List of usage examples for javax.swing.text Element getEndOffset
public int getEndOffset();
From source
public void reapplyStyles() { Element sectionElem = bodyElement.getElement(bodyElement.getElementCount() - 1); int paraCount = sectionElem.getElementCount(); for (int i = 0; i < paraCount; i++) { Element e = sectionElem.getElement(i); int rangeStart = e.getStartOffset(); int rangeEnd = e.getEndOffset(); htmlDocument.setParagraphAttributes(rangeStart, rangeEnd - rangeStart, e.getAttributes(), true); }//w w w . java2s . co m }
From source
@Override public List<Completion> getCompletionsAt(JTextComponent tc, Point p) { Set<Completion> completions = new HashSet<Completion>(); List<Completion> parentCompletions = super.getCompletionsAt(tc, p); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(parentCompletions)) { completions.addAll(parentCompletions); }// w w w .j a v a 2 s. c o m int offset = tc.viewToModel(p); if (offset < 0 || offset >= tc.getDocument().getLength()) { lastCompletionsAtText = null; lastParameterizedCompletionsAt = null; return new ArrayList<Completion>(completions); } Segment s = new Segment(); Document doc = tc.getDocument(); Element root = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); int line = root.getElementIndex(offset); Element elem = root.getElement(line); int start = elem.getStartOffset(); int end = elem.getEndOffset() - 1; try { doc.getText(start, end - start, s); // Get the valid chars before the specified offset. int startOffs = s.offset + (offset - start) - 1; while (startOffs >= s.offset && Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.array[startOffs])) { startOffs--; } // Get the valid chars at and after the specified offset. int endOffs = s.offset + (offset - start); while (endOffs < s.offset + s.count && Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.array[endOffs])) { endOffs++; } int len = endOffs - startOffs - 1; if (len <= 0) { lastParameterizedCompletionsAt = null; return new ArrayList<Completion>(completions); } String text = new String(s.array, startOffs + 1, len); if (text.equals(lastCompletionsAtText)) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(lastParameterizedCompletionsAt)) { completions.addAll(lastParameterizedCompletionsAt); } return new ArrayList<Completion>(completions); } lastCompletionsAtText = text; lastParameterizedCompletionsAt = completionCache.getClassCompletions(tc, text); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(lastParameterizedCompletionsAt)) { completions.addAll(lastParameterizedCompletionsAt); } return new ArrayList<Completion>(completions); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { ble.printStackTrace(); // Never happens } lastCompletionsAtText = null; lastParameterizedCompletionsAt = null; return new ArrayList<Completion>(completions); }
From source
@Override public void defaultAction(JTextComponent jtc) { try {// w w w.j av a2 s.c o m StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) jtc.getDocument(); // calculate the amount of chars to remove (by default from property start up to caret position) int lenToRemove = caretOffset - propStartOffset; if (overwrite) { // NOTE: the editor removes by itself the word at caret when ctrl + enter is pressed // the document state here is different from when the completion was invoked thus we have to // find again the offset of the equal sign in the line Element lineElement = doc.getParagraphElement(caretOffset); String line = doc.getText(lineElement.getStartOffset(), lineElement.getEndOffset() - lineElement.getStartOffset()); int equalSignIndex = line.indexOf('='); if (equalSignIndex >= 0) { // from property start to equal sign lenToRemove = lineElement.getStartOffset() + equalSignIndex - propStartOffset; } else { // from property start to end of line (except line terminator) lenToRemove = lineElement.getEndOffset() - 1 - propStartOffset; } } // remove characters from the property name start offset doc.remove(propStartOffset, lenToRemove); doc.insertString(propStartOffset, getText(), null); // close the code completion box Completion.get().hideAll(); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } }
From source
private void writeElement(Element element) throws BadLocationException, IOException { writeElement(element, element.getStartOffset(), element.getEndOffset() - element.getStartOffset()); }
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@Override public void setParagraphAttributes(int offset, int length, AttributeSet s, boolean replace) { for (HTMLDocumentBehavior b : behaviors) { s = b.beforeSetParagraphAttributes(this, offset, length, s, replace); }//from w ww .j ava 2 s . c om try { writeLock(); // Make sure we send out a change for the length of the paragraph. int end = Math.min(offset + length, getLength()); Element e = getParagraphElement(offset); offset = e.getStartOffset(); e = getParagraphElement(end); length = Math.max(0, e.getEndOffset() - offset); DefaultDocumentEvent changes = new DefaultDocumentEvent(offset, length, DocumentEvent.EventType.CHANGE); AttributeSet sCopy = s.copyAttributes(); int lastEnd = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int pos = offset; pos <= end; pos = lastEnd) { Element paragraph = getParagraphElement(pos); if (lastEnd == paragraph.getEndOffset()) { lastEnd++; } else { lastEnd = paragraph.getEndOffset(); } MutableAttributeSet attr = (MutableAttributeSet) paragraph.getAttributes(); changes.addEdit(new AttributeUndoableEdit(paragraph, sCopy, replace)); if (replace) { attr.removeAttributes(attr); } DocumentUtil.copyAllAttributesRemovingMarked(attr, s); } changes.end(); fireChangedUpdate(changes); fireUndoableEditUpdate(new UndoableEditEvent(this, changes)); } finally { writeUnlock(); } }
