Java tutorial
/** Copyright (c) 2014 BlackBerry Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.blackberry.logdriver.admin; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.DistributedCache; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.blackberry.logdriver.fs.PathInfo; import com.blackberry.logdriver.locks.LockInfo; import com.blackberry.logdriver.locks.LockUtil; import com.blackberry.logdriver.mapred.avro.AvroBlockInputFormat; import com.blackberry.logdriver.mapreduce.boom.BoomFilterMapper; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class LogMaintenance extends Configured implements Tool { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogMaintenance.class); private static enum Status { NOT_STARTED, RUNNING, SUCCESS, FAILURE, ERROR }; private final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private static final String FILTER_LOCATION = "/oozie/workflows/filterjob/"; private static final Pattern VALID_FILE = Pattern.compile(".*([0-9]|\\.bm)$"); private static final String READY_MARKER = "_READY"; // How long to wait after a directory stops being written to, before we start // processing. private static final long WAIT_TIME = 10 * 60 * 1000l; // Use a single LockUtil instance everywhere private LockUtil lockUtil; private FileSystem fs; @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConf(); // If run by Oozie, then load the Oozie conf too if (System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml") != null) { conf.addResource(new URL("file://" + System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml"))); } // For some reason, Oozie needs some options to be set in system instead of // in the confiuration. So copy the configs over. { Iterator<Entry<String, String>> i = conf.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Entry<String, String> next =; System.setProperty(next.getKey(), next.getValue()); } } if (args.length < 3) { printUsage(); return 1; } String userName = args[0]; String dcNumber = args[1]; String service = args[2]; String date = null; String hour = null; if (args.length >= 4) { date = args[3]; } if (args.length >= 5) { hour = args[4]; } // Set from environment variables String mergeJobPropertiesFile = getConfOrEnv(conf, "MERGEJOB_CONF"); String filterJobPropertiesFile = getConfOrEnv(conf, "FILTERJOB_CONF"); String daysBeforeArchive = getConfOrEnv(conf, "DAYS_BEFORE_ARCHIVE"); String daysBeforeDelete = getConfOrEnv(conf, "DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE"); String maxConcurrentMR = getConfOrEnv(conf, "MAX_CONCURRENT_MR", "-1"); String zkConnectString = getConfOrEnv(conf, "ZK_CONNECT_STRING"); String logdir = getConfOrEnv(conf, ""); boolean resetOrphanedJobs = Boolean.parseBoolean(getConfOrEnv(conf, "", "true")); String rootDir = getConfOrEnv(conf, "service.root.dir"); String maxTotalMR = getConfOrEnv(conf, "MAX_TOTAL_MR", "-1"); boolean doMerge = true; boolean doArchive = true; boolean doDelete = true; if (zkConnectString == null) { LOG.error("ZK_CONNECT_STRING is not set. Exiting."); return 1; } if (mergeJobPropertiesFile == null) {"MERGEJOB_CONF is not set. Not merging."); doMerge = false; } if (filterJobPropertiesFile == null) {"FILTERJOB_CONF is not set. Not archiving."); doArchive = false; } if (daysBeforeArchive == null) {"DAYS_BEFORE_ARCHIVE is not set. Not archiving."); doArchive = false; } if (doArchive && Integer.parseInt(daysBeforeArchive) < 0) {"DAYS_BEFORE_ARCHIVE is negative. Not archiving."); doArchive = false; } if (daysBeforeDelete == null) {"DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE is not set. Not deleting."); doDelete = false; } if (doDelete && Integer.parseInt(daysBeforeDelete) < 0) {"DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE is negative. Not deleting."); doDelete = false; } if (logdir == null) {"LOGDRIVER_LOGDIR_NAME is not set. Using default value of 'logs'."); logdir = "logs"; } if (rootDir == null) {"SERVICE_ROOT_DIR is not set. Using default value of 'service'."); rootDir = "/service"; } // We can hang if this fails. So make sure we abort if it fails. fs = null; try { fs = FileSystem.get(conf); fs.exists(new Path("/")); // Test if it works. } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error getting filesystem.", e); return 1; } // Create the LockUtil instance lockUtil = new LockUtil(zkConnectString); // Now it's safe to create our Job Runner JobRunner jobRunner = new JobRunner(Integer.parseInt(maxConcurrentMR), Integer.parseInt(maxTotalMR)); Thread jobRunnerThread = new Thread(jobRunner); jobRunnerThread.setName("JobRunner"); jobRunnerThread.setDaemon(false); jobRunnerThread.start(); // Figure out what date we start filters on. String filterCutoffDate = ""; if (doArchive) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt("-" + daysBeforeArchive)); filterCutoffDate = String.format("%04d%02d%02d%02d", cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));"Archiving logs from before {}", filterCutoffDate); } String deleteCutoffDate = ""; if (doDelete) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt("-" + daysBeforeDelete)); deleteCutoffDate = String.format("%04d%02d%02d%02d", cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));"Deleting logs from before {}", deleteCutoffDate); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Various exceptions have been popping up here. So make sure I catch them // all. try { // Patterns to recognize hour, day and incoming directories, so that they // can be processed. Pattern datePathPattern; Pattern hourPathPattern; Pattern incomingPathPattern; Pattern dataPathPattern; Pattern archivePathPattern; Pattern workingPathPattern; if (hour != null) { datePathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")"); hourPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(" + Pattern.quote(hour) + ")"); incomingPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(" + Pattern.quote(hour) + ")/([^/]+)/incoming"); dataPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(" + Pattern.quote(hour) + ")/([^/]+)/data"); archivePathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(" + Pattern.quote(hour) + ")/([^/]+)/archive"); workingPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(" + Pattern.quote(hour) + ")/([^/]+)/working/([^/]+)_(\\d+)"); } else if (date != null) { datePathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")"); hourPathPattern = Pattern .compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(\\d{2})"); incomingPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/incoming"); dataPathPattern = Pattern .compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/data"); archivePathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/archive"); workingPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(" + Pattern.quote(date) + ")/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/working/([^/]+)_(\\d+)"); } else { datePathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})"); hourPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})/(\\d{2})"); incomingPathPattern = Pattern .compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/incoming"); dataPathPattern = Pattern.compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/data"); archivePathPattern = Pattern .compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/archive"); workingPathPattern = Pattern .compile(rootDir + "/" + Pattern.quote(dcNumber) + "/" + Pattern.quote(service) + "/" + Pattern.quote(logdir) + "/(\\d{8})/(\\d{2})/([^/]+)/working/([^/]+)_(\\d+)"); } // Do a depth first search of the directory, processing anything that // looks // interesting along the way Deque<Path> paths = new ArrayDeque<Path>(); Path rootPath = new Path(rootDir + "/" + dcNumber + "/" + service + "/" + logdir + "/"); paths.push(rootPath); while (paths.size() > 0) { Path p = paths.pop(); LOG.debug("{}", p.toString()); if (!fs.exists(p)) { continue; } FileStatus dirStatus = fs.getFileStatus(p); FileStatus[] children = fs.listStatus(p); boolean addChildren = true; boolean old = dirStatus.getModificationTime() < now - WAIT_TIME; LOG.debug(" Was last modified {}ms ago", now - dirStatus.getModificationTime()); if (!old) { LOG.debug(" Skipping, since it's not old enough."); } else if ((!rootPath.equals(p)) && (children.length == 0 || (children.length == 1 && children[0].getPath().getName().equals(READY_MARKER)))) { // old and no children? Delete!" Deleting empty directory {}", p.toString()); fs.delete(p, true); } else { Matcher matcher = datePathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath()); if (matcher.matches()) { LOG.debug("Checking date directory"); // If this is already done, then skip it. So only process if it // doesn't exist. if (fs.exists(new Path(p, READY_MARKER)) == false) { // Check each subdirectory. If they all have ready markers, then I // guess we're ready. boolean ready = true; for (FileStatus c : children) { if (c.isDirectory() && fs.exists(new Path(c.getPath(), READY_MARKER)) == false) { ready = false; break; } } if (ready) { fs.createNewFile(new Path(p, READY_MARKER)); } } } matcher = hourPathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath()); if (matcher.matches()) { LOG.debug("Checking hour directory"); // If this is already done, then skip it. So only process if it // doesn't exist. if (fs.exists(new Path(p, READY_MARKER)) == false) { // Check each subdirectory. If they all have ready markers, then I // guess we're ready. boolean ready = true; for (FileStatus c : children) { if (c.isDirectory() && fs.exists(new Path(c.getPath(), READY_MARKER)) == false) { ready = false; break; } } if (ready) { fs.createNewFile(new Path(p, READY_MARKER)); } } } // Check to see if we have to run a merge matcher = incomingPathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath()); if (matcher.matches()) { LOG.debug("Checking incoming directory"); String matchDate =; String matchHour =; String matchComponent =; String timestamp = matchDate + matchHour; if (doDelete && timestamp.compareTo(deleteCutoffDate) < 0) {"Deleting old directory: {}", p); fs.delete(p, true); addChildren = false; } else if (doMerge) { // old, looks right, and has children? Run it! boolean hasMatchingChildren = false; boolean subdirTooYoung = false; for (FileStatus child : children) { if (!hasMatchingChildren) { FileStatus[] grandchildren = fs.listStatus(child.getPath()); for (FileStatus gc : grandchildren) { if (VALID_FILE.matcher(gc.getPath().getName()).matches()) { hasMatchingChildren = true; break; } } } if (!subdirTooYoung) { if (child.getModificationTime() >= now - WAIT_TIME) { subdirTooYoung = true; LOG.debug(" Subdir {} is too young.", child.getPath()); } } } if (!hasMatchingChildren) { LOG.debug(" No files match the expected pattern ({})", VALID_FILE.pattern()); } if (hasMatchingChildren && !subdirTooYoung) {" Run Merge job {} :: {} {} {} {} {}", new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour, matchComponent }); Properties jobProps = new Properties(); jobProps.load(new FileInputStream(mergeJobPropertiesFile)); jobProps.setProperty("jobType", "merge"); jobProps.setProperty("rootDir", rootDir); jobProps.setProperty("dcNumber", dcNumber); jobProps.setProperty("service", service); jobProps.setProperty("date", matchDate); jobProps.setProperty("hour", matchHour); jobProps.setProperty("component", matchComponent); jobProps.setProperty("", userName); jobProps.setProperty("logdir", logdir); jobRunner.submit(jobProps); addChildren = false; } } } // Check to see if we need to run a filter and archive matcher = dataPathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath()); if (matcher.matches()) { String matchDate =; String matchHour =; String matchComponent =; String timestamp = matchDate + matchHour; if (doDelete && timestamp.compareTo(deleteCutoffDate) < 0) {"Deleting old directory: {}", p); fs.delete(p, true); addChildren = false; } else if (doArchive && timestamp.compareTo(filterCutoffDate) < 0) { Properties jobProps = new Properties(); jobProps.load(new FileInputStream(filterJobPropertiesFile)); jobProps.setProperty("jobType", "filter"); jobProps.setProperty("rootDir", rootDir); jobProps.setProperty("dcNumber", dcNumber); jobProps.setProperty("service", service); jobProps.setProperty("date", matchDate); jobProps.setProperty("hour", matchHour); jobProps.setProperty("component", matchComponent); jobProps.setProperty("", userName); jobProps.setProperty("logdir", logdir); // Check to see if we should just keep all or delete all here. // The filter file should be here String appPath = jobProps.getProperty(""); appPath = appPath.replaceFirst("\\$\\{.*?\\}", ""); Path filterFile = new Path( appPath + "/" + conf.get("filter.definition.file", service + ".yaml"));"Filter file is {}", filterFile); if (fs.exists(filterFile)) { List<BoomFilterMapper.Filter> filters = BoomFilterMapper.loadFilters(matchComponent,; if (filters == null) { LOG.warn( " Got null when getting filters. Not processing. {} :: {} {} {} {} {}", new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour, matchComponent }); } else if (filters.size() == 0) { LOG.warn(" Got no filters. Not processing. {} :: {} {} {} {} {}", new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour, matchComponent }); } else if (filters.size() == 1 && filters.get(0) instanceof BoomFilterMapper.KeepAllFilter) {" Keeping everything. {} :: {} {} {} {} {}", new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour, matchComponent }); // Move files from data to archive // delete it all! String destination = rootDir + "/" + dcNumber + "/" + service + "/" + logdir + "/" + matchDate + "/" + matchHour + "/" + matchComponent + "/archive/"; PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo(); pathInfo.setDcNumber(dcNumber); pathInfo.setService(service); pathInfo.setLogdir(logdir); pathInfo.setDate(matchDate); pathInfo.setHour(matchHour); pathInfo.setComponent(matchComponent); try { lockUtil.acquireWriteLock(lockUtil.getLockPath(pathInfo)); fs.mkdirs(new Path(destination)); for (FileStatus f : fs.listStatus(p)) { fs.rename(f.getPath(), new Path(destination)); } } finally { lockUtil.releaseWriteLock(lockUtil.getLockPath(pathInfo)); } } else if (filters.size() == 1 && filters.get(0) instanceof BoomFilterMapper.DropAllFilter) {" Dropping everything. {} :: {} {} {} {} {}", new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour, matchComponent }); PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo(); pathInfo.setDcNumber(dcNumber); pathInfo.setService(service); pathInfo.setLogdir(logdir); pathInfo.setDate(matchDate); pathInfo.setHour(matchHour); pathInfo.setComponent(matchComponent); try { lockUtil.acquireWriteLock(lockUtil.getLockPath(pathInfo)); fs.delete(p, true); } finally { lockUtil.releaseWriteLock(lockUtil.getLockPath(pathInfo)); } } else {" Run Filter/Archive job {} :: {} {} {} {} {}", new Object[] { p.toString(), dcNumber, service, matchDate, matchHour, matchComponent }); jobRunner.submit(jobProps); } } else { LOG.warn("Skipping filter job, since no filter file exists"); } addChildren = false; } } matcher = archivePathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath()); if (matcher.matches()) { String matchDate =; String matchHour =; String timestamp = matchDate + matchHour; if (doDelete && timestamp.compareTo(deleteCutoffDate) < 0) {"Deleting old directory: {}", p); fs.delete(p, true); addChildren = false; } } matcher = workingPathPattern.matcher(p.toUri().getPath()); if (matcher.matches()) {" Matches working pattern ({})", p); if (resetOrphanedJobs) { String matchDate =; String matchHour =; String matchComponent =; // Move everything from working/xxx/incoming/ to incoming/ PathInfo lockPathInfo = new PathInfo(logdir, rootDir + "/" + dcNumber + "/" + service + "/" + logdir + "/" + matchDate + "/" + matchHour + "/" + matchComponent); lockUtil.acquireWriteLock(lockUtil.getLockPath(lockPathInfo)); FileStatus[] fileStatuses = fs.listStatus(new Path(p.toUri().getPath() + "/incoming/")); if (fileStatuses != null) { for (FileStatus fileStatus : fileStatuses) { Path toPath = new Path( fileStatus.getPath().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent(), "incoming/" + fileStatus.getPath().getName());" Moving data from {} to {}", fileStatus.getPath(), toPath);" mkdir {}", toPath); fs.mkdirs(toPath); Path fromDir = new Path(p.toUri().getPath(), "incoming/" + fileStatus.getPath().getName());" moving from {}", fromDir); FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(fromDir); if (files == null || files.length == 0) {" Nothing to move from {}", fromDir); } else { for (FileStatus f : files) {" rename {} {}", f.getPath(), new Path(toPath, f.getPath().getName())); fs.rename(f.getPath(), new Path(toPath, f.getPath().getName())); } }" rm {}", fileStatus.getPath()); fs.delete(fileStatus.getPath(), true); } lockUtil.releaseWriteLock(lockUtil.getLockPath(lockPathInfo)); fs.delete(new Path(p.toUri().getPath()), true); } } addChildren = false; } } // Add any children which are directories to the stack. if (addChildren) { for (int i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FileStatus child = children[i]; if (child.isDirectory()) { paths.push(child.getPath()); } } } } // Since we may have deleted a bunch of directories, delete any unused // locks // from ZooKeeper. {"Checking for unused locks in ZooKeeper"); String scanPath = rootDir + "/" + dcNumber + "/" + service + "/" + logdir; if (date != null) { scanPath += "/" + date; if (hour != null) { scanPath += "/" + hour; } } List<LockInfo> lockInfo = lockUtil.scan(scanPath); for (LockInfo li : lockInfo) { // Check if the lock path still exists in HDFS. If it doesn't, then // delete it from ZooKeeper. String path = li.getPath(); String hdfsPath = path.substring(LockUtil.ROOT.length()); if (!fs.exists(new Path(hdfsPath))) { ZooKeeper zk = lockUtil.getZkClient(); while (!path.equals(LockUtil.ROOT)) { try { zk.delete(path, -1); } catch (KeeperException.NotEmptyException e) { // That's fine. just stop trying then. break; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Caught exception trying to delete from ZooKeeper.", e); break; }"Deleted from ZooKeeper: {}", path); path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/')); } } } } // Now that we're done, wait for the Oozie Runner to stop, and print the // results."Waiting for Oozie jobs to complete."); jobRunner.shutdown(); jobRunnerThread.join();"Job Stats : Started={} Succeeded={} failed={} errors={}", new Object[] { jobRunner.getStarted(), jobRunner.getSucceeded(), jobRunner.getFailed(), jobRunner.getErrors() }); lockUtil.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unexpected exception caught.", e); return 1; } return 0; } private String getConfOrEnv(Configuration conf, String propertyOrEnv, String defaultValue) { String value = getConfOrEnv(conf, propertyOrEnv); if (value == null) {"Using default value {} = {}", new Object[] { propertyOrEnv, defaultValue }); return defaultValue; } else { return value; } } private String getConfOrEnv(Configuration conf, String propertyOrEnv) { String property = propertyOrEnv.toLowerCase().replaceAll("_", "."); String env = propertyOrEnv.toUpperCase().replaceAll("\\.", "_"); LOG.debug("Checking {}/{}", property, env); String result = conf.get(property, System.getenv(env));"Option {}/{} = {}", new Object[] { property, env, result }); return result; } private class JobRunner implements Runnable { private int maxConcurrentJobs; private int