Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright  2009 Diamond Light Source Ltd., Science and Technology
 * Facilities Council Daresbury Laboratory
 * This file is part of GDA.
 * GDA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation.
 * GDA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with GDA. If not, see <>.

package gda.jython.translator;

import gda.jython.InterfaceProvider;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * An abstract class to provide a translation facility for GDA scripting syntax.
 * <p>
 * Anything entered by the user (command line or script) should be passed through the translate method. If the syntax is
 * recognised, it is converted into 'real' jython so it may be passed to a Jython interpreter. Anything unrecognised, or
 * if an error occurs, then the string is returned untouched.
public class GeneralTranslator extends TranslatorBase implements Translator {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeneralTranslator.class);

    static private final String symbols = "-+*/%><=,[]()";

     * Translates a command identified by the translate() method. This ignores any spaces at start or end of line - it
     * assumes that translate() has removed any significant \n or \t characters.
     * @param thisGroup
     *            String
     * @return String
    public String translateGroup(String thisGroup) {
        String originalGroup = thisGroup;
        String prefix = "";
        try {

            // ignore comments
            if (thisGroup.startsWith("#")) {
                return thisGroup;

            // remove part of line after comments
            thisGroup = removeComments(thisGroup);

            // tidy up []'s
            thisGroup = GeneralTranslator.tidyBrackets(thisGroup);

            // remove initial tabs into separate prefix string
            while (thisGroup.startsWith(" ") || thisGroup.startsWith("\t")) {
                prefix += thisGroup.substring(0, 1);
                thisGroup = thisGroup.substring(1);

            // split rest of line by space
            String[] args = GeneralTranslator.splitGroup(thisGroup);

            // if nothing in the string then return
            if (args.length == 0) {
                return prefix + thisGroup;

            // assume first element in 'args' is the method, second is the name of the object and rest are the arguments
            // of the method

            // dynamically add a function to the extended syntax
            else if (args[0].equals("alias")) {
                // assume next arg is the name of the function
                if (args.length == 2) {
                    thisGroup = "";
            } else if (args[0].equals("vararg_alias")) {
                // assume next arg is the name of the function
                if (args.length == 2) {
                    thisGroup = "";
            // prevent overwriting of scannables
            else if (thisGroup.contains("=")) {
                // extract the string we are interested in
                String leftOfOperator = thisGroup.substring(0, thisGroup.indexOf("="));
                String test = "'" + leftOfOperator.trim() + "'";

                String eval = InterfaceProvider.getCommandRunner().evaluateCommand("dir()");
                // test we are not trying to overwrite an aliased command
                if (aliases.contains(leftOfOperator.trim())
                        || this.vararg_aliases.contains(leftOfOperator.trim())) {
                    if (eval.contains(test)) {
                        thisGroup = "raise Exception(\"Trying to overwrite an aliased method: "
                                + leftOfOperator.trim() + "\")";

                // then test if our object is in the namespace
                if (eval.contains(test)) {
                    // if it is, is it a Scannable?
                    String result = InterfaceProvider.getCommandRunner()
                            .evaluateCommand("isinstance(" + leftOfOperator + " ,Scannable)");

                    // if so, the raise an error rather than completing the
                    // code
                    if (result.equals("True")) {
                        thisGroup = "raise Exception(\"Trying to overwrite a Scannable: " + leftOfOperator.trim()
                                + "\")";
                // else do nothing
            // else test for a dynamically added commands
            else if (aliases.contains(args[0]) && args.length >= 1) {
                args = splitGroup(removeTrailingComment(thisGroup));
                thisGroup = args[0] + "(";

                int i = 1;
                for (; i < args.length; i++) {
                    thisGroup += args[i];
                    if (i < args.length - 1 && !thisGroup.endsWith("(") && !thisGroup.endsWith("[")) {
                        if (i == args.length - 2) {
                            if (!args[i + 1].startsWith(")") && !args[i + 1].startsWith("]"))
                                thisGroup += ",";
                        } else {
                            thisGroup += ",";

