Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007, Plutext Pty Ltd. * * This file is part of Docx4all. Docx4all is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. Docx4all is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Docx4all. If not, see <>. */ package org.docx4all.swing.text; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.ActionMap; import javax.swing.InputMap; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.event.CaretEvent; import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI; import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.Caret; import javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit; import javax.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter; import javax.swing.text.Document; import javax.swing.text.Highlighter; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; import javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.Position; import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.Style; import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants; import javax.swing.text.TextAction; import javax.swing.text.View; import javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import; import net.sf.vfsjfilechooser.utils.VFSUtils; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.docx4all.swing.WordMLTextPane; import org.docx4all.swing.event.InputAttributeEvent; import org.docx4all.swing.event.InputAttributeListener; import org.docx4all.ui.main.Constants; import; import org.docx4all.util.DocUtil; import org.docx4all.util.SwingUtil; import org.docx4all.util.XmlUtil; import org.docx4all.xml.DocumentML; import org.docx4all.xml.ElementML; import org.docx4all.xml.ElementMLFactory; import org.docx4all.xml.HyperlinkML; import org.docx4all.xml.ParagraphML; import org.docx4all.xml.RunContentML; import org.docx4all.xml.RunDelML; import org.docx4all.xml.RunInsML; import org.docx4all.xml.RunML; import org.docx4all.xml.SdtBlockML; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage; import org.plutext.client.Mediator; import org.plutext.client.Util; public class WordMLEditorKit extends DefaultEditorKit { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WordMLEditorKit.class); /** * Name of the action to place a soft line break into * the document. If there is a selection, it is removed before * the break is added. * @see #getActions */ public static final String insertSoftBreakAction = "insert-soft-break"; public static final String enterKeyTypedAction = "enter-key-typed-action"; public static final String fontBoldAction = "font-bold"; public static final String fontItalicAction = "font-italic"; public static final String fontUnderlineAction = "font-underline"; public static final String acceptRevisionAction = "accept-revision"; public static final String acceptNonConflictingRevisionsAction = "accept-non-conflicting-revisions"; public static final String rejectNonConflictingRevisionsAction = "reject-non-conflicting-revisions"; public static final String rejectRevisionAction = "reject-revision"; public static final String applyRemoteRevisionsInParaAction = "apply-remote-revisions-in-para"; public static final String discardRemoteRevisionsInParaAction = "discard-remote-revisions-in-para"; public static final String selectNextRevisionAction = "select-next-revision"; public static final String selectPrevRevision = "select-prev-revision"; public static final String changeIntoSdtAction = "change-into-sdt"; public static final String removeSdtAction = "remove-sdt"; public static final String insertEmptySdtAction = "insert-empty-sdt"; public static final String mergeSdtAction = "merge-sdt"; public static final String splitSdtAction = "split-sdt"; public static final String createSdtOnEachParaAction = "create-sdt-on-each-para"; public static final String createSdtOnStylesAction = "create-sdt-on-styles"; public static final String createSdtOnSignedParaAction = "create-sdt-on-signed-para"; private static final Cursor MoveCursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR); private static final Cursor DefaultCursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR); private static final javax.swing.text.ViewFactory defaultFactory = new ViewFactory(); // TODO: Later implementation private static final Action[] defaultActions = {}; private Cursor defaultCursor = DefaultCursor; private CaretListener caretListener; private MouseListener mouseListener; private ContentControlTracker contentControlTracker; private Mediator plutextClient; /** * This is the set of attributes used to store the * input attributes. */ private MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes; private DocumentElement currentRunE; private boolean inContentControlEdit; /** * The event listener list for this WordMLEditorKit. */ private EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList(); /** * Constructs an WordMLEditorKit, creates a StyleContext, and loads the * style sheet. */ public WordMLEditorKit() { caretListener = new CaretListener(); mouseListener = new MouseListener(); contentControlTracker = new ContentControlTracker(); inContentControlEdit = false; inputAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet() { public AttributeSet getResolveParent() { return (currentRunE != null) ? currentRunE.getAttributes() : null; } public Object clone() { return new SimpleAttributeSet(this); } }; } public void saveCaretText() { log.debug("saveCaretText(): getCaretElement()=" + getCaretElement()); if (getCaretElement() != null) { DocUtil.saveTextContentToElementML(getCaretElement()); } } public final synchronized void beginContentControlEdit(WordMLTextPane editor) { inContentControlEdit = true; WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); doc.lockWrite(); doc.setSnapshotFireBan(true); } public final synchronized void endContentControlEdit(WordMLTextPane editor) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); doc.setSnapshotFireBan(false); doc.unlockWrite(); inContentControlEdit = false; } public final synchronized boolean isInContentControlEdit() { return inContentControlEdit; } public void addInputAttributeListener(InputAttributeListener listener) { listenerList.add(InputAttributeListener.class, listener); } public void removeInputAttributeListener(InputAttributeListener listener) { listenerList.remove(InputAttributeListener.class, listener); } /** * Get the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for. This * kit supports the type <code>text/xml</code>. * * @return the type */ @Override public String getContentType() { return "application/xml"; } /** * Fetch a factory that is suitable for producing views of any models that * are produced by this kit. * * @return the factory */ @Override public javax.swing.text.ViewFactory getViewFactory() { return defaultFactory; } /** * Create an uninitialized text storage model that is appropriate for this * type of editor. * * @return the model */ @Override public Document createDefaultDocument() { Document doc = new WordMLDocument(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("createDefaultDocument():"); DocUtil.displayStructure(doc); } return doc; } @Override public void read(Reader in, Document doc, int pos) throws IOException, BadLocationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Creates a WordMLDocument from the given .docx file * * @param f The file to read from * @exception IOException on any I/O error */ public WordMLDocument read(FileObject f) throws IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("read(): File = " + VFSUtils.getFriendlyName(f.getName().getURI())); } //Default WordMLDocument has to be created prior to //unmarshalling docx4j Document so that StyleDefinitionsPart's //liveStyles property will be populated correctly. //See: StyleDefinitionsPart.unmarshall( WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) createDefaultDocument(); List<ElementSpec> specs = DocUtil.getElementSpecs(ElementMLFactory.createDocumentML(f)); doc.createElementStructure(specs); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { DocUtil.displayStructure(specs); DocUtil.displayStructure(doc); } return doc; } /** * Write content from a document to the given stream in a format appropriate * for this kind of content handler. * * @param out * the stream to write to * @param doc * the source for the write * @param pos * the location in the document to fetch the content * @param len * the amount to write out * @exception IOException * on any I/O error * @exception BadLocationException * if pos represents an invalid location within the document */ @Override public void write(Writer out, Document doc, int pos, int len) throws IOException, BadLocationException { if (doc instanceof WordMLDocument) { // TODO: Later implementation } else { super.write(out, doc, pos, len); } } /** * Called when the kit is being installed into the a JEditorPane. * * @param c * the JEditorPane */ @Override public void install(JEditorPane c) { super.install(c); c.addCaretListener(caretListener); c.addCaretListener(contentControlTracker); c.addMouseListener(mouseListener); c.addMouseMotionListener(mouseListener); c.addPropertyChangeListener(caretListener); caretListener.updateCaretElement(0, 0, c); initKeyBindings(c); } /** * Called when the kit is being removed from the JEditorPane. This is used * to unregister any listeners that were attached. * * @param c * the JEditorPane */ public void deinstall(JEditorPane c) { super.deinstall(c); c.removeCaretListener(caretListener); c.removeCaretListener(contentControlTracker); c.removeMouseListener(mouseListener); c.removeMouseMotionListener(mouseListener); c.removePropertyChangeListener(caretListener); this.plutextClient = null; } public void initPlutextClient(WordMLTextPane editor) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); try { doc.readLock(); this.plutextClient = new Mediator(editor); } finally { doc.readUnlock(); } } public Mediator getPlutextClient() { return this.plutextClient; } /** * Fetches the command list for the editor. This is the list of commands * supported by the superclass augmented by the collection of commands * defined locally for style operations. * * @return the command list */ @Override public Action[] getActions() { return TextAction.augmentList(super.getActions(), WordMLEditorKit.defaultActions); } public void setDefaultCursor(Cursor cursor) { defaultCursor = cursor; } public Cursor getDefaultCursor() { return defaultCursor; } /** * Gets the input attributes for the pane. When * the caret moves and there is no selection, the * input attributes are automatically mutated to * reflect the character attributes of the current * caret location. The styled editing actions * use the input attributes to carry out their * actions. * * @return the attribute set */ public MutableAttributeSet getInputAttributesML() { return inputAttributes; } protected void createInputAttributes(WordMLDocument.TextElement element, MutableAttributeSet set, JEditorPane editor) { set.removeAttributes(set); if (element != null && element.getEndOffset() < element.getDocument().getLength()) { set.addAttributes(element.getAttributes()); // set.removeAttribute(StyleConstants.ComponentAttribute); // set.removeAttribute(StyleConstants.IconAttribute); // set.removeAttribute(AbstractDocument.ElementNameAttribute); // set.removeAttribute(StyleConstants.ComposedTextAttribute); } fireInputAttributeChanged(new InputAttributeEvent(editor)); } protected void fireInputAttributeChanged(InputAttributeEvent e) { // Guaranteed to return a non-null array Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList(); // Process the listeners last to first, notifying // those that are interested in this event for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (listeners[i] == InputAttributeListener.class) { // Lazily create the event: // if (e == null) // e = new ListSelectionEvent(this, firstIndex, lastIndex); ((InputAttributeListener) listeners[i + 1]).inputAttributeChanged(e); } } } private WordMLDocument.TextElement getCaretElement() { return (WordMLDocument.TextElement) caretListener.caretElement; } private void refreshCaretElement(JEditorPane editor) { caretListener.caretElement = null; int start = editor.getSelectionStart(); int end = editor.getSelectionEnd(); WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); try { doc.readLock(); caretListener.updateCaretElement(start, end, editor); } finally { doc.readUnlock(); } } private void initKeyBindings(JEditorPane editor) { ActionMap myActionMap = new ActionMap(); InputMap myInputMap = new InputMap(); KeyStroke ks = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK); myActionMap.put(insertSoftBreakAction, new InsertSoftBreakAction(insertSoftBreakAction)); myInputMap.put(ks, insertSoftBreakAction); ks = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0); myActionMap.put(enterKeyTypedAction, new EnterKeyTypedAction(enterKeyTypedAction)); myInputMap.put(ks, enterKeyTypedAction); ks = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE, 0); myActionMap.put(deleteNextCharAction, new DeleteNextCharAction(deleteNextCharAction)); myInputMap.put(ks, deleteNextCharAction); ks = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE, 0); myActionMap.put(deletePrevCharAction, new DeletePrevCharAction(deletePrevCharAction)); myInputMap.put(ks, deletePrevCharAction); myActionMap.setParent(editor.getActionMap()); myInputMap.setParent(editor.getInputMap()); editor.setActionMap(myActionMap); editor.setInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED, myInputMap); } //************************** //***** INNER CLASSES ***** //************************** public final static class MouseListener extends MouseAdapter { private final static DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter SDT_BACKGROUND_PAINTER = new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter( new Color(189, 222, 255)); private Object lastHighlight = null; private DocumentElement lastHighlightedE = null; public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) e.getSource(); clearLastHighlight(editor); if (e.isControlDown()) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); int pos = getOffsetPosition(e); HyperlinkML ml = getHyperlinkML(doc, pos); if (ml != null) { String path = (String) doc.getProperty(WordMLDocument.FILE_PATH_PROPERTY); openLinkedDocument(ml, path); } } } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) e.getSource(); WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); int pos = getOffsetPosition(e); highlight(editor, pos); trackTooltip(editor, pos); HyperlinkML ml = getHyperlinkML(doc, pos); if (ml != null && e.isControlDown()) { editor.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } else { editor.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.TEXT_CURSOR)); } } private int getOffsetPosition(MouseEvent e) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) e.getSource(); BasicTextUI ui = (BasicTextUI) editor.getUI(); Point pt = new Point(e.getX(), e.getY()); Position.Bias[] biasRet = new Position.Bias[1]; return ui.viewToModel(editor, pt, biasRet); } private void trackTooltip(WordMLTextPane editor, int pos) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getRunMLElement(pos); ElementML parent = elem.getElementML().getParent(); StringBuilder tipText = null; if (parent instanceof RunDelML) { String author = ((RunDelML) parent).getAuthor(); String text = getText(doc, elem); if (author != null && author.length() > 0 && text != null && text.length() > 0) { tipText = new StringBuilder("<html><p><b>"); tipText.append(author.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()); tipText.append(author.substring(1)); tipText.append(" deleted:</b></p><p>"); tipText.append(text); tipText.append("</p></html>"); } } else if (parent instanceof RunInsML) { String author = ((RunInsML) parent).getAuthor(); String text = getText(doc, elem); if (author != null && author.length() > 0 && text != null && text.length() > 0) { tipText = new StringBuilder("<html><p><b>"); tipText.append(author.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()); tipText.append(author.substring(1)); tipText.append(" inserted:</b></p><p>"); tipText.append(text); tipText.append("</p></html>"); } } else if (parent instanceof HyperlinkML) { String text = ((HyperlinkML) parent).getTooltip(); if (text == null || text.length() == 0) { FileObject srcFile = null; try { String path = (String) doc.getProperty(WordMLDocument.FILE_PATH_PROPERTY); srcFile = VFSUtils.getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(path); } catch (FileSystemException exc) { ;//ignore } text = HyperlinkML.encodeTarget((HyperlinkML) parent, srcFile, true); } tipText = new StringBuilder("<html><p>"); tipText.append(text); tipText.append("</p><p><b>Ctrl+Click to follow link</b></p></html>"); } if (tipText == null || tipText.length() == 0) { editor.setToolTipText(null); } else { editor.setToolTipText(tipText.toString()); } } private String getText(WordMLDocument doc, DocumentElement elem) { String text = null; int start = elem.getStartOffset(); int length = elem.getEndOffset() - start; try { text = doc.getText(start, length); } catch (BadLocationException exc) { ;//should not happen } return text; } private void highlight(WordMLTextPane editor, int pos) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); if (lastHighlightedE != null && lastHighlightedE.getStartOffset() == lastHighlightedE.getEndOffset()) { // invalid Element. This may happen when the Element // has been removed from the