maxTotalJobs; private BlockingQueue<Properties> pendingQueue; private ThreadPoolExecutor executor; private int started = 0; private int succeeded = 0; private int failed = 0; private int errors = 0; private boolean shutdown = false; private String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); private JobRunner(int maxConcurrentJobs) { configure(maxConcurrentJobs, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } private JobRunner(int maxConcurrentJobs, int maxTotalJobs) { configure(maxConcurrentJobs, maxTotalJobs); } private void configure(int maxConcurrentJobs, int maxTotalJobs) { this.maxConcurrentJobs = maxConcurrentJobs; if (this.maxConcurrentJobs < 1) { this.maxConcurrentJobs = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } this.maxTotalJobs = maxTotalJobs; if (this.maxTotalJobs < 1) { this.maxTotalJobs = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } pendingQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Properties>(); int corePoolSize = Math.min(10, this.maxConcurrentJobs); executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(corePoolSize, this.maxConcurrentJobs, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>()); } @Override public void run() { List<RunnerAndFuture> jobs = new ArrayList<RunnerAndFuture>(); try { while (true) { // Run any new jobs that are waiting. while (started < maxTotalJobs) { Properties prop = pendingQueue.poll(); if (prop == null) { break; } if (prop.getProperty("jobType").equals("merge")) { long backoff = 100; RunnerAndFuture job = null; while (job == null) { try { job = runMerge(prop); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { job = null; Thread.sleep(backoff); backoff = Math.min(10000, 2 * backoff); } } jobs.add(job); } else if (prop.getProperty("jobType").equals("filter")) { long backoff = 100; RunnerAndFuture job = null; while (job == null) { try { job = runFilter(prop); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { job = null; Thread.sleep(backoff); backoff = Math.min(10000, 2 * backoff); } } jobs.add(job); } else { LOG.error("JobType of '{}' is not recognizd.", prop.getProperty("jobType")); } // Clear any finished futures Iterator<RunnerAndFuture> i = jobs.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { RunnerAndFuture f =; LOG.debug("Checking status of job {}", f.getRunner().getId()); if (f.getFuture().isDone()) { f.getFuture().get(); switch (f.getRunner().getStatus()) { case NOT_STARTED: case RUNNING: case ERROR: LOG.error("[{}] Job is finished, but status is {}.", f.getRunner().getId(), f.getRunner().getStatus()); errors++; break; case SUCCESS: LOG.debug("[{}] Job succeeded.", f.getRunner().getId()); succeeded++; break; case FAILURE: LOG.error("[{}] Job failed.", f.getRunner().getId()); failed++; break; default: LOG.error("[{}] Job is finished, but status is {}.", f.getRunner().getId(), f.getRunner().getStatus()); errors++; break; } i.remove(); } } } // If we've started enough jobs, then throw away the rest. if (started >= maxTotalJobs) { pendingQueue.clear(); } // Exit if we are done. if (pendingQueue.isEmpty() && shutdown == true) {"Shutting down job runner."); for (RunnerAndFuture f : jobs) { LOG.debug("Waiting on job {}", f.getRunner().getId()); f.getFuture().get(); switch (f.getRunner().getStatus()) { case NOT_STARTED: case RUNNING: case ERROR: LOG.error("[{}] Job is finished, but status is {}.", f.getRunner().getId(), f.getRunner().getStatus()); errors++; break; case SUCCESS: LOG.debug("[{}] Job succeeded.", f.getRunner().getId()); succeeded++; break; case FAILURE: LOG.error("[{}] Job failed.", f.getRunner().getId()); failed++; break; default: LOG.error("[{}] Job is finished, but status is {}.", f.getRunner().getId(), f.getRunner().getStatus()); errors++; break; } } break; } LOG.debug("Active tasks={}, Pool Size={}, Max Pool Size={}", new Object[] { executor.getActiveCount(), executor.getPoolSize(), executor.getMaximumPoolSize() }); Thread.sleep(10000); } } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Unexpected error. Shutting down.", t); System.exit(1); } } public void submit(Properties prop) throws InterruptedException { pendingQueue.put(prop); } public void shutdown() { shutdown = true; } public int getStarted() { return started; } public int getSucceeded() { return succeeded; } public int getFailed() { return failed; } public int getErrors() { return errors; } private RunnerAndFuture runMerge(Properties prop) { MergeRunner runner = new MergeRunner(prop); Future<?> future = executor.submit(runner); started++; return new RunnerAndFuture(runner, future); } private RunnerAndFuture runFilter(Properties prop) { FilterRunner runner = new FilterRunner(prop); Future<?> future = executor.submit(runner); started++; return new RunnerAndFuture(runner, future); } private class RunnerAndFuture { private RunnableWithStatus runner; private Future<?