Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration addResource

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration addResource


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration addResource.


public void addResource(Configuration conf) 

Source Link


Add a configuration resource.


From source file:com.asakusafw.testdriver.directio.DirectIoTestHelper.java

License:Apache License

private static Configuration createConfiguration(TestContext context) throws IOException {
    Configuration conf;
    ClassLoader contextLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    try {// w w w.  ja  v  a  2  s  .c  om
        conf = ConfigurationFactory.getDefault().newInstance();
    } finally {
    URL extra = findExtraConfiguration(context);
    if (extra != null) {
    return conf;

From source file:com.asakusafw.testdriver.OperatorTestEnvironment.java

License:Apache License

 * Returns a new configuration object for {@link RuntimeResourceManager}.
 * @return the created configuration object
 *//*from w  w  w  .  ja  v a2s . c  o  m*/
protected Configuration createConfig() {
    Configuration conf = ConfigurationFactory.getDefault().newInstance();
    URL resource = conf.getClassLoader().getResource(configurationPath);
    if (resource == null && explicitConfigurationPath == false) {
        // if implicit configuration file is not found, we use the embedded default configuration file
        resource = OperatorTestEnvironment.class.getResource(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_PATH);
    if (resource == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format(
                Messages.getString("OperatorTestEnvironment.errorMissingConfigurationFile"), //$NON-NLS-1$
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : extraConfigurations.entrySet()) {
        conf.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    return conf;

From source file:com.awcoleman.StandaloneJava.AvroCombinerByBlock.java

License:Apache License

public AvroCombinerByBlock(String inDirStr, String outDirStr, String handleExisting) throws IOException {

    //handle both an output directory and an output filename (ending with .avro)
    String outputFilename = DEFAULTOUTPUTFILENAME;
    if (outDirStr.endsWith(".avro")) {
        isOutputNameSpecifiedAndAFile = true;
        //String[] outputParts = outDirStr.split(":?\\\\");
        String[] outputParts = outDirStr.split("/");

        outputFilename = outputParts[outputParts.length - 1];

        //remove outputFilename from outDirStr to get new outDirStr which is just directory (and trailing /)
        outDirStr = outDirStr.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(outputFilename), "");
        outDirStr = outDirStr.substring(0, outDirStr.length() - (outDirStr.endsWith("/") ? 1 : 0));
    }/*  w  ww. j a  v  a 2s  .co m*/

    //Get block size - not needed
    //long hdfsBlockSize = getBlockSize();
    //System.out.println("HDFS FS block size: "+hdfsBlockSize);

    //Get list of input files
    ArrayList<FileStatus> inputFileList = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.addResource(new Path("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"));
    conf.set("dfs.replication", "1"); //see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24548699/how-to-append-to-an-hdfs-file-on-an-extremely-small-cluster-3-nodes-or-less

    FileSystem hdfs = null;
    try {
        hdfs = FileSystem.get(conf);
    } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
        System.out.println("Error opening HDFS filesystem. Exiting. Error message: " + ioe.getMessage());
    if (hdfs.getStatus() == null) {
        System.out.println("Unable to contact HDFS filesystem. Exiting.");

    //Check if input and output dirs exist
    Path inDir = new Path(inDirStr);
    Path outDir = new Path(outDirStr);
    if (!(hdfs.exists(inDir) || hdfs.isDirectory(inDir))) {
        System.out.println("Input directory ( " + inDirStr + " ) not found or is not directory. Exiting.");

    if (!(hdfs.exists(outDir) || hdfs.isDirectory(outDir))) {
        if (hdfs.exists(outDir)) { //outDir exists and is a symlink or file, must die
            System.out.println("Requested output directory name ( " + outDirStr
                    + " ) exists but is not a directory. Exiting.");
        } else {

    RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> fileStatusListIterator = hdfs.listFiles(inDir, true);
    while (fileStatusListIterator.hasNext()) {
        LocatedFileStatus fileStatus = fileStatusListIterator.next();

        if (fileStatus.isFile() && !fileStatus.getPath().getName().equals("_SUCCESS")) {
            inputFileList.add((FileStatus) fileStatus);

    if (inputFileList.size() <= 1 && !isOutputNameSpecifiedAndAFile) { //If an output file is specified assume we just want a rename.
        System.out.println("Only one or zero files found in input directory ( " + inDirStr + " ). Exiting.");

