Java tutorial
//====================================================================================== // Copyright 5AM Solutions Inc, Yale University // // Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. // See for details. //====================================================================================== package gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.sdrf; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.project.ExperimentOntology; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.project.ExperimentOntologyCategory; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.AbstractMageTabDocument; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.Commentable; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.MageTabDocumentSet; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.MageTabExportException; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.MageTabOntologyCategory; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.MageTabParsingException; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.MageTabParsingRuntimeException; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.OntologyTerm; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.Parameter; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.ParameterValue; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.Protocol; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.ProtocolApplication; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.TermSource; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.TermSourceable; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.Unitable; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.idf.IdfDocument; import; import; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.validation.ValidationMessage; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.validation.ValidationMessage.Type; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.fiveamsolutions.nci.commons.util.NCICommonsUtils; import; /** * Represents a Sample and Data Relationship Format (SDRF) file - a tab-delimited file describing the relationships * between samples, arrays, data, and other objects used or produced in the investigation, and providing all MIAME * information that is not provided elsewhere. This is often the least trivial part of the experiment description due to * the complex relationships which are possible between samples and their respective hybridizations; however, for simple * experimental designs, constructing the SDRF file is straightforward, and even complex loop designs can be expressed * in this format. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "PMD.CyclomaticComplexity", "PMD.TooManyFields", "PMD.TooManyMethods", "PMD.ExcessiveClassLength", "PMD.UnusedFormalParameter" }) public final class SdrfDocument extends AbstractMageTabDocument { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1116542609494378874L; private static final String EMPTY_SYMBOL = "->"; private static final String EXPORT_EMPTY_SYMBOL = "->"; private IdfDocument idfDocument; private final SdrfColumns columns = new SdrfColumns(); private List<String> currentLine; private final Map<NodeKey, AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode> nodeCache = new HashMap<NodeKey, AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode>(); private final Map<NodeKey, AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode> lineNodeCache = new HashMap<NodeKey, AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode>(); private AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode currentNode; private Unitable currentUnitable; private TermSourceable currentTermSourceable; private AbstractBioMaterial currentBioMaterial; private final List<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode> leftmostNodes = new ArrayList<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode>(); private ProtocolApplication currentProtocolApp; private Hybridization currentHybridization; private Scan currentScan; private Normalization currentNormalization; private AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode currentFile; private Commentable currentCommentable; private int currentLineNumber; private int currentColumnNumber; private ArrayDesign currentArrayDesign; private final List<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode> currentArrayDataFiles = new ArrayList<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode>(); private final List<Source> allSources = new ArrayList<Source>(); private final List<FactorValue> allFactorValues = new ArrayList<FactorValue>(); private final List<Sample> allSamples = new ArrayList<Sample>(); private final List<Extract> allExtracts = new ArrayList<Extract>(); private final List<LabeledExtract> allLabeledExtracts = new ArrayList<LabeledExtract>(); private final List<Hybridization> allHybridizations = new ArrayList<Hybridization>(); private final List<Scan> allScans = new ArrayList<Scan>(); private final List<Normalization> allNormalizations = new ArrayList<Normalization>(); private final List<ArrayDataFile> allArrayDataFiles = new ArrayList<ArrayDataFile>(); private final List<DerivedArrayDataFile> allDerivedArrayDataFiles = new ArrayList<DerivedArrayDataFile>(); private final List<ArrayDataMatrixFile> allArrayDataMatrixFiles = new ArrayList<ArrayDataMatrixFile>(); private final List<DerivedArrayDataMatrixFile> allDerivedArrayDataMatrixFiles = new ArrayList<DerivedArrayDataMatrixFile>(); private final List<Image> allImages = new ArrayList<Image>(); // Inclusion of columns in the SDRF private final Set<SdrfColumnType> allSourceColumns = new HashSet<SdrfColumnType>(); private final