List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils stripToEmpty
public static String stripToEmpty(String str)
Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String returning an empty String if null
From source
/** * ??() ?///from w w w. j a va 2 s.c om * * @param product * @param request * @param saveType * @return * @throws Exception */ private JsonModelAndView saveProduct(DesignWorkVO product, MultipartHttpServletRequest request, int saveType) throws Exception { /* * ?? ? ? */ boolean isUpdate = saveType == SAVE_TYPE_UPDATE; Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); UserVO loginUser = CmnUtil.getLoginUser(request); if (loginUser == null || !StringUtil.isNotEmpty(loginUser.getSeq())) { resultMap.put("result", "100"); return new JsonModelAndView(resultMap); } /* ? ? */ if (isUpdate) { DesignWorkVO prevProduct = designerService.getDesignWork(product.getSeq()); if (!loginUser.getSeq().equals(prevProduct.getMemberSeq())) { resultMap.put("result", "101"); return new JsonModelAndView(resultMap); } } /* * ? ? */ MultipartFile fileUrlFile = request.getFile("fileUrlFile"); if (fileUrlFile != null) { String fileName = fileUrlFile.getOriginalFilename().toLowerCase(); if (!(fileName.endsWith(".jpg") || fileName.endsWith(".png"))) { resultMap.put("result", "202"); return new JsonModelAndView(resultMap); } } else { /* ? ? . */ if (!isUpdate) { resultMap.put("result", "201"); return new JsonModelAndView(resultMap); } } /* * license */ String license01 = request.getParameter("license01"); String license02 = request.getParameter("license02"); String license03 = request.getParameter("license03"); String license = license01 + license02 + license03; product.setLicense(license); //?? ?///// String stem = request.getParameter("origin"); if (stem == null) { product.setOriginSeq("0"); } else { product.setOriginSeq(stem); } ////////////////////////////// /* * ?? ? "0" */ String point = request.getParameter("point"); point = String.valueOf(CmnUtil.getIntValue(point)); //null--> 0 product.setPoint(point); /* * ? ? */ List<MultipartFile> productFileList = new ArrayList<MultipartFile>(); List<MultipartFile> openSourceFileList = new ArrayList<MultipartFile>(); Iterator<String> iterator = request.getFileNames(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String fileNameKey =; MultipartFile reqFile = request.getFile(fileNameKey); if (reqFile != null) { boolean existProuductFile = fileNameKey.startsWith("productFile"); boolean existOpenSourceFile = fileNameKey.startsWith("openSourceFile"); if (existProuductFile || existOpenSourceFile) { long fileSize = reqFile.getSize(); if (fileSize > LIMIT_FILE_SIZE) { resultMap.put("result", "203"); resultMap.put("fileName", reqFile.getOriginalFilename()); return new JsonModelAndView(resultMap); } if (existProuductFile) { productFileList.add(reqFile); } if (existOpenSourceFile) { openSourceFileList.add(reqFile); } } } } product.setMemberSeq(loginUser.getSeq()); /* * ?? */ String fileUploadDir = CmnUtil.getFileUploadDir(request, FileUploadDomain.PRODUCT); File thumbFile = null; if (fileUrlFile != null) { String saveFileName = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); thumbFile = CmnUtil.saveFile(fileUrlFile, fileUploadDir, saveFileName); String fileUploadDbPath = CmnUtil.getFileUploadDbPath(request, thumbFile); product.setThumbUri(fileUploadDbPath); } /* * ??() */ List<DesignPreviewImageVO> productList = new ArrayList<DesignPreviewImageVO>(); List<String> productFilePaths = new ArrayList<>(); for (MultipartFile aFile : productFileList) { String saveFileName = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); File file = CmnUtil.saveFile(aFile, fileUploadDir, saveFileName); productFilePaths.add(file.getAbsolutePath()); String fileUploadDbPath = CmnUtil.getFileUploadDbPath(request, file); DesignPreviewImageVO productFile = new DesignPreviewImageVO(); productFile.setFilename(aFile.getOriginalFilename()); productFile.setFileUri(fileUploadDbPath); productList.add(productFile); } product.setImageList(productList); /* * */ List<DesignWorkFileVO> openSourceList = new ArrayList<DesignWorkFileVO>(); for (MultipartFile aFile : openSourceFileList) { String saveFileName = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); File file = CmnUtil.saveFile(aFile, fileUploadDir, saveFileName); String fileUploadDbPath = CmnUtil.getFileUploadDbPath(request, file); //openSourceFile? ??? client? . String filenameOpenSourceFile = StringUtils .stripToEmpty(request.getParameter("filename_" + aFile.getName())); DesignWorkFileVO openSourceFile = new DesignWorkFileVO(); openSourceFile.setFilename(filenameOpenSourceFile); openSourceFile.setFileUri(fileUploadDbPath); openSourceList.add(openSourceFile); } product.setFileList(openSourceList); /* * ??/? ? ? ? * ?? ? ? ? ? ? */ String thumbFilePath = ""; if (thumbFile != null) { thumbFilePath = thumbFile.getAbsolutePath(); } ThumbnailManager.resizeNClone4DesignWork(thumbFilePath, productFilePaths); /* * */ String tag = request.getParameter("tag"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(tag)) { String[] tags = tag.split(","); int addIndex = 0; StringBuffer tagBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (String aTag : tags) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(aTag)) { aTag = aTag.trim(); tagBuffer.append(aTag); tagBuffer.append("|"); addIndex++; } if (addIndex >= 5) { break; } } if (addIndex > 0) { tagBuffer.insert(0, "|"); tag = tagBuffer.toString(); } } product.setTags(tag); String currentDate = Day.getCurrentTimestamp().substring(0, 12); product.setRegisterTime(currentDate); product.setUpdateTime(currentDate); String[] categoryCodes = request.getParameterValues("categoryCodes"); /* * */ if (isUpdate) { String[] removeProductSeqs = request.getParameterValues("removeProductSeq"); String[] removeOpenSourceSeqs = request.getParameterValues("removeOpenSourceSeq"); int projectSeq = service.updateProduct(product, categoryCodes, removeProductSeqs, removeOpenSourceSeqs); } else { int projectSeq = service.insertProduct(product, categoryCodes); } resultMap.put(RstConst.P_NAME, RstConst.V_SUCESS); return new JsonModelAndView(resultMap); }
