Example usage for javax.xml.validation Validator setErrorHandler

List of usage examples for javax.xml.validation Validator setErrorHandler


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.validation Validator setErrorHandler.


public abstract void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler);

Source Link


Sets the ErrorHandler to receive errors encountered during the validate method invocation.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Customer customer = new Customer();
    customer.getPhoneNumbers().add(new PhoneNumber());
    customer.getPhoneNumbers().add(new PhoneNumber());
    customer.getPhoneNumbers().add(new PhoneNumber());
    customer.getPhoneNumbers().add(new PhoneNumber());
    customer.getPhoneNumbers().add(new PhoneNumber());
    customer.getPhoneNumbers().add(new PhoneNumber());
    customer.getPhoneNumbers().add(new PhoneNumber());
    customer.getPhoneNumbers().add(new PhoneNumber());
    customer.getPhoneNumbers().add(new PhoneNumber());
    customer.getPhoneNumbers().add(new PhoneNumber());

    JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Customer.class);
    JAXBSource source = new JAXBSource(jc, customer);

    SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
    Schema schema = sf.newSchema(new File("customer.xsd"));

    Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
    validator.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorHandler());
    validator.validate(source);/*from  w  w  w .ja va2  s  .c o m*/

From source file:InlineSchemaValidator.java

/** Main program entry point. */
public static void main(String[] argv) {

    // is there anything to do?
    if (argv.length == 0) {
        printUsage();/*from w w  w .j  a  v a 2s . com*/

    // variables
    Vector schemas = null;
    Vector instances = null;
    HashMap prefixMappings = null;
    HashMap uriMappings = null;
    String docURI = argv[argv.length - 1];
    String schemaLanguage = DEFAULT_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE;
    int repetition = DEFAULT_REPETITION;
    boolean schemaFullChecking = DEFAULT_SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING;
    boolean honourAllSchemaLocations = DEFAULT_HONOUR_ALL_SCHEMA_LOCATIONS;
    boolean validateAnnotations = DEFAULT_VALIDATE_ANNOTATIONS;
    boolean generateSyntheticAnnotations = DEFAULT_GENERATE_SYNTHETIC_ANNOTATIONS;
    boolean memoryUsage = DEFAULT_MEMORY_USAGE;

    // process arguments
    for (int i = 0; i < argv.length - 1; ++i) {
        String arg = argv[i];
        if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
            String option = arg.substring(1);
            if (option.equals("l")) {
                // get schema language name
                if (++i == argv.length) {
                    System.err.println("error: Missing argument to -l option.");
                } else {
                    schemaLanguage = argv[i];
            if (option.equals("x")) {
                if (++i == argv.length) {
                    System.err.println("error: Missing argument to -x option.");
                String number = argv[i];
                try {
                    int value = Integer.parseInt(number);
                    if (value < 1) {
                        System.err.println("error: Repetition must be at least 1.");
                    repetition = value;
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    System.err.println("error: invalid number (" + number + ").");
            if (arg.equals("-a")) {
                // process -a: xpath expressions for schemas
                if (schemas == null) {
                    schemas = new Vector();
                while (i + 1 < argv.length - 1 && !(arg = argv[i + 1]).startsWith("-")) {
            if (arg.equals("-i")) {
                // process -i: xpath expressions for instance documents
                if (instances == null) {
                    instances = new Vector();
                while (i + 1 < argv.length - 1 && !(arg = argv[i + 1]).startsWith("-")) {
            if (arg.equals("-nm")) {
                String prefix;
                String uri;
                while (i + 2 < argv.length - 1 && !(prefix = argv[i + 1]).startsWith("-")
                        && !(uri = argv[i + 2]).startsWith("-")) {
                    if (prefixMappings == null) {
                        prefixMappings = new HashMap();
                        uriMappings = new HashMap();
                    prefixMappings.put(prefix, uri);
                    HashSet prefixes = (HashSet) uriMappings.get(uri);
                    if (prefixes == null) {
                        prefixes = new HashSet();
                        uriMappings.put(uri, prefixes);
                    i += 2;
            if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("f")) {
                schemaFullChecking = option.equals("f");
            if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("hs")) {
                honourAllSchemaLocations = option.equals("hs");
            if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("va")) {
                validateAnnotations = option.equals("va");
            if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("ga")) {
                generateSyntheticAnnotations = option.equals("ga");
            if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("m")) {
                memoryUsage = option.equals("m");
            if (option.equals("h")) {
            System.err.println("error: unknown option (" + option + ").");

    try {
        // Create new instance of inline schema validator.
        InlineSchemaValidator inlineSchemaValidator = new InlineSchemaValidator(prefixMappings, uriMappings);