document structure. lastHighlightedE = null; } if (lastHighlightedE != null && (lastHighlightedE.getStartOffset() <= pos && pos <= lastHighlightedE.getEndOffset())) { ;// do nothing } else { clearLastHighlight(editor); DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getSdtBlockMLElement(pos); if (elem != null && !WordMLStyleConstants.getBorderVisible(elem.getAttributes())) { try { Highlighter hl = editor.getHighlighter(); lastHighlight = hl.addHighlight(elem.getStartOffset(), elem.getEndOffset(), SDT_BACKGROUND_PAINTER); lastHighlightedE = elem; } catch (BadLocationException exc) { ;// should not happen } } } } private void clearLastHighlight(WordMLTextPane editor) { Highlighter hl = editor.getHighlighter(); if (lastHighlight != null) { hl.removeHighlight(lastHighlight); } lastHighlightedE = null; } private void openLinkedDocument(HyperlinkML linkML, String currentDocFilePath) { FileObject srcFile = null; try { srcFile = VFSUtils.getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(currentDocFilePath); } catch (FileSystemException exc) { ;//ignore } HyperlinkMenu.getInstance().openLinkedDocument(srcFile, linkML); } private HyperlinkML getHyperlinkML(WordMLDocument doc, int pos) { HyperlinkML theLink = null; DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getRunMLElement(pos); if (elem != null && elem.getStartOffset() < pos && pos < elem.getEndOffset()) { ElementML runML = elem.getElementML(); if (runML.getParent() instanceof HyperlinkML) { theLink = (HyperlinkML) runML.getParent(); } } return theLink; } }// MouseListener inner class private class ContentControlTracker implements javax.swing.event.CaretListener, Serializable { private Position lastSdtBlockPosition; public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent evt) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) evt.getSource(); if (editor.isInContentControlEdit()) { return; } int start = Math.min(evt.getDot(), evt.getMark()); int end = Math.max(evt.getDot(), evt.getMark()); if (start == end) { selectSdtBlock(editor, start); } else { View startV = SwingUtil.getSdtBlockView(editor, start); View endV = SwingUtil.getSdtBlockView(editor, end - 1); if (startV == endV && startV != null) { selectSdtBlock(editor, start); } else { resetLastSdtBlockPosition(editor); } } } private void selectSdtBlock(WordMLTextPane editor, int pos) { SdtBlockView currentSdt = SwingUtil.getSdtBlockView(editor, pos); SdtBlockView lastSdt = null; if (lastSdtBlockPosition != null) { int offset = lastSdtBlockPosition.getOffset(); lastSdt = SwingUtil.getSdtBlockView(editor, offset); } if (currentSdt != lastSdt) { if (lastSdt != null) { lastSdt.setBorderVisible(false); editor.getUI().damageRange(editor, lastSdt.getStartOffset(), lastSdt.getEndOffset(), Position.Bias.Forward, Position.Bias.Forward); lastSdtBlockPosition = null; } } if (currentSdt != null) { currentSdt.setBorderVisible(true); editor.getUI().damageRange(editor, currentSdt.getStartOffset(), currentSdt.getEndOffset(), Position.Bias.Forward, Position.Bias.Forward); try { lastSdtBlockPosition = editor.getDocument().createPosition(pos); } catch (BadLocationException exc) { lastSdtBlockPosition = null;// should not happen } } } private void resetLastSdtBlockPosition(WordMLTextPane editor) { if (lastSdtBlockPosition != null) { int offset = lastSdtBlockPosition.getOffset(); SdtBlockView sdt = SwingUtil.getSdtBlockView(editor, offset); if (sdt != null) { sdt.setBorderVisible(false); editor.getUI().damageRange(editor, sdt.getStartOffset(), sdt.getEndOffset(), Position.Bias.Forward, Position.Bias.Forward); } lastSdtBlockPosition = null; } } }// ContentControlTracker inner class private class CaretListener implements javax.swing.event.CaretListener, PropertyChangeListener, Serializable { private WordMLDocument.TextElement caretElement; public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent evt) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) evt.getSource(); int start = Math.min(evt.getDot(), evt.getMark()); int end = Math.max(evt.getDot(), evt.getMark()); WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); try { doc.readLock(); if (start != end) { //Validate selected area if any new TextSelector(doc, start, end - start); } updateCaretElement(start, end, editor); // if (start == end) { // selectSdtBlock(editor, start); // } else { // resetLastSdtBlockPosition(editor); // } } catch (BadSelectionException exc) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); editor.setCaretPosition(start); } finally { doc.readUnlock(); } } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { Object newValue = evt.getNewValue(); Object source = evt.getSource(); if ((source instanceof WordMLTextPane) && (newValue instanceof WordMLDocument)) { // New document will have changed selection to 0,0. WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) newValue; try { doc.readLock(); updateCaretElement(0, 0, (WordMLTextPane) source); } finally { doc.readUnlock(); } } } void updateCaretElement(int start, int end, JEditorPane editor) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); Position.Bias bias = (start != end) ? Position.Bias.Forward : null; WordMLDocument.TextElement elem = DocUtil.getInputAttributeElement(doc, start, bias); if (caretElement != elem) { DocUtil.saveTextContentToElementML(caretElement); caretElement = elem; if (caretElement != null) { WordMLEditorKit.this.currentRunE = (DocumentElement) caretElement.getParentElement(); } else { WordMLEditorKit.this.currentRunE = null; } createInputAttributes(caretElement, getInputAttributesML(), editor); } } // private void selectSdtBlock(JEditorPane editor, int pos) { // WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); // // BasicTextUI ui = (BasicTextUI) editor.getUI(); // View root = ui.getRootView(editor).getView(0); // // SdtBlockView currentSdt = null; // int idx = root.getViewIndex(pos, Position.Bias.Forward); // View v = root.getView(idx); // if (v instanceof SdtBlockView) { // currentSdt = (SdtBlockView) v; // } // // SdtBlockView lastSdt = null; // if (lastSdtBlockPosition != null) { // idx = root.getViewIndex(lastSdtBlockPosition.getOffset(), // Position.Bias.Forward); // lastSdt = (SdtBlockView) root.getView(idx); // } // // if (currentSdt != lastSdt) { // if (lastSdt != null) { // lastSdt.setBorderVisible(false); // ui.damageRange(editor, lastSdt.getStartOffset(), lastSdt // .getEndOffset(), Position.Bias.Forward, // Position.Bias.Forward); // lastSdtBlockPosition = null; // } // } // // if (currentSdt != null && !currentSdt.isBorderVisible()) { // currentSdt.setBorderVisible(true); // ui.damageRange(editor, currentSdt.getStartOffset(), // currentSdt.getEndOffset(), Position.Bias.Forward, // Position.Bias.Forward); // try { // lastSdtBlockPosition = doc.createPosition(pos); // } catch (BadLocationException exc) { // lastSdtBlockPosition = null;// should not happen // } // } // } // private void resetLastSdtBlockPosition(JEditorPane editor) { // if (lastSdtBlockPosition != null) { // BasicTextUI ui = (BasicTextUI) editor.getUI(); // View root = ui.getRootView(editor).getView(0); // // int idx = // root.getViewIndex( // lastSdtBlockPosition.getOffset(), // Position.Bias.Forward); // SdtBlockView sdt = (SdtBlockView) root.getView(idx); // sdt.setBorderVisible(false); // ui.damageRange( // editor, // sdt.getStartOffset(), // sdt.getEndOffset(), // Position.Bias.Forward, // Position.Bias.Forward); // lastSdtBlockPosition = null; // } // } }// CaretListener inner class public static class AcceptNonConflictingRevisionsAction extends TextAction { private Exception exc; public AcceptNonConflictingRevisionsAction() { super(acceptNonConflictingRevisionsAction); this.exc = null; } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { log.debug("AcceptNonConflictingRevisionsAction.actionPerformed():..."); WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) getTextComponent(e); if (editor != null) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); Mediator plutextClient = editor.getWordMLEditorKit().getPlutextClient(); if (plutextClient != null && plutextClient.hasNonConflictingChanges()) { log.debug("AcceptNonConflictingRevisionsAction.actionPerformed():" + " plutextClient HAS non-conflicting changes"); int caretPos = editor.getCaretPosition(); try { doc.lockWrite(); editor.saveCaretText(); int refreshStart = doc.getLength(); int refreshEnd = -1; for (String id : plutextClient.getIdsOfNonConflictingChanges()) { plutextClient.removeTrackedChangeType(id); DocumentElement elem = Util.getDocumentElement(doc, id); if (elem != null) { refreshStart = Math.min(refreshStart, elem.getStartOffset()); refreshEnd = Math.max(refreshEnd, elem.getEndOffset()); ElementML sdt = elem.getElementML(); String temp = org.docx4j.XmlUtils.marshaltoString(sdt.getDocxObject(), false); StreamSource src = new StreamSource(new StringReader(temp)); javax.xml.bind.util.JAXBResult result = new javax.xml.bind.util.JAXBResult( org.docx4j.jaxb.Context.jc); XmlUtil.applyRemoteRevisions(src, result); ElementML newSdt = new SdtBlockML((org.docx4j.wml.SdtBlock) result.getResult()); boolean notEmpty = (XmlUtil.getLastRunContentML(newSdt) != null); if (notEmpty) { sdt.addSibling(newSdt, true); } sdt.delete(); } } //for (id) loop if (refreshStart < refreshEnd) { caretPos = doc.getLength() - refreshEnd; doc.refreshParagraphs(refreshStart, (refreshEnd - refreshStart)); caretPos = doc.getLength() - caretPos; } } catch (Exception exc) { this.exc = exc; } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); editor.setCaretPosition(caretPos); } } else { log.debug("AcceptNonConflictingRevisionsAction.actionPerformed():" + " NO plutextClient NOR non-conflicting changes"); } //if (plutextClient != null && plutextClient.hasNonConflictingChanges()) } //if (editor != null) } //actionPerformed() public Exception getThrownException() { return this.exc; } public boolean success() { return (this.exc == null); } }// AcceptNonConflictingRevisionsAction inner class public static class RejectNonConflictingRevisionsAction extends TextAction { private Exception exc; public RejectNonConflictingRevisionsAction() { super(acceptNonConflictingRevisionsAction); this.exc = null; } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { log.debug("RejectNonConflictingRevisionsAction.actionPerformed():..."); WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) getTextComponent(e); if (editor != null) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); Mediator plutextClient = editor.getWordMLEditorKit().getPlutextClient(); if (plutextClient != null && plutextClient.hasNonConflictingChanges()) { log.debug("RejectNonConflictingRevisionsAction.actionPerformed():" + " plutextClient HAS non-conflicting changes"); int caretPos = editor.getCaretPosition(); try { doc.lockWrite(); editor.saveCaretText(); int refreshStart = doc.getLength(); int refreshEnd = -1; for (String id : plutextClient.getIdsOfNonConflictingChanges()) { plutextClient.removeTrackedChangeType(id); DocumentElement elem = Util.getDocumentElement(doc, id); if (elem != null) { refreshStart = Math.min(refreshStart, elem.getStartOffset()); refreshEnd = Math.max(refreshEnd, elem.getEndOffset()); ElementML sdt = elem.getElementML(); String temp = org.docx4j.XmlUtils.marshaltoString(sdt.getDocxObject(), false); StreamSource src = new StreamSource(new StringReader(temp)); javax.xml.bind.util.JAXBResult result = new javax.xml.bind.util.JAXBResult( org.docx4j.jaxb.Context.jc); XmlUtil.discardRemoteRevisions(src, result); ElementML newSdt = new SdtBlockML((org.docx4j.wml.SdtBlock) result.getResult()); boolean notEmpty = (XmlUtil.getLastRunContentML(newSdt) != null); if (notEmpty) { sdt.addSibling(newSdt, true); } sdt.delete(); } } //for (id) loop if (refreshStart < refreshEnd) { caretPos = doc.getLength() - refreshEnd; doc.refreshParagraphs(refreshStart, (refreshEnd - refreshStart)); caretPos = doc.getLength() - caretPos; } } catch (Exception exc) { this.exc = exc; } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); editor.setCaretPosition(caretPos); } } else { log.debug("RejectNonConflictingRevisionsAction.actionPerformed():" + " NO plutextClient NOR non-conflicting changes"); } //if (plutextClient != null && plutextClient.hasNonConflictingChanges()) } //if (editor != null) } //actionPerformed() public Exception getThrownException() { return this.exc; } public boolean success() { return (this.exc == null); } }// RejectNonConflictingRevisionsAction inner class public static class AcceptRevisionAction extends TextAction { private boolean success; public AcceptRevisionAction() { super(acceptRevisionAction); success = Boolean.FALSE; } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) getTextComponent(e); if (editor != null) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); try { doc.lockWrite(); editor.saveCaretText(); int start = editor.getSelectionStart(); int end = editor.getSelectionEnd(); if (start < end && start == DocUtil.getRevisionStart(doc, start, SwingConstants.NEXT) && end == DocUtil.getRevisionEnd(doc, start, SwingConstants.NEXT)) { DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getRunMLElement(start); //new caret position is calculated from end of document end = doc.getLength() - elem.getEndOffset(); ElementML parent = elem.getElementML().getParent(); if (parent instanceof RunInsML) { for (ElementML run : parent.getChildren()) { ElementML copy = (ElementML) run.clone(); parent.addSibling(copy, false); } parent.delete(); } else if (parent instanceof RunDelML) { parent.delete(); } elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getSdtBlockMLElement(start); if (elem != null) { //if revision is in content control SdtBlockML sdt = (SdtBlockML) elem.getElementML(); Mediator client = editor.getWordMLEditorKit().getPlutextClient(); if (client != null && !XmlUtil.containsTrackedChanges(sdt.getDocxObject())) { String id = sdt.getSdtProperties().getPlutextId(); client.removeTrackedChangeType(id); } boolean isEmpty = (XmlUtil.getLastRunContentML(sdt) == null); if (isEmpty) { sdt.delete(); //new caret position is calculated from end of document end = doc.getLength() - elem.getEndOffset(); } } doc.refreshParagraphs(start, 0); editor.setCaretPosition(doc.getLength() - end); success = Boolean.TRUE; } } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); } } } public boolean success() { return success; } }// AcceptRevisionAction inner class public static class RejectRevisionAction extends TextAction { private boolean success; public RejectRevisionAction() { super(rejectRevisionAction); success = Boolean.FALSE; } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) getTextComponent(e); if (editor != null) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); try { doc.lockWrite(); editor.saveCaretText(); int start = editor.getSelectionStart(); int end = editor.getSelectionEnd(); if (start < end && start == DocUtil.getRevisionStart(doc, start, SwingConstants.NEXT) && end == DocUtil.getRevisionEnd(doc, start, SwingConstants.NEXT)) { DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getRunMLElement(start); //new caret position is calculated from end of document end = doc.getLength() - elem.getEndOffset(); ElementML parent = elem.getElementML().getParent(); if (parent instanceof RunDelML) { for (ElementML run : parent.getChildren()) { ElementML copy = (ElementML) run.clone(); parent.addSibling(copy, false); } parent.delete(); } else if (parent instanceof RunInsML) { parent.delete(); } elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getSdtBlockMLElement(start); if (elem != null) { //if revision is in content control SdtBlockML sdt = (SdtBlockML) elem.getElementML(); Mediator client = editor.getWordMLEditorKit().getPlutextClient(); if (client != null && !XmlUtil.containsTrackedChanges(sdt.getDocxObject())) { String id = sdt.getSdtProperties().getPlutextId(); client.removeTrackedChangeType(id); } boolean isEmpty = (XmlUtil.getLastRunContentML(sdt) == null); if (isEmpty) { sdt.delete(); //new caret position is calculated from end of document end = doc.getLength() - elem.getEndOffset(); } } doc.refreshParagraphs(start, 0); editor.setCaretPosition(doc.getLength() - end); success = Boolean.TRUE; } } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); } } } public boolean success() { return success; } }// RejectRevisionAction inner class public static class ApplyRemoteRevisionsInParaAction extends TextAction { private boolean success; public ApplyRemoteRevisionsInParaAction() { super(applyRemoteRevisionsInParaAction); success = Boolean.FALSE; } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) getTextComponent(e); if (editor != null) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); try { doc.lockWrite(); editor.saveCaretText(); int pos = editor.getCaretPosition(); DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getParagraphMLElement(pos, false); ElementML oldPara = elem.getElementML(); int start = editor.getSelectionStart(); int end = editor.getSelectionEnd(); if (elem.getStartOffset() <= start && end <= elem.getEndOffset() && XmlUtil.containsTrackedChanges(oldPara.getDocxObject())) { DocumentElement sdtElem = (DocumentElement) doc.getSdtBlockMLElement(pos); String temp = org.docx4j.XmlUtils.marshaltoString(oldPara.getDocxObject(), false); StreamSource src = new StreamSource(new StringReader(temp)); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new ByteArrayOutputStream()); XmlUtil.applyRemoteRevisions(src, result); temp = result.getOutputStream().toString(); ElementML newPara = null; try { newPara = new ParagraphML(org.docx4j.XmlUtils.unmarshalString(temp)); } catch (JAXBException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } boolean notEmpty = (XmlUtil.getLastRunContentML(newPara) != null); if (notEmpty) { oldPara.addSibling(newPara, true); } oldPara.delete(); if (sdtElem != null) { //if paragraph is in content control SdtBlockML sdt = (SdtBlockML) sdtElem.getElementML(); Mediator client = editor.getWordMLEditorKit().getPlutextClient(); if (client != null && !XmlUtil.containsTrackedChanges(sdt.getDocxObject())) { temp = sdt.getSdtProperties().getPlutextId(); client.removeTrackedChangeType(temp); } notEmpty = (XmlUtil.getLastRunContentML(sdt) != null); if (!notEmpty) { sdt.delete(); } } end = doc.getLength() - elem.getEndOffset(); doc.refreshParagraphs(pos, 0); editor.setCaretPosition(doc.getLength() - end); success = Boolean.TRUE; } } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); } } } public boolean success() { return success; } }// ApplyRemoteRevisionsInParaAction inner class public static class DiscardRemoteRevisionsInParaAction extends TextAction { private boolean success; public DiscardRemoteRevisionsInParaAction() { super(discardRemoteRevisionsInParaAction); success = Boolean.FALSE; } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) getTextComponent(e); if (editor != null) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); try { doc.lockWrite(); editor.saveCaretText(); int pos = editor.getCaretPosition(); DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getParagraphMLElement(pos, false); ElementML oldPara = elem.getElementML(); int start = editor.getSelectionStart(); int end = editor.getSelectionEnd(); if (elem.getStartOffset() <= start && end <= elem.getEndOffset() && XmlUtil.containsTrackedChanges(oldPara.getDocxObject())) { DocumentElement sdtElem = (DocumentElement) doc.getSdtBlockMLElement(pos); String temp = org.docx4j.XmlUtils.marshaltoString(oldPara.getDocxObject(), false); StreamSource src = new StreamSource(new StringReader(temp)); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new ByteArrayOutputStream()); XmlUtil.discardRemoteRevisions(src, result); temp = result.getOutputStream().toString(); ElementML newPara = null; try { newPara = new ParagraphML(org.docx4j.XmlUtils.unmarshalString(temp)); } catch (JAXBException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } boolean notEmpty = (XmlUtil.getLastRunContentML(newPara) != null); if (notEmpty) { oldPara.addSibling(newPara, true); } oldPara.delete(); if (sdtElem != null) { //if paragraph is in content control SdtBlockML sdt = (SdtBlockML) sdtElem.getElementML(); Mediator client = editor.getWordMLEditorKit().getPlutextClient(); if (client != null && !XmlUtil.containsTrackedChanges(sdt.getDocxObject())) { temp = sdt.getSdtProperties().getPlutextId(); client.removeTrackedChangeType(temp); } notEmpty = (XmlUtil.getLastRunContentML(sdt) != null); if (!notEmpty) { sdt.delete(); } } end = doc.getLength() - elem.getEndOffset(); doc.refreshParagraphs(pos, 0); editor.setCaretPosition(doc.getLength() - end); success = Boolean.TRUE; } } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); } } } public boolean success() { return success; } }// DiscardRemoteRevisionsInParaAction inner class public static class SelectNextRevisionAction extends TextAction { public SelectNextRevisionAction() { super(selectNextRevisionAction); } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) getTextComponent(e); if (editor != null) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); try { doc.readLock(); int pos = editor.getCaretPosition(); editor.setCaretPosition(pos); //clear up selection if (pos < doc.getLength()) { int start = DocUtil.getRevisionStart(doc, pos, SwingConstants.NEXT); if (start > -1) { int end = DocUtil.getRevisionEnd(doc, start, SwingConstants.NEXT); if (end > -1) { editor.setCaretPosition(start); editor.moveCaretPosition(end); } } } } finally { doc.readUnlock(); } } } }// SelectNextRevisionAction inner class public static class SelectPrevRevisionAction extends TextAction { public SelectPrevRevisionAction() { super(selectPrevRevision); } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { WordMLTextPane editor = (WordMLTextPane) getTextComponent(e); if (editor != null) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); try { doc.readLock(); int pos = editor.getSelectionStart(); editor.setCaretPosition(pos); //clear up selection int start = DocUtil.getRevisionStart(doc, pos, SwingConstants.PREVIOUS); if (start > -1) { int end = DocUtil.getRevisionEnd(doc, start, SwingConstants.NEXT); if (end > -1) { editor.setCaretPosition(start); editor.moveCaretPosition(end); } } } finally { doc.readUnlock(); } } } }// SelectPrevRevisionAction inner class public abstract static class StyledTextAction extends javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction { public StyledTextAction(String nm) { super(nm); } protected final void setRunMLAttributes(final WordMLTextPane editor, AttributeSet attrs, boolean replace) { Caret caret = editor.getCaret(); int dot = caret.getDot(); int mark = caret.getMark(); WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); int p0 = editor.getSelectionStart(); int p1 = editor.getSelectionEnd(); if (p0 == p1) { try { int wordStart = DocUtil.getWordStart(editor, p0); int wordEnd = DocUtil.getWordEnd(editor, p1); if (wordStart < p0 && p0 < wordEnd) { p0 = wordStart; p1 = wordEnd; } } catch (BadLocationException exc) { ;//ignore } } if (p0 != p1) { try { doc.setRunMLAttributes(p0, p1 - p0, attrs, replace); editor.setCaretPosition(mark); editor.moveCaretPosition(dot); } catch (BadLocationException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); ;//ignore } } else { MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes = (MutableAttributeSet) kit.getInputAttributesML(); if (replace) { inputAttributes.removeAttributes(inputAttributes); } inputAttributes.addAttributes(attrs); kit.fireInputAttributeChanged(new InputAttributeEvent(editor)); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { DocUtil.displayStructure(doc); } } protected final void setParagraphMLAttributes(WordMLTextPane editor, AttributeSet attr, boolean replace) { Caret caret = editor.getCaret(); int dot = caret.getDot(); int mark = caret.getMark(); WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); int p0 = editor.getSelectionStart(); int p1 = editor.getSelectionEnd(); WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); try { doc.setParagraphMLAttributes(p0, (p1 - p0), attr, replace); editor.setCaretPosition(mark); editor.moveCaretPosition(dot); } catch (BadLocationException exc) { exc.printStackTrace();//ignore } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { DocUtil.displayStructure(doc); } } protected final void setRunStyle(WordMLTextPane editor, String styleId) { Caret caret = editor.getCaret(); int dot = caret.getDot(); int mark = caret.getMark(); WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); int p0 = editor.getSelectionStart(); int p1 = editor.getSelectionEnd(); if (p0 == p1) { try { int wordStart = DocUtil.getWordStart(editor, p0); int wordEnd = DocUtil.getWordEnd(editor, p1); if (wordStart < p0 && p0 < wordEnd) { p0 = wordStart; p1 = wordEnd; } } catch (BadLocationException exc) { ;//ignore } } if (p0 != p1) { doc.setRunStyle(p0, p1 - p0, styleId); editor.setCaretPosition(mark); editor.moveCaretPosition(dot); kit.refreshCaretElement(editor); } else { Style style = doc.getStyleSheet().getReferredStyle(styleId); if (style != null) { MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes = (MutableAttributeSet) kit.getInputAttributesML(); inputAttributes.removeAttributes(inputAttributes); inputAttributes.addAttribute(WordMLStyleConstants.RStyleAttribute, styleId); kit.fireInputAttributeChanged(new InputAttributeEvent(editor)); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { DocUtil.displayStructure(doc); } } protected final void setParagraphStyle(WordMLTextPane editor, String styleId) { Caret caret = editor.getCaret(); int dot = caret.getDot(); int mark = caret.getMark(); WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); int p0 = editor.getSelectionStart(); int p1 = editor.getSelectionEnd(); WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); doc.setParagraphStyle(p0, (p1 - p0), styleId); editor.setCaretPosition(mark); editor.moveCaretPosition(dot); kit.refreshCaretElement(editor); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { DocUtil.displayStructure(doc); } } }// StyledTextAction inner class public static class AlignmentAction extends StyledTextAction { /** * Creates a new AlignmentAction. * * @param nm the action name * @param a the alignment >= 0 */ private int _alignment; public AlignmentAction(String