    //Get Schema and Compression Codec from seed file since we need it for the writer
    Path firstFile = inputFileList.get(0).getPath();
    FsInput fsin = new FsInput(firstFile, conf);
    DataFileReader<Object> dfrFirstFile = new DataFileReader<Object>(fsin, new GenericDatumReader<Object>());
    Schema fileSchema = dfrFirstFile.getSchema();
    String compCodecName = dfrFirstFile.getMetaString("avro.codec");
    //compCodecName should be null, deflate, snappy, or bzip2
    if (compCodecName == null) {
        compCodecName = "deflate"; //set to deflate even though original is no compression

    //Create Empty HDFS file in output dir
    String seedFileStr = outDirStr + "/" + outputFilename;
    Path seedFile = new Path(seedFileStr);
    FSDataOutputStream hdfsdos = null;
    try {
        hdfsdos = hdfs.create(seedFile, false);
    } catch (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException faee) {
        if (handleExisting.equals("overwrite")) {
            hdfs.delete(seedFile, false);
            hdfsdos = hdfs.create(seedFile, false);
        } else if (handleExisting.equals("append")) {
            hdfsdos = hdfs.append(seedFile);
        } else {
                    .println("File " + seedFileStr + " exists and will not overwrite. handleExisting is set to "
                            + handleExisting + ". Exiting.");
    if (hdfsdos == null) {
        System.out.println("Unable to create or write to output file ( " + seedFileStr
                + " ). handleExisting is set to " + handleExisting + ". Exiting.");

    //Append other files
    GenericDatumWriter gdw = new GenericDatumWriter(fileSchema);
    DataFileWriter dfwBase = new DataFileWriter(gdw);
    //Set compression to that found in the first file

    DataFileWriter dfw = dfwBase.create(fileSchema, hdfsdos);
    for (FileStatus thisFileStatus : inputFileList) {

        //_SUCCESS files are 0 bytes
        if (thisFileStatus.getLen() == 0) {

        FsInput fsin1 = new FsInput(thisFileStatus.getPath(), conf);
        DataFileReader dfr = new DataFileReader<Object>(fsin1, new GenericDatumReader<Object>());

        dfw.appendAllFrom(dfr, false);




From source file:com.awcoleman.StandaloneJava.AvroCombinerByRecord.java

License:Apache License

public AvroCombinerByRecord(String inDirStr, String outDirStr) throws IOException {

    //Get list of input files
    ArrayList<FileStatus> inputFileList = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.addResource(new Path("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"));

    FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(conf);

    //Check if input and output dirs exist
    Path inDir = new Path(inDirStr);
    Path outDir = new Path(outDirStr);
    if (!(hdfs.exists(inDir) || hdfs.isDirectory(inDir))) {
        System.out.println("Input directory ( " + inDirStr + " ) not found or is not directory. Exiting.");
        System.exit(1);//from   w  ww . jav a  2s .  c  o  m

    if (!(hdfs.exists(outDir) || hdfs.isDirectory(outDir))) {
        if (hdfs.exists(outDir)) { //outDir exists and is a symlink or file, must die
            System.out.println("Requested output directory name ( " + outDirStr
                    + " ) exists but is not a directory. Exiting.");
        } else {

    RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> fileStatusListIterator = hdfs.listFiles(inDir, true);
    while (fileStatusListIterator.hasNext()) {
        LocatedFileStatus fileStatus = fileStatusListIterator.next();

        if (fileStatus.isFile()) {
            inputFileList.add((FileStatus) fileStatus);

    if (inputFileList.size() <= 1) {
        System.out.println("Only one or zero files found in input directory ( " + inDirStr + " ). Exiting.");

    //Get Schema and Compression Codec from seed file since we need it for the writer
    Path firstFile = inputFileList.get(0).getPath();
    FsInput fsin = new FsInput(firstFile, conf);
    DataFileReader<Object> dfrFirstFile = new DataFileReader<Object>(fsin, new GenericDatumReader<Object>());
    Schema fileSchema = dfrFirstFile.getSchema();
    String compCodecName = dfrFirstFile.getMetaString("avro.codec");

    //Create Empty HDFS file in output dir
    Path seedFile = new Path(outDirStr + "/combinedByRecord.avro");
    FSDataOutputStream hdfsdos = hdfs.create(seedFile, false);

    //Append other files
    GenericDatumWriter gdw = new GenericDatumWriter(fileSchema);
    DataFileWriter dfwBase = new DataFileWriter(gdw);
    //Set compression to that found in the first file

    DataFileWriter dfw = dfwBase.create(fileSchema, hdfsdos);

    for (FileStatus thisFileStatus : inputFileList) {

        DataFileStream<Object> avroStream = null;
        FSDataInputStream inStream = hdfs.open(thisFileStatus.getPath());
        GenericDatumReader<Object> reader = new GenericDatumReader<Object>();
        avroStream = new DataFileStream<Object>(inStream, reader);

        long recordCounter = 0;
        while (avroStream.hasNext()) {


        System.out.println("Appended " + recordCounter + " records from " + thisFileStatus.getPath().getName()
                + " to " + seedFile.getName());