        // Parse document containing schemas and validation roots
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document doc = db.parse(docURI);

        // Create XPath factory for selecting schema and validation roots
        XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.newInstance();
        XPath xpath = xpf.newXPath();

        // Select schema roots from the DOM
        NodeList[] schemaNodes = new NodeList[schemas != null ? schemas.size() : 0];
        for (int i = 0; i < schemaNodes.length; ++i) {
            XPathExpression xpathSchema = xpath.compile((String) schemas.elementAt(i));
            schemaNodes[i] = (NodeList) xpathSchema.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);

        // Select validation roots from the DOM
        NodeList[] instanceNodes = new NodeList[instances != null ? instances.size() : 0];
        for (int i = 0; i < instanceNodes.length; ++i) {
            XPathExpression xpathInstance = xpath.compile((String) instances.elementAt(i));
            instanceNodes[i] = (NodeList) xpathInstance.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);

        // Create SchemaFactory and configure
        SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(schemaLanguage);

        try {
            factory.setFeature(SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING_FEATURE_ID, schemaFullChecking);
        } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
            System.err.println("warning: SchemaFactory does not recognize feature ("
                    + SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING_FEATURE_ID + ")");
        } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
            System.err.println("warning: SchemaFactory does not support feature ("
                    + SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING_FEATURE_ID + ")");
        try {
            factory.setFeature(HONOUR_ALL_SCHEMA_LOCATIONS_ID, honourAllSchemaLocations);
        } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
            System.err.println("warning: SchemaFactory does not recognize feature ("
                    + HONOUR_ALL_SCHEMA_LOCATIONS_ID + ")");
        } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
                    "warning: SchemaFactory does not support feature (" + HONOUR_ALL_SCHEMA_LOCATIONS_ID + ")");
        try {
            factory.setFeature(VALIDATE_ANNOTATIONS_ID, validateAnnotations);
        } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
                    "warning: SchemaFactory does not recognize feature (" + VALIDATE_ANNOTATIONS_ID + ")");
        } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
                    "warning: SchemaFactory does not support feature (" + VALIDATE_ANNOTATIONS_ID + ")");
        try {
            factory.setFeature(GENERATE_SYNTHETIC_ANNOTATIONS_ID, generateSyntheticAnnotations);
        } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
            System.err.println("warning: SchemaFactory does not recognize feature ("
                    + GENERATE_SYNTHETIC_ANNOTATIONS_ID + ")");
        } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
            System.err.println("warning: SchemaFactory does not support feature ("
                    + GENERATE_SYNTHETIC_ANNOTATIONS_ID + ")");

        // Build Schema from sources
        Schema schema;
            DOMSource[] sources;
            int size = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < schemaNodes.length; ++i) {
                size += schemaNodes[i].getLength();
            sources = new DOMSource[size];
            if (size == 0) {
                schema = factory.newSchema();
            } else {
                int count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < schemaNodes.length; ++i) {
                    NodeList nodeList = schemaNodes[i];
                    int nodeListLength = nodeList.getLength();
                    for (int j = 0; j < nodeListLength; ++j) {
                        sources[count++] = new DOMSource(nodeList.item(j));
                schema = factory.newSchema(sources);

        // Setup validator and input source.
        Validator validator = schema.newValidator();

        try {
            validator.setFeature(SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING_FEATURE_ID, schemaFullChecking);
        } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
                    "warning: Validator does not recognize feature (" + SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING_FEATURE_ID + ")");
        } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
                    "warning: Validator does not support feature (" + SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING_FEATURE_ID + ")");
        try {
            validator.setFeature(HONOUR_ALL_SCHEMA_LOCATIONS_ID, honourAllSchemaLocations);
        } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
                    "warning: Validator does not recognize feature (" + HONOUR_ALL_SCHEMA_LOCATIONS_ID + ")");
        } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
                    "warning: Validator does not support feature (" + HONOUR_ALL_SCHEMA_LOCATIONS_ID + ")");
        try {
            validator.setFeature(VALIDATE_ANNOTATIONS_ID, validateAnnotations);
        } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
                    .println("warning: Validator does not recognize feature (" + VALIDATE_ANNOTATIONS_ID + ")");
        } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
            System.err.println("warning: Validator does not support feature (" + VALIDATE_ANNOTATIONS_ID + ")");
        try {
            validator.setFeature(GENERATE_SYNTHETIC_ANNOTATIONS_ID, generateSyntheticAnnotations);
        } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
            System.err.println("warning: Validator does not recognize feature ("
                    + GENERATE_SYNTHETIC_ANNOTATIONS_ID + ")");
        } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
                    "warning: Validator does not support feature (" + GENERATE_SYNTHETIC_ANNOTATIONS_ID + ")");