name, int alignment) { super(name); this._alignment = alignment; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { int a = this._alignment; if ((e != null) && (e.getSource() == editor)) { String s = e.getActionCommand(); try { a = Integer.parseInt(s, 10); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } MutableAttributeSet attr = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setAlignment(attr, a); setParagraphMLAttributes((WordMLTextPane) editor, attr, false); } } }// AlignmentAction inner class public static class ApplyStyleAction extends StyledTextAction { private String styleName; public ApplyStyleAction(String nm, String styleName) { super(nm); this.styleName = styleName; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { log.debug("ApplyStyleAction.actionPerformed():..."); JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if (this.styleName != null) { WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); Style s = doc.getStyleSheet().getReferredStyle(this.styleName); String styleId = (String) s.getAttribute(WordMLStyleConstants.StyleIdAttribute); String type = (String) s.getAttribute(WordMLStyleConstants.StyleTypeAttribute); if (StyleSheet.PARAGRAPH_ATTR_VALUE.equals(type)) { setParagraphStyle((WordMLTextPane) editor, styleId); } else if (StyleSheet.CHARACTER_ATTR_VALUE.equals(type)) { setRunStyle((WordMLTextPane) editor, styleId); } } else { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); } } } }// ApplyStyleAction inner class public static class FontFamilyAction extends StyledTextAction { private String family; /** * Creates a new FontFamilyAction. * * @param nm * the action name * @param family * the font family */ public FontFamilyAction(String nm, String family) { super(nm); = family; } /** * Sets the font family. * * @param e * the event */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if ( != null) { MutableAttributeSet attr = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attr,; setRunMLAttributes((WordMLTextPane) editor, attr, false); } else { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); } } } } //FontFamilyAction inner class public static class FontSizeAction extends StyledTextAction { /** * Creates a new FontSizeAction. * * @param nm * the action name * @param size * the font size */ public FontSizeAction(String nm, int size) { super(nm); this.size = size; } /** * Sets the font size. * * @param e * the action event */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if (this.size != 0) { MutableAttributeSet attr = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setFontSize(attr, this.size); setRunMLAttributes((WordMLTextPane) editor, attr, false); } else { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); } } } private int size; } public static class BoldAction extends StyledTextAction { private boolean isBold; public BoldAction(boolean isBold) { super(fontBoldAction); this.isBold = isBold; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { SimpleAttributeSet sas = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setBold(sas, this.isBold); setRunMLAttributes((WordMLTextPane) editor, sas, false); } } }// BoldAction inner class public static class ItalicAction extends StyledTextAction { private boolean isItalic; public ItalicAction(boolean isItalic) { super(fontItalicAction); this.isItalic = isItalic; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { SimpleAttributeSet sas = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setItalic(sas, this.isItalic); setRunMLAttributes((WordMLTextPane) editor, sas, false); } } }// ItalicAction inner class public static class UnderlineAction extends StyledTextAction { private boolean isUnderlined; public UnderlineAction(boolean isUnderlined) { super(fontUnderlineAction); this.isUnderlined = isUnderlined; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { SimpleAttributeSet sas = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setUnderline(sas, this.isUnderlined); setRunMLAttributes((WordMLTextPane) editor, sas, false); } } }// UnderlineAction inner class private static class InsertSoftBreakAction extends StyledTextAction { public InsertSoftBreakAction(String name) { super(name); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if ((!editor.isEditable()) || (!editor.isEnabled())) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("InsertSoftBreakAction.actionPerformed()"); } } } }// InsertSoftBreakAction inner class private static class EnterKeyTypedAction extends StyledTextAction { public EnterKeyTypedAction(String name) { super(name); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if ((!editor.isEditable()) || (!editor.isEnabled())) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); int pos = editor.getCaretPosition(); DocumentElement elem = kit.getCaretElement(); if (elem != null && elem.getStartOffset() < pos && pos < elem.getEndOffset()) { elem = (DocumentElement) elem.getParentElement(); ElementML runML = elem.getElementML(); if (runML.getParent() instanceof HyperlinkML) { String path = (String) elem.getDocument().getProperty(WordMLDocument.FILE_PATH_PROPERTY); openLinkedDocument((HyperlinkML) runML.getParent(), path); } else { editor.replaceSelection(Constants.NEWLINE); } } else { editor.replaceSelection(Constants.NEWLINE); } } } private void openLinkedDocument(HyperlinkML linkML, final String currentDocFilePath) { FileObject srcFile = null; try { srcFile = VFSUtils.getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(currentDocFilePath); } catch (FileSystemException exc) { ;//ignore } HyperlinkMenu.getInstance().openLinkedDocument(srcFile, linkML); } }// EnterKeyTypedAction inner class private static class DeleteNextCharAction extends StyledTextAction { /* Create this object with the appropriate identifier. */ DeleteNextCharAction(String name) { super(deleteNextCharAction); } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if ((!editor.isEditable()) || (!editor.isEnabled())) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); Caret caret = editor.getCaret(); int dot = caret.getDot(); int mark = caret.getMark(); DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getCharacterElement(dot); WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit(); if (kit.getCaretElement() != elem) { kit.saveCaretText(); } elem = (DocumentElement) elem.getParentElement(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("DeleteNextCharAction.actionPerformed(): dot=" + dot + " doc.getLength()=" + doc.getLength()); } try { if (dot != mark) { doc.remove(Math.min(dot, mark), Math.abs(dot - mark)); dot = Math.min(dot, mark); } else if (((RunML) elem.getElementML()).getFldChar() != null) { org.docx4j.wml.FldChar fldChar = ((RunML) elem.getElementML()).getFldChar(); ElementML fldComplex = elem.getElementML().getGodParent(); if (fldChar.getFldCharType() == org.docx4j.wml.STFldCharType.BEGIN) { ElementML ml = null; while (ml != fldComplex) { elem = (DocumentElement) DocUtil.getFldComplexEnd(doc, elem.getEndOffset(), SwingConstants.NEXT); ml = elem.getElementML().getGodParent(); } selectLater(editor, dot, elem.getEndOffset()); } else if (fldChar.getFldCharType() == org.docx4j.wml.STFldCharType.END) { mark = elem.getEndOffset(); ElementML ml = null; while (ml != fldComplex) { elem = (DocumentElement) DocUtil.getFldComplexStart(doc, elem.getEndOffset(), SwingConstants.PREVIOUS); ml = elem.getElementML().getGodParent(); } selectLater(editor, elem.getStartOffset(), mark); } else { //do nothing } } else if (dot < doc.getLength()) { int delChars = 1; String dotChars = doc.getText(dot, 2); char c0 = dotChars.charAt(0); char c1 = dotChars.charAt(1); if (c0 >= '\uD800' && c0 <= '\uDBFF' && c1 >= '\uDC00' && c1 <= '\uDFFF') { delChars = 2; } doc.remove(dot, delChars); } caret.setDot(dot); } catch (BadLocationException exc) { ;// ignore } } //if (editor != null) }//actionPerformed() private void selectLater(final JEditorPane editor, final int start, final int end) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() {, end); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r); } }//DeleteNextCharAction() private static class DeletePrevCharAction extends StyledTextAction { /* Create this object with the appropriate identifier. */ DeletePrevCharAction(String name) { super(deletePrevCharAction); } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final JEditorPane editor = getEditor(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if ((!editor.isEditable()) || (!editor.isEnabled())) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } final WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) editor.getDocument(); Caret caret = editor.getCaret(); int dot = caret.getDot(); int mark = caret.getMark(); DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getCharacterElement(dot - 1); WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit(); if (kit.getCaretElement() != elem) { kit.saveCaretText(); } elem = (DocumentElement) elem.getParentElement(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("DeletePrevCharAction.actionPerformed(): dot=" + dot + " doc.getLength()=" + doc.getLength()); } try { if (dot != mark) { doc.remove(Math.min(dot, mark), Math.abs(dot - mark)); dot = Math.min(dot, mark); } else if (((RunML) elem.getElementML()).getFldChar() != null) { org.docx4j.wml.FldChar fldChar = ((RunML) elem.getElementML()).getFldChar(); ElementML fldComplex = elem.getElementML().getGodParent(); if (fldChar.getFldCharType() == org.docx4j.wml.STFldCharType.BEGIN) { ElementML ml = null; while (ml != fldComplex) { elem = (DocumentElement) DocUtil.getFldComplexEnd(doc, elem.getEndOffset(), SwingConstants.NEXT); ml = elem.getElementML().getGodParent(); } selectLater(editor, dot, elem.getEndOffset()); } else if (fldChar.getFldCharType() == org.docx4j.wml.STFldCharType.END) { mark = elem.getEndOffset(); ElementML ml = null; while (ml != fldComplex) { elem = (DocumentElement) DocUtil.getFldComplexStart(doc, elem.getEndOffset(), SwingConstants.PREVIOUS); ml = elem.getElementML().getGodParent(); } selectLater(editor, elem.getStartOffset(), mark); } else { //do nothing } } else if (0 < dot && dot < doc.getLength()) { int delChars = 1; if (dot > 1) { String dotChars = doc.getText(dot - 2, 2); char c0 = dotChars.charAt(0); char c1 = dotChars.charAt(1); if (c0 >= '\uD800' && c0 <= '\uDBFF' && c1 >= '\uDC00' && c1 <= '\uDFFF') { delChars = 2; } } dot = dot - delChars; doc.remove(dot, delChars); } caret.setDot(dot); } catch (BadLocationException exc) { ;//ignore } } //if (editor != null) }//actionPerformed() private void selectLater(final JEditorPane editor, final int start, final int end) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() {, end); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r); } }//DeletePrevCharAction class public static class ChangeIntoSdtAction extends TextAction { /* Create this object with the appropriate identifier. */ public ChangeIntoSdtAction() { super(insertEmptySdtAction); } /** * NOTE: * The menu that is associated with this action * should only be enabled if DocUtil.canChangeIntoSdt() returns true. * */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final JTextComponent editor = getTextComponent(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if (!editor.isEditable() || !editor.isEnabled()) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) editor; WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) textpane.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); int start = textpane.getSelectionStart(); int end = textpane.getSelectionEnd(); final WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); int pos = doc.getLength() - textpane.getCaretPosition(); try { doc.lockWrite(); int offs = start; DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getSdtBlockMLElement(offs); //NOTE: Make sure that this Action is enabled after passing //DocUtil.canChangeIntoSdt() method. if (elem == null) { SdtBlockML sdt = ElementMLFactory.createSdtBlockML(); elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getParagraphMLElement(offs, false); if (offs == doc.getLength()) { ;//do not change the last paragraph in the document } else if (offs == elem.getStartOffset() && elem.getEndOffset() == end) { //Search for the highest parent element //that is NOT the only child. DocumentElement parent = (DocumentElement) elem.getParentElement(); if (elem.isTheOnlyChild()) { while (parent.isTheOnlyChild()) { parent = (DocumentElement) parent.getParentElement(); } } //Search for parent's first descendant that //can be changed into Sdt. int idx = parent.getElementIndex(offs); DocumentElement temp = (DocumentElement) parent.getElement(idx); ElementML ml = (ElementML) temp.getElementML().clone(); while (!sdt.canAddChild(ml) || !temp.getElementML().canAddSibling(sdt, true)) { parent = temp; idx = parent.getElementIndex(offs); temp = (DocumentElement) parent.getElement(idx); } //'temp' is the element that can be changed. ml = temp.getElementML(); ml.addSibling(sdt, true); ml.delete(); sdt.addChild(ml); } else if (end <= elem.getEndOffset()) { ElementML ml = elem.getElementML(); ml.addSibling(sdt, true); ml.delete(); sdt.addChild(ml); } else { DocumentElement parent = (DocumentElement) elem.getParentElement(); if (end <= parent.getEndOffset()) { //[offs, offs + length] has to be within parent's span. int idx = parent.getElementIndex(offs); int endIdx = parent.getElementIndex(end - 1); while (idx <= endIdx) { DocumentElement temp = (DocumentElement) parent.getElement(idx); ElementML ml = temp.getElementML(); sdt = ElementMLFactory.createSdtBlockML(); ml.addSibling(sdt, true); ml.delete(); sdt.addChild(ml); idx++; } } else { //unchangeable } } } //if (elem == null) doc.refreshParagraphs(start, end - start); } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); textpane.setCaretPosition(doc.getLength() - pos); } } } } //ChangeIntoSdtAction class public static class RemoveSdtAction extends TextAction { /* Create this object with the appropriate identifier. */ public RemoveSdtAction() { super(removeSdtAction); } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final JTextComponent editor = getTextComponent(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if (!editor.isEditable() || !editor.isEnabled()) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) editor; WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) textpane.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); int start = textpane.getSelectionStart(); int end = textpane.getSelectionEnd(); final WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); int pos = doc.getLength() - textpane.getCaretPosition(); try { doc.lockWrite(); int offset = start; while (offset <= end) { DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getSdtBlockMLElement(offset); if (elem != null) { ElementML sdt = elem.getElementML(); List<ElementML> children = new ArrayList<ElementML>(sdt.getChildren()); for (ElementML kid : children) { kid.delete(); sdt.addSibling(kid, false); } sdt.delete(); } else { elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getParagraphMLElement(offset, false); } offset = elem.getEndOffset(); if (offset == end) { //finish offset += 1; } } doc.refreshParagraphs(start, end - start); } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); textpane.setCaretPosition(doc.getLength() - pos); } } } } //RemoveSdtAction class public static class InsertEmptySdtAction extends TextAction { private boolean success = false; /* Create this object with the appropriate identifier. */ public InsertEmptySdtAction() { super(insertEmptySdtAction); } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final JTextComponent editor = getTextComponent(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if (!editor.isEditable() || !editor.isEnabled() || editor.getSelectionStart() < editor.getSelectionEnd()) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) editor; WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) textpane.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); final WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); int offset = textpane.getCaretPosition(); int pos = doc.getLength() - offset; try { doc.lockWrite(); SdtBlockML sdt = ElementMLFactory.createSdtBlockML(); sdt.addChild(ElementMLFactory.createEmptyParagraphML()); DocumentElement elem = DocUtil.getElementToPasteAsSibling(doc, offset, sdt); if (elem == null) { return; } if (offset == elem.getStartOffset()) { elem.getElementML().addSibling(sdt, false); doc.refreshParagraphs(offset, 1); pos += 1; success = true; } else if (offset == elem.getEndOffset() - 1) { elem.getElementML().addSibling(sdt, true); doc.refreshParagraphs(offset, 1); success = true; } else if (elem.getElementML() instanceof ParagraphML && DocUtil.canSplitElementML(elem, offset - elem.getStartOffset())) { DocUtil.splitElementML(elem, (offset - elem.getStartOffset())); elem.getElementML().addSibling(sdt, true); doc.refreshParagraphs(offset, 1); pos += 1; success = true; } } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); textpane.setCaretPosition(doc.getLength() - pos); } } } public boolean success() { return this.success; } } //InsertNewSdtAction class public static class MergeSdtAction extends TextAction { /* Create this object with the appropriate identifier. */ public MergeSdtAction() { super(mergeSdtAction); } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final JTextComponent editor = getTextComponent(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { int start = editor.getSelectionStart(); int end = editor.getSelectionEnd(); if (!editor.isEditable() || !editor.isEnabled() || start == end) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) editor; WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) textpane.