Example usage for junit.framework Assert assertTrue

List of usage examples for junit.framework Assert assertTrue


In this page you can find the example usage for junit.framework Assert assertTrue.


static public void assertTrue(String message, boolean condition) 

Source Link


Asserts that a condition is true.


From source file:at.tfr.securefs.ui.CopyFilesTest.java

public void testCopyFilesByWalk() throws Exception {

    // Given: NO target directory yet!!, the source file
    final String data = "Hallo Echo";
    try (OutputStream os = cp.getEncrypter(fromFile)) {
        IOUtils.write(data, os);/*from  ww w  .j  a v  a 2  s .  c o  m*/

    // When: copy of fromRoot to toRoot
    ProcessFiles pf = new ProcessFilesBean(new MockSecureFsCache());
    CopyFilesServiceBean cfb = new CopyFilesServiceBean(config, cp, pf, new MockSecureFsCache(), async);

    // Then: a target file is created in same subpath like sourceFile:
    Assert.assertTrue("subpath is not created", Files.exists(toRoot.resolve(DATA_FILES)));
    Assert.assertTrue("target file not created", Files.exists(targetToFile));

    // Then: the content of target file is decryptable with newSecret 
    //    and equals content of source file
    byte[] buf = new byte[data.getBytes().length];
    try (InputStream is = cp.getDecrypter(targetToFile, newSecret)) {
        IOUtils.read(is, buf);
    Assert.assertEquals("failed to decrypt data", data, String.valueOf(data));

From source file:com.espertech.esper.multithread.StmtMgmtCallable.java

public Object call() throws Exception {
    try {//from  www  .  j  a v a2s. c o m
        for (int loop = 0; loop < numRepeats; loop++) {
            for (Object[] statement : statements) {
                boolean isEPL = (Boolean) statement[0];
                String statementText = (String) statement[1];

                // Create EPL or pattern statement
                EPStatement stmt;
                ThreadLogUtil.trace("stmt create,", statementText);
                if (isEPL) {
                    stmt = engine.getEPAdministrator().createEPL(statementText);
                } else {
                    stmt = engine.getEPAdministrator().createPattern(statementText);
                ThreadLogUtil.trace("stmt done,", stmt);

                // Add listener
                SupportMTUpdateListener listener = new SupportMTUpdateListener();
                LogUpdateListener logListener;
                if (isEPL) {
                    logListener = new LogUpdateListener(null);
                } else {
                    logListener = new LogUpdateListener("a");
                ThreadLogUtil.trace("adding listeners ", listener, logListener);

                Object theEvent = makeEvent();
                ThreadLogUtil.trace("sending event ", theEvent);

                // Should have received one or more events, one of them must be mine
                EventBean[] newEvents = listener.getNewDataListFlattened();
                Assert.assertTrue("No event received", newEvents.length >= 1);
                ThreadLogUtil.trace("assert received, size is", newEvents.length);
                boolean found = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < newEvents.length; i++) {
                    Object underlying = newEvents[i].getUnderlying();
                    if (!isEPL) {
                        underlying = newEvents[i].get("a");
                    if (underlying == theEvent) {
                        found = true;

                // Stopping statement, the event should not be received, another event may however
                ThreadLogUtil.trace("stop statement");
                theEvent = makeEvent();
                ThreadLogUtil.trace("send non-matching event ", theEvent);

                // Make sure the event was not received
                newEvents = listener.getNewDataListFlattened();
                found = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < newEvents.length; i++) {
                    Object underlying = newEvents[i].getUnderlying();
                    if (!isEPL) {
                        underlying = newEvents[i].get("a");
                    if (underlying == theEvent) {
                        found = true;
    } catch (AssertionFailedError ex) {
        log.fatal("Assertion error in thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId(), ex);
        return false;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.fatal("Error in thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId(), ex);
        return false;
    return true;

From source file:com.btobits.automator.fix.ant.task.FixDisconnectExpect.java

protected void runTestInstructions() throws Exception {
    Assert.assertTrue("FIX session with parameters [" + fixSession.getSessionID() + "] is not active",
    startTime = System.nanoTime();