From source
public void replaceAttributes(Element e, AttributeSet a, Tag tag) { if ((e != null) && (a != null)) { try {/*from www.j a v a 2 s . co m*/ writeLock(); int start = e.getStartOffset(); DefaultDocumentEvent changes = new DefaultDocumentEvent(start, e.getEndOffset() - start, DocumentEvent.EventType.CHANGE); AttributeSet sCopy = a.copyAttributes(); changes.addEdit(new AttributeUndoableEdit(e, sCopy, false)); MutableAttributeSet attr = (MutableAttributeSet) e.getAttributes(); Enumeration aNames = attr.getAttributeNames(); Object value; Object aName; while (aNames.hasMoreElements()) { aName = aNames.nextElement(); value = attr.getAttribute(aName); if (value != null && !value.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(tag.toString())) { attr.removeAttribute(aName); } } attr.addAttributes(a); changes.end(); fireChangedUpdate(changes); fireUndoableEditUpdate(new UndoableEditEvent(this, changes)); } finally { writeUnlock(); } } }
From source
@Override public String convert(String srcText) { JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane("text/rtf", srcText); editorPane.setEditable(false);//from w w w. j av a 2s . com List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>(); Document document = editorPane.getDocument(); Element root = document.getDefaultRootElement(); if (root != null) { addElements(elements, root); } String chunk = null; Element element = null; int startOffset = 0; int endOffset = 0; JRStyledText styledText = new JRStyledText(); styledText.setGlobalAttributes(new HashMap<Attribute, Object>()); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { if (chunk != null) { styledText.append(chunk); styledText.addRun( new JRStyledText.Run(getAttributes(element.getAttributes()), startOffset, endOffset)); } chunk = null; element = elements.get(i); startOffset = element.getStartOffset(); endOffset = element.getEndOffset(); try { chunk = document.getText(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset); } catch (BadLocationException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Error converting markup.", e); } } } if (chunk != null && !"\n".equals(chunk)) { styledText.append(chunk); styledText.addRun(new JRStyledText.Run(getAttributes(element.getAttributes()), startOffset, endOffset)); } return JRStyledTextParser.getInstance().write(styledText); }
From source
private void readInput() { this.tokens.clear(); final ElementIterator it = new ElementIterator(this.txtInput.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement()); Element e; DeckRecognizer recognizer = new DeckRecognizer(newEditionCheck.isSelected(), onlyCoreExpCheck.isSelected(), FModel.getMagicDb().getCommonCards()); if (dateTimeCheck.isSelected()) { recognizer.setDateConstraint(monthDropdown.getSelectedIndex(), (Integer) yearDropdown.getSelectedItem()); }//from ww w . j a va 2 s . c om while ((e = != null) { if (!e.isLeaf()) { continue; } final int rangeStart = e.getStartOffset(); final int rangeEnd = e.getEndOffset(); try { final String line = this.txtInput.getText(rangeStart, rangeEnd - rangeStart); this.tokens.add(recognizer.recognizeLine(line)); } catch (final BadLocationException ex) { } } }
From source
public Heading getNextHeading(Document doc, ElementIterator iter) { Element elem;//from w w w.ja v a 2 s.c om while ((elem = != null) { AttributeSet attrs = elem.getAttributes(); Object type = attrs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute); int level = getHeadingLevel(type); if (level > 0) { // It is a heading - get the text String headingText = ""; int count = elem.getElementCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Element child = elem.getElement(i); AttributeSet cattrs = child.getAttributes(); if (cattrs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute) == HTML.Tag.CONTENT) { try { int offset = child.getStartOffset(); headingText += doc.getText(offset, child.getEndOffset() - offset); } catch (BadLocationException e) { } } } headingText = headingText.trim(); return new Heading(headingText, level, elem.getStartOffset()); } } return null; }
From source
