List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils trim
public static String trim(String str)
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String, handling null
by returning null
From source
/** * @Description: ??/* w w w . j a va2 m*/ * @param resp * void ?? * @author hjx * @create_date 2015410 ?3:33:44 */ @ApiOperation(value = "??", notes = "????????????? ??", position = 5) @RequestMapping(value = "/passwordReset", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> passwordReset( @ApiParam(value = "??", required = true) @RequestParam("userId") String userId, @ApiParam(value = "??", required = true) @RequestParam("phoneNo") String phoneNo, @ApiParam(value = "?", required = true) @RequestParam("passwrod") String passwrod, @ApiParam(value = "??", required = true) @RequestParam("code") String code, HttpServletResponse resp) { // TUser user = userService.getByid( userId ); TUser user; try { user = userService.getByAccount(userId); if (null == user) { return AjaxUtil.getMap(false, "????"); } } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return AjaxUtil.getMapByException(e1); } String phone = user.getVcPhone(); // ???? if (phoneNo.equals(phone)) { try { // ??? // ???????? String codeStr = userCodeService.getCodeByTel(phone); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(codeStr)) { return AjaxUtil.getMap(false, "??????"); } // ????? if (!StringUtils.trim(code).equals(codeStr)) { return AjaxUtil.getMap(false, "???"); } // ?? t = new Md5PasswordEncoder(); String tt = t.encodePassword(passwrod, user.getVcAccount()); user.setVcPassword(tt); userService.updateUser(user); return AjaxUtil.getMap(true, "???"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return AjaxUtil.getMap(false, "??"); } } else { return AjaxUtil.getMap(false, "??????"); } }
From source
/** * return the value in minutes// ww w. j a va2 s . c o m * @param timer * @return */ private double parseStopwatchTime(String timer, boolean ignoreMillis) { String[] parts = timer.split(" "); TimeUnit unit = UNITS.get(StringUtils.trim(parts[1])); double value = Double.parseDouble(StringUtils.trim(parts[0])); switch (unit) { case DAYS: value = value * 24 * 60; break; case HOURS: value = value * 60; break; case MICROSECONDS: value = 0; break; case MILLISECONDS: if (ignoreMillis) { value = 0; } else { value = value / (1000 * 60); } break; case MINUTES: break; case NANOSECONDS: value = 0; break; case SECONDS: value = value / 60; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found" + unit); } return value; }
From source
/** * Get theme by given space name.//from w w w . jav a2 m */ public Theme getSpaceTheme(Space space) { String name; name = getThemeName(space); Theme theme = null; Element ele = themeCache.get(name); if (ele == null) { //Load the default value of this theme from file system theme = getSystemDefaultTheme(space.getSetting().getTheme()); //Then, merge PageTheme from space default setting as well. SpaceSetting setting = space.getSetting(); if (setting.isCustomizedTheme() && setting.getPageThemes() != null && setting.getPageThemes().size() > 0) { List<PageTheme> spaceLevelPageThemes = theme.getPageThemes(); for (PageTheme pt : setting.getPageThemes()) { if (PageTheme.SCOPE_DEFAULT.equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(pt.getScope())) || PageTheme.SCOPE_HOME.equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(pt.getScope()))) { //replace spaceLevelPageThemes.remove(pt); // PageTheme only compare scope, so it is OK to do remove here. spaceLevelPageThemes.add(pt); } else { //add spaceLevelPageThemes.add(pt); } } ele = new Element(WikiConstants.CONST_NONSPACE_RESOURCE_PREFIX + space.getUnixName(), theme); themeCache.put(ele); } } else { theme = (Theme) ele.getObjectValue(); } //need return clonable object, so that any change on the return object won't impact original value. return (Theme) theme.clone(); }
From source
/** * Stores <code>fieldValue</code> as a negative search term on the * <code>fieldName</code> field. * //w w w .j a va2 s. c o m * @param fieldName * the field name * @param fieldValue * the field value * @param clean * <code>true</code> to escape solr special characters in the field * value */ protected void andNot(String fieldName, Object fieldValue, boolean clean) { // Fix the field name, just in case fieldName = StringUtils.trim(fieldName); // Make sure the data structures are set up accordingly if (negativeSearchTerms == null) negativeSearchTerms = new HashMap<String, Set<Object>>(); Set<Object> termValues = negativeSearchTerms.get(fieldName); if (termValues == null) { termValues = new HashSet<Object>(); negativeSearchTerms.put(fieldName, termValues); } // Add the term termValues.add(fieldValue); }
From source