        // Validate instance documents
        for (int i = 0; i < instanceNodes.length; ++i) {
            NodeList nodeList = instanceNodes[i];
            int nodeListLength = nodeList.getLength();
            for (int j = 0; j < nodeListLength; ++j) {
                DOMSource source = new DOMSource(nodeList.item(j));
                inlineSchemaValidator.validate(validator, source, docURI, repetition, memoryUsage);
    } catch (SAXParseException e) {
        // ignore
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("error: Parse error occurred - " + e.getMessage());
        if (e instanceof SAXException) {
            Exception nested = ((SAXException) e).getException();
            if (nested != null) {
                e = nested;

From source file:com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.configure.sax.StreamsConfigSAXParser.java

 * Validates configuration XML against XML defined XSD schema.
 * @param config/*from  ww w . j ava2 s  . co  m*/
 *            {@link InputStream} to get configuration data from
 * @return map of found validation errors
 * @throws SAXException
 *             if there was an error parsing the configuration
 * @throws IOException
 *             if there is an error reading the configuration data
public static Map<OpLevel, List<SAXParseException>> validate(InputStream config)
        throws SAXException, IOException {
    final Map<OpLevel, List<SAXParseException>> validationErrors = new HashMap<>();
    try {
        SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
        Schema schema = factory.newSchema();
        Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
        validator.setErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler() {
            public void warning(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {
                handleValidationError(OpLevel.WARNING, exception);

            public void error(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {
                handleValidationError(OpLevel.ERROR, exception);

            public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {
                handleValidationError(OpLevel.FATAL, exception);

            private void handleValidationError(OpLevel level, SAXParseException exception) {
                List<SAXParseException> lErrorsList = validationErrors.get(level);
                if (lErrorsList == null) {
                    lErrorsList = new ArrayList<>();
                    validationErrors.put(level, lErrorsList);

        validator.validate(new StreamSource(config));
    } finally {
        if (config.markSupported()) {

    return validationErrors;

From source file:Main.java

 * Check whether a DOM tree is valid according to a schema. Example of
 * usage:// w  w w.j av a 2 s. co  m
 * <pre>
 * Element fragment = ...;
 * SchemaFactory f = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
 * Schema s = f.newSchema(This.class.getResource("something.xsd"));
 * try {
 *     XMLUtil.validate(fragment, s);
 *     // valid
 * } catch (SAXException x) {
 *     // invalid
 * }
 * </pre>
 * @param data   a DOM tree
 * @param schema a parsed schema
 * @throws SAXException if validation failed
 * @since org.openide.util 7.17
public static void validate(Element data, Schema schema) throws SAXException {
    Validator v = schema.newValidator();
    final SAXException[] error = { null };
    v.setErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler() {
        public void warning(SAXParseException x) throws SAXException {

        public void error(SAXParseException x) throws SAXException {
            // Just rethrowing it is bad because it will also print it to stderr.
            error[0] = x;

        public void fatalError(SAXParseException x) throws SAXException {
            error[0] = x;
    try {
        v.validate(new DOMSource(fixupAttrs(data)));
    } catch (IOException x) {
        assert false : x;
    if (error[0] != null) {
        throw error[0];

From source file:com.maxl.java.aips2sqlite.Aips2Sqlite.java

static List<MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation> readAipsFile() {
    List<MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation> med_list = null;
    try {/*  ww w. j  a  v  a 2 s .  c  o m*/
        JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(MedicalInformations.class);

        // Validation
        SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
        Schema schema = sf.newSchema(new File(Constants.FILE_MEDICAL_INFOS_XSD));
        Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
        validator.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorHandler());

        // Marshaller
         * Marshaller ma = context.createMarshaller();
         * ma.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
         * MedicalInformations medi_infos = new MedicalInformations();
         * ma.marshal(medi_infos, System.out);
        // Unmarshaller
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (CmlOptions.SHOW_LOGS)
            System.out.print("- Unmarshalling Swissmedic xml... ");

        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(Constants.FILE_MEDICAL_INFOS_XML));
        Unmarshaller um = context.createUnmarshaller();
        MedicalInformations med_infos = (MedicalInformations) um.unmarshal(fis);
        med_list = med_infos.getMedicalInformation();

        long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (CmlOptions.SHOW_LOGS)
            System.out.println(med_list.size() + " medis in " + (stopTime - startTime) / 1000.0f + " sec");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
    } catch (SAXException e) {

    return med_list;