From source file:eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.task.CombineTaskTest.java

public void testCombineTask() {

    int keyCnt = 100;
    int valCnt = 20;

    super.initEnvironment(3 * 1024 * 1024);
    super.addInput(new UniformPactRecordGenerator(keyCnt, valCnt, false), 1);

    CombineTask<PactRecord> testTask = new CombineTask<PactRecord>();
    super.getTaskConfig().setMemorySize(3 * 1024 * 1024);

    final int[] keyPos = new int[] { 0 };
    final Class<? extends Key>[] keyClasses = (Class<? extends Key>[]) new Class[] { PactInteger.class };
            super.getTaskConfig().getPrefixForInputParameters(0), keyPos, keyClasses);

    super.registerTask(testTask, MockCombiningReduceStub.class);

    try {//  w  ww  .  j  a  va  2  s .  c om
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Assert.fail("Invoke method caused exception.");

    int expSum = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < valCnt; i++) {
        expSum += i;

    Assert.assertTrue("Resultset size was " + this.outList.size() + ". Expected was " + keyCnt,
            this.outList.size() == keyCnt);

    for (PactRecord record : this.outList) {
        Assert.assertTrue("Incorrect result", record.getField(1, PactInteger.class).getValue() == expSum);



From source file:eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.task.DataSinkTaskTest.java

public void testDataSinkTask() {

    int keyCnt = 100;
    int valCnt = 20;

    super.addInput(new UniformRecordGenerator(keyCnt, valCnt, false), 0);

    DataSinkTask<Record> testTask = new DataSinkTask<Record>();

    super.registerFileOutputTask(testTask, MockOutputFormat.class, new File(tempTestPath).toURI().toString());

    try {//from  w  w w  . ja v a 2 s  .  c  o m
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Assert.fail("Invoke method caused exception.");

    File tempTestFile = new File(this.tempTestPath);

    Assert.assertTrue("Temp output file does not exist", tempTestFile.exists());

    FileReader fr = null;
    BufferedReader br = null;
    try {
        fr = new FileReader(tempTestFile);
        br = new BufferedReader(fr);

        HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>> keyValueCountMap = new HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>>(keyCnt);

        while (br.ready()) {
            String line = br.readLine();

            Integer key = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(0, line.indexOf("_")));
            Integer val = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(line.indexOf("_") + 1, line.length()));

            if (!keyValueCountMap.containsKey(key)) {
                keyValueCountMap.put(key, new HashSet<Integer>());

        Assert.assertTrue("Invalid key count in out file. Expected: " + keyCnt + " Actual: "
                + keyValueCountMap.keySet().size(), keyValueCountMap.keySet().size() == keyCnt);

        for (Integer key : keyValueCountMap.keySet()) {
            Assert.assertTrue("Invalid value count for key: " + key + ". Expected: " + valCnt + " Actual: "
                    + keyValueCountMap.get(key).size(), keyValueCountMap.get(key).size() == valCnt);

    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        Assert.fail("Out file got lost...");
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        Assert.fail("Caught IOE while reading out file");
    } finally {
        if (br != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) {
        if (fr != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) {

From source file:eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.task.ReduceTaskTest.java

public void testReduceTaskWithSortingInput() {
    final int keyCnt = 100;
    final int valCnt = 20;


    try {/*from w  w w  . j a v a  2 s .  c  o m*/
        addInputSorted(new UniformRecordGenerator(keyCnt, valCnt, false), this.comparator.duplicate());

        GroupReduceDriver<Record, Record> testTask = new GroupReduceDriver<Record, Record>();

        testDriver(testTask, MockReduceStub.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Assert.fail("Exception in Test.");

    Assert.assertTrue("Resultset size was " + this.outList.size() + ". Expected was " + keyCnt,
            this.outList.size() == keyCnt);

    for (Record record : this.outList) {
        Assert.assertTrue("Incorrect result", record.getField(1, IntValue.class).getValue() == valCnt
                - record.getField(0, IntValue.class).getValue());