From source file:com.awcoleman.StandaloneJava.AvroCounterByBlock.java

License:Apache License

public AvroCounterByBlock(String inDirStr) throws IOException {

    long numAvroRecords = 0;

    //Get list of input files
    ArrayList<FileStatus> inputFileList = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.addResource(new Path("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"));
    conf.set("dfs.replication", "1"); //see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24548699/how-to-append-to-an-hdfs-file-on-an-extremely-small-cluster-3-nodes-or-less

    FileSystem hdfs = null;//from w w w  . java2s . com
    try {
        hdfs = FileSystem.get(conf);
    } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
        System.out.println("Error opening HDFS filesystem. Exiting. Error message: " + ioe.getMessage());
    if (hdfs.getStatus() == null) {
        System.out.println("Unable to contact HDFS filesystem. Exiting.");

    //Check if input dirs/file exists and get file list (even if list of single file)
    Path inPath = new Path(inDirStr);
    if (hdfs.exists(inPath) && hdfs.isFile(inPath)) { //single file
    } else if (hdfs.exists(inPath) && hdfs.isDirectory(inPath)) { //dir
        //Get list of input files
        RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> fileStatusListIterator = hdfs.listFiles(inPath, true);
        while (fileStatusListIterator.hasNext()) {
            LocatedFileStatus fileStatus = fileStatusListIterator.next();

            if (fileStatus.isFile() && !fileStatus.getPath().getName().equals("_SUCCESS")) {
                inputFileList.add((FileStatus) fileStatus);
    } else {
        System.out.println("Input directory ( " + inDirStr + " ) not found or is not directory. Exiting.");

    for (FileStatus thisFileStatus : inputFileList) {

        //_SUCCESS files are 0 bytes
        if (thisFileStatus.getLen() == 0) {

        DataFileStream<Object> dfs = null;
        FSDataInputStream inStream = hdfs.open(thisFileStatus.getPath());
        GenericDatumReader<Object> reader = new GenericDatumReader<Object>();
        dfs = new DataFileStream<Object>(inStream, reader);

        long thisFileRecords = 0;
        while (dfs.hasNext()) {

            numAvroRecords = numAvroRecords + dfs.getBlockCount();
            thisFileRecords = thisFileRecords + dfs.getBlockCount();

            //System.out.println("Input file "+thisFileStatus.getPath()+" getBlockCount() is "+dfs.getBlockCount()+"." );


        System.out.println("Input file " + thisFileStatus.getPath() + " has " + thisFileRecords + " records.");


        //TODO test on dir with non-avro file and see what the exception is, catch that and log to output but don't die.

    System.out.println("Input dir/file ( " + inDirStr + " ) has " + inputFileList.size() + " files and "
            + numAvroRecords + " total records.");


From source file:com.awcoleman.StandaloneJava.AvroCounterByRecord.java

License:Apache License

public AvroCounterByRecord(String inDirStr) throws IOException {

    long numAvroRecords = 0;

    //Get list of input files
    ArrayList<FileStatus> inputFileList = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.addResource(new Path("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"));
    conf.set("dfs.replication", "1"); //see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24548699/how-to-append-to-an-hdfs-file-on-an-extremely-small-cluster-3-nodes-or-less

    FileSystem hdfs = null;/* w ww .  j  a  v a 2s .  c  om*/
    try {
        hdfs = FileSystem.get(conf);
    } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
        System.out.println("Error opening HDFS filesystem. Exiting. Error message: " + ioe.getMessage());
    if (hdfs.getStatus() == null) {
        System.out.println("Unable to contact HDFS filesystem. Exiting.");

    //Check if input dirs/file exists and get file list (even if list of single file)
    Path inPath = new Path(inDirStr);
    if (hdfs.exists(inPath) && hdfs.isFile(inPath)) { //single file
    } else if (hdfs.exists(inPath) && hdfs.isDirectory(inPath)) { //dir
        //Get list of input files
        RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> fileStatusListIterator = hdfs.listFiles(inPath, true);
        while (fileStatusListIterator.hasNext()) {
            LocatedFileStatus fileStatus = fileStatusListIterator.next();

            if (fileStatus.isFile() && !fileStatus.getPath().getName().equals("_SUCCESS")) {
                inputFileList.add((FileStatus) fileStatus);
    } else {
        System.out.println("Input directory ( " + inDirStr + " ) not found or is not directory. Exiting.");

    for (FileStatus thisFileStatus : inputFileList) {

        //_SUCCESS files are 0 bytes
        if (thisFileStatus.getLen() == 0) {

        DataFileStream<Object> avroStream = null;
        FSDataInputStream inStream = hdfs.open(thisFileStatus.getPath());
        GenericDatumReader<Object> reader = new GenericDatumReader<Object>();
        avroStream = new DataFileStream<Object>(inStream, reader);

        long thisFileRecords = 0;

        while (avroStream.hasNext()) {

        System.out.println("Input file " + thisFileStatus.getPath() + " has " + thisFileRecords + " records.");

        //TODO test on dir with non-avro file and see what the exception is, catch that and log to output but don't die.