From source
/** OSGi Activate/Deactivate **/ protected void activate(ComponentContext componentContext) { Dictionary properties = componentContext.getProperties(); enabled = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(properties.get(PROP_ENABLED), DEFAULT_ENABLED); trustCredentials = PropertiesUtil.toString(properties.get(PROP_TRUST_CREDENTIALS), DEFAULT_TRUST_CREDENTIALS);/*from w w w . jav a 2 s. c o m*/ requestCredentialsRedirect = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(PropertiesUtil .toString(properties.get(PROP_REQUEST_CREDENTIALS_REDIRECT), DEFAULT_REQUEST_CREDENTIALS_REDIRECT)); try { adminResourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null); } catch (LoginException ex) { } }
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/** * Returns the json representation of the item commands. * /*w w w . j ava2s . c om*/ * @return the json representation of the item commands */ public String getItemCommands() { List<Map<String, Object>> commands = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (Command itemCommand : table.getItemCommands()) { Map<String, Object> command = new HashMap<String, Object>(); command.put("icon", itemCommand.getIconClass()); command.put("url", itemCommand.getUrl()); command.put("javascriptFunction", StringUtils.stripToEmpty(itemCommand.getJavascriptFunction())); String tooltip = messageSource .getMessage(config.getViewPrefix() + "list.command." + itemCommand.getName(), null, locale); command.put("tooltip", tooltip); commands.add(command); } return jsonSerializer.serializeCollection(commands); }
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static char nextPart(String string, int currentlocation) { String rightOfStart = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(StringUtils.substring(string, currentlocation)); char nextPart = rightOfStart.charAt(0); return nextPart; }
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/** * ??--string/*from w ww . jav a 2 s . co m*/ * * @param parameter * @return */ public static String parameterToString(String[] parameter) { if (parameter != null && parameter.length > 0) { return StringUtils.stripToEmpty(parameter[0]); } return ""; }
From source
static char previousPart(String string, int currentlocation) { String leftOfStart = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(StringUtils.substring(string, 0, currentlocation)); char previousPart = leftOfStart.charAt(leftOfStart.length() - 1); return previousPart; }
From source
private Object eval(final ScriptEngine scriptEngine, final Object value) { if (scriptEngine == null) { log.warn("ScriptEngine is null; cannot evaluate"); return value; } else if (value instanceof String[]) { final List<String> scripts = new ArrayList<String>(); final String[] values = (String[]) value; for (final String val : values) { scripts.add(String.valueOf(this.eval(scriptEngine, val))); }/* w w w . j a v a2s .c o m*/ return scripts.toArray(new String[scripts.size()]); } else if (!(value instanceof String)) { return value; } final String stringValue = StringUtils.stripToEmpty((String) value); String script; if (StringUtils.startsWith(stringValue, "{{") && StringUtils.endsWith(stringValue, "}}")) { script = StringUtils.removeStart(stringValue, "{{"); script = StringUtils.removeEnd(script, "}}"); script = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(script); try { return scriptEngine.eval(script); } catch (ScriptException e) { log.error("Could not evaluation the test page property ecma [ {} ]", script); } } return value; }
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/** * Get configured error page extension//from w w w . j a va 2 s. c om * * @return */ public String getErrorPageExtension() { return StringUtils.stripToEmpty(this.errorPageExtension); }
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/** * Add extension as configured via OSGi Component Property * * Defaults to .html/*from ww w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ * * @param path * @return */ private String applyExtension(String path) { if (path == null) { return null; } String ext = getErrorPageExtension(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(ext)) { return path; } return StringUtils.stripToEmpty(path).concat(".").concat(ext); }
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/** * Check if this is an image request.//from w ww. j a v a 2s . c o m * * @param request the current {@link SlingHttpServletRequest} * @return true if this request should deliver an image. */ private boolean isImageRequest(final SlingHttpServletRequest request) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(errorImagePath)) { log.warn("ACS AEM Commons error page handler enabled to handle error images, " + "but no error image path was provided."); return false; } final String extension = StringUtils .stripToEmpty(StringUtils.lowerCase(request.getRequestPathInfo().getExtension())); return ArrayUtils.contains(errorImageExtensions, extension); }