Example usage for javax.swing.text SimpleAttributeSet SimpleAttributeSet

List of usage examples for javax.swing.text SimpleAttributeSet SimpleAttributeSet


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.swing.text SimpleAttributeSet SimpleAttributeSet.


public SimpleAttributeSet() 

Source Link


Creates a new attribute set.


From source file:org.apache.maven.doxia.module.fo.FoConfiguration.java

 * (Re-)initialize the AttributeSet.
private void reset() {
    this.attributeSet = new SimpleAttributeSet();

From source file:org.docx4all.swing.text.WordMLEditorKit.java

 * Constructs an WordMLEditorKit, creates a StyleContext, and loads the
 * style sheet./*from   w w w .j a v a  2s.c  o m*/
public WordMLEditorKit() {
    caretListener = new CaretListener();
    mouseListener = new MouseListener();
    contentControlTracker = new ContentControlTracker();
    inContentControlEdit = false;

    inputAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet() {
        public AttributeSet getResolveParent() {
            return (currentRunE != null) ? currentRunE.getAttributes() : null;

        public Object clone() {
            return new SimpleAttributeSet(this);

From source file:org.docx4all.ui.main.WordMLEditor.java

private JEditorPane createSourceView(WordMLTextPane editorView) {
    //Create the Source View
    JEditorPane sourceView = new JEditorPane();

    MutableAttributeSet attrs = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attrs, FontManager.getInstance().getSourceViewFontFamilyName());
    StyleConstants.setFontSize(attrs, FontManager.getInstance().getSourceViewFontSize());

    // TODO - only do this if the font is available.
    Font font = new Font("Arial Unicode MS", Font.PLAIN, 12);


    sourceView.setFont(font);//from  w  ww. j a va2s.c  o m

    sourceView.setContentType("text/xml; charset=UTF-16");

    // Instantiate a XMLEditorKit with wrapping enabled.
    XMLEditorKit kit = new XMLEditorKit(true);
    // Set the wrapping style.


    WordMLDocument editorViewDoc = (WordMLDocument) editorView.getDocument();

    try {


        DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) editorViewDoc.getDefaultRootElement();
        WordprocessingMLPackage wmlPackage = ((DocumentML) elem.getElementML()).getWordprocessingMLPackage();
        String filePath = (String) editorView.getDocument().getProperty(WordMLDocument.FILE_PATH_PROPERTY);

        //Do not include the last paragraph which is an extra paragraph.
        elem = (DocumentElement) elem.getElement(elem.getElementCount() - 1);
        ElementML paraML = elem.getElementML();
        ElementML bodyML = paraML.getParent();

        Document doc = DocUtil.read(sourceView, wmlPackage);
        doc.putProperty(WordMLDocument.FILE_PATH_PROPERTY, filePath);
        doc.putProperty(WordMLDocument.WML_PACKAGE_PROPERTY, wmlPackage);

        //Below are the properties used by bounce.jar library
        //See http://www.edankert.com/bounce/xmleditorkit.html
        doc.putProperty(PlainDocument.tabSizeAttribute, new Integer(4));
        doc.putProperty(XMLDocument.AUTO_INDENTATION_ATTRIBUTE, Boolean.TRUE);
        doc.putProperty(XMLDocument.TAG_COMPLETION_ATTRIBUTE, Boolean.TRUE);

        //Remember to put 'paraML' as last paragraph

    } finally {

    kit.setStyle(XMLStyleConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, new Color(255, 0, 0), Font.PLAIN);

    sourceView.putClientProperty(Constants.LOCAL_VIEWS_SYNCHRONIZED_FLAG, Boolean.TRUE);

    return sourceView;

From source file:org.docx4all.xml.HyperlinkML.java

private RunPropertiesML createRunPropertiesML() {
    SimpleAttributeSet attrs = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    attrs.addAttribute(WordMLStyleConstants.RStyleAttribute, "Hyperlink");
    return ElementMLFactory.createRunPropertiesML(attrs);