    System.out.println("Input dir/file ( " + inDirStr + " ) has " + inputFileList.size() + " files and "
            + numAvroRecords + " total records.");


From source file:com.bah.culvert.configuration.CConfiguration.java

License:Apache License

public static Configuration addCulvertResources(Configuration conf) {
    return conf;/* w  w w .  j a v a  2  s  .  co m*/

From source file:com.blackberry.bdp.kaboom.StartupConfig.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates properties from either the specified configuration file or the default for class
 * @return Configuration//from  www.jav a2 s  .c o  m
private Configuration buildHadoopConfiguration() throws FileNotFoundException {
    Configuration newHadoopConfiguration = new Configuration();

    if (new File("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml").exists()) {
        newHadoopConfiguration.addResource(new FileInputStream("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"));
    } else {
        LOG.warn("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml does not exist or cannot be read");

    if (new File("/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml").exists()) {
        newHadoopConfiguration.addResource(new FileInputStream("/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"));
    } else {
        LOG.warn("/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml does not exist or cannot be read");

    // Adds any more standard configs we find in the classpath
    for (String file : new String[] { "core-site.xml", "hdfs-site.xml" }) {
        InputStream in = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(file);

        if (in != null) {

    newHadoopConfiguration.setBoolean("fs.automatic.close", false);

    return newHadoopConfiguration;

From source file:com.blackberry.logdriver.admin.LogMaintenance.java

License:Apache License

public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = getConf();
    // If run by Oozie, then load the Oozie conf too
    if (System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml") != null) {
        conf.addResource(new URL("file://" + System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml")));
    }/*from  w  w w .  j  ava2  s . com*/

    // For some reason, Oozie needs some options to be set in system instead of
    // in the confiuration. So copy the configs over.
        Iterator<Entry<String, String>> i = conf.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Entry<String, String> next = i.next();
            System.setProperty(next.getKey(), next.getValue());

    if (args.length < 3) {
        return 1;

    String userName = args[0];
    String dcNumber = args[1];
    String service = args[2];
    String date = null;
    String hour = null;
    if (args.length >= 4) {
        date = args[3];
    if (args.length >= 5) {
        hour = args[4];

    // Set from environment variables
    String mergeJobPropertiesFile = getConfOrEnv(conf, "MERGEJOB_CONF");
    String filterJobPropertiesFile = getConfOrEnv(conf, "FILTERJOB_CONF");
    String daysBeforeArchive = getConfOrEnv(conf, "DAYS_BEFORE_ARCHIVE");
    String daysBeforeDelete = getConfOrEnv(conf, "DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE");
    String maxConcurrentMR = getConfOrEnv(conf, "MAX_CONCURRENT_MR", "-1");
    String zkConnectString = getConfOrEnv(conf, "ZK_CONNECT_STRING");
    String logdir = getConfOrEnv(conf, "logdriver.logdir.name");
    boolean resetOrphanedJobs = Boolean.parseBoolean(getConfOrEnv(conf, "reset.orphaned.jobs", "true"));
    String rootDir = getConfOrEnv(conf, "service.root.dir");
    String maxTotalMR = getConfOrEnv(conf, "MAX_TOTAL_MR", "-1");

    boolean doMerge = true;
    boolean doArchive = true;
    boolean doDelete = true;

    if (zkConnectString == null) {
        LOG.error("ZK_CONNECT_STRING is not set.  Exiting.");
        return 1;
    if (mergeJobPropertiesFile == null) {
        LOG.info("MERGEJOB_CONF is not set.  Not merging.");
        doMerge = false;
    if (filterJobPropertiesFile == null) {
        LOG.info("FILTERJOB_CONF is not set.  Not archiving.");
        doArchive = false;
    if (daysBeforeArchive == null) {
        LOG.info("DAYS_BEFORE_ARCHIVE is not set.  Not archiving.");
        doArchive = false;
    if (doArchive && Integer.parseInt(daysBeforeArchive) < 0) {
        LOG.info("DAYS_BEFORE_ARCHIVE is negative.  Not archiving.");
        doArchive = false;
    if (daysBeforeDelete == null) {
        LOG.info("DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE is not set.  Not deleting.");
        doDelete = false;
    if (doDelete && Integer.parseInt(daysBeforeDelete) < 0) {
        LOG.info("DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE is negative.  Not deleting.");
        doDelete = false;
    if (logdir == null) {
        LOG.info("LOGDRIVER_LOGDIR_NAME is not set.  Using default value of 'logs'.");
        logdir = "logs";
    if (rootDir == null) {
        LOG.info("SERVICE_ROOT_DIR is not set.  Using default value of 'service'.");
        rootDir = "/service";

