List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils defaultString
public static String defaultString(String str)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is null
, an empty String ("").
From source
public static void setHistoryNodeProperties(final Node historyNode, AcInstallationHistoryPojo history) throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {// w w w. j a v a2 s .c o m historyNode.setProperty(PROPERTY_INSTALLATION_DATE, history.getInstallationDate().toString()); historyNode.setProperty(PROPERTY_SUCCESS, history.isSuccess()); historyNode.setProperty(PROPERTY_EXECUTION_TIME, history.getExecutionTime()); String messageHistory = history.getVerboseMessageHistory(); // 16777216 bytes = ~ 16MB was the error in #145, assuming chars*2, hence 16777216 / 2 = 8MB, using 7MB to consider the BSON // overhead if (messageHistory.length() > (7 * 1024 * 1024)) { messageHistory = history.getMessageHistory(); // just use non-verbose history for this case } historyNode.setProperty(PROPERTY_MESSAGES, messageHistory); historyNode.setProperty(PROPERTY_TIMESTAMP, history.getInstallationDate().getTime()); historyNode.setProperty(PROPERTY_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE, "/apps/netcentric/actool/components/historyRenderer"); Map<String, String> configFileContentsByName = history.getConfigFileContentsByName(); if (configFileContentsByName != null) { String commonPrefix = StringUtils.getCommonPrefix( configFileContentsByName.keySet().toArray(new String[configFileContentsByName.size()])); String crxPackageName = history.getCrxPackageName(); // for install hook case historyNode.setProperty(PROPERTY_INSTALLED_FROM, StringUtils.defaultString(crxPackageName) + commonPrefix); } }
From source
@RequestMapping(value = "/getLicenseDetails.html", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody/*from w ww . j a v a2s. c o m*/ public String getLicenseDetails() { License license = (License) pdiLoginService.findById(License.class, 1); Map<String, Object> myMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); if (license != null) { myMap.put(CAM_NAME, StringUtils.defaultString(license.getName())); myMap.put(CAM_THEATRE, StringUtils.defaultString(license.getTheatre())); myMap.put(CUSTOMER_NAME, StringUtils.defaultString(license.getCustomerName())); myMap.put(CAM_SITE, StringUtils.defaultString(license.getSite())); myMap.put(AS_PDI, StringUtils.defaultString(license.getAsPid())); myMap.put(CREATED_BY, StringUtils.defaultString(license.getCreatedby())); } return Util.convertMapToJson(myMap); }
From source
private boolean sendFileToRemoteEndpoint(Message<?> message, File file) throws Throwable { assert this.pool != null : "need a working pool"; SFTPSession session = this.pool.getSession(); if (session == null) { throw new RuntimeException("the session returned from the pool is null, can't possibly proceed."); }//from w w w . j a va2 s .c o m session.start(); ChannelSftp sftp = session.getChannel(); InputStream fileInputStream = null; try { fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); String baseOfRemotePath = StringUtils.isEmpty(this.remoteDirectory) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : remoteDirectory; // the safe default logger.debug("going to send " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " to a remote sftp endpoint"); String dynRd = null; MessageHeaders messageHeaders = null; if (message != null) { messageHeaders = message.getHeaders(); if ((messageHeaders != null) && messageHeaders.containsKey(SFTPConstants.SFTP_REMOTE_DIRECTORY_HEADER)) { dynRd = (String) messageHeaders.get(SFTPConstants.SFTP_REMOTE_DIRECTORY_HEADER); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(dynRd)) { baseOfRemotePath = dynRd; } } } if (!StringUtils.defaultString(baseOfRemotePath).endsWith("/")) { baseOfRemotePath += "/"; } sftp.put(fileInputStream, baseOfRemotePath + file.getName()); return true; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileInputStream); if (pool != null) { pool.release(session); } } }
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/** * @param row * @param col * @return */ private String toValue(IRow row, ARankColumnModel col) { return StringUtils.defaultString(col.getValue(row)); }
From source
public String getBackupIdentifier() { return StringUtils.defaultString(backupIdentifier); }
From source
protected Object executeInternal() throws Exception { DescribeConfigurationOptionsResult configOptions = getService() .describeConfigurationOptions(new DescribeConfigurationOptionsRequest() .withApplicationName(applicationName).withEnvironmentName(curEnv.getEnvironmentName())); for (ConfigurationOptionDescription o : configOptions.getOptions()) { String key = String.format("beanstalk.env.%s.%s", o.getNamespace().replace(":", "."), o.getName()); for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigurationOptionSetting> entry : COMMON_PARAMETERS.entrySet()) { ConfigurationOptionSetting cos = entry.getValue(); if (cos.getNamespace().equals(o.getNamespace()) && cos.getOptionName().equals(o.getName())) { key = entry.getKey();/*from w w w . ja va 2 s . co m*/ break; } } defaultSettings.put(key, o); } DescribeConfigurationSettingsResult configurationSettings = getService() .describeConfigurationSettings(new DescribeConfigurationSettingsRequest() .withApplicationName(applicationName).withEnvironmentName(curEnv.getEnvironmentName())); Properties newProperties = new Properties(); if (configurationSettings.getConfigurationSettings().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No Configuration Settings received"); } ConfigurationSettingsDescription configSettings = configurationSettings.getConfigurationSettings().get(0); Map<String, ConfigurationOptionSetting> keyMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, ConfigurationOptionSetting>(); for (ConfigurationOptionSetting d : configSettings.getOptionSettings()) { String key = String.format("beanstalk.env.%s.