                thisGroup += ")";
            } else if (vararg_aliases.contains(args[0]) && args.length > 1) {
                thisGroup = addBracketsToVarArgAlias(thisGroup);
            } else if (vararg_aliases.contains(args[0]) && args.length == 1) {
                args = splitGroup(removeTrailingComment(thisGroup));
                thisGroup = args[0] + "()";
            } else if (startsWithVarArgAlias(args[0])) {
                int bracketIndex = args[0].indexOf("(");

                if (!thisGroup.substring(bracketIndex + 1, bracketIndex + 2).equals("[")) {

                    String firstPart = args[0].substring(0, bracketIndex + 1);
                    String secondPart = "";
                    if (bracketIndex < args[0].length() + 1) {
                        secondPart = args[0].substring(bracketIndex + 1);
                    args[0] = firstPart + "[" + secondPart;

                    bracketIndex = args[args.length - 1].lastIndexOf(")");
                    firstPart = args[args.length - 1].substring(0, bracketIndex);
                    secondPart = args[args.length - 1].substring(bracketIndex);

                    args[args.length - 1] = firstPart + "]" + secondPart;

                    int i = 1;
                    thisGroup = args[0];
                    for (; i < args.length; i++) {
                        thisGroup += ",";
                        thisGroup += args[i];

            if (thisGroup.startsWith("help(")) {
                // this parses to a call to a Jython function defined in GDAJythonInterpreter.initialise
                thisGroup = "_gda" + thisGroup;

        } catch (Exception e) {

            if (!originalGroup.startsWith("#") && !originalGroup.endsWith("\\")) {
                // if an error, return the original string
                // and let jython interpreter handle any syntax errors
                logger.debug("Error in Translator: " + originalGroup);

            return originalGroup;
        return prefix + thisGroup;

    private String addBracketsToVarArgAlias(String thisGroup) {
        String[] args;
        args = splitGroup(removeTrailingComment(thisGroup));
        thisGroup = args[0] + "([";

        int i = 1;
        for (; i < args.length; i++) {
            thisGroup += args[i];
            if (i < args.length - 1 && !thisGroup.endsWith("(") && !thisGroup.endsWith("[")) {
                if (i == args.length - 2) {
                    if (!args[i + 1].startsWith(")") && !args[i + 1].startsWith("]"))
                        thisGroup += ",";
                } else {
                    thisGroup += ",";

        if (i == 1) {
            thisGroup += "None";

        thisGroup += "])";
        return thisGroup;

    private boolean startsWithVarArgAlias(String string) {
        int index = string.indexOf("(");
        if (index == -1) {
            return false;
        String firstPart = string.substring(0, index);
        return vararg_aliases.contains(firstPart);

     * Removes everything after any hash symbol
     * <p>
     * Be careful that
     * @param command
     * @return the command without the trailing comment
    protected static String removeTrailingComment(String command) {
        if (command.contains("#")) {
            return command.substring(0, command.indexOf("#"));
        return command;

     * inside pairs of brackets replaces spaces with commas. So when the command is later split by spaces, each bracket
     * group looks like a single element in the returned array.
     * @param original_command
     *            String
     * @return String

    protected static String tidyBrackets(String original_command) {

        // return commands which are too short to tidy
        if (original_command.length() <= 1) {
            return original_command;

        // return commands which look like Python list comprehensions
        if (Pattern.matches(".*?\\[.*?for.*?in.*?\\].*?", original_command)) {
            return original_command;