    // We can hang if this fails. So make sure we abort if it fails.
    fs = null;
    try {
        fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
        fs.exists(new Path("/")); // Test if it works.
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Error getting filesystem.", e);
        return 1;

    // Create the LockUtil instance
    lockUtil = new LockUtil(zkConnectString);

    // Now it's safe to create our Job Runner
    JobRunner jobRunner = new JobRunner(Integer.parseInt(maxConcurrentMR), Integer.parseInt(maxTotalMR));
    Thread jobRunnerThread = new Thread(jobRunner);

    // Figure out what date we start filters on.
    String filterCutoffDate = "";
    if (doArchive) {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt("-" + daysBeforeArchive));
        filterCutoffDate = String.format("%04d%02d%02d%02d", cal.get(Calendar.YEAR),
                (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
        LOG.info("Archiving logs from before {}", filterCutoffDate);
    String deleteCutoffDate = "";
    if (doDelete) {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt("-" + daysBeforeDelete));
        deleteCutoffDate = String.format("%04d%02d%02d%02d", cal.get(Calendar.YEAR),
                (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
        LOG.info("Deleting logs from before {}", deleteCutoffDate);

    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Various exceptions have been popping up here. So make sure I catch them
    // all.
    try {

        // Patterns to recognize hour, day and incoming directories, so that they
        // can be processed.
        Pattern datePathPattern;
        Pattern hourPathPattern;
        Pattern incomingPathPattern;
        Pattern dataPathPattern;
        Pattern archivePathPattern;
        Pattern workingPathPattern;
        if (hour != null) {
            datePathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")");
            hourPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/("
                    + Pattern.quote(hour) + ")");
            incomingPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/("
                    + Pattern.quote(hour) + ")/([^/]+)/incoming");
            dataPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/("
                    + Pattern.quote(hour) + ")/([^/]+)/data");
            archivePathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/("
                    + Pattern.quote(hour) + ")/([^/]+)/archive");
            workingPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/("
                    + Pattern.quote(hour) + ")/([^/]+)/working/([^/]+)_(\\d+)");
        } else if (date != null) {
            datePathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")");
            hourPathPattern = Pattern
                    .compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/"
                            + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(\\d{2})");
            incomingPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date)
                    + ")/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/incoming");
            dataPathPattern = Pattern
                    .compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/"
                            + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/data");
            archivePathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date)
                    + ")/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/archive");
            workingPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date)
                    + ")/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/working/([^/]+)_(\\d+)");
        } else {
            datePathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})");
            hourPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})/(\\d{2})");
            incomingPathPattern = Pattern
                    .compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/"
                            + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/incoming");
            dataPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/"
                    + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/data");
            archivePathPattern = Pattern
                    .compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/"
                            + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/archive");
            workingPathPattern = Pattern
                    .compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/"
                            + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/working/([^/]+)_(\\d+)");

        // Do a depth first search of the directory, processing anything that
        // looks
        // interesting along the way
        Deque<Path> paths = new ArrayDeque<Path>();
        Path rootPath = new Path(rootDir + "/" + dcNumber + "/" + service + "/" + logdir + "/");

        while (paths.size() > 0) {
            Path p = paths.pop();
            LOG.debug("{}", p.toString());

            if (!fs.exists(p)) {

            FileStatus dirStatus = fs.getFileStatus(p);
            FileStatus[] children = fs.listStatus(p);
            boolean addChildren = true;

            boolean old = dirStatus.getModificationTime() < now - WAIT_TIME;
            LOG.debug("    Was last modified {}ms ago", now - dirStatus.getModificationTime());

            if (!old) {
                LOG.debug("    Skipping, since it's not old enough.");

            } else if ((!rootPath.equals(p)) && (children.length == 0
                    || (children.length == 1 && children[0].getPath().getName().equals(READY_MARKER)))) {
                // old and no children? Delete!
                LOG.info("    Deleting empty directory {}", p.toString());
                fs.delete(p, true);

            } else {
                Matcher matcher = datePathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath());
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    LOG.debug("Checking date directory");