%s", d.getNamespace().replaceAll(":", "."), d.getOptionName()); String defaultValue = ""; String outputKey = key; keyMap.put(key, d); for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigurationOptionSetting> cosEntry : COMMON_PARAMETERS.entrySet()) { ConfigurationOptionSetting v = cosEntry.getValue(); boolean match = v.getNamespace().equals(d.getNamespace()) && v.getOptionName().equals(d.getOptionName()); if (match) { outputKey = cosEntry.getKey(); break; } } if (defaultSettings.containsKey(outputKey)) { defaultValue = StringUtils.defaultString(defaultSettings.get(outputKey).getDefaultValue()); } String value = d.getValue(); if (null == value || StringUtils.isBlank("" + value)) { continue; } if (!defaultValue.equals(value)) { if (!value.contains(curEnv.getEnvironmentId())) { getLog().info("Adding property " + key); if (changedOnly) { String curValue = project.getProperties().getProperty(outputKey); if (!value.equals(curValue)) { newProperties.put(outputKey, value); } } else { newProperties.put(outputKey, value); } } else { getLog().info("Ignoring property " + outputKey + "(value=" + value + ") due to containing references to the environment id"); } } else { getLog().debug("Ignoring property " + key + " (defaulted)"); } } if ("properties".equals(this.outputFileFormat)) { String comment = "elastic beanstalk environment properties for " + curEnv.getEnvironmentName(); if (null != outputFile) { FileOutputStream(outputFile), comment); } else {, comment); } } else if ("yaml".equals(this.outputFileFormat)) { PrintStream printStream = System.out; if (null != outputFile) { printStream = new PrintStream(outputFile); } printStream.println("option_settings:"); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> e : newProperties.entrySet()) { ConfigurationOptionSetting c = keyMap.get("" + e.getKey()); String value = "" + e.getValue(); printStream.println(" - namespace: " + c.getNamespace()); printStream.println(" option_name: " + c.getOptionName()); printStream.println(" value: " + value); } printStream.close(); } return null; }
From source
public static void checkPhoneNumber(String country, String expected, String actual) { String expectedPhone = StringUtils.defaultString(expected); String actualPhone = StringUtils.defaultString(actual); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(expectedPhone)) { if (FORMATTED_COUNTRIES.contains(country)) { assertTrue("Phone number from page " + actualPhone + " did not match the ###-###-####x#* pattern.", actualPhone.matches("^\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}(x\\d+)?$")); checkPhoneDigits(expectedPhone, actualPhone); } else {// w ww . ja v a2 s . c o m assertEquals(expectedPhone, actualPhone); } } }
From source
/** * Generates a temporary password token. * @param prefix a prefix// www. j av a 2s .c om * @return the temporary password token */ public String createTempJwtPwdToken(String prefix) { String pwd = StringUtils.defaultString(prefix) + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); return pwd; }
From source
@Button(list = "login-buttons", key = "login", order = 1, type = Button.TYPE_PRIMARY) public Resolution login() { Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); if (subject.isAuthenticated()) { logger.debug("Already logged in"); return redirectToReturnUrl(); }// w w w .java 2 m userName = StringUtils.defaultString(userName); try { UsernamePasswordToken usernamePasswordToken = new UsernamePasswordToken(userName, pwd); usernamePasswordToken.setRememberMe(false); subject.login(usernamePasswordToken);"User {} login", ShiroUtils.getUserId(subject)); String successMsg = ElementsThreadLocals.getText("", userName); SessionMessages.addInfoMessage(successMsg); return redirectToReturnUrl(); } catch (DisabledAccountException e) { String errMsg = ElementsThreadLocals.getText("", userName); SessionMessages.addErrorMessage(errMsg); logger.warn("Login failed for '" + userName + "': " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IncorrectCredentialsException e) { String errMsg = ElementsThreadLocals.getText("login.failed.for.user._", userName); SessionMessages.addErrorMessage(errMsg); logger.warn("Login failed for '" + userName + "': " + e.getMessage()); } catch (UnknownAccountException e) { String errMsg = ElementsThreadLocals.getText("login.failed.for.user._", userName); SessionMessages.addErrorMessage(errMsg); logger.warn("Login failed for '" + userName + "': " + e.getMessage()); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { String errMsg = ElementsThreadLocals.getText("login.failed.for.user._", userName); SessionMessages.addErrorMessage(errMsg); logger.warn("Login failed for '" + userName + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } return new ForwardResolution(getLoginPage()); }
From source
private void setInfoDiffAttributes(ConfigRevision revision, ConfigRevision other, HttpServletRequest request) { ConfigInfo info = revision.getConfigInfo(); ConfigInfo oinfo = other.getConfigInfo(); if (!revision.isSymlink()) { //The following pieces are differences between revisions that are //not in the file content. We only show these if they are different. if (!info.getFilemode().equals(oinfo.getFilemode())) { request.setAttribute("diffmode", "true"); }/* ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ if (!info.getUsername().equals(oinfo.getUsername())) { request.setAttribute("diffuser", "true"); } if (!info.getGroupname().equals(oinfo.getGroupname())) { request.setAttribute("diffgroup", "true"); } } else if (other.isSymlink()) { ConfigFileName target = info.getTargetFileName(); ConfigFileName otarget = oinfo.getTargetFileName(); if ((target == null && otarget != null) || (target != null && otarget == null) || !otarget.equals(target)) { request.setAttribute("difftargetpath", "true"); } } if (!revision.getConfigFileType().getLabel().equals(other.getConfigFileType().getLabel()) || (revision.isFile() && revision.getConfigContent().isBinary() != other.getConfigContent().isBinary())) { request.setAttribute("difftype", "true"); } String selinux = StringUtils.defaultString(info.getSelinuxCtx()); String otherSelinux = StringUtils.defaultString(oinfo.getSelinuxCtx()); if (!selinux.equals(otherSelinux)) { request.setAttribute("diffselinux", "true"); } }