> future; public RunnerAndFuture(RunnableWithStatus runner, Future<?> future) { this.setRunner(runner); this.setFuture(future); } public RunnableWithStatus getRunner() { return runner; } public void setRunner(RunnableWithStatus runner) { this.runner = runner; } public Future<?> getFuture() { return future; } public void setFuture(Future<?> future) { this.future = future; } } private abstract class RunnableWithStatus implements Runnable { public abstract Status getStatus(); public abstract String getId(); } private class MergeRunner extends RunnableWithStatus { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String nameNode; private String queueName; private String umaskProperty; private String logdir; private String dcNumber; private String service; private String date; private String hour; private String component; private String baseDir; private String targetFileSize; private String blockSize; private String prefix; private String id; private Status status = Status.NOT_STARTED; public MergeRunner(Properties prop) { nameNode = prop.getProperty("nameNode"); queueName = prop.getProperty("queueName"); umaskProperty = prop.getProperty("umaskProperty"); logdir = prop.getProperty("logdir"); dcNumber = prop.getProperty("dcNumber"); service = prop.getProperty("service"); date = prop.getProperty("date"); hour = prop.getProperty("hour"); component = prop.getProperty("component"); // baseDir = prop.getProperty("baseDir"); targetFileSize = prop.getProperty("targetFileSize"); blockSize = prop.getProperty("blockSize"); // prefix = prop.getProperty("prefix"); baseDir = StringUtils .join(new String[] { "/service", dcNumber, service, logdir, date, hour, component }, "/"); prefix = component; id = startTime + "_" + uuid + "_" + started; } public Status getStatus() { return status; } public String getId() { return id; } @Override public void run() {"[{}] Starting merge", id); status = Status.RUNNING; String lockPath; PathInfo pathInfo; try { pathInfo = new PathInfo(); pathInfo.setDcNumber(dcNumber); pathInfo.setService(service); pathInfo.setLogdir(logdir); pathInfo.setDate(date); pathInfo.setHour(hour); pathInfo.setComponent(component); lockPath = lockUtil.getLockPath(pathInfo); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error creating lock path.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; }"[{}] Running merge for {}", id, pathInfo.getFullPath()); // move to working try {"[{}] Moving to working.", id); lockUtil.acquireWriteLock(lockPath); Path from = new Path(baseDir + "/incoming/*"); Path to = new Path(baseDir + "/working/" + id + "/incoming/"); fs.mkdirs(to); for (FileStatus filestatus : fs.globStatus(from)) { fs.rename(filestatus.getPath(), to); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error moving to working.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } finally { try { lockUtil.releaseWriteLock(lockPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error releasing write lock.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } } // run merge int mapredStatus; Job job; try { job = new Job(getConf()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error setting up job.", id, e); return; } Configuration jobConf = job.getConfiguration(); job.setJarByClass(AvroBlockInputFormat.class); job.setJobName("Merge Job : " + pathInfo.getFullPath()); jobConf.set("mapreduce.jobtracker.split.metainfo.maxsize", "100000000"); jobConf.set(umaskProperty, "027"); jobConf.set("", queueName); jobConf.set("mapred.max.split.size", targetFileSize); jobConf.set("dfs.block.size", blockSize); jobConf.set("mapred.input.format.class", "com.blackberry.logdriver.mapred.avro.AvroBlockInputFormat"); jobConf.set("mapred.mapper.class", "com.blackberry.logdriver.mapred.avro.AvroBlockWriterMapper"); jobConf.set("mapred.output.key.class", ""); jobConf.set("mapred.output.value.class", ""); jobConf.set("mapred.output.format.class", "com.blackberry.logdriver.mapred.BinaryOutputFormat"); jobConf.set("output.file.extension", ".bm"); jobConf.set("mapred.reduce.tasks", "0"); jobConf.set("mapred.input.dir", baseDir + "/working/" + id + "/incoming/*"); jobConf.set("mapred.output.dir", baseDir + "/working/" + id + "/data"); jobConf.set("logdriver.output.file.prefix", prefix); try { mapredStatus = job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error running job.", e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("Job interrupted.", e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Error running job.", e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } if (mapredStatus == 1) { LOG.error("Error running job."); // move to failed try {"[{}] Moving to /failed.", id); lockUtil.acquireWriteLock(lockPath); Path from = new Path(baseDir + "/working/" + id); Path to = new Path(baseDir + "/failed/"); fs.mkdirs(to); fs.rename(from, to); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error moving to /failed.