Set<SdrfColumnType> allSampleColumns = new HashSet<SdrfColumnType>(); private final Set<SdrfColumnType> allExtractColumns = new HashSet<SdrfColumnType>(); private final Set<SdrfColumnType> allLabeledExtractColumns = new HashSet<SdrfColumnType>(); // The ordering of the characteristics in the SDRF. private final Map<String, SdrfCharacteristic> allSourceCharacteristics = new LinkedHashMap<String, SdrfCharacteristic>(); private final Map<String, SdrfCharacteristic> allSampleCharacteristics = new LinkedHashMap<String, SdrfCharacteristic>(); private final Map<String, SdrfCharacteristic> allExtractCharacteristics = new LinkedHashMap<String, SdrfCharacteristic>(); private final Map<String, SdrfCharacteristic> allLabeledExtractCharacteristics = new LinkedHashMap<String, SdrfCharacteristic>(); // maps names of native array data files, derived array data files, // array data matrix files, derived array data matrix files to corresponding array design private final Map<String, ArrayDesign> arrayDataFileToDesignFileMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayDesign>(); /** * Creates a new SDRF from an existing file. * * @param documentSet the MAGE-TAB document set the SDRF belongs to. * @param file the file containing the SDRF content. */ public SdrfDocument(MageTabDocumentSet documentSet, FileRef file) { super(documentSet, file); } /** * Initializes the SDRF document with a MAGE-TAB object graph. It is assumed that this is a full graph, meaning that * the leftmost nodes are all Sources. * * @param nodes all the sources, samples, extracts, labeled extracts, hybridizations, and data file nodes. */ public void initializeNodes(SdrfDocumentNodes nodes) { if (!(nodes.isInitialized())) { throw new MageTabExportException("All nodes in the SDRF document have not been initialized."); } leftmostNodes.addAll(nodes.getAllSources()); allSources.addAll(nodes.getAllSources()); allSamples.addAll(nodes.getAllSamples()); allExtracts.addAll(nodes.getAllExtracts()); allLabeledExtracts.addAll(nodes.getAllLabeledExtracts()); allHybridizations.addAll(nodes.getAllHybridizations()); allArrayDataFiles.addAll(nodes.getAllArrayDataFiles()); allArrayDataMatrixFiles.addAll(nodes.getAllArrayDataMatrixFiles()); allDerivedArrayDataFiles.addAll(nodes.getAllDerivedArrayDataFiles()); allDerivedArrayDataMatrixFiles.addAll(nodes.getAllDerivedArrayDataMatrixFiles()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void parse() throws MageTabParsingException { if (checkHasIdf()) { parseSdrf(); } else { addErrorMessage("This SDRF file is not referenced by an IDF file."); } } /** * Parses the sdrf w/out checking for idf being present. * @throws MageTabParsingException when cannot parse. */ public void parseNoIdfCheck() throws MageTabParsingException { parseSdrf(); } private boolean checkHasIdf() { return getIdfDocument() != null; } private void parseSdrf() throws MageTabParsingException { DelimitedFileReader tabDelimitedReader = createTabDelimitedReader(); try { handleHeaderLine(getHeaderLine(tabDelimitedReader)); boolean columnsOk = checkColumnsAreValid(); if (columnsOk) { while (tabDelimitedReader.hasNextLine()) { List<String> values = tabDelimitedReader.nextLine(); currentLineNumber = tabDelimitedReader.getCurrentLineNumber(); handleLine(values); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { addErrorMessage("SDRF type not found: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { addErrorMessage("Error while reading next line: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { tabDelimitedReader.close(); } } /** * Exports the SDRF elements into the file corresponding to this document. */ @Override protected void export() { DelimitedWriter writer = createTabDelimitedWriter(); // Write header row. List<String> headerRow = compileHeaders(); writeRow(headerRow, writer); // Generate and write all non-header rows. List<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode> currentRowNodes = new ArrayList<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode>(); for (AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode source : leftmostNodes) { generateEntry(source, currentRowNodes, writer); } writer.close(); } /** * Recursively generates rows in the table to represent node relationships. * * @param leftNode the left node in the pair of nodes whose relationship is being translated. * @param currentRow the current row as translated so far. * @param writer the delimited writer to write the row to. */ private void generateEntry(AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode leftNode, List<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode> currentRowNodes, DelimitedWriter writer) { currentRowNodes.add(leftNode); if (leftNode.getSuccessors().isEmpty()) { // Reached end of row. Add row to table. addRowToTable(currentRowNodes, writer); } else { // Recursively generate entries for all successors of this node. for (AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode rightNode : leftNode.getSuccessors()) { generateEntry(rightNode, currentRowNodes, writer); } } removeLastNode(currentRowNodes); } /** * Remove the last node in the row. */ private void removeLastNode(List<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode> nodeList) { final int listSize = nodeList.size(); if (listSize >= 1) { nodeList.remove(listSize - 1); } } private void addRowToTable(List<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode> nodes, DelimitedWriter writer) { List<String> rowValues = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode node : nodes) { rowValues.add(node.getName()); switch (node.getNodeType()) { case SOURCE: addSourceValues(rowValues, (Source) node); break; case SAMPLE: addBiomaterialValues(rowValues, (AbstractBioMaterial) node, SdrfNodeType.SAMPLE); break; case EXTRACT: addBiomaterialValues(rowValues, (AbstractBioMaterial) node, SdrfNodeType.EXTRACT); break; case LABELED_EXTRACT: addLabeledExtractValues(rowValues, (LabeledExtract) node); break; default: break; } } Collections.replaceAll(rowValues, EMPTY_SYMBOL, EXPORT_EMPTY_SYMBOL); writeRow(rowValues, writer); } private List<String> compileHeaders() { List<String> headerRow = new ArrayList<String>(); addSourceHeaders(headerRow); addSampleHeaders(headerRow); addExtractHeaders(headerRow); addLabeledExtractHeaders(headerRow); addHybridizationHeaders(headerRow); addRawDataHeaders(headerRow); addDerivedDataHeaders(headerRow); return headerRow; } private void addSourceHeaders(List<String> headerRow) { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.SOURCE_NAME.toString()); boolean addProviderColumn = false; for (Source source : allSources) { if (!(source.getProviders().isEmpty())) { addProviderColumn = true; } } if (addProviderColumn) { allSourceColumns.add(SdrfColumnType.PROVIDER); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.PROVIDER.toString()); } boolean addMaterialTypeColumn = addBiomaterialHeaders(headerRow, allSources, SdrfNodeType.SOURCE); if (addMaterialTypeColumn) { allSourceColumns.add(SdrfColumnType.MATERIAL_TYPE); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.MATERIAL_TYPE.toString()); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF.toString()); } } private void addSampleHeaders(List<String> headerRow) { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.SAMPLE_NAME.toString()); boolean addMaterialTypeColumn = addBiomaterialHeaders(headerRow, allSamples, SdrfNodeType.SAMPLE); if (addMaterialTypeColumn) { allSampleColumns.add(SdrfColumnType.MATERIAL_TYPE); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.MATERIAL_TYPE.toString()); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF.toString()); } } private void addExtractHeaders(List<String> headerRow) { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.EXTRACT_NAME.toString()); boolean addMaterialTypeColumn = addBiomaterialHeaders(headerRow, allExtracts, SdrfNodeType.EXTRACT); if (addMaterialTypeColumn) { allExtractColumns.add(SdrfColumnType.MATERIAL_TYPE); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.MATERIAL_TYPE.toString()); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF.toString()); } } private void addLabeledExtractHeaders(List<String> headerRow) { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.LABELED_EXTRACT_NAME.toString()); boolean addLabelColumn = false; for (LabeledExtract labeledExtract : allLabeledExtracts) { if (labeledExtract.getLabel() != null) { addLabelColumn = true; } } if (addLabelColumn) { allLabeledExtractColumns.add(SdrfColumnType.LABEL); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.LABEL.toString()); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF.toString()); } boolean addMaterialTypeColumn = addBiomaterialHeaders(headerRow, allLabeledExtracts, SdrfNodeType.LABELED_EXTRACT); if (addMaterialTypeColumn) { allLabeledExtractColumns.add(SdrfColumnType.MATERIAL_TYPE); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.MATERIAL_TYPE.toString()); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF.toString()); } } private boolean addBiomaterialHeaders(List<String> headerRow, List<? extends AbstractBioMaterial> biomaterials, SdrfNodeType nodeType) { boolean addMaterialTypeColumn = false; Map<String, SdrfCharacteristic> characteristics = null; switch (nodeType) { case SOURCE: characteristics = allSourceCharacteristics; break; case SAMPLE: characteristics = allSampleCharacteristics; break; case EXTRACT: characteristics = allExtractCharacteristics; break; case LABELED_EXTRACT: characteristics = allLabeledExtractCharacteristics; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Biomaterial node type: " + nodeType); } for (AbstractBioMaterial biomaterial : biomaterials) { if (biomaterial.getMaterialType() != null) { addMaterialTypeColumn = true; } for (Characteristic characteristic : biomaterial.getCharacteristics()) { handleNewCharacteristic(characteristic, headerRow, characteristics); } } for (SdrfCharacteristic sdrfCharacteristic : characteristics.values()) { addNewCharacteristic(headerRow, sdrfCharacteristic); } return addMaterialTypeColumn; } private void handleNewCharacteristic(Characteristic characteristic, List<String> headerRow, Map<String, SdrfCharacteristic> characteristics) { String category = characteristic.getCategory(); SdrfCharacteristic sdrfCharacteristic = characteristics.get(category); if (sdrfCharacteristic == null) { sdrfCharacteristic = new SdrfCharacteristic(category); characteristics.put(category, sdrfCharacteristic); } if (characteristic.getTerm() != null) { sdrfCharacteristic.setHasTerm(true); } if (characteristic.getUnit() != null) { sdrfCharacteristic.setHasUnit(true); } } private void addNewCharacteristic(List<String> headerRow, SdrfCharacteristic sdrfCharacteristic) { String columnHeader = SdrfColumnType.CHARACTERISTICS.toString() + "[" + sdrfCharacteristic.getCategory() + "]"; headerRow.add(columnHeader); if (sdrfCharacteristic.isHasTerm()) { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF.toString()); } if (sdrfCharacteristic.isHasUnit()) { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.UNIT.toString()); headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF.toString()); } } private void addHybridizationHeaders(List<String> headerRow) { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.HYBRIDIZATION_NAME.toString()); } private void addRawDataHeaders(List<String> headerRow) { //TODO Handle case where raw data file and raw data matrix file are both present in a row. if (!