From source file:org.geopublishing.atlasViewer.GpCoreUtil.java

public static void setTabs(final JTextPane textPane, final int charactersPerTab) {
    final FontMetrics fm = textPane.getFontMetrics(textPane.getFont());
    final int charWidth = fm.charWidth('w');
    final int tabWidth = charWidth * charactersPerTab;

    final TabStop[] tabs = new TabStop[10];

    for (int j = 0; j < tabs.length; j++) {
        final int tab = j + 1;
        tabs[j] = new TabStop(tab * tabWidth);
    }//w  w w  . ja  v a 2s. co m

    final TabSet tabSet = new TabSet(tabs);
    final SimpleAttributeSet attributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setTabSet(attributes, tabSet);
    final int length = textPane.getDocument().getLength();
    textPane.getStyledDocument().setParagraphAttributes(0, length, attributes, false);

From source file:org.nuxeo.launcher.gui.ColoredTextPane.java

public ColoredTextPane() {
    style = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    setEditorKit(new RTFEditorKit());
    doc = getDocument();/*  w w  w.j a  v  a 2s . c o m*/

From source file:org.optaplanner.benchmark.impl.aggregator.swingui.BenchmarkAggregatorFrame.java

private JComponent createNoPlannerFoundTextField() {
    String infoMessage = "No planner benchmarks have been found in the benchmarkDirectory ("
            + benchmarkAggregator.getBenchmarkDirectory() + ").";
    JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane();

    textPane.setEditable(false);/*  w  ww. jav  a  2  s. co m*/

    // center info message
    StyledDocument styledDocument = textPane.getStyledDocument();
    SimpleAttributeSet center = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setAlignment(center, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER);
    StyleConstants.setBold(center, true);
    styledDocument.setParagraphAttributes(0, styledDocument.getLength(), center, false);
    return textPane;

From source file:org.pmedv.core.components.RelativeImageView.java

 * Change the size of this image. This alters the HEIGHT and WIDTH
 * attributes of the Element and causes a re-layout.
 *//*ww w .j  av a2s.  co  m*/
protected void resize(int width, int height) {

    if ((width == fWidth) && (height == fHeight)) {
    fWidth = width;
    fHeight = height;
    // Replace attributes in document
    MutableAttributeSet myAttr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    myAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.WIDTH, Integer.toString(width));
    myAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HEIGHT, Integer.toString(height));
    ((StyledDocument) getDocument()).setCharacterAttributes(fElement.getStartOffset(), fElement.getEndOffset(),
            myAttr, false);

From source file:org.spoutcraft.launcher.skin.ConsoleFrame.java

 * Construct the frame./*from w  ww  .j  av  a 2 s.c o m*/
 * @param numLines number of lines to show at a time
 * @param colorEnabled true to enable a colored console
 * @param trackProc process to track
 * @param killProcess true to kill the process on console close
public ConsoleFrame(int numLines, boolean colorEnabled, final Process trackProc, final boolean killProcess) {
    this.numLines = numLines;
    this.colorEnabled = colorEnabled;
    this.trackProc = trackProc;

    this.highlightedAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setForeground(highlightedAttributes, Color.BLACK);
    StyleConstants.setBackground(highlightedAttributes, Color.YELLOW);

    this.errorAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setForeground(errorAttributes, new Color(200, 0, 0));
    this.infoAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setForeground(infoAttributes, new Color(200, 0, 0));
    this.debugAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    StyleConstants.setForeground(debugAttributes, Color.DARK_GRAY);

    setSize(new Dimension(650, 400));

    Compatibility.setIconImage(this, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(LoginFrame.spoutcraftIcon));

    if (trackProc != null) {


    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) {
            if (trackProc != null && killProcess) {
                if (loggerHandler != null) {