@Override public String convert(String srcText) { JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane("text/html", srcText); editorPane.setEditable(false);//from w w w. j a v a 2s. co m List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>(); Document document = editorPane.getDocument(); Element root = document.getDefaultRootElement(); if (root != null) { addElements(elements, root); } int startOffset = 0; int endOffset = 0; int crtOffset = 0; String chunk = null; JRPrintHyperlink hyperlink = null; Element element = null; Element parent = null; boolean bodyOccurred = false; int[] orderedListIndex = new int[elements.size()]; String whitespace = " "; String[] whitespaces = new String[elements.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { whitespaces[i] = ""; } StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); List<JRStyledText.Run> styleRuns = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { if (bodyOccurred && chunk != null) { text.append(chunk); Map<Attribute, Object> styleAttributes = getAttributes(element.getAttributes()); if (hyperlink != null) { styleAttributes.put(JRTextAttribute.HYPERLINK, hyperlink); hyperlink = null; } if (!styleAttributes.isEmpty()) { styleRuns.add( new JRStyledText.Run(styleAttributes, startOffset + crtOffset, endOffset + crtOffset)); } } chunk = null; element = elements.get(i); parent = element.getParentElement(); startOffset = element.getStartOffset(); endOffset = element.getEndOffset(); AttributeSet attrs = element.getAttributes(); Object elementName = attrs.getAttribute(AbstractDocument.ElementNameAttribute); Object object = (elementName != null) ? null : attrs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute); if (object instanceof HTML.Tag) { HTML.Tag htmlTag = (HTML.Tag) object; if (htmlTag == Tag.BODY) { bodyOccurred = true; crtOffset = -startOffset; } else if (htmlTag == Tag.BR) { chunk = "\n"; } else if (htmlTag == Tag.OL) { orderedListIndex[i] = 0; String parentName = parent.getName().toLowerCase(); whitespaces[i] = whitespaces[elements.indexOf(parent)] + whitespace; if (parentName.equals("li")) { chunk = ""; } else { chunk = "\n"; ++crtOffset; } } else if (htmlTag == Tag.UL) { whitespaces[i] = whitespaces[elements.indexOf(parent)] + whitespace; String parentName = parent.getName().toLowerCase(); if (parentName.equals("li")) { chunk = ""; } else { chunk = "\n"; ++crtOffset; } } else if (htmlTag == Tag.LI) { whitespaces[i] = whitespaces[elements.indexOf(parent)]; if (element.getElement(0) != null && (element.getElement(0).getName().toLowerCase().equals("ol") || element.getElement(0).getName().toLowerCase().equals("ul"))) { chunk = ""; } else if (parent.getName().equals("ol")) { int index = elements.indexOf(parent); Object type = parent.getAttributes().getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.TYPE); Object startObject = parent.getAttributes().getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.START); int start = startObject == null ? 0 : Math.max(0, Integer.valueOf(startObject.toString()) - 1); String suffix = ""; ++orderedListIndex[index]; if (type != null) { switch (((String) type).charAt(0)) { case 'A': suffix = getOLBulletChars(orderedListIndex[index] + start, true); break; case 'a': suffix = getOLBulletChars(orderedListIndex[index] + start, false); break; case 'I': suffix = JRStringUtil.getRomanNumeral(orderedListIndex[index] + start, true); break; case 'i': suffix = JRStringUtil.getRomanNumeral(orderedListIndex[index] + start, false); break; case '1': default: suffix = String.valueOf(orderedListIndex[index] + start); break; } } else { suffix += orderedListIndex[index] + start; } chunk = whitespaces[index] + suffix + DEFAULT_BULLET_SEPARATOR + " "; } else { chunk = whitespaces[elements.indexOf(parent)] + DEFAULT_BULLET_CHARACTER + " "; } crtOffset += chunk.length(); } else if (element instanceof LeafElement) { if (element instanceof RunElement) { RunElement runElement = (RunElement) element; AttributeSet attrSet = (AttributeSet) runElement.getAttribute(Tag.A); if (attrSet != null) { hyperlink = new JRBasePrintHyperlink(); hyperlink.setHyperlinkType(HyperlinkTypeEnum.REFERENCE); hyperlink.setHyperlinkReference((String) attrSet.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF)); hyperlink.setLinkTarget((String) attrSet.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.TARGET)); } } try { chunk = document.getText(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset); } catch (BadLocationException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Error converting markup.", e); } } } } } if (chunk != null) { if (!"\n".equals(chunk)) { text.append(chunk); Map<Attribute, Object> styleAttributes = getAttributes(element.getAttributes()); if (hyperlink != null) { styleAttributes.put(JRTextAttribute.HYPERLINK, hyperlink); hyperlink = null; } if (!styleAttributes.isEmpty()) { styleRuns.add( new JRStyledText.Run(styleAttributes, startOffset + crtOffset, endOffset + crtOffset)); } } else { //final newline, not appending //check if there's any style run that would have covered it, that can happen if there's a <li> tag with style int length = text.length(); for (ListIterator<JRStyledText.Run> it = styleRuns.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { JRStyledText.Run run =; //only looking at runs that end at the position where the newline should have been //we don't want to hide bugs in which runs that span after the text length are created if (run.endIndex == length + 1) { if (run.startIndex < run.endIndex - 1) { it.set(new JRStyledText.Run(run.attributes, run.startIndex, run.endIndex - 1)); } else { it.remove(); } } } } } JRStyledText styledText = new JRStyledText(null, text.toString()); for (JRStyledText.Run run : styleRuns) { styledText.addRun(run); } styledText.setGlobalAttributes(new HashMap<Attribute, Object>()); return JRStyledTextParser.getInstance().write(styledText); }