List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils defaultString
public static String defaultString(String str)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is null
, an empty String ("").
From source
private void clipboardPomJarConfig(PomFile pomFile, boolean isOpen) { try {/*w ww. j a va 2s . c om*/ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" <dependency> \n"); sb.append(" <!-- {0} --> \n"); sb.append(" <groupId>{1}</groupId> \n"); sb.append(" <artifactId>{2}</artifactId> \n"); sb.append(" <version>{3}</version> \n"); sb.append(" </dependency> \n"); String jarName = pomFile.jarFile == null ? "" : pomFile.jarFile.getName(); Pom pom = pomFile.pom; String groupId = pom.groupId; String artifactId = pom.artifactId; String version = pom.version; { Pom tmpPom = pom; while (groupId == null && tmpPom != null) { tmpPom = pom.parent; groupId = tmpPom.groupId; } } { Pom tmpPom = pom; while (artifactId == null && tmpPom != null) { tmpPom = pom.parent; artifactId = tmpPom.artifactId; } } { Pom tmpPom = pom; while (version == null && tmpPom != null) { tmpPom = pom.parent; version = tmpPom.version; } } groupId = StringUtils.defaultString(groupId); artifactId = StringUtils.defaultString(artifactId); version = StringUtils.defaultString(version); String pomMessage = MessageFormat.format(sb.toString(), jarName, groupId, artifactId, version); if (isOpen) { JCommonUtil._jOptionPane_showMessageDialog_info(pomMessage); } ClipboardUtil.getInstance().setContents(pomMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { JCommonUtil.handleException(ex); } }
From source
/** * Get the addresses and hostname for a given server * @param loggedInUser The current user/*from w w w. j av a2 s. c o m*/ * @param sid The id of the server in question * @return Returns a map containing the servers addresses and hostname attributes * @throws FaultException A FaultException is thrown if the server corresponding to * sid cannot be found. * * @xmlrpc.doc Get the addresses and hostname for a given server. * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "serverId") * @xmlrpc.returntype * #struct("network info") * #prop_desc("string", "ip", "IPv4 address of server") * #prop_desc("string", "ip6", "IPv6 address of server") * #prop_desc("string", "hostname", "Hostname of server") * #struct_end() */ public Map<String, String> getNetwork(User loggedInUser, Integer sid) throws FaultException { // Get the logged in user and server Server server = lookupServer(loggedInUser, sid); // Get the ip, ip6 and hostname for the server String ip = server.getIpAddress(); String ip6 = server.getIp6Address(); String hostname = server.getHostname(); // Stick in a map and return Map<String, String> network = new HashMap<String, String>(); network.put("ip", StringUtils.defaultString(ip)); network.put("ip6", StringUtils.defaultString(ip6)); network.put("hostname", StringUtils.defaultString(hostname)); return network; }
From source
/** * List the available groups for a given system * @param loggedInUser The current user//from w w w . ja va 2s .c o m * @param sid The id for the server in question * @return Returns an array of maps representing a system group * @throws FaultException A FaultException is thrown if the server corresponding to * sid cannot be found. * * @xmlrpc.doc List the available groups for a given system. * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "serverId") * @xmlrpc.returntype * #array() * #struct("system group") * #prop_desc("int", "id", "server group id") * #prop_desc("int", "subscribed", "1 if the given server is subscribed * to this server group, 0 otherwise") * #prop_desc("string", "system_group_name", "Name of the server group") * #prop_desc("string", "sgid", "server group id (Deprecated)") * #struct_end() * #array_end() */ public Object[] listGroups(User loggedInUser, Integer sid) throws FaultException { // Get the logged in user and server Server server = lookupServer(loggedInUser, sid); DataResult<Map<String, Object>> groups = SystemManager.availableSystemGroups(server, loggedInUser); List<Map<String, Object>> returnList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); // More stupid data munging... for (Iterator<Map<String, Object>> itr = groups.