From source file:org.thdl.tib.input.TibetanConverter.java

/** Reads from in, closes in, converts (or finds some/all
non-TM/TMW), writes the result to out, does not close out.
The action taken depends on ct, which must be one of a set
number of strings -- see the code.  Uses short error and
warning messages if shortMessages is true; gives no warnings
or many warnings depending on warningLevel.  Returns an
appropriate return code so that TibetanConverter's usage
message is honored. *//*from w  w w.  j av a 2  s .c  o  m*/
static int reallyConvert(InputStream in, PrintStream out, String ct, String warningLevel, boolean shortMessages,
        boolean colors) {
    if (UNI_TO_WYLIE_TEXT == ct || WYLIE_TO_ACIP_TEXT == ct || ACIP_TO_WYLIE_TEXT == ct) {
        try {
            /*String uniText;
            // TODO(dchandler): use, here and elsewhere in the
            // codebase,
            // org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.toString(InputStream,
            // encoding)
            StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
            char ch[] = new char[8192];
            BufferedReader bin
                = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in,
            int amt;
            while (-1 != (amt = bin.read(ch))) {
                s.append(ch, 0, amt);
            uniText = s.toString();
            StringBuffer errors = new StringBuffer();
            // TODO(dchandler): DLC: use human-friendly EWTS, not
            // computer-friendly!
            String ewtsText = Converter.convertToEwtsForComputers(uniText,
            // TODO(dchandler): is 51 the right choice?
            return (errors.length() > 0) ? 51 : 0;*/
            BasicTibetanTranscriptionConverter bc = null;
            if (UNI_TO_WYLIE_TEXT == ct)
                bc = new BasicTibetanTranscriptionConverter(
                        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF16")), new PrintWriter(out));
                bc = new BasicTibetanTranscriptionConverter(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)),
                        new PrintWriter(out));
            return 0;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO(dchandler): print it?  where to?
            return 48;
    } else if (ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || ACIP_TO_TMW == ct || WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || WYLIE_TO_TMW == ct) {
        try {
            ArrayList al = ((ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || ACIP_TO_TMW == ct) ? (TTraits) ACIPTraits.instance()
                    : (TTraits) EWTSTraits.instance()).scanner().scanStream(
                            in, null,
                            ThdlOptions.getIntegerOption((ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || ACIP_TO_TMW == ct)
                                    ? "thdl.most.errors.a.tibetan.acip.document.can.have"
                                    : "thdl.most.errors.a.tibetan.ewts.document.can.have", 1000 - 1),
                            shortMessages, warningLevel);
            if (null == al)
                return 47;
            boolean embeddedWarnings = (warningLevel != "None");
            boolean hasWarnings[] = new boolean[] { false };
            if (ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct) {
                if (!TConverter.convertToUnicodeText(
                        (WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct) ? (TTraits) EWTSTraits.instance()
                                : (TTraits) ACIPTraits.instance(),
                        al, out, null, null, hasWarnings, embeddedWarnings, warningLevel, shortMessages))
                    return 46;
            } else {
                if (!TConverter.convertToTMW(
                        (WYLIE_TO_TMW == ct) ? (TTraits) EWTSTraits.instance()
                                : (TTraits) ACIPTraits.instance(),
                        al, out, null, null, hasWarnings, embeddedWarnings, warningLevel, shortMessages,
                    return 46;
            if (embeddedWarnings && hasWarnings[0])
                return 45;
                return 0;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO(dchandler): print it?  where to?
            return 48;
    } else {
        TibetanDocument tdoc = new TibetanDocument();
            SimpleAttributeSet ras = new SimpleAttributeSet();
                    ThdlOptions.getStringOption("thdl.default.roman.font.face", "Serif"));
            StyleConstants.setFontSize(ras, ThdlOptions.getIntegerOption("thdl.default.roman.font.size", 14));
        try {
            // Read in the rtf file.
            if (debug)
                System.err.println("Start: reading in old RTF file");
            if (!ThdlOptions.getBooleanOption("thdl.do.not.fix.rtf.hex.escapes"))
                in = new RTFFixerInputStream(in);
            (new RTFEditorKit()).read(in, tdoc, 0);
            if (debug)
                System.err.println("End  : reading in old RTF file");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            out.println("TibetanConverter:\n" + rtfErrorMessage);
            return 3;
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // silently ignore; we don't care about the input so much...

