Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils splitPreserveAllTokens

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils splitPreserveAllTokens


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils splitPreserveAllTokens.


public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(String str, String separatorChars) 

Source Link


Splits the provided text into an array, separators specified, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent separators.


From source file:org.openflamingo.el.ELServiceImpl.java

 * Comma Separated String?  ./*from w  w w . ja va2s .c o m*/
 *   Trim  .
 * @param commaSeparatedList Comma Separated String
 * @return ? 
private String[] split(String commaSeparatedList) {
    List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();
    String[] values = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(commaSeparatedList.trim(), ",");
    for (String value : values) {
    return org.openflamingo.util.StringUtils.collectionToStringArray(params);

From source file:org.openflamingo.engine.dag.TSWorkflowExecutionPlanner.java

 *  ??. ?  ??    ?/*  ww  w  .j av a 2 s . c o  m*/
 *  ?   ?   ?  ?.
 * @param workflow Workflow XML JAXB Object
 * @throws Exception    
public TSWorkflowExecutionPlanner(Workflow workflow) throws Exception {
    this.workflow = workflow;
    this.namesOfActions = new LinkedList<String>();
    this.orderedActions = new LinkedList<BaseType>();
    this.actionMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    this.reversedActions = new HashMap<String, String>();
    this.nextOfAction = new HashMap<String, String>();
    this.iterator = new TopologicalOrderIterator(createGraph());

    // ? ? Action Name? ?.   ? ? ?.
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        namesOfActions.add((String) iterator.next());

    // ? ?   ?   .
    for (String currentAction : namesOfActions) {
        if (actionMap.get(currentAction) instanceof NodeType) {
            //     ?? ?   .
            NodeType node = (NodeType) actionMap.get(currentAction);
            String[] tos = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(node.getTo(), ',');

            // ?? ? ?  ?   ? ?   .
            for (String to : tos) {
                String reversedActions = buildReversedActions(this.reversedActions.get(to), currentAction);
                this.reversedActions.put(to, reversedActions);

            // ?  for        ?  ?.
            orderedActions.add((BaseType) actionMap.get(currentAction));
        } else { // BaseType ?  ?  End  ? .
            // ?  for        ?  ?.
            orderedActions.add((BaseType) actionMap.get(currentAction));

From source file:org.openflamingo.engine.dag.TSWorkflowExecutionPlanner.java

 *    ? ?  ?  ?  ?? .// w w w  .j a  v  a 2  s .  c om
 *    (node1) ?? ?  node2? node2  ?   .
 * ?  ? node2? ?  node1    ?  ??  ?.
 * Hadoop  Workflow? ? ?    ?     ? .
 * @param predecessor  ? ? 
 * @param current      
 * @return    ? ?  ?  ?  ?
private String buildReversedActions(String predecessor, String current) {
    List<String> nodes = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (predecessor != null) {
        String[] strings = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(predecessor, ',');
        Collections.addAll(nodes, strings);
    return org.springframework.util.StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(nodes);

From source file:org.openflamingo.engine.dag.TSWorkflowExecutionPlanner.java

 * Topological Sort Graph Algorithm?   ?.
 * @return Topological Sort Graph/*from ww w . j  a  va2s. c  om*/
private DirectedMultigraph<String, DefaultEdge> createGraph() {
    DirectedMultigraph<String, DefaultEdge> graph = new DirectedMultigraph<String, DefaultEdge>(

    // Add Action's Vertex
    List<ActionType> actions = workflow.getAction();
    for (ActionType actionType : actions) {
        actionMap.put(actionType.getName(), actionType);

    // Add Start's Vertex
    if (workflow.getStart() != null) {
        actionMap.put(workflow.getStart().getName(), workflow.getStart());

    // Add End's Vertex
    if (workflow.getEnd() != null) {
        actionMap.put(workflow.getEnd().getName(), workflow.getEnd());

    // Add Action's Edge
    for (ActionType actionType : actions) {
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(actionType.getTo())) {
            nextOfAction.put(actionType.getName(), actionType.getTo());
            String[] targets = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(actionType.getTo(), ",");
            for (String target : targets) {
                logger.trace("[Graph] {} => {}", actionType.getName(), target);
                graph.addEdge(actionType.getName(), target);

    // Add Start's Edge
    if (workflow.getStart() != null) {
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(workflow.getStart().getTo())) {
            nextOfAction.put(workflow.getStart().getName(), workflow.getStart().getTo());
            String[] targets = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(workflow.getStart().getTo(), ",");
            for (String target : targets) {
                logger.trace("[Graph] {} => {}", workflow.getStart().getName(), target);
                graph.addEdge(workflow.getStart().getName(), target);

    return graph;

From source file:org.openflamingo.fs.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemServiceImpl.java

public boolean createDirectory(Context context, FileSystemCommand command) {
    ResourceBundleRetreiver bundle = getResourceBundle(context);
    String[] paths = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(context.getString("hdfs.delete.forbidden.paths"), ",");
    AntPathMatcher antPathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher();
    for (String path : paths) {
        String pathToValid = command.getString("path");
        boolean isMatch = antPathMatcher.match(path, pathToValid);
        if (isMatch) {
            throw new FileSystemException(
                    bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "INCLUDED_FOBIDDEN_RULES", pathToValid));
        }/* w w w  .  j a  v a  2  s.  c om*/

    try {
        FileSystemProvider provider = getFileSystemProvider(context);
        boolean created = provider.mkdir(command.getString("path"));
        auditService.log(context, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.CREATE, FileType.DIRECTORY,
                command.getString("path"), "", 0);
        return created;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "CANNOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY"), ex);

