Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.unitime.timetable.export; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFClientAnchor; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPalette; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPatriarch; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.unitime.timetable.export.Exporter.Printer; import org.unitime.timetable.export.PDFPrinter.A; import org.unitime.timetable.export.PDFPrinter.F; /** * @author Tomas Muller */ public class XLSPrinter implements Printer { private static Pattern sNumber = Pattern.compile("[+-]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*[a-z]?"); private OutputStream iOutput; private Workbook iWorkbook; private Object[] iLastLine = null; private boolean iCheckLast = false; private Set<Integer> iHiddenColumns = new HashSet<Integer>(); private Sheet iSheet; private int iRowNum = 0; private Map<String, CellStyle> iStyles; private Map<String, Font> iFonts = new HashMap<String, Font>(); private Map<String, Short> iColors = new HashMap<String, Short>(); public XLSPrinter(OutputStream output, boolean checkLast) { iOutput = output; iCheckLast = checkLast; iWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); iSheet = iWorkbook.createSheet(); iSheet.setDisplayGridlines(false); iSheet.setPrintGridlines(false); iSheet.setFitToPage(true); iSheet.setHorizontallyCenter(true); PrintSetup printSetup = iSheet.getPrintSetup(); printSetup.setLandscape(true); iSheet.setAutobreaks(true); printSetup.setFitHeight((short) 1); printSetup.setFitWidth((short) 1); iStyles = new HashMap<String, CellStyle>(); CellStyle style; style = iWorkbook.createCellStyle(); style.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); style.setBottomBorderColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); style.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.TOP); style.setFont(getFont(true, false, false, Color.BLACK)); style.setFillForegroundColor(IndexedColors.LIGHT_CORNFLOWER_BLUE.getIndex()); style.setFillPattern(FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND); style.setWrapText(true); iStyles.put("header", style); style = iWorkbook.createCellStyle(); style.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.TOP); style.setFont(getFont(false, false, false, Color.BLACK)); style.setWrapText(true); iStyles.put("plain", style); style = iWorkbook.createCellStyle(); style.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT); style.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.TOP); style.setFont(getFont(false, false, false, Color.BLACK)); iStyles.put("number", style); } @Override public String getContentType() { return "application/"; } @Override public void hideColumn(int col) { iHiddenColumns.add(col); } @Override public void printHeader(String... fields) { Row headerRow = iSheet.createRow(iRowNum++); int cellIdx = 0; int nrLines = 1; for (int idx = 0; idx < fields.length; idx++) { if (iHiddenColumns.contains(idx)) continue; Cell cell = headerRow.createCell(cellIdx++); cell.setCellStyle(iStyles.get("header")); cell.setCellValue(fields[idx]); if (fields[idx] != null) nrLines = Math.max(nrLines, fields[idx].split("\n").length); } if (nrLines > 1) headerRow.setHeightInPoints(nrLines * iSheet.getDefaultRowHeightInPoints() + 1f); } @Override public void printLine(String... fields) { int cellIdx = 0; Row row = iSheet.createRow(iRowNum++); int nrLines = 1; for (int idx = 0; idx < fields.length; idx++) { if (iHiddenColumns.contains(idx)) continue; if (iHiddenColumns.contains(idx)) continue; Cell cell = row.createCell(cellIdx++); String f = fields[idx]; if (f == null || f.isEmpty() || (iCheckLast && f.equals(iLastLine == null || idx >= iLastLine.length ? null : iLastLine[idx]))) f = ""; boolean number = sNumber.matcher(f).matches(); cell.setCellStyle(iStyles.get(number ? "number" : "plain")); if (f == null || f.isEmpty()) { } else if (number) { try { cell.setCellValue(Double.valueOf(f)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { cell.setCellValue(f); } } else { nrLines = Math.max(nrLines, f.split("\n").length); cell.setCellValue(f); } } if (nrLines > 1) row.setHeightInPoints(nrLines * iSheet.getDefaultRowHeightInPoints() + 1f); iLastLine = fields; } public void printLine(A... fields) { int cellIdx = 0; Row row = iSheet.createRow(iRowNum++); int nrLines = 1; for (int idx = 0; idx < fields.length; idx++) { if (iHiddenColumns.contains(idx)) continue; Cell cell = row.createCell(cellIdx++); A f = fields[idx]; if (f == null || f.isEmpty() || (iCheckLast && f.equals(iLastLine == null || idx >= iLastLine.length ? null : iLastLine[idx]))) { f = new A(); if (fields[idx] != null && fields[idx].has(F.NOSEPARATOR)) f.set(F.NOSEPARATOR); } cell.setCellStyle(getStyle(f, iLastLine == null && !f.has(F.NOSEPARATOR), f.getPattern())); if (f.hasBufferedImage()) { try { addImageToSheet(cellIdx - 1, iRowNum - 1, (HSSFSheet) iSheet, f.getBufferedImage(), EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (f.isNumber()) { cell.setCellValue(f.getNumber()); } else if (f.isDate()) { cell.setCellValue(f.getDate()); } else if (f.hasText()) { boolean number = sNumber.matcher(f.getText()).matches(); if (number && f.has(F.RIGHT)) { try { cell.setCellValue(Double.valueOf(f.getText())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { cell.setCellValue(f.getText()); } } else { cell.setCellValue(f.getText()); nrLines = Math.max(nrLines, f.getText().split("\n").length); } } else if (f.hasChunks()) { StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); List<Object[]> font = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (A g : f.getChunks()) { if (g.hasText()) { if (text.length() > 0) text.append(f.has(F.INLINE) ? " " : "\n"); font.add(new Object[] { text.length(), getFont(g.has(F.BOLD), g.has(F.ITALIC), g.has(F.UNDERLINE), g.getColor()) .getIndex() }); text.append(g.getText()); } if (g.hasChunks()) { for (A h : g.getChunks()) { if (h.hasText()) { if (text.length() > 0) text.append(" "); font.add(new Object[] { text.length(), getFont(h.has(F.BOLD), h.has(F.ITALIC), h.has(F.UNDERLINE), h.getColor()) .getIndex() }); text.append(h.getText()); } } } } nrLines = Math.max(nrLines, text.toString().split("\n").length); font.add(new Object[] { text.length(), (short) 0 }); HSSFRichTextString value = new HSSFRichTextString(text.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < font.size() - 1; i++) value.applyFont((Integer) font.get(i)[0], (Integer) font.get(1 + i)[0], (Short) font.get(i)[1]); cell.setCellValue(value); } } if (nrLines > 1) row.setHeightInPoints( Math.max(nrLines * iSheet.getDefaultRowHeightInPoints() + 1f, row.getHeightInPoints())); iLastLine = fields; } protected Font getFont(boolean bold, boolean italic, boolean underline, Color c) { Short color = null; if (c == null) c = Color.BLACK; if (c != null) { String colorId = Integer.toHexString(c.getRGB()); color = iColors.get(colorId); if (color == null) { HSSFPalette palette = ((HSSFWorkbook) iWorkbook).getCustomPalette(); HSSFColor clr = palette.findSimilarColor(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue()); color = (clr == null ? IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex() : clr.getIndex()); iColors.put(colorId, color); } } String fontId = (bold ? "b" : "") + (italic ? "i" : "") + (underline ? "u" : "") + (color == null ? "" : color); Font font = iFonts.get(fontId); if (font == null) { font = iWorkbook.createFont(); font.setBold(bold); font.setItalic(italic); font.setUnderline(underline ? Font.U_SINGLE : Font.U_NONE); font.setColor(color); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 10); font.setFontName("Arial"); iFonts.put(fontId, font); } return font; } protected CellStyle getStyle(A f, boolean dashed, String format) { String styleId = (dashed ? "D" : "") + (f.has(F.BOLD) ? "b" : "") + (f.has(F.ITALIC) ? "i" : "") + (f.has(F.UNDERLINE) ? "u" : "") + (f.has(F.RIGHT) ? "R" : f.has(F.CENTER) ? "C" : "L") + (f.hasColor() ? "#" + Integer.toHexString(f.getColor().getRGB()) : "") + (format == null ? "" : "|" + format); CellStyle style = iStyles.get(styleId); if (style == null) { style = iWorkbook.createCellStyle(); if (dashed) { style.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.DASHED); style.setTopBorderColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); } style.setAlignment(f.has(F.RIGHT) ? HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT : f.has(F.CENTER) ? HorizontalAlignment.CENTER : HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.TOP); style.setFont(getFont(f.has(F.BOLD), f.has(F.ITALIC), f.has(F.UNDERLINE), f.getColor())); style.setWrapText(true); if (format != null) style.setDataFormat(iWorkbook.createDataFormat().getFormat(format)); iStyles.put(styleId, style); } return style; } public static final int EXPAND_ROW = 1; public static final int EXPAND_COLUMN = 2; public static final int EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN = 3; public static final int OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN = 7; protected void addImageToSheet(int colNumber, int rowNumber, HSSFSheet sheet, BufferedImage image, int resizeBehaviour) throws IOException { double reqImageWidthMM = image.getWidth() / ConvertImageUnits.PIXELS_PER_MILLIMETRES; double reqImageHeightMM = image.getHeight() / ConvertImageUnits.PIXELS_PER_MILLIMETRES; addImageToSheet(colNumber, rowNumber, sheet, image, reqImageWidthMM, reqImageHeightMM, resizeBehaviour); } protected void addImageToSheet(int colNumber, int rowNumber, HSSFSheet sheet, BufferedImage image, double reqImageWidthMM, double reqImageHeightMM, int resizeBehaviour) throws IOException { ClientAnchorDetail colClientAnchorDetail = fitImageToColumns(sheet, colNumber, reqImageWidthMM, resizeBehaviour); ClientAnchorDetail rowClientAnchorDetail = fitImageToRows(sheet, rowNumber, reqImageHeightMM, resizeBehaviour); HSSFClientAnchor anchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, colClientAnchorDetail.getInset(), rowClientAnchorDetail.getInset(), (short) colClientAnchorDetail.getFromIndex(), rowClientAnchorDetail.getFromIndex(), (short) colClientAnchorDetail.getToIndex(), rowClientAnchorDetail.getToIndex()); anchor.setAnchorType(AnchorType.MOVE_AND_RESIZE); ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(image, "PNG", bytes); int index = sheet.getWorkbook().addPicture(bytes.toByteArray(), HSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG); HSSFPatriarch patriarch = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch(); patriarch.createPicture(anchor, index); } private ClientAnchorDetail fitImageToColumns(HSSFSheet sheet, int colNumber, double reqImageWidthMM, int resizeBehaviour) { double colWidthMM; double colCoordinatesPerMM; int pictureWidthCoordinates; ClientAnchorDetail colClientAnchorDetail = null; colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres((short) sheet.getColumnWidth(colNumber)); if (colWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) { if (resizeBehaviour == EXPAND_COLUMN || resizeBehaviour == EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN) { sheet.setColumnWidth(colNumber, ConvertImageUnits.millimetres2WidthUnits(reqImageWidthMM)); colWidthMM = reqImageWidthMM; colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM; pictureWidthCoordinates = (int) (reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM); colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates); } else if (resizeBehaviour == OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN || resizeBehaviour == EXPAND_ROW) { colClientAnchorDetail = calculateColumnLocation(sheet, colNumber, reqImageWidthMM); } } else { colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM; pictureWidthCoordinates = (int) (reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM); colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber, colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates); } return (colClientAnchorDetail); } private ClientAnchorDetail calculateColumnLocation(HSSFSheet sheet, int startingColumn, double reqImageWidthMM) { ClientAnchorDetail anchorDetail; double totalWidthMM = 0.0D; double colWidthMM = 0.0D; double overlapMM; double coordinatePositionsPerMM; int toColumn = startingColumn; int inset; while (totalWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) { colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres((short) (sheet.getColumnWidth(toColumn))); totalWidthMM += (colWidthMM + ConvertImageUnits.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH_MILLIMETRES); toColumn++; } toColumn--; if ((int) totalWidthMM == (int) reqImageWidthMM) { anchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(startingColumn, toColumn, ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS); } else { overlapMM = reqImageWidthMM - (totalWidthMM - colWidthMM); if (overlapMM < 0) { overlapMM = 0.0D; } coordinatePositionsPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / colWidthMM; inset = (int) (coordinatePositionsPerMM * overlapMM); anchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(startingColumn, toColumn, inset); } return (anchorDetail); } private ClientAnchorDetail fitImageToRows(HSSFSheet sheet, int rowNumber, double reqImageHeightMM, int resizeBehaviour) { double rowCoordinatesPerMM; int pictureHeightCoordinates; ClientAnchorDetail rowClientAnchorDetail = null; HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(rowNumber); if (row == null) { row = sheet.createRow(rowNumber); } double rowHeightMM = row.getHeightInPoints() / ConvertImageUnits.POINTS_PER_MILLIMETRE; if (rowHeightMM < reqImageHeightMM) { if (resizeBehaviour == EXPAND_ROW || resizeBehaviour == EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN) { row.setHeightInPoints((float) (reqImageHeightMM * ConvertImageUnits.POINTS_PER_MILLIMETRE)); rowHeightMM = reqImageHeightMM; rowCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_ROW_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / rowHeightMM; pictureHeightCoordinates = (int) (reqImageHeightMM * rowCoordinatesPerMM); rowClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(rowNumber, rowNumber, pictureHeightCoordinates); } else if (resizeBehaviour == OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN || resizeBehaviour == EXPAND_COLUMN) { rowClientAnchorDetail = calculateRowLocation(sheet, rowNumber, reqImageHeightMM); } } else { rowCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_ROW_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / rowHeightMM; pictureHeightCoordinates = (int) (reqImageHeightMM * rowCoordinatesPerMM); rowClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(rowNumber, rowNumber, pictureHeightCoordinates); } return rowClientAnchorDetail; } private ClientAnchorDetail calculateRowLocation(HSSFSheet sheet, int startingRow, double reqImageHeightMM) { ClientAnchorDetail clientAnchorDetail; HSSFRow row; double rowHeightMM = 0.0D; double totalRowHeightMM = 0.0D; double overlapMM; double rowCoordinatesPerMM; int toRow = startingRow; int inset; while (totalRowHeightMM < reqImageHeightMM) { row = sheet.getRow(toRow); if (row == null) { row = sheet.createRow(toRow); } rowHeightMM = row.getHeightInPoints() / ConvertImageUnits.POINTS_PER_MILLIMETRE; totalRowHeightMM += rowHeightMM; toRow++; } toRow--; if ((int) totalRowHeightMM == (int) reqImageHeightMM) { clientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(startingRow, toRow, ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_ROW_COORDINATE_POSITIONS); } else { overlapMM = reqImageHeightMM - (totalRowHeightMM - rowHeightMM); if (overlapMM < 0) { overlapMM = 0.0D; } rowCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_ROW_COORDINATE_POSITIONS / rowHeightMM; inset = (int) (overlapMM * rowCoordinatesPerMM); clientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(startingRow, toRow, inset); } return clientAnchorDetail; } public static class ClientAnchorDetail { public int iFromIndex; public int iToIndex; public int iInset; public ClientAnchorDetail(int fromIndex, int toIndex, int inset) { iFromIndex = fromIndex; iToIndex = toIndex; iInset = inset; } public int getFromIndex() { return iFromIndex; } public int getToIndex() { return iToIndex; } public int getInset() { return iInset; } } public static class ConvertImageUnits { public static final int TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS = 1023; public static final int TOTAL_ROW_COORDINATE_POSITIONS = 255; public static final int PIXELS_PER_INCH = 96; public static final double PIXELS_PER_MILLIMETRES = 3.78; public static final double POINTS_PER_MILLIMETRE = 2.83; public static final double CELL_BORDER_WIDTH_MILLIMETRES = 2.0d; public static final short EXCEL_COLUMN_WIDTH_FACTOR = 256; public static final int UNIT_OFFSET_LENGTH = 7; public static final int[] UNIT_OFFSET_MAP = new int[] { 0, 36, 73, 109, 146, 182, 219 }; public static short pixel2WidthUnits(int pxs) { short widthUnits = (short) (EXCEL_COLUMN_WIDTH_FACTOR * (pxs / UNIT_OFFSET_LENGTH)); widthUnits += UNIT_OFFSET_MAP[(pxs % UNIT_OFFSET_LENGTH)]; return widthUnits; } public static int widthUnits2Pixel(short widthUnits) { int pixels = (widthUnits / EXCEL_COLUMN_WIDTH_FACTOR) * UNIT_OFFSET_LENGTH; int offsetWidthUnits = widthUnits % EXCEL_COLUMN_WIDTH_FACTOR; pixels += Math.round(offsetWidthUnits / ((float) EXCEL_COLUMN_WIDTH_FACTOR / UNIT_OFFSET_LENGTH)); return pixels; } public static double widthUnits2Millimetres(short widthUnits) { return ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Pixel(widthUnits) / ConvertImageUnits.PIXELS_PER_MILLIMETRES; } public static int millimetres2WidthUnits(double millimetres) { return ConvertImageUnits .pixel2WidthUnits((int) (millimetres * ConvertImageUnits.PIXELS_PER_MILLIMETRES)); } } @Override public void flush() { iLastLine = null; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { for (short col = 0; col <= iSheet.getRow(0).getLastCellNum(); col++) if (iSheet.getColumnWidth(col) == 256 * iSheet.getDefaultColumnWidth()) iSheet.autoSizeColumn(col); iWorkbook.write(iOutput); iWorkbook.close(); } }