        String command = original_command;
        String commasAdded = "";
        try {
            int bracketDepth = 0;
            // int braceDepth = 0; // too difficult to distinguish between operators, functions and variables inside()'s
            // so do not auto add commas within these
            boolean insideQuote = false;
            boolean insideSingleQuote = false;
            boolean insideDoubleQuote = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < command.length(); i++) {
                String thisElement = command.substring(i, i + 1);
                // record if a pair of []s opens
                if (thisElement.equals("[")) {
                    commasAdded += thisElement;
                // record if a pair of []s closes
                else if (thisElement.equals("]")) {
                    commasAdded += thisElement;
                // record if a pair of "s opens or closes
                else if (thisElement.equals("\"")) {
                    if (insideDoubleQuote) {
                        insideDoubleQuote = false;
                    } else {
                        insideDoubleQuote = true;
                    commasAdded += thisElement;
                // record if a pair of `s opens or closes
                else if (thisElement.equals("`")) {
                    if (insideQuote) {
                        insideQuote = false;
                    } else {
                        insideQuote = true;
                    commasAdded += thisElement;
                // record if a pair of 's opens or closes
                else if (thisElement.equals("'")) {
                    if (insideSingleQuote) {
                        insideSingleQuote = false;
                    } else {
                        insideSingleQuote = true;
                    commasAdded += thisElement;
                // else if in []s but not in a quote and its a space
                else if (!(insideQuote || insideSingleQuote || insideDoubleQuote)
                        && (/* braceDepth >= 1 || */bracketDepth >= 1) && thisElement.equals(" ")) {

                    // if space is between ] and [, add a comma
                    if (previousPart(command, i) == ']' && nextPart(command, i) == '[') {
                        commasAdded += ",";

                    // ignoring spaces, if neither the previous nor next non-whitespace charactor is a comma or symbol,
                    // then add a comma
                    else if (!isNextPartASymbol(command, i) && !isPreviousPartASymbol(command, i)) {
                        commasAdded += ",";
                    } else {
                        commasAdded += " ";
                // else simply add the next piece of the string
                else {
                    commasAdded += thisElement;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            return original_command;

        return commasAdded;


     * Ignoring whitespace, the is next character in the string after currentlocation an operator symbol or a comma?
     * @param string
     * @param currentlocation
     * @return boolean
    static boolean isNextPartASymbol(String string, int currentlocation) {
        char nextPart = nextPart(string, currentlocation);
        return StringUtils.contains(symbols, nextPart);

     * Ignoring whitespace, the is previous character in the string before currentlocation an operator symbol or a
     * comma?
     * @param string
     * @param currentlocation
     * @return boolean
    static boolean isPreviousPartASymbol(String string, int currentlocation) {
        char previousPart = previousPart(string, currentlocation);
        return StringUtils.contains(symbols, previousPart);

    static char nextPart(String string, int currentlocation) {
        String rightOfStart = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(StringUtils.substring(string, currentlocation));
        char nextPart = rightOfStart.charAt(0);
        return nextPart;

    static char previousPart(String string, int currentlocation) {
        String leftOfStart = StringUtils.stripToEmpty(StringUtils.substring(string, 0, currentlocation));
        char previousPart = leftOfStart.charAt(leftOfStart.length() - 1);
        return previousPart;

    protected String removeComments(String command) {
        int dblquoteLocation = command.lastIndexOf("\"");
        int quoteLocation = command.lastIndexOf("'");

        if (dblquoteLocation > quoteLocation) {
            quoteLocation = dblquoteLocation;

        int commentLocation = command.lastIndexOf("#");

        if (commentLocation > quoteLocation) {
            return command.substring(0, commentLocation);
        return command;

    public static String[] splitGroup(String during) {
        String[] output = new String[0];
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        int index = 0;
        String[] quoteTypes = new String[] { "'''", "r\"", "r\'", "\'", "\"" }; //put most complex first
        while (index < during.length()) {
            if (during.regionMatches(index, " ", 0, 1) || during.regionMatches(index, ",", 0, 1)) {
                if (buf.length() > 0) {
                    output = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(output, buf.toString());
                    buf = new StringBuffer();
            boolean quoteTypeFound = false;
            for (String quoteType : quoteTypes) {
                if (during.regionMatches(index, quoteType, 0, quoteType.length())) {
                    if (buf.length() > 0) {
                        output = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(output, buf.toString());
                        buf = new StringBuffer();
                    index += quoteType.length();
                    //start of quote so go up to the matching quote - allowing for escaped versions
                    String endQuote = quoteType;
                    if (endQuote == "r\"")
                        endQuote = "\"";
                    if (endQuote == "r\'")
                        endQuote = "\'";
                    while (index < during.length()) {
                        if (during.regionMatches(index, endQuote, 0, endQuote.length())) {
                            index += endQuote.length();
                            output = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(output, buf.toString());
                            buf = new StringBuffer();
                        char charAt = during.charAt(index);
                        if (charAt == '\\') {
                            if (index < during.length()) {
                    if (buf.length() > 0) {
                        output = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(output, buf.toString());
                        buf = new StringBuffer();
                    quoteTypeFound = true;
            if (quoteTypeFound)
            //add to StringBuffer
            char charAt = during.charAt(index);
            if (charAt == '\\') {
                if (index < during.length()) {
        if (buf.length() > 0) {
            output = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(output, buf.toString());
            buf = new StringBuffer();
        //at end move over buf contents
        return output;