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); final WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); try { doc.lockWrite(); if (DocUtil.canMergeSdt(doc, start, (end - start))) { DocumentElement sdtBlockE = (DocumentElement) doc.getSdtBlockMLElement(start); //Grab the last child of sdtBlockE int idx = sdtBlockE.getElementCount() - 1; DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) sdtBlockE.getElement(idx); ElementML lastChild = elem.getElementML(); //for each selected sibling below sdtBlockE //paste its content to 'lastChild' DocumentElement parent = (DocumentElement) sdtBlockE.getParentElement(); int startIdx = parent.getElementIndex(sdtBlockE.getEndOffset()); int endIdx = parent.getElementIndex(end - 1); while (startIdx <= endIdx) { elem = (DocumentElement) parent.getElement(endIdx); ElementML ml = elem.getElementML(); ml.delete(); if (ml instanceof SdtBlockML) { for (int i = elem.getElementCount() - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { DocumentElement temp = (DocumentElement) elem.getElement(i); ml = temp.getElementML(); ml.delete(); lastChild.addSibling(ml, true); } } else { lastChild.addSibling(ml, true); } endIdx--; } //while (startIdx <= endIdx) doc.refreshParagraphs(start, (end - start)); } } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); DocumentElement sdtBlockE = (DocumentElement) doc.getSdtBlockMLElement(start); if (sdtBlockE != null) { start = sdtBlockE.getStartOffset(); end = sdtBlockE.getEndOffset(); textpane.setCaretPosition(start); textpane.moveCaretPosition(end); } } } //if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) } //actionPerformed() } //MergeSdtAction() public static class SplitSdtAction extends TextAction { /* Create this object with the appropriate identifier. */ public SplitSdtAction() { super(splitSdtAction); } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final JTextComponent editor = getTextComponent(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if (!editor.isEditable() || !editor.isEnabled()) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) editor; WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) textpane.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); final WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); try { doc.lockWrite(); int pos = textpane.getCaretPosition(); if (DocUtil.canSplitSdt(doc, pos)) { DocumentElement sdtBlockE = (DocumentElement) doc.getSdtBlockMLElement(pos); ElementML sdt = sdtBlockE.getElementML(); SdtBlockML newSdt = ElementMLFactory.createSdtBlockML(); //Get the paragraph where the cursor is int idx = sdtBlockE.getElementIndex(pos); DocumentElement temp = (DocumentElement) sdtBlockE.getElement(idx); //Record the actual split position. //The actual split position is at the beginning of paragraph //containing cursor. pos = temp.getStartOffset(); if (idx == 0) { newSdt.addChild(ElementMLFactory.createEmptyParagraphML()); sdt.addSibling(newSdt, false); } else { sdt.addSibling(newSdt, true); for (; idx < sdtBlockE.getElementCount(); idx++) { temp = (DocumentElement) sdtBlockE.getElement(idx); ElementML ml = temp.getElementML(); ml.delete(); newSdt.addChild(ml); } } //Refresh document pos = doc.getLength() - pos; doc.refreshParagraphs(textpane.getCaretPosition(), 1); textpane.setCaretPosition(doc.getLength() - pos); } } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); } } } } //SplitSdtAction() public static class CreateSdtOnEachParaAction extends TextAction { /* Create this object with the appropriate identifier. */ public CreateSdtOnEachParaAction() { super(createSdtOnEachParaAction); } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final JTextComponent editor = getTextComponent(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if (!editor.isEditable() || !editor.isEnabled()) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) editor; ((WordMLEditorKit) textpane.getEditorKit()).saveCaretText(); final WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); try { doc.lockWrite(); boolean refresh = false; SdtBlockML sdt = ElementMLFactory.createSdtBlockML(); DocumentElement root = (DocumentElement) doc.getDefaultRootElement(); DocumentML docML = (DocumentML) root.getElementML(); WordprocessingMLPackage wmlPackage = docML.getWordprocessingMLPackage(); XmlUtil.setPlutextGroupingProperty(wmlPackage, Constants.EACH_BLOCK_GROUPING_STRATEGY); for (int i = 0; i < root.getElementCount() - 1; i++) { DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) root.getElement(i); ElementML ml = elem.getElementML(); ElementML parent = ml.getParent(); int idx = parent.getChildIndex(ml); if (parent.canAddChild(sdt)) { ml.delete(); if (sdt.canAddChild(ml)) { sdt.addChild(ml); ml = sdt; refresh = true; sdt = ElementMLFactory.createSdtBlockML(); } parent.addChild(idx, ml); } } //for (i) if (refresh) { doc.refreshParagraphs(0, doc.getLength()); } } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); } } } } //CreateSdtOnEachParaAction inner class public static class CreateSdtOnStylesAction extends CreateSdtOnSignedParaAction { public CreateSdtOnStylesAction(List<Integer> positionsOfStyledParagraphs, boolean mergeSingleParas) { super(positionsOfStyledParagraphs, mergeSingleParas); } } //CreateSdtOnStylesAction inner class public static class CreateSdtOnSignedParaAction extends TextAction { private List<Integer> signaturePositions; //A flag to indicate that newly created Sdt(s) that //only contain one single paragraph have to be merged into next Sdt. //This feature is currently being used by CreateSdtOnStylesAction. //This CreateSdtOnSignedParaAction is not using it. private boolean mergeSingleParas; public CreateSdtOnSignedParaAction(List<Integer> signaturePositions, boolean mergeSingleParas) { super(createSdtOnSignedParaAction); this.signaturePositions = signaturePositions; this.mergeSingleParas = mergeSingleParas; if (this.signaturePositions.get(0).intValue() != 0) { //Make this.signaturePositions always start from 0(zero) //because each signature position will be a sign to //this action for creating a new Sdt. this.signaturePositions.add(0, Integer.valueOf(0)); } } /** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("CreateSdtOnSignedParaAction.actionPerformed(): Start..."); } final JTextComponent editor = getTextComponent(e); if (editor instanceof WordMLTextPane) { if (!editor.isEditable() || !editor.isEnabled()) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(editor); return; } WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) editor; WordMLEditorKit kit = (WordMLEditorKit) textpane.getEditorKit(); kit.saveCaretText(); final WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); try { doc.lockWrite(); final DocumentElement root = (DocumentElement) doc.getDefaultRootElement(); DocumentML docML = (DocumentML) root.getElementML(); WordprocessingMLPackage wmlPackage = docML.getWordprocessingMLPackage(); XmlUtil.setPlutextGroupingProperty(wmlPackage, Constants.OTHER_GROUPING_STRATEGY); int listIdx = 0; int elemIdx = 0; int signedElemIdx = root.getElementIndex(this.signaturePositions.get(0)); SdtBlockML sdt = null; while (elemIdx < root.getElementCount() - 1) { DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) root.getElement(elemIdx); ElementML ml = elem.getElementML(); if (elemIdx == signedElemIdx) { if (sdt != null && sdt.getChildrenCount() == 1 && this.mergeSingleParas) { //do not create a new sdt //but use this current sdt //to collect (merge with) //elem.getElementML(). ml.delete(); sdt.addChild(ml); } else { //create a new sdt sdt = ElementMLFactory.createSdtBlockML(); ml.addSibling(sdt, false); ml.delete(); sdt.addChild(ml); } //Remove signature, if any. //Note that paragraph at signedElemIdx == 0 //may not contain signature. //See: this action's constructor. RunContentML run = XmlUtil.getFirstRunContentML(ml); String text = run.getTextContent(); if (text.startsWith(Constants.GROUPING_SIGNATURE)) { text = text.substring(2); run.setTextContent(text); } if (listIdx + 1 <= this.signaturePositions.size() - 1) { listIdx++; signedElemIdx = root.getElementIndex(this.signaturePositions.get(listIdx)); } } else { ml.delete(); //put in sdt sdt.addChild(ml); } elemIdx++; } //while loop doc.refreshParagraphs(0, doc.getLength()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("CreateSdtOnSignedParaAction.actionPerformed(): Resulting Structure..."); DocUtil.displayStructure(doc); } } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); } } } } //CreateSdtOnSignedParagraphAction() }// WordMLEditorKit class