/** * Gets the save button listener./*from w w w. j a v a 2 s .c om*/ * * @param conditionsList * the conditions list * @param fieldsAndTypes * the fields and types * @param groupSelectionMap * the group selection map * @param dataset * the dataset * @param originalFilterConditions * the original filter conditions * @param retainRemoteFilter * the retain remote filter * @param retainLocalFilter * the retain local filter * @return the save button listener */ public SelectionListener getSaveButtonListener(final List<Condition> conditionsList, final Map<String, String> fieldsAndTypes, final Map<Integer, List<List<Integer>>> groupSelectionMap, final String dataset, final FilterConditions originalFilterConditions, final RetainFilter retainRemoteFilter, final RetainFilter retainLocalFilter) { SelectionListener listener = new SelectionListener() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { StringBuffer buffer = getCondition(conditionsList, fieldsAndTypes, groupSelectionMap, false); logger.debug("Query String : " + buffer); if (dataset.equalsIgnoreCase(Messages.DOWNLOADED)) { localCondition = buffer.toString(); showLocalFilteredData(StringUtils.trim(buffer.toString())); debugDataViewer.setLocalCondition(localCondition); } else { if (!retainLocalFilter.getRetainFilter()) { if (!debugDataViewer.getLocalCondition().equals("")) { MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(new Shell(), SWT.ICON_WARNING | SWT.OK | SWT.CANCEL); messageBox.setText("Warning"); messageBox.setMessage(Messages.NOT_RETAINED); int response =; if (response != SWT.OK) { return; } } } else { if (!debugDataViewer.getLocalCondition().equals("")) { MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(new Shell(), SWT.ICON_WARNING | SWT.OK | SWT.CANCEL); messageBox.setText("Warning"); messageBox.setMessage(Messages.RETAINED); int response =; if (response != SWT.OK) { return; } } else { retainLocalFilter.setRetainFilter(false); } } if (!retainLocalFilter.getRetainFilter()) { originalFilterConditions.setLocalCondition(""); originalFilterConditions.getLocalConditions().clear(); filterConditionsDialog.getLocalConditionsList().clear(); debugDataViewer.setLocalCondition(""); localCondition = ""; } remoteCondition = buffer.toString(); showRemoteFilteredData(StringUtils.trim(buffer.toString())); debugDataViewer.setRemoteCondition(remoteCondition); } filterConditionsDialog.close(); } @Override public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { } }; return listener; }
From source
/** * Gets the urn.//w w w . ja va2 s . c o m * * @param xml the xml * @return the urn */ public String getUrn(String xml) { try { Node node = TransformUtils.getNamedChildWithPath(BioportalRestUtils.getDocument(xml), ONTOLOGY_BEAN); String urn = TransformUtils.getNamedChildText(node, URN); if (StringUtils.isBlank(urn)) { urn = TransformUtils.getNamedChildText(node, CODING_SCHEME); } urn = StringUtils.trim(urn); return urn; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Cts2RuntimeException(e); } }
From source
/** * ????/*from www. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param json * @param jsonMap * @param patient * @param name * @param msg */ private void checkPatientInfo(OperationJsonObject json, Map<String, String> jsonMap, final PatientInfoDO patient, final String name, final String msg) { if (null != patient && null != patient.getPatient_birthday()) { if (null != patient.getRelationship()) { // ?? if (!RegexUtil.isIdCard(StringUtils.trim(patient.getPatient_cert_no()))) { json.setHasError(Boolean.TRUE); jsonMap.put(name + "patient_cert_no", msg + ReservationMsgConstants.ERR_MSGCERT_NO); json.setMessage(msg + ReservationMsgConstants.ERR_MSGCERT_NO); } // ? if (!json.getHasError() && !RegexUtil.isMobile(StringUtils.trim(patient.getPatient_mobile()))) { json.setHasError(Boolean.TRUE); jsonMap.put(name + "patient_mobile", msg + ReservationMsgConstants.ERR_MSG_MOBILE); json.setMessage(msg + ReservationMsgConstants.ERR_MSG_MOBILE); } } if (!json.getHasError()) { if (DateUtil.getDatebyString(patient.getPatient_birthday()).after(new Date())) { json.setHasError(Boolean.TRUE); json.setMessage(msg + ReservationMsgConstants.BIRDAYISERROR); } } } }
From source
/** * /*from ww w.j a va2s .co m*/ * @param properties * @param repositoryClient * @return */ private static ServiceRouter newServiceRouter(Properties properties, AddressingService addressingService, RouterPlugin plugin) { String factoryClassName = StringUtils.trim(properties.getProperty(ROUTER_FACTORY)); if (StringUtils.isBlank(factoryClassName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Please set %s", ROUTER_FACTORY)); } try { Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(factoryClassName); ServiceRouterFactory factory = (ServiceRouterFactory) clazz.newInstance(); return factory.newServiceRouter(addressingService, plugin); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OOPS, new router failed", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OOPS, new router failed", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OOPS, new router failed", e); } }
From source
private void handleLine(List<String> values) { currentLine = values;/*from ww w .ja v a2s . co m*/ if (!isComment(values)) { for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { currentColumnNumber = i + 1; try { String value = NCICommonsUtils.performXSSFilter(StringUtils.trim(values.get(i)), true, true); handleValue(columns.getColumns().get(i), value); } catch (Exception e) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); addError(e.toString() + ": " + sw.toString()); } } handleDataFileToDesignMap(currentArrayDataFiles, currentArrayDesign); currentNode = null; currentHybridization = null; currentScan = null; currentNormalization = null; currentFile = null; currentCommentable = null; currentArrayDesign = null; currentArrayDataFiles.clear(); lineNodeCache.clear(); } }