List of usage examples for BorderStyle DASHED
BorderStyle DASHED
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From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Tries to translate the given stroke width into one of the predefined excel border styles. * * @param widthRaw the AWT-Stroke-Width. * @return the translated excel border width. */// w w w . ja v a2 s .co m protected static translateStroke( final borderStyle, final long widthRaw) { final double width = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(widthRaw); if ( { return BorderStyle.NONE; } else if ( { return width <= 1.5 ? BorderStyle.DASHED : BorderStyle.MEDIUM_DASHED; } else if ( { return width <= 1.5 ? BorderStyle.DASH_DOT_DOT : BorderStyle.MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOT; } else if ( { return width <= 1.5 ? BorderStyle.DASH_DOT : BorderStyle.MEDIUM_DASH_DOT; } else if ( { return BorderStyle.DOTTED; } else if ( { return BorderStyle.DOUBLE; } else if (width == 0) { return BorderStyle.NONE; } else if (width <= 0.5) { return BorderStyle.HAIR; } else if (width <= 1) { return BorderStyle.THIN; } else if (width <= 1.5) { return BorderStyle.MEDIUM; } else { return BorderStyle.THICK; } }
From source
License:BSD License
private static Map<BorderStyle, String> createBorderMap() { Map<BorderStyle, String> result = new HashMap<BorderStyle, String>(); result.put(BorderStyle.DASHED, "dashed 1pt"); result.put(BorderStyle.DASH_DOT, "dashed 1pt"); result.put(BorderStyle.DASH_DOT_DOT, "dashed 1pt"); result.put(BorderStyle.DOTTED, "dotted 1pt"); result.put(BorderStyle.DOUBLE, "double 3pt"); result.put(BorderStyle.HAIR, "solid 1pt"); result.put(BorderStyle.MEDIUM, "2pt solid"); result.put(BorderStyle.MEDIUM_DASHED, "2pt dashed"); result.put(BorderStyle.MEDIUM_DASH_DOT, "2pt dashed"); result.put(BorderStyle.MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOT, "2pt dashed"); result.put(BorderStyle.NONE, "none"); result.put(BorderStyle.SLANTED_DASH_DOT, "dashed 2pt"); result.put(BorderStyle.THICK, "solid 3pt"); result.put(BorderStyle.THIN, "dashed 1pt"); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result); }
From source
License:Apache License
protected CellStyle getStyle(A f, boolean dashed, String format) { String styleId = (dashed ? "D" : "") + (f.has(F.BOLD) ? "b" : "") + (f.has(F.ITALIC) ? "i" : "") + (f.has(F.UNDERLINE) ? "u" : "") + (f.has(F.RIGHT) ? "R" : f.has(F.CENTER) ? "C" : "L") + (f.hasColor() ? "#" + Integer.toHexString(f.getColor().getRGB()) : "") + (format == null ? "" : "|" + format); CellStyle style = iStyles.get(styleId); if (style == null) { style = iWorkbook.createCellStyle(); if (dashed) { style.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.DASHED); style.setTopBorderColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); }/*w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ style.setAlignment(f.has(F.RIGHT) ? HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT : f.has(F.CENTER) ? HorizontalAlignment.CENTER : HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.TOP); style.setFont(getFont(f.has(F.BOLD), f.has(F.ITALIC), f.has(F.UNDERLINE), f.getColor())); style.setWrapText(true); if (format != null) style.setDataFormat(iWorkbook.createDataFormat().getFormat(format)); iStyles.put(styleId, style); } return style; }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Converts a BIRT border style into a POI BorderStyle. * @param birtBorder//from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m * The BIRT border style. * @param width * The width of the border as understood by BIRT. * @return * A POI BorderStyle object. */ private BorderStyle poiBorderStyleFromBirt(String birtBorder, String width) { if ("none".equals(birtBorder)) { return BorderStyle.NONE; } double pxWidth = 3.0; if (CSSConstants.CSS_THIN_VALUE.equals(width)) { pxWidth = 1.0; } else if (CSSConstants.CSS_MEDIUM_VALUE.equals(width)) { pxWidth = 3.0; } else if (CSSConstants.CSS_THICK_VALUE.equals(width)) { pxWidth = 4.0; } else { DimensionType dim = DimensionType.parserUnit(width); if (dim != null) { if ("px".equals(dim.getUnits())) { pxWidth = dim.getMeasure(); } } } if ("solid".equals(birtBorder)) { if (pxWidth < 2.9) { return BorderStyle.THIN; } else if (pxWidth < 3.1) { return BorderStyle.MEDIUM; } else { return BorderStyle.THICK; } } else if ("dashed".equals(birtBorder)) { if (pxWidth < 2.9) { return BorderStyle.DASHED; } else { return BorderStyle.MEDIUM_DASHED; } } else if ("dotted".equals(birtBorder)) { return BorderStyle.DOTTED; } else if ("double".equals(birtBorder)) { return BorderStyle.DOUBLE; } log.debug("Border style \"", birtBorder, "\" is not recognised."); return BorderStyle.NONE; }