                    // If this is already done, then skip it. So only process if it
                    // doesn't exist.
                    if (fs.exists(new Path(p, READY_MARKER)) == false) {
                        // Check each subdirectory. If they all have ready markers, then I
                        // guess we're ready.
                        boolean ready = true;
                        for (FileStatus c : children) {
                            if (c.isDirectory() && fs.exists(new Path(c.getPath(), READY_MARKER)) == false) {
                                ready = false;

                        if (ready) {
                            fs.createNewFile(new Path(p, READY_MARKER));

                matcher = hourPathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath());
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    LOG.debug("Checking hour directory");

                    // If this is already done, then skip it. So only process if it
                    // doesn't exist.
                    if (fs.exists(new Path(p, READY_MARKER)) == false) {
                        // Check each subdirectory. If they all have ready markers, then I
                        // guess we're ready.
                        boolean ready = true;
                        for (FileStatus c : children) {
                            if (c.isDirectory() && fs.exists(new Path(c.getPath(), READY_MARKER)) == false) {
                                ready = false;

                        if (ready) {
                            fs.createNewFile(new Path(p, READY_MARKER));

                // Check to see if we have to run a merge
                matcher = incomingPathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath());
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    LOG.debug("Checking incoming directory");
                    String matchDate = matcher.group(1);
                    String matchHour = matcher.group(2);
                    String matchComponent = matcher.group(3);

                    String timestamp = matchDate + matchHour;

                    if (doDelete && timestamp.compareTo(deleteCutoffDate) < 0) {
                        LOG.info("Deleting old directory: {}", p);
                        fs.delete(p, true);
                        addChildren = false;
                    } else if (doMerge) {

                        // old, looks right, and has children? Run it!
                        boolean hasMatchingChildren = false;
                        boolean subdirTooYoung = false;

                        for (FileStatus child : children) {
                            if (!hasMatchingChildren) {
                                FileStatus[] grandchildren = fs.listStatus(child.getPath());
                                for (FileStatus gc : grandchildren) {
                                    if (VALID_FILE.matcher(gc.getPath().getName()).matches()) {
                                        hasMatchingChildren = true;
                            if (!subdirTooYoung) {
                                if (child.getModificationTime() >= now - WAIT_TIME) {
                                    subdirTooYoung = true;
                                    LOG.debug("    Subdir {} is too young.", child.getPath());

                        if (!hasMatchingChildren) {
                            LOG.debug("    No files match the expected pattern ({})", VALID_FILE.pattern());

                        if (hasMatchingChildren && !subdirTooYoung) {
                            LOG.info("    Run Merge job {} :: {} {} {} {} {}", new Object[] { p.toString(),
                                    dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour, matchComponent });

                            Properties jobProps = new Properties();
                            jobProps.load(new FileInputStream(mergeJobPropertiesFile));

                            jobProps.setProperty("jobType", "merge");
                            jobProps.setProperty("rootDir", rootDir);
                            jobProps.setProperty("dcNumber", dcNumber);
                            jobProps.setProperty("service", service);
                            jobProps.setProperty("date", matchDate);
                            jobProps.setProperty("hour", matchHour);
                            jobProps.setProperty("component", matchComponent);
                            jobProps.setProperty("user.name", userName);
                            jobProps.setProperty("logdir", logdir);


                            addChildren = false;

                // Check to see if we need to run a filter and archive
                matcher = dataPathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath());
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    String matchDate = matcher.group(1);
                    String matchHour = matcher.group(2);
                    String matchComponent = matcher.group(3);

                    String timestamp = matchDate + matchHour;

                    if (doDelete && timestamp.compareTo(deleteCutoffDate) < 0) {
                        LOG.info("Deleting old directory: {}", p);
                        fs.delete(p, true);
                        addChildren = false;
                    } else if (doArchive && timestamp.compareTo(filterCutoffDate) < 0) {

                        Properties jobProps = new Properties();
                        jobProps.load(new FileInputStream(filterJobPropertiesFile));

                        jobProps.setProperty("jobType", "filter");
                        jobProps.setProperty("rootDir", rootDir);
                        jobProps.setProperty("dcNumber", dcNumber);
                        jobProps.setProperty("service", service);
                        jobProps.setProperty("date", matchDate);
                        jobProps.setProperty("hour", matchHour);
                        jobProps.setProperty("component", matchComponent);
                        jobProps.setProperty("user.name", userName);
                        jobProps.setProperty("logdir", logdir);