    public String getHelpMessage() {
        String helpString = "";

        helpString += "Available console commands in addition to Jython syntax:\\n";
        helpString += "* help\\t-\\tprints this message\\n";
        helpString += "* pos pseudoDevice\t-\tgets the current position of the object\\n";
        helpString += "* pos pseudoDevice new_position\t-\tmoves the object to the new position\\n";
        helpString += "* inc pseudoDevice increment\t-\tincremental move by the given amount\\n";
        helpString += "* upos pseudoDevice new_position\t-\tpos command without print out during the move\\n";
        helpString += "* uinc pseudoDevice increment\t-\tinc command without print out during the move\\n";
        helpString += "* list\t-\tlist all the interfaces of existing objects\\n";
        helpString += "* list interfaceName\t-\tlists all the objects of the given type (interface).  E.g. OE, Detector\\n";
        helpString += "* list_defaults\t-\tlists all objects which would be used in a scan by default\\n";
        helpString += "* add_default pseudoDevice\t-\tadd an object to the defaults list\\n";
        helpString += "* remove_default pseudoDevice\t-\tremove an object from the defaults list\\n";
        helpString += "* scan pseudoDevice start stop step [pseudoDevice2] [start] [[stop] step]\t-\tautomated movement of a group of pseudoDevices in concurrent steps, with data collected after each step\\n";
        helpString += "* testscan pseudoDevice start stop step [pseudoDevice2] [start] [[stop] step]\t-\tas scan, except does not move anything and justs validates the parameters.\\n";
        helpString += "* cscan pseudoDevice [centroid] width step [pseudoDevice2] [centroid] [width]\t-\tas scan, except uses different inputs\\n";
        helpString += "* pscan pseudoDevice start step no_points [pseudoDevice2] start [step]\t-\tas scan, except uses different inputs\\n";
        helpString += "* gscan pseudoDevice start stop step [pseudoDevice2] [start] [stop] [step]\t-\tgrid scan in which each dimension is moved separately.  Data is collected after each step.\\n";
        helpString += "* tscan countertimer, numberOfPoints, pauseTime, collectTime\t-\tTime scan in which the positions of a list of pseudoDevices are collected at regular intervals. If no numberOfPoints supplied then the scan will not stop until halted.\\n";
        helpString += "* timescan numberOfPoints, pauseTime, [collectTime]\t-\tTime scan in which the positions of a list of pseudoDevices are collected at regular intervals.\\n";
        helpString += "* pause\t-\tduring a script, checks to see if the pause/resume button has been pressed\\n";
        helpString += "* watch pseudoDevice\t-\tadds the scannable to the watch sub-panel in the terminal panel.\\n";
        helpString += "* level pseudoDevice [value]\t-\tif value is declared then sets move order (level) of the scannable, else returns the current level.\\n";
        helpString += "* alias functionName\t-\twhere functionName is a function in the global namespace.  This dynamically adds a function to the extended syntax.\\n";
        helpString += "* run scriptName\t-\truns the named script.\\n";
        helpString += "* record [on|off] \t-\tstarts/stops recording all terminal output to a file placed in the scripts directory\\n";

        return helpString;

    public void addAliasedCommand(String commandName) {

    public void addAliasedVarargCommand(String commandName) {

    public boolean ignoreRestOfLine(String thisGroup) {
        return thisGroup.trim().startsWith("#");