From source file:org.openflamingo.fs.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemServiceImpl.java

public boolean deleteDirectory(Context context, FileSystemCommand command) {
    ResourceBundleRetreiver bundle = getResourceBundle(context);
    String[] paths = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(context.getString("hdfs.delete.forbidden.paths"), ",");
    AntPathMatcher antPathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher();
    for (String path : paths) {
        String pathToValid = command.getString("path");
        boolean isMatch = antPathMatcher.match(path, pathToValid);
        if (isMatch) {
            throw new FileSystemException(
                    bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "INCLUDED_FOBIDDEN_RULES", pathToValid));
        }/*from   w  w  w  .j  a  v a  2s. co  m*/

    try {
        FileSystemProvider provider = getFileSystemProvider(context);
        long length = getFileInfo(context, command.getString("path")).getLength();
        boolean deleted = provider.delete(command.getString("path"));
        auditService.log(context, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.DELETE, FileType.DIRECTORY,
                command.getString("path"), "", length);
        return deleted;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "CANNOT_DELETE_DIRECTORY"), ex);

From source file:org.openflamingo.fs.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemServiceImpl.java

public boolean renameDirectory(Context context, FileSystemCommand command) {
    ResourceBundleRetreiver bundle = getResourceBundle(context);
    String[] paths = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(context.getString("hdfs.delete.forbidden.paths"), ",");
    AntPathMatcher antPathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher();
    for (String path : paths) {
        String pathToValid = command.getString("from");
        boolean isMatch = antPathMatcher.match(path, pathToValid);
        if (isMatch) {
            throw new FileSystemException(
                    bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "INCLUDED_FOBIDDEN_RULES", pathToValid));
        }/*from  ww w. j  a va  2s. co m*/

    try {
        FileSystemProvider provider = getFileSystemProvider(context);
        boolean renamed = provider.rename(command.getString("from"), command.getString("to"));
        auditService.log(context, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.RENAME, FileType.DIRECTORY,
                command.getString("from"), command.getString("to"), 0);
        return renamed;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "CANNOT_RENAME_DIRECTORY"), ex);

From source file:org.openflamingo.fs.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemServiceImpl.java

public boolean moveDirectory(Context context, FileSystemCommand command) {
    ResourceBundleRetreiver bundle = getResourceBundle(context);
    String[] paths = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(context.getString("hdfs.delete.forbidden.paths"), ",");
    AntPathMatcher antPathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher();
    for (String path : paths) {
        String pathToValid = command.getString("to");
        boolean isMatch = antPathMatcher.match(path, pathToValid);
        if (isMatch) {
            throw new FileSystemException(
                    bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "INCLUDED_FOBIDDEN_RULES", pathToValid));
        }/*from   w  w  w .  j  av  a 2  s . c o m*/

    for (String path : paths) {
        String pathToValid = command.getString("from");
        boolean isMatch = antPathMatcher.match(path, pathToValid);
        if (isMatch) {
            throw new FileSystemException(
                    bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "INCLUDED_FOBIDDEN_RULES", pathToValid));

    try {
        FileSystemProvider provider = getFileSystemProvider(context);
        long length = getFileInfo(context, command.getString("from")).getLength();
        boolean moved = provider.rename(command.getString("from"), command.getString("to"));
        auditService.log(context, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.MOVE, FileType.DIRECTORY,
                command.getString("from"), command.getString("to"), length);
        return moved;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "CANNOT_MOVE_DIRECTORY"), ex);

From source file:org.openflamingo.fs.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemServiceImpl.java

public boolean copyDirectory(Context context, FileSystemCommand command) {
    ResourceBundleRetreiver bundle = getResourceBundle(context);
    String[] paths = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(context.getString("hdfs.delete.forbidden.paths"), ",");
    AntPathMatcher antPathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher();
    for (String path : paths) {
        String pathToValid = command.getString("to");
        boolean isMatch = antPathMatcher.match(path, pathToValid);
        if (isMatch) {
            throw new FileSystemException(
                    bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "INCLUDED_FOBIDDEN_RULES", pathToValid));
        }//from   w w w.  ja  v  a  2s  .c  o m

    try {
        FileSystemProvider provider = getFileSystemProvider(context);
        boolean copied = provider.copy(command.getString("from"), command.getString("to"));
        auditService.log(context, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.COPY, FileType.DIRECTORY,
                command.getString("from"), command.getString("to"),
                getFileInfo(context, command.getString("from")).getLength());
        return copied;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "CANNOT_COPY_DIRECTORY"), ex);

From source file:org.openflamingo.fs.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemServiceImpl.java

public boolean renameFile(Context context, FileSystemCommand command) {
    ResourceBundleRetreiver bundle = getResourceBundle(context);
    String[] paths = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(context.getString("hdfs.delete.forbidden.paths"), ",");
    AntPathMatcher antPathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher();
    for (String path : paths) {
        String pathToValid = FileUtils.getPath(command.getString("path"));
        boolean isMatch = antPathMatcher.match(path, pathToValid);
        if (isMatch) {
            throw new FileSystemException(
                    bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "INCLUDED_FOBIDDEN_RULES", pathToValid));
        }/*from  w w w. j  a v a2  s .co m*/

    try {
        FileSystemProvider provider = getFileSystemProvider(context);
        boolean renamed = provider.rename(command.getString("path"), command.getString("filename"));
        auditService.log(context, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.RENAME, FileType.FILE,
                FileUtils.getPath(command.getString("path")) + "/" + command.getString("filename"), 0);
        return renamed;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS_SERVICE", "CANNOT_LIST_FILES"), ex);