                        // Check to see if we should just keep all or delete all here.
                        // The filter file should be here
                        String appPath = jobProps.getProperty("oozie.wf.application.path");
                        appPath = appPath.replaceFirst("\\$\\{.*?\\}", "");
                        Path filterFile = new Path(
                                appPath + "/" + conf.get("filter.definition.file", service + ".yaml"));
                        LOG.info("Filter file is {}", filterFile);
                        if (fs.exists(filterFile)) {
                            List<BoomFilterMapper.Filter> filters = BoomFilterMapper.loadFilters(matchComponent,

                            if (filters == null) {
                                        "    Got null when getting filters.  Not processing. {} :: {} {} {} {} {}",
                                        new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour,
                                                matchComponent });
                            } else if (filters.size() == 0) {
                                LOG.warn("    Got no filters.  Not processing. {} :: {} {} {} {} {}",
                                        new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour,
                                                matchComponent });
                            } else if (filters.size() == 1
                                    && filters.get(0) instanceof BoomFilterMapper.KeepAllFilter) {
                                LOG.info("    Keeping everything. {} :: {} {} {} {} {}",
                                        new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour,
                                                matchComponent });
                                // Move files from data to archive
                                // delete it all!
                                String destination = rootDir + "/" + dcNumber + "/" + service + "/" + logdir
                                        + "/" + matchDate + "/" + matchHour + "/" + matchComponent
                                        + "/archive/";

                                PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo();

                                try {
                                    fs.mkdirs(new Path(destination));
                                    for (FileStatus f : fs.listStatus(p)) {
                                        fs.rename(f.getPath(), new Path(destination));
                                } finally {
                            } else if (filters.size() == 1
                                    && filters.get(0) instanceof BoomFilterMapper.DropAllFilter) {
                                LOG.info("    Dropping everything. {} :: {} {} {} {} {}",
                                        new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour,
                                                matchComponent });

                                PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo();

                                try {
                                    fs.delete(p, true);
                                } finally {

                            } else {
                                LOG.info("    Run Filter/Archive job {} :: {} {} {} {} {}",
                                        new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour,
                                                matchComponent });
                        } else {
                            LOG.warn("Skipping filter job, since no filter file exists");

                        addChildren = false;

                matcher = archivePathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath());
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    String matchDate = matcher.group(1);
                    String matchHour = matcher.group(2);

                    String timestamp = matchDate + matchHour;

                    if (doDelete && timestamp.compareTo(deleteCutoffDate) < 0) {
                        LOG.info("Deleting old directory: {}", p);
                        fs.delete(p, true);
                        addChildren = false;

                matcher = workingPathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath());
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    LOG.info("  Matches working pattern ({})", p);
                    if (resetOrphanedJobs) {
                        String matchDate = matcher.group(1);
                        String matchHour = matcher.group(2);
                        String matchComponent = matcher.group(3);

                        // Move everything from working/xxx/incoming/ to incoming/
                        PathInfo lockPathInfo = new PathInfo(logdir, rootDir + "/" + dcNumber + "/" + service
                                + "/" + logdir + "/" + matchDate + "/" + matchHour + "/" + matchComponent);

                        FileStatus[] fileStatuses = fs.listStatus(new Path(p.toUri().getPath() + "/incoming/"));
                        if (fileStatuses != null) {
                            for (FileStatus fileStatus : fileStatuses) {
                                Path toPath = new Path(
                                        "incoming/" + fileStatus.getPath().getName());

                                LOG.info("  Moving data from {} to {}", fileStatus.getPath(), toPath);
                                LOG.info("    mkdir {}", toPath);

                                Path fromDir = new Path(p.toUri().getPath(),
                                        "incoming/" + fileStatus.getPath().getName());
                                LOG.info("    moving from {}", fromDir);
                                FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(fromDir);
                                if (files == null || files.length == 0) {
                                    LOG.info("    Nothing to move from  {}", fromDir);
                                } else {
                                    for (FileStatus f : files) {
                                        LOG.info("    rename {} {}", f.getPath(),
                                                new Path(toPath, f.getPath().getName()));
                                        fs.rename(f.getPath(), new Path(toPath, f.getPath().getName()));

                                LOG.info("    rm {}", fileStatus.getPath());
                                fs.delete(fileStatus.getPath(), true);

                            fs.delete(new Path(p.toUri().getPath()), true);

                    addChildren = false;

            // Add any children which are directories to the stack.
            if (addChildren) {
                for (int i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    FileStatus child = children[i];
                    if (child.isDirectory()) {

        // Since we may have deleted a bunch of directories, delete any unused
        // locks
        // from ZooKeeper.
            LOG.info("Checking for unused locks in ZooKeeper");
            String scanPath = rootDir + "/" + dcNumber + "/" + service + "/" + logdir;
            if (date != null) {
                scanPath += "/" + date;
                if (hour != null) {
                    scanPath += "/" + hour;

