborder); c124 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c124.setCellStyle(stborder); c125 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c125.setCellStyle(stborder); c126 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c126.setCellStyle(stborder); c127 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; c127.setCellStyle(stborder); c128 = rw0.createCell(mypos); mypos++; //this is the new addition c120.setCellValue(gret15f + pmtcttestedtotal); //add the males too c121.setCellValue(less15m + under5malestotal + vmmcless15); c122.setCellValue(gret15m + vmmcgret15); c123.setCellValue(TotalTested + pmtcttestedtotal + under5tes + vmmctes); c124.setCellValue(TotalPositive + pmtctpositivestotal + under5pos + vmmcpos); c125.setCellValue(TotalNegative + pmtctnegativetotal + under5neg + vmmcneg); c126.setCellValue(TotalTested + pmtcttestedtotal + under5tes + vmmctes); c127.setCellValue("PASSED"); System.out.println(facilityname + " jjj " + AdultMaleHIV19Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV24Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV49Neg + "__________" + AdultMaleHIV50Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV1Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV4Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV9Neg + "__________" + ChildMaleHIV14Neg); for (int i = 23; i <= 43; i++) { c11 = rw0.getCell(i); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (redalert2 == 1) { c11 = rw0.getCell(25); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (redalert3 == 1) { c110 = rw0.getCell(34); c110.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (finalalert == 1) { c119 = rw0.getCell(51); c119.setCellStyle(redstyle); c119.setCellValue("FAILED"); } //String PMTCT total tested and negatives //System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@@@ PMTCT TOTAL TESTED "+pmtcttestedtotal+" :: PMTCT POSITIVE "+pmtctpositivestotal); if (neg1female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(26); c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4female == 1) { c12 = rw0.getCell(27); c12.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9female == 1) { c13 = rw0.getCell(28); c13.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14female == 1) { c14 = rw0.getCell(29); c14.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19female == 1) { c15 = rw0.getCell(30); c15.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24female == 1) { c16 = rw0.getCell(31); c16.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49female == 1) { c17 = rw0.getCell(32); c17.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50female == 1) { c18 = rw0.getCell(33); c18.setCellStyle(redstyle); } //male if (neg1male == 1) { c111 = rw0.getCell(35); c111.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg4male == 1) { c112 = rw0.getCell(36); c112.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg9male == 1) { c113 = rw0.getCell(37); c113.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg14male == 1) { c114 = rw0.getCell(38); c114.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg19male == 1) { c115 = rw0.getCell(39); c115.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg24male == 1) { c116 = rw0.getCell(40); c116.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg49male == 1) { c117 = rw0.getCell(41); c117.setCellStyle(redstyle); } if (neg50male == 1) { c118 = rw0.getCell(42); c118.setCellStyle(redstyle); } } // shet3.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,5,20,20)); } //end of while loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for (int a = 0; a < staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows count++; rw0 = shet3.createRow(count); rw0.setHeightInPoints(23); for (int b = 0; b < blankrows; b++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (b == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rw0.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rw0.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rw0.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rw0.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 5) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(5); celldsd.setCellValue(staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 6) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(6); celldsd.setCellValue(statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == 7) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(7); celldsd.setCellValue(staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (b == blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rw0.createCell(blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rw0.createCell(b); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(stborder); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% } //end of HTC , VMMC , //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (conn.conn != null) { conn.conn.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.rs1 != null) { conn.rs1.close(); } if (conn.rs2 != null) { conn.rs2.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.st2 != null) { conn.st2.close(); } IdGenerator IG = new IdGenerator(); String createdOn = IG.CreatedOn(); ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outByteStream); byte[] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray(); response.setContentType("application/ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(outArray.length); response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=HTC-SDP_VMMC_HTC_Generatted_On_" + createdOn + ".xls"); OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(outArray); outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimHTCResults.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }