Example usage for org.apache.http.entity.mime MultipartEntityBuilder create

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.entity.mime MultipartEntityBuilder create


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.entity.mime MultipartEntityBuilder create.


public static MultipartEntityBuilder create() 

Source Link


From source file:nzilbb.bas.BAS.java

 * Invoke the TextAlign service for aligning two representations of text, e.g. letters in orthographic transcript with phonemes in a phonemic transcription.
 * @param i CSV text file with two semicolon-separated columns. Each row contains a sequence pair to be aligned. The sequence elements must be separated by a blank. Example: a word and its canonical transcription like S c h e r z;S E6 t s.
 * @param cost Cost function for the edit operations substitution, deletion, and insertion to be used for the alignment.
 * <ul>/*from   w  w  w.  jav a  2s.c o  m*/
 *  <li>"naive" - assigns cost 1 to all operations except of null-substitution, i.e. the substitution of a symbol by itself, which receives cost 0. This 'naive' cost function should be used only if the pairs to be aligned share the same vocabulary, which is NOT the case e.g. in grapheme-phoneme alignment (grapheme 'x' is not the same as phoneme 'x').</li>
 *  <li>"g2p_deu", "g2p_eng" etc. are predefined cost functions for grapheme-phoneme alignment for the respective language expressed as iso639-3.</li>
 *  <li>"intrinsic" -  a cost function is trained on the input data and returned in the output zip. Costs are derived from co-occurrence probabilities, thus the bigger the input file, the more reliable the emerging cost function.</li> 
 *  <li>"import" - the user can provide his/her own cost function file, that must be a semicolon-separated 3-column csv text file. Examples: v;w;0.7 - the substitution of 'v' by 'w' costs 0.7. v;_;0.8 - the delition of 'v' costs 0.8; _;w;0.9 - the insertion of 'w' costs 0.9. A typical usecase is to train a cost function on a big data set with cost='intrinsic', and to subsequently apply this cost function on smaller data sets with cost='import'.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param costfile CSV text file with three semicolon-separated columns. Each row contains three columns of the form a;b;c, where c denotes the cost for substituting a by b. Insertion and deletion are are marked by an underscore.
 * @param displc whether alignment costs should be displayed in a third column in the output file. 
 * @param atype Alignment type:
 *  <ul>
 *   <li>"dir" - align the second column to the first.</li>
 *   <li>"sym" symmetric alignment.</li>
 *  </ul>
 * @return The response to the request.
 * @throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
 * @throws ParserConfigurationException If the XML parser for parsing the response could not be     */
public BASResponse TextAlign(InputStream i, String cost, InputStream costfile, Boolean displc, String atype)
        throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException {
    if (displc == null)
        displc = Boolean.FALSE;
    if (atype == null)
        atype = "dir";
    HttpPost request = new HttpPost(getTextAlignUrl());
    MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create()
            .addBinaryBody("i", i, ContentType.create("text/csv"), "BAS.csv").addTextBody("cost", cost)
            .addTextBody("displc", displc ? "yes" : "no").addTextBody("atype", atype);
    if (costfile != null)
        builder.addBinaryBody("costfile", costfile, ContentType.create("text/csv"), "BAS.cst.csv");
    HttpEntity entity = builder.build();
    HttpResponse httpResponse = httpclient.execute(request);
    HttpEntity result = httpResponse.getEntity();
    return new BASResponse(result.getContent());

From source file:co.beem.project.beem.FbTextService.java

private void uploadPicture(ImageMessageInQueue imageMessageInQueue, String pageId, String accessToken,
        String message) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
    String url = String.format(
            "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/%s/photos/?access_token=%s&published=false&message=%s", pageId,
            accessToken, message);//from  www . j  a v  a2  s  . c  o  m
    HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
    HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
    //Image attaching
    MultipartEntityBuilder multipartEntity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
    File file = new File(imageMessageInQueue.getLocalPath());
    Bitmap bi = decodeFile(file);
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    bi.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 65, baos);
    byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
    ByteArrayBody byteArrayBody = new ByteArrayBody(data, file.getName());
    //multipartEntity.addBinaryBody("source", file, ContentType.create("image/jpeg"), file.getName());
    multipartEntity.addPart("source", byteArrayBody);
    HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
    HttpEntity resEntity = response.getEntity();
    final String response_str = EntityUtils.toString(resEntity);
    if (FbTextApplication.isDebug)
        Log.v(TAG, "response entity: " + response_str);
    int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
    if (FbTextApplication.isDebug)
        Log.v(TAG, "response status code: " + statusCode);

    //get image link here
    if (200 != statusCode) {
        sendBroadcastPhotoResult(false, imageMessageInQueue, "");
        // update database this failure
        saveMessageImageSentStatus(imageMessageInQueue, false);
    } else
        try {
            String photoPostId = new Gson().fromJson(response_str, FbPost.class).getId();
            URL fbPhoto = new URL(
                            photoPostId, accessToken));
            HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) fbPhoto.openConnection();
            InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();
            String postDetailString = "";
            if (null != inputStream)
                postDetailString = getStringFromInputStream(inputStream);
            if (FbTextApplication.isDebug)
                Log.v(TAG, postDetailString);
            if (postDetailString != null && postDetailString.length() > 1) {
                FbPhoto photo = new Gson().fromJson(postDetailString, FbPhoto.class);
                if (photo != null && photo.getImages() != null) {
                    boolean isSentLinkSuccess = true;
                    try {
                        BeemChatManager chatManager = getChatManager();
                        if (chatManager != null) {
                            ChatAdapter adapter = chatManager.getChat(imageMessageInQueue.getjIdWithRes());
                            Log.e(TAG, "jId with res: " + imageMessageInQueue.getjIdWithRes());
                            BeemMessage msgToSend = new BeemMessage(imageMessageInQueue.getjIdWithRes(),
                            msgToSend.setBody(" sent you a photo " + photo.getImages().get(0).getSource());
                            if (adapter != null) {
                            } else {
                                IChat newChat = chatManager.createChat(imageMessageInQueue.getjIdWithRes(),
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        isSentLinkSuccess = false;

                    sendBroadcastPhotoResult(isSentLinkSuccess, imageMessageInQueue,
                    // save image as sent
                    saveMessageImageSentStatus(imageMessageInQueue, isSentLinkSuccess);

                    //sleep a while after sent successfull
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            sendBroadcastPhotoResult(false, imageMessageInQueue, " ");
            saveMessageImageSentStatus(imageMessageInQueue, false);

From source file:wsserver.EKF1TimerSessionBean.java

private boolean postMultipartSectUpd(List<CbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBx> uswps) {
    String charset = "UTF-8";
    String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php";
    boolean reply = true;
    String sreply = "";

    if (uswps.isEmpty())
        return reply;
    long allFileSize = 0;

    String logStr = "Upd sect cnt=" + uswps.size() + ". ";
    CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();

    try {//from  w w  w . j ava2s . c om
        MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset);
        HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(requestURL);
        MultipartEntityBuilder reqBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();

        multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava");
        httppost.addHeader("User-Agent", "CodeJava");
        multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value");
        int index = 0;
        multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "UPDATE");
        reqBuilder.addPart("OTYPE", new StringBody("UPDATE", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
        multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CSECT");
        reqBuilder.addPart("ENTITY", new StringBody("1CSECT", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
        int ocnt = uswps.size();
        multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt);
        reqBuilder.addPart("OCNT", new StringBody("" + ocnt, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
        //String logStr=""; 
        for (CbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBx npwp : uswps) {
            multipart.addFormField("SID" + index, npwp.getSid());
            reqBuilder.addPart("SID" + index, new StringBody(npwp.getSid(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            //    multipart.addFormField("SETSID"+index, "1");
            //    multipart.addFormField("SETSID"+index, "0");
            //multipart.addFormField("NEWSID"+index, npwp.getCbBxgroupId());

            logStr += "[" + index + "] NAME " + npwp.getBxname() + "," + npwp.getF1cname() + ","
                    + npwp.getBxparentId() + "," + npwp.getF1cparentId();

            if (!npwp.getBxname().equals(npwp.getF1cname())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSNAME" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSNAME" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSNAME" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSNAME" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            if (!npwp.getBxparentId().equals(npwp.getF1cparentId())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSGRXMLID" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSGRXMLID" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSGRXMLID" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSGRXMLID" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SNAME" + index, npwp.getF1cname());
            reqBuilder.addPart("SNAME" + index, new StringBody(npwp.getF1cname(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SGRXMLID" + index, npwp.getF1cparentId());
            reqBuilder.addPart("SGRXMLID" + index,
                    new StringBody(npwp.getF1cparentId(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            boolean error_file_operation = false, uploadFiles = true;
            long sectFilesSize = 0;
            boolean tooLargeDsc = false, tooLargeGb = false, tooLargeDoc = false;

            ArrayList<String> dscFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

            try {
                if (!npwp.getBxDescriptsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson())) {
                    JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson()));
                    JsonObject jo = jsonReader.readObject();

                    int dcount = 0;
                    logStr += "cnt=" + jo.getString("dc", "0");
                    for (int i = 0; i < Tools.parseInt(jo.getString("dc", "0"), 0); i++) {
                        logStr += ("[" + i + "]");
                        try {
                            if (jo.getString("fp" + i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    dscFiles.add(jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("dsc" + i));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("fn" + i));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(jo.getString("dsc" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(jo.getString("fn" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    sectFilesSize += f.length();
                                } else {
                                    tooLargeDsc = true;
                                    logStr += "Too large " + jo.getString("fp" + i);

                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dsc file operation!!! " + fle);


                    if (dcount > 0) {
                        multipart.addFormField("FDSCDC" + index, "" + dcount);
                        reqBuilder.addPart("FDSCDC" + index,
                                new StringBody("" + dcount, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            } catch (Exception fle) {
                logStr += (npwp.getF1cname() + " Error F1cDescriptsJson parse operation!!! " + fle + "[["
                        + npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson() + "]]");

            ArrayList<String> gbFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

            try {
                if (!npwp.getBxGabaritsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson())) {
                    JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson()));
                    JsonObject jo = jsonReader.readObject();

                    int dcount = 0;
                    logStr += "cnt=" + jo.getString("dc", "0");
                    for (int i = 0; i < Tools.parseInt(jo.getString("dc", "0"), 0); i++) {
                        logStr += ("[" + i + "]");
                        try {
                            if (jo.getString("fp" + i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    gbFiles.add(jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("dsc" + i));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("fn" + i));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(jo.getString("dsc" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(jo.getString("fn" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    sectFilesSize += f.length();
                                    logStr += "[=" + dcount + "=]";
                                } else {
                                    tooLargeGb = true;
                                    logStr += "Too large " + jo.getString("fp" + i);

                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dsc file operation!!! " + fle);


                    if (dcount > 0) {
                        multipart.addFormField("FGBDC" + index, "" + dcount);
                        reqBuilder.addPart("FGBDC" + index,
                                new StringBody("" + dcount, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            } catch (Exception fle) {
                logStr += (npwp.getF1cname() + " Error F1cGabaritsJson parse operation!!! " + fle + "[["
                        + npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson() + "]]");

            ArrayList<String> docFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

            try {
                if (!npwp.getBxDocsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDocsJson())) {
                    JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(npwp.getF1cDocsJson()));
                    JsonObject jo = jsonReader.readObject();

                    int dcount = 0;
                    logStr += "cnt=" + jo.getString("dc", "0");
                    for (int i = 0; i < Tools.parseInt(jo.getString("dc", "0"), 0); i++) {
                        logStr += ("[" + i + "]");
                        try {
                            if (jo.getString("fp" + i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                if (f.length() <= maxPostedDocFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    docFiles.add(jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("dsc" + i));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("fn" + i));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(jo.getString("dsc" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(jo.getString("fn" + i)),
                                    sectFilesSize += f.length();
                                } else {
                                    tooLargeDoc = true;
                                    logStr += "Too large " + jo.getString("fp" + i);

                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error doc file operation!!! " + fle);


                    if (dcount > 0) {
                        multipart.addFormField("FDOCDC" + index, "" + dcount);
                        reqBuilder.addPart("FDOCDC" + index,
                                new StringBody("" + dcount, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            } catch (Exception fle) {
                logStr += (npwp.getF1cname() + " Error F1cDocsJson parse operation!!! " + fle + "[["
                        + npwp.getF1cDocsJson() + "]]");

            try {
                if (npwp.getF1cPicture().length() > 0 && npwp.getBxPicture().length() == 0 && uploadFiles) {
                    File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cPicture().replace("\\", "/"));
                    if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                            && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                        sectFilesSize += f.length();
            } catch (Exception fle) {
                error_file_operation = true;
                logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cPicture file operation!!! " + fle);

            try {

                if (npwp.getF1cMcatalog().length() > 0 && npwp.getBxMcatalog().length() == 0 && uploadFiles) {
                    File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cMcatalog().replace("\\", "/"));
                    if (f.length() <= maxPostedDocFileSize
                            && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                        sectFilesSize += f.length();

            } catch (Exception fle) {
                error_file_operation = true;
                logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cMcatalog file operation!!! " + fle);

            if ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize) > maxPostFilePartSize) {
                logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - too big sect files sizes summ!!!");
            } else {
                if (!error_file_operation) {
                    try {
                        if (!npwp.getF1cPicture().equals(npwp.getBxPicture()) && uploadFiles) {
                            File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cPicture().replace("\\", "/"));
                            if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                    && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                logStr += ",getF1cPicture " + npwp.getF1cPicture() + "fname=" + f.getName()
                                        + ",fpath=" + f.getPath() + ",flength=[" + f.length() + "]";
                                allFileSize += f.length();

                                try {
                                    BufferedImage originalImage = ImageIO.read(f);
                                    if ((originalImage.getHeight() > 400 || originalImage.getWidth() > 400)
                                            && false) {
                                        int type = originalImage.getType() == 0 ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB
                                                : originalImage.getType();
                                        BufferedImage resizeImageJpg = resizeImage(originalImage, type);

                                        logStr += "Not require resize";
                                        //multipart.addFilePart("PICTURE"+index, (resizeImageJpg) );
                                        //multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE"+index, "1");
                                    } else {
                                        logStr += "Not require resize";
                                        multipart.addFilePart("PICTURE" + index, (f));
                                        multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE" + index, "1");
                                        multipart.addFormField("PICTURE_PATH" + index,
                                        reqBuilder.addPart("PICTURE" + index, new FileBody(f));
                                        reqBuilder.addPart("SETPICTURE" + index,
                                                new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                } catch (Exception frle) {
                                    logStr += "Error resizing" + frle;
                                    multipart.addFilePart("PICTURE" + index, (f));
                                    multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE" + index, "1");
                                    multipart.addFormField("PICTURE_PATH" + index,
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("PICTURE" + index, new FileBody(f));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("SETPICTURE" + index,
                                            new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            } else {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE" + index, "0");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETPICTURE" + index,
                                        new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                logStr += ",getF1cPicture " + f.length() + " more "
                                        + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                    } catch (Exception fle) {
                        error_file_operation = true;
                        logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cPicture file operation!!! "
                                + fle);
                    try {
                        if (npwp.getF1cMcatalog().length() > 0 && npwp.getBxMcatalog().length() == 0
                                && uploadFiles) {
                            File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cMcatalog().replace("\\", "/"));
                            if (f.length() <= maxPostedDocFileSize
                                    && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                logStr += ",getF1cMcatalog " + npwp.getF1cMcatalog();
                                allFileSize += f.length();
                                multipart.addFilePart("MASTER_CATALOG" + index, (f));
                                multipart.addFormField("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index, "1");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("MASTER_CATALOG" + index, new FileBody(f));
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index,
                                        new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            } else {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index, "0");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index,
                                        new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                logStr += ",getF1cMcatalog " + f.length() + " more "
                                        + maxPostedDocFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                    } catch (Exception fle) {
                        error_file_operation = true;
                        logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cMcatalog file operation!!! "
                                + fle);

                    int succFilesCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dscFiles.size(); i++) {
                        try {
                            if (dscFiles.get(i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + dscFiles.get(i));
                                long lastFSize = 0;
                                lastFSize = f.length();
                                if (lastFSize <= maxPostedFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + lastFSize) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    logStr += ",dscFiles " + dscFiles.get(i);
                                    multipart.addFilePart("FDSC" + index + "FP" + i, (f));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "1");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FP" + i, new FileBody(f));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    allFileSize += lastFSize;
                                } else {
                                    //    succFilesCount++;
                                    tooLargeDsc = true;
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "0");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    logStr += ",dscFiles " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000
                                            + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            tooLargeDsc = true;
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dscFiles file operation!!! "
                                    + fle);


                    if (!tooLargeDsc) {
                        if ((dscFiles.size() <= 0)
                                || ((succFilesCount >= 1) && (succFilesCount >= (int) (dscFiles.size() / 2)))) {
                            if (!npwp.getBxDescriptsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson())) {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index, "1");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            } else {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index, "0");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            multipart.addFormField("DESCRIPTS_JSON" + index,
                            reqBuilder.addPart("DESCRIPTS_JSON" + index,
                                    new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson()),
                        } else
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dscFiles count!!! ");

                    succFilesCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < gbFiles.size(); i++) {
                        try {
                            if (gbFiles.get(i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + gbFiles.get(i));
                                long lastFSize = 0;
                                lastFSize = f.length();
                                if (lastFSize <= maxPostedFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + lastFSize) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    logStr += ",gbFiles " + gbFiles.get(i);
                                    multipart.addFilePart("FGB" + index + "FP" + i, (f));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i, "1");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FP" + i, new FileBody(f));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    allFileSize += lastFSize;
                                } else {
                                    //    succFilesCount++;
                                    tooLargeGb = true;
                                    multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i, "0");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    logStr += ",gbFiles " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000
                                            + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            tooLargeGb = true;
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error gbrFiles file operation!!! "
                                    + fle);


                    if (!tooLargeGb) {
                        if ((gbFiles.size() <= 0)
                                || ((succFilesCount >= 1) && (succFilesCount >= (int) (gbFiles.size() / 2)))) {
                            if (!npwp.getBxGabaritsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson())) {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index, "1");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            } else {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index, "0");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            multipart.addFormField("GABARITS_JSON" + index,
                            reqBuilder.addPart("GABARITS_JSON" + index,
                                    new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson()),
                        } else
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error gbrFiles count!!! ");

                    succFilesCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < docFiles.size(); i++) {
                        try {
                            if (docFiles.get(i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + docFiles.get(i));
                                long lastFSize = 0;
                                lastFSize = f.length();
                                if (lastFSize <= maxPostedDocFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + lastFSize) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    logStr += ",docFiles " + docFiles.get(i);
                                    multipart.addFilePart("FDOC" + index + "FP" + i, (f));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "1");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FP" + i, new FileBody(f));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    allFileSize += lastFSize;
                                } else {
                                    //    succFilesCount++;
                                    tooLargeDoc = true;
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "0");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    logStr += ",docFiles " + f.length() + " more "
                                            + maxPostedDocFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            tooLargeDoc = true;
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error docFiles file operation!!! "
                                    + fle);


                    if (!tooLargeDoc) {
                        if ((docFiles.size() <= 0)
                                || ((succFilesCount >= 1) && (succFilesCount >= (int) (docFiles.size() / 2)))) {
                            if (!npwp.getBxDocsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDocsJson())) {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETDOCS_JSON" + index, "1");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            } else {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETDOCS_JSON" + index, "0");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            multipart.addFormField("DOCS_JSON" + index,
                            reqBuilder.addPart("DOCS_JSON" + index,
                                    new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDocsJson()),
                        } else
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error docFiles count!!! ");


            if (npwp.getBxSortOrder() != npwp.getF1cSortOrder()) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SORT_ORDER" + index, "" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder());
            reqBuilder.addPart("SORT_ORDER" + index,
                    new StringBody("" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cDescription())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("DESCRIPTION" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("DESCRIPTION" + index,
                    new StringBody("" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxFullDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cFullDescription())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("FULL_DESCRIPTION" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("FULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cFullDescription()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxTypeCompleting().equals(npwp.getF1cTypeCompleting())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("TYPE_COMPLETING" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("TYPE_COMPLETING" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cTypeCompleting()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxCharGabarits().equals(npwp.getF1cCharGabarits())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("CHAR_GABARITS" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("CHAR_GABARITS" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cCharGabarits()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxShortDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cShortDescription())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("SHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cShortDescription()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxDocumentation().equals(npwp.getF1cDocumentation())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETDOCUMENTATION" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCUMENTATION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETDOCUMENTATION" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCUMENTATION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("DOCUMENTATION" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("DOCUMENTATION" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDocumentation()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxVideoDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cVideoDescription())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETVIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETVIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETVIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETVIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("VIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("VIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cVideoDescription()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (npwp.getBxCollapsevc() != npwp.getF1cCollapsevc()) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETCOLLAPSEVC" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETCOLLAPSEVC" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETCOLLAPSEVC" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETCOLLAPSEVC" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("COLLAPSEVC" + index,
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava("" + npwp.getF1cCollapsevc()));
            reqBuilder.addPart("COLLAPSEVC" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava("" + npwp.getF1cCollapsevc()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxAdvants().equals(npwp.getF1cAdvants())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETADVANTS" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETADVANTS" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETADVANTS" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETADVANTS" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("ADVANTS" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cAdvants()));
            reqBuilder.addPart("ADVANTS" + index,
                    new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cAdvants()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxFilterProps().equals(npwp.getF1cFilterProps())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETFILTER_PROPS" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETFILTER_PROPS" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETFILTER_PROPS" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETFILTER_PROPS" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("FILTER_PROPS" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("FILTER_PROPS" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cFilterProps()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxSeoAliasUrl().equals(npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl())
                    && npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl().length() > 3) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SEO_ALIAS_URL" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (npwp.getBxSeoAliasUrl().length() <= 0 && npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl().length() <= 3
                    && npwp.getF1cname().length() > 0) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index, "1");
                multipart.addFormField("SEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index,
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index,
                        new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index, new StringBody(
                        StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cname()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxSeoTitle().equals(npwp.getF1cSeoTitle())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_TITLE" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_TITLE" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_TITLE" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_TITLE" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SEO_TITLE" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoTitle()));
            reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_TITLE" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoTitle()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxSeoH1().equals(npwp.getF1cSeoH1())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_H1" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_H1" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_H1" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_H1" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SEO_H1" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoH1()));
            reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_H1" + index,
                    new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoH1()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));


        try {
            if (logStr.length() > 0)
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "UPD SECT TO SEND ",
                        "<p style=\"font-size:10px !important;\">" + logStr + "</p>");
        } catch (Exception lgen) {

        List<String> response = multipart.finish();

        for (String line : response) {
            sreply = sreply + line;

        /*sreply = "{}";
        HttpEntity reqEntity = reqBuilder.build();
        //System.out.println("executing request " + httppost.getRequestLine());
        try {
        CloseableHttpResponse clresponse = httpclient.execute(httppost);
        try {
            HttpEntity resEntity = clresponse.getEntity();
            if (resEntity != null) {
                //System.out.println("Response content length: " + resEntity.getContentLength());
                //resEntity.getContent(); resEntity.getContentEncoding()
                try {
                    String responseString = EntityUtils.toString(resEntity, "UTF-8");
                    sreply = responseString;
                } catch(Exception ee)   {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch(Exception ee)   {
        } catch(Exception ee)   {

        try {
            JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply));
            JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject();
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString());
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_info", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_errs", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

        } catch (Exception pe) {
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply);
            } catch (Exception lge) {


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
            cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartSectUpd",
                    logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartSectUpd " + ex);
        } catch (Exception lge) {


    return reply;

From source file:com.basistech.rosette.api.RosetteAPI.java

private void setupMultipartRequest(final DocumentRequest request, final ObjectWriter finalWriter,
        HttpPost post) {// w  w  w .j a  va2 s.co m

    MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();

    FormBodyPartBuilder partBuilder = FormBodyPartBuilder.create("request",
            // Make sure we're not mislead by someone who puts a charset into the mime type.
            new AbstractContentBody(ContentType.parse(ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.getMimeType())) {
                public String getFilename() {
                    return null;

                public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
                    finalWriter.writeValue(out, request);

                public String getTransferEncoding() {
                    return MIME.ENC_BINARY;

                public long getContentLength() {
                    return -1;

    // Either one of 'name=' or 'Content-ID' would be enough.
    partBuilder.setField(MIME.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "inline;name=\"request\"");
    partBuilder.setField("Content-ID", "request");


    partBuilder = FormBodyPartBuilder.create("content",
            new InputStreamBody(request.getContentBytes(), ContentType.parse(request.getContentType())));
    partBuilder.setField(MIME.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "inline;name=\"content\"");
    partBuilder.setField("Content-ID", "content");

    HttpEntity entity = builder.build();

From source file:com.adobe.aem.demomachine.communities.Loader.java

private static String doThumbnail(ResourceResolver rr, LinkedList<InputStream> lIs, String hostname,
        String port, String adminPassword, String csvfile, String filename, String sitename, int maxretries) {

    if (filename == null || filename.equals(""))
        return null;

    String pathToFile = "/content/dam/resources/resource-thumbnails/" + sitename + "/" + filename;

    MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
    addBinaryBody(builder, lIs, rr, "file", csvfile, filename);
    builder.addTextBody("fileName", filename, ContentType.create("text/plain", MIME.UTF8_CHARSET));

    logger.debug("Posting file for thumbnails with name: " + filename);

    Loader.doPost(hostname, port, pathToFile, "admin", adminPassword, builder.build(), null);

    doWaitWorkflows(hostname, port, adminPassword, "thumbnail", maxretries);

    return pathToFile + "/file";


From source file:com.ibm.iotf.client.api.APIClient.java

 * Create a draft schema definition/*from  w w  w  . jav a 2s . c om*/
 * @param schemaFile File containing the schema file
 * @param schemaName String containing the schema name
 * @param schemaDescription String containing the description of schema
 * @param schemaType String containing the schema type (like for e.g. json-schema)
 * @return If successful, JsonObject response from Watson IoT Platform.
 * @throws IoTFCReSTException Failure in creating a draft schema definition
public JsonObject addDraftSchemaDefinition(File schemaFile, String schemaName, String schemaDescription,
        String schemaType) throws IoTFCReSTException {
    final String METHOD = "addDraftSchemaDefinition";
    HttpResponse response = null;
    JsonElement jsonResponse = null;
    int code = 0;
    String method = "post";
    try {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("https://");

        MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();

        builder.addBinaryBody("schemaFile", new FileInputStream(schemaFile),
                org.apache.http.entity.ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, schemaFile.getName());

        builder.addTextBody("description", schemaDescription);
        builder.addTextBody("name", schemaName);

        URIBuilder uri = new URIBuilder(sb.toString());

        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(uri.build());

        byte[] encoding = Base64.encodeBase64(new String(authKey + ":" + authToken).getBytes());
        String encodedString = new String(encoding);

        post.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedString);

        HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().useSystemProperties().setSslcontext(sslContext).build();
        HttpEntity multipart = builder.build();

        response = client.execute(post);
        code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        String result = this.readContent(response, METHOD);
        jsonResponse = new JsonParser().parse(result);
        if (code == 201 || code == 400 || code == 401 || code == 403 || code == 404 || code == 500) {
            if (code == 201) {
                return jsonResponse.getAsJsonObject();
            } else {
                String reason = null;
                switch (code) {
                case 400:
                    reason = IoTFCReSTException.HTTP_ADD_SCHEMA_DEFINITION_ERR_400;
                case 401:
                    reason = IoTFCReSTException.HTTP_ADD_SCHEMA_DEFINITION_ERR_401;
                case 403:
                    reason = IoTFCReSTException.HTTP_ADD_SCHEMA_DEFINITION_ERR_403;
                case 500:
                    reason = IoTFCReSTException.HTTP_ADD_SCHEMA_DEFINITION_ERR_500;
                throw new IoTFCReSTException(method, sb.toString(), null, code, reason, jsonResponse);
        } else {
            throw new IoTFCReSTException(code, "Unexpected error", jsonResponse);
    } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // This includes JsonSyntaxException
        IoTFCReSTException ex = new IoTFCReSTException(
                "Failure in creating a draft schema definition " + "::" + e.getMessage());
        throw ex;

From source file:org.activiti.designer.eclipse.navigator.cloudrepo.ActivitiCloudEditorUtil.java

public static JsonNode uploadNewVersion(String modelId, String filename, byte[] content, boolean firstTry) {
    JsonNode modelNode = null;/*  w  ww .j av  a2s  .com*/
    CloseableHttpClient client = getAuthenticatedClient();
    try {
        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(PreferencesUtil.getStringPreference(Preferences.ACTIVITI_CLOUD_EDITOR_URL)
                + "/rest/app/rest/process-models/" + modelId + "/newversion");
        HttpEntity entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create()
                .addBinaryBody("file", content, ContentType.APPLICATION_XML, filename).build();
        CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
        try {
            int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            InputStream responseContent = response.getEntity().getContent();
            if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) {
                modelNode = objectMapper.readTree(responseContent);

            } else if (statusCode == 401 && firstTry) {
                String cookieString = PreferencesUtil
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cookieString)) {
                            .setValue(Preferences.ACTIVITI_CLOUD_EDITOR_COOKIE.getPreferenceId(), "");
                    return uploadNewVersion(modelId, filename, content, false);

            } else {
                JsonNode exceptionNode = null;
                String exceptionString = IOUtils.toString(responseContent);
                try {
                    exceptionNode = objectMapper.readTree(exceptionString);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new ActivitiCloudEditorException(exceptionString);
                throw new ActivitiCloudEditorException(exceptionNode);

        } finally {

    } catch (ActivitiCloudEditorException e) {
        throw e;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.logError("Error uploading new process model version", e);

    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
    return modelNode;

From source file:org.activiti.designer.eclipse.navigator.cloudrepo.ActivitiCloudEditorUtil.java

public static JsonNode importModel(String filename, byte[] content, boolean firstTry) {
    JsonNode modelNode = null;//from   w  w w. ja  v  a 2  s .  co  m
    CloseableHttpClient client = getAuthenticatedClient();
    try {
        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(PreferencesUtil.getStringPreference(Preferences.ACTIVITI_CLOUD_EDITOR_URL)
                + "/rest/app/rest/import-process-model");
        HttpEntity entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create()
                .addBinaryBody("file", content, ContentType.APPLICATION_XML, filename).build();
        CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
        try {
            int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            InputStream responseContent = response.getEntity().getContent();
            if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) {
                modelNode = objectMapper.readTree(responseContent);

            } else if (statusCode == 401 && firstTry) {
                String cookieString = PreferencesUtil
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cookieString)) {
                            .setValue(Preferences.ACTIVITI_CLOUD_EDITOR_COOKIE.getPreferenceId(), "");
                    return importModel(filename, content, false);

            } else {
                JsonNode exceptionNode = null;
                String exceptionString = IOUtils.toString(responseContent);
                try {
                    exceptionNode = objectMapper.readTree(exceptionString);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new ActivitiCloudEditorException(exceptionString);
                throw new ActivitiCloudEditorException(exceptionNode);

        } finally {
    } catch (ActivitiCloudEditorException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.logError("Error importing process model", e);

    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
    return modelNode;

From source file:org.apache.gobblin.service.modules.orchestration.AzkabanAjaxAPIClient.java

private static String uploadZipFileToAzkaban(String sessionId, String azkabanServerUrl,
        String azkabanProjectName, String jobZipFile) throws IOException {

    // Create post request
    HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(azkabanServerUrl + "/manager");
    HttpEntity entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addTextBody("session.id", sessionId)
            .addTextBody("ajax", "upload").addBinaryBody("file", new File(jobZipFile),
                    ContentType.create("application/zip"), azkabanProjectName + ".zip")
            .addTextBody("project", azkabanProjectName).build();
    postRequest.setEntity(entity);//from   w  ww  . j a va  2  s  . com

    // Make the call, get response
    CloseableHttpClient httpClient = getHttpClient();
    HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(postRequest);

    // Obtaining projectId is hard. Uploading zip file is one avenue to get it from Azkaban
    return AzkabanClient.handleResponse(response).get("projectId");

From source file:org.apache.gobblin.service.modules.orchestration.AzkabanClient.java

 * Updates a project by uploading a new zip file. Before uploading any project zip files,
 * the project should be created first./*from  w  w w  .j a v a2  s  . c  o  m*/
 * @param projectName project name
 * @param zipFile  zip file
 * @return A status object indicating if AJAX request is successful.
public AzkabanClientStatus uploadProjectZip(String projectName, File zipFile) {
    try {
        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(this.url + "/manager");
        HttpEntity entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create()
                .addTextBody(AzkabanClientParams.SESSION_ID, sessionId)
                .addTextBody(AzkabanClientParams.AJAX, "upload")
                .addTextBody(AzkabanClientParams.PROJECT, projectName)
                .addBinaryBody("file", zipFile, ContentType.create("application/zip"), zipFile.getName())

        CloseableHttpResponse response = this.client.execute(httpPost);

        try {
            return new AzkabanClientStatus.SUCCESS();
        } finally {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return new AzkabanClientStatus.FAIL("Azkaban client cannot upload zip to project = " + projectName, e);