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } finally { try { lockUtil.releaseWriteLock(lockPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error releasing write lock.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } } status = Status.FAILURE; } else { // move to data and delete. try {"[{}] Moving to /data.", id); lockUtil.acquireWriteLock(lockPath); Path from = new Path(baseDir + "/working/" + id + "/data/*.bm"); Path to = new Path(baseDir + "/data/"); // Create destination dir fs.mkdirs(to); // Move the boom files for (FileStatus filestatus : fs.globStatus(from)) { fs.rename(filestatus.getPath(), to); } // Touch the ready files fs.create(new Path(baseDir + "/data/_READY")).close(); fs.create(new Path(baseDir + "/_READY")).close(); // Delete the working dir fs.delete(new Path(baseDir + "/working/" + id), true); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error moving to /data.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } finally { try { lockUtil.releaseWriteLock(lockPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error releasing write lock.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } } status = Status.SUCCESS; } } } private class FilterRunner extends RunnableWithStatus { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String nameNode; private String queueName; private String umaskProperty; private String logdir; private String dcNumber; private String service; private String date; private String hour; private String component; private String baseDir; private String targetFileSize; private String blockSize; private String prefix; private String id; private Status status = Status.NOT_STARTED; public FilterRunner(Properties prop) { nameNode = prop.getProperty("nameNode"); queueName = prop.getProperty("queueName"); umaskProperty = prop.getProperty("umaskProperty"); logdir = prop.getProperty("logdir"); dcNumber = prop.getProperty("dcNumber"); service = prop.getProperty("service"); date = prop.getProperty("date"); hour = prop.getProperty("hour"); component = prop.getProperty("component"); // baseDir = prop.getProperty("baseDir"); targetFileSize = prop.getProperty("targetFileSize"); blockSize = prop.getProperty("blockSize"); // prefix = prop.getProperty("prefix"); baseDir = StringUtils .join(new String[] { "/service", dcNumber, service, logdir, date, hour, component }, "/"); prefix = component; id = startTime + "_" + uuid + "_" + started; } public Status getStatus() { return status; } public String getId() { return id; } @Override public void run() {"[{}] Starting filter", id); status = Status.RUNNING; String lockPath; PathInfo pathInfo; try { pathInfo = new PathInfo(); pathInfo.setDcNumber(dcNumber); pathInfo.setService(service); pathInfo.setLogdir(logdir); pathInfo.setDate(date); pathInfo.setHour(hour); pathInfo.setComponent(component); lockPath = lockUtil.getLockPath(pathInfo); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error creating lock path.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; }"[{}] Running filter for {}", id, pathInfo.getFullPath()); // move to working try {"[{}] Moving to working.", id); lockUtil.acquireWriteLock(lockPath); // move ${nameNode}${baseDir}/data/* // ${baseDir}/working/${wf:id()}_${wf:run()}/incoming/ Path from = new Path(baseDir + "/data/*"); Path to = new Path(baseDir + "/working/" + id + "/incoming/"); fs.mkdirs(to); for (FileStatus filestatus : fs.globStatus(from)) { fs.rename(filestatus.getPath(), to); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error moving to working.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } finally { try { lockUtil.releaseWriteLock(lockPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error releasing write lock.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } } // run filter int mapredStatus; { Job job; try { job = new Job(getConf()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error setting up job.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } Configuration jobConf = job.getConfiguration(); job.setJarByClass(AvroBlockInputFormat.class); job.setJobName("Filter Job : " + pathInfo.getFullPath()); jobConf.set("mapreduce.jobtracker.split.metainfo.maxsize", "100000000"); jobConf.set(umaskProperty, "027"); jobConf.set("", queueName); jobConf.set("mapred.input.format.class", "com.blackberry.logdriver.mapred.boom.BoomInputFormat"); jobConf.set("mapred.mapper.class", "com.blackberry.logdriver.mapred.boom.BoomFilterMapper"); jobConf.set("mapred.output.key.class", "com.blackberry.logdriver.boom.LogLineData"); jobConf.set("mapred.output.value.class", ""); jobConf.set("mapred.output.format.class", "com.blackberry.logdriver.mapred.boom.ReBoomOutputFormat"); jobConf.set("mapred.reduce.tasks", "0"); jobConf.set("mapred.input.dir", baseDir + "/working/" + id + "/incoming/*.bm"); jobConf.set("mapred.output.dir", baseDir + "/working/" + id + "/filtered"); jobConf.set("logdriver.filter.file", "configuration.yaml"); jobConf.set("", component); try { Path path = new Path(FILTER_LOCATION + service + ".yaml#configuration.yaml"); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI(path.toUri().getPath()), jobConf); DistributedCache.createSymlink(jobConf); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOG.error("Error adding file to distributed cache", e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } try {"[{}] Running filter job", id); mapredStatus = job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error running job.