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { Map<String, Object> map =; Map<String, Object> row = new HashMap<String, Object>(); row.put("id", map.get("id")); row.put("sgid", map.get("id").toString()); row.put("system_group_name", StringUtils.defaultString((String) map.get("group_name"))); row.put("subscribed", map.get("is_system_member")); returnList.add(row); } return returnList.toArray(); }
From source
public String getSearchTitle() { String title = crudConfiguration.getSearchTitle(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) { title = getPage().getTitle();// w w w. j a v a2 m } OgnlTextFormat textFormat = OgnlTextFormat.create(StringUtils.defaultString(title)); return textFormat.format(this); }
From source
public String getEditTitle() { String title = crudConfiguration.getEditTitle(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(title)) { return ShortNameUtils.getName(getClassAccessor(), object); } else {//w ww . j ava 2s . c o m OgnlTextFormat textFormat = OgnlTextFormat.create(StringUtils.defaultString(title)); return textFormat.format(this); } }
From source
public String getCreateTitle() { String title = crudConfiguration.getCreateTitle(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) { title = getPage().getTitle();/*w w w. j a v a 2 s . co m*/ } OgnlTextFormat textFormat = OgnlTextFormat.create(StringUtils.defaultString(title)); return textFormat.format(this); }
From source
public boolean validateMsh(MSH theMsh) throws HL7Exception { // Only validate once if (myValidatedMsh != null) { return myValidatedMsh; }// w w w. j a v a2 s .c om if (!"|".equals(theMsh.getFieldSeparator().getValue())) { addFailure("MSH-1", FailureCode.F066, theMsh.getFieldSeparator().getValue()); } if (!"^~\\&".equals(theMsh.getMsh2_EncodingCharacters().getValue())) { addFailure("MSH-2", FailureCode.F066, theMsh.getMsh2_EncodingCharacters().getValue()); } String sendingOrg = theMsh.getMsh3_SendingApplication().getHd1_NamespaceID().getValue(); String sendingFacility = theMsh.getMsh4_SendingFacility().getHd1_NamespaceID().encode(); if (isEmpty(sendingOrg) && isEmpty(sendingFacility)) { addFailure("MSH-3/4-1", FailureCode.F134, theMsh.getMsh3_SendingApplication().getHd1_NamespaceID().encode()); myValidatedMsh = false; return false; } if (isCgta) { myContributorConfig = myAuthorization.getContributorConfig().getHspId9004ToContributor() .get(StringUtils.defaultString(sendingOrg)); if (myContributorConfig == null) { addFailure("MSH-3-1", FailureCode.F112, theMsh.getMsh3_SendingApplication().getHd1_NamespaceID().getValue()); myValidatedMsh = false; return false; } else { String sendingSystemId = theMsh.getMsh3_SendingApplication().getHd2_UniversalID().getValue(); mySendingSystem = myContributorConfig.getSendingSystem9008WithOid(sendingSystemId); if (mySendingSystem == null) { addFailure("MSH-3-2", FailureCode.F113, sendingSystemId); myValidatedMsh = false; return false; } String securityToken = theMsh.getMsh8_Security().getValue(); if (myCheckSecurity) { if (!myContributorConfig.getDevSecurityToken().equals(securityToken)) { addFailure("MSH-8", FailureCode.F114, securityToken); myValidatedMsh = false; return false; } } } } if (isHrm) { myContributorConfig = myAuthorization.getContributorConfig().getHrmId0362ToContributor() .get(StringUtils.defaultString(sendingFacility)); // if (!hrmContributor.contains(sendingFacility)) { if (myContributorConfig == null) { addFailure("MSH-4", FailureCode.F133, sendingFacility); myValidatedMsh = false; return false; } } if (isCgta) { String receivingFacility = theMsh.getMsh5_ReceivingApplication().getHd1_NamespaceID().getValue(); if (!"ConnectingGTA".equals(receivingFacility)) { addFailure("MSH-5", FailureCode.F066, null); } } if (isHrm) { String receivingFacility = theMsh.getMsh6_ReceivingFacility().getHd1_NamespaceID().getValue(); if (!"ConnectingGTA".equals(receivingFacility)) { addFailure("MSH-6", FailureCode.F066, null); } } validateTsWithAtLeastSecondPrecisionAndAddFailure("MSH-7", theMsh.getMsh7_DateTimeOfMessage().getTs1_Time().getValue()); String controlId = theMsh.getMsh10_MessageControlID().getValue(); if (isBlank(controlId)) { addFailure("MSH-10", FailureCode.F069, null); } String processingMode = theMsh.getMsh11_ProcessingID().getPt1_ProcessingID().getValue(); if (!"T".equals(processingMode)) { addFailure("MSH-11-1", FailureCode.F070, processingMode); } String vid = theMsh.getMsh12_VersionID().getVid1_VersionID().getValue(); if (!"2.5".equals(vid)) { addFailure("MSH-12", FailureCode.F066, vid); } if (isCgta) { String accAck = theMsh.getMsh15_AcceptAcknowledgmentType().getValue(); if (!"NE".equals(accAck)) { addFailure("MSH-15", FailureCode.F066, accAck); } } if (isCgta) { String appAck = theMsh.getMsh16_ApplicationAcknowledgmentType().getValue(); if (!"AL".equals(appAck)) { addFailure("MSH-16", FailureCode.F066, appAck); } } if (isCgta) { String country = theMsh.getMsh17_CountryCode().getValue(); if (!"CAN".equals(country)) { addFailure("MSH-17", FailureCode.F066, country); } } if (isCgta) { String charset = theMsh.getMsh18_CharacterSet(0).getValue(); if (!"8859/1".equals(charset)) { addFailure("MSH-18", FailureCode.F066, charset); } } if (isCgta) { String profile = theMsh.getMsh21_MessageProfileIdentifier(0).getEi1_EntityIdentifier().getValue(); if (!INPUT_PROFILE_2_0.equals(profile)) { addFailure("MSH-21(1)-1", FailureCode.F115, profile); } } myValidatedMsh = true; return true; }
From source
@Test public void testEscapeUnconventionalKeywords0() throws Exception { String searchText = "(fr: )(n)"; Criteria criteria = JCRCriteriaFactory.createCriteria().setWorkspace(RepositoryConstants.WEBSITE); criteria.setBasePath(StringUtils.EMPTY); Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); disjunction.add(Restrictions.contains("@title", StringUtils.defaultString(searchText))); // serve per il // boost!//ww w. j av a 2s .c om disjunction.add(Restrictions.contains(".", StringUtils.defaultString(searchText))); criteria.add(disjunction); Assert.assertEquals(criteria.toXpathExpression(), "//*[(( ( jcr:contains(@title, '\\(fr\\: \\)\\(n\\)') ) or ( jcr:contains(., '\\(fr\\: \\)\\(n\\)') ) ) )] "); try { AdvancedResult advResult = criteria.execute(); CriteriaTestUtils.assertNumOfResults(0, CriteriaTestUtils.collectCollectionFromResult(advResult), searchText); } catch (JCRQueryException e) {"Search string not properly escaped. " + e.getMessage()); } }
From source
public static AdvancedResult search(String searchText, String path, String repository, boolean titleOnly, int page, int itemsPerPage) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchText)) { return AdvancedResult.EMPTY_RESULT; }/*w ww. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ Criteria criteria = createCriteria(repository, path); if (titleOnly) { criteria.add(Restrictions.contains("@title", StringUtils.defaultString(searchText))); } else { Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); disjunction.add(Restrictions.contains("@title", StringUtils.defaultString(searchText))); // serve per il // boost! disjunction.add(Restrictions.contains(".", StringUtils.defaultString(searchText))); criteria.add(disjunction); } if (itemsPerPage >= 0) { criteria.setMaxResults(itemsPerPage); } if (page > 1) { criteria.setFirstResult((page - 1) * itemsPerPage); } return criteria.execute(); }
From source
/** * convenience method get the user agent header which is the mostly used * header//w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m * @return */ public String getUserAgent() { return StringUtils.defaultString(headers.get("user-agent")); }