(allArrayDataFiles.isEmpty())) { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.ARRAY_DATA_FILE.toString()); } else { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.ARRAY_DATA_MATRIX_FILE.toString()); } } private void addDerivedDataHeaders(List<String> headerRow) { //TODO Handle case where derived data file and derived data matrix file are both present in a row. if (!(allDerivedArrayDataFiles.isEmpty())) { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.DERIVED_ARRAY_DATA_FILE.toString()); } else { headerRow.add(SdrfColumnType.DERIVED_ARRAY_DATA_MATRIX_FILE.toString()); } } private void addSourceValues(List<String> row, Source source) { if (allSourceColumns.contains(SdrfColumnType.PROVIDER)) { List<Provider> providers = source.getProviders(); if (!(providers.isEmpty())) { row.add(providers.get(0).getName()); } else { row.add(""); } } addBiomaterialValues(row, source, SdrfNodeType.SOURCE); } private void addLabeledExtractValues(List<String> row, LabeledExtract labeledExtract) { if (allLabeledExtractColumns.contains(SdrfColumnType.LABEL)) { OntologyTerm label = labeledExtract.getLabel(); if (label != null) { row.add(label.getValue()); TermSource termSource = label.getTermSource(); if ((termSource == null) || StringUtils.isBlank(termSource.getName())) { row.add(""); } else { row.add(termSource.getName()); } } else { // Add empty label and Term Source REF. row.add(""); row.add(""); } } addBiomaterialValues(row, labeledExtract, SdrfNodeType.LABELED_EXTRACT); } private void addBiomaterialValues(List<String> row, AbstractBioMaterial biomaterial, SdrfNodeType nodeType) { Map<String, SdrfCharacteristic> allCharacteristics = null; Set<SdrfColumnType> allColumns = null; switch (nodeType) { case SOURCE: allCharacteristics = allSourceCharacteristics; allColumns = allSourceColumns; break; case SAMPLE: allCharacteristics = allSampleCharacteristics; allColumns = allSampleColumns; break; case EXTRACT: allCharacteristics = allExtractCharacteristics; allColumns = allExtractColumns; break; case LABELED_EXTRACT: allCharacteristics = allLabeledExtractCharacteristics; allColumns = allLabeledExtractColumns; break; default: // Should never get here. return; } addCharacteristics(row, biomaterial, allCharacteristics.values()); addMaterialType(row, biomaterial, allColumns); } private void addMaterialType(List<String> row, AbstractBioMaterial biomaterial, Set<SdrfColumnType> allColumns) { if (allColumns.contains(SdrfColumnType.MATERIAL_TYPE)) { OntologyTerm materialType = biomaterial.getMaterialType(); if (materialType != null) { row.add(materialType.getValue()); TermSource termSource = materialType.getTermSource(); if ((termSource == null) || StringUtils.isBlank(termSource.getName())) { row.add(""); } else { row.add(termSource.getName()); } } else { // Add empty material type and Term Source REF. row.add(""); row.add(""); } } } private void addCharacteristics(List<String> row, AbstractBioMaterial biomaterial, Collection<SdrfCharacteristic> allCharacteristics) { for (SdrfCharacteristic sdrfCharacteristic : allCharacteristics) { Characteristic characteristic = biomaterial.getCharacteristic(sdrfCharacteristic.getCategory()); addCharacteristic(row, characteristic, sdrfCharacteristic.isHasTerm(), sdrfCharacteristic.isHasUnit()); } } private void addCharacteristic(List<String> row, Characteristic characteristic, boolean hasTerm, boolean hasUnit) { List<String> values = new LinkedList<String>(); // Measurement characteristic: Add value, unit and the unit's term source. if (characteristic == null || characteristic.getTermOrDirectValue() == null) { values.add(""); if (hasTerm) { values.add(""); } if (hasUnit) { values.addAll(Collections.nCopies(2, "")); } } else { values.add(characteristic.getTermOrDirectValue()); if (characteristic.getTerm() != null) { TermSource termSource = characteristic.getTerm().getTermSource(); if (termSource == null || StringUtils.isBlank(termSource.getName())) { values.add(""); } else { values.add(termSource.getName()); } } else if (hasTerm) { values.add(""); } OntologyTerm unit = characteristic.getUnit(); if (unit != null) { values.add(unit.getValue()); TermSource termSource = unit.getTermSource(); if (termSource == null || StringUtils.isBlank(termSource.getName())) { values.add(""); } else { values.add(termSource.getName()); } } else if (hasUnit) { values.add(""); values.add(""); } } row.addAll(values); } private List<String> getHeaderLine(DelimitedFileReader tabDelimitedReader) throws IOException { List<String> nextLine = tabDelimitedReader.nextLine(); while (isComment(nextLine)) { nextLine = tabDelimitedReader.nextLine(); } return nextLine; } private boolean checkColumnsAreValid() { List<ValidationMessage> messages = new LinkedList<ValidationMessage>(); getDocumentSet().getValidatorSet().validateSdrfColumns(columns, messages); boolean hasError = false; for (ValidationMessage message : messages) { getDocumentSet().getValidationResult().addMessage(getFile().getName(), message); hasError |= message.getType() == Type.ERROR; } return !hasError; } private boolean isComment(List<String> values) { return !values.isEmpty() && values.get(0).startsWith(COMMENT_CHARACTER); } private void handleHeaderLine(List<String> values) { for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { columns.getColumns().add(new SdrfColumn(createHeading(values.get(i)))); } } private void handleLine(List<String> values) { currentLine = values; if (!isComment(values)) { for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { currentColumnNumber = i + 1; try { String value = NCICommonsUtils.performXSSFilter(StringUtils.trim(values.get(i)), true, true); handleValue(columns.getColumns().get(i), value); } catch (Exception e) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); addError(e.toString() + ": " + sw.toString()); } } handleDataFileToDesignMap(currentArrayDataFiles, currentArrayDesign); currentNode = null; currentHybridization = null; currentScan = null; currentNormalization = null; currentFile = null; currentCommentable = null; currentArrayDesign = null; currentArrayDataFiles.clear(); lineNodeCache.clear(); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "PMD.ExcessiveMethodLength", "PMD.NPathComplexity" }) private void handleValue(SdrfColumn column, String value) { if (isBlank(value)) { switch (column.getType()) { case SOURCE_NAME: case SAMPLE_NAME: case EXTRACT_NAME: case LABELED_EXTRACT_NAME: case HYBRIDIZATION_NAME: addError(column.getHeading() + " cannot be blank"); break; case CHARACTERISTICS: case PROTOCOL_REF: case MATERIAL_TYPE: case UNIT: case LABEL: case ARRAY_DESIGN_REF: case PARAMETER_VALUE: currentTermSourceable = null; // intentional fall-through default: return; } } switch (column.getType()) { case SOURCE_NAME: case SAMPLE_NAME: case EXTRACT_NAME: case LABELED_EXTRACT_NAME: handleBioMaterial(column, value); break; case SCAN_NAME: handleScan(column, value); break; case NORMALIZATION_NAME: handleNormalization(column, value); break; case HYBRIDIZATION_NAME: handleHybridization(column, value); break; case PROVIDER: handleProviders(value); break; case PROTOCOL_REF: handleProtocolRef(value, columns.getNextColumn(column)); break; case CHARACTERISTICS: handleCharacteristic(value, column, columns.getNextColumn(column), columns.getNextColumn(columns.getNextColumn(column))); break; case MATERIAL_TYPE: handleMaterialType(column, value); break; case PARAMETER_VALUE: handleParameterValue(column, value, columns.getNextColumn(column), columns.getNextColumn(columns.getNextColumn(column))); break; case TERM_SOURCE_REF: handleTermSourceRef(value); break; case UNIT: handleUnit(column, value, columns.getNextColumn(column)); break; case LABEL: handleLabel(column, value); break; case ARRAY_DESIGN_FILE: addError(column.getHeading() + " not allowed via experiment data import."); break; case ARRAY_DESIGN_REF: handleArrayDesignRef(column, value); break; case DERIVED_ARRAY_DATA_FILE: handleArrayDataFile(column, value, true); break; case ARRAY_DATA_FILE: handleArrayDataFile(column, value, false); break; case ARRAY_DATA_MATRIX_FILE: handleArrayDataMatrixFile(column, value, false); break; case DERIVED_ARRAY_DATA_MATRIX_FILE: handleArrayDataMatrixFile(column, value, true); break; case IMAGE_FILE: handleImageFile(column, value); break; case FACTOR_VALUE: handleFactorValue(column, value, columns.getNextColumn(column), columns.getNextColumn(columns.getNextColumn(column))); break; case PERFORMER: handlePerformer(value); break; case DATE: handleProtocolDate(value); break; case DESCRIPTION: handleDescription(value); break; case COMMENT: handleComment(value); break; default: break; } } private void handleDescription(String value) { if (currentBioMaterial == null) { addError("Description must be preceded by a Source, Sample, Extract, or LabeledExtract"); } else { currentBioMaterial.setDescription(value); } } private void handleComment(String value) { if (currentCommentable == null) { addError("Comment must be preceded by a Node or Edge column"); } else { currentCommentable.getComments().add(new Comment(value)); } } private void handleBioMaterial(SdrfColumn column, String value) { handleNode(column, value); currentBioMaterial = (AbstractBioMaterial) currentNode; } private boolean isBlank(String value) { return StringUtils.isBlank(value) || EMPTY_SYMBOL.equals(value) || EXPORT_EMPTY_SYMBOL.equals(value); } private void handleHybridization(SdrfColumn column, String value) { handleNode(column, value); currentHybridization = (Hybridization) currentNode; } private void handleImageFile(SdrfColumn column, String value) { Image image = new Image(); image.setName(value);; currentNode = image; } private void handleScan(SdrfColumn column, String value) { handleNode(column, value, currentHybridization); currentScan = (Scan) currentNode; } private void handleNormalization(SdrfColumn column, String value) { handleNode(column, value, currentHybridization); currentNormalization = (Normalization) currentNode; } private void handleArrayDesignRef(SdrfColumn column, String value) { ArrayDesign arrayDesign = getArrayDesign(value); arrayDesign.setValue(value); if (currentHybridization != null) { currentHybridization.setArrayDesign(arrayDesign); } else { addError("Array Design REF column must follow a Hybridization Name column"); } currentCommentable = arrayDesign; currentTermSourceable = arrayDesign; currentArrayDesign = arrayDesign; } private void handleFactorValue(SdrfColumn column, String value, SdrfColumn nextColumn, SdrfColumn nextNextColumn) { if (!this.checkHasIdf()) { addInfoMessage("Factor parsing disabled."); } else { handleFactorValueWithIdf(column, value, nextColumn, nextNextColumn); } } private void handleFactorValueWithIdf(SdrfColumn column, String value, SdrfColumn nextColumn, SdrfColumn nextNextColumn) { FactorValue factorValue = new FactorValue(); factorValue.setFactor(idfDocument.getFactor(column.getHeading().getQualifier())); if (factorValue.getFactor() != null) { factorValue.addToSdrfList(this); if (nextColumn != null && nextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF && !isBlank(getNextValue())) { OntologyTerm term = addOntologyTerm((String) null, value); factorValue.setTerm(term); currentTermSourceable = term; if (nextNextColumn != null && nextNextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.UNIT) { currentUnitable = factorValue; } } else { factorValue.setValue(value); if (nextColumn != null && nextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.UNIT) { currentUnitable = factorValue; } } if (currentHybridization != null) { currentHybridization.getFactorValues().add(factorValue); } else { addError("Factor Value columns must come after (to the right of) a Hybridization column"); } } else { addError("Referenced Factor Name " + column.getHeading().getQualifier() + " was not found in the IDF"); } } private AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode getNodeToLinkToForArrayData(boolean derived) { AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode explicitNode = derived ? currentNormalization : currentScan; return explicitNode != null ? explicitNode : currentHybridization; } private void handleArrayDataFile(SdrfColumn column, String value, boolean derived) { handleNode(column, value, getNodeToLinkToForArrayData(derived)); AbstractNativeFileReference adf = (AbstractNativeFileReference) currentNode; if (getDocumentSet().getNativeDataFile(value) == null) { // Warning instead of error, because the data file might be coming in a different import later. addWarningMessage("Referenced " + (derived ? "Derived " : "") + " Array Data File " + value + " was not found in the document set"); } else { adf.setNativeDataFile(getDocumentSet().getNativeDataFile(value)); } if (derived && currentFile != null) {; } currentFile = adf; currentArrayDataFiles.add(adf); } private void handleArrayDataMatrixFile(SdrfColumn column, String value, boolean derived) { handleNode(column, value, getNodeToLinkToForArrayData(derived)); AbstractDataMatrixReference admf = (AbstractDataMatrixReference) currentNode; if (getDocumentSet().getArrayDataMatrix(value) == null) { // Warning instead of error, because the data file might be coming in a different import later. addWarningMessage("Referenced " + (derived ? "Derived " : "") + " Array Data File " + value + " was not found in the document set"); } else { admf.setDataMatrix(getDocumentSet().getArrayDataMatrix(value)); } if (derived && currentFile != null) {; } currentFile = admf; currentArrayDataFiles.add(admf); } private void handleLabel(SdrfColumn column, String value) { LabeledExtract labeledExtract = (LabeledExtract) currentBioMaterial; labeledExtract.setLabel(addOntologyTerm(MageTabOntologyCategory.LABEL_COMPOUND, value)); currentTermSourceable = labeledExtract.getLabel(); } private void handleUnit(SdrfColumn column, String value, SdrfColumn nextColumn) { OntologyTerm unit = addOntologyTerm(column.getHeading().getQualifier(), value); unit.setValue(value); if (currentUnitable != null) { currentUnitable.setUnit(unit); currentUnitable = null; } else { addError("Illegal Unit column: Unit must follow a Characteristic, ParameterValue or FactorValue"); } if (nextColumn != null && nextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF) { currentTermSourceable = unit; } } private void handleMaterialType(SdrfColumn column, String value) { OntologyTerm materialType = addOntologyTerm(MageTabOntologyCategory.MATERIAL_TYPE, value); currentBioMaterial.setMaterialType(materialType); currentTermSourceable = materialType; } private void handleTermSourceRef(String value) { TermSource termSource = getTermSource(value); if (termSource == null) { addError("Term Source " + value + " is not defined in the IDF document"); } if (currentTermSourceable != null) { currentTermSourceable.setTermSource(termSource); currentTermSourceable = null; } } private void handleCharacteristic(String value, SdrfColumn currentColumn, SdrfColumn nextColumn, SdrfColumn nextNextColumn) { Characteristic characteristic = new Characteristic(); if (!currentBioMaterial.isRepeated()) { currentBioMaterial.getCharacteristics().add(characteristic); } characteristic.setCategory(currentColumn.getHeading().getQualifier()); if (nextColumn != null && nextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF && !isBlank(getNextValue())) { OntologyTerm term = addOntologyTerm(characteristic.getCategory(), value); characteristic.setTerm(term); currentTermSourceable = term; if (nextNextColumn != null && nextNextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.UNIT) { currentUnitable = characteristic; } } else { characteristic.setValue(value); if (ExperimentOntologyCategory.ORGANISM.getCategoryName() .equalsIgnoreCase(characteristic.getCategory())) { OntologyTerm term = addOntologyTerm(characteristic.getCategory(), value); characteristic.setTerm(term); term.setTermSource(getTermSource(ExperimentOntology.NCBI.getOntologyName())); } if (nextColumn != null && nextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.UNIT) { currentUnitable = characteristic; } } } private void handleProtocolRef(String value, SdrfColumn nextColumn) { ProtocolApplication protocolApp = new ProtocolApplication(); protocolApp.setProtocol(getProtocol(value)); if (!currentNode.isRepeated()) { currentNode.getProtocolApplications().add(protocolApp); } currentProtocolApp = protocolApp; if (protocolApp.getProtocol() == null) { protocolApp.setProtocol(new Protocol()); protocolApp.getProtocol().setName(value); addWarning("Protocol " + value + " is not defined in the IDF document"); } if (nextColumn != null && nextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF) { currentTermSourceable = protocolApp.getProtocol(); } currentCommentable = protocolApp; } private void handlePerformer(String value) { if (currentProtocolApp != null) { currentProtocolApp.setPerformer(value); } else { addWarning("Performer column with value " + value + " does not follow a Protocol REF column"); } } private void handleProtocolDate(String value) { if (currentProtocolApp != null) { currentProtocolApp.setDate(parseDateValue(value, "Protocol Date")); } else { addWarning("Date column with value " + value + " does not follow a Protocol REF column"); } } private void handleParameterValue(SdrfColumn column, String value, SdrfColumn nextColumn, SdrfColumn nextNextColumn) { ParameterValue parameterValue = new ParameterValue(); Parameter param = new Parameter(); param.setName(column.getHeading().getQualifier()); parameterValue.setParameter(param); if (nextColumn != null && nextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.TERM_SOURCE_REF && !isBlank(getNextValue())) { OntologyTerm term = addOntologyTerm((String) null, value); parameterValue.setTerm(term); currentTermSourceable = term; if (nextNextColumn != null && nextNextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.UNIT) { currentUnitable = parameterValue; } } else { parameterValue.setValue(value); if (nextColumn != null && nextColumn.getType() == SdrfColumnType.UNIT) { currentUnitable = parameterValue; } } if (!currentNode.isRepeated()) { currentProtocolApp.getParameterValues().add(parameterValue); } currentCommentable = parameterValue; } /** * For each data file in arrayDataFiles, maps the name of the data file to arrayDesignArg * and stores this information in this.arrayDataFileToDesignFileMap. * @param arrayDataFiles contains data files to map. * @param arrayDesignArg ArrayDesign to map to. */ protected void handleDataFileToDesignMap(List<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode> arrayDataFiles, ArrayDesign arrayDesignArg) { for (AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode adf : arrayDataFiles) { String key = adf.getName(); // TODO if key already exists in map, make sure its ArrayDesign is same as arrayDesignArg arrayDataFileToDesignFileMap.put(key, arrayDesignArg); } } private void handleNode(SdrfColumn column, String value, AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode nodeToLinkTo) { AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode node = getOrCreateNode(column, value); if (nodeToLinkTo == null) { if (!leftmostNodes.contains(node)) { leftmostNodes.add(node); } } else {; } currentNode = node; currentCommentable = currentNode; } private void handleNode(SdrfColumn column, String value) { handleNode(column, value, currentNode); } private AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode getOrCreateNode(SdrfColumn column, String value) { NodeKey nodeKey = getNodeKey(column, value); AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode node = nodeCache.get(nodeKey); if (node == null) { node = createNode(column, value); nodeCache.put(nodeKey, node); lineNodeCache.put(nodeKey, node); } else { if (!lineNodeCache.containsKey(nodeKey)) { lineNodeCache.put(nodeKey, node); } else if (node.getNodeType().isName()) { addErrorMessage(currentLineNumber, currentColumnNumber, "Duplicate " + column.getHeading().getTypeName() + " " + value); } node.setRepeated(true); } return node; } private AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode createNode(SdrfColumn column, String value) { try { AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode node = (AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode) column.getType() .getNodeClass().newInstance(); node.setName(value); node.addToSdrfList(this); return node; } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new MageTabParsingRuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new MageTabParsingRuntimeException(e); } } private NodeKey getNodeKey(SdrfColumn column, String value) { return getNodeKey(column.getType(), value); } private NodeKey getNodeKey(SdrfColumnType heading, String value) { return new NodeKey(heading.getNodeClass(), value); } // return the value of the next column private String getNextValue() { // currentColumnNumber is 1-based return this.currentLine.get(this.currentColumnNumber); } private void handleProviders(String value) { if (currentBioMaterial.isRepeated()) { return; } String[] providerNames = value.split(";"); int numProviders = providerNames.length; for (int i = 0; i < numProviders; i++) { Provider provider = new Provider(); provider.setName(providerNames[i]); if (currentBioMaterial instanceof Source) { ((Source) currentBioMaterial).getProviders().add(provider); } else { addError("Provider must be preceded by a Source"); return; } } } /** * @return the leftmostNodes */ public List<AbstractSampleDataRelationshipNode> getLeftmostNodes() { return leftmostNodes; } /** * Compound key for node lookup and caching. */ private static final class NodeKey { private final Class<?> nodeClass; private final String nodeName; NodeKey(Class<?> nodeClass, String nodeName) { this.nodeClass = nodeClass; this.nodeName = nodeName; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof NodeKey)) { return false; } else { NodeKey nodeKey = (NodeKey) obj; return nodeClass.equals(nodeKey.nodeClass) && nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(nodeKey.nodeName); } } @Override public int hashCode() { // PMD is erroneously complaining about the call to toLowerCase, even though a Locale is used return nodeClass.hashCode() + nodeName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).hashCode(); // NOPMD } } /** * @return the allArrayDesigns */ public List<ArrayDesign> getAllArrayDesigns() { List<ArrayDesign> l = new ArrayList<ArrayDesign>(); for (Hybridization h : allHybridizations) { if (h.getArrayDesign() != null && !l.contains(h.getArrayDesign())) { l.add(h.getArrayDesign()); } } return l; } /** * @return the allDerivedArrayDataFiles */ public List<DerivedArrayDataFile> getAllDerivedArrayDataFiles() { return allDerivedArrayDataFiles; } /** * @return the allExtracts */ public List<Extract> getAllExtracts() { return allExtracts; } /** * @return the allHybridizations */ public List<Hybridization> getAllHybridizations() { return allHybridizations; } /** * @return the allImages */ public List<Image> getAllImages() { return allImages; } /** * @return the allLabeledExtracts */ public List<LabeledExtract> getAllLabeledExtracts() { return allLabeledExtracts; } /** * @return the allNormalizations */ public List<Normalization> getAllNormalizations() { return allNormalizations; } /** * @return all biomaterials defined in this document */ public List<AbstractBioMaterial> getAllBiomaterials() { List<AbstractBioMaterial> list = new LinkedList<AbstractBioMaterial>(); list.addAll(getAllSources()); list.addAll(getAllSamples()); list.addAll(getAllExtracts()); list.addAll(getAllLabeledExtracts()); return list; } /** * @return the allSamples */ public List<Sample> getAllSamples() { return allSamples; } /** * @return the allScans */ public List<Scan> getAllScans() { return allScans; } /** * @return the allSources */ public List<Source> getAllSources() { return allSources; } /** * @return the allArrayDataFiles */ public List<ArrayDataFile> getAllArrayDataFiles() { return allArrayDataFiles; } /** * @return the idfDocument */ public IdfDocument getIdfDocument() { return idfDocument; } /** * @param idfDocument the idfDocument to set */ public void setIdfDocument(IdfDocument idfDocument) { this.idfDocument = idfDocument; } /** * @return the allArrayDataMatrixFiles */ public List<ArrayDataMatrixFile> getAllArrayDataMatrixFiles() { return allArrayDataMatrixFiles; } /** * @return the allDerivedArrayDataMatrixFiles */ public List<DerivedArrayDataMatrixFile> getAllDerivedArrayDataMatrixFiles() { return allDerivedArrayDataMatrixFiles; } /** * @return the allFactorValues */ public List<FactorValue> getAllFactorValues() { return allFactorValues; } /** * Adds an error message with the current line and column number. * * @param message error message */ private void addError(String message) { addErrorMessage(currentLineNumber, currentColumnNumber, message); } /** * Adds a warning message with the current line and column number. * * @param message warning message */ private void addWarning(String message) { addWarningMessage(currentLineNumber, currentColumnNumber, message); } /** * Adds an info message with the current line and column number. * * @param message info message */ private void addInfo(String message) { addInfoMessage(currentLineNumber, currentColumnNumber, message); } /** * Get names of raw data files referenced by this sdrf. * * @return list of file names */ public List<String> getReferencedRawFileNames() { return getFileNames(this.getAllArrayDataFiles()); } /** * Get names of derived data files referenced by this sdrf. * * @return list of file names */ public List<String> getReferencedDerivedFileNames() { return getFileNames(this.getAllDerivedArrayDataFiles()); } /** * Get names of data matrix files referenced by this sdrf. * * @return list of file names */ public List<String> getReferencedDataMatrixFileNames() { List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<String>(); fileNames.addAll(getFileNames(this.getAllArrayDataMatrixFiles())); fileNames.addAll(getFileNames(this.getAllDerivedArrayDataMatrixFiles())); return fileNames; } /** * Retrieve ArrayDesign corresponding to the arrayDataFileName. * @param arrayDataFileName key to use for retrieval. * @return ArrayDesign corresponding to the arrayDataFileName or null if no match found. */ public ArrayDesign getArrayDesignForArrayDataFileName(String arrayDataFileName) { return arrayDataFileToDesignFileMap.get(arrayDataFileName); } /** * Retrieve value (i.e name) of ArrayDesign corresponding to the arrayDataFileName. * @param arrayDataFileName key to user for retrieval. * @return ArrayDesign name corresponding to the arrayDataFileName or null if no match found. */ public String getArrayDesignNameForArrayDataFileName(String arrayDataFileName) { ArrayDesign arrayDesign = getArrayDesignForArrayDataFileName(arrayDataFileName); if (arrayDesign != null) { return arrayDesign.getValue(); } return null; } /** * Encapsulates the defining attributes of a characteristic. */ private class SdrfCharacteristic { private final String category; private boolean hasUnit; private boolean hasTerm; SdrfCharacteristic(String categoryName) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(categoryName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Characteristic should not have an empty category."); } category = categoryName; } String getCategory() { return category; } /** * @return the hasUnit */ public boolean isHasUnit() { return hasUnit; } /** * @param hasUnit the hasUnit to set */ public void setHasUnit(boolean hasUnit) { this.hasUnit = hasUnit; } /** * @return the hasTerm */ public boolean isHasTerm() { return hasTerm; } /** * @param hasTerm the hasTerm to set */ public void setHasTerm(boolean hasTerm) { this.hasTerm = hasTerm; } /** * Tests if the given object is equal to this object. * * @param otherObject the object to compare to this object. * @return true if the 2 objects are equal, false otherwise. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object otherObject) { if (!(otherObject instanceof SdrfCharacteristic)) { return false; } SdrfCharacteristic otherCharacteristic = (SdrfCharacteristic) otherObject; return (category.equals(otherCharacteristic.category)); } /** * Default hashCode works on category. * * @return the hashCode of this object */ @Override public int hashCode() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(category)) { return System.identityHashCode(this); } return category.hashCode(); } } }