Example usage for javax.xml.registry.infomodel Concept getPath

List of usage examples for javax.xml.registry.infomodel Concept getPath


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.registry.infomodel Concept getPath.


String getPath() throws JAXRException;

Source Link


Gets the canonical path representation for this Concept.


From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.client.ui.swing.BusinessQueryPanel.java

public static boolean isIntrinsicObjectType(Concept objectType) throws JAXRException {
    boolean isIntrinsic = true;

    String path = objectType.getPath();
    if (path.startsWith("/" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_ObjectType
            + "/RegistryObject/ExtrinsicObject")) {
        isIntrinsic = false;// w w w.  java  2 s  .c  om

    return isIntrinsic;

From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.client.ui.swing.BusinessQueryPanel.java

 * Execute the query using parameters defined by the fields in QueryPanel.
 *//*from   w w w .ja  va 2  s  .  c o m*/
BulkResponse executeQuery() {
    BulkResponse resp = null;

    try {
        // create namePattern collection
        String nameStr = nameText.getText();
        String descStr = descText.getText();

        ArrayList<Object> classifications = ((ClassificationsListModel) (classificationsList.getModel()))
        ArrayList<?> extIds = ((ExternalIdentifiersListModel) (extIdsList.getModel())).getModels();
        ArrayList<?> extLinks = ((ExternalLinksListModel) (linksList.getModel())).getModels();

        JAXRClient client = RegistryBrowser.getInstance().getClient();
        Connection connection = RegistryBrowser.client.getConnection();
        RegistryService service = connection.getRegistryService();
        BusinessQueryManagerImpl bqm = (BusinessQueryManagerImpl) service.getBusinessQueryManager();
        DeclarativeQueryManagerImpl dqm = (DeclarativeQueryManagerImpl) service.getDeclarativeQueryManager();

        Object objectTypeObj = getObjectType();
        if (!(objectTypeObj instanceof Concept)) {
            throw new JAXRException("Search not supported for objectType: " + objectTypeObj.toString());

        Concept objectType = (Concept) objectTypeObj;
        if (!(objectType.getPath()
                .startsWith("/" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_ID_ObjectType))) {
            throw new JAXRException("Search not supported for objectType: " + objectType.getPath());

        boolean isIntrinsic = isIntrinsicObjectType(objectType);
        boolean caseSensitive = caseSensitiveCheckBox.isSelected();

        // make declarative query
        String queryStr = "SELECT obj.* from ";

        if (isIntrinsic) {
            queryStr += (objectType.getValue() + " obj ");
        } else {
            //Following using RegistryObject as it could be an ExtrinsicObject
            //or an ExternalLink
            queryStr += "RegistryObject obj, ClassificationNode typeNode ";

        //Add name to tables in join
        if ((nameStr != null) && (nameStr.length() != 0)) {
            queryStr += ", Name_ nm ";

        //Add description to tables in join
        if ((descStr != null) && (descStr.length() != 0)) {
            queryStr += ", Description des ";

        boolean addedPredicate = false;

        //Add objectType predicate
        if (!isIntrinsic) {
            if (!addedPredicate) {
                queryStr += "WHERE ";
                addedPredicate = true;
            } else {
                queryStr += "AND ";

            queryStr += ("((obj.objectType = typeNode.id) AND " + "(typeNode.path LIKE '" + objectType.getPath()
                    + "' OR typeNode.path LIKE '" + objectType.getPath() + "/%'))");

        //Add name predicate if needed
        if ((nameStr != null) && (nameStr.length() > 0)) {
            if (!addedPredicate) {
                queryStr += "WHERE ";
                addedPredicate = true;
            } else {
                queryStr += "AND ";

            queryStr += ("((nm.parent = obj.id) AND ("
                    + BusinessQueryManagerImpl.caseSensitise("nm.value", caseSensitive) + " LIKE "
                    + BusinessQueryManagerImpl.caseSensitise("'" + nameStr + "'", caseSensitive) + ")) ");