From source file:eu.delving.x3ml.X3MLEngine.java

public static List<String> validateStream(InputStream inputStream) throws SAXException, IOException {
    Schema schema = schemaFactory().newSchema(new StreamSource(inputStream("x3ml_v1.0.xsd")));
    Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
    final List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
    validator.setErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler() {
        @Override/* ww  w.  j  a va 2s . c om*/
        public void warning(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {

        public void error(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {

        public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {
    StreamSource source = new StreamSource(inputStream);
    return errors;

From source file:com.impetus.kundera.loader.PersistenceXMLLoader.java

 * Validates an xml object graph against its schema. Therefore it reads the
 * version from the root tag and tries to load the related xsd file from the
 * classpath./* w  w w  .  j av a 2  s. c om*/
 * @param xmlRootNode
 *            root xml node of the document to validate
 * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
 *             if the validation could not be performed or the xml graph is
 *             invalid against the schema
private static void validateDocumentAgainstSchema(final Document xmlRootNode)
        throws InvalidConfigurationException {
    final Element rootElement = xmlRootNode.getDocumentElement();
    final String version = rootElement.getAttribute("version");
    String schemaFileName = "persistence_" + version.replace(".", "_") + ".xsd";

    try {
        final List validationErrors = new ArrayList();
        final String schemaLanguage = XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI;
        final StreamSource streamSource = new StreamSource(getStreamFromClasspath(schemaFileName));
        final Schema schemaDefinition = SchemaFactory.newInstance(schemaLanguage).newSchema(streamSource);

        final Validator schemaValidator = schemaDefinition.newValidator();
        schemaValidator.setErrorHandler(new ErrorLogger("XML InputStream", validationErrors));
        schemaValidator.validate(new DOMSource(xmlRootNode));

        if (!validationErrors.isEmpty()) {
            final String exceptionText = "persistence.xml is not conform against the supported schema definitions.";
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(exceptionText);
    } catch (SAXException e) {
        final String exceptionText = "Error validating persistence.xml against schema defintion, caused by: ";
        throw new InvalidConfigurationException(exceptionText, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        final String exceptionText = "Error opening xsd schema file. The given persistence.xml descriptor version "
                + version + " might not be supported yet.";
        throw new InvalidConfigurationException(exceptionText, e);

From source file:com.maxl.java.aips2xml.Aips2Xml.java

static List<MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation> readAipsFile() {
    List<MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation> med_list = null;
    try {//from ww w  .  j av a  2s  . co  m
        JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(MedicalInformations.class);

        // Validation
        SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
        Schema schema = sf.newSchema(new File(FILE_MEDICAL_INFOS_XSD));
        Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
        validator.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorHandler());

        // Marshaller
        Marshaller ma = context.createMarshaller();
        ma.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
        MedicalInformations medi_infos = new MedicalInformations();
        ma.marshal(medi_infos, System.out);
        // Unmarshaller   
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (SHOW_LOGS)
            System.out.print("- Unmarshalling Swissmedic xml ... ");

        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(FILE_MEDICAL_INFOS_XML));
        Unmarshaller um = context.createUnmarshaller();
        MedicalInformations med_infos = (MedicalInformations) um.unmarshal(fis);
        med_list = med_infos.getMedicalInformation();

        long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (SHOW_LOGS)
            System.out.println(med_list.size() + " medis in " + (stopTime - startTime) / 1000.0f + " sec");
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
    } catch (SAXException e) {

    return med_list;

From source file:com.predic8.membrane.core.interceptor.schemavalidation.XMLSchemaValidator.java

protected List<Validator> createValidators() throws Exception {
    SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(Constants.XSD_NS);
    List<Validator> validators = new ArrayList<Validator>();
    log.debug("Creating validator for schema: " + location);
    StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(resourceResolver.resolve(location));
    ss.setSystemId(location);/*from  w ww  .ja  v a  2s  .  c o m*/
    Validator validator = sf.newSchema(ss).newValidator();
    validator.setErrorHandler(new SchemaValidatorErrorHandler());
    return validators;

From source file:com.amalto.core.schema.validation.XmlSchemaValidator.java

public void validate(Element element) throws ValidateException {
    javax.xml.validation.Validator validator = getValidator();
    SAXErrorHandler errorHandler = new SAXErrorHandler();
    try {//from w ww .  j  a  va 2  s.  com
        validator.validate(new DOMSource(element));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // All errors are expected to be handled by the error handler.
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected validation issue.", e);
    String errors = errorHandler.getErrors();
    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
        throw new ValidateException(errors);