From source file:eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.task.MatchTaskExternalITCase.java

public void testExternalSort1MatchTask() {

    int keyCnt1 = 16384 * 2;
    int valCnt1 = 2;

    int keyCnt2 = 8192;
    int valCnt2 = 4 * 2;

    super.initEnvironment(6 * 1024 * 1024);
    super.addInput(new UniformPactRecordGenerator(keyCnt1, valCnt1, false), 1);
    super.addInput(new UniformPactRecordGenerator(keyCnt2, valCnt2, false), 2);

    final MatchTask<PactRecord, PactRecord, PactRecord> testTask = new MatchTask<PactRecord, PactRecord, PactRecord>();
    super.getTaskConfig().setMemorySize(6 * 1024 * 1024);

    final int[] keyPos1 = new int[] { 0 };
    final int[] keyPos2 = new int[] { 0 };
    final Class<? extends Key>[] keyClasses = (Class<? extends Key>[]) new Class[] { PactInteger.class };

            super.getTaskConfig().getPrefixForInputParameters(0), keyPos1, keyClasses);
            super.getTaskConfig().getPrefixForInputParameters(1), keyPos2, keyClasses);

    super.registerTask(testTask, MockMatchStub.class);

    try {/*from  w ww .  j a  va 2s.  c o m*/
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Assert.fail("Invoke method caused exception.");

    int expCnt = valCnt1 * valCnt2 * Math.min(keyCnt1, keyCnt2);

    Assert.assertTrue("Resultset size was " + this.outList.size() + ". Expected was " + expCnt,
            this.outList.size() == expCnt);



From source file:com.rmn.qa.aws.VmManagerTest.java

// Test if an AWS private key is not set, the appropriate exception if thrown
public void testPrivateKeyNotSet() {
    MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null);
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_ACCESS_KEY, "foo");
    String region = "east";
    AwsVmManager AwsVmManager = new AwsVmManager(client, properties, region);
    try {//from   ww w. j a va2  s.  com
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        Assert.assertTrue("Message should be related to access key: " + e.getMessage(),
    Assert.fail("Exception should have been throw for access key");

From source file:com.thoughtworks.acceptance.EncodingTestSuite.java

private void test(final HierarchicalStreamDriver driver, final String encoding) throws IOException {
    final String headerLine = encoding != null ? "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + encoding + "\"?>\n" : "";
    final String xmlData = headerLine // force code format
            + "<test>\n" + "  <data>J\u00f6rg</data>\n" + "</test>";

    final XStream xstream = new XStream(driver);
    xstream.alias("test", TestObject.class);
    final TestObject obj = new TestObject();
    obj.data = "J\u00f6rg";

    final ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    final OutputStreamWriter writer = encoding != null ? new OutputStreamWriter(bos, encoding)
            : new OutputStreamWriter(bos);
    xstream.toXML(obj, writer);/*ww  w  .  j  a v a2  s  .  c o m*/

    final String generated = encoding != null ? bos.toString(encoding) : bos.toString();
    Assert.assertTrue("'" + obj.data + "' was not found", generated.indexOf(obj.data) > 0);

    final Object restored = xstream.fromXML(
            new ByteArrayInputStream(encoding != null ? xmlData.getBytes(encoding) : xmlData.getBytes()));
    Assert.assertEquals(obj, restored);

From source file:de.unentscheidbar.validation.DefaultMessageTextGetterTest.java

public void testDefaultMessageTexts() {

    Locale[] locales = { Locale.ROOT, Locale.GERMAN };

    Reflections r = new Reflections(new ConfigurationBuilder()
            .setScanners(new ResourcesScanner(), new SubTypesScanner(false)));

    Collection<Class<? extends Id>> defaultMessageClasses = Collections2.filter(
            r.getSubTypesOf(ValidationMessage.Id.class), Predicates.and(IS_NOT_ABSTRACT, IsTestClass.NO));
    Assert.assertTrue("Suspiciously few message ID classes found", defaultMessageClasses.size() > 10);

    MessageTextGetter mtg = Validation.defaultMessageTextGetter();

    for (Class<? extends Id> idClass : defaultMessageClasses) {
        /* only works with enums atm (all default message ids are enums) */
        if (!idClass.isEnum()) {
            Assert.fail("Cannot test " + idClass.getName());
        }/*from   w w  w .ja  v  a 2s  . c o  m*/
        for (Id id : idClass.getEnumConstants()) {
            for (Locale locale : locales) {
                Assert.assertTrue("Missing default message text for " + locale + " -> "
                        + id.getClass().getName() + " -> " + id.name(), mtg.hasText(id, locale));