        //Add description predicate if needed
        if ((descStr != null) && (descStr.length() > 0)) {
            if (!addedPredicate) {
                queryStr += "WHERE ";
                addedPredicate = true;
            } else {
                queryStr += "AND ";

            queryStr += ("((des.parent = obj.id) AND ("
                    + BusinessQueryManagerImpl.caseSensitise("des.value", caseSensitive) + " LIKE "
                    + BusinessQueryManagerImpl.caseSensitise("'" + descStr + "'", caseSensitive) + ")) ");

        //Add nested query for Classifications if needed
        if (classifications.size() > 0) {
            if (!addedPredicate) {
                queryStr += "WHERE ";
                addedPredicate = true;
            } else {
                queryStr += "AND ";

            queryStr += qu.getClassificationsPredicate(classifications, "obj.id", null);

        //Add predicate for ExternalIdentifiers if needed
        if (extIds.size() > 0) {
            if (!addedPredicate) {
                queryStr += "WHERE ";
                addedPredicate = true;
            } else {
                queryStr += "AND ";

            queryStr += qu.getExternalIdentifiersPredicate(extIds, "obj.id", null);

        //Add nested query for ExternalLinks if needed
        if (extLinks.size() > 0) {
            if (!addedPredicate) {
                queryStr += "WHERE ";
                addedPredicate = true;
            } else {
                queryStr += "AND ";

            queryStr += qu.getExternalLinksPredicate(extLinks, "obj.id", null);

        QueryImpl query = (QueryImpl) dqm.createQuery(Query.QUERY_TYPE_SQL, queryStr);

        // make JAXR request
        resp = dqm.executeQuery(query);

    } catch (JAXRException e) {

    return resp;

From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObjectImpl.java

 * Gets all Concepts classifying this object that have specified path as prefix.
 * Used in RegistryObjectsTableModel.getValueAt via reflections API if so configured.
 *//* www .ja va2 s. co  m*/
public Collection<Concept> getClassificationConceptsByPath(String pathPrefix) throws JAXRException {
    Collection<Concept> matchingClassificationConcepts = new ArrayList<Concept>();
    ArrayList<RegistryObject> _classifications = getClassifications();
    Iterator<RegistryObject> iter = _classifications.iterator();

    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Classification cl = (Classification) iter.next();
        Concept concept = cl.getConcept();
        String conceptPath = concept.getPath();

        if (conceptPath.startsWith(pathPrefix)) {

    return matchingClassificationConcepts;

From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.client.ui.thin.components.components.QueryPanelComponent.java

private SelectItem loadConceptItem(Concept concept, String indent) {
    SelectItem item = null;/*from w w  w . ja v a2 s  .  com*/
    try {
        String name = indent + ((InternationalStringImpl) concept.getName())
        if (name == null || name.indexOf("null") != -1) {
            name = indent + concept.getValue();

        Object path = concept.getPath();
        item = new SelectItem(path, name);
    } catch (JAXRException ex) {
        log.error(WebUIResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.ErrorGettingDataFromConcept"), ex);
    return item;

From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.client.ui.thin.RegistryObjectBean.java

public RegistryObjectBean(Collection<SearchResultValueBean> searchResultValueBeans,
        RegistryObject registryObject) {
    this.registryObject = registryObject;
    if (registryObject != null) {
        try {// w w  w  .  ja v a2 s .c o  m
            this.id = registryObject.getKey().getId();
        } catch (JAXRException ex) {
                    .getString("message.CouldNotGetObjectTypeDefaultToRegistryObject"), ex);
            this.objectType = "RegistryObject";
        try {
            if (nonRegistryObject == null) {
                this.objectType = registryObject.getObjectType().getValue();
                Concept objectTypeConcept = registryObject.getObjectType();

                if (registryObject instanceof Association) {
                    extendedObjectType = ((Association) registryObject).getAssociationType().getKey().getId();
                } else {
                    extendedObjectType = objectTypeConcept.getKey().getId();
                if (registryObject instanceof ExternalLink) {
                    this.objectType = "ExternalLink";
                } else if (objectTypeConcept.getPath()
                        .startsWith("/" + CanonicalSchemes.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_ObjectType
                                + "/RegistryObject/ExtrinsicObject/")) {
                    this.objectType = "ExtrinsicObject";
        } catch (Throwable t) {
                    .getString("message.ErrorInConstructingRegistryObjectBean"), t);