            List<LockInfo> lockInfo = lockUtil.scan(scanPath);

            for (LockInfo li : lockInfo) {
                // Check if the lock path still exists in HDFS. If it doesn't, then
                // delete it from ZooKeeper.
                String path = li.getPath();
                String hdfsPath = path.substring(LockUtil.ROOT.length());
                if (!fs.exists(new Path(hdfsPath))) {
                    ZooKeeper zk = lockUtil.getZkClient();

                    while (!path.equals(LockUtil.ROOT)) {
                        try {
                            zk.delete(path, -1);
                        } catch (KeeperException.NotEmptyException e) {
                            // That's fine. just stop trying then.
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            LOG.error("Caught exception trying to delete from ZooKeeper.", e);
                        LOG.info("Deleted from ZooKeeper: {}", path);
                        path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/'));


        // Now that we're done, wait for the Oozie Runner to stop, and print the
        // results.
        LOG.info("Waiting for Oozie jobs to complete.");
        LOG.info("Job Stats : Started={} Succeeded={} failed={} errors={}",
                new Object[] { jobRunner.getStarted(), jobRunner.getSucceeded(), jobRunner.getFailed(),
                        jobRunner.getErrors() });


    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Unexpected exception caught.", e);
        return 1;

    return 0;

From source file:com.blackberry.logdriver.Lock.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length < 1) {
        printUsage();/*w w  w. j a v  a2s  .c  o  m*/

    // We'll be using a Configuration object
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();

    // Check args for conf files or specific configs
    int i = 0;
    while (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
        String arg = args[i];
        if (arg.startsWith("-confFiles=")) {
            String fileNames = arg.substring("-confFiles=".length());
            String[] files = fileNames.split(",");
            for (String file : files) {
                conf.addResource(new Path(file));
        } else if (arg.startsWith("-zkConnectString=")) {
            String connectString = arg.substring("-zkConnectString=".length());
            conf.set("zk.connect.string", connectString);


    LockUtil lockUtil = null;
    try {
        lockUtil = new LockUtil(conf);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Error getting ZooKeeper client.", e);

    // Look for the SCAN command. It's a little different.
    if (args.length > i && args[i].toUpperCase().equals("SCAN")) {
        String root = "";
        if (args.length > 1 + 1) {
            root = args[i + 1];
        try {
            scan(lockUtil, root);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    // Look for the SCAN command. It's a little different.
    if (args.length > i + 1 && args[i].toUpperCase().equals("PURGE")) {
        String root = args[i + 1];

        try {
            purge(lockUtil, root);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    // Now, just grab the required args
    String readWrite = null;
    String lockUnlock = null;

    String dcNumber = null;
    String service = null;
    String date = null;
    String hour = null;
    String component = null;

    if (args.length < i + 6) {

    readWrite = args[i].toUpperCase();
    if (!readWrite.equals("READ") && !readWrite.equals("WRITE")) {

    lockUnlock = args[i].toUpperCase();
    if (!lockUnlock.equals("RESET") && !lockUnlock.equals("STATUS")) {

    dcNumber = args[i];

    service = args[i];

    date = args[i];

    hour = args[i];

    component = args[i];

    PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo();
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Exception configuring path info.", e);

    String lockPath = null;
    try {
        lockPath = lockUtil.getLockPath(pathInfo);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Error getting lock path", e);

    if (readWrite.equals("READ") && lockUnlock.equals("RESET")) {
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (KeeperException.ConnectionLossException e) {
                LOG.warn("Lost connection to ZooKeeper.  Retrying.", e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Unexpected error", e);
    } else if (readWrite.equals("READ") && lockUnlock.equals("STATUS")) {
        long numLocks = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
                numLocks = lockUtil.getReadLockCount(lockPath);
            } catch (KeeperException.ConnectionLossException e) {
                LOG.warn("Lost connection to ZooKeeper.  Retrying.", e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Unexpected error", e);

            System.out.println("Read lock count is " + numLocks);
    } else if (readWrite.equals("WRITE") && lockUnlock.equals("RESET")) {
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (KeeperException.ConnectionLossException e) {
                LOG.warn("Lost connection to ZooKeeper.  Retrying.", e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Unexpected error", e);
    } else if (readWrite.equals("WRITE") && lockUnlock.equals("STATUS")) {
        long numLocks = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
                numLocks = lockUtil.getWriteLockCount(lockPath);
            } catch (KeeperException.ConnectionLossException e) {
                LOG.warn("Lost connection to ZooKeeper.  Retrying.", e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Unexpected error", e);

            System.out.println("Write lock count is " + numLocks);