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("[{}] Job interrupted.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error running job.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } } if (mapredStatus == 1) { LOG.error("Error running job."); // move to failed try {"[{}] Moving to /failed.", id); lockUtil.acquireWriteLock(lockPath); Path from = new Path(baseDir + "/working/" + id); Path to = new Path(baseDir + "/failed/"); fs.mkdirs(to); fs.rename(from, to); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error moving to /failed.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } finally { try { lockUtil.releaseWriteLock(lockPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error releasing write lock.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } } status = Status.FAILURE; return; } // run merge { Job job; try { job = new Job(getConf()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error setting up job.", e); return; } Configuration jobConf = job.getConfiguration(); job.setJarByClass(AvroBlockInputFormat.class); job.setJobName("Merge Job : " + pathInfo.getFullPath()); jobConf.set("mapreduce.jobtracker.split.metainfo.maxsize", "100000000"); jobConf.set(umaskProperty, "027"); jobConf.set("", queueName); jobConf.set("mapred.max.split.size", targetFileSize); jobConf.set("dfs.block.size", blockSize); jobConf.set("mapred.input.format.class", "com.blackberry.logdriver.mapred.avro.AvroBlockInputFormat"); jobConf.set("mapred.mapper.class", "com.blackberry.logdriver.mapred.avro.AvroBlockWriterMapper"); jobConf.set("mapred.output.key.class", ""); jobConf.set("mapred.output.value.class", ""); jobConf.set("mapred.output.format.class", "com.blackberry.logdriver.mapred.BinaryOutputFormat"); jobConf.set("output.file.extension", ".bm"); jobConf.set("mapred.reduce.tasks", "0"); jobConf.set("mapred.input.dir", baseDir + "/working/" + id + "/filtered/*.bm"); jobConf.set("mapred.output.dir", baseDir + "/working/" + id + "/archive"); jobConf.set("logdriver.output.file.prefix", prefix); try { mapredStatus = job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1; } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("Job interrupted.", e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Error running job.", e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } } if (mapredStatus == 1) { LOG.error("Error running job."); // move to failed try {"[{}] Moving to /failed.", id); lockUtil.acquireWriteLock(lockPath); Path from = new Path(baseDir + "/working/" + id); Path to = new Path(baseDir + "/failed/"); fs.mkdirs(to); fs.rename(from, to); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error moving to /failed.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } finally { try { lockUtil.releaseWriteLock(lockPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error releasing write lock.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } } status = Status.FAILURE; return; } // move to archive and delete. try {"[{}] Moving to /archive.", id); lockUtil.acquireWriteLock(lockPath); // move // ${nameNode}${baseDir}/working/${wf:id()}_${wf:run()}/archive/*.bm // ${baseDir}/archive/</arg> // delete ${nameNode}${baseDir}/working/${wf:id()}_${wf:run()}</arg> Path from = new Path(baseDir + "/working/" + id + "/archive/*.bm"); Path to = new Path(baseDir + "/archive/"); // Create destination dir fs.mkdirs(to); // Move the boom files for (FileStatus filestatus : fs.globStatus(from)) { fs.rename(filestatus.getPath(), to); } // Delete the working dir fs.delete(new Path(baseDir + "/working/" + id), true); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error moving to /data.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } finally { try { lockUtil.releaseWriteLock(lockPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[{}] Error releasing write lock.", id, e); status = Status.ERROR; return; } } status = Status.SUCCESS; } } } public void printUsage() { System.out.println("Usage: " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " <> <site number> <service> [yyyymmdd [hh]]"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int res = Configuration(), new LogMaintenance(), args); System.exit(res); } }