From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl.java

 * Create an object for the specified objectType Add to JAXR 2.0
 *//*from   w  w  w. java  2  s .c  o  m*/
public Object createObject(Concept objectTypeConcept)
        throws JAXRException, InvalidRequestException, UnsupportedCapabilityException {

    Object obj = null;
    String path = objectTypeConcept.getPath();
    if (path == null) {
        throw new JAXRException(JAXRResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.error.Concept.path.null",
                new Object[] { objectTypeConcept.getKey().getId() }));
    if (path.startsWith("/" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_ObjectType
            + "/RegistryObject/ExtrinsicObject")) {
        obj = createExtrinsicObject(objectTypeConcept);
    } else if (path.startsWith("" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_AssociationType + "/")
            || path.startsWith("/" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_ObjectType
                    + "/RegistryObject/Association")) {
        obj = createAssociation(objectTypeConcept);
    } else {
        String className = getJAXRClassNameFromObjectType(objectTypeConcept);
        obj = createObject(className);

    return obj;

From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl.java

public boolean isIntrinsicObjectType(Concept objectTypeConcept) throws JAXRException {
    boolean isIntrinsic = true;

    // This is risky as we may allow ExtrinsicObjects to be sub-classes of
    // other classes in future.
    if (objectTypeConcept.getPath()
            .startsWith("/" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_ObjectType
                    + "/RegistryObject/ExtrinsicObject/")) {
        isIntrinsic = false;//from w  w  w  . j  a  v  a  2 s. c o m

    return isIntrinsic;

From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.client.ui.thin.RegistryObjectCollectionBean.java

private List<RegistryObjectBean> createComposedRegistryObjectBeans(Collection<RegistryObject> registryObjects)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, ExceptionInInitializerError, Exception {
    if (registryObjects == null) {
        return null;
    }/*from  ww  w  .j  a v  a2 s .c om*/
    int numObjects = registryObjects.size();
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unused" })
    List<RegistryObject> list = new ArrayList<RegistryObject>(registryObjects);

    Iterator<RegistryObject> roItr = registryObjects.iterator();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Query results: ");

    int numCols = 5;
    // Replace ObjectType with Id. TODO - formalize this convention
    List<RegistryObjectBean> roBeans = new ArrayList<RegistryObjectBean>(numObjects);
    for (@SuppressWarnings("unused")
    int i = 0; roItr.hasNext(); i++) {
        RegistryObject ro = roItr.next();
        String header = null;
        Object columnValue = null;
        ArrayList<Object> srvbHeader = new ArrayList<Object>(numCols);
        ArrayList<SearchResultValueBean> searchResultValueBeans = new ArrayList<SearchResultValueBean>(numCols);

        header = WebUIResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("Details");
        columnValue = ro.getKey().getId();
        searchResultValueBeans.add(new SearchResultValueBean(header, columnValue));

        header = WebUIResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("ObjectType");
        columnValue = ro.getObjectType().getValue();
        searchResultValueBeans.add(new SearchResultValueBean(header, columnValue));

        header = WebUIResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("Name");
        columnValue = getLocalizedNameString(ro);

        searchResultValueBeans.add(new SearchResultValueBean(header, columnValue));

        header = WebUIResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("Description");
        columnValue = getLocalizedDescriptionString(ro);
        if (columnValue == null) {
            if (ro instanceof ClassificationImpl) {
                Concept concept = ((ClassificationImpl) ro).getConcept();
                if (concept != null)
                    columnValue = concept.getPath();
        searchResultValueBeans.add(new SearchResultValueBean(header, columnValue));

        RegistryObjectBean srb = new RegistryObjectBean(searchResultValueBeans, ro, false);
    return roBeans;