        if (FIND_ALL_NON_TMW == ct) {
            // 0, -1 is the entire document.
            int exitCode = tdoc.findAllNonTMWCharacters(0, -1, out);
            if (out.checkError())
                exitCode = 41;
            return exitCode;
        } else if (FIND_SOME_NON_TMW == ct) {
            // 0, -1 is the entire document.
            int exitCode = tdoc.findSomeNonTMWCharacters(0, -1, out);
            if (out.checkError())
                exitCode = 41;
            return exitCode;
        } else if (FIND_SOME_NON_TM == ct) {
            // 0, -1 is the entire document.
            int exitCode = tdoc.findSomeNonTMCharacters(0, -1, out);
            if (out.checkError())
                exitCode = 41;
            return exitCode;
        } else if (FIND_ALL_NON_TM == ct) {
            // 0, -1 is the entire document.
            int exitCode = tdoc.findAllNonTMCharacters(0, -1, out);
            if (out.checkError())
                exitCode = 41;
            return exitCode;
        } else { // conversion {to Wylie or TM} mode
            // Fix curly braces in the entire document if the input is TMW:
            if (TM_TO_TMW != ct) {
                // DLC make me optional
                if (debug)
                    System.err.println("Start: solving curly brace problem");
                tdoc.replaceTahomaCurlyBracesAndBackslashes(0, -1);
                if (debug)
                    System.err.println("End  : solving curly brace problem");

            int exitCode = 0;
            ThdlDebug.verify(((TMW_TO_TM == ct) ? 1 : 0) + ((TMW_TO_SAME_TMW == ct) ? 1 : 0)
                    + ((TMW_TO_UNI == ct) ? 1 : 0) + ((TM_TO_TMW == ct) ? 1 : 0) + ((TMW_TO_ACIP == ct) ? 1 : 0)
                    + ((TMW_TO_ACIP_TEXT == ct) ? 1 : 0) + ((TMW_TO_WYLIE == ct) ? 1 : 0)
                    + ((TMW_TO_WYLIE_TEXT == ct) ? 1 : 0) == 1);
            long numAttemptedReplacements[] = new long[] { 0 };
            if (TMW_TO_SAME_TMW == ct) {
                // Identity conversion for testing
                if (tdoc.identityTmwToTmwConversion(0, tdoc.getLength(), numAttemptedReplacements)) {
                    exitCode = 50;
            } else if (TMW_TO_WYLIE == ct || TMW_TO_WYLIE_TEXT == ct) {
                // Convert to THDL Wylie:
                if (!tdoc.toWylie(0, tdoc.getLength(), numAttemptedReplacements)) {
                    exitCode = 44;
            } else if (TMW_TO_ACIP == ct || TMW_TO_ACIP_TEXT == ct) {
                // Convert to ACIP:
                if (!tdoc.toACIP(0, tdoc.getLength(), numAttemptedReplacements)) {
                    exitCode = 49;
            } else if (TMW_TO_UNI == ct) {
                StringBuffer errors = new StringBuffer();
                // Convert to Unicode:
                if (tdoc.convertToUnicode(0, tdoc.getLength(), errors,
                        numAttemptedReplacements)) {
                    exitCode = 42;
            } else if (TM_TO_TMW == ct) {
                StringBuffer errors = new StringBuffer();
                // Convert to TibetanMachineWeb:
                if (tdoc.convertToTMW(0, tdoc.getLength(), errors, numAttemptedReplacements)) {
                    exitCode = 42;
            } else {
                ThdlDebug.verify(TMW_TO_TM == ct);
                StringBuffer errors = new StringBuffer();
                // Convert to TibetanMachine:
                if (tdoc.convertToTM(0, tdoc.getLength(), errors, numAttemptedReplacements)) {
                    exitCode = 42;

            // Write to standard output the result:
            if (TMW_TO_WYLIE_TEXT == ct || TMW_TO_ACIP_TEXT == ct) {
                try {
                    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8"));
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    exitCode = 40;
            } else {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    exitCode = 40;
            if (out.checkError())
                exitCode = 41;
            if (numAttemptedReplacements[0] < 1)
                exitCode = 43;

            return exitCode;