Example usage for Java org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel CellStyle fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
void | cloneStyleFrom(CellStyle source) Clones all the style information from another CellStyle, onto this one. |
HorizontalAlignment | getAlignment() get the type of horizontal alignment for the cell |
HorizontalAlignment | getAlignmentEnum() get the type of horizontal alignment for the cell |
BorderStyle | getBorderBottom() get the type of border to use for the bottom border of the cell |
BorderStyle | getBorderBottomEnum() get the type of border to use for the bottom border of the cell |
BorderStyle | getBorderLeft() get the type of border to use for the left border of the cell |
BorderStyle | getBorderLeftEnum() get the type of border to use for the left border of the cell |
BorderStyle | getBorderRight() get the type of border to use for the right border of the cell |
BorderStyle | getBorderRightEnum() get the type of border to use for the right border of the cell |
BorderStyle | getBorderTop() get the type of border to use for the top border of the cell |
BorderStyle | getBorderTopEnum() get the type of border to use for the top border of the cell |
short | getBottomBorderColor() get the color to use for the left border |
short | getDataFormat() get the index of the data format. |
String | getDataFormatString() Get the format string |
short | getFillBackgroundColor() get the background fill color, if the fill is defined with an indexed color. |
Color | getFillBackgroundColorColor() Gets the color object representing the current background fill, resolving indexes using the supplied workbook. |
short | getFillForegroundColor() get the foreground fill color, if the fill is defined with an indexed color. |
Color | getFillForegroundColorColor() Gets the color object representing the current foreground fill, resolving indexes using the supplied workbook. |
FillPatternType | getFillPattern() Get the fill pattern |
short | getFontIndex() gets the index of the font for this style |
int | getFontIndexAsInt() gets the index of the font for this style |
boolean | getHidden() get whether the cell's using this style are to be hidden |
short | getIndention() get the number of spaces to indent the text in the cell |
short | getIndex() get the index within the Workbook (sequence within the collection of ExtnededFormat objects) |
short | getLeftBorderColor() get the color to use for the left border |
boolean | getLocked() get whether the cell's using this style are to be locked |
short | getRightBorderColor() get the color to use for the left border |
short | getRotation() get the degree of rotation for the text in the cell. |
short | getTopBorderColor() get the color to use for the top border |
VerticalAlignment | getVerticalAlignment() get the type of vertical alignment for the cell |
VerticalAlignment | getVerticalAlignmentEnum() get the type of vertical alignment for the cell |
boolean | getWrapText() get whether the text should be wrapped |
void | setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment align) set the type of horizontal alignment for the cell |
void | setBorderBottom(BorderStyle border) set the type of border to use for the bottom border of the cell |
void | setBorderLeft(BorderStyle border) set the type of border to use for the left border of the cell |
void | setBorderRight(BorderStyle border) set the type of border to use for the right border of the cell |
void | setBorderTop(BorderStyle border) set the type of border to use for the top border of the cell |
void | setBottomBorderColor(short color) set the color to use for the bottom border |
void | setDataFormat(short fmt) set the data format (must be a valid format). |
void | setFillBackgroundColor(short bg) set the background fill color. |
void | setFillForegroundColor(short bg) set the foreground fill color Note: Ensure Foreground color is set prior to background color. |
void | setFillPattern(FillPatternType fp) setting to one fills the cell with the foreground color... |
void | setFont(Font font) set the font for this style |
void | setHidden(boolean hidden) set the cell's using this style to be hidden |
void | setIndention(short indent) set the number of spaces to indent the text in the cell |
void | setLeftBorderColor(short color) set the color to use for the left border |
void | setLocked(boolean locked) set the cell's using this style to be locked |
void | setRightBorderColor(short color) set the color to use for the right border |
void | setRotation(short rotation) set the degree of rotation for the text in the cell. |
void | setShrinkToFit(boolean shrinkToFit) Controls if the Cell should be auto-sized to shrink to fit if the text is too long |
void | setTopBorderColor(short color) set the color to use for the top border |
void | setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment align) set the type of vertical alignment for the cell |
void | setWrapText(boolean wrapped) Set whether the text should be wrapped. |